The Howie Carr Radio Network

BREAKING: MA State Trooper Michael Proctor suspended without pay | 7.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie hops on the air just as a very interesting tidbit of news breaks. State trooper Michael Proctor, who, if you recall, testified in the Karen Read trial much to his own embarrassment. Then, Grace is back from Vacation and eager to bring the hot headlines to Grace's News.

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08 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I have... I have very long things, long, long toppers at the top. Just warning you all, no falling asleep, please. Oh, sweet irony! Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. And the question on so many people's minds right now is, can you serve effectively for the next four years? George, I'm the guy that put NATO together. I didn't. That was a lie. I'm the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen. That was a lie. I'm the guy that put together the South Pacific. And that's a lie. What is the truth? I mean... I... I just... Anyway... Bush. Yeah, I'm sure. Look... I mean, if the Lord Almighty cannot say Joe get out of the race and get out of the race and the Lord Almighty is not coming down. Oh, well, that's funny because I happen to have Jesus Christ right here. I heard what you were saying. You know nothing of my work. How you ever got to be president of anything is totally amazing. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car... How long does KJP have to wear that outfit before she wears the... wins the bet? She's wearing a white sport coat, a blue, dark navy blue dress shirt. I mean, Nathan Detroit and Geisenthal would have been laughed off a Broadway if it had worn that outfit. And she's wearing... But I guess, you know, her question, the answer she's giving, they're appropriate. For a clown car. Pay no attention to the fact that there were nine visits to the White House from a doctor who was special... a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson's disease. That's... That is... You know, don't jump to any conclusions. And the president is doing... The president is doing the "goodest job" he can under the circumstances, the "goodest job." And now the White House is saying he didn't say the "goodest job." Pay no attention. Are you going to believe you're lying ears or what the White House says? He said he's doing as good a job as possible. But of course, he didn't say as good a job as possible. He said, "I'm doing the "goodest job I can." What a mess this is. And then he goes on... He goes on morning Joe today. And he's... The only thing he can do now is radio interviews. Radio interviews meaning that he... You don't see him. And so that he can read answers. They can... They give the answers to the hosts. They give the questions to the host and then they know the answers and then they... Someone opens the book for him and he tries to read. But he can't even read. He can't... He can't... Forget reading off a teleprompter which is slightly more complicated. He can't even read from a book, from a briefing book in front of him, even though he's looking down. But he's going to run. He's going... You know why? He's going to run... We said on Friday, "They're trying to drive me out. Who are they?" Well, we have a partial answer today on morning Joe. The elites are trying to drive him out of the race. The elites... 844-542-844-542-442. I say, "Hang in there, Joe. Don't let him drive you out of this race. Don't let the elite..." You know, it's really amazing. This is a guy. He's 81 years old. Never had a real job in his life. Never broke an honest sweat in his life. You know, he speaks down to everybody who works. Everybody who works. Whatever... And he speaks down to everybody... If you think about it, whatever your line of work, whatever you do for a living, whoever you are, whatever groups you fall into, he's spoken down to you at one time or another. But he claims he's Scranton Joe. He's a lunch bucket Joe. He was the poorest guy in the Senate, made 150, 180,000 all those years, and yet somehow he was still able to buy all those beachfront mansions. It's an amazing thing. Guess he's really learned how to save a penny. 844-542-844-542. And again, who broke the story about the Parkinson's, the visits from the Parkinson's disease doctor? Was that the national reporters of the Washington Post or the New York Times or the other state-run media? No. No. It was the New York Post again. The same people who broke the story about the Hunter Biden laptop, which was dismissed as Russian disinformation. Now, the New York Times, the Washington Post, none of these guys decided to check out the White House logs. In the Kennedy days, after Kennedy was assassinated, the last thing Bobby Kennedy did was he grabbed all the White House logs because he knew the reporters would check. Nowadays, they don't have to worry about the, except for the New York Post, they don't have to worry about any reporters ever checking the White House logs because it goes against the narrative. They're not going to go against the party under any circumstances. 844-542-42. I'm enjoying seeing this thing play out. Again, hang in there, Joe. Hang in there. We need you now more than ever. All right. Meanwhile, big breaking news on the Karen Reed case today. You know about it. The latest news is that Michael Proctor, the corrupt, canton, conehead, crapless cop, the state cop from Canton, has been suspended without pay at a duty status hearing. They had to do that. And again, remember, without pay, if he ever gets reinstated, which is doubtful at this point, considering how bleeped up this case is, he will get all the money back. So it's not like it's a super, super big deal, but he's not coming back. I don't think they're going to. You know what they got to do? And we'd have Sean McDonough later in the day to talk about this. He understands how these things work. It's time for him to, the feds always say, do you want to get on the train? The train's pulling out of the station, Proctor. You know what they told weeks when they got him two weeks, they said, how old are your kids, Kevin? Oh, they're six and eight or whatever they were. You know, you're not going to see your kids outside until they're like 32, 33, if you don't plead guilty to this, to these counts. And again, they didn't call him two weeks or enough, and he rolled right over. He probably would have flipped anyway, Kevin Squeaks. But you know, that's the thing. I mean, he didn't kill John O'Keefe. Why should he go down on this? He was just a fool. He was like a guy, you know, they handed him a gun that was used to kill somebody and he just took it with him. Like, you know, anyone with an IQ of over room temperature would have walked away from him and said, I'm not, I'm not going to cover this up for you guys. But he didn't. He's a fool. He's from camp. Who's there? That's the another nickname I have. That's another nickname I have. His other nickname is Chip. He has another nickname, Bleep for brains. That's his name. Leep's pool. So the other new, the other big news of the day is that Karen Reed's lawyers have filed a motion to dismiss the two of the three charges against their most, most particularly, the second degree murder charge, the most serious offense, obviously, as well as the leaving the scene of an accident. And they've moved to dismiss that because they've heard from three jurors, three jurors. They filed affidavits under pains and penalties of perjury that they have heard from three of the 12 jurors that they voted on the two of those three charges. Everything except the involuntary manslaughter charge, the one in the middle, the second charge, they voted unanimously to acquit. And then, Judge Canone, who's a despicable hack from Quincy, like the district attorney, dismissed all the charges so that they could try to reframe, they could try to frame Karen Reed again. So this is a big mess. And so David Yanetti and Alan Jackson, the two lawyers who filed this motion and said they've won, Jackson said he's actually heard directly from one of the one of the jurors. And Yanetti has heard from people who've talked and talked and texted back and forth with two of the two more of the jurors. They're probably going to be witnesses when they have hearings in this matter. So Karen Reed is hired a new lawyer, a guy named Marty Weinberg. And he's been around since the dawn of time. And he's, Jerry and Jullo slurred him with anti-Semitic, horrible things he said about him back in the doghouse days. I ran across those as I've been working on my book You Understand American. And Weinberg mainly practices in the federal court. So this is like, it's like they're getting ready for this thing to go to federal court. I mean, I don't think it's a coincidence that they picked Marty Weinberg as the guy defiled these motions. You know, he's, he's, I guess he occasionally practices in the last case I remember him being in, ironically enough, was the case of the Crooked State cop, Dana Pullman, who ran the state, state police association of Massachusetts spam. He was a very popular guy because he ran the drunkest golf tournaments in state police history. And he had a, he installed a beer tap at Union headquarters on Beacon Street. That's all you need to do to get reelected to the, they, they didn't care if you, that you think those troopers out there stealing money right and left, stealing guns, losing guns, running over motor, you think they cared about him embezzling a little money to take his girlfriend to Miami every now and then, hell no, he was, he was the man, Dana Pullman. This is, this is your go Miami hot summer. Wow. I don't think he was going in the summer hot. Wow. It was hot. Wow. He picked the, it was his bar made. I don't know where the hell Pullman is. I looked him up a couple weeks ago on the BOP website to see what prison he's in. I don't, he was sentenced to prison, but I don't know where the hell he is. Maybe he's in one of those witsack rat, rat prisons. Anyway, 844, 542, amazingly another big, another huge news day here. State, you know, state, local and national. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want, when you want on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day to hear a particular song or show. You can just play me or grace when you want it, the click of a button on your phone. The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. You don't have to wait an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection. 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Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what would you tell Joe Biden to do if he asked you? Step aside, gramps or don't let the elites run you out, Joe, you're our guy. Don't let the elites run you out, Joe, you're our guy. 70% of the audience agrees with you. 30% say step aside, gramps. A lot of Democrats voting in this early going in the polls. I can't imagine any Republicans really want to get them out at this point. I'm just looking at the Chiron's White House brief. Mids calls for Biden to drop 2024 bid. The previous Chiron was White House. Biden didn't use notes during interviews during. He didn't? He didn't use notes? Cut nine. And look out there in the local, ready. Again, let me repeat, pay no attention to what you hear. Who are you going to believe? Your lion ears are KJP when she says he's not rustling his paper script. And look out there in the local, you know, raise it. Cut six. And again, I'm here for two reasons, pal. To rebuild the economy for hardworking middle class people give everybody a shot. Everybody gets a fair chance. Back up. Number one, and citizens. Remember all this talk about how I don't have the black support? Come on, give me a break. Come with me. Watch. Watch. I'm getting so frustrated by the leads. Now I'm not talking about you guys in the police in the party. You say leads are ill. You know, so much more. But if any of these guys don't think I should run against me, go ahead and announce the president. Challenge man to convention. I think those delegates are committed by law to you, which is why it's going to be so hard. You know, and by the way, the blacks, some of the blacks are with him. Listen to this fervent prayer to the almighty by the black pastor yesterday in Philadelphia. Cut 11. A bumper sticker on a senior citizen's car. That said, I may be slow, but I'm in front of you. Can you please have president? Use his experience. Use his handicaps. And be glorified in his life in Jesus name. Let's receive our president, the president of the United States president, Joseph. Oh boy. I've never heard. I've never heard an introduction like that. Please, God, use the president's handicaps. I think I could lift to be 500 years old and maybe never hear that again. 844-542-42. Fred, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Fred. I want to just make a pick here. I'm going to pick Joe Biden, the next one not to be down for dinner. I think what's going to happen here is they've exposed him to everyone over the last few weeks as being incompetent. But the only way they can get rid of him is if maybe he don't come down to dinner and then they get the sympathy vote. Well, if he doesn't come down for breakfast, he can't really run for president. But I don't know if he doesn't want to go. I don't know how they get rid of him. I really don't know. They're talking about this thing called the flash primary, which I don't think it exists. They're going to have a flash primary to get rid of him. After the '68 convention, they changed the rules that you can't be a free agent, except maybe in a handful of states. If you're elected as a Biden delegate, you have to vote for Biden. 978. Why does he need notes when the questions are pre-scripted? And there are only four of them. Yeah. The thing was, the ABC people were all shot. Jonathan Carr was saying, I can't believe that they were asking pre-scripted questions. They all do that. Cut the crap. ABC is as bad as any of them. And then they fought this poor woman in Philadelphia who asked him the question about, and his response was, even though he had the question, even though he had the answer, he said, "I am the first black female vice president." That's how good he was. And they fired her. When are they going to fire every reporter in the White House, except for Ducey, Steve Nelson from the New York Post and the Black guy from Africa? Everybody else should be out the door. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know, people are pointing out, too, that there's another interesting video from over the weekend where Biden turns around and is shaking hands with all the people around him. And there's this young black girl, and she's smiling, and she really wants to shake his hand. And it's a big moment to meet the president, even if the president is brand then, I guess. And he just keeps talking to everybody else and looking over her and around her. He gives her just a complete leaving alone. It's really pretty weird. 844, 500, 42, 42. Someone is going to leak her audio tapes to put the nail in this coffin. Mm-hmm. That's a good point. That's all it would take, probably. Well, KJP was at the press briefing today, and I think it was, is it Edo Keefe, a CCBS? Yeah. He was just grilling her about, you know, what she said. Edo Keefe may get a pass with Ducey and Nelson and Simon Atebi or whatever that guy's name is from Africa. Yeah, it'd be the fourth one that they wouldn't have to fire. Yeah, because if I remember correctly Howie, he was pretty adamant during the Afghanistan withdrawal about all the misinformation we were getting from the White House. He really held their feet to the fire. He has had some good moments, and today was definitely one of them. He was grilling her. Even though Catherine Heritage didn't work out for her to try to hold Biden's feet to the fire, did it? Yeah, it's all about timing though. It didn't work out for that radio host to ask him the pre-planned questions. Even though she had done it a month ago, nobody would have said a thing. She would have gotten a promotion. She would have been the next, what's her name, April Ryan, or what's that? April Ryan, or yeah, it's unbelievable. It's like, it's all about the timing. If it had been three days earlier, she'd be fine, but because now they decided the knives are out for Joe Biden, this lady gets fired. Can you imagine what it takes to get fired from this White House? I don't know, because no one has ever been fired before. The fact that this woman is somehow the fall guy for all the incompetence we've been seeing, and for the media that has been lying for him for four years, and she gets fired? How about all the things we've seen of him holding these cards up, not only with the name of the report or the picture of the reporter, because he can't remember the name, and then the question they're going to ask. So how is that any different than the Black woman getting the questions before? There's not a there's not a dime's worth of difference as George Wallace used to say, but she gets fired. And if I were that lady, I would be singing that same tune. I would be saying, I want to know if anyone has ever received questions from the Biden administration and read them, because this lady, you know, she's from a small radio station. He was in Wisconsin. He was in Philadelphia. These are all kind of, you know, radio hosts. So it might not be a big deal, but Howie, she's definitely not the only one who's done that. You're telling me that Jonathan Carl, George Stephanopoulos, that guy from 60 Minutes, you're telling me they've never read questions handed to them from the Biden White House? I beg to differ. That challenge. We have we have proof. We have proof in those videos. You know, when people get to syrup dishes shots, when he's looking at the cards, if I was this lady, I would be like, hell no, you're you're gonna fire me. And how come they're firing her when I'm sure all these white anchors have done the same thing? Could it be racism? That's what I tweeted that out. I said, when are the white reporters going to be fired? Exactly. It's no justice. No peace. You could put me on that. And I have that video, by the way, of Ed O'Keefe up on the website, where he is just going back and forth with Karine Jump here and not letting it go. She gets very mad. She says, and you know, please show me some respect. You know, she's sending out the warning sign. Just like a clown. And I and I can't I can't speak the English language, but please show me some respect. And that's not the only video that's up on the site. You know what else I just put up? What? There's a video. This is how you know things are getting bad. Dr. Jill is leaving something. I don't know. She's leaving like a coffee shop or something and a reporter shouting questions at her about obviously the question of the day is, will Joe Biden drop out of the race? And she looks at the report and says, don't yell at me. She kind of snaps at them. You know me. Just talk to me. She doesn't want people yelling at her. So I put that up on the site and I titled it because I'm hoping to get some clicks here. I said, Dr. Jill snaps at reporters. And I think it's fair to say she did snap. She's getting she's getting testy. It's almost like she's frustrated. She's not used to these propaganda parrots, you know, talking back to her like this, you know, to says maybe the Trump campaign. Dumb as a rock. Dumb as a rock. Maybe Trump campaign could make some hay hiring fired Philadelphia radio host. I think she I think she should be on all the all the conservative radios as you know, an MTV networks, you know, the best part of that was though when these two radio hosts were on CNN. And of course, they're not thinking CNN's going to ask that question because CNN is guilty of a two. They're they're in on the well, remember Donna Brazil leaking the questions to Hillary Clinton. I mean, that's that's much worse. So this is Democrat on Democrat crime. So this reporter says, this anchor says, did you guys did you get questions from the Biden White House? And the best part is this is how, you know, in the bag, all these people are for Joe Biden. The woman doesn't even think she's telling him anything astounding. She's like, yeah, yeah, they sent us eight and I picked four of them as if how as if that's just how business is done. Is that that's how journalism works now? They sent us eight and I approved four of the questions. She doesn't realize that she's giving them. Well, you know, we we review Trump and the Trump campaign or the Trump staff will say, say, is there anything you particularly want to ask him about? So you send him like a list of things you might you might ask him about. So he's prepared for it. But they don't they don't they thought of sending questions is unthinkable. You know, in a legitimate news operation. Well, the difference there is that you're sending questions to them and you're saying, I might ask these, right? They're doing is they're sending questions to reporters saying, you have to ask these. And if you ask anything else, he's going to go off the rails. And she she did ask them. She asked them. And it's pretty clear they did that this morning with morning Joe. Right? Because that's why that's that's why you hear those papers, Russ Light. It's pretty clear that they do that when they're at the press conferences. Because if they don't do that, if they don't ask the right question, what does Joe say? You don't follow the rules, you guys never really do what you're supposed to be doing. He'll say something like that. And it's like, what does that mean? What rules are they supposed to be following? Oh, right. They're supposed to be reading the questions that you give them. Why you mess it up? It's another way to say it. All right. Now we have desperate Biden pens letter to congressional Dems who want him to drop reelection bid. He tells them he's firmly committed in this letter that I'm sure he wrote himself. This is like what they do when there's a when there's someone in a house and he's surrounded by the SWAT team and he's got a couple of hostages with him. And he says, I'm not coming out send me in some cigarettes and a six pack. Yeah. And there's like a negotiator. Right. Yeah. No, Biden wrote this letter. He's writing in a letter. It says the letter, which instead largely focuses on bashing former president Donald Trump comes after former senior house Democrats called for the 81 year old commander in chief and his reelection bid to end following a I'm sorry commander in chief to end his reelection bid. That's the other part of this that I find amusing is that Debbie Dingle, representative Dingle, she was saying today that we just need to stop talking about this. That'll make everything good. Yeah. I don't I think that ship has sailed. Now, of course, the big question when it comes to Joe Biden, what you talked about last week, Howie is Kamala Harris. And I love all that any headline that involves Kamala Harris, like in the Wall Street Journal or any of those places, they always have such clever titles. But my favorite one I ever read was how do you solve a problem like Kamala Harris? And that's exactly what she has become for this for this White House. They can really only transfer the war chest money to her, but her approval ratings are lower than Joe Biden's. Well, you know, when they had a problem with Nixon and Watergate and you know, who was behind him, Spiro Agno, you know what they did with Spiro Agno, they they arrested him. They arrested him. He was taking payoffs in the White House. So you think they'll get Joe Biden to step aside and then they'll arrest Kamala Harris? I don't know. I mean, I'm just saying that this is kind of following a Watergate-type pattern in many ways here. I don't, there are differences in any major scandal like this. But I mean, probably, you know, despite being a crook, Spiro Agno had at least a room temperature IQ. He could have been the president much more effectively than Kamala Harris could. Well, you know, my question is how I'd be curious your opinion on this. There have been some people in conservative circles who are saying that, you know, some of the contenders who people throw out as hypothetical replacements for Joe and Kamala, like Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, just some of these names that you know, a lot of conservatives are speculating that those people might not want to get involved in this now because it's become such a bleep show. And maybe they don't want to ruin their chances of 2028. But I just don't tend to think that's how people, because okay, so let's say that's true, right? Let's say you're Gavin Newsom. You have to be looking at two options. One is that you get in and yes, it's a disaster and yes, you know, it's Sally's up your reputation. But the other option is you get your 2028 in your old news and nobody even cares about you anymore. This could be your one chance. No, LBJ, someone once said LBJ, why would you give up being Senate majority leader when you to be vice president, which is nothing. And he said, he said to the person who was a friend, he says, my only shot, one out of five vice presidents gets to be president. So this is the only shot I have. I'll take a one in five shot. And what I think a lot of people who follow politics don't necessarily always think about is four years. And we should say this about DeSantis. Remember people would say, why is he running? Why doesn't he wait? Because in four years, you can't guarantee that there's not going to be some new up-and-comer who's the designated person to run. So I just don't think they're thinking like it of it in that sense. Grace's News has brought you by American Independence Gold Group. American Independence Gold can show you the benefits of converting your retirement accounts into a tax sheltered IRA with physical gold. Go to and watch Howie's video to learn about the benefits of investing with American Independence Gold. Check it out today at 508 says, when you've lost meathead, you've lost Hollywood. That's true. Rob Reiner is off the team. I do think we should start keeping tabs of the dead enders versus the new wave because there's a lot of people who are turning on Biden. 802 says the White House is turning into the branch Davidian. It's kind of like that situation in New Hampshire though, isn't it? I mean, it's just one old guy with a gun. He's holding off all the feds and all this. Now, Charlie D is saying, to be fair and complete, you should also mention that the attorneys for care and read in their affidavits requesting dismissals of counts one and two didn't mention count two. I mentioned it. You could read the affidavit in support of the... You can read the motion to dismiss and you can read the affidavits. They're posted at You can read the whole thing. It's pretty interesting. And the vote count on two was nine three for conviction. That's leaving the scene of an accident. The thing is, the murder count was the big one. And the fact that they didn't even have on the jury slip originally that you could vote not guilty. Doesn't that tell you something? And then they were unanimous to acquitter on the murder count and Auntie Bev wouldn't even listen to it because it would embarrass her neighbor from Quincy. But I also don't understand how if you don't think somebody hit somebody? Yeah, I know. I don't get that either. They left the scene of a crime if they didn't commit the crime. I don't know. Howie, I will be back in just a little bit with hate mail Monday. Really good one today. People think that you are one of the elites and that you're insulting. I'm one of the elites. I stand behind Joe Biden a hundred percent. I'm not one of the elites. You're insulting working class people. I merely made the mention of the fact that Proctor, after he got out of high school for 10 years, he did. I don't know what he did. We don't seem to know what he did. And so I said if he hadn't, if he wasn't a state trooper, he would more likely be in the very exciting hospitality or landscaping industries. Well, now you're going to deal with the slings and arrows of that comment. I thought it through and I decided that was the way to go. And we'll see where he ends up. We'll see where he... I think he's going to end up in the Sunshine State. Like all the crooked cops end up in the Sunshine State. He's going to be one of your neighbors? Not going to be one of my neighbors. I think I'm going to say that's a snobby. Yeah, you're falling right back into the trap. All right. Thank you, Grace. See you a bit later. Summer's in full swing. Temperatures are hot. Grills are hot and the deals are hotter than fire at Omaha Steaks. That's right. America's original butcher is heating up the summer with blazing hot deals on mouthwater and grilling favorites guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds. For a limited time, you can get scorching savings on legendary flavor hotter than a... during the hotter than a fire sale at Every package is carefully curated by the flavor experts at Omaha Steaks to deliver an exceptional experience. And they started just $99. Plus, as a bonus to my listeners, get an extra $10 off with promo code Howie at checkout. Omaha Steaks, it's the world's best beef. It's just a natural age for the ultimate in tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. It's trimmed well. There's not a lot of wasted fat on the meat, just enough to give it flavor. It's flash frozen at the height of its freshness. It's just a really, really good product. Everything they have is a really good product. From exquisite steaks to the legendary burgers, and I recommend the burger flight more than somewhat. Premium pork, air chilled chicken. We were grilling up some chicken this weekend. Omaha Steaks is guaranteed to make your summer worth savoring. Go to and check out all the great stuff they have, including sides, desserts, all kinds of meats and cuts of beef. You can't get anywhere else. Shop the hotter than fire sale today and get exclusive savings on mouthwatering packages, starting at just $99. Plus, get an extra $10 off with the promo code Howie at Checkout. This offer is available only for a limited time, and you're not going to want to miss it. So shop today before these deals go up in smoke. That's promo code Howie at Checkout. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three comms a week. Oh, wow. Read his latest at Howie Carr is back. 844-500-4242, and Howie Carr. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hello. Hi. Hi. Great show, Howie, and really great show. Question was, what do you think the chances of Michelle Obama being floated in to replace Biden? And the other thing I wanted to ask is, who do you think is a good pick for Trump's VP? Well, they say he's got it down to three people, JD Vance, Marco Rubio, and Doug Bergam. Of those three, I would pick JD Vance. Some of the people that I read a lot on the internet are saying, Rubio has too close to the deep state, and I tend to agree. He's been much better lately, and I voted for him for my senator in Florida. I don't have a problem with him, but I don't want him as vice president, and some people say JD Vance was a big, never Trump or two, but you know what? And he was with Peter Thiel, who's kind of like turned the big Bay Area high-tech guy. He financed this campaign to a large degree when he ran for the Senate, but I trust Vance more than I trust Marco Rubio for some reason. And Doug Bergam just, I don't know. He seems like an okay guy, but I don't know. I prefer Vance. Who do you prefer? Oh, Vance. I like Vance. Yeah. I think you want a really strong person with Trump, I think. Yeah, you want somebody who's not going to take any crap from these common night walkers in the mainstream media, and that's JD Vance. He gives it right back to them. And that's for Michelle. I just don't see it. I don't see it in the cards. And again, I don't see how they're going to move Kamala aside. She's as much of a puppet as Joe is, but she's got her own puppeteers behind her, including her husband, the kind of the shady looking first gentleman or whatever they call him, or the second gentleman. I don't know what they call him, but he's a little on the shady side to me. Thanks for the call. 844-542. Karen, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Karen. Hi, this HR 82-81 is just egregious. It's the voting integrity bill. You get, I mean, government issues ID when you cross the border, and that allows you to vote. I don't know what you think about that. I don't know anything about that, Karen. I'll have to look into that. HD 8281, I'll take a look at that. I mean, they're going to try to steal it. See, this is the whole problem is conservative treehouses been saying, and I've been quoting him for a week, they have to keep the election close enough so that they can credibly claim that the Democrat won legitimately. And right now, they don't have that option. And that's why they're going crazy. That's why they're ripping their hair. The little hair they have left on their heads like meathead. They know that they can't pull the same kind of stuff. It is, as Trump keeps saying, too big. Right now, it is too big to rig. And I want to keep it that way, too big to rig. 844-542-42, we'll be right back on Howie Carr.