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The Kamala Conundrum, Hunter in the White House, and Trump VP Pick Teaser | 7.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

What does Grace think of Biden's fate? Will Kamala step in, or will Joe push through to November?

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08 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. I just saw a report that Donald Trump will announce his VP pick by Monday. I think it was a smart move to hold off, especially last week when all of the news is really becoming an issue for Joe Biden. This entire news cycle has been about whether or not he is in mental decline. I think we all know the answer to that, whether or not he'll drop out. He says, "No, a lot of Democrats are putting pressure on him to do just that." And according to sources, the three main contenders left in the ring, as far as the VP shortlist goes, are Doug Bergum, JD Vance, and Marco Rubio. I was going to make that the poll question today, which, by the way, you can vote in at But I thought that Vance would run away with it. I thought that he would be assured. Why is Doug Bergum still being considered? He must have the X-Factor. There has to be something about him where he must be. The Z-Factor. Yeah, but Taylor, you don't know. You don't know. Maybe you put him in a room and he lights the rim on fire. Maybe he's got some sort of magnetism. I think it's because he's also rich and knows a lot of other rich people that can contribute to the campaign. I have been, I don't want to be like, "Oh, I was the first one. You know, everyone should give me credit for discovering Doug Bergum." But I was a fan of his after that first debate. Remember way back when? And you mocked me, Taylor. Yeah, because you weren't a fan for the right reasons. Why was I a fan? He's so cute. He seems nice. He seems nice. That's a perfectly good reason to be a fan of someone. He seems like it was the same reason that I liked Lucky Lockrin. He seems sweet. Oh, he's so cute. He's sweet. Well, but now I'll tell you this, Taylor. As much as that made me not want to make fun of him on the air after the debate. I said, "I'm not going to say anything bad about the guy. He seems like a nice dude. He seems like someone you could get a beer with." It doesn't mean I think he should be president. I can't see getting a beer with a glass of milk. Oh, yeah. Maybe. He seems... Two percent. He seems like a decent guy. And I wasn't going to criticize him after his debate performance because he really didn't do anything, you know, noteworthy. However, all of the reasons why I liked Doug Burgum when I first saw him are now the reasons why I don't think he'd be a good choice for Donald Trump. I do not think that Trump needs someone nice and respectful. He needs someone ruthless. He needs someone smart and sharp and willing to go into the lion's den and give it right back to them. And I truly do believe that that person is JD Vance. If he chose JD Vance, I would be so excited because there are Republicans who are great fighters, but when it comes to... when it comes to how well-versed they are on intricate, complex matters, they might not be the best. And by the way, I say that as someone who's not the best at complex, you know, all of these worldly issues, the foreign policy stuff. But there are plenty of Republicans who are not only really good in front of a camera, but are incredibly knowledgeable on all of these fronts. And JD Vance is one of them. Tom Cotton is one of them. Vivek Ramaswami is one of them. People who are not only charismatic and able to, you know, take Jonathan Karl on, head on, and, you know, really eat his lunch, as Joe Biden might say. I'm not letting up, Joe. I am not letting up a little bit. And by the way, you know, you know, France registered, you know, I talk about Europe. Yeah, but also be able to break down from the American public what the media is spinning to them. That was one of my favorite parts about seeing JD Vance talk to the reporters on CNN. Is that what he does, and we've discussed this Taylor, and I think it's very important, is that he doesn't take the bait, and he won't answer a question if it's based on a false premise. Like he's not going to start off an interview. If you're saying something that he does not agree with, that's the part of it that he is going to dismantle. He would be a great pick. He has, I want to throw my support behind him, and as you know, that means, I'm sure a lot. Someone should let his team know, and I think he wants it. That's the other thing. He's young. He wants it. He's hungry. I like Marco Rubio. I think honestly, I think Trump did a lot of damage to Marco Rubio back in 2016, but I do like Marco Rubio, but I just think JD Vance would be a better pick. That's my two cents on that. Now, I do want to talk about Joe Biden, because I've been off for a week. I've been hearing the sound cuts. I understand the fallout. By the way, what are you talking about? One of the stories that came out today is, you know how Joe Biden did two radio interviews, one in Wisconsin and one in Philadelphia? And then the radio host went on CNN, and because now it's okay to talk about all these things, now the protect Joe Biden bubble has burst. The CNN host asked the interviewers, did you get these questions from the Biden team? That never, keep in mind, that never would have been asked a month ago. A month ago, these two people would have been totally fine. It probably wouldn't have even made headlines that Joe Biden did these interviews. We might be playing cuts from it. Nobody else would go near it with the 10-foot pole. But unfortunately for these two hosts, they picked a bad time to be giving softball questions to Joe Biden, because now the media suddenly cares. Now the media is pretending to do their jobs, key word, pretending. So this woman who does the radio interview, she got fired because she admitted to CNN that, yeah, they sent us eight questions and I picked four of them. Now I'm not making excuses for this one, because obviously she's a horrible journalist or whatever she is, she's a horrible host. If you're getting questions from someone and you're reading them and there's no pushback, you don't even take the opportunity to say, maybe I'll throw in my own question. And then you go on to admit it on CNN. Obviously you're not doing your job. But I can't help but feel out of all the people of the last four years who have done so much damage to this country. I'm going back to Afghanistan withdrawal, I'm going back to all the lies that we've been told by the media, by the White House, by Kamala Harris, by Jill Biden, by Hunter Biden, by Joe Biden, all of the people who have been keeping up this facade for four years and feeding us propaganda and lies. This is the one lady who's gonna get the pink slip. That to me just isn't fair, because again, if she did this Taylor two months ago, her timing sucks. If she admitted this two months ago, nothing would ever have happened. She wouldn't have been fired, she wouldn't have been on CNN to begin with. Do you know how many interviews he's done where the people have probably read off? I'm sure most of the people on the press corps get questions that they're allowed to ask. And that's why Joe says like, "You never follow the rules. You never play the game the way the goal posts and movement and you're always changing the rules on me." I'm sure she's not the first woman to get questions from the Biden White House. And why is it her fault and not anybody at the White House? Like why don't they go to the White House and say, "Why are you giving out questions to reporters?" It's like Hunter Biden suing the owner of a laptop repair shop for something that he did. Right. I don't know, looking at the laptop that he brought in to be repaired. Yeah, it's just really backwards to me. And there's a lot of talk about, "Oh, maybe Kamala Harris will step in." Obviously, she'd have more access to the war chest. If they brought in another person like Gavin Newsom, it really complicates things. We don't need to get into the why. It's just an easier transfer of the money if it's Kamala Harris, because she's already on the ticket. But I have to tell you this. Is anyone? Does she have any credibility left? Because keep in mind, she's also been talking about how sharp he is. She's also been lying to us. If her whole reason for now taking over for Joe is that he's mentally not there, then doesn't she deserve to have a couple of questions like, "Hey, when did you find out about it? How out to lunch are you? Did you fall out of a coconut tree?" As she likes to say, "Did you fall out of a coconut tree, Kamala? How come you didn't know that this man is wandering around asking people what their names are in sniffing hair? How come it took you so long to figure to put the pieces together? One plus one equals two. Because I don't know if all these people who are playing Mickey the Duns, I don't know if I want your advice on things going forward. Like Brian Stelter, Jonathan Carl, if you were all so flummoxed, if you were all so shocked, shocked, I tell you, that Joe Biden has lost his fastball and it took you four years to find out, I don't really care about what you have to say about anything else for the rest of time. Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? Like truly. And you know what else I don't want to hear from these people anymore? Trump lied about this. Trump lied about that. You lied about Joe Biden being basically goodwill hunting for the last four years. And you don't have to apologize for it. So I don't want to hear from the liars about how much Donald Trump lies. Amanda, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Amanda. Hey, Grace. So I just want to let you know I'm a local bartender from New Hampshire. Part time. Thanks, Joe Biden. And I waited on Doug Bergum and he has drank beer. And you're right. He's super nice and he's so fantastic, not a bad tipper either. And he's like the nicest guy ever. And I hope he's the vice president just so I can say that I serve the vice president of beer. I'm not surprised at all that he is a sweetheart. Can I ask you this, Amanda? And maybe maybe you're not allowed to tell me. I don't know what the oath is that you take. But can you bartender client? I sometimes think they should have to. Have you ever gone and like you meet a bartender and they say, oh, you know, who was just in here? So and so. Oh, yeah. And they tell you stuff and you go, how are you supposed to be keeping this? It's like something out of curb. Are you supposed to keep this private? Oh, they ordered this and that. You tell me what they ordered. It's a little inappropriate. But the point is, Amanda, what kind of beer did you get? I knew you were going to ask me this. I don't even remember. I'm pretty sure it was the IPA though. I think it was so long ago. It was starting the primary like I work in a very liberal town. All the candidates come through. I had a great conversation with Chris Christie, probably like a 20 minute conversation with him. Like a week before Christmas, but they grandma. Swami, I was the bartender for his little. They were given out free beer for like their events. But Doug Bergham, by far, the absolute best. I didn't even know he was a candidate for president. I had no clue. He just came in and sat down and I'm like, wow, somebody in this liberal town that I can actually have a conversation with. We talked like 25 minutes. Nice guy. Nice guy. Yeah, I love this call for so many reasons. But the primary reason I love this call is because you're saying that I'm right. And Taylor needs to hear that every once in a while. I'm right. And guess what else Taylor? You're wrong. I didn't say excuse me. I didn't say. Oh, here comes the back dragon. I didn't say he didn't drink beer. I said, I can't imagine getting a beer with him. He sounds like a lovely person. And honestly, it sounds like Amanda could write a book. Wouldn't that be a nice book? A book about all the people that she's come across in her time in this bar brings in all the politicians. It's like the people who work at the diner. What's it called? The red arrow diner and they meet all of the different candidates. Thank you for the call, Amanda. I do appreciate it. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want it on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day if you want to listen to the Grace Curly Show on podcast. You can pull them up whenever you want. Well, guess what? The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. And you don't have to wait an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection. The home inspections always have me on eggshells. It's very, because sometimes you get people and you almost think they're looking to find a problem. They want to find a problem so they can nickel and dime you. And that is not what you want. You want to be able to choose to sell your real estate in a well marketed auction event with JJ Manning. Under your terms and best of all with no contingencies. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan. It's 30 days of marketing and 30 days to close. So whether you're selling your commercial, your residential or land, you can sell it quickly and contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. You know what Doug Bergham has, Taylor. He's got the Kevorka. That's what he has. How so? He goes into a room and people are just drawn to him and they leave going, "Who is that man? He's got something. He's that guy." Amanda remembered nothing about him except that she remembered the experience of meeting him. She never forgets a phase. Is that her thing? Yeah, I don't know. Okay. Well, I think he's got the Kevorka. What do you say? We'll be right back with more "It's the Grace Curly Show." You know, everybody knows your name. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is the "Grace Curly Show." Taylor, so quick to write off Doug Bergham, but all of the news that we're getting from the listeners, from the textors is that he's a lovely person. I don't know where your vendetta comes from, but I think we've just reached the tip of the iceberg. You would have him painted as a beer-swilling sai-t, a rouser. Yeah, a beer-swilling sai-t. By the way, I wrote in on Twitter today. They said partying with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I said, you know, I'm so excited to come back on the show. I'm excited for everyone to listen, even the haters and the losers. Sadly, there are many. You have one, and that's your producer. Yeah, and someone said, "Oh, I hope you had a good week swimming vodka in smoking palmalls." Like, where are these rumors coming from? I don't understand the hatred right out of the gate. I believe he shares an office right next door to yours. That's really stark. Let's go to Tom, your next up on the "Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Tom. Hi, I went to ask, they keep on saying they've got to drop in all these other people to replace Biden, but the way I understand it, it's only the BP that has access to the war chest, and these other people don't. So how do they keep on thinking they're going to drop these other people to replace them? Yeah, and also part of this, Tom, you bring up a great point is that there are different rules in every state as to why someone could drop out this late in the game. And in some states, I think the only legitimate reason that they'll have to switch out a candidate is death. And once your name's after the convention, once your name is printed on the ballot, it becomes very, very difficult, and litigation becomes an issue in all of these states. So right now, if they were going to make a move, it would be Harris, but here's something I want to warn people about. And maybe I sound like I'm overly paranoid, but I don't think that Harris is as easy a person to beat as Biden. Now, some people say, well, her approval ratings are lower, and while Joe Biden can't put a sentence together, at least his excuses, he's ancient, what's Kamala Harris's excuse? She just can't put a sentence together. But there are some parts of her profile as a candidate that are stronger than Joe's. She's younger doesn't mean she's wiser, but she's younger. She checks off a lot of boxes for the Democrats, and something I didn't think of today until I listened to Morning Wire was one of her major platforms. If you look at the Venn diagram of the school buses and space and all the other things she cares so much about, the border, which she never visits, one of her main platforms is abortion. And she is going to have an easier time beating the drum of being pro abortion and talking about how, you know, the Supreme Court is coming for the women's right to choose and all of these things. She's going to have an easier time selling that part of the left's platform than devout Catholic slash old man Joe Biden. So there are a few reasons why I'm encouraging people not to get complacent or not to get overly confident. I always think it's better just to assume that we're going to have to win this and win it big than feel like, oh, we have this in the bag. One tweet though that I did want to read that I saw over the weekend and I actually saved because you just brought up some of the Supreme Court justices, Taylor. So Brian Stelter puts out this story from Axios and it says, hell have no fury like a press corps deceived. The reporters feel duped and some probably embarrassed and are scrambling to unearth new evidence of decline. John Cooper wrote back, we got 18,000 stories about what flag was flying outside the Alito's vacation home. Y'all refusing to cover this for 3.5 years was a choice. It was a choice indeed and if these reporters feel duped, if they truly had no idea how bad things were, then they just weren't paying attention. And they don't have lives outside of Trump and Biden and all this, so I know they were paying attention. It was just, it was willfully ignorant. We'll be right back, we're going to talk more about this, about the VP choices and Hunter Biden calling the shots in the White House when we come back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We have a lot of topics to cover here in this last hour. There is a White House press briefing right now. KJP started it off and now John Kirby is trying to clean up some of the mess that she left behind. Really everyone's always just following the other person around with the mop trying to figure out what do they misspeak about that I can try to fix and it is a disaster. And now they're dealing with a White House press corps that's actually asking real questions, which maybe if it happened three years ago, I would say this is refreshing. Took them a couple months to get their balance, to figure it out, get their toes wet, took them half a year. That's okay. But three and a half years later, you're not getting a round of applause for me. I'm not sitting here going, "Get for you!" You finally asked a question and I do want to point out that Ducey, Steve Nelson and a few other reporters have been doing a good job. I wonder if they're looking at their fellow journalists like, "Oh, nice of you to show up." Absolutely, no, I brought this up last week when you were on vacation and I put together a supercut of all the questions all the times Ducey was asking about this when all the other reporters were just taking what they were being spoon fed. Yeah, and something else to that point, which always drove me crazy is when Ducey would ask a question or when, I think his name's Simon Ateba would ask a question. And rather than helping out someone who's trying to get to the bottom of an issue, they would change the subject to try to help KJP, whereas I always thought it should go like this. If you were truly a press corps that was interested in getting to the bottom of some serious issues and finding out the truth, what you would do is you would almost do like what they do in football. You'd pass the ball and you'd keep on passing it back and forth until eventually, there was an answer. But instead, they would always give KJP an out. So Peter Ducey would ask something and she would say, "I'm not talking about that." Even if it was the biggest issue of the day, she would say, "I'm not going to answer that." And then it would go to the next reporter from CNN and they would say, "Did you notice that Trump did this?" And they would let her go on a completely different direction instead of putting the pressure on her. If she says, "We're not going to talk about something," that means six other journalists should be asking that question. When it goes to the next person, they should ask. When she moves on to the next person, they should ask. They never did that. They never had Steve Nelson, Simon Ateba, Peter Ducey. They never had their backs. They let them ask questions. They let them get ignored. And now they're all joining the party. Kelly O'Donnell's sitting there in the front row. She's got her journalist cap on. And I don't care. You're too late. You're too late. And that brings us to the poll question, which is brought to you by Eastern Security. Eastern Security is having their annual warehouse sales starting July 11th through July 14th, featuring the largest savings of the year. Mentioning howie and receive an additional 5% off those savings. Visit their site at That's Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is when will Joe Biden drop out of the race within the week, within the month, or never, he's going to be the candidate? I'm going to say never. I just, I don't think he's, I think there's a mixture here. There's a lot of pride involved. We know he has an overly inflated ego beyond, you know, most, even the average politician. I think Joe really likes the perks. She likes the free stuff. She likes to be interviewed by Jimmy Fallon and be on the cover of Vogue in August. That's coming up. So make sure you get your issues or be ready for that to hit the newsstands. And you have Hunter who, yes, he's trying to avoid some major charges coming his way. So there is a lot of reasons for Joe Biden to stay in this. And you... I probably smoke more Parmesan cheese than anyone. And you really can't get him out if he's not willing to go. If he's clinging on to this, you're stuck with him. So I don't think he's going anywhere. He waited. And I am telling you... Singing Effie. I'm not going. Dreamgirls, by the way, if anyone's like, where is that from? It's the best musical ever. It rivals hairspray. And Greece. Okay. Now I'm going to go down on a different road. But Taylor, the other part of it too that I do think is important to note here is that they might want him to step aside. But he's been working at this for his entire life. Like this is... This was his one goal for so long. Remember what Caroline Levitt said? Caroline Levitt, when she was filling in, I used to listen to her when I was on my maternity leave. And she said, "Every single politician, whether you are, you know, a mayor or your secretary of state, every politician wakes up in the morning, sees himself in the mirror and sees a future president. Everyone thinks they could do it. Joe Biden has been waiting for this for like 70 years. And he finally got it. Longer than that. Well, I'm just saying, I would hope that like when he was like 10, he wasn't, you know, gearing up for his... I think he was. Maybe. Maybe when he was a little kid, he was like, "I'm a president." But I just think it's been his whole life and now he has it. And it's like, it's going to take more than some nudging from George Stephanopoulos to get him out of there. It's going to take the jaws of life. I think he's done it. And he knows that it's not being viewed favorably, which is why he wants a second bite at the apple, but I don't think they're going to let him have it. But what do they do? I'm with the 23% that by the end of the month, he's gone. Oh, what is that? I roll. You give me an eye roll? Did I give you an eye roll? You gave me an eye roll. No, I just met. What is he going to do? What is he going to do? No, what are they going to do to get him out? Well, they're exposing him right now. So the past basically year and a half, we've gotten extremely limited access to Joe Biden through interviews or just appearances, events, whatever. The whole presidency has been very limited. But within the past year and a half, it's been more so. Now the floodgates are open. He's on with George Stephanopoulos. He's making call-ins to all kinds of radio shows. He's doing campaign events. He's out there. They're pushing him out there and they're letting him tank himself. You know what I think will be a sign is if we start getting like some bombshell stories about his bank accounts, because remember for so long, you had the members of the House Judiciary Committee. You had Jim Jordan, James Comer, you had all these people who were talking about the Biden family and their corruption, their influence peddling scheme. And the excuses from the media were, well, you can't prove it. There's no evidence to suggest it. And of course, we know there's a preponderance. There's so much evidence out there. It's hard to keep track of all of it. If we start to see stories like that, like if there starts to be stories that typically they would never go near in the next few days, then I think that is going to be a problem. And you know what I also think? I think that Dr. Jill will be more susceptible to this pressure than Joe Biden, because I think if she starts to realize that the fancy people, the Julia Roberts, the George Clooney, the Gayle Kings, all of these people that she has been able to run in their circles for the last few years, if she starts to realize that every one of those people are looking at her the same way Rachel Campos Duffy was four years ago, she might say, "Oh, well, I don't want to be painted." She's okay being painted by a Fox News anchor as someone who's horrible to her husband, but she's not okay being painted by esteemed members of the media as a bad person. I think that for her will turn the tide a little bit. And I do want to say that as far as I mentioned, keeping a list of the people who are still riding with Biden and the people who are falling off. And we do have another fly that dropped here. We have another person who is no longer going to be backing Joe Biden, and that would be Rob Reiner. When you've lost a meathead, when you've lost meathead, things are not looking good. Rob Reiner turns on Biden, he says it's time for him to step down, stop bleeping around. That was something that Rob Reiner declared on Twitter on Sunday. He said, "If Trump wins, we lose our democracy. The actor/director didn't clarify if he wants Biden to give merely, to merely give up his reelection bid or to resign from the White House or both." Yeah, that's the other part. If he's so incapacitated, which now they have to try to convince us, like, he's so impatient, you don't have to convince me, I believe you, I believe you, I've been using my eyeballs for the past four years. But if he's so out to lunch, if he's so incapable of making these decisions, if now we're hearing about how he has to take two naps and gets up a 10 and goes to bed at four and, you know, anytime after that he's not really doing that great, he doesn't remember his friend's names. If all these new revelations that the media is realizing are true, why should he stay in there for the rest of the term? Guess what? You've got four basic meatpacking facilities. Isn't this the time where we use the 25th Amendment that we used to hear about all the time when Donald Trump would take a sip of water in a weird way? And they'd be like, "He's losing his mind. We need to use the 25th Amendment. It's time." And now they're telling us, "Oh, well, Joe can't remember anyone's name, but he should stay in there until the next election, when they should swap him out for Kamala. It's utterly insane. I do want to switch gears here just for a second and talk a little bit about the head of the NEA. So this is a great story. Now the NEA is the National Education Association, and the president, her name is Becky Pringle. And I looked up just for just out of curiosity when I was looking at this video of her screaming at the podium. People were comparing her to Dwight Schrute, we'll play the comparison in a second. But I was curious, how much does Becky Pringle make? She goes around and she talks about how important public education is to our democracy. Democracy is a funny, fickle thing. It's like everything has to do with democracy nowadays. But she thinks public education is really one of the tenets of our democracy. And I was so curious how much money Becky Pringle makes. Let's see from 2022 to 2023, $495,000 is how much this woman gets paid. Can I get a little bit of Becky Pringle in Philadelphia? This is Becky Pringle, president of the NEA. NEA, we have to win all the things, all the things, all the things, our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things, keep going NEA. To preserve our democracy, we must win all the things, delegates, we won't go back. We will keep going forward because we are the NEA, we are the NEA, we are the NEA and that's what we do. Over $400,000 a year. I'm sure she does a lot more than just that. I'm sure that that only scrapes the surface of how much good Becky Pringle does for public schools everywhere, but if that's a taste... Becky Pringle. What an interesting lady. I also love this quote that the New York Post added. She said, "To unite, not just..." Well, I'm guessing she screamed this part too. I don't get the sense that there were highs and lows of the speech. I get the sense that it was all kind of on one level and that's what we just heard. She said, "To unite, not just our members, but the nation to reclaim public education as a common good. Play this cup for me, Taylor, please." That we will not only unite our members, but we will unite this entire nation to reclaim public education as a common good, as a foundation of this or any democracy. But you and I know we can't stop there. We have to transform it into something that was never designed to be; a racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student, every student, every student, everyone. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. In the words of Vince Vaughn, "Why are you yelling at me? You have a microphone." Yeah. No, I know. I do it too. I do, I partake in the yelling into a microphone, but I don't think I'm that bad. I'm not full Dwight Schrute level. Good God. I say, salesmen and women of the world unite. We must never acquiesce for it is together, together that we prevail. We must never seed control of the motherland, for it is together. Paper salesmen, Dwight Schrute. But you know what I love about this? She says, "As the foundation of our democracy." So now, our family and public schools in this country are also a foundation of our democracy. Do I have that right? We're in, by the way, she's in Philadelphia speaking, just a little fun fact for people in Philadelphia, 71% of fourth graders are not reading a grade level. That is Taylor, the fact that 71% of fourth graders cannot read a grade level is fundamental to our democracy. Kids not knowing how to read or do basic math is foundational. It's part of the core of what it means to be a democracy. Why? Why are you yelling at me? You know what else is core to our democracy? Becky Pringle making over $495,000 a year to give these nonsensical speeches. But yeah, charter schools are the problem. That's also a takeaway. You are such f*cking dope. You are not serious people. Anytime I feel bad about, "I didn't have a great show, I don't know," I'd listen to something like that and I'd go, "We're doing just fine." You know what is something I never thought I'd say? I can't wait for my next dentist appointment. Well, now I can really say that to Taylor, because I don't know if you know this, but I'm getting in this line and I'm going to get them at my next dentist appointment. Yeah. I'm so excited. Perfectly straight teeth? No. My bottom teeth are shifting. This is what happens. Actually, in this line, I was talking to Dr. Tamu about this, and this line is great for people who maybe just need a little tweak. If your teeth are there something about them, I have one tooth that's always kind of urine or to the left, and this line is great for that. So that is something I'm really looking forward to. And also, just they're a great place to get teeth cleanings, they're a great place to completely transform your smile. What I love about Perfect Smiles is it doesn't matter where you're at in your journey with your smile, whether you just need a touch up, whether you really want to change it all the way through, or whether you just want to tweak it a little bit like I do, I always catch my bottom teeth in the rear view, and I'm like, "Hmm, that's not great." They can do whatever you need, and they have the perfect people to do it. They are experts. They love what they do, and when you walk in the door, you will understand what I'm talking about. Everyone from Melissa to Stephanie to Dr. Houghton, they are the best in the business. Don't just trust anyone with your smile, trust the team at PerfectSmiles. Go to Find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's what I'm doing, and that's what you can do, too. That's Change your smile, change your life. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. With inflation, food and energy costs rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet, but preparation is key, and our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. HowieCar joins us now with a bit of an update on the Karen Reid saga. Howie, what news did you just get while you were walking in here? Proctor, the crappulous, corrupt, canton, cone head cop, state trooper has been suspended without pay. That last part of the sentence is key, without pay. Without pay, yes. Unsurprised. Are you surprised? I thought they didn't have much choice. They should have fired him, you know, in a just world he'd be fired, and it'd already be indicted and in a prison somewhere. But that's the best they can do under the crooked rules they play by. Now, suspended without pay, we still don't know anything, though, about what will happen with his pension. Well... Is it hard? It must be harder to take away someone's pension. Well, again, he can't. I don't think he's got 10 years in, and he's only in his mid-40s, so he doesn't have the option that some of these crooked cops have. But if they strip him of his pension, and that takes years and years, they have to give him all of the money back that he put in. I see. There's a lot of pension talk when it comes to these canton cops that's in the Boston Herald right now that I know you're going to get to in your show today. Stay tuned! Newers is breaking every hour on the hour here at the Howie Car Radio Network. We'll see you all tomorrow. Yes, she's a babe.