The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Border Disaster: 85,000 Unaccompanied Minors are Missing | 7.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Who built the cages, Joe? And who allowed tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors to go missing? Biden's border policies, or lack thereof, are wreaking havoc on American children and families. Grace shares the latest.

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10 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Tretria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the Millennial with the Mike. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Joe Biden has a lot of fair weather friends. You know, when it's sunny, when it's nice, when the humidity's low, they're all standing by your side. But the second it gets steamy. The second it gets cloudy. George Clooney and the rest. They all kick you to the curb. Your yesterday's news, your chopped liver, Joe. They're going to put you out, re-home you, I should say. Put you out to pasture. Like, one of your old German shepherds. And it's, to me, unacceptable. If I were Joe Biden, I would say to George Clooney, I don't need friends like you. You're no friend to me. And the worst part is the way he's framing it. Like, if you're going to stab somebody in the back, my whole thing is do it with your chest. You know? Like, if you're going to turn on somebody, make the decision and turn on them. But what George Clooney's doing is so much worse. He writes this op-ed in the New York Times. Doesn't even have the cajones to just say it on TV, which I think is kind of what he's known for, being on television and in movies. So he writes this thing. Like, he's Paul Krugman, a typewriter, puts it out there, and he's got to, he's got to preface it all with, "I really love him. I really love him." You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of, when I was in grade school, there was this girl who would always say, "No offense, but," and then she would say something wildly offensive to me. No offense, but your shoes are really ugly. I'm like, "Well, I take offense to that." These are all conversations that you have with your family when you're deciding whether to put down your dog. He's getting to be that age. Can he hang on for a little bit? Yeah, but imagine one. And the wife chimes in. No, he's still got some good years left in him. Imagine finding out, "Well, let's say it's a conversation you have, you know, a lot of people compare to taking away the keys." Like asking grandpa for the keys back. Can't drive anymore. Let's say one day grandpa opens up the New York Times, and Johnny, his grandson, has written in op-ed. Yeah, that's exactly what this is like. We're taking away the keys. And that's how you find out you're, "Oh my gosh. You didn't have a teacher say that, call me up." I didn't know Johnny was that good of a writer to get into New York Times. I'm proud of you, but I'm also very upset. Yeah, this is just, it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing for everyone involved. Nobody looks good here, but I stand by, and I'm wondering if anyone else increases me. I stand by the idea that the poop your pants crew, like Whoopi Goldberg, the people who are like, "Hey, he's going to poop his pants. He's going to, Emperor has no clothes, but he's our Emperor. He might be a Looney Toon, but he's our Looney Toon. We've got his back." I actually have a little bit more respect for that group than the George Clooney turned coats who are like, "I've always thought that he's been slipping recently. No, you haven't, or you probably have, but you never would have said it. You never would have said it unless, you know, your superiors, like George Stephanopoulos and Caitlyn Collins told you that now it's okay to say, now it's appropriate, now we won't get mad at you. How weak, how feckless, how cowardly." I want to mention that Nancy Pelosi, she's been doing the rounds, and we don't hear from her as much. Now that she's given up her speakership position, we really don't hear from her as much as we used to, but that doesn't mean she can't still deliver gold. So this was Nancy Pelosi. She was on Morning Joe, and as always, she's a little behind the eight ball. Can I get cut too? Does he have your support to be the head of the Democratic Second? As long as the president had, it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. The, I think, overwhelming support of the caucus. It's not for me to say. I'm not the head of the caucus anymore, but he's beloved. He is respected, and people want him to make that decision. She has made. Now, obviously, can we get a group rate for this nursing home trip? I'm going to be taking what? Nancy, can we get a not bed for her keys as well in the same paper? They'll both read at the same time. It's up to the president to decide. You know, it is pretty nutty that in a time where, as George Clooney pointed out, it's about age. None of us can defeat time, and this is just what happens when you get older. That the brain trust in the Democrat party, all these people who are having these closed-door meetings, but how are we going to fix this? They're scrambling. They're panicking. That their big idea is, well, people don't think Joe Biden sharp enough. They think he might have dementia. Let's send out the 84-year-old to defend him. Let's send out Nancy Pelosi. There was no one else waiting in the wings who could have done this morning show hit. You had to send Nancy Pelosi of all people, and she keeps saying it's up to him to decide which I'm really glad that this host on Morning Joe had to let her know, had to inform her, that he has decided multiple times. This is cut three. He has said, he has made the decision. He has said firmly this week, he is going to run. Do you want him to run? I want him to do whatever he decides to do, and that's the way it is. Whatever he decides, we go with it. I think it's really important, and I would hope everyone would join in. She let him deal with this NATO conference. This is a very big deal. Over 30 heads of state are here. He is the host of it, and that means not just hosting, it means orchestrating the discussion and setting the agenda, and he's doing so magnificently. I've said to everyone, let's just hold off. Whatever you're thinking, either tell somebody privately, but you don't have to put that out on the table until we see how we go this week. Some might argue that time here is not on your side, that maybe putting things off till next week isn't really the best idea. You're on a bit of a time crunch now. You're about to hit the convention, and you don't have a lot of time left to change it up. Some people are already saying there's no time left, they have to stick with him. Because of the weird way they set up these primaries and the weird way they set up this convention, you could argue that by switching out Joe Biden at this point is undermining democracy, and democracy is their whole stick. Maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt, though, and just check in to see how the NATO conference is going for Joe. The fact is that so many of my, let me put it this way, I'm very pleased that today all NATO members are making the pledge to expand our industrial base. Killed it, crushed it. She's right. You know how I would describe that, Taylor? You know what word I would use to describe that? Socratic. Magnificent. Just absolutely magnificent. President Truman said, quote, "We hope to create a shield against aggression, the fear of aggression, and permit us to get on with the real business of creating government and society." Hmm. Maybe stop reading quotes. I know. I was just going to say, the acronyms and the quotes have got to go. There's three things that have to go. There's three things that should have gone out the window a week into this presidency. And yet they're still here, which makes me think there's a saboteur in the White House. Three things. Quotes, acronyms, and numbers. Like, there is no reason for this dude to be reading quotes from Truman or reading long numbers. He can't handle it. Bob, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, how you doing? I just wanted to share a thought on how I think the Democratic Party's going to handle it. What you're going to do is you're going to lie to Hillary and tell her she's next in line, and then she'll just have them taken out. Oh, I don't want that to happen. I see what you're alluding to there because the Clintons are known for, well, we won't get into it. But no, I don't want that to happen. I said this yesterday and I mean it sincerely. I get very nervous about the security of both of these men. Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I want everyone to be okay. It's a very polarized political world we live in right now. People have lost their minds, which we know. So I want everyone to be safe and I just want us to decide this at the ballot box. If Joe Biden's their guy, then let the voters decide. That's always been my stance on this. 844, 542, 42, I do want to play something. This was Biden with George Stephanopoulos. Now George, George is in a little bit of a pickle because he decided to answer a question from a TMZ reporter. There's something about these TMZ reporters that people can't resist. What do you think that is? Is it that they catch them? I think I figured out the formula because, for example, Nancy Pelosi's walking around the halls of the Capitol today. She's getting asked questions by a reporter. She is her typical snobby, condescending, rude, cranky self. And she actually looks at the reporter at one point and says, am I speaking English? I told you I'm not going to answer this question. Just very elitist and just, she's a witch. She just seems very witchy to me. But when you get people outside of a restaurant, you know, outside in the fresh air, maybe after they've had a drink or two, I think people are a lot more likely to see the bright lights. Keep in mind, Taylor, these are all Egomaniacs. They see the bright lights of the TMZ camera, and they see that they're the celebrity. It's not Justin Bieber. It's not Britney Spears. They're waiting for me, George Stephanopoulos, and they get sucked in. They can't help themselves. They know better. They know I shouldn't answer this, but they do it anyway. I think this was the reporter, quote, unquote, in this head, the phone like sticking halfway out of the pocket, like the Trump golf cart video. He just kind of walked up to George Stephanopoulos who was just taking his morning walk with his headphones on. So it wasn't a night, so my restaurant theories out. Yeah. No, he was wearing headphones, baseball cap, you know, pretty low over his face. But he probably just didn't. He just thought it was a regular guy on the street. Okay, let's take a listen. Hey, how you doing? What do you think? Do you think vibes should step down? You talked to him more than anybody else have lately, and he could be honest. You don't think he'd start pulling my hands. All right, that's an answer. He's like, that's good enough. I've done so much stuff. Yeah, well, when you listen to the interview between George Stephanopoulos and Joe Biden, there were a lot of moments that people caught that were concerning, including Joe Biden saying he didn't remember whether or not he had watched the debate. But I particularly like this one, which we didn't end up playing. Let's get cut for please. What's your plan to turn the campaign around? So today, how many, how many people you draw crowds like I drew in there? If I'm anymore enthusiastic with the day, I mean, I, I don't think you want to play the crowd game. Donald Trump can draw big crowds. There's no question about that. I can draw a big crowd, but what does he say? Who does he have? I love, I love that entire interaction because as soon as he said, he wanted to use the crowds as a reason for why he should be the candidate. And as soon as it was pointed out that Trump draws really big crowds, suddenly the issue of crowds was like, who cares about crowds? Why the crowds matter? You just said, the best crowds, the greatest crowds, he was, do you think anyone else could draw crowds like that? Well, I think Trump could. Well, crowds don't really matter. Oh, I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee. By the way, I've seen the crowds that Joe Biden's drawing. And I actually, I actually looked at the one that he was referring to. Not that big. There's a high school gymnasium. Yeah. It was a small high school gymnasium. Right. No offense to the gymnasium. It wasn't like a brand new large about like 40% of it off anyway. Yeah. And I think they tell people like spread out, you know, make yourselves, make it look like there's more people than there are. Move around a lot. You know, keep moving. Don't stay in the same place for a very long time. 844, 542, 42. We will be right back. We have a lot more to get to. And I'm finally going to get to this story I've been waiting to get to it all day. Here is the headline, Whistle Blowers detail how 85,000 unaccompanied minors went missing after Biden administration dropped them off with air quotes here sponsors. We'll talk about this. We'll take your calls. And I also, I do want to get to Joe Biden's Hill to the Queen style song that gets played when she walks in. Why don't I have one of these yet Taylor? If they're giving them out this willy nilly, can't we commission one for Grace Curly? And you know what? I'm feeling so generous today. I'm going to get one for you too. Thank you. Yours will have like a Frank Sinatra jazzy spin to it, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. Something good. We'll work on that. Okay, please. Yeah. Let's work on that. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly Show. What a big room this is. I walked in here. I said, wow, what a big room. Today's poll question is brought to you by flip lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original flip lock is the answer. So get a flip lock on your own at half the price. Just go to and click store to order now. This is a really cool device and it will offer you protection in your home and you can also send it to your kids or your grandkids if they just moved out of the house. It's a great way to protect yourself and your family. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results this far today's poll question which you can vote in at is would you watch a Trump Biden golf match? Yes. No, it's a foolish idea or yes, it would be amazing. Yes. But I gave the no option. I should have just had two yes options. Yes, I would watch it. I would love it. I would get my popcorn out. I would bet on it. I would enjoy it. I would attend it. So yes, 68% say yes. It would be amazing. 32% say no, it's a foolish idea. It really isn't moved that much throughout the day. Go to and vote. Try to get that number up. So in 2021, the Marine Corps was commissioned to come up with an entrance theme for First Lady Joe Biden and you might have forgotten about that because we don't hear it often but they do have a song now. It's called It's an Original Composition and it's titled Fan Fair for the First Lady. Take a listen. I should have been a conductor, honestly. This is just a side game. I don't love it. I don't want to insult the Marine Corps. I'm sure they put a lot of effort into this. I don't love it. But it got me thinking. It got me thinking. We need more of this. You know, if Dr. Jill, if Dr. B. Edith Wilson can get one for being Joe Biden's wife/handler/ you know, stage person who's pushing him along, why can't my producer Taylor have a fanfare song? And I actually think I found one that really suits you and that from now on, every time you walk into the building or into the office, any time you make an entrance, this will play. I have several questions. Do you like this? Does this feel right? Why the tuba? Because the tuba has an E-or vibe to it, you know? Like, when you come in and you're like, "Wah, wah, how are everyone?" Beautiful. Now, I'm going to commission from you. I would like something for me. So that's your figure one out before we go to break. During the break, I will. When we come back, we will have my fanfare song. Ronnie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Ronnie? Hey, Grace, thanks as always for taking the call. Of course. Oh, I can still hear that wonderful news, Zach. That is wonderful. That is lovely. You got me, Grace? Yeah, I got you, Ronnie. What have you got going on? I just wanted to say, the last time we spoke was a day before the debate, and why did that call age well? I mean, Biden was even worse than we thought, and Trump was every bit as measured and empathetic as we'd hoped. But what I wanted to add is that the problem that I'm seeing with Democrats is that someone with dementia, the worst thing that you can do is pile on stress for them, and they're forcing Biden to do things that he's not capable of and doesn't want to do. And it's even creating more scandals because Stephanopoulos was a pre-recorded interview, and that's the best they could make him look after editing. And then, you know, two interviews that he did with Black hosts, and it was exposed that everything with all the questions were spoon-fed. Hey, Ronnie, Ronnie, can I ask you, were you the one who called in and told us that Trump should approach it like someone who's taken away their parents' keys? Yes, empathetic. Yes. Yeah, Ronnie, that was an A-plus call, and you're right, at age perfectly. We'll be right back, thanks for the call, Ronnie, don't go anywhere. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show, man. We have covered a lot today. We've covered the Canton Carnival. We have covered Joe Biden, George Clooney, the kind of changing of the tides here. People are turning on Joe at a rapid rate, mostly in Hollywood. Michael Moore, Meathead, Rob Reiner. I don't think any of those stung as much as George Clooney. I mean, he's a true A-lister. He's got up to Keela Company. I don't know if he's sold it, but he's cool, you know, he's a cool guy, like Joe Biden. That's what they have in common. They're cool. And now he wrote in The New York Times, he doesn't think Joe's that cool anymore. He doesn't want to be friends with Joe. He doesn't want Joe to sit at their table anymore. And I just think that must sting for Joe. We've also talked a lot about the Donald Trump Joe Biden golf match, which has been proposed. I'm on board with that. And I have a very serious story I'm going to get into. Good chance. Do you want to play golf? In a second. But Taylor, I gave you some homework in the last segment. Joe Biden has fanfare for the First Lady. Taylor Cormier has tuba for Taylor. What is my song? So much like Dr. Jill, you requested that your underlings create. My minions. Create some sort of orchestration for you. This is what I think would be your entrance theme. [MUSIC] Instrumental orchestral. All I want for Christmas is you. I love it. 10 out of 10, you passed with flying colors, wonderful job. Because what you love to do is take any song, any song, and transpose it into all I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey. You know what's so weird is I told someone that this weekend. I said, oh, do you know a talent I have? Like a party trick. Yeah. And I did it. And the person said that's not a talent. That person might as well have been me. I've told you that before. And I can't do it on the spot. That's the other thing. Like, you know what I mean? I have to be in the right zone. If I did it right now, I'd embarrass myself. And I don't want to do that. But just know that someday I will, someday I'll show you guys the magic. All right. So there is a big story today in the daily wire and it's by Luke Rosiac. He's one of my favorite journalists. And I want to read you this. It is incredibly scary what's happening at our border. We know that. And something that a narrative that's been pushed by the Biden administration and by the media is that Joe Biden is essentially undoing all of the border security and all of the policies that Trump had enacted on our southern border is somehow compassionate or humane. And you'll remember that when Trump was president and Julia Roberts and George Clooney were up in arms about all these things, the scandal du jour at one point was kids in cages. That was that was such a big deal that AOC put on a white jumpsuit and red lipstick. And she went to the border. She went to a parking lot and she took a bunch of posed photos. Like it was one of her vote cover shoots. And of her crying by offense. That's how horrible this kids in cages scandal was. And it was so bad that actually I think Trump at the urging of Melania ended up addressing the issue. There was a lot of things where Trump would ignore the mainstream media and their meltdowns. But on this one, he got so much blowback for this, which was really a lot of it was over the top exaggerations like they would show pictures of the Obama administration having kids in cages. They would attribute those pictures to Trump. It was a lot of fake news that became this giant story. Elizabeth Warren started saying, you're tearing the mamas from the babies, the family separation. And it was much ado about nothing. And especially when you compare it to the circumstances and the conditions that families and children and women are in on our southern border right now. So let me read you a little bit of this from Luke Rosiac. I included it in graces recommended reading. So I highly suggest that you read this yourself. The Department of Human Services has lost at least 85,000 children who crossed the border illegally as unaccompanied minors after placing them with sponsors who may be trafficking the children into prostitution or forced labor according to multiple government whistleblowers. Now if these whistleblowers were blowing the whistle on a Republican administration, they would be vidmins. They would be heroes. They would be on curb. Your enthusiasm. They would be writing books. You name it. But because their government whistleblowers who are exposing the danger and the incompetence of the Biden administration, they will be, I'm sure, described as like traders or, you know, untrustworthy figures, whistleblowers assigned to process minors near the border so that children were being placed with people who clearly were not their relatives. And when there was evidence of abuse and trafficking, I always thought about this with the family separation. Like they would say when I say they, I mean the left, the media, the Democrats, they got all up in arms about the fact that Trump was separating men from children or, you know, separating children. And then a lot of times these families were reunited, but they needed to vet these people and make sure that you didn't just take a kid from your home country and know that was going to be a ticket into America and bring them in and hope that you could just get through. And then here you are a single male with this child and we don't know who you are. That was exactly why there was a separation policy to figure out who these children were. And if they were with their biological or, you know, if they were with their family members. And now we're finding out that a lot of them are not. A lot of them are victims of human trafficking. And they come into the country and there is no vetting whatsoever. One whistleblower assigned to process minors near the border said that after a group alerted supervisors to the fact that children were being placed with people who clearly were not their relatives and that there was evidence of sadistic abuse. The Biden administration's DHS office of refugee resettlement that's ORR took her off the job and retaliated against her instead of acting on the facts they had uncovered. So you don't punish, for example, the gang members who are becoming sponsors of these unaccompanied minors. You don't punish those people. You punish the person at the border who is alerting the government to this gross abuse. That's the person who gets tossed off. The Biden administration apparently shoveled children out to the homes of poorly vetted volunteers as fast as it could to avoid holding them in secure facilities. Joe Biden had painted those as his rival Donald Trump, putting kids in cages and wanted to avoid those optics at all costs. I just want you all to keep that in mind because a lot of times these politicians, these progressive politicians, especially these radical politicians, they want you to believe that they are the compassionate ones and that they really care about kids. When they do this, if there's a school shooting, you had Jamal Bowman who thank God is no longer in office, but he was screaming at Thomas Massey. You always have this idea that like, we are the ones who don't, we're killing kids or if you don't support gender-referring healthcare, if you don't support mutilation, you're killing, you want these kids to die, you want these kids to kill themselves and it's such baloney. It's such false rhetoric. But I think that looking at this and hearing that they knew there were 85,000 unaccompanied minors, they were sending them off to predators. They were sending them off to people who are not their family. They were sending them off to gang members and they didn't care because of the optics. That is all that Joe Biden and anyone in his administration cares about. They send out trial balloons, they follow on Twitter, they look at polls. There is no moral compass. I know George Clooney likes his character. He thinks he's a great guy. There's no moral compass that is directing this man. He just doesn't want people to not like him in the same way they didn't like Donald Trump. Donald Trump put kids in cages. I don't want to put kids in cages. That's all it is. But Biden's alternative, as detailed by government employees tasked with personally interacting with those children, was far less humane. 500,000 children were flown or bused to the homes of people who were sometimes strangers. The Biden administration loosened rules on background checks. DHS's oversight amounted to a single phone call to the children 30 days later. By that time, many of the children could not be reached. They were simply missing. Where are all the advocates who claim to care so much about kids? Do you not care because they're not from here? Is that why you don't care that they're just missing? Does it not matter because they're brown children? Like I'm seriously wondering because that's what Republicans are accused of all the time, is that we're not compassionate because we don't want people to be able to flood the border and come over here. So why don't you care about finding these kids? This is the demographic you claim to care so much about. Tara Lee Roddess, this is unbelievable. She's had a 20-year career in the federal government. And do you remember a few years ago the federal government was asking people they were looking for basically volunteers and they were calling on employees from any agency because the border was such a mess. They basically send out like a memo. We'll take anyone who can help us. So Roddess, this woman, Tara Lee, she spoke Spanish and her husband is from El Salvador. So she figured I'll go and I'll help the kids who are coming in through the border. So she worked at this processing center and she processed 8,300 miners. Her career is in training government investigators. And when she got there all she saw were red flags. One 16-year-old Guatemalan girl was named Carmen and she was sent by the Biden administration to live with someone who claimed to be her brother. But pictures on social media showed him touching her sexually. It was clear her sponsor was not her brother. Carmen was advertised on the sponsor's social media with her shirt on button looking drugged up. Her sponsor also posted child pornography to social media. And was for sale, Roddess said. "What keeps me up at night is wondering if Carmen is safe." Other children returned over to live with known gang members. She said, "A far cry from the careful vetting involved in the typical adoption process." In September 2021, she sent an urgent do-not-release advisory warning to the agency not to release a particular child who was slated to be sent to a known gang member. But it knowingly did so anyway. When I reported the MS-13 case and provided evidence that other MS-13 gang members were sponsoring children, O.R.R., the refugee organization, retaliated against me. Days after flagging the gang-affiliated sponsors, she, not the gang members, was placed under investigation and physically escorted off the job. Deborah White, another HHS whistleblower, said that the agency was ill-equipped to investigate red flags about things that could harm children, and they deliberately kept their heads in the sand. "Children are not going to their parents. Children were being trafficked with billions of taxpayer dollars by a contractor failing to vet sponsors and process children safely, with government officials complicit in it," she said, "adding that it will haunt me for the rest of my life. We never saw sponsors face-to-face and fake documents were rampant. When we questioned documents, the Office of Refugee Resettlement leadership said, "You're not a fake ID expert and your job is to not investigate the sponsor. Your job is to reunify the children with the sponsor." And here's the last thing I'll say, and then we got to go to break. Contacting the Guatemalan consulate in regard to fake documents resulted in a reprimand. When I checked on a child's welfare at another facility, I was told, "Don't do that again. Since these children leave here, they are gone and they are no longer your responsibility." This is one of the most disturbing stories I've read in regards to the Biden administration in regards to our border, and I think my prediction here would be by Friday. This is going to be everywhere. Maybe not CNN and NBC. They don't like to report on things that don't look good for Joe Biden, but who knows? That's changing a lot now, too. This is a huge, huge story by Luke Rosiac. You should all check it out. Last time I visited Perfect Smiles, I had a few things on my mind. One, a teeth cleaning. I knew that that would be easy. Lori is the best in the business. She is a pro. She always does an excellent job. I never have to worry about that. Two, my jaw was hurting me. I've always had TM. Well, not always, but last few years I've had TMJ. Usually, I get a little Botox, it does the trick. This time, there was something else going on. Dr. Houghton checked it out, and it was actually an issue with my bite. He was able to figure it out very quickly and painlessly, which I always appreciate. He gave me some much needed relief. Three, as I explained recently, and I've actually received some emails about this from other people, my bottom teeth are a little tiny bit crooked. I don't like, they just need a little tweak. I talked to Dr. Houghton, talked to Dr. Tam, who's an expert in all things in Visiline. 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So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Why does Biden keep saying if Trump will carry his own bag? Does he think that carrying your own bag is like a sign that you're a man of the people? I don't know what he means by that. He challenged him twice, and then Trump finally responded, and then he says, "I don't have time for this." Why did you say it? It's almost like he doesn't remember what he said, twice. Now, he's saying it's antics, like these crazy antics that he's up to, but you're right. He started it. Right. And now there's a million dollars on the line. Yeah, I wonder if his old man ever said, "Son, never let your mouth write a check that your rear end can't get out." I don't think Joe Biden's father said that, although he did give out a lot of advice, so who knows? Perhaps he did. Howie, I wanted to get your take on what's going on. We got the fourth juror now coming out in this Caron retrial saying essentially what the other three said, which is we voted unanimously to acquit her on two of the three charges. What does this do, if anything, to where we're at now? Well, the fact is that no one knows. I mean, we're in uncharted waters here, and Morrissey hasn't even issued a statement on any of these cases, so I don't know what they're going to do. How could they go forward with this? And now Kevin Albert has been suspended, but he's still been suspended with pay, so I guess when he and Proctor work on the cold cases, he's going to have to buy the cold case this time. They don't write that in a lot of the stories, the with-pay part, I've noticed. I think that's an important detail. At least if I was suspended, I'd want to know, is it with-pay or without-pay? If you're going to be suspended with-pay, would you rather be suspended with-pay in the middle of the summer or the middle of the winter? Middle of the summer for sure. Yeah, I think this is kind of the silver lining. Yeah, so back to what they're going to do about these jurors now. When I talked to Mark Bettero, he said, "Karen Reed is entitled to those two verdicts," and you mentioned double jeopardy in your column from two days ago. Yes. Did that factor in? Is there a way that she can still claim these two verdicts, even though time has passed? Yeah, I mean, I think they're going to appeal this, obviously, you know, this is a miscarriage of justice, the fact that they had these two verdicts, and they didn't-they weren't allowed to give them. I mean, it's-you know, there's four jurors now that were, what, three jurors the other day. You know, by the end of the week, there's going to be five or six, maybe more. And this latest juror that talked to Alan Jackson, there was no uncertainty. He said, "All 12 will tell you this." Yeah, and all 12 are always satisfied. And they were together for two months. I mean, I think they kind of got to know each other a little bit. They're on a group chat now. That's what I've heard, that they all have a giant group chat. Now, you mentioned Morrissey hasn't made any comments about this, but have you reached out to him? Because I think then he might tell us more. No, I haven't. I just, you know, I wanted to approach him today at the Dunkin Donuts when I noticed there were no Boston creams left, so I knew he'd been there ahead of me. Howie Cars coming up next. You've got a great show plan. You don't want to miss it. So stay tuned. I'll be back tomorrow for our Thursday show. Thanks for listening. All right, we're done. [music] (upbeat music)