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PIVOT! Whoopi says she doesn't care if Biden poops his pants | 7.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Sometimes you just have poopy days, even if you're the President of the United States. Right? Wrong. Grace shares Whoopi Goldberg's latest attempt at covering for Sleepy Joe Biden.

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09 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much, Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace, Grace, stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. It is Tuesday, July 9th. And we are here to deliver an informative, entertaining program for you for the next three hours. And I hope you'll join us. The number is 844-542-42. It's pretty amazing how the story that we've all been talking about for 3.5 years is now dominating the media. Every headline that I've come across today, or at least most of them, I would say 90%. - Can we trial? - No. - Feels like three and a half years. - Yes, it does. No, but three and a half years we've been saying that Joe Biden is out of his mind. And I don't think we've been harsh about it. We've just been honest that he's clearly incognitive to client. And I was told by members of the media, some might even say the elites in our society that I was being cruel, that I was being dishonest, that I was using cheap fakes, that I was jealous of Joe Biden's socratic way. - These are facts. Check them out. - He's razor sharp intellect. And I just have to point out, I think the way I would summarize just how drastic this pivot has been. 'Cause I mean, what an about face we are witnessing. We have gone. This is the best way I can explain it to people. In a matter of hours, we have gone from hearing how Joe Biden is a socratic thinker who reads big leather-bound books and has a mind that none of us would even believe. He is the highest IQ. He's the sharpest guy. He's in control of all his faculties. Now, in a matter of hours, we've gone from that to, well, so what if he poops his pants? - That's how extreme this jump has been. And I have whiplash. I can't, and I wanna say something right now, 'cause we're gonna go through all of this, the people who are bailing on Joe, the people who think Joe should bail out, the people who think Kamala's gonna step in, there's all these different camps. And I love it. I love, love, love, love, love it. I love watching the in-fighting. I love watching the left eat their own. Keep it up. I've got the popcorn. This is a point in time where you should just take out the popcorn. You don't wanna look back and say, I wish I enjoyed that when it was happening. I wish I knew I was in the good days when I was in the good days, or the goodest days, as Joe Biden might say. You're in the goodest days right now. So enjoy this. I know that's what Trump's doing. That's why now they're like, where's Trump been? He hasn't been seen in public for 10 days. I'm like, the dude loves TV. And this is prime time. This is the golden age of television watching these people turn on each other. - He's just been told, all right, just take this. Don't screw it up, okay? This is great. It's been a hot streak that we're on. Joe Biden's staying in the race, apparently. Don't screw this up. - Don't suck all the oxygen out of the room. Let this one, let it ride. - Just let it ride. - Does its own momentum. It doesn't need your help. - You know what it reminds me of? There's a great episode of The Office where Michael Scott is basically, he has to bluff about how much his paper company is worth 'cause he's gonna get bought out. And it's worth nothing, like they're in debt. But the company thinks that they're worth a lot, so they're willing to pay them a lot. And his two coworkers say, don't tell them that we aren't worth anything. Just go in there and just try not to reveal that we aren't worth anything. And he gets off the elevator and he goes, it's gonna be really hard for me. That's Trump. It's like, you know they're all sitting there going, just chill for a few days. Let's ride this wave. And I know he's on that golf course going, oof, if I could get on TV right now. But he's doing the right thing. And that's why now I'm starting to see tweets like, where's Trump in? Why don't you, one of my favorite quotes, Taylor, I know this is how good Taylor is. He's already getting ready. Why don't you focus on your own game, okay? Plenty there for you to worry about. Don't worry about where Trump is. Don't worry about why he's not doing media hits. Worry about your guy. Because there seems to be plenty there to keep you busy. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So there's so many sound cuts, there's so much to talk about. But when I just said that example of the pooped pants, you might think, oh, Grace is really slummin' it now, she's gettin' gross, she's gettin' out of control. I'm quoting Whoopi Goldberg. I did not make that up. The view, the women on the view, and we heard how Joy Behar, she gets turned on by Joe Biden. You know, she finds him to be very attractive, especially when he gets angry, that does something for Joy. And we hear these women kind of drooling over him, how great he is, how decent he is. That's the one that always kind of kills me. Really twist the knife when they tell me what a good guy he is. This man who can't acknowledge his own granddaughter, who has treated women terribly throughout the course of his long, illustrious career, who's a crook basically? And they wanna tell us how sweet and empathetic and decent he is. And that's all well and good. But now they've lowered the bar just a little bit. Can I start today with Cut One, please, Taylor? This is Whoopi Goldberg. I don't care if he's pooped as pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together. Show me he can't do the job. And then I'll say, okay, maybe it's time to go. Now, I don't wanna oversimplify it, but I think with most jobs, if you're pooping your pants on the job, this is the example we're gonna use. That, in a way, is your signal that maybe the person can't do the job. She's got a leaky balloon knot. They're trying to tell you, without telling you, that it was that really necessary, Taylor. Really? Man, clean it up. Yeah, 'cause I don't need any proctor this early in the day. But like, Whoopi Goldberg is saying, I don't care if he poops his pants. And then she goes on to talk about how she has, and really, I'm sorry, I know it's lunchtime. I know some of you are digging into a sandwich. Maybe hold off for a minute, 'cause this is cut for her. - There are two debates, and if he can't do what he needs to do for the second debate, I'm sorry, Taylor. - Oh, I'm sorry, Taylor. - And a crew that's-- - I meant cut three. - So yeah, I have poopy days all the time. All the, I step in so much pool you can't even imagine. (audience laughing) Now I'm not running the world. - Right. - But, I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point. - Now we're mixing up things here. What is, you have poopy days all the time. You're stepping in poop. You don't care if he poops his pants. These are all different activities. But I just want it, don't play it. Do not, I can see you. I can see your hand on the mouse, do it. - Leaks poo. - Oh my God, Taylor, Taylor. Gosh, it's a family program. Whoopee Goldberg though, it's like, so this is the new defense. With defenders like these, who needs enemies? I mean, you have Whoopee Goldberg saying, everyone poops, it's like the kid's book, everyone poops, and that is supposed to assure us that he should be president of the United States. - Do you think she was saying she literally has days where she does number two? - I don't know. - Or she's trying to be figurative, where she says she steps in it all the time. - I have poopy days all the time. I can only take her at her own word. - Now we have you saying it, thank you. - I have poopy days all the time. I also love how she says, I'm not running the country, or I'm not running the world. You're running my world. - She's not running through the bathroom either. Whoopee, let me tell you right now, you are running my world. But I wanna throw this out for a bit of conversation, and we do have serious stuff to get to. We have Biden's hosting this NATO summit, we have KJP melting down yesterday, going back and forth at O'Keefe, got very testy. But this is something that I wanna talk about right now. We have like the two different camps, right? You have the turn codes who are saying he's gotta go. And dudes gotta go, as Kamala once said. And actually a lot of those people are at the New York Times Taylor. So last week there was a headline about how conservatives are pouncing and seizing and weaponizing on Joe Biden, and it's so unfair, and he's in charge of all his faculties. And then today there's like four separate pieces about all the reasons why Joe needs to back out of the race. - Do gotta go. - And I just want to put this out there, that I have a lot more respect. If that's even possible, I have a lot more respect for the Whoopee Goldbergs of the world. Because if you're 3.5 years into this lie, you gotta go down the ship. You know, to back out now, just because somebody, like the Wizard of Oz, somebody behind the curtain told you, it's okay now to criticize him. It's okay to tell the truth. It's okay to acknowledge what normal people have seen for the last 3.5 years. It's okay to stop being propaganda puppets for the regime, to flip on a dime like that, because somebody told you to, is so pathetic to me that I actually have a little bit more respect. And that's the key word is just little, just tiny bit more respect. For the people who are saying I'm too foreign, I'm too foreign to this charade. I'm too foreign to this lie. I can't turn it around now. - Well, there are people that are trying to have their cake and eat it too. They're going down with the ship we support Biden, but yeah, he's got some shortcomings. Look, the presidency takes a lot out of you. I mean, he was over-prepared for that debate. It was Trump's fault, really. - I want the person, and it might have to be Joy Behar. I don't know if she's on vacation this week or what, but I want to still hear from people who tell me that he's socratic. That to me, Taylor is the best. I want to know who the true dead enders are. Who are the people? 'Cause you have like Debbie Dingle, like you just said, people who are out there going, listen, he's the guy, he's not backing down, AOC said it as well. He's not backing down. We just have to support him. 'Cause it's not going anywhere, and we can't lose. I understand that. But I want to hear from the people who are still sitting there going, he's an elder statesman, he is the most eloquent, intelligent, wonderful person you could ever come across. Those are the people who I think truly deserves some sort of award, because they are method actors. They are so deep into the role, you know, it's like a Christian Bale. They've gained 50 pounds, and they're not backing away from it now. Those are the people that I think deserve a gold star. Everybody else is like, you phonies, like even Steven Colbert, he's a perfect example. Steven Colbert does a monologue. And even in his monologue where he's making fun of Joe Biden, it's so painful to watch the ass kissing that he's doing for the Democrats, and how afraid he is of even being remotely critical of Joe Biden, and he does this awful attempt at seeming like now he's making fun of him. Where were you for three and a half years? You're a comedian. This is insanity. And it's like, don't do me any favors now. Now all I want to hear from you is how great Joe Biden is. Now you have to keep singing that same song. He's your guy, you're proud of him. And as I said yesterday, you brought him to the dance, so you got to learn how to boogie with him. - That's like licking the frosting right off the spatula. - He's your dude. And I don't want to hear now how, oh yeah, there he is. No, he's fit and he's ready to go. KJP did get into an argument about the neurologist who showed up, and she was very upset Taylor. She's not used to the media asking her real questions, so at the end of it, she kind of gave them like a school marm lecture. You know, I respect you, you respect me, and this is how it works. 844-542-42. I don't think that's how it worked for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or Kayleigh McEnany, or Sean Spicer. But I do think that's how KJP is used to it working out. If you use scented candles, cover-up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home, stop masking these smells with more odors, all you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy those odors with the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors, rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover-up sprays must be bought over and over again, and they don't really work that good. You keep buying them, hoping to cover-up a smell in your house, and everybody- - And have you seen the price of candles lately? - It's insane. You know, I had at one point those diffusers where like you put the sticks in, and then you just have to flip it around. But again, I ran through that so quickly. - The scent gets all over your hand. - It's too strong, too. - And you're closed. Yeah, it's very, very concentrated. - And then I thought, why don't I just put an Eden Pure Thunderstorm in? And it takes care of everything. Plus, it's also gonna get rid of allergens and pollutants. So it's really a double whammy. It kills two birds with one stone, and you can get a three-pack today. You can get $200 off the three-pack for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. - Biden's losing it. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) That's all for the "Potty Talk" for the rest of this show. You only get one segment, and then we clean it up, and we turn this show into the classy above bar program that it is. - This is a big boy talk show. - It really, really is. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who do you think Trump will pick for his running mate? Senator J.D. Vance, Senator Tim Scott, Senator Marco Rubio, or Governor Doug Ibrowsburgum. - I don't mind his eyebrows. I've got thick brows. I appreciate it. - Do not have a thick brow. - I have thick brows. - They're not bushy. They're not bushy brows. - Bushy is the trend, though. I wish I had bushy brows. - They're not Andy Rooney caterpillars. - I'm gonna say J.D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy. I like him. I think he's smart. I think he's good. - Hillbilly Elegy? - Yeah. - Was he in that movie? - He wrote it. - He wrote the book. Yeah. He was an author before he became a senator. I'm gonna go J.D. Vance. - 42% say J.D. Vance. 25% say either Governor Glass of Milk Burgum, or Tim Scott, and 7% say Senator Marco Rubio. - Now I'm worried I'm wrong on that. Can you Google it? Now I'm worried that I got the book wrong. I'm almost, I wanna say I'm 80%. - Are you like complaining like the legend of Burgum Vance with J.D. Vance? - No, no, I really think you were gonna Google it for me. And then we'll go back to it. If I'm wrong, I'm embarrassed. And we started off the show on the wrong foot. Lee, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Lee. - Hi, Lee. And I think Grace, thanks for taking my call. It's Lee. I had a question. - Yeah. - Can they still change the vice president, nominee at the convention, the Democrat? - So I, you know Lee, I don't blame you for being confused 'cause there's all sorts of different rules. I think that the easiest time to do that, which I don't think he'll do. I mean, he can't just swap out Kamala at this point. I think that will anger way too many people, specifically black women. I don't think we'll be happy about that. Although, I'm not really sure they're big fans of Kamala Harris either. But I think before anything's printed. So really the convention for all of this is kind of the drop dead date as far as politically speaking, as far as getting people on a ballot. 'Cause once you print those names, it becomes very difficult and I think litigation starts to get involved. I do think it's too late though. And I don't, I was actually thinking about this today. There are a few things that Kamala Harris has going for her that Joe Biden doesn't. One is the fact that she's not 1,000 years old. And I guess you could say she has that against Trump and Biden. But another thing is, and these are two like, these are two superpowers. If she were to become president and she made any mistake, any mistake starts another war, you know, add that to the list, part of her legacy, makes a giant misblunder with the economy, maybe keeps the border wide open. I don't know how things could get worse, but I'm sure they could. I don't wanna doubt her capabilities on that front. - I eat no for breakfast. - She has two go-tos that she could blame any criticism she receives on. One, racism. - Racism, racism. - And two, sexism. So really she kind of has this like fortified barrier around her that they can't, that the media, the right wing, agitators, like yours truly, she becomes almost like Teflon. Like nothing's gonna stick to her because any criticism she gets, she can say, that's racist, or that's sexist. It's a double whammy, as I keep saying today, double whammy. And so I don't think she's as bad as people think. I think we have a much better chance beating Biden than we do beating Kamala. In an update for everyone, I was correct, right? Taylor, did we do a Google search? - Yes, JD Vance wrote a Hillbilly allergy. - Yeah, and that's how he came on the scene. I have to read it though. I think it's like a demon copperhead sort of story or an education, similar books about his, that area and the upbringing. But yeah, he's a very talented guy. - Oh, watch the movie, you read the book. - Yeah, that's fair. 'Cause then I can go around telling people I read the book and it's such a-- - Good for you. - It's such a brag, isn't it? - It's so proud of you. - Someone did that this week and I brought up a movie. I think it was "Dune" and they said, "Oh, I read the book." I'm like, "Good for you." - You're just jealous you didn't read the book. - "Dune" though, that to me is, I would feel proud of myself if I could sit through the movie of that. So JD Vance, you've got Bergum, you've got Tim Scott, and you got Marco Rubio and the only one who to me makes sense in this situation is JD Vance, the other ones, I'm a little worried they're too close to the swamp. We'll take your calls on this 844-542 42, we'll be right back. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to "The Grace Curly Show." As I said earlier, almost every single story out there today, at least in the mainstream media has to do with Joe Biden and this sudden revelation that these journalists, these hacks were too stupid to figure out, and you know who had a really good piece on it, was David Harsani and he, everyone knows I love David Harsani's writing, it's very simple, it's very easy to read, but it makes a lot of sense, and he quoted Robert Casino's character in "Casino," and here's the quote, he said, "Did I say Robert Casino? Robert De Niro's character in "Casino." He said, "If you didn't know you're being scammed, you're too bleeping dumb to keep this job. If you did know you were in on it." That's a really good way to describe these reporters. If you were truly deceived by Joe Biden, then you have no business being a journalist. And I don't have very high standards for these journalists, but now to look at all of us, and you know what I wanna mention? 'Cause I got this tweet yesterday from someone, and they were being very critical of some radio host, I won't name names, who, no one here, not Howie, not me, so we're good. But just saying how there's a lot of people out there who are acting like they had crystal balls, and saying, "Oh, you know, I told you this was gonna happen, or I told you this was gonna happen, and taking victory laps." And I saw it today, Pierce Morgan had an article. I told you so. You know, all these journalists out there writing, I told you so, I said it, look back at this, I said it four times, I said it, congratulations! Like, what do you want me to say to you? Do you want me to give you an ice cream cone for acknowledging? Like, I think we all need to take a beat here on the bragging about this, because it's not that impressive if you pointed out the obvious. It's concerning if you didn't, but I don't think that people need to explain to us how they were like, you know, some sort of clairvoyant, because they were able to say that Joe Biden is in cognitive decline. Now, the whole back and forth, which was interesting about the neurologist, it's amazing watching people who have been trying to cover for Biden deal with real questions, because typically KJP only has to deal with that when it comes from like Steve Nelson or Peter Ducey, and she just moves on to somebody else, someone who's gonna drool all over her and ask her about her latest, you know, issue and vogue, but yesterday it was a little bit different. So Ed O'Keefe, who I was discussing this with Howie and how he said he gets a pass as well, as far as people who have been decent on this, I think his best moment came when he was asking KJP and others about the Afghanistan withdrawal and the report we got on that, why it took so long, and he's not the worst of the worst. And so he was asking KJP about who's coming in and out of the White House, why Joe Biden is seeing a neurologist multiple times and things got very, very testy. Do we have this sound, Taylor? - I do wanna, I just wanna take a step back for a second, because I do take offense to what Ed alluded to, you know, come out here, every day there's a press briefing, and we do our best to give you the information that we have at the time, that's what we do. And we understand that freedom of the press, we respect the freedom of the press, you heard me talk about this last week. We, I appreciate the back and forth that we all have. It is, I try to respect you, and I hope you try to respect me. And we literally do everything that we can. My team does everything that we can to make sure we get the answers to you. That's what we do. And sometimes we disagree. Sometimes we are not in agreement, but you know what, that's democracy. That is what is important, to have that healthy back and forth. And so to say that I'm holding information or allude to anything else is not unfair, is really, really unfair. I think people who are watching and have been watching this briefing for this past week could say that we are doing our best in this briefing to provide the information that we have. And I will admit, I will be the first one to admit, sometimes I get it wrong. At least I admit that. At least I admit that. And sometimes I don't have the information, and I will always, always admit that. - Oh God. - But I do take offense. - Okay, okay, okay, I understand. I understand you take offense. The fake humility is really suffocating there. You know, and I'll be the first to admit when I get it wrong, huh? Will you? I've never caught that. And I watch a lot of these briefings. I watch more of these briefings than anyone should have to watch. And I've never heard you admit when you get it wrong. So that one is new for me, but I love the condescending school-marmy lecture about how I take offense to that. And the freedom of the press, it's like she's taking a page from Kamala's book. - What, are you gonna cry now? Come on, cry baby, cry for me. Come on, cry. - Seriously, she looked like she was getting worked up there for a second, and you know what? You're, you are the press secretary for the President of the United States. It politics ain't beanbag, KJP. It's not all, you know, magazine covers and photo shoots. Sometimes you're gonna get tough questions. He didn't do anything wrong. And by the way, Ed O'Keefe, he wasn't alluding to anything. This whole thing about what Ed was alluding to. No one's alluding to things anymore. People are just asking you why you're lying all the time. They're not making like veiled references to things. People are just asking you direct questions, and you take offense to that because you're such a fraud, and you should not be in that position. And you checked a lot of boxes so you got the job, but you cannot do it. You cannot do it properly. And so you take offense to it because you're not used to being held accountable for your actions and for it more specifically, the lies that you're telling round the clock. And I don't care that you take offense to it. You know what a lot of people in this country take offense to? They take offense at the idea that for the last three and a half years, you have stood up at a podium and told them there's nothing wrong with this man. When you have clearly been lying through your teeth, and now we're in a really dangerous situation where the leader of the free world can't put a sentence together, and you are partially responsible for that. And you should have to answer for it, and Kamala Harris should have to answer for it. And wait 'til I tell you this back and forth between Maureen Dowd from New York Times and TJ Ducklow. This conversation had my blood boiling. TJ Ducklow, who by the way, for anyone who isn't familiar with TJ in his career as a, I don't even know what he is. He's like a staffer at the White House. He was a staffer. TJ Ducklow was the guy who was working for Joe Biden, and no one ever gets fired from the Biden administration. He was literally, as KJP would say, literally the only one who's ever been fired. Because he bullied this reporter. There was a reporter who had a story about how TJ Ducklow was dating a journalist. I think she was from Axios or something. The most I ever heard of this woman was when she was dating TJ Ducklow, which doesn't bode well for her career. But he was in the news, or there were rumblings about it, and so this reporter got the scoop, and TJ Ducklow calls this woman up like a complete psychopath and starts threatening her. It was very Andrew Cuomo-esque. It was very fake mobster. "Mmm, I'll ruin your life if you post this story. "You don't wanna mess with me." This nerd, this nerd from the White House is calling people up like he's Tony Soprano, telling them, "You better not post that. "It'd be a shame if this story broke. "I'll destroy you." That was something he said, "I'll destroy you." I'm not Adam shipping this. That was an actual thing he said. And so the White House, because Biden at one point had gone on this big spiel about how nobody can disrespect anybody else, and he's not gonna, unlike Trump, he's not gonna tolerate anyone not operating with decency in his White House. It doesn't matter if you run the Afghanistan withdrawal into the ground and 13 U.S. service members died, just don't say anything mean to a reporter. And so he fires TJ Ducklow, or TJ Ducklow resigns, I don't know what the actual details of it, but they got rid of him. And because Joe Biden has such a soft spot for jerks, being a giant jerk himself, he brought back TJ Ducklow to the re-election campaign. Re-elect Joe Biden. And Maureen Dowd was recently writing a piece in the New York Times about this horrible interview that Joe Biden did with George Stephanopoulos. And you remember the cut tailor? We might have it in the sound cuts where he said something about doing the goodest job that he could. Let's find this cut, because I think how he played it yesterday, and Maureen Dowd just caught it, and she wrote about it. She wrote the quote, she wrote about how strange the interview was, and TJ Ducklow, who clearly has learned nothing. Keep in mind, this guy got fired for being an ass, and it hasn't stopped him. He's still up to his old tricks. So let me read you just a little bit here. This is Matt Vespa. He says top aides executed an elaborate cover-up of the president's mental health. I don't think it was that elaborate. That is something I'll disagree with. I think this was, I don't even think this was a cover-up. This was just an open secret, if you can even call it that. Biden was like hiding in plain sight. We all saw what we saw. One reporter, Peter Baker, now admits to using translation technology, even if he's 20 feet away because no one can understand Joe. So Maureen Dowd writes about how Biden used the word goodest. I feel as long as I gave it my all, and I did the goodest job as I know I can do. That's what this is about. The goodest job I know I can do. So that's what Dowd wrote in her article. She's then contacted by TJ Ducklow. Nut, psycho. I'm gonna say it's psycho. When I read these emails, I was like, this guy is weird. This is what TJ Ducklow, this pompous puke, writes to Maureen Dowd, who I'm not like Maureen Dowd's biggest fan, but she's been around the block. Like she's been doing this for a while. It's not like he's bullying, you shouldn't bully anyone, but it's not like he's bullying a 20-something-year-old who's a guy who can push this person around. This is a mature woman who's been in the industry for a long time. And so she says, "After my column posted," this is Maureen Dowd. TJ Ducklow, a Biden campaign spokesman, emailed me to flag that ABC News had updated its transcript to read, "I'll feel as long as I gave it my all "and I did the good as job as I know I can do. "That's what this is about." So ABC News does what they've always done for Joe Biden, which is they try to run cover. They try to edit up the transcript to make it seem like he made more sense than he did. Ducklow asked if I could tweak the column that I wrote and change the word "goodest" to make my piece consistent with the corrected transcript, even though the revised version was also nonsensical. When I said we would tell our editor what he thought, Ducklow wrote back, "Yeah, this is what Ducklow writes." Yeah, again, it's not what I think. It's what ABC News who conducted the interview thinks. I think it would be quite unusual if the New York Times asserted the president said something that the news organization who conducted the interview says he didn't. Dowd said Andrew and I both emailed Ducklow asking whether ABC had changed the transcript on its own or if the Biden team had asked them to change the transcript. ABC News, this is what Ducklow replies, "ABC News, like any news organization, "makes their own independent editorial decisions. "Surely you are not suggesting otherwise." And then he adds, "Had another combo on this, "ABC News received the tape and confirmed the error to us. "Then made the correction. "Dowd writes, "I was more confused than ever. "What tape from whom? "Why the runaround? "Given the White House's egregious cover-up "about Biden's sag from aging, "the spokesman's coiness seemed detro. "I don't even think that this, "I think this is so beyond strange that that's what this, "that's what they're having their spokespeople focus on. "Why don't you email Maureen Dowd and try to bully her "into changing the word 'goodest' to good?" - Are they gonna go retroactively go back and correct all the time? Did he said exponentially? - Well, now it's like they're just-- - Or posthumidously? - They're just in this weird panic mode and it's one of those things where the harder you try, the more you protest, the more turned off people get. - And if you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January? - I feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the "goodest jobs" I know I can do. That's-- - That doesn't make sense, grammatically. Either way, "goodest" or "goodest." - Well, you know what the other thing is? It's not only the Lady Doth protest too much, it's also a little bit of the barber's dries in. Where it's like, I never would have talked about this story, the Biden said "goodest." I mean, compared to the destruction he's doing all over the world, it doesn't make a difference to me. - It's a dumb thing, but now they're making it an issue. - Now you've made me focus on this and you've as ass-- is exacerbated. - It's better than you would have done. - The issue, to such a point where it's like, "I'm focused on it now. "I'm confused why you're sending out your minions "to bully Maureen Dowd." And I don't think she was afraid or anything 'cause, but don't you think that sentence, Taylor, is a little bit nefarious where he goes, "ABC News makes their own independent editorial decisions. "Surely, you're not suggesting otherwise." It's like, why are you writing like this? Like this snarky, weird-- - They're all like that. I've dealt with campaign spokespeople and they're all like that. - If I was Maureen Dowd, I'd be like, "Lose my number. "I'm gonna write what I'm gonna write and you can deal with it." They really think that all of these publications, and I don't blame them for thinking this because this is how it's been set up, they really think that all of these people work for them. Like, you're just an arm of our operation and wear your boss and we can tell you what to do. Like, if I were Maureen Dowd, I would send all-- I would say, "Hey TJ, just FYI, "all your future emails will be sent to my spam box, "so you're just wasting your time." Like, I don't answer to TJ Ducklow, who barely has a job. They brought him back after he was fired for being a lunatic and this is what he does to spend his time. It's like, "Okay, good luck. "Glad to know that the campaign is going so well. "844-542-42, we'll be right back with your calls. "Don't go anywhere." - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (upbeat music) - This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Double Jeopardy are the two words that a lot of people are focusing on when it comes to the Karen Reed case, how he has a good column up about this today. No person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, except in Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Apparently, just when he thought the Karen Reed case couldn't get any more bleeped up. Now we hear that three of the 12 jurors, 25% of them are saying that last week they actually came to be unanimous, not guilty verdict on the second degree murder charge. Now, an update for you on this, Judge Kannoni has impounded the jury list. We're still waiting for more about this. That was the last thing I checked in on about an hour ago, but I don't know. - We're done. - I don't know what will happen next. I don't know how this changes things. If I'm Karen Reed, I'm saying, excuse me, I paid a lot of money, or her dad paid a lot of money for these lawyers, and they got two verdicts that I would like to take to the bank. - This is funny, Ms. Reed? Nothing about this is, well, it has become such a bleep show that do not, do not, Taylor, I can't, I can't take another one, please, please, you're gonna throw me off, 844-542-42, but the Karen Reed case bleeped up beyond belief is what Howie wrote, and I don't disagree, and it's unfortunate because as I've always said, it would be, I'm sure it would be comforting for the family of John O'Keefe to get some answers, and right now, I think they probably have more questions than they did at the beginning of this trial. That's what a disaster this has been for the Commonwealth. When we come back, we've got more people who are bailing on Joe. I wanna kind of set up who's still Team Joe, who's bailing on Joe, and also this new push, I'm seeing this today, this new push by the media to go after or to put pressure on their darling doctor, Jill. Now they're telling her the nice thing to do would be to tell your hubby to step aside. I don't know if Jill's gonna go for that. We'll discuss, we'll take your calls and so much more when we come back. It's not a story, it's the truth.