The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Canton Carnival Continues plus Ben Shapiro Destroys Eric Swalwell | 7.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Rep. Eric Swalwell is going after Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire as he testifies before Congress. Aren't there more important things for our elected officials to be doing? Grace breaks down the latest in Washington as well as close to home in Canton, MA.

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace. - That's how you don't? - Especially Grace, Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone. President Joe Biden is speaking now in DC and he is reporting that NATO is stronger than it has ever been. Consider the source, as Alec Baldwin might say, but joining us now to talk about Joe Biden to talk about anti-Israel protests in the United States and also to talk a little bit about the recent election in France is Jake Novak. Jake, thank you so much for coming on the Grace Curly Show. I'm gonna let you start off by giving us your take on this sudden about phase from really everyone, whether it's Hollywood, whether it's DC. It seems like the dam is breaking. The left has no subtlety in this case that they rarely do. It's very obvious that someone gave them the okay that the knives can be out for Joe Biden. What do you make of it as we get closer to this election? What do you predict is going to happen and how is the Biden team dealing with all of this turmoil? - Well, first of all, Grace, great to join you again. Always great coming on the show. What's happening right now everyone is that the Democrats are having two revelations simultaneously and they're both very much in conflict with each other, but the truth is the truth. The Democrats are coming to the more and more of them coming to the revelation that Joe Biden can't win. They're starting to realize this on Moss, but they're also coming to the revelation that they can't get rid of the guy. Now, that's a tough place to be. They're stuck with this losing horse. Now, there's a small chance that they could replace them. Logistically, it was always a nightmare to do. The time to do it when they could have done it and it would have been a heavy lift then too, was right after the midterm elections in 2022. And then certainly just before he made the official announcement that he was running again, that was in April of 2023. After that, the point really, it was a point of no return. So what's going on here now? Like, right, has someone given them the okay to say he can lose, what's happening right now is CYA. Basically, what you're having is you got people like Pelosi and Bennett and a bunch of the down ballot Democrats who aren't willing to try to thread that needle and get that one or two percent chance of being able to replace them without burning the whole country down somehow. But they want to be able to say, "You see, we call for this," so that after he loses in November, they can say, "I told you so. I told you you couldn't win." So they're not willing to do that heavy lifting. And what happens when you have a loser at the top of a ticket for a party is at some point, the party leaders say to the people who are running for Congress and for governor's offices, they say, "Go run your race." And by the way, I think that's what they're telling the donors too, Grace. I think they're telling the big donors, like, "Hey, you're a lukewarm on Joe. We understand why. Do us a favor and pour money into this congressional campaign or that governor's race, whatever you're going to do." So that's what we're seeing right now. And again, it's a heck of a place to be when you say to yourself, "We can't win with this guy, but we also can't replace him." But we're seeing this in real time. This is amazing as we see it in real time unfolding in front of our own faces. And it's not even really in a dark, smoky room somewhere. We're seeing it on national TV and on the radio. It's really interesting. Yeah, and something that I noticed today was in Politico. I think it was like West Wing playbook. They were talking about how as much as the narrative has changed around Joe Biden, it was very drastic. People have whiplash from how quickly they've changed their tune. He went from a Socratic thinker to Whoopi Goldberg saying, "I don't really care if he boops his pants." That's how drastic the pendulum has swung. But the part of this that political pointed out that I was curious about is that the Democrats in politics, like the actual, the Congress people, they've pretty much saved maybe seven or eight people stuck by Joe Biden. And it might be Jake lukewarm. Like not everybody's going out there now pretending that he's solving equations on the walls, but they are still backing him to a degree. And one of the people who has been a little bit more outspoken about her support is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Why do you think that is? Why are some of the heavy hitters in the Democrat party still sticking by Joe? - So I think that it's interesting. One of the things I noticed that throughout this entire drama, since the debate debacle, all of the scenarios and all of the talk within the Democratic Party did not include, notably did not include the squad, did not include the far left folks like AOC. - Right. - And I was thinking to myself, boy, they better come up with some kind of scenario that includes them or they're going to revolt. I think AOC made a pretty smart move the other day to be the one to kind of use her support for Biden, that statement that she made the other day, to remind everybody that they exist. You better deal with us. So in other words, if they're going to, again, they're gonna try this heavy lift of getting rid of Joe Biden. There better be a running may, you know, a VP position or something like that for one of the members of the squad or one of the squad-approved people. That's one thing, but it's also a note to the donors. Listen, donors, don't think that you're going to get away with just sort of supporting the Nancy Pelosi's and these people who are easily gonna win reelection. Now that you've got this money freed up, remember that we stayed loyal to the party. We stayed loyal to the guy that you say you wanted to support but couldn't anymore. And then you've got all this money in your pocket. You better start giving us money. I don't know if that's going to work, but that was a pretty smart move by AOC, just to remind everybody that the squad still is there. They still exist and they've had this terrible loss with the defeat of Jamal Bowman and the Democratic primary here in New York. And they're kind of reeling from that. But I think that this was a, hey, don't forget us moment. And it probably wasn't the dumbest one in the world from someone who is not that smart. That was a pretty smart move. - Yeah, I've always found it fascinating how AOC who claims to be, you know, a feminist and the voice for minorities and for vulnerable people. How she backs the Bidens and Hunter, especially, you know, so passionately. I always found that to be in Congress with what she claims to be. But, you know, at the end of the day, she's a hypocrite, so it does make sense in that way. Jake, I did want to ask you, and I don't even know what kind of question this is 'cause I'm going to sound like a tin foil hatter here, but the closer we get, and I'm hearing different, like Senator, for example, Michael Bennett, okay, from Colorado. He's on CNN talking about the trajectory, talking about the path to victory and how he actually thinks Trump could win in a landslide. There was an article yesterday in the Washington Examiner about how Trump could win the House and the Senate and all of these stories, while they should make me feel good, right? They should make me feel confident. I get nervous about what stunts the Democrats are going to pull as they get increasingly desperate heading into this election. Do you think that's unfounded? Am I being a little paranoid? Or do you think that's something that other people are feeling as well, is like, the closer they get, the more dire their situation seems, they're going to really start unleashing whatever they want on the Republicans. - Well, no, you're not unfounded in doing that, and by the way, this is why, and I told you this a couple of times, I really wish the Trump campaign would continue to use and only and exclusively use the two big to rigs campaign slogan. I think it's the best campaign slogan of all time, and it really is apropos now, but there's good news and bad news on that front. The good news for the Republicans is, as much as the Democrats have an infrastructure to pull shenanigans, to do the mail-in ballots, I saw a huge ballot dump box in Cleveland, I was in Cleveland this weekend, and I'm thinking to myself, boy, you could really fit 500,000 ballots in that box easily, you know? And I was thinking about that. But the good news is, despite all of that, it takes a lot of enthusiasm for the people to do all that kind of stuff, to get ballot harvesters to go into the neighborhoods, to get people to warehouse these ballots and drive them into the middle of the night. You gotta have something, and now I think what fueled that in 2020 was that intense hatred of Donald Trump, which is still exists for a lot of Democrats, but I don't think it's as strong as it was four years ago. And it also takes a little bit of an acceptance of an feeling that you got a good candidate, you know? I don't think anyone voted for Joe Biden four years ago, but I think they felt like, well, he's okay, and I like an okay guy. They can't say that now, so I think that there's that. But the bad news is, yes, what you're seeing from Bennett and from Pelosi today is the shift to the down ballot, focusing on down ballot. Now they're gonna say to themselves, well, we're gonna lose the White House, let's do what we can now. Maybe we should focus all of our funny business on the congressional elections, which I think they certainly did, for example, to John James and the Michigan Senate race, you know, four years ago, things like, they can do this stuff like that. But again, that too takes enthusiasm at the top of the ticket. So you're right to be cautious, grace, and to not be overconfident. But just remember, you've got to have some fuel for those kinds of tricks. There's got to be a motivated group of folks to do this. And Joe Biden is clearly not motivating anybody. So it's one of those things where it's like, keep an eye on it, but they don't have the juice they had four years ago, not by far. - Yeah, that's a really good point. Now, Jake, we have two other topics that I really want to get in here before we wrap it up. When the anti-Israel protest started taking over the country, specifically in these ultra-liberal universities, there was a question that kept coming up from a lot of very smart conservatives. I've had Libby Emmons on the show. I've had you on the show. And people were asking, you know, who's paying for this? A lot of these tents, they all look the same. There's a lot of snacks involved. There's a lot of logistics that seem like it requires some sort of funding. Where's this money coming from? And I saw today that on social media, you have been reposting stories that kind of answer that question. - Yeah, I told you and I told a bunch of you, it's coming from Iran indirectly through Qatar and indirectly through a bunch of other organizations. And I remember, I think saying to you and a bunch of other people, and quoting the great Gerardo from the great Rico Swabe hip hop song, that this was a Rico case because these organizations were taking foreign political donations, and using them for protests, sometimes violent protests all over the country. And that's a Rico case. If we had a real attorney general, they would have a lot of juice to go after these organizations via the Iranian and Qataric connection. And now you have confirmation from the Biden administration of all groups that a lot of this money was coming from Iran. And again, everyone should understand, while Iran is not the largest country, while Iran is not even the greatest military power, they have something that even the Soviet Union didn't have in the Cold War. And that is cash flow. They have a massive amount of cash flow. And even if they do it at a loss once in a while, they have an ability to fund not only stuff like that, but I think they're also paying off agents within this administration and the State Department, probably the Justice Department too. And that's the answer. I mean, and you knew it. And there have been some people who did better research than I did and actually named the American organizations that were the conduits for this Iranian and Qatari money. But I always knew it was coming from Iran. And we'll see. I doubt this Justice Department will do a darn thing about it. But there's a really good reco case. We could put a lot of these organizations out of business and some of their leaders in jail if we had a real attorney general who was looking to do that and not stopping the Latin mass, you know, if he had any priority. - Right, I was gonna say this Justice Department is a little bit more concerned with mean memes about Hillary Clinton arm wrestling Jesus or something like that. Hey, I wanted to get one more thing in here, Jay, 'cause you are just a wealth of knowledge on so many different topics. Can you give us a little rundown of what's going on in France? I want to read a quote here from NBC. Macron gambled that his decision to call snap elections would give France a moment of clarification, but the outcome showed the opposite. So now what they're saying is that this move by Macron actually is risking kind of throwing the whole economy into paralysis. Give us a quick summary if you can of what's going on. - Well, the easiest way to summarize it is that France now has a stalemated government, but despite that stalemate, the far left party now has a lot more power than they did before the election. And Macron, as much as the left as he is, is not a member of that far left as party. This is the far left this party that is extremely anti-Semitic, so bad that the chief rabbi of Paris has now advised all Jews to leave France. It's an incredible statement to make. This isn't just like one local rabbi. This is the chief rabbi of Paris. And this group has this power. So basically, and it's also kind of like the movie The Purge, that now you have a government in France that has a majority of the group there, even though it's stalemated on other issues, that believes that some of the massive riots that the Muslim migrants and stuff like that have every once in a while, it's a good idea. Let's let them do this. Let them burn a few hundred cars every couple of months and then we'll have peace, which of course is a ridiculous policy. It will destroy France. It will just with the left of it. Macron was trying to get a victory for his own party by hoping to make the far right party in France or the right wing party look bad. He wasn't able to do that because the far right party in France has become much, much more moderate in the eyes of the public. It's a lot less. They're not really anti-Semitic anymore, the far right party. They're very supportive of Israel, for example, and they're against the migrant crisis. And he was hoping to defeat them somehow. Instead, all he did was empower his other enemies on the far left who happened to be also the enemies of civilization. France is in serious, serious trouble. Forget about the Jews. I think almost everyone should get the heck out of there right now. It doesn't look like it has much of a future. - Yeah, I'm getting a flashback to when Pelosi told that reporter about the squad. It's like five people. You know, even if you're an old school Democrat or if you're a centrist, which I know sometimes people describe Macron as that, if you start making deals with people who wanna eradicate the Jews or who think it's a good idea to set things on fire when they get upset, things can unravel pretty quickly. But that's the risk that Macron took and it doesn't look like it's gonna pay off. Jake Novak, tell people where they can follow you and find you and read all of your excellent work. - Oh, thanks so much. Best place to find me is That's, all right, it was @substack. Sorry, Jake Novak on, you know, on @substack. That's a substack, I have a lot of stuff. Also easy to find me on Twitter, @jakejakeny. That's where I let you know where everything else is all the time. - Awesome, @jakejakeny on Twitter. Thank you very much, sir. We'll talk to you again, hopefully soon. And we will be right back. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. - This is "The Grace Curly Show." (upbeat music) My question to you, sir, can voters trust a presidential candidate who has not won a single Trump International Golf Club trophy at long last, sir, have you no chip shot? - Well, look, I'd be happy to play. I told him it's before when he came into the oval, when he was being before he just sworn in. I said, I'll give you three strokes if you carry your own bag. - He really loves that joke. They love the carry your own bag joke. I guess that's because it's never good if I have to really think about what the joke is. But is the comedic part of that, that Trump's like a snob or that, or is it that he's physically not able to carry his own bag or is that he would make someone else carry it because he would have a caddy because he's an elitist and he's a billionaire? What part of this joke is supposed to be so funny that Biden feels the need to repeat it time and time again? - I don't know, he could come down on either side on that one. - I don't understand, is taking a golf cart not as manly or not as scrappy as Joe likes to be? - It's an added expense. - Yeah, I get, I don't know. But here's what I do know. Trump threw down the gauntlet and said, let's have it. Let's have a challenge. I'll give you, Biden said he'd give Trump three strokes, Trump's saying, I'll give Biden 20 strokes. - And I will even give Joe Biden 10 strokes aside, 10 strokes, that's a lot. That means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. I will give him 10 strokes aside. And if he wins, I will give the charity of his choice. Any charity that he wants, $1 million. - I love it. (crowd cheering) Everybody wins. - And I'll bet you he doesn't take the offer. - Everybody wins. We, the viewers win. They, the golfers, get to play 18 holes. - Yeah, we haven't had the Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg fight. Let's have this. - This is the next best thing. - Please. - This would be amazing. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? Well, I'll tell you what can stop it. The Flip Lock, and that is the answer. And you can get a Flip Lock of your own at half the price when you go to and click store to order now. Taylor, I think it's pretty obvious to people, but what's the poll question? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is would you watch a Trump Biden golf match? No, it's a foolish idea or yes, it would be amazing. - It would be amazing. I'm all for entertainment. - I think it would be amazing to 65% say it would be 35% are losers and suckers. - Yes. - They say no, it's a foolish idea. - Well, haters, losers, suckers. You won't get to enjoy it, but that's, it's the same people who said Trump should have never challenged Biden to a debate. What was he thinking? That was a big misstep. Do you still think it was a misstep? Because from what I can tell, the debate, Kamala Harris said, Joe Biden, when you get knocked down, he's going to get back up. So if she's saying he got knocked down and she says VP, I think it's safe to say it was a good move by Trump. And I would also venture that this could be an even better move by Trump. Bring it on. Be right back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trathria studio. - An additional statement, Chief Raffity has placed Kevin Albert on paid administrative leave, while an outside, please be quiet, while an outside independent investigation is being conducted relative to his actions in a case he investigated with Michael Proctor approximately two years ago. Kevin Albert was placed on leave on June 13th, and will remain on leave until the results of the investigation are provided by the outside independent investigator. - That was from the Canton Select Board Chair, Michael Lockrin announcing at the board meeting that Kevin Albert, Brian Albert's brother, will be placed on leave. Now, Kevin Albert was a Canton police detective, obviously his family, the Alberts, along with the McCabe's Turtle Boy calls them the Mick Alberts, 'cause it's very incestuous. It's kind of this giant blob of people that all seem to know each other. He was drinking with Trooper Proctor, or Proctor Troopa, and he left his badge and his gun in the police car. - Proctor Troopa. - And I wanna listen to this because we played, we should play both of them though. Let's play cut 18 again. This is a flashback to earlier in this trial. This was Alan Jackson questioning Trooper Proctor, and Trooper Proctor was very forthcoming about the night out he had with Kevin Albert. And keep in mind, this is not Kevin Albert's only sin in this situation. He also was coordinating the witness interviews for Trooper Proctor, even though the Canton Police Department had already recused itself from this investigation, which apparently according to Kevin Albert in his actions meant nothing. The recusal was just a formality. Doesn't mean you can't still coordinate the witness interviews. And so I wanna play this, this is cut 18 flashback. - It does. In fact, the two of you got so drunk that Kevin Albert left his badge in your cruiser and couldn't find his gun the next morning, right? - Jackson. - Overall. - I can't speak to any level of intoxication, but I don't recall any of us, either of us being intoxicated. - Got it. So, isn't it true that at 7 on 7/20, July 20th, 2022, the day after, at 839 in the morning, you texted Kevin Albert, quote, "Found your badge in my cruiser this morning." End quote, correct? - Yes. - Then you texted him, "I can leave it in my locker at the gym, drop it off at your station or leave it in my mailbox." Correct? - Correct. - Kevin Albert responds, "My mailbox. Did I take my gun and it included a wince face emoji." Correct? - Correct. - It's interesting in that moment, when I know we talked about the time, the trooper proctor, he can't really recall whether or not they were drinking and he can't speak to the level of intoxication. But the great thing about the fact that he seems to have very fast thumbs is that he's always texting. So even if he can't recall certain things, his phone is able to. That's the beauty of it. What are you smiling about? - I still, this text remind me of morning after text in a romantic way. Like, my pillow still smells like you. - I left my mittens in your kitchen. I'm gonna have to come back and get them. - Your badge is still in my truck. Maybe that's what it was. - It might make you. - It was an excuse for, we're gonna have to get back together at some point and do this all over again. - Thinking of you. - Yeah, I just, the part I don't understand, and we've talked about this before with cops, is that if you're going out and you're partying, they shouldn't be drinking and driving, obviously. I don't think you guys need me to tell you that. But the other part that I just don't understand logistically is why if you're gonna go out and you're gonna misbehave and you're gonna get drunk and I don't know what their drinks of choice were, the alberts, I think, were beer people, because that's why Brian Higgins was so upset when he came to the accident. - Jefferson and Ginger, not whiskey soda. - There was no Jameson and Ginger, and there was only beer. And he looked down, he looked down his nose at that beer. He said, "I'm out of here. "I'm out of here. "I'm heading to the Canton Police Department." - Well, I was kind of being a smart ass. - But if you're aware that you're gonna have a night of revelry and, you know, oh, we're gonna get drinks and we're gonna act a fool. Don't you just leave the gun at your house? Like, don't you leave? I mean, I just think, I go out sometimes and I am not a party girl by any means, but if I'm going out somewhere and I've got like sunglasses and stuff, I try to take the least amount of things with me as possible of value because I don't wanna lose it. If it's a gun, that adds. I've talked to gun owners before. We do two-way Tuesday. People call up and say, "If I even know I'm having a glass of wine "at a restaurant, I'm not gonna carry my gun." These guys are going out, they're getting loaded and they're just leaving the guns around. There's no sense that they treat these weapons with any sort of reverence. - But Grace, they were working a cold case. The stakes were so high. - The stakes were so high and they were drinking a lot. Can I have cut 19, please, Taylor? - So the fact of the matter is, you two got so drunk that he couldn't find his badge and had to ask you the next morning, where his gun was. - Right? - Again, I can't speak to any level of intoxication, whether you just forgot it, I don't know. - Asking you about his BAC triple proctor, I'm asking, have you seen drunk people before? - Yes. - You've been drunk before? - Yes, I have, sir. - We've all been drunk before, right? - Yes. - Was he drunk? Were you drunk that night? - I don't recall, it was a long time ago. - But he loved his badge in your cruiser after a night of drinking, isn't that right? - Yes. - Which means you were drinking and driving in your cruiser. Right? - When I remember we were down the Cape working on on the cold case together and stopped for dinner, had a few beers, and then dropped him off. - Working on the cold case, picked up a cold case, that's just how things work. And you know what, if he was a little bit, that's the thing is you can tell how nervous he is about what he texted, by the way he's answering those questions, because technically speaking, he could have said, we weren't drunk, we had two beers and you know, he happened to have forget his badge and his gun, it's a little far-fetched, but he could say that, but he doesn't even want to commit to that because he doesn't know what text Alan Jackson's gonna read next. He's like, maybe I texted him, hey, remember last night when we were loaded? Like, this is how insane these people are, that he's not even sure, so that's why he has that hesitation to deny it. And that's how you know they were drunk, because he's like, hmm, you know it's reminding me of Nathan Wade when he's trying to think of, how many cabins have I booked? Hmm, and he kind of starts sniffing the air, like he's really furrowed brow, trying to think about it. You know if you were drunk, you know if someone leaves a gun in a badge, unless that's, it's also a situation where you could go, if you're leaving your gun in your badge somewhere and you're not drunk, I really don't know what's worse. Like, you're that inept, that sober, you're leaving your stuff everywhere? I would kind of hope that you're drunk, at least it gives you a little bit of an excuse for being so irresponsible. - Cherish the cabin. - That's just my two cents, now I want to hear yours. Let's go to Peter, your next up on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Peter? - Hi, Grace, what are you doing? - Good, what's up? - I just wanted to respond a little bit, because if you go out with your husband or your spouse and you have one cocktail and you get behind the wheel of a car, you're gonna blow over 0.08. If it's within that hour, depending on the alcohol you drink, these guys were out banging back, Jameson's three four at a time that he testified to. So I mean, clearly he'd be drunk, adebriated, I should say, while driving a police vehicle. I mean, where's the outcry about this? - Yeah, and I think what you're hitting on, Peter, it really applies to so many of the people involved in this case, Brian Higgins, Kevin Albert, Trooper Proctor. They were, Karen Reed, obviously as well. There was so much drunk driving happening in Cannes. It is frightening that these people were all going through the streets, whether they're in their cruisers or in their trucks, and they're going, they're stopping in at the Cannes Police Department, they're driving home, they're having more Jameson and Gingers when they get home, they're pulling into driveways, they're plowing people's driveways for fun, and they're all bombed. I mean, that is, obviously with everything else going on in this case, it kind of gets lost in the shuffle. - Was it necessary to introduce Hennessy XO? - But it doesn't get lost for me. And also something I always thought was weird, was when Brian Higgins was describing his night, and he talks about when he got home, and how he got home, and this is after he has all the Jameson's and Gingers, Jameson and Gingers, and then he goes to the party, the only idea, so he decides to leave, and he stops at the Cannes Police Department, I don't know, he changed his story a couple times, like if he was plowing, the Police Department driveway, or parking lot, or if he was switching cars, I don't know what his deal was there, it was a bit strange. But then he goes home, and he admits that he goes home, and he has more drinks, and then he goes to bed. And the reason I think that's weird, Taylor, is because that's a situation where if you left out that detail, there would really be no way to prove, right? - Yeah, there's no reason to say that you had another drink after a night of drinking. - It just highlights. - Did somebody get a problem? - Yeah, like you had to go home and have two more drinks before you went to bed, and I'm not judging anyone. But it just feels as though if I'm Brian Higgins, and I know that I'm already looking pretty bad in this situation with the phone and the military base and driving around, I leave that part out. I go then I went home and I went to bed. Unless there's a ring camera inside your house that they have access to, I don't think you're gonna get called out on not reporting the two other hard drinks that you had before you hit the couch. And he's like, "Then I hit the couch, and I don't know if I woke up." And then it's just a very sea scene. - I just know if you hit the couch or the bed. - Yeah. - We also talked about how many meals he had that day. They stopped on their way back from New York, got something to eat, had a drink, then they got to what, CF McCarthy's or whatever, they got something to eat there. Oh, no, the hillside, I think. Got something to eat there. Then they went to the waterfall, got something to eat there. And then he went back home and got something to eat and drink again. - I drive by the hillside out my way home from work every day. And obviously now I look at it completely differently. - How does everybody to look there? - How does what? - How does everybody look over there? - Well, I can't see from where I drive, but I can really only see the sign and like a little bit of the building. It's pretty tucked away. But the reason I bring this up is because a couple weeks ago when I was driving by and the hillside's on my left, on the right. And this happens once or twice a year. There's like a carnival situation that gets set up. It's like a bunch of, it's just a big lawn. And they sometimes bring the carnival there. It's a very rinky dank, you know, the creepy kind of rides that kids love to go on. And parents are- - Sketchy rides. - Yeah, parents are very scared when they hop on the rides. Anyway, I was looking at that and I was looking at the hillside and I was thinking. Everyone is happy at the hillside. - Back in the day, this crew could've gone from the waterfall to the hillside straight to the carnival. Fried dough, the spinny games, like, ooh, you get into the weird zipper thing. They would've had a blast. It would've been insane. But yeah, every time I drive by the hillside now, I look it over and I go, wow. And it's one of those things where I'm curious if in Canton, people are, I'm starting to say it like they say it now. Canton. I wonder if they're getting onlookers. Like, do you think there are people now who are going to these spots just to take a look at what? - Oh, there's definitely crime scene tourists. - Do you think so? - Yeah, absolutely. Turtle Boy was one. - Yeah, Turtle Boy was one. But he's so involved in it, you know? I'm curious how much of a- - How much of a stretch. - Business is moving at the hillside. - Yeah, I wonder how far people are coming from to get a glimpse at these places. 'Cause it would be easy for me. I'm like 10 minutes away. - A lot of people have been watching this trial and still are. I'm sure the waterfalls here at McCarthy's, the pizza shop, maybe not the pizza shop, but a lot of these places at the hillside, they're all getting visitors, tourists. - Yeah, so Turtle Boy tweeted, according to the fourth juror, all 12 of them will repeat the same story about acquitting Karen Reid of Murder. They have offered to testify if necessary, which they almost certainly will be asked to do. And this is number 12 on the juror's motion here, or the affidavit, it says juror D further stated, this is Alan Jackson's affidavit about juror D. Juror D further stated that if necessary he or she would agree to testify in order to explain to the court that the juror unanimously reached not guilty verdicts on count one and three, as long as his or her identity remain protected. 844-542-42, so I just want to give everyone that update on what's going on in the Karen Reid trial. We'll be right back, we have so much more to get to. I'm saving this crazy story from the Daily Wire by Luke Rosie Act for the two o'clock hour, 'cause I'm gonna need a long time to kind of walk everyone through this. It is really sickening, but I think it's necessary that we understand what's happening at our border thanks to compassionate, and caring, and humane, and decent Joe Biden. Every time I've had Jessica Vaughn on or really anyone about the border, Bob Price from Breitbart, we've had so many great experts on, that is a recurring theme, is that one of the biggest scams pushed by this administration is that the policies that they've enacted on our border, or more specifically, the policies that they have undone from the Trump administration, everything that they have flipped on its head, could not be further from humane. There's nothing humane about them. They're actually cruel. The incompetence, the corruption, the human trafficking brought to you by this administration is nothing short of abhorrent. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. You're doing it all wrong. You're adding more harmful odors to your home, and you're not getting rid of the bad smell. You're just kind of adding different layers to it. So you need to destroy odors with an even pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. It also works great for pets, right Taylor? - Yeah, I've got a pet. Her name is Gracie. She's not an elderly cat, but she's middle-aged, and she doesn't always hit her target when she's doing her business, and that can cause odors. So the thunderstorm takes care of those odors in the basement. - I hope she's listening right now, and I hope when you get home, she says, where do you get off? - I'm her favorite. - Where do you get off spreading my business all over the airwaves? - I can do your own in her eyes. - Is there, wow, she can't catch a break. There's no privacy in the Cormier household, apparently, but luckily for the Cormier's, they have the Eden Pure thunderstorm that can eliminate the smell. You don't have to worry about it. So whether you have a cat, whether you cook a lot, whether you have tobacco smells, pet smells, musty basement smells, the thunderstorm can get rid of it, and the three pack is the best offer around. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Discount code GRACE3 will be right back with your calls. - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (upbeat music) - This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Something I didn't expect today, I don't really keep track of all of these hearings, 'cause most of the time you just hit clips of it on Twitter. And a lot of the times, whatever the hearings are focused on is pretty vague, and they end up just, it's like two different circus acts going on at the same time. So they'll go to Republican tool ask questions, and then they'll go to Democrats, and nothing really has to do with the other thing, and it all just becomes grandstanding. But once in a while, it's really entertaining grandstanding. And in this case, when you put up Eric Swalwell versus Ben Shapiro, someone's coming unarmed to that battle of wits, and I'll let you guys figure out who it is. And Ben Shapiro is just mopping the floor with Eric Swalwell, and the audience at this hearing that the onlookers are loving it. Can I get a little taste of this? - Perspective, I think it would help us understand on just like a scale of zero to 100%, how much do you support Project 2025? - I think like President Trump, I haven't looked all that deeply at Project 2025, but it seems that Democrats on this committee, sort of like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, if they say Project 2025 enough, their presidential candidate becomes alive again. (audience laughs) - And so, well let's just talk about pieces of it, and I guess you can tell me if you support it. You probably want less bureaucracy, right? - I do. - I want less bureaucracy. You want more efficiency? - I do. - I want less efficiency. You want taxpayer money spent wisely? - I do. Congrats on becoming a Republican. - My parents will be proud. - Freudian slip with Swalwell saying he wants less efficiency. I think that's the only honest thing he said during that. This Project 2025 though, we have more of those cuts and we'll get to them, but I'm glad Ben Shapiro called this out because the Democrats have really lost their subtlety over the last, I would say 10 years. There's nothing, and it's just, it's getting worse. It's like Joe Biden. It's the decline of their ability to have any sort of nuance or subtlety is declining at such a rapid rate. So now they trot out this Project 2025. It's like by the Heritage Foundation, I think it's some sort of plan for, you know, what Republicans want. And this has become the new David Duker. You know, do you disavow Project 25? I don't even know what it is. You just brought it up yesterday. And now it's supposed to disavow this stuff or support it. Or now this is gonna be the new way you're gonna win an election is by like, Beetlejuice 2025, Project 2025, Project 2025. Ooh, it's the new Boogie Man. We'll have more of this and we're gonna talk the border when we come back. - President Swalwell, I'm very happy of what I've written.