The Howie Carr Radio Network

Joe Biden is a Black Woman and Santa Comes on the 4th of July | 7.5.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

HO, HO, HO! Merry Independence! It's a great day for Biden cuts as Howie shares his (and Kamala's) latest spoofs from the Fourth of July White House celebration.

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05 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Bogo is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at codeword Howie Bogo. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We have Kamala. I think she's going to be better. She's so bad. Bush. Thanks to our commander in chief, the-- He said it, he said it. Bush. They think democracy is threat. I think there's a threat. Yeah? And the threat comes from? When the time is right, you'll know. I hate to say it this way, but from the Democrats. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You've got me, man. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. I'm not going to end up-- Santa! Oh, my god! Santa, here I know him. Happy Independence Day. You discussed me. How can you live with yourself? All right, I'll come back out when I let you open the gate. You sit on a throne of lies, not like beef and cheese. You don't smell like Santa. Say hello to oyster buddies. Come on up, buddy. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show, 844-542-844-542. I hope you had a nice Independence Day, like Joe Biden. It's much humor, more comic gold coming out of his mouth. And they've got a big crowd. Looks like they emptied out the nursing home here. And Joe's going to speak in Wisconsin, and then a lifelong Democrat fluffer. George Stephanopoulos is going to do a hard-hitting slobber fest of an interview with Dementia Joe. And we'll see how that one turns out. And I'm going to guess they're going to go full fluff on it. George Stephanopoulos isn't a journalist, never has been a journalist, never will be a journalist. And he makes $15 million a year for not being a journalist. He's a Democrat operative. So that's the way it's going to be. But we'll be cutting in and out here. Again, it does not look like a giant crowd in Madison, Wisconsin, which if you could get a crowd anywhere, you would think you could get it in a university town. But 844-542-42. Will George be wearing his official Democrat knee pads? Yeah, we'll see. All right. 844-542-442-844-542-442. You know, in the past, Joe has said that he was the first white student at Delaware State. And they went to black churches. And when he wasn't going to what Jewish synagogues and Puerto Rican church, you know, you know all that. Well, yesterday, he became transgender Joe. And transracial Joe. Cut one. I'm glad I'm proud to be-- as I said, the first vice president, the first black woman, served with a black president. Proud of the first black woman in the Supreme Court. There's so much that we can do, because together we-- there's nothing-- look, this is the United States of America. He's proud to be the first black woman. Who knew? It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. But wait. There's more. It's a small state, but there are those who love her. As I think Daniel Webster said of Dartmouth College, perhaps. Joe comes from a small state. But he's very proud of his accomplishments in the electoral realm in Delaware. Cut two. I remember as a Catholic, he was growing up in an area where we didn't like Catholic, didn't get a lot. I'm the first president to collect the statewide and the state of Delaware as a kid. Well, you know, I looked at John Kennedy and said, well, he-- God, he's not elected. Why can't I get elected? He was the first president to get elected statewide in Delaware when he was a kid. I thought there was something in the Constitution about having to be 35 years old. But maybe Joe got elected president. He was the first president to get elected when he was a kid. How old was he when he got elected president? And then, of course, another big one yesterday. Cuts happen. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Happy Independence Day. It's beginning to look a lot like the 4th of July everywhere you go. It reminds me I'm going to take down the 4th of July to set it down. Oh, silent firecracker. So many great 4th of July songs that mean so much to us. I'm dreaming of a white 4th of July. 844, 500, 42, 42, you know, he's done a lot. But there's something you probably didn't know that he had done. And it's about traffic congestion. Just last week, it came out that Boston, I believe, was 4th in the nation in traffic congestion of all the metropolitan areas. But it appears that those problems are to continue the motor vehicle theme in the rear view mirror, because Joe's done away with it. Cut 5. You've got me, man. I'm not going anywhere. All right. All right. I'll come back out when I let the open the gate, OK? Thank you, thank you, thank you. One last thing. And I used to think when I was a senator, we were always congestion on the highways. There's no congestion anymore. No, we go on the highway, there's no congestion. And so the way they get me to stop talking, they'll say, we just shut down all the roads, Mr. President. You're going to lose all the votes if you don't get in. But anyway, I'll be back out. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you. Thank you. I'll be back out on Visiting Bay. It's usually Saturday afternoon at this nursing home. And did you know he's been in combat? Cut 4. And by the way, I've been all over the world with you. I've been in and out of battles anyway. He's been in and out of battles. Were you going to antique them? How about cowpins during the Revolutionary War? What battles have you fought in? Pork chop hill, 844, 542. And you know, there's so much here. And the KJP was really in fine form today, too. Whatever is wrong with Brandon, it appears to be contagious. It appears to be spreading. Cut 7 from KJP on Air Force One. President's time is one of the most valuable things that we have, right? I'm going to be really mindful and not speak to private. One of the most valuable things we have. How much does he work, KJP? We need a quote for our Sunday think pieces in all of the state-run media. How much does he work? Cut 8. He is human, just like we all are. But it is a 24/7 job. It is 365 days a week. That doesn't change. That doesn't change. The wonder gets tired. You know, I usually work like six days a week. And I get tired. He works 365 days a week. Four, three, first he beat Medicare. Now he's beat congestion. That's very good observation. What will he be next with? You know what? I hope he can beat the heat dome before it really settles in for the summer months. Nothing can get past the president of Delaware, how he mulled it on him. The youngest president ever to be elected statewide in Delaware. Ever. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. As always, as soon as I returned to New England, I made a visit to Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton and his team are the best in New England and I think the whole country. When you're planning dental work, you want to be confident about the quality of the staff and their work. Perfect Smiles has an easy to get to office in Nashville, New Hampshire, right over the Massachusetts line. And it's a comfortable office, too. Before my dental appointment, I sat in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. I mention that because everything at Perfect Smiles is designed to make you comfortable. For the fact that they have plenty of parking, it's don't have to worry about getting a space to just walking in and sitting down in one of those comfortable, easy chairs. And then, of course, the staff, the most polite, competent receptionist, the best dental agentists I've ever dealt with and, of course, the great dentist, all the great dentists from Dr. Houghton on down. And now Dr. Houghton has added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on your wait time to get an appointment. Perfect Smiles will always fit you in when you have an emergency as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager. Whatever your dental needs are, you need to try Perfect Smiles in Nashville, New Hampshire. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile, change your life. 603-595-6699. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music) - The Howie Carr Show. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. (upbeat music) - Oh! Happy Independence Day. ♪ Have a holiday, holiday Independence Day ♪ ♪ It's the best time of the year ♪ ♪ Just be sure not to blow your little fingers off your hand ♪ ♪ When you light a bottle rocket or three ♪ ♪ Have a holiday, jolly ♪ Fourth, et cetera, et cetera. Eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. Arden says I just checked the image for Madison. I counted the people in the suspiciously tight shot. Wow, the potato. No, he's known as Potatus. He's gone from Potus to Potatus. Arden appears to have drawn a whole 100 moon bats to hear him mumble. Republicans in Wisconsin must be quaking in their boots. Actually, they are concerned because the Wisconsin Supreme Court, you know, they just had a big election and George Soros at all spent millions of dollars to elect the tie-breaking vote on the Supreme Court. So they're bringing back drop boxes. So they don't care. Joy Reed said, she doesn't care if he's in a coma, she'll be voting for him. And then, you know what? - You do. - The Democrats, they just gotta do what they did in 2020, you know? That's all. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. Learn more at And after you learn more, you can go to, click on store. We still have a few Flip Lock's left. A $50 value, that's the normal price, the standard version for $25. You can buy up to three of them. So go to and click on store and check out the Flip Lock's half price, $50 Flip Lock for $25 right now. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what was Biden's finest moment on 4th of July. Ho, ho, ho, happy Independence Day. I ended a highway congestion. I was the first female black vice president. I've been in and out of battle or it was just my brain. That was actually Independence Day Eve with the governors. And it was a joke, okay? It was a joke. - Independence Day Eve, that's the feast of the seven Independence Day fishes. - The 12 days of Independence Day. And apparently one of the Democrats governors, when he said it's just my brain, his jaw dropped or her jaw dropped. And so, not everybody got the joke. That's the problem with jokes. So, you gotta make 'em really good or people are gonna be mesmerizing. I'm voting for, I was the first black woman vice president. - Yes, 48% of the audience agrees with you. I was the first female black vice president. 20% for just my brain, 12% for ending highway congestion. 11% for ho, ho, happy Independence Day. And 8% for I've been in and out of battle. (laughing) - 844, 500, 42, 42, 860. Don't sell the small Biden crowds at face value. Most liberals are still home with masks on. That's true, you do have a point there. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Dennis. - Howie, you kind of reminded me, we farmers refer to leaders of Biden's caliber as potentatos. (laughing) And that one you do spell with OES. You can tell that to Dan Quill. Listen, if you remove the words of the pseudo words, um, uh, you know and like from KJP's binders, her press briefings could be cut in half. - I don't understand how she mispronounces these words. You know, some, I don't understand Joe screwing up the numbers 'cause he's senile, but how does she mix up the no bell? She says no bell, valuable, valuable. She doesn't know, she's 365 days a week. I mean, nobody makes those kinds of mistakes. I don't know, at least I can't see it. 844, 540, 242, cut two from KJP. - Today's jobs report underscores the Biden-Harris administration's important work to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up. Button up from the middle out and the button up. Button, button up, boys. It's cold out there, kids, button up. Yikes, 844, 542, 42. Okay, so this is the, this is the, she's responding to the thing where he says, "I'm in perfect health, it's just my brain." Okay, so she's trying to explain. She's not denying that he said it, but to the governors. But this is how she explains it away. Cut nine. - The president made a joke that it was something with his brain in that meeting. And very respectfully, it's now the time for the president to be making those kinds of jokes when the country is watching him for his cognitive abilities. - He made a light hearted joke, to your point, right? I'm glad you, you brought that question to me in that way because that's exactly what it was. Many people who were in the meeting even stated it. They're publicly said that he was, that he was joking and added all kidding aside right after. Look, you've heard the president bring some humor in the past. That is just who he is. - Yeah, keep dancing, keep that dancing. That's, yeah. Apparently too, he made a compelling case yesterday. Was this on ending the, ending the traffic congestion in the U.S. or on being the first black woman vice president? But this is what KJP said about Independence Day, cut five. - He made a compelling case yesterday on these radio calls that you guys heard. He'll make a compelling case tonight. I don't have anything new to share in a sense. (laughs) - She doesn't have anything new to share, I wonder. All right. And what about the, again, there were these comments on these questions on Monday or Tuesday saying as he had a brain scan. I mean, wouldn't take long 'cause you're, well, you're just searching for something that's really not there. But so they asked her again about whether or not he had any kind of medical advice or appearance after the debate, cut six. - He did get a verbal, do a verbal check-in with his doctor a couple of days after. - And he described it as a check-up? I mean, I guess it was like a verbal check-in about the call, which is, again, not the call, about with the doctor, which is not unusual. It is not unusual. As I said, the medical unit travels with him and is with him 24/7. That is not because of just this president, because of all presidents. - So he checked in. It's like, I guess it's like checking into a motel. (laughs) He checked in and he left his brain behind. You always gotta look around the room before you leave in the morning. You're always gonna leave something, even if it's just a toothbrush or something. You don't wanna leave it behind. 617, Joe has been in and out of battle with dementia, dementia. 844, 542, 42. We'll be right back on how we go. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Joe looks not good. He's trying to appear full of vim and vinegar or something. And he just thanked Gaylord Nelson, the late senator, but at least he looked up towards the sky, as if this show that he knew that Gaylord isn't coming down for breakfast anymore. And he made the sign of the cross. - Yikes, 844 or 544, 542. Biden can't say debate was my best performance. Let's just take a little bit of it live. (crowd chanting) - I don't think elected office holders saying let's go, Joe. - Well, I'm the city president of the United States of America, no small part because of you. Not not a joke in 2020, you came through for me. I'm a nominee of the Democratic Party. I'm a nominee of this party because millions of Democrats like you just voted for me in primaries all across America. (crowd cheering) You're voting for me to be your nominee. No one else. You, the votes, the voters did that. And despite the spite that some folks don't seem to care who we do voted for. - Well, guess what? They're trying to push me out on the race. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can. I'm staying in a race. - Yes, yes, Joe. - Beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020. (crowd cheering) - In 2020, I'll beat him again in 2020. (crowd cheering) - And by the way, we're going to do it again in 2024. - Yeah. - I learned long ago when you get knocked down, you get back off. (crowd cheering) - Corn pop taught him that valuable life lesson. - And I'm led, I'm not led one 90 minute debate, wipe out three and a half years of work. (crowd cheering) As the governor said, I've led this nation to the depth of pandemic, to the strongest in the world. And that's literally true. (crowd cheering) - I don't think that's the governor's name. - I don't think that's the governor's name. - You are not finished yet. (crowd cheering) Now you probably also noticed a lot of discussion about my age. - Yes. - I know I look 40. (crowd laughing) I keep seeing all those stories about I'm being too old. - Let me say something. - I'm being too old. - I was too old. I wasn't too old. I wasn't too old to create over 15 million new jobs. (crowd cheering) - Or to lie about that. - 21 million Americans are insured under the Affordable Care Act to beat big farmer. The first one will never do that and lower the cost of this. - And you beat Medicare too. - And congestion. - Was that too old to relieve student debt for nearly five million Americans in growing time? (crowd cheering) - Relieve student debt with the expense of the rest of us. - I'm not a Supreme Court in the United States of America. (crowd cheering) - To sign the respect for Mary Jack. (crowd cheering) Was that too old to sign mostly living in gun safety law in 30 years? (crowd cheering) - Blah, blah, blah. - The biggest client building the history of the world, not here in the history of the world. - And we've got seven electric charging stations out of that 42 billion. - But he did all that. But that was in the past. What about now? - How about the 200,000 jobs we announced yesterday? (crowd cheering) - Look at these units with this demented grin. - You think I'm too old for a store of Roe v. Wade to law the land? - Yes. - You think I'm too old to ban us all weapons again? - Yes. - Protects those security Medicare? - Yes. - To get child care, to care if we're working families who need it next. - Working families, meaning they don't work and they're not families. - You're going to finally start to pay something beyond 8.2% of it, is that great? - Get your son to start paying 1%. (crowd cheering) - You think I'm too old to beat Donald Trump? (crowd cheering) - Yes. - I can hardly wait anyway. (crowd laughing) Folks, let's focus on what really matters. - That's what I was ever doing. - Running against the biggest liar and the biggest threat, oh really, the biggest liar and the biggest threat to our democracy in American history. - Really? - It's not hyperbole. Over 150 presidential historians voted him the worst president American history. - Oh, there's a meaningful statistic. - As I've said before, he has the morals of an alley cat. (crowd cheering) - That's the third time he's used that. - It's about the economy, crazy, the truth. He's one of only two American presidents. He was left off with fewer jobs than when he came in to office. You know what the other was? Herbert Hoover. (crowd cheering) Fact. - He remembers Herbert Hoover. They went to height school together. They were in and out of battle together. - It's a pandemic, he totally boxed. The truth is over a million people went on to die. He told us-- - He went on to die. - He was just bleaching our arm. - Just keep lying, just keep lying, just keep lying. - David, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, David. - All right, howie, I just want to make a quick comment about that interview coming up tonight with Stepanopolis. I mean, that's gonna be a bunch of BS because it's not live. - Right. - So be cutting and slicing and taping and to try to make them look normal. I mean, why doesn't he go on live? I guess I think we know why he won't go on live. - Right. - It looks like he did last week at the debate. - I know, and it's not gonna be very long either. What is it gonna be like a half an hour? - And that includes the, that's gonna include commercial breaks. I mean, what kind of interview is that? - Oh, it has no credibility whatsoever. I mean, they could have just picked Joe Biden to do it, picking Stepanopolis. - Yeah. - And he's so far left. I mean, that's crazy. And I want to make one other comment. I read your book and I really loved it. It's a must read for anybody who listens to this program. - Oh, thank you. Yes, paper boy. - I thought it was terrific. - That's right, read all about it. You can still get it at and just at the store. And you can also get it at if you'd like to get it. And it's, we'll have a new book coming out in about a month or so about the Enjulo family. It'll be, it'll be a book of verse this time. Believe it or not, verse. Thanks. Jamie, you're next with howaycar. Go ahead, Jamie. - Yes, sir, howay. How basically are you? - Yes, sir, I basically, I think that the Massachusetts police, they should be thoroughly embarrassed for having that lead in the investigator for that Aaron redraw. - Yeah, well, they did, they have basically suspended. It's, I suspended them. They put them on, I don't know, field services or something, but he's not gonna go to work anymore. But again, I wish they could fire him too, but they got these union regulations and I understand why they don't. But they need to change these union regulations and they need to, they also need to change the laws about stripping them of their pensions. 'Cause these appeals go on endlessly. I think in many cases until they're dead, or till their wives are dead, or their widows are dead. And it's just, it's ridiculous. I mean, they are rewarding bad behavior. This guy was a boob. Proctor wasn't even a cop for 10 years after he got out of high school. I mean, I don't know what the hell he did. There's nothing wrong with rake and leaves or working in the drive-through window. But I mean, he's not, he's a law enforcement professional. That's a bunch of BS. He's not a, he's not a legitimate professional in any case. Thanks for the call. 844-500-42, 42. Who's there? That's another nickname I have. Bear, bear. He's the bad news bear. Did Brandon just say respect for Mary Jack? I didn't know, see, I'm just going in and out here. Let's play, let's play a little bit more of it here. Right, not a privilege. Trump wants to throw tens of millions of people. We couldn't get insurance on the other way than Obamacare, off of Obamacare. I want America for the very wealthy to begin to pay their fair share. I think we heard this line before, didn't we? It was very wealthy. How about Hunter? Last time out, when he was president, he gave him a $2 trillion tax cut. 91% of the country, 91%. Now he was announced, he wants another $5 billion, trillion, not billion, $5 trillion tax cut. $5 trillion, trillion, billion. It's already maybe the largest deficit. If this, I'm just hard to make this up. I want to protect some security Medicare. He wants to cut so security Medicare. That's a lie. So he can cut taxes for the very wealthy. I want to ban this all up and require universal background checks. Except for my son. You all heard the promise here in our range. The Thomas and National Federal Association. I will do nothing about guns. That's what he said. I will do nothing about guns. How about your son? It means it. I want January 16th direction. It's to serve. It's your whole prison terms. Prison terms. Prison terms. Trump wants to pardon you. Folks, you can't be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American at the same time. That dog don't hunt. This is so damn serious. You can't love your country only when you win. Look, you've been standing a long time. Let me close with this. Hold on me. Hold on me. Hold on me. The President says he's about character. The President holds the job. Because with the immunity he's talking, the Supreme Court just talked about. It gets down to that. It gets down to that. It's about honesty. It's about the President's decency. Integrity. Do they respect people? Or do they incite violence and hate? Can they honor the oath to the Constitution and uphold the oath of office? I don't think it's an exaggeration, yes. Trump has failed on every one of these character tests. Everyone. And what's worse, the Supreme Court has just ruled... Supreme Court. It's virtually no limits on the power of the President. I know it sounds bizarre, but that's where they ruled. A frightening decision. According to an extreme majority of the Supreme Court, the President is now above the law. We just celebrated the Fourth of July saying we will not be ruled by a king. And this Supreme Court he appointed proved this to the law. It's in a dangerous precedent, especially if Donald Trump has returned to the President. Just think about it. It's close to an echo. The second term, this next term... Whoever is the President is going to appoint at least two new appointees. The second Trump term where there are no limits. Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor warned us about that and her dissent in that case. She noted the based on a majority's decision. Trump can take out his opponents, physically take them out, take bribes, lead a coup, and be in need of never being held accountable for it if he did it while he was President according to the Supreme Court. And don't forget, Roe B. Wade. Roe B. Wade. Where the hell are we? You don't know? For over two centuries, America's been a free democratic nation. And I'll be damned in the year 2024 just as usual, 250th anniversary of it as a nation. I'll let Donald Trump take this away. Wow. It's Churchillian. Move over William Jennings, Brian. The Cross of Gold. This race is about our freedom. This race? It's about democracy. It's about the very soul of America. So loud. It's hard to fight for that. I know I am and I will. And folks, I have never been more optimistic about America's future. Because the American people are decent, good, honorable. I just remember who in God's name were on. We're the United States of America. America. Think about it. Think about it a little turn. Think about what you think about it. There's nothing. Nothing beyond our capacity when we stand together. So let's stand together with this election and exile, Donald Trump, political. God bless you all. May God protect our truth. Biden wants Americans to pay their fair share to the big guy. The big guy. Five billion trillion dollars. Olimaly, the Supreme Court is going to have to do something about Roe B. Wade. I'll beat him again in 2020. We quote you on that, Mr. President. Vim and rigor. Vim and rigor. Do what I did. Order a burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately she said, "Well, why don't you buy me one? I need it." You want your loved ones to feel safe and having effective yet non-lethal options as vital. Introducing the burner, less lethal pistol launcher. Developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense. Allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. For many responsible gun owners, the thought of using lethal forces daunting burdened with emotional and legal consequences. The burner offers a safer sensible alternative, potentially saving lives on both sides, protecting both the user and the aggressor. For those who are a reverse to owning a firearm, the burner is the optimal choice that delivers formidable stopping power without having to take a life. In today's unpredictable environment, the burner is an indispensable tool to keep you and your family safe. Legal in all 50 states, no background checks or permits required. Over 15,000 4.5 star reviews. They can ship directly to your door. The burner isn't just an option, it's an essential component of responsible non-lethal protection. Visit for 10% off your purchase. And if you haven't listened to my new episode of Meet the Experts with owner Brian Gantz listen today at Wherever You Get Your Howie Car Show Podcast, I'm Howie Car. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. We're going to protect the children from getting the weapons of war off our streets. That's what we're going to do. When we have $5 billion, trillion, trillion, billions, billions of dollars. David, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead David. Oh, he's just Trump has the morals of an alley cat. I mean, he funds abortion all around the country. I mean, which car did you drove better? Jill's first husband's Corvette or his? He's only given millions of dollars for a brand that funds for my service. And he's going to let you go. And who thinks in Hezbollah, all those terrorist groups over there? How about the open board is how we get the rapists that just killed and murdered that 13 year old girl in all across the country. That's why people need weapons to defend themselves. And he's going to lecture Trump on morals of an alley cat. This is just, this is beyond beyond. This is absurd. How absurd. I know it is. It is. It is. He doesn't care. And then he even rips the Democrats who are trying to get them out of the fight to preserve their own worthless hides. And you can't really blame them. 201 adds, asked Jill's first husband about the morals of an alley cat. Yeah, I asked Tara Reed about the morals of an alley cat. You know? I mean, come on. Thanks for the call, David. Maurice, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Maurice. Hey, Howie, how are you doing? Good. I'm a lifelong listener and you do more than you know because you be my father talking about you all the time. Thank you, Maurice. But my comment is, is that do you think George Stephanopoulos tonight might play the card of letting Biden sell himself to the whatever, because the media has already passed Biden. So are they going to use this because you know how George is. Yeah. He is the guy that he's a front runner. He's a front runner. There's no question about that. But I don't, you know, the thing is, I think if he thought Hillary had a shot, if, you know, if he could do the, the wet work for the Clinton crime family, he'd do it. But I don't think Hillary's in the mix here. I think it's, I think it's going to be Kamala or maybe, maybe somebody else, but it's definitely not going to be Hillary Clinton. So I don't know what he, I don't know what his marching orders are going to be. I mean, and obviously he's, he takes orders. That's what he gets paid $15 million a year for. It's not for his scintillating intellect or his high ethical standards. Thanks for the call, Maurice. I'm Howie Carne. [MUSIC PLAYING]