The Howie Carr Radio Network

Michael Douglas flip-flops on Dementia Joe & the Chump Line | 7.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

First George Clooney and now Michael Douglas have come out to say that they agree, Joe Biden has seen better days. When even the Hollywood elite are against you, maybe it's time to go.

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10 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code "HOWE3." Better strap yourself in, it's time for the "HOWE" car show. I'm also officially challenging "Crick-a-Joe" to an 18-hole golf match right here. Hey, I'm in sports, I'm a fox in the hole, give me two in the hole, give me six in the hole. Hey, champ, you want to play golf? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Chief Raffity has placed Kevin Albert on paid administrative leave. July 20th, 2022, the day after, at 8.39 in the morning, you texted Kevin Albert. Quote, "Found your badge in my cruiser this morning." End quote, correct? Yes, "vatches." We ain't got no "vatches." Then you texted him, "I can leave it in my locker at the gym, drop it off at your station, or leave it in my mailbox." Kevin Albert responds, "My mailbox, did I take my gun and it included a wince face?" Emoji, correct? Correct. Tuck in that shirt, get those shoes shined, take that badge out of your mouth, your police officers. All right, we're done. Rump swabs, hacks and moonbaats beware, it's... Howdy, car. 844-500-4242-Biden Backstab, exclamation point, that's the chiron on the five. Clooney Pelosi raised doubts about Joe's re-election. Rosemary Clooney wants me out of the race. I'm going to get rid of Mambo Italiano. I'm going to break that one next. My 78. Poor Joe. And now a new Hollywood celeb has piled on. Michael Douglas. Yes, Michael Douglas. He says that George Clooney has a point. That's what he wants to say, so Michael Douglas, he went to school in Deerfield, Massachusetts, but he didn't go to Deerfield, look at it. He went to Eaglebrook, and then he went to Chote. For some reason, I thought he went to Deerfield, but I checked it out because I didn't want to be doubly embarrassed. 844-45, it's enough to be, you know, from the same college as John Edwards, for instance. I don't need any more further embarrassment and humiliation, and to have taught at the same college where AOC matriculated. That's another little bit of my curriculum vitae, just to soon forget about. All right, 844-542, 42, time now for the chumpline. Before I do anything, I ask myself, "Would George Clooney do that thing?" That's the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. Well, I guess the most damaging part of it was he just hosted that fundraiser with Obama two weeks ago. I think it was, and that's the fundraiser where Obama had to lead Joe off the stage because he got lost, and the Easter Bunny was not around like at the White House a couple of years ago. So Barack Obama had to take matters into his own hand, literally, and then, of course, the New York Times said that these were deceptively edited videos. I think that was on Wednesday before the debate, and after saying that those were deceptively edited interviews on Wednesday, on Friday morning, they were demanding that Joe get out of the race because he was so senile, and then they've written a second editorial saying he should get out of the race, and now they've run this op-ed piece by George Clooney saying the same thing. The New York Times used to be a newspaper. Now it's a religious tract of the Democrat Party. It's kind of like what the pilot is to the archdiocese of Boston. It's kind of like what the watchtower is to the Jehovah's Witnesses, to the Democrat Party. That's what the New York Times is. It's a religious organ. Come on, man. So, my professor, Congressman Donald Hump, is challenging me to an 80-hole $1 billion round of golf. Well, only if he carries his own clubs, end of quote, repeat the line. We'll get ready, pal. I have a handicap, and I used to play on Ben Hogan's golf team, Hogan's Heroes, which is how Carl Click and I start NATO and beat Medicare. He's right, he did beat Medicaid, beat it to death. There was actually an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today from a guy saying, "Yeah, that was the one correct thing he got in the whole debate." He did beat Medicare. They've cut the Medicare advantages. It's just a total disaster for tax-paying American citizens, but they need the money for the important people, illegal aliens. Today's chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They've held me and my staff, and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. I have to wonder if Biden isn't speech therapy with the Swedish chef from the Muppet Show. He's on the comeback trail, but I think it's not going really all that well. I've got some cuts to play here after the chumpline. I see a recurring word, and the recurring word is incoherent. Another recurring word. Word salad. Babbling. A commander in chief is Joe Biden. A man we can't take any pride in. He's in steady when walking, a fool when he's talking, but his coattails are worthy of riding. They were, they were, but not so much now. I noticed Donald Trump Jr. at the rally. He was one of the warm-up backs for his father, and he was talking about a tester in Montana and Sherrod Brown in Ohio. You know, they're in tough fights, and I guess what they're going to run for the foreseeable future, the Republican opponents, a guy named, I think his name is Sheehan in Montana, and a guy named Benny Moreno in Ohio, they're just going to run a video of a tester in Brown talking about how cogent and how brilliant Joe Biden is. So if they're willing to lie about that, what else are they going to lie to you about? -Riden was Biden? Really? Shouldn't they be taking the keys away? This is the Democrat Party is trying to take the keys away. This is just on a macro national level. Riden with Biden, do I have my sound effects from yesterday? It's not around. Okay, we'll get him back later. -Procter and Alpert, we're working on cold cases, cold cases of Bud Light. -Exactly, and now it's all going to be on Kevin Albert because he's getting a paid vacation. The state trooper, Procter Mike, Procter Troopers, as Jen McCabe called him, he's not being paid anymore. It's a terrible travesty for his children. That's what the state police union announced yesterday. I heard a turtle boy last night on his own show saying, "You know, the state police never cared about me. They took me away from my kids for two months. I missed a lot of stuff for my son and my daughter, and nobody said anything felt bad about me. Why should I feel?" And I didn't do anything. But this guy committed all sorts of impropriety, shall we say? Probably worse than improprieties, and now he's a victim. -Procter Trooper? Procter? -The closest surrounded by doctors, starting with Jill, then you have the doctor who supplies him with pills, and when it's a must that he act robust, then comes Dr. Juice to really give him a thrill. -Lemric Guy, you neglected to mention Dr. Canard, who's always available if you need a lie. -Lovey, did you hear Jenga's car bragging that Wilson was at Deerfield? He played against Kimball Union Academy? I didn't know Kimball Union had a girl's bridge team. I didn't say I played against Kimball Union. I just remember them facing some of our lower-level teams. "You don't bite me. You're healing bag. You carry the colost to meet bag." Now it's just weird antics for Trump to respond to the two invitations, the two challenges from Biden to play a round of golf. -The Karen Reid case has just graduated from a six-part to a ten-part Netflix series. -Yeah, I don't know. What are they going to do? What is the meatball Morrissey mom going to do now, especially if another juror comes forward tomorrow and says they acquitted her, but the judge couldn't be bothered to poll the jury or at least ask the foreman if they had reached a unanimous verdict on any of the counts. I don't think this has ever happened before. I only cover trials, but they're talking to lawyers and the press is, and nobody can recall anything like this ever happening in Massachusetts, maybe somewhere else, but I don't recall ever reading about cases like this. -When do hunter and doctor Jill get to give very marks at the NATO summit? -Again, the Democrats were very excited this morning when Joe came out and was shaking hands with the NATO leaders, and he shook hands with everyone who had a hand and was in this dimension. He did not ask to shake hands with Helmut Kohl or Burlesconi or Charles de Gaulle, Winston Churchill. Maybe tonight, it's past four o'clock now and he's supposed to come out again. -That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. -All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of The Howie Carr Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday, the Chumpline number. If you wish to leave such a message, 844, 542, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, press 2 for the Chumpline, leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like there are a second brand new Chumpline every evening, you can. It's called Chop Chumps. It's where we post all the messages that we didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps is the second Chumpline of the day and you can get it around 7 p.m. every weeknight Eastern time and get it wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. One was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money. Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Rizzo Insurance. Bryton was Bryton really, shouldn't they be taking the keys away? Oh no, he did it again. Was that an electric Corvette-y wreck this time? As always as soon as I returned to New England I made a visit to Perfect Smiles. Dr. Hout and his team are the best in New England and I think the whole country. When you're planning dental work you want to be confident about the quality of the staff in their work. Perfect Smiles has an easy to get to office in Nashua, New Hampshire right over the Massachusetts line and it's a comfortable office too. Before my dental appointment I said in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. The reason I mention that is because everything at Perfect Smiles is designed to make you as comfortable as possible from the parking lot where it's easy to find a space to the lobby where you can sit down in the massage chair to meeting the receptionist and then going in with the dental hygienist they have the best dental hygienist anywhere and of course the dentist. Everything at Perfect Smiles makes you comfortable including Dr. Hout and now Dr. Hout and has added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on your wait time to get an appointment. Perfect Smiles will always fit you in when you have an emergency as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager. Whatever your dental needs are you need to try Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile, change your life, 603-595-6699. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eastern Security Safe. Eastern Security is having their annual warehouse sale starting July 11th through July 14th. Featuring the largest savings of the year, mention Howie and receive an additional 5% off those savings. Visit their site at, that's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which showbiz back stab of Biden wounds him the most? Michael Moore, Stephen King, Meathead, George Stephanopoulos, or George Clooney? George Clooney. George Clooney is holding 35%. George Stephanopoulos in the lead at 52%, 9% for Meathead, 3% for Michael Moore, and Stephen King is at 1%. At 2, George, and I don't mean Stephanopoulos. By the way, you see Stephanopoulos, he was some guy, I don't know who it was if it was a reporter, just some random guy approached him on the street in New York and said, "Yeah, you've talked to him more than anybody else lately. What do you think?" He said, "There's no way he can do four years." He had to issue a groveling apology. He's a Democrat operative with a press pass. He's handsomely paid. I've heard it's up to $17 million a year he makes for reciting the talking points of the Democrat National Committee, a guy who never did a day's worth of reporting in his life. Never. Someone said to how, "What journalism school did he go to?" You don't have to go to a journalism school to be a reporter, but you do have to be not in the satchel. He has been in the satchel his entire life, his entire life. It's like 844-500-4242, Barbara, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Barbara. I just wanted to say when the judge announced the verdict or the mistrial, and I think one of your quotes early was like, "We're done," earlier in the trial, there was some problem with the gallows. I guess it was like a separate gallows for each charge. Yes. Did she not read them? No, it was the verdict slip and you could only check the box off if Karen Reed was guilty. If she was not guilty, there was no box to check. She started getting really picky and hissy and saying, "Well, this is the way we do things in Massachusetts." She stomped off the bench and she came back an hour later and said, "Mr. Jackson, Mr. Jackson, we've decided to make, adjust that jury slip." So I guess it wasn't the way it was always done in Massachusetts, but then the case went on for, the trial went on for more than two months. You would have think that the juror today that came forward said, said a lot of interesting things. After discussion, the jury decided to inform the court that they were still deadlocked. This was like the second time she told them to go back. They expected they would get further instruction about the remaining decided counts thereafter. Juror D explained that he/she was confused and upset that no further, such further instruction came. Juror D explained that after the jury was excused and aboard the bus, this taken them back to their cars. Many of the jurors appeared uncomfortable with how things ended, wondering, "Is anyone going to know that we acquitted Karen Reed on counts one and three? No one ever asked us about those counts." That's because she wanted to give her fellow Quincy Hack meatball morcy a chance to frame Karen Reed again. That double jeopardy? In Norfolk County, we don't have no stinking double jeopardy. Brandon is going to do another interview. This time it's going to be with Lester Holt on Monday. I assume that once he finishes his big boy press conference on Friday, then he can go into the iron lung for the weekend, and then he's going to go down to Austin, Texas. I don't know how Austin, Texas was selected, but that's where Lester Holt is going to interview him. This is just after yesterday, NBC was the one that ran the interview with the Parkinson's disease specialist, who said he definitely had it. She said, "I see 20 people a day just like him every day." It wasn't like, "Well, I haven't seen him. Usually, he put a caveat in there. They call it the Goldwater Rule." I think it's for psychiatrists, but it also applies to non-psychiatrists as well. This guy wasn't pulling any punches. But again, I think everybody who's known people that had Parkinson's, this is a terrible disease, knows that he seems to show most of the symptoms or a lot of the symptoms of Parkinson's. They say they're going to do an hour interview, an hour interview on Monday night. Nobody's taken a shot at getting him out. You have a contract out on you. The first hit man can't do it, or he can't find you, so then somebody else out to get you. So, Steffi blew it. He couldn't put him away, so now they're going to give the contract to Lester Holt. I guess that's the way it's working, because they've got to get him out. But again, it's so ironic that the Democrats just seems like hours ago we're talking if Trump gets back in. He will never leave. And now they're going, "Come out with your hands up, Brandon. Come and get me, Coppers." And again, everything they accuse other people of specifically us, they're doing it themselves. And Joe Biden, who's- What are we doing? He's so concerned about the thousand trillionaires who don't pay taxes. Forget his own son who doesn't pay taxes. He's concerned about the trillionaires that don't pay taxes. Now we say, "The elites want to get me out." Who do you think put you in? Joe. The elites. Okay, so this is Biden this morning at the NATO meeting. We got there. He was at two meetings today. I think he's going to be somewhere else this evening despite the fact that we're past the magic hour. We're into happy hour, or in Joe's case, non-compass, mantis hour. But anyway, this was- Everyone is happy at the hillside. Yes, yes they are. Yes they are. So this is Biden this morning. He's trying to quote Harry Truman, cut one. President Truman said, quote, "We hope to create a shield against aggression, the fear of aggression, and permit us to get on with the real business of creating a government and society." And for a mantis, "to create government and society." Okay, the wonder Harry Truman didn't run for re-election in '52. He apparently had a Biden-like problem. I didn't know that. I thought it was the fact that Kefaw forbid him in the New Hampshire primary in '52. Cut two. And that, we're investing in our future strength to ensure NATO will always be ready for whatever threats we will face should be a clear message we're making to the- sending to the world. Can we quote you on that, Mr. President? And again, he's- Oh, yeah! He's reading from a teleprompter, okay? Let's hear that one again, cut two. And that, we're investing in our future strength to ensure NATO will always be ready for whatever threats we will face should be a clear message we're making to the- sending to the world. Yeah, he's ready. He's ready. He can- he can last till January 20th, 2029, his president. He's- he's- he's- he's- he's- he. Cut three. The fact is that so many of my- my, uh, let me put it this way. I'm very pleased that today, uh, all NATO members are making the pledge to expand our industrial base. There's- okay, here he is- That's the context. Here he is before the AFL-CIO. You know, he's a union guy. He's never had a job, but he's a union guy. And he'll let all of us who have been in unions know as he speaks down to us. Cut four. You know, I come from a household with a three-bedroom- we weren't poor, but we weren't being anything left over the end of the month. And, uh, but, you know, a three-bedroom house, four kids, grandpa, live with us, someone live with us full time. I look back now. I wonder how my dad had handled us in walls. But anyway, huh? But at any rate, someone told him, Joe, you say it in any way too many times, say, but at any rate, how his dad handled those thin walls. You know what that's about. He's used that about a million times, but it, I mean, in this, it had, it had no context here, but, you know, that's part of the problem. Cut five. And overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly, you got 16 Nobel laureates in a con, economic law, and they won the Nobel Prize for economic, 16 of them. At least, unlike his press secretary, he knows how to pronounce Nobel. That's other than that, I can't see too many silver linings in that soundbite 10 seconds long. I like having VIPs in here, because I can judge how it's going and they're shaking their heads. Some of them, some of them are just looking down and sort of embarrassment. I'm far beyond being an American who's embarrassed. All right. So here he's again, he's addressing his union brothers and sisters, cut six. Not a joke. I'm not, they're wanting me not to take too much time with you all the day, but in terms of talking. I wonder why. Why would they be warning him not to not to take too much time? 844-542. Speaking of the FLCIO, did you see his new boss of the UAW United Auto Workers is under investigation again? I know. I know there've been 12 of them go to prison in the last few years, and there's an inspector general who watches out for it. Now there've been charges that he's been screwing around with trying to get some fun favors for his girlfriend's sister. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. A guy with a pinky ring would do something like that in a union. So this is when the feed cuts off. This is another one of the things that happens. Did they ever cut off the feed with Donald Trump or Obama or anybody? Have you ever heard of a feed, an audio feed being cut off? This is happening more and more with this guy, and it happened again today with the FLCIO. Cuts heaven. [Applause] And it does. [Applause] War minorities, more women, more labor. I'm serious. Think about it. That's who we are. That's when we're strong. We're diverse. We're strong. We're going to stop looking at it when we're strong. There's an acid. I should have pointed out that he didn't even have the mic when he started. He just went over and he was demanding another Swanson TV turkey dinner before he watched my favorite Martian. So he just grabbed the mic, and they just started randomly screaming, and then they had to cut the mic. 978, yeah, that was a real clear message to the rest of the world. The message is, "I'm senile." And it's time for all bad actors. The act of bad, oh my goodness. Mark says rumor has it, Biden has counter challenged Trump to navigate the English channel. It's the next one up the dial from MeTV. Trump challenged him to navigate the English language. I don't think, you know, the English channel, do they have Benny Hill on it? That's a little complicated for Biden in his current state. Edward, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Edward. Hey Howie, listen, I think the Democrats have lost their foothold with Biden as far as getting him to say, "I'm out," and I think they're using their elite people in Hollywood to get them out. Yeah, but I mean, the thing is, Edward, he doesn't have a mind left. Do you think he could, if someone tells him George Clooney wants him to get out, he'll probably say, "Who's George Clooney?" And I say, "Who was the guy you were on the stage with in Hollywood?" And he would say, "No, that was Barack Obama." I mean, I don't think he knows from hour to hour where he is or what he was doing an hour earlier. Does he? No, but the thing is, George Clooney was with him a week before the debate. And he saw him. He was there physically with him. And then suddenly the debate is the big, the be all end all as far as Joe, you can't do it. Right. Yeah. I, listen, Michael Douglas, they got a, we're going to pull the sound if we can. In April, he was, he was using the, the, the cliche du jour, sharp as a tack. Today's on the view when he's saying he's got to go, he's got to go. I mean, these people turn on a dime, it's a, it, you know, oh, we got the Douglas sound. Okay. Let's start with the, this is April. So this was then Michael Douglas. Do you, do you think, you know, are you one of those people who wished he had bowed out to let, let the field choose somebody else? How do you, how do you think about that? Well, I think, I think that I walk a little similar to him and the people that I've talked to and everybody that I have say he's, he's as sharp as a tack. He's fine. We all have an issue with memories as we get older, we forget names, something. He's overcome a stutter in his life and sometimes he might, but let's just say that his, his entire cabinet, including his vice president, everybody says cabinet, would be more than happy to work with him again in the next term. I cannot say that about the other candidate running. There's been, he's had more, he's had more staff turnover than just about any president around in, in memory, by the way. Okay. So he was sharp as a tack in April. That was on CNN at one of those shows. Now today on The View, this is, that was Michael Douglas then. This is Michael Douglas now. I know this is such a tough one, but I adore the guy, you know, 50 years of public service. It's a lovely hand. It's a wonderful hand. A wonderful guy. Yeah. And this just happens to be one of those, these elections that is just so crucial. Yeah. And it's really hard. I don't worry, necessarily today or tomorrow, but a year down the line, I worry, I am concerned. I adore the guy, the old, the old saying comes to mind with friends like this. Who needs enemies? Precious metals are having a banner year. As of May, silver was up nearly 35% year to date. Gold is doing very well too. Conversely, the S&P standard in ports is only up 3.8% for the first six months of the year. So metals are once again, a very lucrative investment. If you are like me, you enjoy having actual metals on hand. American Independence Gold Group is veteran owned. It recognizes the contributions veterans have made to our society. If you are a veteran or a family member of a veteran, American Independence Gold will provide free storage and no fees. It's a way to thank veterans for their service. American Independence Gold can show you the benefits of converting your retirement accounts into a tax sheltered IRA with physical gold. We all pray that Trump wins, but you cannot wait until November. To learn more about American Independence Gold, go to and watch my video with Ryan Durta of American Independence Gold. In the video, you will learn all the benefits of investing with American Independence Gold. Check it out today at That's I'm Howie Car. By the way, we still have a handful of cheap bastard deals left over from earlier, including a Cape Tire service in Hyannis. It's your hometown headquarters on the Cape for Professional Auto Repair and Maintenance Services. They've been open for 60 years, same ownership, serving Hyannis, Barnstable, Yarmouth and Surrounding areas, tire rotation, nitrogen inflation, car battery replacement, everything. While supplies last, you can purchase a $500 gift certificate, the Cape Tire Auto Service for just $250. That's a good deal. $500 worth of services for just $250, limit three per order. No returns on this product. Go to and click on store. We also have a few flip locks left. The great lock that's a small lock. You can put an inside your house and it has ten times the stopping power of a deadbolt. It only takes about five minutes to install. You can get a $50 standard flip lock. It only takes five minutes to install. It's a $50 value for just $25. Go to and click on store to get the flip lock or the gift certificate from Cape Tire Service. It's $844, $500, $42, $42. Frank, you're next with howiecar. Go ahead, Frank. Yes. Hi, Howie. Two quick points. No. One, the patent page may be the hit of Old Cape Cod, not Losey Cooney. Oh, okay. Sorry. Thanks. Yeah. A second. I was talking about all the human units. Ironically, John Deere, the common bornist manufacturer, announced the layoff of the acoustic-colored people in small towns of phenomenal Iowa and Elgin, Illinois, and earlier this year, GM said they were playing out 1,200 people. So he hasn't done a darn thing for unions as far as I can tell. How about the Keystone Pipeline? He shut it down the very first day he was in office, and there were 11,000 union people lost their jobs. And many of them were members of the laborers union, which just happens to be Marty Walsh, the newlywed Secretary of Labor at that point. Now he's a newlywed. He's an official of the labor's union, and Biden cut his own brothers and sisters' throats, and he never said, "Boe, Dina, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dina." Hi, Howie. I worked in memory wards for like 30 years, and I don't know what they're thinking they're going to get Biden to admit to, because you can't tell somebody with dementia, regardless of the diagnosis, that they have dementia. They're not going to believe you. That's part of the disease. They believe they're fine, and as far as Michael Douglas goes, he's got like dementia of the tongue. It's like he's to be in the way of his mouth somehow. I don't know what he's talking about, so, you know, just thrown in my two cents. No, just because he was a good actor, his father was a good actor, but you know, that doesn't make him a political savant, savant. You know, it doesn't make him an expert on anything, especially dementia. Thanks for the call, Dina. Steve, you're next with Howie. Oh, we got about 30 seconds left, Steve. Very quickly. Steve. This is great. The day of crash after defending the lives they told yesterday, and the lives they told today. You know what, Steve, though? They have plenty of experience doing it. As far back as I can remember, they've been doing just that. Thanks for the call, 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC]