The Howie Carr Radio Network

Canton Happy Hour: Sean McDonough and Aidan Kearney join the show | 7.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

When it comes to the Karen Read trial, you don't have to choose your journalistic fighter here. Howie welcomes BOTH Sean McDonough AND Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney to the show to share their two cents as the latest comes to light.

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10 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I'm also officially challenging Cricke Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. Hey, I'm in sports. I have a fox and a hose. Give me two and a hose. Give me six and a hose. Hey, champ, you want to play golf? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. Chief Raffity has placed Kevin Albert on paid administrative leave. July 20, 2022, the day after, at 8.39 in the morning, you texted Kevin Albert, quote, "found your badge in my cruiser this morning," end quote, correct? Yes, badges. We ain't got no badges. Then you texted him, "I can leave it in my locker at the gym, drop it off at your station, leave it in my mailbox." Kevin Albert responds, "My mailbox. Did I take my gun and it included a wince face?" The emoji. Correct? Correct. Tuck in that shirt. Get those shoes shined. Take that badge out of your mouth. You're a police officer. All right, we're done. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's Howie Car. Well, we thought we would get a bit of a break from the Karen Reed melodrama until the status hearing on July 22, but every day there is a more unprecedented action in the case. I almost said stuff, but that's too much like a Joseph Paul State Trooper word stuff. Today, the crime scene spoke to him. Today, a fourth juror came out and said that they had a not guilty verdict, unanimous, on murder to and not guilty verdict, unanimous on leaving the scene of an accident with injury. That only left one charge open with a hung jury, which was in voluntary manslaughter. This fourth juror that came forward today said that he or she was sure that all 12 jurors would say that they had a unanimous verdict. This would be double jeopardy to try again. And then we also have the fact that last night it was announced by the tow truck driver's brother, who's the chairman of the Board of Selectman, Lucky Loffron's brother, that Kevin Albert, one of the McAlberts, who was on the Canton Police Department, who lost his badge and gun while driving around drunk with Michael Proctor, who's suspended by the state police. He has now been suspended with pay, so he's going to have to buy the cold case, as I say, and he and Proctor get loaded again. So I wanted to check in with Sean McDonough L. Hefei. He's an ex-DEA agent, and he's been talking about this online, and he's been doing a great job with his website going through the motions. I wanted to have him on even before this latest thing about the fourth juror, because he had some really good advice for Michael Proctor yesterday. It was brilliant. Sean McDonough, thanks for being with us here on The Howie Car Show. Hey, thank you, Howard. It's great to be back. So what do you make of what's going to happen next here? Are the feds going to move in before July 22nd? Could they move in that fast? I'm used to them operating very, very methodically and slowly. Well, I have now shifted everything, all my forces over to Uncle Joe's house over there in selfie, because let's face it, they've been on this case from what I can estimate, at least on the end of February of 2022. So with that said, they've had enough time. They've put enough feelers out, and they've tickled all the right people in the right places. And I just think right now, they're primed. Now, the only thing I can't answer is how much of their public corruption investigation, how far up the chain it goes. That's the only thing I can answer, but I can definitely assure you, they've got the goods as far as the John O'Keefe case goes. You, I think you posted something yesterday, something, a still freeze frame from a video, and what it purports to be the, the basement of the 34 Fairview. Is that, is that from, are you saying that's from 34 Fairview? Is that the picture with the, going the bulkhead, going out the door? Yeah, that is, that was from the trial, that was played during the trial. And even as when Brian Alberz understand, and he recognized it, but he said it changed. So what I'm saying is, and I didn't realize this, but a lot of my friends did say, if you change anything on a bulkhead, you have to take the whole thing out as one unit, the cement, the whole nine. And Brian Alberz testified, he said, well, it's definitely my bulk, it's definitely my house, my old house, but the bulkhead's different. So you, you, you, you, this guy, this, this tweet that you put out yesterday, it was a lengthy tweet, it was addressed to Michael Proctor, the suspended state trooper, who's been suspended without pay, and he's complaining now that he's lost his, or his union's complaining, he lost his medical insurance, et cetera, et cetera. And you told him that he should just run down to the courthouse. And, cause all of his friends are going to desert him, they, they're, the cops, his fellow cops are going to think he's a, he's a rat, and whether he is or not. No, remember with, whether you cooperate or not, nobody will believe you haven't, nobody. You now are like all the dirty cops and feds that have been exposed in the past, learn from what they didn't, didn't do. Think about disgraced FBI agent, John Zipp Connolly, think about where he is. It's all on you, Mikey, take my advice, clear your conscience. That's really good advice, John, I think. You were, that was a fun killer, like you were his uncle. Well, well, how are you here? I've done many of these cases with real, real bad guys. Okay. And we use that all the time. In his case, the feds would not like nothing better to hang a cop on their totem pole. All right. And he doesn't have to take this on his own. We know this. We know he didn't wake up that morning, okay, and decide, okay, I'm going to take this on on my own, and I'm going to make this my case, and I'm going to frame Cameron Reed. We know that didn't happen. Common sense tells us that. And he's going to feel so isolated now because no one's going to trust him. He's a, he's a ticking time bomb to the people he knows. Yeah. Yeah, if this were, if this were the mob, he would be, you wouldn't want to stand too close to him, would you? If he was the mob, he'd be gone now. Yeah. I think you're right. I think you're right. But what is, what is, you know, what is, what is the next step? Who would they prefer to have? Who would they prefer to flip? Would they prefer to flip Higgins, the Lardass, as you call them, and rightly so, the ATF agent, or would they prefer to flip Proctor? Well, this is what I always said. You always want a guy that can go down the chain and up the chain. Michael Proctor was pretty to everything. He was the, he was the quarterback for this case. He knows exactly who contacted him. He had intimate conversations with the McAlberts, Brian Albert, Jennifer McCabe. All right. He knows what his own partners did. He knows how those reports were sent up. He probably knows exactly how Morrissey was probably leading him down that road. Okay. He isn't the, and this is, as far as Brian Higgins goes, Brian Higgins had a federal proffer. He gave it up. He was just thinking he was going to get a sweet deal and avoid jail time. You don't give anyone, especially a federal agent, who would let a boss or police officer die. Anyone die and then lie about it in a state grand jury. So, he's, he's at risk. Has anyone seen Brian Higgins since, since he staggered off back to the waterfall for a Jameson and Genja? That's, I am. He was seen in a, in an airport in Nashville. He was not wearing his gun, which is very telling. He's definitely on the bricks, if not fired. And I guess he's been hanging out with the Cape. Down at Otis again, dropping cell phones in the, in a sort of dumpsters. Taking his trash over there because his town can't afford trash removal. That was the best one of them all. But here's the best. Here's the guy, right? He says on the stand, two things. Well, I remember seeing a guy, tall guy with knocked here, and then he says on the stand, I don't recall being in the airport the night of the, when the car came in, this guy, I mean, Proctor is definitely in the best spot. Higgins is gone. Higgins is one of the big freaks. He's one of the big freaks, third party culprits. Michael Proctor can turn this case completely upside down and move ahead with the feds. No doubt about it. He's the guy you want. You know, Morris, he's the district attorney though. He's in, he's in really kind of a jam here. I mean, he's, you know, if he doesn't proceed to try to retry this case, isn't this guy, Paul O'Keefe, the brother, who's a loose cannon in his own respect, the brother of the, the dead cop, he's going to turn on Morrissey then. Morrissey is between a rock and a hard place, isn't he? Oh, he is, how he, and in a matter of fact, I have it on the numbers that definitely, the FBI has three cases right now. The re-case obviously, the birthmore case, and then there's this case out of Essex County. The, the son of the sheriff, I think his name is Coppinger, wailed on a kid out of Lin, and listen to how he, I know these Lin cops are listening to us right now. They're, they're, they're scared to death right now, what's coming down the pike. But this kid, the sheriff's son, beat this kid unmerciously in Lin, and they try to hide it. It's so much. They had it transferred from Essex County where it should have been fried. They gave it a Morrissey's crew in Norfolk. So, and they, and they were going to do it out of Spumerville. What happened? That's a third county. Think about this. They're going to go from Essex. They get, they fire them off the Morrissey, but they have the proceedings in a Somerville courthouse. Middlesex. This can happen in Massachusetts. Only this. It happened out of 2020. So, guess what? Morrissey's crew doesn't show up. The judge is going to, is going to dismiss everything with prejudice. But then something happened and the judge says, okay, I will dismiss this without, I mean, without prejudice so they can bring the case back to court. But this is how it goes. But the FBI clearly around these three cases and those Lin cops got some, got some things to worry about. I can tell you that. So, what do you think happens on July 22nd when they go back in for the status hearing? I mean, you know, they're going to demand that the defense, Karen Reed, is going to demand that the jury be brought back and polled and so that she can get, she can get off on the, on the major charge, second degree murder, right? Well, how are you, you know, Madi Weinberg, right? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. He's going to get this thing expedited as quickly as possible because the iron's hot. You got juries coming out left and right. And I think, and I think there's a fifth one on deck to come forward. This has to happen now. It has to. It has to happen now. They can't wait until the 22nd. Well, yeah, Marty Weinberg is really, he's really good. He used to be with Joe Terry, I believe, and that's why I met him back in the 70s. That's how long he's been around. He's older than me, believe it or not, John. And, and he's represented Crooked Cops, too. You know, I mean, he's, he's got a, he represented Dana Pullman, the, the, the guy that was running the state police union. What do you think of the state police union saying, well, these are salacious charges. They didn't know the difference between the word salacious and scurrilous. So they just throw in salacious. That's how dumb they are, this union. And they, yeah, it's so weak. I mean, they were the other week. They really believe that Procter's on the, on the bricks because of this personal comments I can't read. It has nothing to do with that. That's, that's a slap on the wrist. They could get a letter if I recommend two weeks off on the beach, you know, give them a sensitivity conflict. This all has to do with what the feds have on him and his co-conspirative. Don't be, this is all a big smokescreen for the state police and Morrissey. What happens to Kevin Albert, the cop who was suspended last night by the, uh, selectment? Or Kevin, man, look at that kid. I mean, look at him. He's definitely not his brother. That's for sure. He's the Fredo of the family. It looks like. Oh my God. You know, listen, you know, the poor kid, I get it. Sitting there and can, that and happy. I mean, big coin. Take it down, big coin. Now we get catapulted into the, the biggest case that can't have a other seat. And he blows it. He completely blows it. Let's face it. He's got his brother. I'd ask Don Travolta, uh, Albert, you know, you don't say no to me. I'm the sergeant and you got jail bird, Chris, jail bird, Chris. Yeah. Yeah. And, and they're all associated with, with Morrissey and Beth Canoni. You can't make this up. Howie. It's, it's a, it's a film and war from the 1950s. Uh, you know, starring Robert Mitchum after he got fired by RKO. It's, it's, it's really a mess. It really is. Sean McDonough, when are you going to be back on, uh, on the internet again? Howie, I'm coming on tomorrow night at six. And one thing about, uh, Kevin Albert again. Yes. He was crying in public a year ago. Up at, uh, at, uh, at a piece of place up in, uh, Canton. He was crying so bad that one of the people with them had a counsel him and, and no one could figure it out. But then we found out that there was video of him leaving his house at two o'clock in the morning on the 29th. There's more to his story than there will be. Here's the other question, Howie. We'll prompt the cooperate with the independent investigator because he's the only one that can give him up. Oh man. Sean, thank you so much for being on with us. We'll have you on again and we'll be looking forward to seeing your show, uh, on the internet tomorrow night. Uh, it's called going through the motions. Sean McDonough. Do what I did in order a burner for your loved ones. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately she said, well, why don't you buy me one, dad? I need it. I did. And she loves it. You want your loved ones so you can feel safe and having effective yet non lethal options is vital. 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What are the results thus far? >> Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which showbiz backstab of Biden wounds him the most? Michael Moore, Stephen King, Meathead, George Stephanopoulos, or George Clooney? >> I'm going to vote for George Clooney. >> George Clooney is at 35%. George Stephanopoulos is at 53% in the lead, 8% from Meathead, 2% from Michael Moore, and 1% for Stephen King. >> Ah, there's that main, there's that main, coming in late. Joe Biden was so angry when he heard that George Clooney had thrown him under the bus that he took out his 78 of Rosemary Clooney's "Come on, my house." Broke it over his knee. And now he's being treated a Walter Reed for a damaged knee. >> Google it. >> Eight, four, four, 542, 42, 617. You know there's a lot going on when you don't even report the marriage of perennial bachelor, Mottie Walsh. Yes, he did. He got married. >> Secretary Walsh, Mottie. >> Mottie, Mottie Walsh, yes. He got married to his long time girlfriend. >> We'll be back with Turtle Boy to get his take on this unfolding scandal on Howie Gar. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. >> 978 says, "What does Sean McDonough mean by Joe's house?" He's referring to Joe Mokley. Joe Mokley, the courthouse in South Boston, the federal courthouse where the U.S. attorney is based is the Mokley courthouse on Northern Avenue. That's what he's talking about, Uncle Joe's house. Joining us now to discuss these latest developments is Turtle Boy, Aiden Carney. He's the blogger and the reporter who's been on top of this case all along. Aiden, before I ask you about what's going on with the care and read case, you've got your own case coming up tomorrow. What's happening with your case? >> Yeah, that's right. I got two cases. I got one in the morning for violating restraining order against the fake victim that kind of allied with Tully in them and set me up and sent me to jail. She showed up at the read case on February 26th for the first time, holding the restraining order with Jennifer McKeeb and ejected me from the courtroom because I was within 100 yards of her claim and I was filing the orders. I didn't deal with that tomorrow in the morning. In the afternoon, we have the real case in Superior Course across the street at two o'clock and that's for these bogus witness intimidation charges which were finally going to start pushing back on, you know, we've been busy with everything else dealing with this. But, you know, I think I'm being charged with intimidating like nine or ten people have lost count, but I'll tell you that the first two that are going to go, that we're going to get dismissed, they're going to be Michael and Elizabeth Proctor based on everything that's happened really in the last couple weeks. Because how can you intimidate, you know, everything I've done with them, everything I've protested has been validated and vindicated by the state police themselves because they seem to agree with me that protesting Michael Proctor was something that everybody should be doing. Everyone should be worried that Michael Proctor sees it. Yeah, I agree. I agree. Have they ever turned over any discovery to you? They've been, you've been trying to get that for about a month, right? And they just thumb their noses at the orders, right? Yeah, nothing. They gave us absolutely nothing. We asked for like, you know, the wiretapping allegations. We still don't even know what I allegedly wiretapped. They haven't told us yet. You know, charging documents. We got no security, uh, grand jury testimony. So we don't even know what was that in order to indict me. This is the fakest prosecution ever. They had no intention of seeing this through. They just wanted to put me in cost, put me on bail and make it harder for me to exercise my first amendment. Right. That's all this is. So, uh, Sean McDonough, we just had a money said there's a fifth juror warming up in the bullpen to say that, uh, that, that there was a, there was a unanimous not guilty verdict on those two charges, including second degree murder. Is that what you're hearing? I've heard rumors of that as well. And, uh, you know, at this point, they're just going to keep coming for it. You heard your number four today. It was the strongest yet. Like they, they basically came out and said that they're doing this because they're outraged about it on the bus home. They were like, what the hell do we just, we just acquitted her, right? Like, what just happened in there? Like, how did this happen? And they're all like, this one seems to be willing to go on record, willing to testify. And now, now it's just like, you know, one led to another domino thing. And more and more of these people seem to want to be coming out. I mean, wouldn't you? If you spent 10 weeks in the summer, sitting in that courtroom, listening to Adam Lally, and then you voted to acquit this woman. And then it was all just for nothing. Yeah. Like, wouldn't you be pet too? Wouldn't you want to come forward and say something? Yeah. I in quite, this is Alan Jackson's statement about juror D, juror number four. I inquired whether in his, her opinion, other juries would agree and acknowledge that we're not guilty. All caps, verdicts were reached on counts one and three. Juror D, without hesitation said in substance, then it's all italicized. Every one of us will agree and acknowledge that we found Karen read not guilty of counts one and three because that's what happened. So it's a pretty strong statement. Every one of us. Yes. Yeah. And this is, and they're, they're all a chat group too, right? So, so they, they have a pretty good idea of what everybody else is thinking. I mean, this seems like a crisis. If you're on to, how do you not call for hearing and get this, get this in order? I mean, you have multiple witnesses now, multiple jurors now going under oath speaking to Alan Jackson and David and Eddie who are now witnesses. So we know that's where they had to bring in Weinberg now because these people and the lawyers are now witnesses. So, you know, what, what do you want to get this in order? I mean, this looks so bad. I've never heard of this before. No, no one has. He's supposed to quit a murder. You know, women charge a murder of a cop. They just, yeah, I have a cop and they're just going to do it all over again. Like this is madness. Yeah. And, and, and, you know, this has been going on now for over 48 hours. The jurors started coming forward on Monday and now it's Wednesday and, and and more see he's, he's not issuing any statements basically. He's not, he's not disputing what these, what's being alleged in these affidavits that are filed under, under oath. He doesn't say he's hiding under a table with his box of Boston creams. You should ask David Trump send him an email. So, do you have any comment about this whole thing that's all over the news here? Everybody says that there's a quittle that just didn't happen. Do you have any comment on that? But then your name's not Gretchen Voss or, or Grant Smith Ellis or somebody who writes propaganda for the DA's office, so they probably wouldn't get back to you, Howie. It's, it's just really, it's really something they did get back to me when I asked him if Michael Morrissey was still going to be a delegate to the Democrat convention in Chicago. I, I would think that, you know, that, that, that, that Mara Healy and, and the rest of these woke Democrats would kind of want to separate themselves from Mike meatball Morrissey, but he said, he's still checking in there. They said, Oh, he's, he's planning to go. He's planning to go. What, why do you think Auntie Bev did this? I mean, this is, is it just that she wanted, it was Monday and, and Independence Day was on Thursday and she had never worked, you know, within three days of July 4th and the past and she wasn't going to start at the age 63 or however old she is. What, why did she do that? I needed to think about it. Yes. Why do you think she did this? I mean, why didn't she at least ask the foreman if not Paul the jury? I mean, she did the same thing in the chest majority with the, in the first time with the Michael Chestnut trial, one rogue juror refused to delivery and instead of holding that juror in contempt, he just kind of threw up her arms in there and says, I guess we'll just do it again. Miss trial on this trial and do you think she didn't care about what she put the chestnut family. That was another day. Another dead cop. If they're going through a multi-week trial and it's the same thing here. She's like, yeah, okay, you know, instead of asking them like, or it's, how about instructing them? It's their first time on a murder case. Most of these people I assume saying, look it, in case it's unclear, you can acquit on one or two and hang on the other. You, that, that is permissible. If you'd like to do that, like maybe just clarify. Instead, she couldn't wait to get out of there. It's just like the jury's at an impasse. We're going to have a miss trial. Thank you for your service. See you in Centerville parking. And then that was it. Yeah, I know. It's, it's ridiculous. Well, so last night, last night, the, the Canton board of Alderman met or the select board met and they, and, and jailbird Chris Albert kind of apologized for his abhorrent behavior towards you and other people. Yeah, to me. You didn't even mention me, though. I mean, the whole thing was about the incident with me. We all know what incident he was talking about at CF McCarthy's. And I mean, that was like a, there was like a North Korean confession that he put out there. He didn't mean a single word that somebody made him say that. I don't know who made him say that, but I'll, I'll take it. I mean, I mean, I mean, honestly, it wasn't a wise decision on his part because, you know, Tim Bradle, I talked to him about that, like definite victims right there that he was the aggressor. This is the same guy crying about witness intimidation. How can you be a victim when now you're on record at a board of select meeting, admitting that you're the aggressor? And then you have Kevin Albert, the, the brother of jailbird Chris Albert, the selectman who, who apologized to Turtle Boy without naming him. He was suspended last night. It was announced by Lucky Lawfren's brother. I mean, everybody, how incestuous is this group? You know, it's like everybody's related to everybody else. And he, he has now been suspended. He was suspended the day after the testimony came out that he and that he'd lost his badge and his gun while driving, while being rid, riding around drunk with Michael Proctor and a state police cruiser, right? It was a day after, wasn't it? June 13th. Yeah, he testified to that on June 12th and then they just quietly suspended him with pay the next day, he's under investigation. What for? We don't know. I mean, that's kind of a, how can you not suspend somebody after testimony like that? Like, you're on the job and you lift your badge in the gun in another trooper's car while you were drunk. I mean, talk about unprofessional. The stuff that, it's kind of ironic that the stuff that they're getting these guys on, they're getting proctor on the text messages. They're getting Kevin Albert on, you know, getting drunk and leaving his badge in the gun. But they're not going to any of them. They don't seem to care about the actual corruption, about the fact that these guys apparently cover, took part in the cover up of a murder of a cop. That doesn't seem to bother them nearly as much as the fact, you know, that Michael Proctor talks about balloon knots and, and, and Kevin Albert's leaving his gun in a car. You know, so it's like, I wish they had that theme enthusiasm for the actual corruption that these guys were involved in. And you know, the, the other thing, Turtle Boy, is this, this doesn't stop the state police corruption. I sent you the story, the decision yesterday in, in Northern Worcester County from a district court judge. He, he threw out all of these cases, involving, involving heroin and cocaine dealers in around the Fitchburg-Lemonster area, because the state police were wiretapping without, without warrants. And then, and then they weren't even turning over the, the, forget the defense. They weren't turning over the, the, the, the wiretapped surveillance material to the district attorney's office. So the, the state cops are making, making Joe Early's district attorney's office in Worcester look good. That's, that's a real, that takes a lot of work, doesn't it? As you know, better than me. Yeah. I mean, after Meatball Morrissey, he's honorable mention for most of the NBA in this week. That's a big attack. A son of a, you know, lucky firm of Goerlin Sr. But, yeah, I mean, it's, it's ironic that, you know, I'm being charged with, you know, criminal federal felony wiretapping, but these cops are doing it on the job and it's just not a big deal. Yeah. And they, and they, and apparently this has been going on in other counties too. Apparently the Everett cops have been doing this. Someone called me about it today and sent me some documents. I don't think it's as serious as what the state police have been doing. But I mean, how can, and, and you know, the judge ruled in his decision yesterday that the state police broke the state wiretap laws. When are they going to be, when are they going to be indicted? Like you have been indicted, turtle boy. I don't know, but I guess the good news is they'll take six months to get the charging documents. They won't even know what the charges are. It's anything like my case. It's just amazing. The feds did this in the 60s. The FBI, they used to, they used to have all these, you know, random bugs on mafia headquarters. They called them gypsy wires. I mean, it's, it's come full circle. We have now we have gypsy wires again only instead of the FBI. It's the state police. And I, I, I, it's just amazing that, that they're going to, that they, that they're in. And again, they somewhat is filed now about another case. This guy George Williamson. I didn't see that. George Williamson with that. He's, apparently he's, there's somewhat of the turtle riders has asked, has filed a foyer with, with the, the, the Canton police department about some, some supposedly nefarious activities that were going on that the, that O'Keefe had reported to Kevin Albert that was going on in that same neighborhood. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Helena Rafferty herself at the Select Board meeting last year that John O'Keefe had reported drug activity. I don't know who that involved or whatever. You know, there's been speculation involved in McAlberts, but I've never confirmed that or anything like that. But yeah, certainly it never ends in that town. So anyway, you, you want some, you would like the, the turtle riders to come down tomorrow to support you in Dedham if they're, if they're, they're available, right? What time? There's no buffer zone. There's no buffer zone. I got one at nine, but I would say the bigger, the more important ones are two. So anytime before two, anyone wants to come down, you can actually come in the courtroom. I assume it's the big, the big courtroom this time. So, you know, it might be seating for you. So come on down. Maybe a jail bird, Chris Albert should bring down some mediocre chicken parm and some pizza from DNA to, you know, as a way of penance. Now you don't want any of that. No, that's a bathroom in that courtroom. That'd be a bad idea. Okay. Turtle Boy, where can people find you? @Dr. Turtle Boy on Twitter, or Turtle Boy Live YouTube. All right. Thank you, Turtle Boy. Good luck tomorrow. Keep us informed. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 Extravaganza for a limited time dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 Extravaganza. But wait, there's more. 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At least that's what everybody says. Oh, watch out, guys. Glad to be IPs in here. They're having good conversations. Now, I'm talking about can. Pay more attention. All right. Okay, 844-542. There's no secrets here. Cut 19. So the fact of the matter is, you two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning where his gun was. Right? Again, I can't speak to any level of intoxication, whether you just forgot it. I don't know. I'm asking you about his BAC trooper proctor. Have you seen drunk people before? Yes. You've been drunk before? Yes, I have, sir. You've all been drunk before, right? Yes. Was he drunk? Were you drunk that night? I don't recall. It was a long time ago. But he left his badge in your cruiser after a night of drinking. Isn't that right? Yes. Yes. Which means you were drinking and driving in your cruiser. Doesn't everyone? Doesn't everyone? I remember we were down the Cape working on the cold case together and stopped at dinner at a few beers and then dropped him off. A cold case. Bottles or cans on tap. It's great. Were they 12 ounces? Was it a case of 12 ounces or 16 ounces? What a buffoon. So this is Lucky Lawfren's brother, Michael Lawfren, the chairman of the Selectman, talking about what's happened to Kevin Albert after he lost his gun and his badge after being drunk, after working on a cold case. Cut 21. An additional statement. Chief Raffity has placed Kevin Albert on paid administrative leave while an outside and please be quiet. While an outside independent investigation is being conducted relative to his actions in a case he investigated with Michael Proctor approximately two years ago. Kevin Albert was placed on leave on June 13th and will remain on leave until the results of the investigation are provided by the outside independent investigator. I mean how much outside independent investigating do they need to do when they have the text messages, right? Write it, regret it. Say it, forget it. Don't they learn anything at the academy anymore?