The Howie Carr Radio Network

Exposing the Mouse Jigglers plus Trump's Big Challenge for Biden | 7.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Cancel the next debate. The American people want to see the two leading candidates go head-to-head in a golf match. Joe Biden started the conversation at the debate when he challenged Donald Trump to a day on the green. Now, Trump says, bring it on.

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group. American Independence Gold can show you the benefits of converting your retirement accounts into a tax- sheltered IRA with physical gold. Go to and watch my video to learn about the benefits of investing with American Independence Gold. Check it out today at ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show. I'm also officially challenging Crooked Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. Hey, I'm in sports. I have a five-to-load. Give me two-to-load. Give me six-to-load. Hey, champ, you want to play golf? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. Chief Raffity has placed Kevin Albert on paid administrative leave. July 20th, 2022, the day after, at 8.39 in the morning, you texted Kevin Albert, "Found your badge in my cruiser this morning," end quote, correct? Yes, badges. We ain't got no badges. Then you texted him, "I can leave it in my locker at the gym, drop it off at your station, or leave it in my mailbox." Kevin Albert responds, "My mailbox. Did I take my gun and it included a wince face?" Emoj, correct? Correct. Puck in that shirt. Get those shoes shined. Take that badge out of your mouth, your police officers. All right, we're done. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car... Another day, another juror in the Karen Reed case steps forward and says, "Hey, we voted 12 to nothing to acquitter on two of the three counts. And yet, meet Paul Morrissey and his Quincy Bob are trying to try this woman again. Double jeopardy. Fifth amendment, anyone? Oh, what a mess. What a mess. We're going to be speaking today to both Sean McDonough and Al Hayfei and former DEA agent, and he's a native God help him of... ♪♪♪ And then we'll be speaking to Turtle Boy later on in the four o'clock hour. So we've got a lot planned on this. I wasn't planning on it until I got a call last night, and I heard that Kevin Albert had been suspended. This will give him more time to look for his gun and his badge that he misplaced while working on a cold case. But he was suspended with pay, so Proctor, his drinking buddy in the MSP, the mass state police cruiser, he's been suspended without pay. So I guess Kevin Albert is going to have to pick up the cold case that they'll be working on next, now that they've both got a lot more time on their hands. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 42, meanwhile things just get worse and worse for Joe Biden. And now he's been tossed under the bust by yet another Hollywood celeb, George Clooney. He was told that this morning that George Clooney had thrown him under the bust, and he said, "Is that Rosemary Clooney's son?" I like the VIP's got that joke. I think she's his aunt or something, you know. I think it's much more likely that he remembers Rosemary Clooney than he does George Clooney. 844, didn't she sing on old Cape Cod? I believe she did. Yeah. He's an old Cape Cod, that's near the islands where I get that free vacation every Thanksgiving. And that's where Barack Obama lives now. He lives on Martha's Vineyard. He wants me to come out there and go for a swim off of his beach, you know, like his chef did last year. Now that's not true. I'm just making that up. I'm just making that up. 844, 542, 42. So now this thing is getting crazier with the golf tournament, you know. You knew it was ridiculous that he was challenging. He's challenged Trump twice to a golf tournament. Right? You know, I'm just going to play a couple of these. This is March of 2024. Okay? So this is months ago. Trump is minding his own business. I mean, Trump likes humor, but challenging Joe Biden to a golf, a golf match, that's slapstick. You know, that's not worthy of a former president of the United States and a billionaire. So, but Biden, again, Biden doesn't know anything. You know, he has to get slapped around so he knows to pick up the remote control to switch over from Nickelodeon, Nick and Knight to meet TV. So he's the one who came up with the original challenge. This is, this is March of this year with Stephen Colbert, cut 12. My question to you, sir, can voters trust a presidential candidate who has not won a single Trump International Golf Club trophy at long last, sir? Have you no chip shot? Well, look, I'd be happy to play. I told him this before when he came into the oval, when he was being before he just sworn in. I said, I'll give you three strokes if you carry your own back. Can we quote you on that, Mr. President? Okay. So then he says it. He says it again. Cut cut 12A. Take care. If you want to play golf? Okay. You want it again? Another one. Cut 14. I got my handicap, which when I was Vice President, down to a six. Good God. So you could tell, you can tell how much he's declined from March to the debate, which was in late June. That's three months. You could, you can hear it in his voice. So he again, he challenges him once more. Cut 16. By the way, I told you before I'm happy to play golf, if you carry your own bag. I think you can do it. I think Trump said afterwards, he said, this is a guy you saw him on the beach last summer in Delaware. He couldn't carry his own beach chair, which a four year old can carry it so light. It's lighter than a, than a can of Coke. And yet so, so now finally, finally, he decides that he's going to, he's going to respond to the challenge after he's been throwing it down over and over again, cut 10. This is, I'm also officially challenging cricket Joe, to an 18 hole golf match right here under our blue monster considered one of the greatest tournament golf courses anywhere in the world. One of the great courses of the world. It will be among the most watched sporting events in history. May be bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters. Oh, okay. So let's go. I want to go back to the debate. Just I'm not that I'm a golfer or anything, but this is just, this is just funny stuff. This is, this is at the debate talking about Biden's golf handicap, 15. That's the biggest line that is a six handicap of all. I was a handicap. Yeah. Eight. We can't hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. Yeah, it's. So, so then today, so when, when Trump issues this and says he's going to, okay, well, okay, but let's do the last cut here from, this is Trump last night at in South Florida, cut 11. And I will even give Joe Biden 10 strokes aside, 10 strokes. That's a lot. That means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. I will give him 10 strokes aside. And if he wins, I will give the charity of his choice. Any charity that he wants, $1 million. And I'll bet you he doesn't take the offer. So then today, of course, he come, Biden comes back. I mean, talk about having a 10 year, you know, just you got, you got called out on this. So just move on. You know, again, we come back to never complain, never explain, just say nothing. But they come back and they say he hasn't got time for this. These antics, when you started it, you know, I was telling somebody today this, there used to be a, a mayor of a revere. He later became a state rep of Billy Ryan Stein. He wasn't a bad guy. But he needed, he was so crooked. He needed a, he needed a quirk screw to get into his pants in the morning. So they were, they were building a new high school in revere. And, and, and, and so why they were all these stories in the pay, they were stealing everything in revere. I know it's hard to imagine. Even the clam inspectors were reportedly getting into it. And so, so they kept writing stories about all this money that was disappearing and all the theft and the graft that was going on. And so Ryan Stein ran the, ran the campaigns for the district attorney because revere is part of Suffolk County, which is Boston. He ran the campaigns for this guy, Garrett Byrne. And so he said, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna write Garrett Byrne a letter. He can't do anything to me because, you know, I'm his guy in revere. I take care of him. So he wrote him like one letter. I demand that investigation of these, uh, scurrilous, or, or as the state police union was writing it, the salacious charges. They confused, they don't know the difference between salacious and scurrilous as we saw yesterday. I demand that investigation of this scurrilous chart. So Garrett looks at it. He knows who he throws the letter away. So, so more stories appear in the papers. Garrett Byrne, Garrett Byrne gets another letter from, uh, from Mayor Ryan Stein. And I demand an investigation of these terrible charges against me. These untrue allegations about the high school theft going on, throws it away again, you know. So he writes him a third letter. Mayor Ryan Stein writes him a third letter demanding an investigation. Garrett Byrne brings in the grand jury and he's indicted two days later. And Mayor Ryan Stein's walking around revere, this guy, I've been working for this guy for 20 years and he indicts me. So he went back to Garrett Byrne and Garrett Byrne said, what was I supposed to do? He kept writing me these letters. And, and so, you know, what, what did, what did Biden think he was, that Trump was going to do eventually try, Trump's a real golfer. He keeps challenging him. And so, so Trump finally threw it back at him and, and now, uh, and, and now Biden's acting like Billy Ryanstein, a four, four, it didn't stop Billy Ryansteins. You know, he didn't stop his campaign. He, he, you know, he, he was, I believe he was, no, he was thrown out or something. But anyway, he was selected state rep. Didn't stop him in the least. Eight, four, four, then he got the, then he got busted again. He kept, he kept saying that the, the, the, the bills, the, the, the tolls were too high on the, uh, on the mystic Tobin bridge and he wasn't going to stand for it. So then they leaked, they leaked. They said, uh, do you know that represent Ryanstein has a free pass? He, he wasn't a bad guy. I'll tell you another story about him with John Kerry some time, but, uh, that's, that's, that's for another time. We're running out of time. Eight, four, four, five hundred forty two forty two eight four. Let's not get silly here. Ryanstein guy, he did a beautiful, I'll tell you the story when we come back, but we had to take a break. 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Looking for the perfect gift for the Howie car fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. We've got them all to go to and click store the howie car show is back today's poll question is brought to you by Eastern security safe. Eastern security is having their annual warehouse sale starting January 11th through Jan. Jan turning at the Biden starting July 11th through July 14th featuring the largest savings of the year. Mention Howie and receive and or Brandon and receive an additional 5% off those savings visit their site at eastern security safe dot com. That's eastern security safe dot com. And again, this said the annual warehouse sale starts July 11th and it's through July 14th. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is which showbiz backstab of Biden wounds him the most? Michael Moore, Stephen King, Meathead, George Stephanopoulos or George Clooney. I'm going to say George Clooney because, you know, again, he thinks she's he thinks that Rosemary Clooney is the mother. 34% for George Clooney in the lead is George Stephanopoulos at 56%. Really? Yeah. Well, I mean, it comes with the Clinton dangers. Yeah. 8% for Meathead, 3% for Michael Moore and 0% for Stephen King big with that. Well, have we got some main people here today? Come on, guys. Well, we have a big main audience. How about local boy makes good here? You know, I know Steffi is a Massachusetts native. I'm sure he probably doesn't want to talk about it anymore. All right. Okay. So that's that's the thing. Let me let me just tell you the quickly the story about this guy Billy Reinstein, the former mayor of Revere, who later went on to get elected to the to the Massachusetts legislature. He defeated a guy named Butchy Cataldo. He had a good name for Revere. He was he had he had mob connections. I think his brother was a made member of the mob. But the thing was Butchy Cataldo, who was the incumbent, he had never been indicted. How the hell does he expect to be Billy Reinstein, who I think was indicted three times over the high school? You know, I mean, he had all the he had all the cards, all the credentials for Revere election. So, so he beats he beats a Butchy Cataldo. Butchy Cataldo was about like, he looked like a bowling ball with arms. You know, he was about like three feet high, whereas, whereas, and he was dark, like, you know, Sicilian, whereas Reinstein was like six, three, six, four, blonde hair. I don't know how we get the name Reinstein, but that's what he looked like a Viking. So, so one day Kerry is making his like he must have been up for reelection. So he's making his like once every six year trip to the state house. And he's pretending to be a pretending to know all these guys. And so Billy Reinstein goes up to a couple of reps. He's out on the out on Beacon Street at the on the steps, you know, having a press conference of Ryan Slain says, watch this guys. And he goes, goes, Senator Kerry, Butchy Cataldo. And again, they they don't like anything alike. And so he says, Hi, yeah, this, I'm butchy. I'm glad to see you. Senator, Senator Kerry. I'm, you know, you, you know, me, I'm from Revere. And John kick us. Hello, butchy. So good to see you again. How's the family? Butchy. And all the all the state reps behind the behind Reinstein are just cracking up. I mean, they're just falling over. It's so I mean, it's so it's so classic. The most ridiculous thing I ever heard. It's true. You know, it's true. So again, I get out of here, please. So Ryan Stein had a moment, but he learned from his moment. Brandon will not learn from his moment because, you know, he's there's nothing left between his ears. So how's he going to learn? John, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, John. Captain, great show as usual. Love the golf thing. And I'm just want to ask you, if by some miracle, that Biden accepts his challenge and somehow wins it. Will Trump give his funds to the Help Me Hunter Biden defense fund? Yeah, I, you know, I don't know. There's not going to be a golf match. We all know that. That's just hit above 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. I mean, it's this is the craziest thing I've ever I've ever seen. You know, people say that Trump, you know, takes it takes advantage, but he doesn't need to take advantage. He could he could play this thing totally straight. Does anybody think does anybody think that Biden could even put the ball on the tee on the first green? And does anyone think that he would know which direction to hit it in? He would see the he would see the the pond. He'd walk into the pond. He'd say, Where's my beach chair? There look at that sand. There's a beach here. No, Mr. President, it's a sand trap. It looks like a beach to me. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. Before Grace comes in with the news, we just got our delivery today from Monika's in the north end for the VIPs. VIPs, you're very lucky. We love the cowloon, but you know, I really, really like the lasagna at the Monika's. And you don't usually have it on the Veronica's here. Veronica, you should have that on the menu every day at Monika's. Go ahead, get in there close. I say the same thing. We used to have that one on the menu like 10 years ago. We just have the chicken lasagna on the menu now. It's fantastic though. This is great. I really appreciate it. Monika's in the north end. Your father is George Mendoza. He's running for mayor. I don't think he has the money that Michelle Wu and Josh Kraft have, but you know, he's he's going to do well, I think. Yeah, I think so. All right. Well, listen, thank you. What else did you bring in for the VIPs here today? We also brought in Rigatoni with sausage and broccoli, Robbie, all homemade today. All the stuff I love. And we brought in a new show. No VIPs go out there until I get my portion. And Roscoe's going to have some too. We also brought in mista salad, which is going to be with tomatoes and onions in it too. Oh, that's great. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. And, you know, Monica's is the is the best place in the north end. It really is. And you get the best subs too across the street there. Those are amazing subs. Yeah, they're really, yeah, they're, yeah, they're expect. Yeah, Saturday night. Yeah, so what? What we were there Saturday night. What did I have Saturday night? I had the bolognese and the homemade pasta, which was fantastic. I told you, I told your father, I love the, or your, I think it was your brother, your father, your uncle, but I told him, you know, Frankie, I told him, I said, you know, the notchy was knocky was good the prior, but the homemade pasta is even better. Yeah, it's really, really good. Yeah. All right, Veronica, thank you so much for bringing in the food. We appreciate it. And come back every week. Please, we appreciate it. And these guys haven't had it yet, but they'll know soon enough. Thank you, Veronica. Okay, now let Grace take over here. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. John from Kansas says, if it took Biden 10 days to prep to botch up the debate totally, how many days will he have to prepare to botch up a golf match with Trump? Yeah, now you're right, John. Somebody said though, he heard he's very good around the windmills. You know what that means. I don't have to explain that window. 844, 542, 42. It would take Biden hours to bend over and place the ball on the tee. They should, you know what they should do with a, you know, instead of, hey, if they do have a match, instead of having, you know, like the usual guys, the masters here, instead of having those guys have the guy that was on MSNBC, the neurologist who treats Parkinson's patients, who said he could, he said, I could spot Biden with Parkinson's across them all. Dr. Pitts, Dr. Pitts, that was pretty devastating stuff. I'd like to have him do the, do the color commentary. Of course, this is pure fantasy. There is not going to be such a match. Anyway, now it's time for Grace with the news. Yes, Howie. So this won't come as a surprise to you, but there are a lot of articles about how Iran paid anti-Israel protesters in America, according to the US government. We talked a lot about this at the time, the tents, the food, the snack bars, the no sunblock. Like where is all of this coming from? It's, it's recycling. Biden gave them $40 billion, right? So, you know, in addition to, I don't know what they were kicking back to the big guy, but they're kicking back to his, his voters here in the United States. Yeah. And weren't there a few occasions where, I think it was in Iran, where some professors were saying, we'll take the students here, they can have free tuition. Right. They want to come join us because they'd, they'd fit in just so well. So this isn't a huge shock, but the director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, says the US intelligence communities purpose of informing the public of foreign efforts to influence our democratic processes. She said in recent weeks, Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza. I also think there's a little bit here of trying to act like, you know what they, the Iranians don't need to produce for the protesters. Soap, they don't, they don't want any soap or shampoo. But it's also, because you'll hear this, and we heard it from Eric Adams, and there is a grain of truth to the fact that, yes, there are outside actors here, outside agitators, but it's also these young people are so ripe to be, you know, influenced by this nonsense. They're like ready, they're at the ready to be radicalized. Ripe is not the right word, dumb is the word, stupid, ignorant. Yes, and there's plenty of that to go around. Hey, another big story today, court TV, court TV is having a little bit of a slow week now, because the Karen Reed trials wrapping up. They can't show that ceiling fan anymore, but you know what's starting? What? The Alec Baldwin case, and they are going to have TV cameras. Oh, everyone here is nodding, are you guys going to watch this? Oh, are you court TV people? No, no, no, I'm not watching that stage. Yeah, so actor Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial has begun three years after the fatal shooting of cinematographer on the rush. Trump have an alibi. Yes, I mean, he does a new Mexico. It's going to be that's going to be that's going to be the third party culprit defense, you know, that phrase I'd never heard till Karen Reed trial started. But now Alec Baldwin has a new reality show that's going to be on TLC. I just if I'm his lawyer, I don't think he listens to legal advice, but I would say gun will travel is the working title. But if I were his lawyer, I would say, maybe don't do this. Maybe Laylow. We don't need a reality show. You're obviously you're not the most likable of characters to begin with. Oh, and did you see this hot off the presses story? I didn't have time to come out, but you know who just got engaged, howie? Who? Oh, I did. I did see this. Uma Abbotan, Mrs. Mrs. Carlos Danger got in, got engaged to George Soros's kid. She's moving on from Anthony Wiener. Uma Abbotan and Alex Soros are engaged. Sources tell us Soros pop the question. This is page six. Six weeks ago, and the couple were spotted recently celebrating the happy news in Italy. I, you know, I hate to, to seem like a Tragla diet or Cro-Magnon man, but she's 47 and he's 38 and has more money than God. What's going on there? We can I tell you something so weird? What? We were just in the green room and we were talking about words that we like and Taylor said he really likes the sound of the word crave. And then we were saying how a woman called up and called Taylor erudite and I said, oh, that's a good word. And I said, my mother-in-law Shelly likes the word Tragla diet. And then we were Googling it. And you didn't know what Tragla diet meant? No, I knew what it meant, but I wanted the exact definition, but it's just weird that you just use that word. It's like you were listening back there. No, I wasn't. Isn't that a coincidence? How often do you hear that word? It's a little strange. Democrats asked whether calls to replace Biden after primary was a threat to democracy. So I wanted your take on this how we because a lot of people have questions about how this is going to work. Obviously, we can all talk about fantasies, whether it's the golf tournament or them replacing Joe with Kamala or Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer. But logistically speaking, it's not that easy, not only because of the transfer of the war chest, but also because Biden has a lot of delegates at this point and we're pretty close to the convention and trying to move him now. Some people think is undermining the democratic process. Well, you know, they I didn't I didn't even print the story out, but as long as you brought it up, there's a there's a column and issues and insights today saying that, you know, what the easiest way to get him out would be with, you know, a clean way, impeach him, impeach him and then convict him in the Senate. And then he's out. You could I mean, it might take a little time, but I you know, if you if you really want him gone, you could you could get rid of him and she wouldn't she would be right there. Well, you know what strategy I really don't I don't think I don't think the Republicans would go along with it though. No, no, no, it's like, no, we would have done it. But now you missed your chance. You're not getting off that easy. You know what strategy I really don't get is that Joe Biden's whole issue now is he's very old and he can't put a sentence together. So in order to combat that they bring out 84 year old Nancy Pelosi and they have her do the morning shows, they're like, Oh, okay, people think he's too old. Let's bring out the 84 year old. And she's yelling at people now in the halls of Congress. She's saying, she's saying, um, she said to one reporter today, am I speaking English? I just told you I'm not going to answer that question. Am I speaking in there? That kind of kind of rude, right? Well, you can see I didn't get my English lessons. Well, then she then she says it's she says there's not much time left. Well, yeah, when you're when you're that old, Nancy, yes, just what a dapper used to say about people that old ought to be home praying for a happy death. But she also said, let's not talk about this right now because he's at NATO. And you know, this is very high stakes. And I was thinking to myself, you guys don't have a lot of time to kill here. Like if you're going to do anything, it's got to be within the next I would say two Democrats were very excited this morning. They brought out all the NATO leaders and, uh, and Biden shook hands with all of them. And they were all there. Yeah. And he did not ask to say, where's where's that guy with the tall French guy with the weird hat? The goal is his name. Grace's news is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group. American Independence Gold can show you the benefits of converting your retirement accounts into a tax sheltered IRA with physical gold. Go to and watch Howie's video to learn about the benefits of investing with American independence gold. Check it out today at A few notes. I have the video of Ben Shapiro versus Eric Swalwell up on the site right now so people can check that out. I have the video of Maxine Waters not realizing she's on camera during a CNN interview, which is also definitely worth a watch. And she's even older than Nancy Pelosi. Yeah. And lastly, this is a story that I wanted your take on Howie and we don't really have many people at this company who are working from home on a daily basis, but there's a story at the Wall Street Journal and it says, mouse jigglers, fake powerpoints, workers, foil bosses, surveillance attempts. So people probably know that if you work from home, sometimes you just have to show that you're active. It's got to be like a green light. And so what people do now is they just jiggle the mouse to pretend that they're at work. Now there's new ways for companies to figure out if you're just jiggling the mouse and if you're not actually working and they're firing people based off of that. I have another way just forced them to come to work. How about that? I was with someone recently who I was talking to and it was like the Friday after July 4th and the person did say to me, hold on one second, I have to go move my mouse. And I said that's all you need to know. But yeah, now they have software. It's like now they can basically spy on you from the mouse and they can say, you're not really clicking on anything. So maybe you got a big brother, but I don't mind big brother doing that to these to these gold bricks. Well, I said that to Taylor. He said, can you imagine the mouse until he said, well, if you're only moving your mouse around the whole day, you probably are already living on the edge. You probably are risking it. That's it for me how we make sure everyone goes to and watch all the videos that I posted today. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, Soros and Abadon are like Terese Hinds and John Kerry, aka Gross. Yeah, but it's reverse. Yeah, it's reverse. She's not he's not a jiggle. Oh, he's a sugar daddy. Yeah. Or he's a yeah. And but she's again, she's nine years older than him. Oh, I don't know. And who? Well, she stayed with Anthony Wiener. Whatever gets you through the night. Different strokes for different folks. She stayed with Anthony Wiener for a very long time. She stayed with him through multiple scandals. If they can't make it, I don't know. Yes, is Hillary Clinton heartbroken? You don't have to respond to that. No comment eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day to hear a particular song or show. You can just play me or Grace when you want it, the click of a button on your phone. The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. You don't have to wait an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection. You can now choose to sell your real estate in a well-marketed auction event with JJ Manning under your terms and best of all with no contingencies. Times have changed. Processes evolve and people do things differently. The way to sell your real estate is changing too. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan. 30 days of marketing and 30 days to close. They have refined this process over 48 years. Luxury homes, rental properties, commercial, land, JJ Manning knows how to squeeze all the juice out of the orange. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. He's Howie Carr. And he's back. I'm back in the studio by myself. The VIPs all went out to get their Monica's stuff. Now that the mailroom manager got me a nice plate with some lasagna and some sauce and chum all set. 844-542-8 978 says you buy a mouse jiggler at Amazon. Mine is non-detectable by software. So I hope where you're listening to the show four hours a day since you're not going to work. You know, just got that mouse jiggler going on. All these things that I never used to know existed like the wizinator. And now it's the mouse jiggler. Yes, Grace. I just want to clarify the person who said that to me about the mouse jiggling was not a member of the curly family or the Gallagher family. What do you do? I don't want this. I don't want you guys to think that we're mouse jigglers. What do you think this is the the Karen Reed investigation and the feds are wired to happen everything? Okay. We're not mouse jigglers. Okay, thanks for, thanks for clarifying that. I'm glad your recollection was refreshed as they say on in court. 844-542. Today's specialist, Jell-O Jell-O Jell-O Jiggler. Barbara, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Barbara. Hey, Howie. I heard Adam Corolla talk in the other day about the easiest way to have Biden go away is to just tell him, "Joe, you can't run for a second term. This is your second term." That's a great suggestion, Barbara. I think that would work. Sometimes the simplest solution is the way to go. You know, isn't it funny, though, Barbara, they keep talking. If Trump gets in, he will never leave. So now all the Democrats are begging Biden to leave and they can't get him out with the jaws of life. Right, right. No, because he's not, he's not well. And he hasn't been well for many years. Yeah. And he's also a real bad guy. Oh, he is. I got that. I got one of those in my stuff. I think it was by a guy named Jonathan Tobin. And he said, you know, their fallback position now is okay, Biden's senile, but he is a good guy. And he's not a good guy, though, Barbara. You're right. I mean, he's never been a good guy in his whole life. And everything he has done, you should do the opposite. Right. Right. Everything. That's what that's the famous line from Robert Gates, the defense secretary under both Bush and then under Obama. At the time, Biden had only been in public life for 40 years. He said he's never been right on any foreign policy decision. I would add domestic policy as well. And now he's been in office for it had been in public life for 50 years. And he's still never been right about anything. Grace just posted the the beatdown of Eric Swalwell by by Ben Shapiro from The Daily Wire. And Bruce from The Met said, just watch the beatdown. I'm Giddy. Yeah, I guess it is. I guess it is pretty good. I mean, you know, what Billy Bulger used to say about Ed Markey to a battle of wits. He comes unarmed. Did say I think homosexual activity is a sin. Yes, I'm a religious. There's a genetic component. You've found me out orientation. But the view of all religious people I know has always been that sexual behavior is something that is up to you. And you said, I may have a desire to sleep with many women, but I do not. I agree with me. Yes, that's strong. Congratulations on your. Yeah. I'm sure it's very hard to restrain yourself. I agree with me. Eight, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Isn't that Falwell supposed to be a lawyer? I mean, you know, technically, again, the old, the old saying, you know, you never ask a question. You don't know the answer to it. Don't you learn that pretty early in law school? Not Adam. He was going out with Fang Fang. 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