The Howie Carr Radio Network

Ridin' with Biden means driving alongside lots of illegals | 7.9.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Who predicted this uptick in driver's licenses? Who was it? It was Howie Carr. And guess who predicts there will be a massive increase in votes this election cycle from these new drivers.

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09 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Well, has a neurologist. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, regardless of the identity name of that person. Has any neurologist came to the White House to visit President Biden? That's true, but I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We're heading into World War III, in my opinion, with this man semi-running things, because he's not running things. Everybody knows. He was in charge. I'm making no decision. Yes. You. Of course. Of course. Bush. In the air, we have to win all the things! All the things! All the things! I don't know what we're yelling about! We are the N.E.A.! We are the N.E.A.! I'm Spartacus. I'm Spartacus. I'm Spartacus. I'm Spartacus. I'm Spartacus. I'm Spartacus. Tears of rage. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. That's the president of the N.E.A., by the way, Becky Pringle. Pringle potato chips. She's a few chips shy of a jar, I think. What a great recruiting ad for home schooling. Parochial schools, private schools. No schools! Just let them stay at home and watch Arthur. You can see I didn't get my English lessons. We'll play that whole cut for you in just a little bit. 844-542-42. 6 charged with stealing $300,000 in card skimming scheme across southern New England. I'm going to give you a choice of three answers as to who was doing this. A. United States citizens. B. Legal aliens. C. Illegal aliens. You only get one guess. A band. The only surprise is a band of six people from Ireland, Great Britain, and Romania. They're accused of running a major card skimming scheme at banks and stores in Rhode Island and Massachusetts that fleece local victims of more than $300,000. Judging by their last names, it seems that the ones who have a British or Irish citizenship came from Romania originally. They'll have those last names that end in you. There you go. It's the celebration of diversity continuing here in the United States of America, especially in New England. 844-542. Let's just play the Becky Pringle thing. This is the NEA President, Becky Pringle. Why would she say something? Why would she say something like this? Is she the successor to Randy Weingarten or is Randy Weingarten another teacher's union? I don't know. I can't keep up with it. No, I don't want to keep up with it. I'm happy that I don't have to worry about this with my own children anymore, but I worry about my grandchildren. Cut one. NEA, we have to win all the things! All the things! All the things! Our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things! Keep going, NEA! To preserve our democracy, we must win all the things! Delegates, we won't go back! We will keep going forward because we are the NEA! We are the NEA! We are the NEA! And that's what we do! We won't go back. I think she's referring to the classrooms. How did that COVID year-and-a-half off with Zoom classes work out for the, I know it worked out great for the NEA? Because they got all, they got free vacations! They were doing their "classes" from the Caribbean. They were sipping on ice drinks with little umbrellas in them, little pink drinks. Because they were so afraid. They were COVID! It was going to kill everybody! We have to go to the Caribbean to escape and drink frosty mixed cocktails! With small umbrellas in them all day long while we're teaching our classes! And they said that they were comparing this to some speech in a movie. I don't even know what the movie is. Yeah, it's actually from a TV show, The Office. The Office? Yeah, one of the characters, Dwight, one of the paper salesman. He's a crazy homesteader guy. Okay, so let's listen to his speech. Cut 1A. I say, salesmen and women of the world unite. We must never acquiesce, for it is together. Together that we prevail! We must never seed control of the motherland, for it is... Together that we prevail! You know, have you noticed whenever they say they want to preserve democracy, it really means the opposite? Here she is again, Becky Pringle, cut 4. We worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt White House. We did. But the reality is that the seeds that were sewn during that horrible season continue to Germany. A tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt White House that actually wanted us to go to work in the classroom and teach the kids. And do you realize that there are parents out there who want their kids to learn stuff in the schools? That's the kind of tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt parents that we've got to get out. And that's why we thank the FBI for going to all the school board and school committee meetings across the country and writing down the license numbers of all those tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt parents who want their kids to actually learn in schools. And that's why we have to win all the things so that we can go back to the Caribbean for the entire winter months. Damn, I'm in a zone up here! 844-542-42. Can you believe it that I've been accused on the Globe Message Boards of having a bellowing barfly stick? Have they heard Becky Pringle? That is a bellowing barfly stick right there. 844-542-42. Will, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Will. Hey, good afternoon there, Howie. Since election integrity has become not too moron of late, HR 8281 is coming up on the House floor, I think even tomorrow. And we should all be calling our rep to try to get this bill to pass as it would clarify existing law allowing only citizens to vote. And the Democrats, of course, are all trying to block it. Why? It's because it's already a law. And since when does the law stop Democrats? Well, you know, what I don't understand is if the Democrats insist that there is no election fraud, why do they have any problems with trying to outlaw election fraud? Right? It's a crazy thing. It's a crazy thing. An idea is not proof of citizenship. And Democrats are playing it for stupid. No, it's not. We talked about it last night that they're giving out in Massachusetts, among many other states, they're giving out driver's licenses to illegal aliens. And they ask you when you get a driver's license if you want to be registered as a voter in your local city or town hall. And we also discussed why more illegal aliens are not getting the licenses now that they can get them. And, you know, I was told this today by some people who investigate the illegal alien fraud, you know, welfare levels, all kinds of different levels of government. And the reason is because most of these illegal aliens already have driver's licenses. They buy stolen identities from people in Puerto Rico. Or not stolen from people in Puerto Rico. So when they go down and they get their picture taken on the real driver's license, they have facial recognition. And so it's going to pop up that there's already a Juan Valdez who's registered only. He's not a Dominican Fentanyl dealer. He's just a regular Puerto Rican U.S. citizen. So if it shows up, the facial recognition that they're too, it's fraudulent. They could get theoretically, get called into ten-park place in Park Square, Park Plaza for a hearing with a registry of motor vehicles, employee and estate cop. So they don't want to even screw it. I mean, nothing's going to happen to them, you know, since they get away with rape, you know, in these flop houses. They're not going to get, they're not going to get nailed for having fake driver's licenses. But why even go, why even go to the bother of having to put up with that? So that's why they're not, that's why more of them aren't getting the real driver's licenses now. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, five-o-eight, Pringle is a symbol of why the kids are so stupid. Yeah, I know. It's just amazing that they would flaunt it like this. And that again, that they consider it oppression and a threat to democracy if they actually have to go and teach students. It's really astounding. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want, when you want on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day to hear a particular song or show. You can just play me or Grace when you want at the click of a button on your phone. The same rule applies to real estate. 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Howie will be right back after this short break. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. 844-500-42-42. Chip Roy is being interviewed on Fox right now, pushing an act to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. Again, the Democrats don't want that. That's an assault on democracy. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. There's an old saying in "Vino Veritas" in "Wine Truth" in "Dementia Veritas" sometimes. He was telling the truth. He didn't mean to be telling the truth. I'm not the president. 844-500-42-42. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows, I wear their slippers, I dry off with their towels. I love how you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code "Howie" at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code "Howie" for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who's most likely to be the Democratic nominee? Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, or Other. I'm going to say Joe Biden. Up to 62% of the audience now agrees there. 62%. They're riding with Biden right off the road. Kamala Harris at 17%, 8% for Michelle Obama, 7% for Newsom, 3% for Other, and 2% for Hillary Clinton. You people that are voting against Hillary, I hope. Yeah. Arkansas is a real thing, you know. 844-542-42. John from New York, go ahead, John. Howie saw them to a report on this, but I just want to let you know, the Federal Reserve Chairman goes up to the Hill twice a year. He was up there today, and JD Vance asked two really important questions. He asked about the illegal immigration driving housing cost up, and he also asked about the fact that it's driving wages down. The Fed Chairman said, "Well, I'm not really seeing any evidence of that." What? He's not seeing any evidence of that? Especially the housing prices. I mean, you know, we have a declining birth rate. The U.S. is barely above replacement level, and yet the housing prices are still skyrocketing, even as the interest rates go up in most places. I mean, housing prices are going up in most places, even as interest rates rise. What does he think is driving it? Was that a follow-up question from Senator Vance? He didn't really ask the follow-up question, but it was more he's making the statement that that's what's going on. And of course, Powell had no real answer. He didn't really want to get political, but Trump should fire him day one. Yeah, well, I mean, don't they say that Trump hired him, and that's always their excuse, right? Yeah, like they always like to keep around a Republican or two, like Gates in the Department of Defense back when Obama took over. Well, he's a Republican. He's a Republican. Blame him, right? Yeah, Jared can probably get the cuts for it, but the other thing is to, right after Vance was done, Elizabeth Warren had a meltdown. And she just went, you know, crazy. It was almost like somebody stole her TP. What was she having a meltdown? What was she on the warpath about? She was on the warpath about the CEO pay and how the Fed should interview and start regulating bankers pay. Things always work out when the government begins regulating anything, don't they? Yeah, they're doing a pretty good job running the airports, I would say. Her main Republican opponent, a guy named John Deaton, was out there yesterday at the bridges, one of the bridges on Cape Cod, and saying she's been in for 12 years, and we still don't have any funding to rebuild these bridges, which were first constructed in the 1930s. I'm going to get the appeal. How about overpaid professors that use racial fraud to get tenure at Ivy League institutions and then only teach one course and get paid $350,000? Is that a problem? Do you think, John? Did you mention that? Well, it could be Jerome Paltuck, whatever classes in economics, that's the only thing I can do here. Oh, God, well, the radio company I used to work for that's now owned by George Soros, the stock fell to a nickel today. John, a nickel. You're not going to be happy until they actually burn the place down. The entire company is now, they have 200 radio stations in their worth about, I think, about $200,000. You want to pick up a New Yorker radio station? You can get one for $1,000 from Intercom now, if they sell them off at that rate. I could get a cabana where I live, it would cost me more money than the entire company, a cabana at the pool. That is pretty amazing. It just shows you if you let a true market go through, what happens? Yeah, I know the economy is really bad, John, and I understand that, but I'm trying to amuse myself. And one of the ways I'm amusing myself is watching my old radio company, as you say, go up in flames. All right, so you think, is Vance flying down to Florida tonight? There are rumors that Trump is going to announce the vice president candidate tonight, but I don't buy it, but I think he's the favorite. No, I'll tell you why, he's very solid, I really like him, you know, the only thing, the only question is Trump, a metarol from somebody, like, Byron Donald's or Mike Carson, I don't know. Right, yeah, I mean, Ohio looks like it's safely read this year. Thanks for the call, John, I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Being a rule. Chair Powell, the law does not say Jerome Powell and his infinite wisdom should decide if we have a problem with executive compensation. The law passed 14 years ago says executive pay is a problem that threatens the stability of our economy. So write the rules to rein them in. Finally, finally, the other financial regulators have proposed such a rule, but the Fed has not joined. Chair Powell, I understand why the 10 biggest banks in the country like your approach. You let them do whatever they want, but you don't work for the giant banks. You work for the American people. I urge you to do your job. How about we crack down on zero interest loans for racial fraudsters to buy mansions near Harvard Square. Could we do that? Could we force a new law to force racial fraudsters who live in million dollar mansions near Harvard Square that they got with zero interest loans to pay their excise taxes to the city of Cambridge? I'm on the war path about that. She wants to scalp Chair Powell. It sounded almost like she said Chair Powell. Someone said the Powell Powell copy of it now on a used bookstore stand site now cost $39.95. Glad I got my copy early. Me and Tucker Carlson, the only people I know that have copies of it. Is that for a first edition or? You know, oddly it didn't go to a second edition. I'm just sorry I never got it autographed. I tried, but I never have been able to get it autographed. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two five six because of the Clinton motor voter law in Alabama. You must provide a certified birth certificate when you get a new or renew your current drivers license. I bet y'all don't require that in Kami, chucits. Are you kidding? We don't require nothing in Kami, chucits. There was a crackdown today though in the city of Boston. Boston police seized 13 mopeds arrest three suspects during back base scooter enforcement. Scooters are out of control like so many other things in the city of Boston and the state of Massachusetts, Kami, chucits as the Alabama listener calls it. Boston police seized 13 mopeds and arrested three suspects during a recent crackdown on back bay motor scooter violations. One of those arrested was Thomas Gomez hyphen Vera 21. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would, sure you would, yeah. Who allegedly tried to flee officers on his unregistered moped scooter. Boston police said in a statement, officers stopped Gomez Vera to inform him that his moped was unregistered and uninsured and cannot be operated on a public way. While gathering personal belongings off his scooter, Gomez Vera started his scooter and attempted to drive away on the sidewalk. On the sidewalk because that's the way you do things down in the third world hellhole that he comes from. Even the scooter criminals don't use the bike lanes. His scooter contacted too. How did it contact? Did it send him a text message? Or did it run over their foot? Did they contact it? It told me bike the crime scene. While trying to evade officers, his scooter contacted two officers after a brief struggle. He was placed into custody. He is facing several charges, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, failure to obey a lawful command by a police officer, resisting arrest and wait for it. Unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Another illegal alien that didn't bother to get a license, despite the generosity of the gringo population. He was also issued a Massachusetts uniform citation for unregistered motor vehicle, uninsured motor vehicle and marked lane violation. Has his mother been reached for comments? He's a good boy, a very good boy. I think she speaks a different tongue down in us. When we went to go. Officers also arrested Rekep, for that is indeed his name, Rekep Demeral, 28 of Boston, who will be arraigned for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Another one? And operating an uninsured and unregistered motor vehicle? I can't believe this. You almost think that they don't have the interest of, I thought they were just here to do the jobs Americans don't want to do, but they don't seem to be working very hard at doing anything other than stealing motorcycles. 844-500-4242. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead Bob. Yeah Howie, thanks for taking my call. You know, I want to go back to the last episode before the hour. Yes. And I wanted to make you aware of one thing that you may not be aware of. I don't care how many wheelbarrows of your old articles are given to the Pulitzer Prize people, they will never give you one. They would rather vote for Elizabeth Warren voting for Donald Trump. No, they would rather give the Pulitzer Prize to Rekep Demeral and Tomás Gomez-Verra, the two illegal aliens that were arrested in the back bay today. I understand that Bob, but I just want to make the point. You know, if they give Pulitzer Prizes away to newspapers for making stories up, why shouldn't they give one to me for putting out a story that the state-run media wouldn't touch even though they knew it was true? Thanks for the call. Pocahontas wants to pay her property taxes with a string of beads. Again, you know, she didn't pay her excise taxes, excise taxes are not a big thing. And I'm sure she had like an ancient Subaru, you know, when she was dodging her tax, so it was probably $35 to $50 a year. And again, she's making $350,000 a year before she was elected to the Senate for teaching one course a year, one course a year. And she couldn't pay $35 that her fair share, what is it with these people that won't pay their fair shares? You know, that company that's down to a nickel, the radio company I used to work for? Did you know that they have stiffed the little community outside of Philadelphia where they used to have their headquarters lower merrion? They owe them $12 million. This company was run by big-time liberals who always wanted people to pay their fair share. And they were into like recycling and all that kind of stuff. And yet they refused to pay their property taxes, much like Hunter Biden, much like Elizabeth Warren. What is it with these liberals, much like John Kerry for that matter? Not paying his excise taxes on his yacht. I'm a delivery driver. I'm downtown every day, the only people using the bike lanes are the scooter thugs. 781, they lack the enzyme to register the vehicle. Very good. That's from Justin at Boyle Spotty Works. They lack the enzyme to get insurance, too. They lack the enzyme to go and get the moped or the vehicle inspected. 844, I'll bet you though, they don't lack the enzyme to steal catalytic converters out of the cars if they have to. 844, 542, 42, Bill, you're next with. Howie Carr, go ahead, Bill. Yeah, hi there, Howie. I was just going back to the NEA, and Michael Pringle in Baltimore City, 13 high schools. Not one student scored proficient in mathematics, not one. So this is what they do. And there are some schools where the kids haven't done well for five years. Oh, I know. I understand. Yeah, I remember it. You know, someone just texted me and said, you know, the teachers had suddenly had a rash of pregnancies, even the unmarried teachers. And they had a rash of drunk driving accidents during COVID because they were all just screwing around. You know, and it's a fact. And listen, I want to play you this cut, Bill, since you're talking, they, you know, it's all about equity. Cut three that we will not only unite our members, but we will unite this entire nation to reclaim public education as a common good as a foundation of this or any democracy. But you and I know we can't stop there. We have to transform it into something that was never designed to be. A racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student, every student, every student, every student, everyone. For welfare. They're going to, they're going to make, Bill, did you hear that? They're going to make it schools are going to be racially and socially just and equitable. Everyone's going to be equitable. No one's going to know how to read. Do basic math. It's going to be, it's going to be an equitable society, Bill. Come on. That's, that's correct. Except for the people who are taking their kids out of the public schools as quickly as they can, if they can. Yeah, I know. I feel bad for anybody, anybody who can't get their kids out of the public schools. And, you know, that's another thing the Democrats are on the wrong side of. They're on the wrong side of so many things like electric vehicles, a genital mutilation of minors. They're also on the wrong side with charter schools. I mean, people want the, that's what you want. You know, even no matter, you know, how tough of a hard scramble life you've had, you want your kids to have something better. And in many places, the only way to get them something better is to get them the hell out of the public schools and maybe give them a better shot in a charter school. And the Democrats hate charter schools. Why, why is that? Why do the Democrats say they want an educated public, but they hate schools that educate the children. They say they want a preserved democracy, but they want to enable voter fraud. 844-542-42. Edward, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Edward. Hey, Howie. Take my call. Yeah, the, you know, when I heard that woman from the president of the NEA giving her diatribe to her constituents, it sounded like a Nuremberg rally. And then when you just mentioned that these people are the people that teach our children, where do we find the, how can we combat that? I don't know. I mean, I think, I think we just got to get all the kids out of, as many kids as possible out of public schools, you know, just to make charter schools available to, you know, as many people as we can. I know the costs are prohibitive. And, you know, you just got to, and you got to learn to, to keep your kids off social devices and you got to read to the kids. And I try to read them, not, not read to my grandkids. And you, you just got to keep them away from this, this nonsense. Pull them, pull them as far out of this, this crazy society as you can. Good Lord. I don't know. I wish I knew, I wish I had better answers. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Just listen to the, just listen to the dunces, Jesse Waters, man in the street interviews. Yeah, I mean, you, yeah, man in the street interviews, you can always find dumb people. You always could, even when I was in TV, I could find, it was not a big problem to find. But I think it's even easier now. Or let me put it this way, it's probably harder to find someone who's not a dumb person for a man in the street interview. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, seven, seven, four would be much easier to find a list of things that the Democrats are on the right side of issues. Yes, I agree. There aren't many. There aren't, I can't think of any as a matter of fact. Summers in full swing, temperatures are hot, grills are hot, and the deals are hotter than fire at Omaha Steaks. That's right, America's original butcher is heating up the summer with blazing new deals on mouthwater and grilling favorites, guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds. For a limited time, you can get scorching savings on legendary flavor during the hotter than fire sale at Omaha Every package is carefully curated by the flavor experts at Omaha Steaks to deliver an exceptional experience, and they started just $99. Plus, as a bonus to my listeners, get an extra $10 off with promo code Howie at checkout. Omaha Steaks has been operated by the Simon family for five generations, more than a hundred years. That means five generations of family owned expertise, uncompromising quality that you can trust. Every steak, every entree is flashfrows and vacuum sealed and ready when you want to grill. And it's just everything is great from the exquisite steaks and including cuts that you can't normally find outside of steak houses or butcher shops to legendary burgers. Premium pork, air chilled chicken, they have fish, they have sides, they have desserts. Everything at Omaha Steaks is guaranteed to make your summer worth savoring, especially the stuff you could put on the grill. But everything in general. Shop the hotter than fire sale today and get exclusive savings on mouthwatering packages starting at just $99. Plus, get an extra $10 off with promo code Howie at checkout. This offer is only available for a limited time and you're not going to want to miss it, so shop today before these deals go up and smoke. That's Omaha promo code Howie at checkout. I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to policeplotter Facts Friday, every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Carr Show store. The emperor of hate Howie Carr is back. 844-542-42844-542. Someone just said, "Do you read Paperboy to your grandchildren?" No, I don't, but that reminded me of something that I saw a book in a store. I went by, I actually walked by a bookstore in the north end this weekend and I saw if I ran The Circus by Dr. Seuss. I'm trying to make sure my grandkids have all of the band Dr. Seuss books. Especially my favorite, even before it was banned, but now it's even more of my favorite, Magelligat's pool. I love that book, but I saw one, if I ran The Circus and I checked to see if it was on the pro scribe list. Some school systems it is for very frivolous reasons, but just in case I just ordered it during the break, $4.24 for a very good copy, $4.99 shipping and handling. That's why I like to keep it in the used bookstore more for the shipping and handling than for the price of the book, but it's coming his way and he'll have it, both of them will have it very shortly. 844-542-42, they're not public schools howie, they're government schools. No, that's true, that's true. 617, they also load up the schools with non-English speaking students, how are teachers supposed to teach them? Well, you know, that's the thing, apparently these towns where the flop houses have been located, they've turned the motels and hotels into foreign freeload or flop houses, they're overwhelming the school systems and the teacher, a lot of the teachers are trying to flee to the towns where the schools haven't been ruined by all these illegal aliens coming in. It's just such a mess and the Democrats are all in on it. It's part of the fundamental transformation of America. 844-542-42, 413, my youngest is going to college to become a teacher, he was brought up and shared our conservative values, colleges slowly dissolving those values, it's sad. I don't know, again, I guess you get to just send them to the right colleges. I'm glad my college UNC is hanging on more than other places, you know, they're stopping it here and there, but there's only so much you can do. I mean, it's just such an overwhelming tidal wave of stateism and nonsense, but it's, you know, but any kind of, you know, I'd love another four years of Donald Trump, you know, just the four years we had, we're a blessing and we need another four years to try to stop this. 844-542-42, we will be back on Howie Card. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]