The Howie Carr Radio Network

Is Auntie Bev a WITNESS now? Sean McDonough, a.k.a. El Jefe, joins the show | 7.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie welcomes Sean McDonough to the show to take a victory lap on his theory about the Karen Raed jury that turned out to be very true. Since he's on such a roll, he makes predictions for the potential retrial and more.

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08 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group. American Independence Gold can show you the benefits of converting your retirement accounts into a tax- sheltered IRA with physical gold. Go to and watch my video to learn about the benefits of investing with American Independence Gold. Check it out today at Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I have very long things, long, long toppers at the top. Just warning you all. No falling asleep, please. Oh! Sweet irony! Hello, from the Matthews Brothers Studios. And the question on so many people's minds right now is, can you serve effectively for the next four years? George. I'm the guy that put NATO together. I didn't. That was a lie. I'm the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen. That was a lie. I'm the guy that put together the South Pacific. And that's a lie. What is the truth? I mean, I, I, I, yes, anyway. Bush. Yeah. I'm sure. Look. I mean, if the Lord Almighty can not say Joe get out of the race and get out of the race and the Lord Almighty is not coming down. Oh, well, that's funny because I happen to have Jesus Christ right here. I heard what you were saying. You know nothing of my work. How you ever got to be president of anything is totally amazing. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware, it's... Howie Car. 844-500-4242 Parkinson's expert visited White House eight times in eight months. Someone said it was Alex Berenson who broke this story, not the New York Post. I don't know. Whoever broke it though, let me put it this way, it was not the New York Times or the Washington Post that broke the story. 508 just tuned in what happened in the read case. Well, two things happened. The big news, I guess, is that the, the defense filed a motion to dismiss the murder charges on the grounds that three of the jurors have informed them in one way or another, including one directly, that they voted unanimously to, that she was not guilty of second-degree murder and the judge said it was a mistrial and they also voted that not, that she was not guilty in the leaving the scene of an accident, which was also, which was also found to be in a mistrial. So they found, they, they wanted that they were, it was a split, a hung jury on whether she hit him or not, which is hard to imagine if they, if they, if they're going to acquitter of the other two charges. But they said that there was a split jury on the middle charge, but not on the, but the other two were not guilty and that she should have been acquitted. And so they've hired, Karen Reed has hired a new lawyer, Marty Weinberg, who's a very well, well regarded lawyer in Boston and because, you know, Jaxson will now be witnesses in the, and so will the judge probably. So this is the end of the judge, this is the end of Judge Canone in the, in the, in the, in the case, most likely. And this is a big mess. And the other thing is the lead investigator, Michael Proctor, the guy who made all those, those vile misogynistic statements about Karen Reed on his, to, to other state troopers and to his own personal high school friends. He's been suspended without pay today, without pay. And they had a demonstration against them at the, at, at the barracks in South Boston, where he was supposedly assigned, but that was just a housekeeping measure. They had to have him somewhere to keep him on the payroll, even without pay. So he was never, he was never going to go to work there, but still they wanted to make the point. And I guess I, I understand that eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. It's time now for the Chumpline. The Lord moves in mysterious ways. You know what I mean? Sometimes, you know, he puts a horse's head on somebody's bed as happened in the godfather, and there are other, there are other ways to, to, to convince someone to, to step aside. I have a terrible cold, I better go see a neurologist. The neurologist only made eight trips to the White House. The neurologist who would be be knowledgeable about Parkinson's disease, which The New York Times took pains to remind us four times in the early paragraphs of its story last week. Joe Biden does not have Parkinson's disease. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone out at your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at, they've helped me and my staff and they can help you save the money to get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. How do you solve a problem like Kamala? How do you catch a crook and pin her down? How do you find a word that means Kamala? She's the, she's the hope of the Democrat party. They're putting all their eggs in the Kamala basket. Come on, man, I had a wonderful 4th of July weekend, including my Christmas interview with George Steph, Michael Dukakis, and I got to say, oh, oh, oh, you see, I was the first black woman Santa, and I like it when kids sit in my lap. It's the goodest job. I really don't know what he said, I don't think he knows what he said either. No, I don't think he knows what he said either. We should have, that should, that clip should be permanently, permanently queued up because it's quite cut 28. Let's have Trump's response, all we care, we can't play it. I don't know what he said in that last sentence, and I don't think he knows either. All right, go ahead. Electric vehicles come to NASCAR. That'll be an interesting pit stop. Apparently there's some Harvard study out today saying that the electric charging station system is in turmoil and chaos and disrepair, as if, as if you didn't know that, and the people who own electric vehicles know it better than those of us who were smart enough not to buy the damn things. Logan International Flop House, an exemplar of Biden's America. Yes, exactly, exactly. Cut 28. Democrat, let me say it this way, the reason I've been out on the road so much is all over the country. Oh, excuse me, 24, I'm sorry, 24. And if you stay in, and Trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January? I feel as long as I gave it my all, and I take the greatest jobs, I know I can do. That's what this is about. As long as I did the greatest job that I knew I could do, now they're saying that the White House is saying it's as good as a job as I knew I could do. It sounds like the greatest to me. What's the thing about the radio interviews, right? Could you just do it with AI? But if that was not AI with morning Joe, because he wouldn't have screwed up to think about the golf cart and the golf cart, and now time for geography with Joe Biden and Tom Menino. Even when I was running for Senate, these time I ran, quite frankly, not a Joe, Philadelphia particular, got me across the line. Which one of the East Coast states got hit the hardest? I think Philadelphia had got the hardest. That's the state of Philadelphia. Menino knew a lot about geography. He also knew a lot about the providences of Canada. Joe and I deserve another four years after all, he's just having a minor incursion into dementia land. Yeah, recall, he said it wouldn't be a big deal if Russia made a minor incursion into Ukraine. By the way, the Russians hit a hospital in Kiev and they killed a number of people, terrible, obviously. But I think they killed fewer than were killed in Chicago this weekend by Democrats. I think there were 17 or 19 people killed, not shot, killed in Chicago, including several mass shootings with mass numbers of deaths, 100 people wounded in Chicago over the weekend. So in other words, the casualties in Chicago were higher than the casualties in Kiev, or probably Gaza City, too. Joe, the best way to preserve democracy is to use for mankind God protect our jobs and God save the drag queen. I don't know if he's ever said God save the drag queen. He feels that. That's what they would tell him to say. I don't know. Well, he'd say that if they would put it in front of him. Does listening to the Howie Car Radio Network also count for passing a daily cognitive test? Asking for a friend. Certainly does. Certainly does. 508 says the family needs to keep Brandon in office. There are too many family members and too many crimes for pardons to work. I disagree, I think they just say, you know, every member of the Biden crime family is pardoned. That's all you have to do. Do you think they're ever going to run for anything again? I think not. Have any members of the Nixon family run again? The Clinton family? The Obama family? No, they don't run again. They're out. Hunter could be the senator from the state of Philadelphia. He could be and Hunter is in those meetings in the Oval Office, so, you know, take it for what it's worth and you know what it's worth. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Car. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Car Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message and we may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like there are a second brand new Chumpline, you can just press 2 for the Chumpline and excuse me, just we have a second Chumpline of the day and it's called Chopped Chumps and you can get Chopped Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day where we put the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. You can get it at wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast at 7 p.m. every weeknight. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at No Charge, No Obligation, Joe and I deserve another four years after all, he's just having a minor incursion into Dimensional Land. Just because he has to have instructions, walk to podium, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with his brain, although he has said there is something wrong with his brain, but then he said that was a joke, I'm Howie Car, The Howie Car Show. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Car, is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at No Charge, No Obligation, Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what would you tell Joe Biden to do if he asked you? Step aside, gramps, or don't let the elites run you out, Joe, you're our guy. Don't let the elites run you out, Joe, you're our guy. 31% of the audience agrees with you, 29% would say step aside. Alright, 844-500-4242. Let's play a couple more cuts here. Want some more? Biden is totally on top of his game, and I don't know why that neurologist came there for eight times. Cut 25. We'll have it. I know we're happy to help, with my help, with what's working together, we're going to get a hell of a lot done for the American people, and we're going to make sure these things are... So anyway, I guess if I stand here long enough, all those folks in the back are going to die a son's joke. Can we quote Joe Biden, Mr. President? Anyway, anyway. You know, a year ago he would say anyway, occasionally, now it just recurs. Everything about his condition is just getting worse and worse, and here he has something that I don't think anyone in his condition should really be saying, which is something drives him nuts. This was this morning on Morning Joe, Cut 34. Have you been tested for any age-related illnesses, pre-Parkinson's, or anything like that, that might explain sort of having a night like that where you couldn't finish sentences? Look, I had before, I was still in so badly before the debate when I came back, they tested me before I thought maybe I had COVID, maybe there was something wrong, I had an infection or something, they tested me, they gave me those tests, I was clear, but look, I had a bad night, but the fact of the matter is, look at what I'm doing, I mean, let me put this way. If there was something that was wrong that night, it's not like it comes in, that's one night and goes away, that's why I've been out, I've been testing myself, been testing everywhere I go, going out and making the case. The night of that debate I went out, I was out at two o'clock in the morning, that very night, that very night, it drives me nuts, people talking about this. Well, if you were so sick, why were you out until two o'clock? And it drives him nuts, again, there's certain things you don't say, if people think that you've lost your marbles, that's one of them. And they keep saying, today they said the White House says he didn't use the notes during his phone interviews, I mean, there's an old saying, if you're complaining, you're losing, that's all they're doing, is they're losing. And now they're talking about the radio host who lost her job because she took the spoon-fed questions from the White House, it's just, things don't get any better, cut 19. We have, I mean, I guess, anyway, I don't want to take too much credit, I have a great staff. What, again, anyway, the White House has to lock up his tongue with the rest of the silver. Anyway, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, oh my goodness. We're going to be right back with Sean McDonough Al-Hefe, and he says he's got a big scoop for us in the Karen Reed case that only he and Alan Jackson, though, but you and I are about to learn this scoop from Sean McDonough, from Going Through the Motion's podcast. Or should I say, blogging, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two on Howie Car. I was tired and I needed to think about it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I've never seen anything happen like this with a jury verdict of a mistrial and a week later. Actually, a day after a juror calling one of the defense attorneys and saying we had a not guilty verdict on the major charge, murder two, and the judge didn't take it and said there was a mistrial when there actually wasn't, and two other jurors have confirmed it apparently, and now Karen Reed's attorneys are looking for the dismissal of the two of the three charges against her, and they've hired a new lawyer, Marty Weinberg, who's handled a lot of mob cases and other corrupt union officials, including members of the state police, and it's quite a mess. And meanwhile, Trooper Michael Proctor has today been suspended without pay by a panel at the headquarters in Framingham of the state police. He was the lead investigator in the Karen Reed case. Wanted to check in with Sean McDonough, L. Hayfay, who is a former DEA agent, and he's from Canton originally, and Sean, I doubted you when you said there was a not guilty verdict by the jury last week, because they'd never heard of such a thing when Judge Anti-Bev declared a mistrial, but you were on the money 100%, I'll never doubt you again. Hey, thank you, Howard, it's a pleasure to be back a lot. No, you know some, as it turns out, Howard, no, I was on the money because as you look at the affidavit by, I believe it was Alan Jackson, that informant B ended up being my informant and another YouTube creator's informant. So we were able to get that information out solidly, however, there was other information that came in across to my, my, my, my desk, sort of say, over the weekend, which I got out to Alan Jackson immediately, and this is one of the things that was confirmed. This particular person who's very close to one, another juror that I don't believe has not been brought up in the affidavit's, confirmed everything, said the whole thing about the not guilty on the murder too, the not guilty on the leaving of a scene of an OUI with injuries and a dead person, and that definitely said they were deadlocked on the manslaughter charge. This person said, when they discussed about the other agency, okay, all the jurors absolutely did pick up on the other agency, but it was decided in there, ironically, that the other agency was an investigation conducted by the defense, which really, they, so they missed it when the, when the witness said the feds were questioning him. So they didn't even, they didn't realize that it was the feds that were involved in this that had, that had busted up the, the conspiracy against Karen Reed by the state police and they'd come up with the accident investigators. Right. That's the whole tra, travesty of this whole trial. And this is where I believe Beverly can only definitely lost control of her court. She lost control of the case. She lost control of everything because I do believe that was, that would have been the, the deciding point if they knew that the feds have it involved. The other thing is I really believe that the jury slips was very confusing, but I do have one other thing, Holly, for you. Yeah. And I, I record with this forever. So Thursday night, I have two secluded sources in Ken embedded with the McAlbert. I'm just going to leave it like embedded, they were getting solid information. Now this is the scary part, Holly. On Thursday night, the Thursday before, you know, the whole verdict came up, the McAlabats were getting and very confident that she was going to be convicted of the manslaughter charge. They were completely definite on that. They said all they needed was a couple more days and they were going to be able to sway the other jurors. The problem with that is how did that leak out so early to their side? That's the problem I have. Now I did for that, I wrestled with it because, you know, you, you just never know. Now you know, now I know for sure that that, that, that charge, they were right. They were right. But they were right before anything ever came out, which tells me there's someone corrupt on the inside that they were able to get that information. Well, I mean, we have to assume that, don't we, by the fact that that Brian Albert and Brian Higgins disposed of their phones a day before, a day 24 hours before they got a protective order from the court, not to destroy their phones. So they obviously had somebody inside even before, we knew that before, right? Exactly. Exactly. But you would think, you would think that, you know, now they're saying that this guy Lieutenant Fanning was in charge of all jury issues, if it ever arose. So who knows, who knows how much they could touch these jurors? But the greatest thing now is Jackson, you know, and now with Marty Weinberg. I mean, this is, this is, this is going to be huge and, and coupled with the fact that Proctor, now the thing is, they yanked his pay. And now everyone wants to think that, oh, because it was his personal messages against camera rate, no way. I believe that finally, Jody Cohen, the SAC for the FBI, finally reached out to Colonel Mon, like when an olive branch said, okay, Colonel, it's time we have a fireside chat. This is what we have. I hope that's what happened because it seems like Proctor is going to get booted up pretty quickly. Well, Lieutenant Fanning, you're saying Lieutenant Fanning was in charge of the jury, you know, security here, because he was on the, he was on the, the email, the chat room list. He was getting all these vile messages from, from Proctor, wasn't he? Believe he was. Also the one, he's also the lead investigator on the Sandra Birchmore case, Lieutenant Fanning. This is, this, this is the way this can go to another trial after this is there. I mean, they, they keep saying, well, they have to, they, you know, I keep, I talked to lawyers over the weekend and they say, well, they have to go forward with it because there's a dead police officer. Yeah. But there's a dead police officer, but what does it matter if you're trying the wrong person? Exactly. You know, they may say they're going to go forward. I don't see how you can go forward now. And let's face it, Proctor was the lead investigator, okay? How can you go forward now with his, his tarnished record, his, the accusations against him and more so, July 22nd is, is a long ways off. One thing I learned about this case, Holly, just when you think you can breathe and get a breather from this thing, something always happens. It's amazing for a whole year. My team and I would say, okay, this is the time we can kind of slow down. And all of a sudden, boom, something else would come through. It's just absolutely crazy how this case is gone. So, so Thursday, the, the verdict came in last Monday, a week ago today. So the Thursday night before then, the McAlberts were confident that you would be convicted on the manslaughter charges, the, the middle charge. And that's the one where they, that's the one where even Jackson and Yannetti in their affidavits today say that the jury was deadlocked. And I think they said a majority were leaning towards convicting her of manslaughter. That's correct. And the information came from my sources directly that they were so convinced that all they needed was Friday or Monday to convince the others. And thank God the others held up. But that's, that's what they got three or four days before this jury was told those on jury. So. You were saying, I saw your tweets earlier today. We're talking to Sean McDonough, El Hefei, he has a, he has his own web, web broadcast on YouTube. It's called going through the motions. I saw you said that you think that Proctor could flip now. Do you think Proctor's more likely to flip than Higgins? Oh, Higgins, Higgins gave a federal proffer. The problem with Higgins was he thought he was going to get a sweet, sweet deal and not go to jail. What Proctor can do now, it pro, it proctor hasn't figured this out. He's the long ranger out there now, he's been banished. And what he should do, and I've been urging him since, I don't know, for a whole year at his losses, get down to Josh Levy and just go now and give it all up. They've got, he can corroborate all their evidence, no doubt. And for him to sit by and take the fall for all these people is, is crazy at this point. Who's he, who's he really protecting? Because he's not going to get protected in the end. Yeah, he knows what happened in the Sally port there when they were, whatever happened to that, that those taillights, right? Absolutely. He's right there. And guess what? Like Alina Rafferty going right down the same side, and she does a 180 like, like that baby on YouTube, just going down and making that you little U-turn. She knows exactly what happened, Berkowitz knows what happened, Higgins knows what happened as so doesn't Kevin Albert. This case is far from being over how I can tell you that, but the whole ticket right now is in the hands of the federal government. That's where, that's where that part is going to be prosecuted. So let me get this straight again. This is new news to me, Sean McDonough. So your sources are saying that the jury picked up on the fact that there was this outside investigation, but they put two and two together and came up with five and thought that it was the defense that was conducting the outside investigation. So they thought the archi guys, the PhDs, who actually knew what they were talking about an accident reconstruction, they thought they were paid for by the, by the defense. I thought I didn't Jackson and the, you know, make it clear that they weren't paid for by the, by the defense. I believe they did. No, it wasn't the, the archi per se. It was any time they referenced the other proceeding, the other proceeding, you know, the other investigation. Yeah. Right. So they confuse that as being part of the defensive investigation. And that's just the privacy. It really is. It's too bad. It really is too bad. It really is a shame. And I, and I never understood why they couldn't say that the FBI was involved in this. I mean, it's, it's part and parcel of the whole thing, isn't it? I know, I understand why you can't mention someone's criminal record if they're up on the charges, but this is, this is something different to me. Right. And she was, uh, a judge can only was playing with fire because she told them, okay, you people cannot mention it. However, if it comes out organically in the trial, right, then the door is open. Well, their own witness, the, the commos witness, Ryan Nagel gave it brought it up. He gave it up. And you know, I just don't know why that wasn't pounced on, but they have a strategy. They know more than us. And I just think it's all playing perfectly right now. Can you imagine? Bev, Auntie Bev is going to maybe be a witness in this case now. It's just amazing. What was a big rush? I mean, you know, I, again, I know she wanted to get out of there for the 4th of July, which was Thursday, but it was Monday. It was Monday. She couldn't have like, at least not poll, maybe if she didn't pull the whole jury, I'll 12 of them. How about she pulls the, the foreman and just says, are you deadlocked on count one murder two? Were you deadlocked? Right. You know what I mean? Why, why couldn't she know that? That would have taken five minutes. Exactly. Sure, or did she ask if they even filled out any of the slips? If they filled out a slip that the box said not guilty, there's going to be some judicial impropriety, impropriety right there. Some judicial misconduct. She has an author, he has an obligation to provide that to both the defense and the prosecution. I wonder if I haven't seen any statements from Morrissey's office today. Some said that he said, no matter what, we're still going to retry this read. I think that came out later this afternoon, I believe, I'm not sure. So are you going to be on tonight? Sean? No, I'm going to let all the, all the people wrestle, you know, wrestle with all the news. I'm going to sit back and see it. I love watching Columbia Point here, Castle Beach, where I used to start my stomping grounds. They're all out there at the state police barracks. Beautiful. I'm going to let everything, I kind of let the Dutch settle. There's more intel coming in, Howie. Now, come on tomorrow, Wednesday, and just blow it out. Okay. I tell you what, we'll call you in the morning and see if you got some more intel on us. But this is good. This is good information. The McAlberts were confident she'd be convicted on manslaughter, so obviously they had somebody in there. And the jury didn't put two and two together and figure out that it was the feds, the FBI, another law enforcement agency that was involved in this case. That's really unfortunate. And that's what they were looking for. You know, they thought they could slip it by them and I guess they did. All right. Sean McDonough. Thank you very much for being with us, Elhefei, and his podcast, his blog is entitled Going Through the Motions. Thank you, Sean. Do what I did in order of burner for your loved ones. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately she said, "Well, you don't, why don't you buy me one? I need it." Well, guess what? We did. And she loves it. 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So it's the absence of the check mark that the court determines is the "not guilty" finding by the jury. Yes, that's what the verdict slip reads. It reads "not guilty" if they don't check, block 2, 3 or 4, the verdict slip reads "not guilty". You know, God help me. I live in Norfolk County or, you know, half of the year. I'm a resident of Florida, but I still live in Norfolk County. I got called to jury duty once in Norfolk County, datum, datum, datum courthouse. And so they sent me the jury, the instructions, how to get there. And they said if you're coming from, I don't know, Quincy, you take this way, if you're coming from this way, you come, and then they, then they said at the very bottom, this is Norfolk County. This is the same county where all this nonsense is going on with the John O'Keefe murder, Karen Reed, Sandra Birchmore, Michael Chezna, the slain way myth copy. They said if you're coming from Boston, you have to, you take it this way. See there's a problem though. If you're coming from Boston, that's not Norfolk County, that's Suffolk. So they're saying, we're, we're page, we're calling people from not who don't live in Norfolk County to come in to Norfolk County. They didn't, they didn't know the difference between Norfolk County and Suffolk County. I happen to know just because I've been living here for a long, long, long time. But this is, I mean, this is how bad it is. They don't even know what counties they're in. I mean, forget the corruption and the, and the, the lassitude, the hackorama. It's just they, they, they don't have a clue what they're doing in any, at any level of it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, again. So the, the bomb that Sean McDonough dropped was that the McAlberts were, were confident that you would be convicted on manslaughter. This was Thursday night before the, the, the hung jury was, the mistrial was declared on, on Monday. And he said, he also said that the jury couldn't figure out that it was the feds that were involved in the investigation. Even though, even though one of the witnesses for the, for the commonwealth for Norfolk County said that he was interviewed by the feds, they didn't pick up on it. That was an unfortunate thing that, that, that, that the defense didn't, didn't hammer that away. Sometimes, sometimes things just slip by you and you have to, you have to point it out, you know, whenever you are, whatever part of life you're in. All right. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING]