The Howie Carr Radio Network

4th Juror Comes Forward in Karen Read Case plus George Clooney Backstabs Biden | 7.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The Karen Read case keeps getting juicier and juicier! Grace received word that yet another juror has come out to report that the jury DID come to a unanimous decision: NOT GUILTY!

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome everyone. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you for joining us on this lovely Wednesday afternoon. I hope your week is going smoothly. I hope it's going by quick. I know mine is and I thank you for joining us and we have plenty of news to get to. I actually, Taylor, can you get another one bites the dust ready? Because I just got a little bit of breaking news and we've been keeping tabs on the people who were turning on Joe Biden. First it was Meathead, Rob Reiner. And that was obviously a blow to the White House. Then it was Michael Moore. And so I started to notice. I'm like, okay, so Hollywood seems to be, you know, delisters and Hollywood seem to be turning on Joe. But for the most part, Democrats are either keeping quiet or they're supporting him. They're, you know, begrudgingly, I'm with Joe. I think it was Clyburn who said I'm riding with Biden. But most people in the Democrat party have not really broken ranks with Joe Biden just yet. But this one I think is gonna hurt Joe the most. Give it to me. ♪ Without a one bite the dustin' ♪ I just saw a Chiron that said George Clooney is saying that Joe Biden is not the same as he was in 2010. ♪ I don't know what to call ♪ ♪ I don't know what to call ♪ ♪ I don't know what bites the dustin' ♪ George Clooney? Clooney, a two George? This is, this is gonna be hard to come back from. But also I should point out that while Fox is running with that quote, that Clooney said he's not the same guy that he was in 2010 or 2012, we all know that. I mean, most people aren't the same people they were in 2010. That doesn't necessarily mean that Clooney has fully betrayed Joe Biden, but that would be pretty incredible. 'Cause he's like the big Hollywood hot shot who does all these fundraisers where Joe comes out of the ground like a Backstreet Boy. So I don't know whether or not we can confirm that he has gone full Benedict Arnold, but this is just a little taste of what's going on in Biden's world. And I would argue that George Clooney turning on Joe would hurt him way more than like a Jim Clyburn. 'Cause he's so-- - I'm proud to be out of touch. And I thank you so much for this. - Not that proud to be out of touch. Or he doesn't want you to think he's that out of touch that he still supports Joe Biden. But I want to start today. We've got a great show planned. We have a story by Luke Rosiac from The Daily Wire and it's an unbelievable story. It's about 85,000 unaccompanied minors that went missing under the cruel and incompetent Biden administration. Now, the details of this story are sickening and I'm guessing it's gonna be dominating the Chirones at least on the few conservative leaning networks that we watch by the end of the week. I think this story is going to blow up. And I did text Luke Rosiac. He's been on the show before. He's a real old school journalist. Like you can tell he spends a long time sourcing these stories, putting them together. And then usually when they come out, it sparks waves of new cycles on whatever story he's reporting on. So I did text him, I said, I can't believe this. This is nuts. And he's in a hearing today, but he's on standby. He said, if I get out of the hearing in time, I'll give you guys a call. And if not, we're definitely gonna have him by tomorrow. But I'm gonna read that whole story. And I don't usually do that, but in this case, it is necessary. Now, also appearing today, Jake Novak, one of my favorite guests, he's joining the show, which means we can really cover anything we want with him because he's knowledgeable on so many different issues. But first I wanted to start today with this story that has captured the nation. And that is an update on Karen Reid. This just broke a fourth juror approached Alan Jackson and reiterated a similar account of how the juror deliberations broke down. And as we mentioned before, the reports from the three jurors, so now this is the fourth, but the three jurors we got prior to today, all said, and they all reached out on their own accord to Karen Reid's team. What? - Only one has reached out until today. The other two were sent in by intermediaries. - Right, right, right. But I'm saying that the narratives that we had from these jurors that they've all confirmed were jurors on this track. - I'm not sure if two or three have confirmed. - Why would they be running with the fourth juror? Fourth juror says, Karen. - The fourth juror that has made comments on the trial ending and how it ended, but I think only two have officially come forward to Alan Jackson's team. - Okay, fair enough, fair enough. But on two of the three charges, the narrative we're getting is that they all agreed that Karen Reid should be acquitted on two of the three charges. Now the jurors, apparently, unanimously agreed that Reid should not be found guilty of second degree murder. Now, I want you to listen to what we heard from this fourth juror. This is defending Karen Reid's supplemental memorandum in support of her motion to dismiss. It says, "As reflected in the attached affidavit of Alan J. Jackson, a fourth deliberating juror has now confirmed that the jury reached not guilty verdicts on count one and count three. Once they were dismissed, many of the jurors appeared uncomfortable with how things ended. Wondering, is anyone going to know that we acquitted Karen Reid on count one and three? No one ever asked about those counts. Juror D. told counsel part of his/her discomfort was that he/she knew that the jury had reached verdicts on two counts and Karen Reid might be retried on those two counts and quote, "That's just not right." Juror D. further stated, "Every one of us will agree and acknowledge that we found Karen Reid not guilty of counts one and three because that's what happened." Now, I did ask Howie, 'cause he's usually my go-to on these things. He sat in a lot of trials before, he's reporting on a lot of trials, and I said, "So what does Judge Canoni do in this situation?" All right, we're done. What is the next course of action? Like, can she, can they go back now and count those two verdicts? Is it too late? Is there a time limit on it? And Howie said, "This is unprecedented and I have no idea." And so we're all kind of in this weird limbo stage where we're waiting to find out more information, but also I just don't think there's anything to base this off of. Like, there's no previous case where you were looking at something similar to this. So I will keep you posted, but another part of this story that I wanted to refresh your memories on is Kevin Albert, because Kevin Albert, the Canton police detective, obviously part of the Albert crew, he has now, he was placed on leave in light of testimony from Massachusetts State police trooper Michael Proctor. And part of my question on this is what part of the testimony do you think sealed the deal? Because some people might wanna argue that this is not something you'd argue. It was a conflict of interest for Michael Proctor to reach out to Kevin Albert, even though Canton police department, they were not supposed to be involved in this investigation. They had recused themselves from the investigation, but trooper Proctor's not really one for the rules, so he didn't care. So he reached out to Kevin Albert in order to figure out how he was going to interview these witnesses. He was like his point person, his coordinator. Now that's an issue, but I think the part of this that really put Kevin Albert in a spot that he couldn't come back from, was when Michael Proctor was telling the court that he and Kevin Albert were out boozing it up and that they got so drunk that Kevin Albert got a little forgetful. And so I just wanna remind everyone of that. As Kevin Albert comes back in the news, it's hard to keep all these people straight. Can I get cut 18, please? - It does. In fact, the two of you got so drunk that Kevin Albert left his badge in your cruiser and couldn't find his gun the next morning, right? - Jackson. - Overall. - I can't speak to any level of intoxication, but I don't recall any of us, either of us being Maxa Hail. - Got it. So, isn't it true that at 7 on 7/20, July 20th, 2022, the day after, at 839 in the morning, you texted Kevin Albert, quote, found your badge in my cruiser this morning. End quote, correct? - Yes. - Then you texted him, I can leave it in my locker at the gym, drop it off at your station or leave it in my mailbox, correct? - Correct. - Kevin Albert responds, my mailbox. Did I take my gun? And it included a wince face emoji, correct? - Correct. - Yeah, that's not a good look. It's really not. And it was announced, it was actually announced at the, by the Kenton Select Board Chair, Michael Lockrin, at the board meeting Tuesday that Albert will remain on leave until the results of the investigation are provided by the outside independent investigator. I don't know why you need to bring in an outside independent investigator. I think they should just have someone from the Kenton Police Department investigate. - Is Michael Lockrin related to- - Lucky. - Lucky, Lockrin. - By the way, things are going in, Ken. I would say probably, I wouldn't put it, but that makes me trust Michael Lockrin 'cause you know I'm team Lucky. I love Lucky. - This is like Star Wars. Everybody's related to each other somehow. - No, it's like the Kardashian Jenners, you know? You could just do a family tree that just branches out to the rest of humanity. It's like Nick Cannon, who has 15 kids. Eventually everyone's gonna somehow have a connection to a cannon. And this is what we're dealing with in Ken. It's like every single person in one way or another. You know, I was telling how we this. I was on Facebook Marketplace and I was looking, "Oh, you know how I am, Taylor. I like to browse." I was looking last night, looking at grills, actually. I was just checking out some grills. And there was a pretty new one in Kenton. And I was like, "I don't know." - You know what's happened in or around this grill? - Yeah, and it wasn't even next. I'm not trying to disparage Kenton, but it was the person who had put it up. He had kind of a picture where he looked like he was doing the old Kenton, you know where they look like the fight in Irish pose? How all these guys, the Alberts have it and all their photos, where they have like a fist, kind of like a hard-o pose. And I thought, oh, if he's friends with all these people and then I show up coming to get this grill, things could get, someone could get up and someone else's grill if you catch my drift. But yeah, so now you got this guy saying, "We're putting him on leave and we're gonna bring in an independent investigator." Why? Well, why not bring in, why don't you just have Proctor Trooper investigate it? He was there. He probably knows more information about how that night went down than anybody else or bringing someone from the Kenton PD. It's like when, who was it Taylor at NBC, who was in a lot of trouble? He had the button on his desk. - Oh, Matt Lauer. - Matt Lauer. And they said, "Yeah, we're gonna do an independent investigation." I'm like, "I'm sure you are. I'm sure that NBC is going to really comb through this thing and make sure that no stone goes unturned." Of course not. But now they're looking into Kevin Alba. What else do you really need to know if someone is capable of doing their job? I would say if you're a cop and you're leaving your badge and your gun in someone's car and you're getting wasted, so wasted you don't remember and you're asking the next day, that's pretty much all I need to know. I have a pretty good, I don't even need an investigator. It reminds me of one member. The Boston cop went down the slide. It was like that slide in Boston. It was just crazy, crazy steep slide. It shoots out of it like an ice cube. And one of the reporters said to the cop or said to this shower for something, you guys gonna hold an internal investigation? And I was thinking, what's the investigation? Like, you can't go down slides. Like, that's case closed. Try it up. Yeah, I guess we figured it out. In this case, it's like, what do you need to investigate? He left his badge and his gun. He got drunk. He broke the rules as far as coordinating these witnesses. Dare I say, we can rest our case. Here's the silver lining, both Michael Proctor and Kevin Albert can celebrate and relive that night. July 20th, 2022, in 10 days, as they're both on leave, Mr. Albert, we'll be picking up the tab, though. Yeah, but no badges. Is it as fun if there's not a badge or a gun floating around? You know, it kinda takes away something. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls, 844-542-42. So a fourth juror is saying Karen Reed was not guilty of murder, and the death of John O'Keeffe will take your calls on this when we come back. Back to Trooper. Follow Grace on Twitter at G_Curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Damn, George. I wasn't lying. I saw that headline. About George Clooney backing away from Joe Biden. I thought, well, maybe it was, I'll give him the taken out of context, excuse. Maybe he, you know, maybe he prefaced a compliment by saying, hey, he's not the same guy, but I still, I still got his back. No, no, no, no, no, it's worse than I even thought. It's worse than I could have imagined. George Clooney wrote an op-ed in The New York Times, and I'm gonna read you the headline. I love Joe Biden, period. But we need a new nominee, period. That's got to sting. Because as much as Joe Biden, you know, he has the support of Nancy Pelosi kinda. He has the support of Dick Durbin kinda. He has the support of James Clyburn kind of, none of that. I'm telling you right now, I have no evidence of this. I can't prove it, but I'm just telling you in my soul that none of that means anything to him compared to the support of George Clooney. If Julia Roberts comes out today with an op-ed in the Washington Post, I'm gonna have to throw my support behind Joe Biden because someone's gotta go down with this ship. Someone has to have this man's back. This is insane. George Clooney just threw him a fundraiser. How quickly these people turn on each other? He just held a massive fundraiser with Julia Roberts for Joe Biden, like weeks ago. So he felt comfortable enough weeks ago. To put on this, you know, to host this glitzy event and to bring in all this money for Joe Biden. And now, how do you never seen him talk before? So you didn't know when you were in person with Joe Biden for hours on end that he had lost his fastball. But now, since the corporate media has decided it's okay to flip on him, now you bail? You know, we are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood. I just wanna say, with friends like George Clooney, I know I keep saying it, but who needs enemies? These are your friends. These are the people you surround yourself with. And also, I love the, I love Joe Biden, but we need a new nominee. You love him? Why? That right there, I don't trust your instincts. I always like George Clooney, too. The real reason I love George Clooney, if I had to, if I had to really, really, we're gonna let down to one thing. It's Ocean's 11. Ocean's 11 for me is a movie you can watch anytime, anywhere. You can turn it on, it's always gonna hit. It's always great. George Clooney's so handsome, Brad Pitt's so handsome. They've got great music, they've got Elvis, they've got, they're scheming. It's just the perfect movie. It can't go wrong. And I don't wanna hear about the original tailor because I will throw you off this program if you get up on here. - No, this was a good remake. - Okay, thank you. - That movie needed a remake. - I was gonna say, I was gonna say, this could be relationship ending for us. But what I wanna add in here is that this makes me like George Clooney even less. Like, I didn't mind that he was a Joe Biden fanboy. But now knowing that you're so weak, that you're so easily manipulated by those around you that you were just waiting to get the thumbs up to turn on this guy and you're riding up in the New York Times, that's mean girl stuff right there. You'd call me Team Joe at this point. I think I'm the best friend this dude's ever had. These people are soulless. Suddenly, George Stephanopoulos tells you that it's okay not to like Joe Biden and you write an op-ed in the old gray lady. - Man, I can't trust anyone nowadays. I'll be right back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. - A two Clooney. George Clooney is bailing on Joe Biden and you might think, well, who cares? I mean, plenty of people are bailing on Joe Biden. This one means a lot though. This dude was just fundraising for Joe weeks ago. He held like the biggest fundraiser ever for Joe Biden and now he's writing in the New York Times that we all need to open our eyes. He's giving us advice. I wanna read you some of this. This is the headline, I love Joe Biden. I love Joe Biden, but we need a new nominee, George Clooney. I'm a lifelong Democrat. I make no apologies for that. I'm proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He goes on to say how much money he's raised for them. Then he says, I love Joe Biden as a senator, as a vice president and as a president. I consider him a friend and I believe in him. Believe in his character, believe in his morals. Right there, I'm questioning your sanity. What about his morals and his character? Are you so proud of? That's the whole issue with Democrats versus Republicans. When people call up here and they go, "Yeah, yeah, Trump is lying about this. "You're eating Trump should have checked in the porn store." I'm like, I'm not here lecturing you on Trump's great morals. I don't think they're as bad as people make them out to be, but I also don't think he's a saint. These people truly think that Joe Biden is like the second coming. They think he is Jesus Christ's superstar. They think that he is so de-sentence. He's just his old grandfather who wants to lead the country into success. None of those things are true. He's a liar. He's a creep and he's corrupt as the day is long. And so stop bringing up his character. Right there, you've lost me. Right there, I know you're not to be taken seriously. He, then he says, "But the one battle he cannot win "is the fight against time. "None of us can." It's devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden, I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser, was not the Joe big bleeping deal. Oh, sorry, my microphone there. Big bleeping deal, Biden of 2010. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. Now here's a question for George. Why did it take you three weeks, by the way? Why did it take you three weeks? So you hosted this debate and, or I'm sorry, you hosted this fundraiser. You raised all this money. You tell us that it was such a successful fundraiser. It was the single largest fundraiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever. Obama was there, Obama let him off the stage. It actually went viral because right-wing agitators, like me, were talking about it. And that really drove people crazy. You're not supposed to show that cheap fakes. You're taking Joe Biden out of context. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They've since abandoned that lie. But the question for George Clooney is, would you have said anything if the tide hadn't turned? No, and that makes you a coward. Because you're not saying this because it's what you believe. You're saying this because now it's okay to say. Because it's popular. Because you're not going to be, you're not gonna get in trouble from your friends in LA. To me, this is way, way, way worse than like a Whoopi Goldberg. I take Whoopi Goldberg over this. Whoopi Goldberg says, I don't care if he poops his pants. I poop my pants all the time or something along those lines. Don't fact check me on that, Taylor. I know that wasn't the exact quote. If poop in your pants is cool, something like that. But as delusional as Whoopi Goldberg is, as nuts as she is, saying that she doesn't mind if her candidate poops their pants. At least I look at Whoopi Goldberg and I think she's got a shred of loyalty. Like she's committed to this. I don't care if he's pooped his pants. No, she's too far in. She can't leave him now, okay? She brought him, as I say, she brought him to the dance. She's got to dance with him. Might be uncomfortable. So yeah, I have poopy days all the time. Nobody wants to dance with them at this point, okay? We all know that, but these people made their beds and that's part of the deal. And they've pooped in them. They've pooped in them. It was, it was messy. No one wants to go near the beds. It was messy, but this is what they're dealing with. But what George Clooney is doing for some reason is so much worse to me. It's like you would have been totally fine going along to get along, raising all of this money for this moron and not saying anything about it. And you know what? If the media, the night of that debate, if Joy Reid and Nicole Wallace and Chuck Todd and Jonathan Karl and all of these serious people with their serious glasses and their serious notepads, if they had come out after the debate Taylor and said he was wonderful, he met the moment, he was everything we needed him to be, George Clooney would say absolutely nothing. And that is how cowardly he is. That is how unserious he is as a human being. Nobody should be taking advice from this person. Nothing any of you were anyway, but it's like the only thing I ask, George Clooney, it's not that you should hang your head in shame for hosting a fundraiser for this terrible, terrible candidate/president. I don't expect that from you. I don't expect that level of self-awareness. You know what level of self-awareness I would expect that maybe you would stop giving us your two cents? That maybe considering you helped raise money for this buffoon and now you've been so embarrassed by the fact that all your friends are finally admitting how out-to-lunchy is, that maybe that would summon up some sort of common sense where you would say, maybe I'm not that bright. Like maybe my instincts aren't that good. Maybe I'm a phony. Maybe I've been parroting this lie from the same networks I watch day in and day out. Maybe I should take all my money from all my movies and all my tequila companies and shut the bleep up. Maybe I should stop giving people advice on how they should vote. Maybe I should understand that what other people are seeing with their own eyes, I haven't been able to see. I live in a bubble and just stop giving out advice. That's all I ask. That is all I ask. - Well, I mean, it's a lot of second hand embarrassment too. He's got the stink of Biden on his hands because he held a fundraiser for him, raised what, $30 million for him? And I'm sure talking about it and inviting everyone, it's a big hit to your ego and your reputation. If you bring him to your house or wherever this was held and he shows up and he is a nursing home patient and everybody's looking at you saying, I've pledged a lot of cash to this guy. This is your, I'm blaming you. He's got to talk his way out of this. - But now he has this stink of Joe Biden on his hands. Like there's no getting out of that. You have that stink, okay? I don't know if it's the poopy situation or what, but you've got that stink. But now what you all-- - I'm meeting. - But now you also, now you also have the scarlet letter of being a bad friend. You know, and that sounds silly when I'm saying it here. But that really, that to me does say a lot. It's like these people have no decency to their own friends. - Yeah, I think he was Obama's friend. Biden was a third wheel. - Yeah, but that's what he's claiming though. He's claiming that he's, oh, I consider him a friend. I love him. This is not how you treat somebody you love. If you really loved him, you would have told him a long time ago, hey man, that actually was the nicest, most compassionate thing Barack Obama ever did was to say to Joe, you don't have to do this. And I think the only reason he said it was 'cause he didn't want his own skeleton being rehashed and being brought out of the closet because of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. But still, this isn't how you treat a friend. And you know what it really does tell you is the quality of the relationships that Joe Biden has. Tell you people's friends, people's close circle, or even people's acquaintances and the people that come out and support them, they tell you a lot about that person. And the fact that all of the people who Joe Biden love so much, and I'm sure he fawns over George Clooney, I'm sure he feels like, you and me, man, we're both covering the same cloth, you know? We're heart throbs, strong jawlines, the ladies love us. And the fact that this is what his friend would do to him is poetic, truly. Leslie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Leslie? - Hi Grace, welcome back. - First of all, I think Judge Clooney's a moron. And he hangs out with a Barack Obama and Michelle a lot, they're a close friend. And I think he's sort of campaigning for Michelle. I think he's thinking if he can help Michelle get in there, which she has absolutely no experience to be the president of this country. As for Whoopi Goldberg, she's brain dead. She gotta go with Biden to a nursing center. I don't think that Michelle Obama wants it. We've had this conversation many a times on this show. I don't think she wants it. I think that her and Barack Obama, for as much as I can criticize them, I like the way they use their money. Like if I were super, super wealthy, I would be doing the same things they do. I'd go to Hawaii in the winter, I'd go to Martha's Vineyard in the summer, I'd get giant houses, I'd fly around private. And yeah, it doesn't make the massive hypocrites, of course. But do I understand that they're enjoying their, I don't know if you can call it fruits of their labor, there's not much labor involved, but they're enjoying the grift. And I get that, that makes sense to me. I don't think Michelle Obama wants to leave that behind to be at the White House. I don't think she has any interest. And George Clooney didn't mention in this piece all of the other people he wants to hear from. He said, let's hear from Wes Moore and Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom and Jaby Pritzker and others. Let's agree that the candidates not attack one another, but in the short time we have focus on what will make this country soar. What makes this man think that anyone cares? And typically, if he was just coming out with an op-ed tailor and he was a celebrity and he was given his two cents, I've kind of backed off of saying, stick with what you know, the whole shut up and saying thing. Only because to me, there's a level of irony of our candidate is a reality show, TV superstar. So we have a celebrity, so why can't celebrities throw in their two cents? - But he actually did something about it. He was one of those people that was saying those things and then he said, you know what? I'm gonna run and he ran. - Exactly, but the other part of this that I think makes it worse is this isn't just a guy who's saying, this is my political opinion. I really feel as though I need to share it. Again, he was just campaigning for Joe Biden. Why would I listen to anything you have to say? You would have never, ever turned on him if you didn't get the green light from the powers that be in your party. You are weak, you are feckless. - Let's see George run. - Yeah, why don't you run? Why don't you run? He's had a lot of success, he's a good businessman. He had success with Casa Migos. I very much enjoy that tequila. So you won't hear me badmelt that. But I just, I'm loving watching these people turn on each other. It's like, is there no honor among thieves? Absolutely not. 844-542, when we come back, we just talked about George Stephanopoulos and I think it's worth mentioning that George had his interview with Joe Biden and then he was asked about whether or not he thinks Joe can do four more years. And he was honest about it. For once in his life, George Stephanopoulos gave an honest answer. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want it on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day to hear a particular song or show. The same rule applies to real estate. 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JJ Manning knows how to squeeze all of the juice out of the orange. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111, or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111, or go to We have not done the poll question, but I want to tease it 'cause I really wanna get a lot of votes on this one. When we come back, we'll do the poll question and it has to do with a Trump versus Biden golf matchup. Do you think-- - Hey, champ, you wanna play golf? - I noticed that during the debates when the golf subject came up, first of all, it was the most offended Trump was throughout the whole thing. Look, I know somebody was saying to Trump, you have to keep calm. You have to keep calm during this debate. And he did it. He was able to do it. But the one time you really saw him get angry-- - That's the biggest lie you've heard from Joe that he's a six-handy cat. - And there is something relatable about like, this is the hill you guys are gonna die on. And there were people out there, Taylor, who I saw on Twitter going, this is so disgusting, all the things going on in the world. And this is what we're fighting about. I didn't feel that way for, I don't know why, I just kind of, I enjoyed it. I thought it added a little levity to the hour and a half of the debate. And so we'll discuss Trump's latest challenge to Joe Biden and whether or not you think it's gonna go down on the other side. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. - This is The Grace Curly Show. - A lot of the textures are wondering if George Clooney's "Obed" and The New York Times has the fingerprints of one Barack Obama as they are very, very good friends. Yeah, this is probably the closest Barack Obama we'll get to telling Joe Biden to drop out. And he doesn't really have to. Like if I were Barack, I would just, I would do what a lot of Democrats right now in DC are doing, which is just say nothing. You know, when you're driving around, Taylor, and you might be in like a liberal area and there's plenty of signs. They're really not right now, but it gets closer to an election. And there'll be a lot of, for example, Joe Biden's signs. And you know that anyone without a sign on their lawn is voting for Donald Trump because it's that liberal of an enclave. This is the same thing. It's like any Democrat who's not saying, "I'm riding with Joe," or, "I'm riding with Biden. "I'm with Joe, go Joe." What they're really telling us is that they're nervous and that they think Joe should drop out. By not supporting him or not publicly saying you think he should stay in the race, you say it best when you say nothing at all. And you are telling us that you want this guy out. And if I were Barack, I would just say, "Listen guys, I am fully booked. "I can't help with anything. "I'm gonna be on the vineyard. "I'm gonna be in West Hizzberry for a while. "I've got a lot of restaurants I wanna go to. "I appreciate it. "Count me out." - Well, he's done the appearances already, he's done the podcast, he's had his pace. - I've done what I can do. And we know Michelle doesn't wanna fundraise because she's good friends with Hunter Biden's ex-wife, who has a lot of friends, actually. I think she's also friends with Tucker Carlson's wife. And she didn't like the way the Biden's treated, Kathy Bull, or however you say her last name. So I don't think Michelle's too hot on getting out there and campaigning for this train wreck either. Interesting updates. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. This is such a cool device. It's easy to install and it works. You can get a Flip Lock at your own and half the price. So go to and click store to get a Flip Lock of your own. Go to and click store. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results this far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is would you watch a Trump Biden golf match? No, it's a foolish idea. Or yes, it would be amazing. - Can I hear this? Can I have cut seven? This is Trump at his rally in Florida. - I'm also officially challenging Crooked Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. (crowd cheering) Underous, Blumonts are considered one of the greatest tournament golf courses anywhere in the world. One of the great courses of the world. It will be among the most watched sporting events in history, may be bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters. - It will be the greatest game ever played. I would definitely watch this. And by the way, Trump said that he will give Biden 20 strokes and a million dollars will be on the line for charity. So it's almost impossible for Biden to decline this invitation. I mean, a million dollars to charity. That's a big deal. - Especially since Biden has said he'd love to play golf with him any time. - As long as Trump carries his own bag. So they'll both be carrying their own bags. I say yes, I would watch this. - 68% say yes, it would be amazing. 32% say no, it's a foolish idea. - Wait, how many said no, it's a foolish idea? - 32%. - 32% don't want to have any fun. 32% are negative nancies. Why not? Are we that down on entertainment? It would be a beautiful thing to see. I'll pro the golf challenge. We'll be right back. - I've seen this one. I know this one. (upbeat music)