The Howie Carr Radio Network

Even the Animatronic Presidents at Disney move better than Joe | 7.9.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Parkinson's disease expert Dr. Tom Pitts joined NBC to explain the hallmarks of the awful degenerative illness---and how Biden exhibits ALL of them.

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09 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Well, has he neurologized? I'm not talking about anyone in particular, regardless of the identity name of that person. Has any neurologist came to the White House to visit President Biden? That's true, but I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We're heading into World War III, in my opinion, with this man semi-running things, 'cause he's not running things. Everybody knows. He was in charge. I'm making no decisions. Yes. You. Of course. Of course. Wish. And, yeah, we have to win all the things! All the things! All the things! I don't know what we're yelling about! We are the NDA! We are the NDA! I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus! Tears of rage! Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car! Eight-four-four-five-hundred-forty-two-forty-two-six-one-seven-car, those same teachers who are trying to flee are also Marahili's voters. Not all of them! Not all... I don't think all of them. You know, again, the unions, the pinky rings, or in the modern era with the public sector unions, the nose rings that are running the unions, they may be Democrats, but a large percentage of the... of the rank-and-file membership are not insane. I can speak from personal experience, being one of those guys who was a rank-and-file union member for a number of years. Eight-four-four-five-hundred-forty-two-forty-two. Someone just sent me this strange text. I couldn't imagine going through life being married to Michelle Woe. Five-o-eight, who suggested it in the first place? You're trying to bum everybody out? Who thought about it to begin with? So, you know, I don't know what tells going on here. Now, I'm going to try to forget that that text was ever sent. I'm going to try to unthink it. Being married to Michelle Woe. Yikes. All right, time now for the Chumline. [MUSIC] Vote for Joe. He's still alive. [MUSIC] That's about as good as it gets. They said the Dems on Capitol Hill had a meeting today and they said it was like a funeral. Again, I want to play this cut. I was telling the VIPs about this cut where they're talking about how his... the day after, the day after, where the hell is it here? I'll find it. Go ahead and play another one. Joe Biden says all this talk of mental fitness is driving them crazy. Well, quick driving, Joe. You've reached your destination. That's right. He said yesterday we played the cut where he says, this talk about me not having my marbles makes me nuts. Or words, he did say nuts. He didn't say marbles, but... Oh, here it is. This is representative Troy Carter of Louisiana. Listen to his diagnosis of this is doctor Troy Carter, I guess. Come 11. And I suspect that you will not see a performance of what you did Thursday or so ago. You will see the Joe Biden that you saw the next day and that you've seen every single day since that debate. An energized, coherent, well-planned, and understanding the policies that he has worked so hard to make reality, to be able to articulate them off the top. I think that's what you continue to see. If you recall, the very day he had color back in his skin, he was energetic, he was able to speak, and he admitted that he had a bad day and a bad performance. No one's running from that. This president is ready and we stand with him. He had color back in his skin. Yeah, it's amazing what they can do with undertakers now, you know. They can look like they almost have a have a rosy red hand like they've had a couple of glasses of rose before they got into the coffin. He had color back. Case closed, case closed. Today's Chumline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone out of your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Come on, man. People are saying I should step down and leave the race as Vice President of United States Khmera. How am I supposed to do that? Haven't you seen me on stage? I can't step down and I don't know how to leave. I really don't know what he said. I don't think he knows what he said either. Again, Trump is going to be in Dorrell, Florida tonight at seven o'clock. I think I'll be watching this. Right side broadcasting network. Biden Harris 24, because they'll do good or rare. Yeah, that nitwit in the campaign staff, Ducklow, called up Maureen Dowd and said, "No, he didn't say he didn't say good, he said good job." And she said she listened to it ten times, put it up to her ear, and just kept playing it over and over again, and it came out the goodest. You know, usually it is what you hear the first time. And did anyone hear anything other than Goodest? No, no, it was Goodest. Okay, the White House now admits that the Parkinson's disease specialist was at the White House a number of times, but he was only there to score some crack and cocaine. That's a base canard. Or was that Dr. base canard? I went to a dumpster fire and the Democratic National Convention broke up. You know, they're going to have things that they didn't have in '68, like Antifa and Palestinian protesters and the Free Gaza crowd. The only thing they're going to be missing is the Yippies trying to put acid into the reservoir. Although, you know what? They may show up again, too. They may come back in a new form. Today at three o'clock, dementia Joe will be having his ice cream social, and then at four o'clock he'll be napping. Yes, he's supposed to be speaking tonight at five o'clock. And, you know, I just noticed that the news channels just went to a commercial break. I think there'll be several commercial breaks before he actually takes the stand, takes the podium, I should say. 919 says he had his color back. That was spray on hand. There's nothing but poop emanating from Whoopi's mouth for decades. Yeah, if you didn't hear this, I don't know if we need to play all that. Well, let's see, it's a quick wait. Cut 20. I don't care if he's pooped as pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together. Show me he can't do the job. And then I'll say, okay, maybe it's time to go. Show you he can't do the job. What more evidence do you possibly need? Cut 21. So, yeah, I have poopy days all the time. All the, I step in so much pool you can't even imagine. Now, I'm not running the world, but I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point. Does she know Michael Proctor? By the way, Whoopi, you're not running the world. Neither is Joe Biden. Jerry Nadler calls for Joe Biden to drop out of the race, but he quickly changed his mind when Biden offered him a donut. Remember in the last election, Nadler couldn't stand up during the debates. They had to bring him a chair? Nadler is saying that Joe Biden is too unhealthy to continue in office. What does that tell you? How are we? We're well-calling. I can't believe what's happening with this case by adopting a home town. I support Cooper Proctor, and I think he deserves to keep his paycheck in pension. So, out of solidarity, I'm going to work on a cold case. He used to be more of a Jack Daniel Sky. Maybe he'd have a cold case as a chaser, but he's definitely fits in well with the Kent crowd. If someone actually sent me to, I'll try to tweet it out tomorrow. Someone actually sent me that Bill Weld is trying to go on the lecture circuit, and you're not going to believe this. You know what he's asking for? Jerry, you want to think of what Bill Weld is asking for? Not a Jameson in Genja, but that's just a little post-prandial refreshments after the speech. You know how much he's asking? $10,000 to $20,000. Are you kidding? I mean, maybe when he was, you know, fresh off of his somewhat successful governorship, but that was, like, close to 25 years ago now. Riding with Biden, huh? Yeah, it a herst. Slip slide in a way. That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the chump line today. The chump line is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any hour of the day between 1 and 4 p.m. Anyway, Eastern time. The chump line number, if you'd like to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542. Press 2 for the chump line. Leave your message. We may or may not play at this time each weekday if you didn't hear your message just now or you'd like to hear a second brand new chump line every day. You can hear one at around 7 o'clock Eastern time every week night. It's called Chop Chumps. It's where we post all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. And you can get chump chumps wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's chump line is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Riding with Biden, huh? Yeah, it'll hurt. Hey, we're Slips. We're riding down the highway with them. We're riding down. Smooth going. I lose more vets that way. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden Pier even has a pet odor guaranteed to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code Howey3. That's discount code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. The HoweyCar Show. You're listening to The HoweyCar Show. 844-542-42. I get a couple of texts like this one. I thought I was all done when I paid for my kid's college. Now I think I have to start putting a little aside for my grandson's private elementary school. I've gotten two or three texts exactly like that. I don't know. Some of my kids want to keep the kids in public schools. I don't know about that. I put the younger kids in Catholic school to begin with. They've got older. I put them in public schools. The public schools have gone downhill significantly since then, and they continue to go downhill. I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howey at Pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets go to and use code Howey for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who's most likely to be the Democratic nominee? Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, or other. Biden. Joe Biden at 63% now in our poll, 17% for Kamala, 8% for Newsom, and Michelle Obama, 3% for other, 2% for Hillary. All right. 508. The mostly peaceful protest party is now trying to sell us the mostly coherent president. I don't know. That may be a little bit of a stretch, but I'm mostly alive. Semi, the struggling president. So someone just sent me some sound, NBC. I don't know which of the networks, but one of them had a, I saw Peacock in the bottom, so I know it was NBC. He had a Parkinson's expert named Dr. Tom Pitts, and he said without question that Brandon is suffering from a neurodegenerative disease. This Dr. Tom Pitts, again, he identifies himself as a Democrat. Cut 30. It's ironic because he has just classic features of neurodegeneration. I mean, word finding difficulties, and that's not, oh, I couldn't find the word. That's from the generation of the word retrieval area. He's also overcome stuttering, though. Could that, could that be part of that too? No, this is not a palatable issue or a speech discrepancy, which is very different from a lemonade dysfunction actual word retrieval, where you pick a similar question or talk around the issue, plus the rigidity monotone voice. Paging fake tapper. Remember we played the cutter earlier today of him, him dressing down Lara Trump for saying that Joe had a problem. It's a stutter. Clyburn is the same way James Clyburn. It's just a stutter. He overcame it. Doesn't he get some points for his courage? Cut 31, Dr. Tom Pitts. Go back to the rigidity. What do you mean? Oh, rigidity. Lots of arm swing, standing up, lordotically. You notice when he turns, it's kind of end block turning. It's not a quick turn. So that's one of the hallmarks of Parkinson's is rigidity and braided kinesia, slow movement. And he has that hallmark, especially with the low voices that was a cold hypofonia, a small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall. Hypofonia. I just thought he was a phony. I didn't know the clinical term hypofonia. Cut 32. Shuffling gate, we call that, so little steps, loss of arm swing from the rigidity. When we walk, we have a nice cadence. You notice he doesn't really swing his arms and end block turning, meaning he kind of pivots around his foot. If you said, hey, President Biden, he wouldn't go like this. It is like he has blinders on, you know, he has to turn, turn directly around to see what's going on. This is Dr. Tom Pitts on NBC. I repeat NBC News. This is the font of very fake news. Cut 33. This guy is not a hard case. What I've had, I've had relatives who have gone through issues, neurological issues. And I've heard that sometimes Parkinson's is not very easy to nail. You have to take a lot of tests. There's a lot. I mean, it's early on. If you're just present with like hallucinations, that could be a variety of things or just the cognitive problems that could be Alzheimer's versus Parkinsonism. And that becomes a little nebulous. But once you start manifesting the hallmark motor symptoms, right, slow movement, rigidity, mass, facies, hypofonia. I mean, if a med student did not pick Parkinson's on the test. They'd be appreciated. So, so then when he, when he shakes, tries to shake hands with people who aren't there, like he did at NCA and T. It maybe wasn't a ghost. It was a hallucination. That's a, that's a, that's what the doctor said. It's a possibility that he's hallucinating. And when he saw it, when he saw it, remember the Indiana Congresswoman that he asked for? Jackie, what was her name? Is Jackie there? Jackie'd been dead for a month. I see that, people. I'm how we car. I'm not the president. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. People are saying that the people, they on the text line are talking about Michelle Wu because she's on the news break of some of our affiliates. Oh my God, the woman is dumb. This is not breaking news. Okay? I know. She went to Harvard. How can she be dumb? She went to Harvard. Whatever, whatever mentors was the fake Indian. Again, you know, that's, that's in the superseding indictment that she, she worships Elizabeth Warren. 844-542-42. One more cut from Dr. Tom Pitts on NBC News. He's a Parkinson's expert. Cut 34. Let me ask you're a Democrat. You're a doctor. You sound like you're frustrated with what the White House is saying. There. Why? Well, because, you know, I'm an American before everything. And I look at it and say, when I used to see Russia, Soviet Union, North Korea, when they just make outrageous things. You know, like when, when North Korea can't keep the lights on and they say, oh, you know, it was some faulty power thing. I kind of hate that kind of stuff. They have four years. My own party had four years to find, you know, this was a, a, of a wreck in slow motion. And they had four years to find out of 350 Americans one person that could take the place. And here we are the day before school trying to do the homework and replace a guy who's got a neurodegenerative disease. That's, he will not be invited back to NBC. 844-542-42. How dare he compare the Democrat Party and the, and state run media to North Korea? North Korea has, has much more freedom of thought and freedom of expression. Then, then, now they have this project that 2025, supposedly that Trump has involved 900 pages of what they're going to do. He had nothing to do with this. I, I don't know who, who put it together, but it's, it's just, it's just another steel Vassier, a Ukraine phone call, Georgia phone call. Russian disinformation on Hunter Biden's laptop. It's, they just one lie after another. They, they never stop lying. 844-542-42. Remember, the keen mutiny? The strawberries. The strawberries. KJP has the strawberries. It's the letter. Cut 27. I just also asked a little, this is the second time in less than a week where the briefing had prompted a need for a later clarification on questions about the president's health. And I was wondering if you could speak to. So I disagree. I disagree something. It's not. Yesterday, a lot of the things that I said right here in this briefing, I know you were not in the briefing room. I actually, it's in the letter. It was in the letter. It was being incorrectly assumed and insinuated that the president had seen Dr. Kanard more than three times. I said that it was only three times that the president had seen a neurologist. I didn't confirm the name, but I did say it was only three times. Some said his name was Dr. Provericator. Others said it was Dr. Lie. His real name was Dr. Kanard. Bass Kanard. Sounds like a Johnny Quest villain. Dr. Kanard. Again, you, you can't make this stuff up. I never understood that about all the Globe Metro call and this making stuff up. Just, just sit here. Just, just sit in a courtroom, sit in the police station, sit in a car and stuff will come to you. And you don't have to, you don't have to make it up and get into trouble. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So again, KJP, a little defensive here, cut twenty eight. It was being incorrectly assumed and insinuated that the president was being treated for Parkinson. I said right here that the president was not being treated for Parkinson's. I actually went a step further and said he wasn't taking medication for Parkinson's. I said that right here. She, you could trust her. She's not like the others. Mark, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mark. Hey, I don't know if you saw this, but they had a camera shot of Dana Bass and Jake Papper, kind of like the view from Biden and Trump. And Tapper was asking a question and Dana was taking her finger and like trying to point at Tapper as if the direct Joe, like, hey, Joe, don't stare at the blog. Did you see this always? Yeah, I heard, I read about it. I didn't see it. Well, you know what got me was when, you know, they, they had the split screen. So it was, Trump was on screen, even when, when Biden was talking, right? 90% of the time, at least. Except for when there was a wide shot and there weren't many of those. And then Biden told Stephanopoulos, he said he was discombobulated by Trump yelling at him. I mean, that's one of those hallucinations that Dr. Pitts was just talking about, wasn't it? He was yelling at him. I think we would have seen that on the split screen. Would we, Mark? You know, how can people, I love the fact that the doctor said, I'm an American first. And all you fools out there who are Democrats, how can you not care more about your country? Yeah. It's amazing, Holly. I know. Can you imagine that there would ever be a situation in the country where you would have a president who was quite clearly noncompassmentous. And he refuses to leave. And he has a son who's a convicted felon, a crackhead, an income tax evader, who was now his chief aide. And his wife is telling him that he can't leave. I mean, even though there was a hundred years ago, there was a scandal with the Edith Wilson after Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. You know, I remember the good old days when the only problem with Biden is he had an IQ of about 72. Those were the glory days for him. Looking back at it, Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Hey, Howie, thank you for taking my call. I really appreciate it. You've gone on to back to Biden, and I understand that. And but I just wanted to bring up private school and school. I want to I want to Kimball Union Academy. Yes. I wasn't I wasn't the best of students, and I did not make it my four years there. I was I was disciplined and and I asked not to return. And but I have to tell you that I learned I learned more in that institution than I ever learned in my seven years of college. And I'm not a doctor. I know Kimball Union. We played we played them, you know, at Deerfield Academy. I know, not everybody. Not everybody made it through prep school, but, you know, and it wasn't fun to be in to be in school that had had some some academic standards. But, you know, I feel grateful for it, you know, that I could that I can at least read and write. And, you know, I know something about American history. I, you know, I stayed away from physics like I was a Massachusetts state police expert on physics, you know, I ran away from the tough courses, the scientific courses, but I, you know, I learned something I feel bad. I don't know how how is the United States going to compete when you have situations like the earlier caller was talking about where that where nobody in all these public schools in Baltimore can read at a at a at the right grade level. No one could do math. How do we compete against China? How do we compete against any country? And we pay more for public education than than any just about any society, any nation on the planet. And what are we getting? What are we getting? Number one. Let's play cut one again. This is what we're getting for our public education dollars. Here it is. NDA, we have to win all the things, all the things, all the things, our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things, keep going NDA. To preserve our democracy, we must win all the things, delegates, we won't go back. We will keep going forward because we are the NDA. We are the NDA. We are the NDA. And that's what we do. So she can at least spell the acronym anyway. I wouldn't have that money on that. 844-542-42. By the way, the VIPs, I had a great spread today from the Caloon in Saugus, Massachusetts. How was it, guys? It's Boston's premier Asian dining experience. It's on Route 1 North in Saugus, Massachusetts. And they bring in great food for our VIPs every Tuesday. And we really appreciate it. And it's a great, great place. And the Wong family is fantastic. And we thank them for bringing in all that great food. And by the way, we still have some cheap bastard deals left from Cape Tire Service, Inc., your hometown headquarters in Hyannis for professional auto repair and maintenance service. Family owned and operated for 60 years now. They solve automotive problems for drivers across Hyannis, Barnstable, Yarmouth, and surrounding areas. They can get you tires for whatever kind of tires you need, tire, rotation, nitrogen, inflation, car, battery, replacement, air conditioning, transmissions. They do anything you need to help you stay on the road. While supplies last, you can purchase a $500 gift certificate, the Cape Tire Auto Service for just $250. That's a hell of a deal. If you're looking for any kind of service on your car, you can save $250, a $500 gift certificate for just $250. Limit three per order. No returns on this product. Go to and click on store. Paul, you're next with howaycar. Go ahead, Paul. Hey, how are you, Paul? From the end of what I called last week about the over-under on the debate, remember? Yes. We were way off on that because it was more civilized than we thought it was going to be. Trump handled it perfectly. So I wanted to call because I figured out the perfect job for Biden when he's done. Do you ever go to the halt presidents at Disney and you see the animatronic presidents? But they move. Paul, they move. Wouldn't it be better, doesn't Madam Toussaint have a room full of presidents? Wouldn't he be better there? Especially they can put on that. As Congressman for Louisiana said, his color was so nice the next day. Just give him some rouge and powder his cheeks every morning and put on morning Joe and he can just let him watch. He'll move as much as he does in the Oval Office or in the West Wing. Maybe you need some oil like the tin, man. Anybody think of that? I think he didn't. Trump say something during the debate about maybe you'll be a convicted felon when this is all over. You know what I would like to see him? He's committed so many crimes with the big guy and all the shakedowns and everything. I'd like to see him in a post-presidential career of making license plates myself. And I never used to say stuff like that because he would be a political prisoner and I didn't believe in that stuff. But they tried to put Trump in jail. What sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. You can't expect to just go around and try to oppress people and take away their rights and take away their liberty. And then expect them to just say, "Oh, this is not what we do in the United States. Will you people are doing it?" So everybody's going to do it. You're going to do it with any standards for yourself. And guess what? Stand by for everybody else to think there aren't going to be any standards either. 844-500-4242. I'm how we car. [MUSIC] Albie Carr is back. When the United States is attacked on September 11th, our NATO allies, all of you, stood with us. Invoking Article 5 for the first time in NATO history. Treating an attack on us as an attack on all of us. He started NATO, you know. He said that the other day on Morning Joe. He started NATO. He was more than 1942. And I think NATO started in what, '45, '46. So he was a prodigy in his childhood as a toddler. Later on he became dumb as a stump. That's not the way it goes. But with Joe, that's the way it developed. His brain atrophied as he got older. George, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, George. We're rolling on this. We'll have some stuff in the last hour. Go ahead, George. Yeah, great show, Howie. Thanks. All of them. Thank you. It's good that we have all these bike lanes. It's good that we have these bike lanes, George. Because what else would the illegal aliens on the mopeds go for? Where would they go? Go ahead. After we elected President Trump, after their hitman Antifa riot in Washington, that most people didn't see. I remember watching it during the hours of this show. He was speaking, President Trump was speaking, and all of a sudden the Secret Service come in. In the camera range, and he declares an end to the press conference because these Antifa rioters were running a muck. They were vandalizing the church. I think they call it the Church of the Presidents, across the street from the White House. That was not an insurrection, of course. That was just speaking truth to power. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Chris, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Chris. Hey, Howie, is Chris in Portland, Maine? Yes. I'm your biggest fan in Maine, and I put you up there with Rush, IMS, and Morton Down in Junior. Thank you. Thank you. I knew all of those guys in one way or another. Just not well, but I knew them. Yeah, they mentioned you a few times. Anyway, I was a commercial fisherman for twenty-five years, and we knew immediately if we wanted somebody to steer in the boat when we were asleep. Joe Biden is not the man we want at the wheel. If you had a car in a parking lot with no cars in it, like on Christmas Eve, you wouldn't trust him to bring it around to the front of the building, would you? Oh, it's just mind boggling. Yes, you can't make it up. I mean, this is like the Democrat Party national version of taking away Gramps' keys. Yeah, basically, yes. Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's embarrassing, and it's really scary. Yeah. He's wearing a dark suit and a dark tie today, but he's hanging onto the podium like for dear life. He just raised his finger and was shaking at the crowd. It looks like he's going into Grandpa Simpson mode here. He's been speaking for about ten minutes. Anything going on? Nothing too crazy, unfortunately. He's heavily sedated. Yeah, he's getting up about talking about NATO and, you know, findleization and stuff like that, but it's just, it's as NATO greatest hits pretty much. Yeah. Is he finned landizing or sometimes he talks about findleizing? Findleizing comes out of his mouth a little easier. Thanks for the call there, Chris. 844-542-42. Yeah, he's pointing his finger now. Now he's serious. My word is a Biden. Not a joke. Pause to turn the page. Yeah. Not hyperbole. Not hyperbole. I'm speaking off the cuff. How we car? Findleization.