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Lots of New Drivers on the Road, eh? MA Sen. Peter Durant shares the numbers | 7.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Driver's license registration numbers are up 130% in Massachusetts, which is pretty peculiar considering the number of people leaving the state. Massachusetts State Senator Peter Durant joins the show to share the unfortunate news and what it means for voter rolls.

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08 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I have...I have very long things. Long, long towers at the top. Just warning you all. No falling asleep, please. Oh, sweet irony! Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. And the question on so many people's minds right now is, can you serve effectively for the next four years? George. I'm the guy that put NATO together. I didn't. That was a lie. I'm the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen. That was a lie. I'm the guy that put together the South Pacific. And that's a lie. What is the truth? I mean...I...I...yes...anyway. Bush. Yeah, I'm sure. Look, I mean, if a Lord Almighty can not say, "Joe, get out of the race and get out of the race and Lord Almighty's not coming down." Oh, that's funny, because I happen to have Jesus Christ right here. I heard what you were saying. You know nothing of my work. How you ever got to be president of anything is totally amazing. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... Holy car. 844-500-4242-978 says, "I'm not saying proctor is a good guy, but obviously they're going to talk crap about her if they think she killed him." Just like you and Turtleboy talk crap about them. Yeah, but we're not cops. That's the difference. I mean, Turtleboy and I don't have the power to create evidence or introduce "evidence" that could put somebody away for 20 or 30 years or maybe for the rest of their lives. It's's not the same. And by the way, I mean, just on general principles, if you're involved in such a case, I mean, should you be... And it wasn't with one group. He was sharing these vile comments with two different groups. I don't really feel sorry for the guy. And he threw it all away. It's like Sean says. I mean, he wasn't involved in this case. He didn't kill O'Keefe. No one made him do any of this stuff. He could have just kept his nose clean. No one made him get drunk with Kevin Albert and working on a quote unquote "cold case" and driving around loaded and letting Kevin Albert, the brother of Brian Albert and jail bird Chris Albert, leave his gun in his badge at his state police cruiser. I mean, he could blame anybody else. He could blame Turtleboy. He could blame whoever. But he brought this on himself. 844-542-42. 603 says drove over to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Spent 40 minutes looking for a parking space. Found a few at the visitors center. They were all for electric cars. None were being used. Well, if the Harvard study is true, maybe they weren't being used because probably the charging stations didn't work. You know, that's...most of the charging stations in the country apparently don't seem to work. And, you know, I'm going to have to go by what they say because I don't want to ever want to find out personally. You know, I love going to a gas station and just saying, fill her up. Or if I go to a different gas station, just pulling out my credit card, putting it in, then putting in the zip code, then I'm all set. 844-542-442-844-542. Michael Proctor is the new Mark Furman. Yeah, he is. And you know what? People knew that before he even took the stand, people were writing that in the comments sections of the newspaper websites. And they knew it going in. They had to understand that and they still put them up there on the stand. 844-542-508. Counties are an evolving paradigm in the commonwealth. It isn't based on where you reside. It's about where you identify the choice. I remember...there was a while back I got that form to go down to Dettum. And I looked at it and I said directions from Boston. Do they understand that Boston is not North County? If you live in Boston, you should not be going there. But, you know, hey, that's it. 844-542-442. Louis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Louis. How we love your show for many, many years. Thank you. Listen, Jackson, when he examined those expert witnesses, the first thing he said to them was, "Do you know what we have? Have a talk?" Right. No, I know. I remember that. That's a good point. Thanks for bringing that out. I'm going to say the jury thought that the defense hired those guys. I know. It's hard to imagine, isn't it? And everybody said that this jury was so smart. I guess in one of the affidavits, one of the jurors that was on there, who talked either to Jackson or to Yanetti's sources, said, "You know, I was the only one on the jury that wasn't a professional person." So, I mean, you know, not that professionals are necessarily smarter than people who aren't professionals, but you think they might be inclined to pay a little more attention, or maybe one of two of them would have been inclined to pay a little more attention? For each one of those guys, more than once, we didn't hire you, right? Right. So, another agency hired. That was the first thing that was the first question they asked them, Louis, wasn't it? Exactly. And I'm saying, "How could the jurors think that the defense hired these guys?" And they were crucial testimony. It wasn't the most crucial testimony of all. I mean, you can't murder someone with a car if the car wasn't used to hit the guy, whether intentionally or not intentionally. You know? I mean, there were so many instances where it should have been reasonable doubt. How about when they showed the inverted video from the sally port without telling anybody? How about with hose long to die and cold? How about when they didn't come up with any of the deleted phone messages? Because they, quote, unquote, didn't have the software, the exculpatory software, apparently. Good Lord. Thanks for the call, Louis. 844-542-4242-978. My condolences to Turtleboy's family about his mom so sad. Yeah, it was sad. It happened a week ago, Saturday, and then Monday, the verdict came in. It was just unfortunate. 508 says the charging stations are like Democrats. They don't work. Yes. What are the odds? Proctor Trooper's wife goes ballistic on social media. Regardless, if it's a good idea, if she has a similar decision-making process as her husband. I think she's off social media after she got into a lot of trouble on social media for trying to get these people who were commenting on the innocence of Karen Reid fired from their jobs. She didn't even know who she went to a, there was a member of a school committee in Western Mass who posted something, and she went to the superintendent of the school system in Western Mass that this woman was on the school committee of and said, "Can you fire her?" Obviously, Michael Proctor isn't the only dumbass in the family. I mean, she didn't understand that the superintendent is employed by the school committee and not vice versa. But, you know, there it is. 844-542-4242. She's also the Mrs. Proctor's also the one who told Kathy Curran from Channel 10, the reporter, "Get off our line." She was on the street. She was out on the street. But it looked like they're long. Rocky, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rocky. Howie, thanks for taking my call. I can't believe, back in the day, that idiot, Paul de Walia, would let all the cops skate and get their big pensions, wire fraud, mail fraud, all the rest. Anyway, Howie, remember, Oni Ellis, back in the day, he was a state cop, and he was running the pot from Gloucester to Boston. Was he pot-cops? There were a couple of pot-cops. Of course he was. Of course he was. That's what we call them in the Herald, one of those guys, pot-cops. Right by the state police barracks in Topsfield, which is now up on 95 in Newbury, he used to flip his light on, like a badge of Wanna, bring in the dope and the ball. You know what I mean? Just on and on. No one's accountable, blah, blah, blah. I know, I know it is. They aren't accountable. They never got into trouble until they moved into Boston. As soon as the few that went to the state house as guards, they ended up in trouble immediately. Even before they were, they absorbed the MDC, the Mets. As it turns out, the Mets infected the state police rather than being cleaned up by being in what had been a clean-cut group of law enforcement officers. What a mess this has become. I've talked to people who used to work on the state police back in the '80s, and they hate, you know who they hate? Forget all the vault. They hate Bill Weld, because he was the one who combined all the registry cops, the capital cops, and the MDC cops, they were all merged into the state police, and nothing was ever the same. And nothing is ever, nothing good has ever happened since then. 844-542-42. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie, about the black female reporter that got fired for asking pre-approved questions by the Biden White House, Trump should be exploiting that by saying more black reporters got fired because of collusion with the Biden White House than any other White House in history. You know, Dennis, I just want the equal treatment. You know, why aren't the white reporters who take the questions getting fired, too? Again, we have evidence of what happened, don't we? The brothers get a different layer of justice. Yeah, this is bad. You know, she was working for a very small station. I'm sure she was making no money. And, you know, her career gets flushed down the toilet because she does what all these big shots do. You know, who used to be, you know, code holders and, you know, congressional aides to all these corrupt senators and White House aides. Stephanopoulos, you know what, Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, all these people. They all worked for various hack Democrats, and they haven't been fired. They're doing the bidding of the Democrat Party. Thanks for the call. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr Show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Carr Show. Just enter your name and email at ♪♪ ♪♪ Howie Carr is back. ♪♪ Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have held me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what would you tell Joe Biden to do if he asked you? Step aside, gramps, or don't let the elite run you out, Joe. You're our guy. I would say don't let the elite run you out, Joe. You're our guy. 70% of the audience agrees with you. 30% say they would say step aside. All right. affidavit of Alan J. Jackson in support of defendant's motion to dismiss. I, Alan Jackson, declare on Tuesday, July 2nd, I was contacted by juror A, true name and identity withheld to maintain anonymity. Based on my conversation, I was able to positively identify which juror he/she was. Juror A told me he/she was seeing inaccurate reports about the split among the jurors related to the mistrial that the court had declared the previous day. Juror A told me that the result of the deliberations was that the jury unanimously, unanimously agreed that Karen Reid is not guilty of count one second-degree murder. Juror A was emphatic that count one second-degree murder was off the table and that all 12 of the jurors were in agreement that she is not guilty of such a crime. Juror A also told me that shortly following the determination regarding count one, the jury also unanimously agreed that Karen Reid is not guilty of count three, leaving the scene with injury death. Once the jury was seated, this is on the day that the mistrial was declared. The court read the jury note verbatim in open court and without providing any opportunity for defense counsel to be heard, the court declared a mistrial and excused the jury. Neither Miss Reid nor her counsel consented to the entry of the mistrial. The defense counsel was denied the opportunity to request that the court inquire on which counter counts the jury might have been deadlocked, including lesser included offenses, nor did the jury on its own inquire of the jury for person on which counts the jury was at an impasse. And whether the jury could or did reach unanimous verdict, unanimous agreement on any of the other counts. Had the jury had the court so inquired, it appears clear that not guilty verdicts would have been recorded for counts one and three. Miss Reid was denied her right to receive those verdicts in her favor. That's, that's what he said. It's signed under pains and penalties of perjury. I've also got the United, the state affidavit, which I'll read later. Duane, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Duane. Yeah, how you doing? I caught one before and I'm just chiming in real quick on the, on the Reid case. Yes. I am very confused. I think the only reason that they are going forward with this at all is to cover up whoever is coverable for the actual killing of this person. Yeah, no, I, no, you know, that's, that's a, that's a theory. That's their theory. I mean, their theory is that there's a third party culprit. I won't get into who it is, but it's a public record, what they've said. And, you know, I, I don't know, I, I don't know why they're doing this. I really don't. I mean, I'm, I'm not trying to be, you know, a goody two shoes, but why would you try to, to cover up the actual murder of a, of anyone, let alone a police officer? Well, I believe that station is not known for honesty. If I think Kenton has a problem anyway, if I remember, right? Yeah. I think that it could be an inside thing, whatever, put it this way. The minute someone asks, I want to take someone to die in the snow means they better go out and pull them into the house where he isn't going to freeze. Right. And that's my opinion. So even if someone hit you with a car, I'm just saying there someone. Well, I mean, again, again, the, the, the, the experts, the guys with PhDs who've studied physics and that sort of thing for accident reconstruction, they said he wasn't hit by a car. You get hit by a car, Dwayne, you're, you're probably going to get broken bones or at least bruises. He had no, he had no broken bones. He had no bruises beneath the neck. He was hit in the back of his head. That's what, that's what killed him. The blow to the back of the head. Well, they don't know what they don't know if he died of hypothermia freezing to death or, or he died from the blow to the back of his head or a combination thereof. And the medical examiner would not say it was homicide. So, I mean, this, this case was flawed, flawed fatally. And if, if the fact that they didn't know that, that, that they were, that these were FBI experts that were brought in by a, as part of another investigation into public corruption and police corruption, then shame on the jury for not being able to figure it out because it, it, it, it came out. But again, I guess maybe that, maybe that's something about Adam Lally, the, the, the boring prosecutor. He lulled everybody to sleep. I know he lulled me to sleep a few times, you know, yeah, it went, his case went on and he had 70 witnesses, I think 70 witnesses and most of them had absolutely nothing to add to the, to the, to the, in terms of material testimony. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, Jackson's motion is a, it's, it's big news. You know how you know it's big news? The globe is burying it. Exhibit A, I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. So as you know, there was a question on the ballot in 2022, whether or not illegal aliens should be given the right to get driver's licenses in Massachusetts because there's so much you can do with a driver's license. You can register to vote. You can go on welfare, et cetera, et cetera. It's something you don't want to be giving out, Willy Nilly, but there was total Republican party dysfunction, as we know, in 2022. They just basically gave up and it passed narrowly and the illegal aliens were given the right to get driver's licenses. But now the, a year later after they first started giving out driver's licenses to illegal aliens, the registry of motor vehicles said today it is issued 183,825 new learners permits and 128,079 new driver's licenses since the so-called Work and Family Mobility Act, not too much work and not many families, but they call it the Work and Family Mobility Act. It took effect last July 1st, according to the State House News Service. It's not exactly clear how many of these people and permits went to illegal aliens. But the volume shows a significant uptick that state officials attributed to the law. So joining us now to talk about this is Senator Peter Durant. He's a Republican Senator from Worcester County and he's, he's been fighting to find out what exactly benefits and how much money is being spent on this, this invasion of illegal aliens into the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Senator Durant, I mean, it's, we knew there'd be a lot of licenses, but this is a pretty large number, isn't it? I think how we, yeah, what an astronomical number. I mean, I don't know that we could have ever imagined numbers as high. As a percentage as a, as a kind of a year-over-year percentage, it's over a hundred percent. I think it's a hundred and thirty-some odd percent. A hundred and thirty percent increase? Wow. So, yeah. And, you know, and that's what you look at, right? You look at the average of what happens over the course of a year, what do you normally be issued for licenses, but seeing an increase as over a hundred and thirty percent tells you that something's just, something fishy's going on. Good Lord. You know, the thing is, I get the, I get the arrest logs, the blotters from the New Hampshire State Police every week. I haven't probably won't have time to read them tonight, but they're still arresting tons of illegal aliens from Massachusetts for driving without a license, but, you know, you would think they would, they would want to get a license. It's only what, thirty-five, fifty bucks to, to get a license. Is it that big of a deal? Wouldn't you rather be driving around with a license? I mean, I know they get away with all, breaking all the laws otherwise, but it's still easier just to have a license, isn't it? Well, you would think so. And, you know, what you see is, you know, it does make sense now because I've been saying this for a while as well as, you know, when you drive down Boston, if you are on my way into work, I go down Boyleson Street and you see the scooters lined up on Boyleson Street with all the immigrants, they have their scooters and on the back of their little door dash, you know, insulated, insulated what carriers or whatnot, and they're zipping in and out of traffic. So I guess there's something to be said there, that's where, if they're licensed, you know, this might account for quite a few of them because they're, they're like flies flying all over the city. And, you know, I remember that, you know, it had been, you know, I don't even remember the last time that the registry offices were open on Saturdays. But as soon as this thing passed, the new governor at the time, Mara Healy, decided she was going to open the register, a lot of the registry offices on Saturday to make it easier for the illegal aliens to get the driver's licenses, which I really understand so since so few of them work. And, you know, I mean, why couldn't they go on a regular weekday like American citizens have to do? Right, it's a concentrated effort to normalize this behavior and that's what we're seeing, whether it's right to shelter long, whether it's getting these licenses, whether it's getting jobs for door dash, all of these things are just a path lead to normalization. Nothing to see here, folks. We're just going to let them in. We're going to let them act as if they're normal citizens and we'll worry about the consequences later. And of course, we're seeing those consequences everywhere, but it's not much later that we're seeing that. So what is the bill now? I mean, it just keeps going and they, you know, they try to only give you a little bits and pieces of how much it's costing. What's the latest estimate on how much all these flop houses and all the other welfare benefits that go along with the flop houses are costing the taxpayers of Massachusetts? The last numbers that I saw was still, it was prior to the end of the fiscal year, but the last number I saw, we were over 700 million. So we were on track to do our $1 billion a year. They seem to have been able to estimate that correctly. So it appears that that's the number that's going to get hit. Are they still adding flop houses to the roster? They are. But I mean, we've heard of the latest one, which is the Norfolk prison, and I'm surprised that they allowed the Norfolk prison because it's a prison after all. And that would seem inhumane to house. And they closed it down in 2015 because they said it was unsafe for Americans. Right. Right. Well, remember you're also paying to renovate any of the renovations that have to take place. So we see these kind of additional facilities coming online and in after Norfolk, they'll probably come up with something else. I'm not quite sure what that is yet, they'll find another place to put them. I don't think that her little mission to send people down to the border to put out the information that Massachusetts doesn't have room is really going to work without any concrete changes. People are just going to keep coming and I don't see any change to that whatsoever. So if they get a license, then do they also get an application form to register to vote? Isn't that the way it works? Right. So this is the interesting part. And when you get your license, there is a checkbox that says, yes, register me to vote or no, don't register me to vote. And so I have to assume I'm not being an illegal immigrant. I don't know if they get a different form, but the registry is already said and Governor Baker said before he left office that there was no way to tell if the registry was properly vetting people. There was no way to tell. He was the Governor. The registry of other vehicles was under his control, but he said there was no way to tell. This is why, you know, it's as bad as Marahili as it's hard to miss Charlie Baker. Well, and you know, and so we don't know the answer to this and this is the biggest question that we have. And that's not, that's not something that we should take lightly. We have a 100% overall 100% year over year increase. So we're talking probably in the neighborhood about 60,000, 70,000 registrants above and beyond how many of them have been registered to vote automatically by the registry. We don't know the answer that we've been searching for this answer. We were kind of unofficially told that, no worry about it, it hasn't been a problem. But I'd like to know now the official numbers and we want to do the exact same thing as we just saw with the licenses. Tell us what an average year looks like, and then tell us what this year looks like. It should be relatively clear if you have an anomaly in that. This is, this is ridiculous and, and, and you know, they've, they've told, again, they've told us that no one is, no one is registering to vote that's here illegally. And, and you know, again, there's, there's, you know, the, the state of Massachusetts on a statewide level is not very competitive for Republicans, but still, you know, you don't want to encourage this kind of rampant voter fraud, if that's what it is. No. Well, and you know how we've heard of, I, we, I have a first-hand knowledge of this kind of thing when, when my wife, who was Kate Campanelli at the time, we got married, she reregistered, she checked the box, I said, no, I don't need to change my, I don't need to register to vote because I'm already registered. We found out months later that she then had two separate registrations in town. She could have been voted twice under two different names. It took the Secretary of State to clear it up and keep it so that she just had one vote. But so we know this happens and it's not a nice late incident. No, I, when, when the mailroom manager and I changed our legal domicile to Florida and our daughter, our youngest daughter, changed hers to New York, we continued to get, get absentee ballots in the mail. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, this is, this is probably, oh, that probably, it is more serious than these immigrants getting licenses. It's much more serious if we, we need to understand whether they're being registered to vote and if then they are taking part in our, in our lecture process. Rambo 413 says, I was told by my current insurance company that the reason for the increase, his insurance went up from 3,900 a year to 9,400 a year in Western Mass with no, no accidents was due to noninsured motorists, unquote, unquote. So basically I'm paying for the illegal invaders insurance. No, you're paying for their lack of insurance. That's what you're paying for Rambo, not their insurance. They don't, they don't think they need any insurance. And that's the thing there. You know, you look at these, these police plotters from New Hampshire, obviously they're not going to release them in Massachusetts for, for political reasons, but they're, they're all driving around with no licenses, no registration, no insurance. In some cases, not even any new license plates. Right. And if you remember, we, we were told during this debate when it was in the legislature that allowing them to get licenses would mean that they'd be able to go out and get insurance, which they, they want to do. And it would be. Oh, yeah. It would be an accident, you know, they're, they're suddenly going to decide to, you know, go out and get their cars registered. And if you know, if they can't pass the, if they can't pass the emissions test, they'll go get a new catalytic converter and all this stuff. I mean, it was, it was ridiculous. It was, it was BS and we all knew it. You know, yeah, human nature tells us that it's just not going to happen. And we're seeing the effects of it now. Every day we're seeing more of these stories, as you just mentioned, you're hearing about a lot of them in New Hampshire. You're hearing every day about various immigrants getting arrested for drug dealing, for kidnapping, for rape, for assault, for all these different things because we haven't properly vetted them. And now we're giving them licenses. This is, it just, this is what we've been talking about, how we just snowballing out of control. Yeah. Here's one. I'm looking at the list that just, they just sent it out today, New Hampshire State Police, Group B, Havana Placido from Lowell Mass, operating without a valid license and speeding 25 plus miles over the 65 mile speed limit. This was arrested in Wyndham, New Hampshire. That's just a, here's one, Lucas Dilema Morez, he's from Dover, again, operating without a valid license. It just goes on and on and on, framing ham mass, Carlos Guido, Namsilla Ocampas, operating without a valid license, speeding 25 miles over a 65 mile an hour. D, D, Wilson, Nibogar, driving without a valid license, speeding 20 to 21 miles over a valid license. They, all, it just goes on and on, Manchester New Hampshire, Jorge Antonio Mata, operating without a valid license. They don't, they don't feel like they have to obey any of the laws. Why would they, if they don't, if they don't obey any other laws, why are they going to obey the traffic laws? Right, and there's no consequences for them not. So again, why would you? If you don't have a consequence to your action, well, then of course you're going to continue to do the acting. And so, it just goes back to human nature. You give somebody something, they're going to want more of it. If you don't expect it from them, they won't give you much, you know? Right. When they, when you get a permit, do they register you to vote when you're a permit, when you, can you check the box, they're going to register to vote, when you get a permit or you do you have to get a license? That's a good question. I don't know the answer to that. But you can, we do know that in Massachusetts, you can pre-register to vote. So if you've got, if you, if you've got your license at 16, I think at that point you can pre-register to vote and you're supposed to go on the voters' rolls when you turn 18. Who knows if that takes place? Or if there's 16 and 17 year olds are on the voter rolls, but I do know you can pre-register. But the fact that it boils body work says, "I can tell you firsthand they're not getting insurance." You know how he can tell Senator DeWitt because he has to, he has to deal with the insurance when they come in, when people come in to get body work done on their cars. And they got, they get hit and they got no insurance and people, there's, there's so many more hit and runs than there used to be. Have you noticed that? Yeah. Yeah. Again, and it's, so you're seeing the effects. You're no longer just anecdotal, we're, we're actually seeing the stories. We're actually now seeing statistics. And this is just the sound of us seeing the statistics. So it's going to continue to get worse. I don't, I'd like to say it gets worse before it gets better. I just don't know when it's going to get better. Oh. All right, Peter Duran. Thanks for your, your assistance. Are you going out to the convention? I am not. I am not. I will be, I will be working diligently here. The people of my district. All right. Where can people go if they want to learn more about Senator Peter Duran? Please join us over at, that's We'd love to have you join us. We better be the summer ahead of us. Thank you. Maybe someday you can share some good news with us, Senator Duran. I, I'd like that. I like that for James. I'm not holding my breath though. Thanks for being with us. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. He's Howie Carr. 844-542-42. Backster, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead. Backster. Hey, Howie, just to clarify one point in Massachusetts, you know, the whole illegal driver's license thing has been a joke from way back. I mean, the state has always allowed a person who is, who doesn't have a driver's license to register. And he's sure a car. It was a loophole. You know, if grandma couldn't drive anymore and you wanted to drive a car, that's the thing. And as far as the, the, it doesn't show up on a, on a block, a board of probation, any kind of conviction for unlicensed operation. And it doesn't have any jail time anymore. And it, all it was, is that last time I checked, it was like $100 fine. So this was all about money. Yeah. You look at the, you look at the places like, I think the, the Nantucket newspaper still run the court logs. And they're, they're always arresting illegal aliens for, or, or citing the illegal aliens. And it's, you're right. It's never a, it's never a jail sentence. It's, it's either some, most of the time backster, it's not even a $100 fine. It's continued without a finding. CWF. Right? Yeah, it's just a judge would just say, okay, don't do it again. Right. Bye. That's a nudge. You know, that does, that doesn't work with a kid and it doesn't work with an illegal alien. It works, it works less with an illegal alien than it does with a kid. It's ridiculous. Thanks for the callbacks there. Tom, you're next with how we car go ahead, Tom. Hey, how we, I wish I could have talked to the, uh, senator, um, on the air. I have called the town of Foxboro in the town of Taunton of voter registration. And I asked them a particular addresses that are housing migrants. Have there been anybody that has registered to vote at these addresses? Fisher treat in Foxboro, the lady said, yes, she gave me a name and then in Taunton on mild standards at the extended stay, yes, they had an individual that registered. That was about a month ago. Now, here's the other thing that you can cross reference in this state, but it probably takes a state senator, people who declined to serve on jury duties. Many of them put down not a United States citizen. You can cross reference that name in that town to find out, well, wait a minute, Chico Rodriguez, uh, as a driver's life, speak, speak of that, Tom, how many of these elite, how many of these young illegal aliens of military age are registering for the draft, do you think? You know, you still have to do that. So that's still on the books in Massachusetts and in the United States. You want to know how many are registering for the draft zero zero. They just want all the goodies, but they don't want any of the responsibilities. I'm how we car. (gentle music)