The Howie Carr Radio Network

Dr. Jill feeling the HEAT from Dems | 7.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Dr. Jill wants nothing more than four more years of Vogue covers and tacky Christmas decorations. Now, however, Democrats seeking re-election, as well as their donors, are knocking down the door of those close to the president.

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. There are so many different layers to this Joe Biden story that is hitting the media like a ton of bricks. They are shocked. They're taking it back. They had no idea. I think that was crystal is. I said, I had no idea how bad Joe Biden was until he watched him during the debate. Wake up and smell the coffee. It's been happening for quite some time. Actually, I was encouraging people in 2020. Oh, here I am, I'm doing it, Taylor. I'm doing that thing. I just yelled at people about. - I've been on this for years. We've been saying this the whole time. - I told you so. No, I'm not gonna do that. - But no, let's get a pass today. We have been. In 2020, I was telling my sister's friends, hey, I know you're young. I know that your attention spans are somehow shorter than mine. And mine is pretty short, but you should watch Joe Biden for at least three minutes because he's really, really bad. And if I watch videos now of 2020, I'm blown away by how sharp he sounds compared to now, just to illustrate how drastic this drop-off has been in this cognitive decline, but 978 texted in a really, really poignant quote from Katie Pavlich from Fox. I think she's also town hall. Pretty incredible how a White House that demand an American show a medical record to keep their jobs now demand medical privacy when questions are asked about the neurological health of the President of the United States. That was part of this too, is that KJP's response to Ed O'Keefe, he wanted to know about a neurologist going into the White House. And everything involving his doctors, these appointments has been shrouded in mystery and in secrecy. And that wasn't the case for Donald Trump. Donald Trump had to be very transparent. I don't want to play the game of if this were Trump, because we already know, we had four years of Trump. If he walked the wrong way, if he held onto a railing, when it was raining outside and he was walking down a ramp, that was enough for an anti-plosie to get out and say, he needs the 20th amendment, he's lost his mind. And now there's neurologists visiting the White House and we're all supposed to be like, oh, that's totally normal, that's fine. He sees the neurologist like eight times, nothing to worry about. But I never thought of that irony that we were all expected to show our Vax card to go into a Shake Shack. And that was fine, that wasn't violating any HIPAA rules. But this is different, this is Joe Biden. And KJP was trying to explain that to Ed O'Keefe and Ed O'Keefe to his credit was like, that doesn't make sense. You can tell us that they act like there's, she can't use the Hatch Act in this situation, that's when she can, anything to do with Donald Trump, she doesn't have to answer because if it has to do with an election, you can say the Hatch Act. But she tries to use a version of the Hatch Act all the time. Like, well, I can't speak to that or that's private. And most of the time, she's never had to have the follow-up from the press that just say, that's not true. There's no part of this job that prohibits you from telling us who's coming in and out of the White House. And I will remind you that in the beginning of this administration, when Joe Biden would oftentimes leave the White House on the weekends to go to his other homes because as he's told us, he feels the White House is a gilded cage and he doesn't like to be tamed. He likes to spread his wings and fly. They didn't have the visitor log. There would have been outrage, tears of rage. If Donald Trump didn't have visitor logs. But with Joe Biden, when doctor feel good, or I don't even know who's showing up to that place 'cause we don't have any logs, that was totally fine. And the only one who was on top of it was Steven Nelson. And so now KJP wants to say, well, we can't tell you that because that's private challenge flag. Jordan, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jordan? - Hey, Grace, how are you? - I'm good, what's up? - Oh yes, I was gonna tell you that Joe Biden is trying to cover up his Parkinson's diagnosis because he needs his salary from the White House. And you know, one thing Trump should do is give his deferred salaries from his time in the White House to pay Joe Biden to drop his cases. That would just end the election and put him back in the White House. Boom, Trump worth seven billion. Biden, he's not a liquid millionaire, you know? So that would be a win-win for both of them. - Yeah, I do think that, you know, paying off somebody, I appreciate the college run. I think paying off the current president so that he'll step aside and you can become president. I have to imagine if what they're coming up with to charge Trump with now is passing the muster and it's not. But if they're managing to get that stuff through the core system, I have to imagine I'm paying off Joe Biden to become president would definitely end up with Trump having a legal target for his back. - No, that's air tight, checks out. - Okay, okay. You know what, then I take it back. I will say though, your point, Jordan, about the money I also take issue with because I do think the Bidens are doing okay. Although, although, there was a weird article and I didn't even click on it because I think I was getting ready to go on vacation and I was like, I can't, I can't get into the weeds on this one yet. But there was an article about maybe like mortgages that Joe Biden has taken out on his homes or how much money he's owed. I think it was in the New York Post. I'm gonna look into that, Jordan, because I do agree with you that they like the trappings of the White House and they like the perks, which you could say in a way is kind of the money. But the actual salary, I don't think, is what's keeping Joe there. If we're being honest with ourselves, Joe Biden and Jill and Hunter, and let's not forget some of the siblings, some of the Sibs, Valerie, Frank, Jim, they are all gonna make tons of money after this because there's plenty of plumb jobs. I think the President makes 400 something, thousand, maybe they get more for a cost of living raise now, but compared to what Joe could make at one of these big corporations or sitting as a figurehead at a company, that's peanuts. So I don't think it's the actual salary at the White House that's keeping him out. - And his son was out earning him. - Yeah, I think it's more so, it's the lifestyle. It's everything else because Taylor, yes, let's say you make $400,000 as President. The plane rides, the dinners, the clothes, everything else, that really does add up. That's hard to put a price on. And I think that's what they like. And Jordan, you actually bring me to a different point and I am gonna do some digging on the Bidens and their homes and the money there. But you bring me to a different point about Dr. B because Jill Biden, I always have said that I think Jill is in this for the same reason I would be in it. That's how superficial it is. I don't think if I were the first lady I would be trying to push a political agenda. I think I would be like, okay, I get to get this dress, I get to fly on this plane, I get to go to this dinner. I'm just being honest, I know people don't do that. - Dr. B, Dr. B. - That would be, if I wasn't the guy, if I wasn't the President and I was just the first lady, I would say, okay, cool, I'm gonna enjoy. - Is that what the second gentleman dug? - Yeah, I'm sure Doug sometimes is amazing. - This is great, he's walking around the pool. You know, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But I do think there's something wrong with pushing your husband into a job that he's no longer capable, if he ever was capable of handling for those things, for those perks. And what I find interesting now is there's all these articles like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post. It's not just the Murdoch New York Post Wall Street Journal, it's also The Washington Post, it's also The Daily Beast. They're all writing articles about how, for example, Jill Biden could learn a lesson from Lady Bird Johnson and how she dealt with LBJ and how she got him to step aside and how this is what Jill should do in order to convince Joe to step aside. And right there, I'm thinking, that's not the issue. The issue is not Jill Biden wanting or having to convince Joe Biden to step aside. The issue is someone convincing Jill Biden to convince Joe Biden to step aside. Because I think she's the one at this point, it's either her or Hunter, and I have to think it's more her. The reason I think it's more her is 'cause that video where she looked at the audience and she said, what does Donald Trump do? Why? You did so good, Joe. You answered all the questions. - Teacher, teacher, what do you see? And again, this is just how duplicitous the media is. Now, the narrative they're running with is like, oh, Jill's gonna have a hard time, but she's gonna have to try and talk some sense into her husband who's so determined to run. Who are you kidding? This woman is pushing him out the door. She is the one who's on the side going, like she's the stage mom on the side. She's Chris Jenner, she's Mama Rose. She's on the side going, okay, now put your hands up and smiling, waving, good angle. You think that she's sitting there going, I really wish I could convince him to step aside, but he just wants it so badly. He doesn't even know what he had for breakfast. He's not making any of these decisions. Someone needs to step in and sit Jill down and say, listen, I know how bad you want this. I know how craven for power you are. I know how greedy you are. I know how awful you are, but we don't care. We wanna win. If I'm a Democrat, this is how I would put it. We don't care that you like to fly. And Jordan was just talking about the bribe exchange between Trump and Biden and that hypothetical. I think a more plausible one would be a Democrat saying to Jill, listen, we understand that you like this life. We understand that you like the power. Everyone's gonna turn on you. They already have started and they're gonna make you out to be a really bad person. And this whole image you have of the doctor, the teacher, the vogue cover star, the grandma who hangs the stockings. That's all. - Oh, you did such a great job. - That's all gonna go away really, really quick. So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna convince Joe that it's over. It's not gonna be that hard considering he probably is already fine with giving it up. You're going to give this up and we're gonna get you a nice job as the head of Emily's list or the head of like one of those jobs that we're gonna try to give to KJP. A no nothing, no show job where you get to give a speech every three years and get a million dollars a year. That's what we're gonna do. And if I were a Democrat, I would say to her, you should take this deal because in about two weeks, you're going to be everywhere as the worst person in the world. Like that's where this is going. That's how they're gonna get to her is by saying you should get out now before we really bring out our claws and come after you. 844, 500, 42, 42. You know what's something I never thought I'd say? I can't wait for my next dentist appointment. In this case, it's a very specific reason why I can't wait. Usually I'm so excited to go to perfect smiles for the teeth cleaning because I love to get my teeth cleaned. They do such a wonderful job. State of the art equipment. The best people from the second you walk in, I'm not just talking about Dr. Houghton. Who is incredible? I'm talking about every single person at perfect smiles. Melissa, Stephanie, Lori, Dr. Tamu. Everybody is amazing. But the next time I go to perfect smiles, I'm getting my invisible line. And yes, when I tell people this sometimes they say, "Well, your teeth aren't that crooked." But they need a little tweaking. They're not exactly where I want them to be. And ever since I said this on the air, I've been receiving emails from people who said, "I also got an visible line. "I just wanted exactly what you said, "a tiny bit of tweaking "because there was something about "the crookedness of my teeth that bothered me." So this is a really good option for people. I am so excited. I'll let you guys know when my first set of trays come in. But it doesn't matter what you're looking for. If it's a teeth cleaning, if it's a total smile transformation, whatever it is, perfect smiles can deliver it for you. They take their job so seriously. They'll walk you through this at your own pace. They'll listen to you. They're very kind and non-judgmental. And you can visit them. They're right off route three in Nashua. So go to and find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's Change your smile, change your life. We'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. So contact him at Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who do you think Trump will pick for his running mate? Senator J.D. Vance, Senator Tim Scott, Senator Marco Rubio or Governor Doug Burgum. - He's going to be campaigning with Marco Rubio at his rally in Florida shortly. So that, but I think a lot of the things he's doing now with these campaigns is just to throw people off the scent. This has really become its own reality show. Miranda Divine described it as like his latest version of The Apprentice, with all of them standing behind him at the courthouse. And I really do think now these are just Easter eggs as Taylor Swift fans call them to throw people off. So you see him with Marco Rubio and you go, "Oh, maybe it's going to Marco Rubio." Doesn't really mean anything. I'm going to go J.D. Vance. - 41% say J.D. Vance, 26% say Tim Scott, 21% say Governor Burgum, and 11% say Little Marco. - He loves the suspense though, doesn't he? He loves, it's again, I know I keep quoting the office, but it's like when Michael Scott has a story about how he quits and Pam says he knows he has all of our attention and he's going to use it. Trump knows that this is keeping people at the edge of their seats. He's going to milk it for all it's worth. And I don't blame him. Jim, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jim. - Hey, Grace, welcome back. - Thank you, sir. - I missed you last week. I just told Taylor on the back line that I think he did a great job filling in for you, but we certainly are glad to have you back. - Thank you, Jim, and I want a second that I thought Taylor did an excellent job. - Yes, and I'm assuming that you listened to the podcast with your Raycon Airbutt. - Yes, I did, yes, I did. - And I have to ask you, I know how he tells us this all the time, but if the man has to end, do they actually have the even pure thunderstorms in every room? - Have the noss at beach in, yes, they do. And I actually put out a tweet today about-- - I mean, I'm sorry, not to beat Jim. - Yeah, no, no, no worries, Jim. And I'm glad you brought that up because I put out a tweet today of all the pictures from my trip to the noss at beach in. I think people would really love it. It's a really, really great spot. So check that out, follow me on Twitter @g_curly. Go ahead, Jim, what's your point? - I've been to Cape Cod when I was a kid. I grew up in Jersey, but I've lived in Ohio, Jim from Ohio. I've lived here for many, many, many years, but I do remember very fond memories of Cape Cod. And I mean, I've listened to the show and I'm like, that sounds like a really cool place. And I have looked at the website and it really does look like a lovely place to have a vacation. You were talking about with Biden and his wife and it is a sad, sad situation really, honestly. It really, it's like a slow motion car crash that we're watching. And I mean, I'm a conservative and I wanna see a conservative in the White House and Trump would be my guy, obviously. But my goodness, what's happening here and what's really, really scary, honestly, and this is to be more serious. I mean, we are in such peril right now. I mean, if China wanted to make a move on Taiwan or if Iran wanted to do, you know, to be more serious in Israel. I mean, there is so much that is blown up in this world because we have an incompetent in the White House. So someone who isn't really at work. - It's an excellent point, Jim. And I think Trump really hit on that during the debate. He talked about Xi Jinping and Putin and he said, these people, they don't respect you. They're not afraid of you. They know that they are able to do whatever they want and they have been, we have proof of it. There's wars breaking out all the time because of Joe Biden's incompetency. And when you look at Ukraine and Russia and it's horrible what's happening there, Russia bombed, there was a story this week that they bombed a children's hospital. And the pictures are horrific. When you look at that, that war, as much as Joe Biden wants to, you know, bring out Zelensky and hand them billions of dollars, he has a lot of culpability in that war. He was the one who said the minor incursion remark at that press briefing. It was one of the last press briefings they ever, one of the last real ones they ever let him do. And I think that there was a real, real responsibility that he had in that moment and he bungled it and he really messed it up. And I think that if there was any doubt that Putin was going to go in, then hearing Joe Biden say, well, it depends on the size of the incursion. If it's a minor incursion, he essentially gave them the green light. And people don't talk about that enough because there's so many other disasters to keep up with. Thank you for the call, Jim. I do appreciate it. All the way from Ohio, nonetheless. We'll be right back. We got a lot more on the other side. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - You know, it looks to me like he may very well stay in. He's got an ego and he doesn't want to quit. He doesn't want to do that. It just looks to me like that's what he wants. I think Jill would like to see him stay. She's having a good time. I noticed he's really seems to be having a good time and I'm hearing that Hunter is calling the shots. So this isn't necessarily a very positive thing for our country. But I think he, you know, might very well stay in and if he does, nobody wants to give that up that way. He's going to feel badly about himself for a long time. It's hard to give it up that way, the way they're trying to force him out. So I mean, you really have to speak to his doctors, but obviously he's been sheltered by the fake news media. That's why they call it the fake news. - Yeah, and there was a Parkinson's doctor who made eight visits in eight months according to the White House logs. That is a story that came out yesterday. KGP had a contentious back and forth with Ed O'Keefe. But that was Trump and he was talking to Sean Hannity and he said, "I just want to go over that." He thinks Biden's going to stay in because he has an ego and then he focuses on Jill. And this is the shift now where people are starting to realize that she is the only one who's going to pull the plug on this campaign, on this reelection. And the longer that time goes on and the more we see of Joe Biden, I don't think that his ego really has anything to do with this. I think his ego, when he's pushed into a corner, if he's asked questions, once every couple of months he runs into a real reporter or if he's on stage with Trump, I think then you see this ego get fired up and kind of reinvigorated. And that's when he has his really snarky moments on stage. But in general, as far as the day-to-day goes, I do not believe that this man is coherent enough or in his right mind enough to be sitting there wanting to run for president. I think if you told him, "Hey, we're going to go out for an ice cream today," he would be just fine with that. I don't think that he is pushing this agenda or he's pushing this reelection campaign in the way the media wants us to believe. And Taylor, you actually brought up something that I hadn't thought about, an old kind of standby, boom, boom joke that Joe Biden used to bring out. - Yeah, he stole it from JFK, but he still trotted out today where he'll get up and after everybody applauds, oh, it's the president, he goes, "Hey, I'm Joe Biden, I'm Jill Biden's husband." And it was never funny to begin with, but now it seems with all the news that's going on and the darker and more menacing of a force that Jill Biden seems to be, that joke seems more of an admission now than anything else. He's like, "It's a cry for health." - Yeah, and to your point, when JFK used to make that joke about Jackie, it was because when they would go to these other countries, when they would go to these day dinners, she was such a fashion play and she was such a talked about person, she was like a celebrity. - Well, she wasn't matronly, she was young. - Yeah, she had this kind of wow factor that would get all the paparazzi and all the people talking about her. And I think she was pretty charming in person. That even makes the joke even worse 'cause it's like no one's saying that about Jill. No one thinks that she's this charming, charismatic person. But on top of it, when you add in that part where maybe he was just trying, maybe that was his way of saying, "Help me." Like blinking in Morse code. This woman is making me do all of these things. And I don't know who's going to convince her that time is up, we gotta move on. I don't know who she has that kind of relationship with. Valerie perhaps, why don't you come on over Valerie? It's not Hunter. I don't think they like each other at all. I think this has probably brought them a little bit closer together, the fact that they want this old guy to stay in the race. But on the New York Post right now, I'm glad Trump brought up the fact that Hunter's calling the shots because Hunter is someone who, if he had even a modicum of decency, like an IODA of decency or shame or anything, he would be embarrassed to be going to the grocery store. Like I'm just being honest. He's got the photos of his naked, every time I go to the New York Post, it's his naked thigh slash butt area with a gun pressed up against it. This man has had so much dirty laundry exposed over the last couple of years, he shouldn't be anywhere near the White House, let alone running the meetings there. And that's where we're at. And there's something else I wanna point out before I follow up on one of our callers, Jordan's point. The spin now that I keep saying, and even on Fox, I'm seeing it with the Chiron's, explaining how Joe Biden's staff slash like his handlers have kept this, and this is something I saw today, under wraps for so long, or how they hid this, how they hid all of these concerning, you know, bouts of forgetfulness from the public. Right there, I have an issue with the way we're framing this. They didn't hide anything. Maybe they attempted to hide stuff. Maybe they tried their best, but no amount of bold letter, no card instructions, no amount of shortening the walk to Air Force One, so he only had to go 200 feet instead of 500 feet, no amount of hovercraft sneakers, no amount of pre-screened questions, or edited videos with 50 jump cuts for every two minutes, none of that worked. And so now where we've moved on from one delusional storyline to the next, now we're in this delusional storyline of like, how they managed to pull off this scheme for the last 3.5 years, where they bamboozled us into thinking that he was so smart, or that he was so with it, they didn't do that, mission not accomplished. And if they were able to do that to these journalists, that is concerning because they didn't pull off like a con job. Anyone could have seen where this was headed. Now, as far as the Biden family's money goes, this was in the New York Post, this was last week, it said President Joe Biden and First Lady Joe Biden treated their various Delaware real estate holdings like a personal ATM for years, taking out several mortgages and refinancing a whopping 35 times according to a report. The couple said to boast a net worth of $10 million, allegedly borrowed $6 million on the properties over the decades. So I knew there was something like that that it kind of jumped out at me, but I just wanted to give that to the listener Jordan, who was wondering if Joe Biden is staying in it for the presidential salary, which I think is close to like $500,000. I don't think so. I think it takes a lot more than that to keep up with Dr. B in Hunter and to be the family's ATM, I don't think $500,000 is going to cover it. Now, in other news, but along the same lines, another one bites the dust, Taylor. Have you heard about the latest? Actually, another two bite the dust. We've got Michael Moore who said Biden needs to drop out and John Stewart. So so far, it's more so Hollywood. Did they ever have John Stewart? Yeah, I think a little bit. Yeah, he's along with the Stephen Colbert. Like they have to preface a lot of their jokes about Joe Biden to make people realize that they still think Trump's way worse. They still think Trump's a monster. We should play the Stephen Colbert because this is really, really painful. Can I get Colbert's monologue, his comedic monologue from the other night? Now, before we get into the jokes and they are jokes, I want to be clear from the very beginning what I think about Joe Biden. Little help? I think President Biden has been an amazing president. I'm one who believes Joe Biden has been a really fine president. I'm convinced that Joe Biden has been a successful president. Joe Biden has been a great president. Yes, that. (audience cheering) So ditto, ditto, so should he stay? Should he go? Who am I to recommend? I don't know what's going on in Joe Biden's mind, something I apparently have in common with Joe Biden. The amount of buildup for that lame ass joke, the amount of slobbering of like getting ready to say something even remotely offensive toward Joe Biden makes my skin crawl. That is so, he's like a different breed of pathetic. He is beyond the other comedians. Like Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, they're all terrible. But Stephen Colbert, have you seen the people he brings on his show? It's a revolving door of politicians. It's like AOC, Janet Yellen, Elizabeth Warren, and people are sitting there acting like this is entertainment, like this is comedy. And then he gets up and he wants to let you know that he got word from the powers that be, that he can now kind of make fun of Joe Biden, but he still wants to preface it by telling you that he's one of the good guys. And like he still understands that Donald Trump is the real monster. With a very, very lazy montage of these praises for Joe Biden, I don't even know who those people were. No, and there's been so many people now who have flipped. And one of them is Paul Krugman. There's a lot of people. There's a lot of people in The New York Times who are saying that maybe it's time. And I just want to show you this. This is a week apart on The Old Grey Lady. A week ago they put up how misleading videos are trailing Biden as he battles age doubts. A flurry of recent clips, many of them edited or lacking context, laid bare a major challenge for the president as he tries to persuade voters he has the energy for a second term. That was last week, this week. I'm just going to read you a couple headlines from The New York Times. All at once, by the way, they all came at us. Talk about a flurry. They all hit us really fast. President Biden is my friend. He must bow out of the race. This is another brilliant mind from The New York Times. Biden cannot go on like this. Patrick Healy, I'm hearing high anxiety from Democrats over Biden's debate performance. This is Kristoff, President Biden, it's time to drop out. And by the way, then you had Paul Krugman and these guys who were like, I was wrong on your mind. I'm going to make you a deal, okay? I don't need an apology. I don't need to say I told you so. We already pointed out that that's a little bit, you know, lame at this point. A lot of us figured it out. A lot of the brain trust over here, we've managed to figure it out. We put the pieces together. I don't need an apology from Paul Krugman. I don't need an apology from Frank Bruni, Thomas Friedman, or any of these people who lied to me for three and a half years and lied to all of you. The only thing I ask is that you stop giving advice going forward, like put down the pen. That to me is fine. I don't need a meacalpa. I have relinquished the idea of ever having these people admit all of the times they were wrong. I gave up on that a long time ago. It reminds me of COVID with Dr. Fauci. I was like, I don't live in a world where I think Dr. Fauci's gonna be in an orange jumpsuit saying he's sorry. That's delusional. That's never going to happen. All I'm asking is, stop telling me things. Stop going on TV, rubbing my face in the fact that you're not in prison. Just put down the microphone. - Watch with me and see how this plays out. - Yeah, I just, I don't need Paul Krugman to explain to me why he was wrong, because guess what, Paul? I kind of could have guessed that you were wrong. (upbeat music) ♪ Another one bites the dust ♪ - You've got an unbelievably bad record at predicting things, whether it's inflation, anything to do with the economy. You're pretty much always wrong. Like if I were someone who was into betting, I would say, what did Paul Krugman say is gonna happen? I'll take the opposite. I like my odds. The only thing I'm asking is stop making predictions and stop calling people liars when all you guys have done for three and a half years is lie. And now the issue they're having is not just Joe Biden. There was a very interesting piece in the Washington Examiner about how Biden is so toxic at the box office that now he's threatening to lose the Democrats, both chambers of Congress. So from the way the map and the polls and everything we're looking going into this presidential election, and guaranteed we're still far out, it was looking like the Republicans were going to win the Senate and the Democrats were most likely going to win the House. Now, the fear as far as the left goes is that the Republicans are gonna win the Senate and the House, and that does make sense to me because when you think about it, if you're a voter and you're a Democrat voter and you feel very passionately about going in, there's always more enthusiasm for a presidential election than there is the midterms. And you feel like, oh, my guy, I'm going into vote. You fill out the Joe Biden bubble. You're so excited about it. This is a hypothetical. And then you go down the ballot and you go, oh, I'll throw these people a bone while I'm here. Give them a bullet, you know, why not? If you are so turned off by the idea of voting for Joe Biden and you hate Donald Trump, you're like one of the double haters and you're most likely just not gonna go at all. You're not gonna go to vote for the other Democrats that aren't Joe Biden, I don't think. You're probably going to stay home. So now all of these Democrats who are running for Senate, who are running for the House, they're getting nervous too. They're like, oh God, this guy's gonna tank my chances if he doesn't get out of the race. And Ro Khanna, who's been, he's from California, he's a Democrat and he's been pretty critical of Biden since the, for longer than most. He mentioned that the top of the ticket is very important for down ballot races, especially in swing districts. And that's why the Trump team has been putting together a lot of ads hitting these politicians and linking them to Joe Biden, because by linking them to Joe Biden, they're damaging their chances, especially as Ro Khanna pointed out in swing districts. So I think they're gonna really ramp up this idea of we need to get this guy out because they definitely don't wanna lose that House in the Senate. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want, when you want it. And you also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day, although I always encourage that you do so anyway. The great thing is that the same rules that kind of instant gratification, like you can get something right when you want it, that applies to real estate nowadays. And people don't understand it because everyone thinks, you gotta list your property at a set price, and then you gotta start negotiating, and you gotta bring in all these people for an open house, and you gotta be ready at the drop of a hat for bringing in a new group of people, and then you have to do the inspection. All of that is something that we think is the only way to do things. But you don't have to wait for an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments that arise after a home inspection. You can choose to sell your real estate in a well-marketed auction event with JJ Manning. Under your terms, and best of all, with no contingencies, because times have changed, like every other industry, things evolve, things get better, and the way to sell your real estate is changing too. JJ Manning uses their 30-30 marketing plan. It's 30 days of marketing and 30 days to close. So to learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111, or go to That's 800-521-0111, or go to We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curley. This is "The Grace Curley Show." [MUSIC PLAYING] I don't care if he's pooped as pants. We don't all have the same high standards for our presidential candidates, as Will B. Goldberg does. She doesn't care if Joe Biden poops his pants, because she has poopy days all the time. And I will let you figure out what that means. Now, I do want to give you some breaking news. Illegal aliens have been ordered to leave Logan Airport. That's from Fox. That's the Chironon Fox, as a lot of you probably have figured out by now, Logan Airport has become a hotbed for people who are coming into this country legally and have no other place to go, and they're just sleeping on the floor there. And it's a disaster. Everywhere-- every other major city in this country, it's become a complete disaster. And so now, Boston is banning these illegal aliens from sleeping at Logan Airport, which makes me wonder where they're going to go. I'm sure they're going to have to go into hotels. They're going to have to convert more prisons into migrant shelters, more recreation centers into migrant shelters. And it's untenable. And the part that drives me crazy is every time they ask Maura Healy, the governor, when she's not in Rome talking about climate change, about this, all she focuses on is the money aspect. Like, we need more money. No, you need to stop the bleeding. There's no amount of money that is going to support a country with open borders. You need to go to your head honcho, Joe Biden, and tell him to get this under control. And by the way, you know, I'm talking about Boston. This is a Massachusetts-based show. But I did read over the weekend that in New York City, the hotels that are taking in all these illegal aliens, they're raking in millions. And the city has spent $2 billion on these hotels hosting these illegal aliens. We'll be right back. We got a lot more on the two o'clock. Don't go anywhere. Bye bye.