The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Vice President...Joe Biden? | 7.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Sleepy Joe is usually the member of the duo with the gaffes, but this latest from Kamala Harris is feeding into wild conspiracy theories that perhaps she could take over the ticket.

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05 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. BOGO is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. You don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show. Final hour that you have to do endure with me filling in for Grace Curly this week, as she is wrapping up her vacation. She'll be back on Monday. Joe Biden is getting ready to go on to the stage in Madison, Wisconsin. Now, here is what we were told after the debate and headed into this week. That Joe Biden had to do exceedingly well in all of his appearances and tonight's interview with George Stephanopoulos in order to restore confidence in the Democratic Party, that Joe is the guy that can beat Donald Trump, that he is going to continue to be their nominee and that he is going to have a second term. We're not off to a good start. If you're just joining us yesterday, Joe Biden, I'm just going to replay a couple of these clips just so you can hear what we're probably about to hear from Madison, Wisconsin. That so far, it has not gone well for Joe. This was at the 4th of July barbecue for active duty service members. Joe Biden saying that he has been in the foxholes with the troops cut to. By the way, I've been all over the world with you. I've been in and out of battles anyway. Joe Biden was a tank commander. He was everything. He drove the artillery truck. Everything. Later that day, he got his holidays mixed up again, cut five. Happy Independence Day. Ho, ho, ho, that traditional Independence Day greeting, the jolly guy in the red suit came down the chimney and delivered freedom to all Americans on July the 4th. That's what happened. That's the story. It's in the declaration. Look it up. It's in the, you know, the thing. But the most devastating cut, I think, was from an interview Joe Biden gave to a Philadelphia radio station over the past 24 hours or so, in which he claimed that either he was the first black female vice president or that he was the first black president. I'm, I'm really not sure which cut seven. Glad I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first black woman, served with a black president, proud to have the first black woman in the Supreme Court. There's just so much that we can do because together, there's nothing, look, this is the United States of America, the United States of America. Come on, man. This is why it's so important to have a candidate who can actually speak. And you can hear that there are supposed to be commas or semicolons in this sentence that he's trying to spit out, but he just glosses right over them. Anyway, we're waiting for that to take the stage at, uh, in Wisconsin in just a few minutes and maybe, just maybe, we'll take a little bit of it live because that's what everybody's, every network is now focusing on Joe because they want to see they're all amazed. This guy has been gaffing this whole time and we're just finding out about it. It's crazy. We've got to, uh, we've got to make sure that we've got wall-to-wall coverage of, of this guy now. And we won't edit anything out. And after today's rally, he's going to speak with George Stephanopoulos and that'll be heavily edited and we'll see that tonight. 844-542-42. Pat, you're next on the Gray's Curly Show. Go ahead, Pat. Hi, this is Pat. Um, my husband and I met Joe Biden in the early 70s after we moved to Delaware. We were invited to a cocktail party and he came up to my husband and said, "How much of a check are you gonna write for me?" And my husband had, "Who are you?" And he said, "Do Biden." Well, that left a bad taste in my husband's mouth. And you can tell your listeners that there are many, many, many people in Delaware who have stories to tell about Joe starting from the early days in the Senate. He is not to be trusted. The only thing he cares about is his own money. Oh, you know, Pat, that is probably the least surprising thing you could have told me about Joe, not that I don't appreciate the call. But I thought you were going to say something like, we were at this cocktail party for Joe Biden and he came on to me. Nothing like that happened? No, no, no, no. It didn't happen. But we know people who, you know, they did work for him and they never got paid. And he said, "Oh, consider a campaign contribution." Well, when he was running the Vice President 10 years after, he got a check in the mail. So obviously he was keeping track of who he, you know, screwed and they paid them because he knew that they were going to come after him. Unbelievable. Thanks for the call, Pat. That's, you know, we heard and we knew that Joe Biden was a jerk. And it's gone documented from the '70s, through the '80s, especially. And the '90s, we saw Joe Biden speaking during the crime reform bill, passage of that. And you can see it throughout today. I mean, he's rearing his ugly head again. He had that phase where he was, he had that phase where he was kind of, you know, Uncle Joe. He was, he was lunch bucket Joe. He was every, Joe, six pack. He was just, he's just that guy, man. He was just that cool guy with the aviator sunglasses and the Corvette. 978. Taylor, he said he was the first black woman. I didn't know he was the first black woman. Maybe, maybe I missed that. Let's hear that again. Cut seven. Glad I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, served with black president. I'll give him, I'll give him first black woman to serve with a black president. I'll give him that. I don't think he was the first black woman. I do think he was the first black woman to serve with a black president. That, that is going to be on his resume forever now. Eddie, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Eddie. Hi, Taylor. On that clip where he said, oh, he was introduced by Kamala Harris, who nearly introduced them as the vice president, right? I think there's a bit of confusion going on with these people. I don't know what the issue is, whether they're like too high on cocaine or whether they're too much medicine. Well, there's so much chaos in the White House these days, Eddie. They don't, they don't know where they are, where the timeline is anymore. Are they ahead of themselves or are they actually revealing what it's been like the whole time? Because if you remember, we've got several examples of Joe Biden calling Kamala Harris president Harris or, you know, just the president of the United States, Kamala Harris. But this is, I think, the first time that Kamala called him or just about almost called him vice president. We might as well play that one as well cut for. Thanks to our commander in chief, the president of the United States, the extraordinary president of the United States, Joe Biden. She knows she says she came so close to saying vice president that she had to reiterate twice president of the United States. So what's the theory that they flipped the ticket? And he's kind of like the sage aristocrat in the background, giving her all the advice. And then she's kind of the front face. I don't, I don't know. You think that's how it's going to be? I think that that could, it keeps him on the ticket. It makes the people who say, Hey, we voted for this guy, it keeps him on the ticket. And then it also helps the people to say the guy is too old. I think this is the way it's been. Because he's, he's, he's been told, I think that Joe, you're going to be the president. But really, we want Kamala in on everything. And whatever she says, that's the final say, that's what you come out and say. She's got the more youthful approach. She's got the more connected demeanor, I suppose. She's, she's more with it. And she's the future of the party. You're just there because you could win against Donald Trump. You were a name people trusted. You're going to have the title, but, and you're going to have the prestige, but none of the control. And they recognize that. So he often refers to her accidentally as president Harris, though in his mind, she is the president. And she just referred to him almost as vice president Joe Biden. He was a vice president, but she was never in a state where she was introducing Joe Biden during his vice presidency. So it doesn't sound, and she's worked with him in close proximity for a number of years now, as, as he is the president. So it's very odd that she would almost accidentally introduce him as vice president, if she didn't believe it herself. That's, that's a weird, uh, mix up to, to have happened. 844 542 Charlotte, your next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Charlotte. Thank you, Taylor and God bless America. And I appreciate listening to you. You're very cultured in erudite. I really like listening to you. That's the first time anybody has ever called me cultured in erudite. But, uh, thank you, I think. Well, then write, write it down so you remember it. Anyway, very briefly, uh, those of us who have cared for loved ones with dementia Alzheimer's, we wonder why Joe Biden would subject her husband to the stress in just about the public humiliation of continuing to shoot for the presidency. I think, and I'm not sure if I'm correcting this about how to get a presidential museum. I don't know if you have to serve two terms or be elected for two terms, but getting the museum puts the whole Biden crime family with federally funded jobs in perpetuity, managing the museum. That's my opinion. I don't think those museums are federally funded. I think those are all private ventures. You know, it's, it's, it's, it's put up using donations made to usually the cause for presidential library. I think that's all private fundraise or money. I don't think that's, I could be wrong. I could be wrong, but I don't think anything about that is federally funded. And I certainly don't. I think it's just a pure power play, Charlotte. I think that, that Jill is just addicted to all of the amenities that she's become used to. She, she loves the state dinners. She loves getting dressed up in table cloths that she stole from Italian restaurants or, or dipped into a tie-dye bucket, whatever. She loves getting dressed up and, and escorting Joe around and taking the rides on Air Force One, these transatlantic flights. So she can catch up on the latest of Hunter Biden's criminal trials. She loves all of it. She, she can't get away from it. And she doesn't want to go back to her old life of, of being the, the washed up second banana, really. 844-542-42. Joe's not taking the stage yet. I, you know, my prediction is he's, he's usually late for these things. We probably won't see him till 3 o'clock, but we'll keep you posted if he shows up and we'll, we'll, let you hear him firsthand what he's sounding like today. We'll be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. 844-500-4242. If you'd like to join us at this hour, Joe Biden is getting ready to take the stage in Madison, Wisconsin. I believe one of the local representatives is up there now hyping up the crowd. Literally tens of people packed into this very small looking conference room. So we'll see. Weird that the presidential seal is not on the podium. There's no signage on the podium. Perhaps the presidential seal can't be up there because this is actually a campaign event and not a presidential event. But it's weird that the podium is being left vacant. I've, I'm not sure that I, I've ever seen that before. Usually if Trump is speaking, he'll have text 47 to such and such a number or text Trump to this, some sort of signage, but it's not up there. But there is somebody speaking at the podium right now, trying to hype up this very impish looking crowd. 844-500-4242. Today's poll question is brought to you by J.J. Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land, J.J. Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or with over 16,000 sales in satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Emma, what is today's poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is why couldn't the holdouts in the Karen Reed trial vote not guilty. They didn't like Karen's expressions throughout the trial. They didn't think there was enough exculpatory evidence. They let feelings get in the way of facts or they were influenced to hold out. I think they let feelings get in the way of facts. They just knew Karen Rubens guilty, but they, they couldn't prove it. They let feelings get in the way of facts is in second place with 36% in first is they were influenced to hold out with 53% and in third with 6%. They didn't like Karen's expressions. Pretty steady all day, pretty steady. 844-542-42. Paul O'Keefe, John O'Keefe's brother was interviewed by CBS Boston the other day and this is what he had to say about the investigation. I'm not sure if I put the reporter's question in here. I think I did, but she just to put it into a brief amount of words, she asked, there were some low points in this trial. What did you think of them? This is cut 26. I mean, there were certainly some moments in the case where there were weak spots exposed, right? Like I think about the solo cups and Trooper Proctor who now is facing job consequences as a result of this. What was it like for you to listen to those moments that weren't necessarily benefiting the state's case? Well, as far as at the very early stages, I mean, a crime scene during a blizzard can't be an easy thing to navigate and yet they found evidence, they found a sneaker, they found pieces of taillight. Obviously, you're not going to see everything under a couple feet of snow, so I think they improvised the best they could. Every investigation is going to be kind of scrutinized to some degree. But they did what they had to do with what they had and what the weather conditions being, what they were. They just, like I said, had to improvise and do the best they could. Boy, did they ever improvise. I mean, those taillight pieces just showing up days and days after the investigation began and unlikely places, a hat, a shoe, a phone directly underneath the body. This is all improvised folks. This is all improvisation. What about Michael Proctor? Cut 27. As far as Michael Proctor's comments, I mean, he even said too they were unprofessional, which we agree with. But this guy, his life's been ruined. Getting his personal cell phone, which was something that should never have happened. Oh yeah, we shouldn't have had access to any of that because then we would have known what a crooked copy was. His life has been ruined because his own actions were revealed to the public. Be right back taking your calls 844-542-42. This is the Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. So one of the collars in the last segment asked, well, maybe Joe Biden or Jill is trying to get to a presidential library for Joe. And that's why they need a second term. Well, I looked up quickly. Jimmy Carter does have his own presidential library. And I said I wasn't sure how these are funded because Obama, I think, he was raising private donations and a text or cleared that up. He said, well, what Obama's doing is something different that hasn't really been done. It's a new model using, quote, "donations" from universities and such, allowing him to control what documents are made public. So he's basically laundering the funding to his library so that he can have basically domain of what is presented and how it's presented at his public library and what he needs to turn over, basically declaring himself not a government entity and a private citizen. So he doesn't really have to turn anything over without legal representation. It's not publicly available, publicly accessible to anybody. But on NARA's website, National Association Records and Archives, the National Archives, they have a Q&A section frequently asked questions FAQ section. How is a presidential library funded? A presidential library is constructed with private or non-federal funds donated to nonprofit organizations typically established by the former president for the express purpose of building a presidential library and supporting its programs. Some libraries have also received construction and development funding from state and or local governments. The library is then transferred to the federal government and operated and maintained by NARA through its congressionally appropriated operating budget. Some staff and programs at presidential libraries are paid for with funds from associated private presidential foundations. These private foundations also provide continuing support for library programs and special events such as conferences and exhibitions. End of the day, it's all your money, okay, whether it was funneled through something else or directly from the government. The National Archives and Records Administration wants you to know that your tax dollars are hard at work when it comes to presidential libraries. I think that's fine. I've not been to one myself. I would love to go at some point to President Trump's whenever that one's established. President Reagan's would be a lovely thing. That Air Force won under the Reagan administration with a stainless steel, the polished aluminum look. Boy, I wish we would bring that back to aircraft. That was just a timeless look in aviation. 844-542-42. Dave, thanks for hanging on. You're next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Dave. How are you doing, Taylor? Excellent. I just want to say I listen to you and Grace and Howie every day. Thanks. I'm from Maine and I just want to talk about, you know, Biden, he bombed that debate because I watched it, you know, just to see what was going to happen. But the real telltale story of the debate was when him and Joe Biden went to that after thing, I don't know, was it in North Carolina? They went to somewhere after the debate and Joe was on stage and he was on stage and she was like, and you answered all the questions just like she was talking to him like he was a four-year-old. He had this little dumb grin on his face with this lost look in his eyes like he just got handed a peanut butter cookie and a glass of milk. No, he was waiting for his gold star to be posted on the classroom door. You're exactly right, Dave. That was in Atlanta, by the way. They had an after party in Atlanta, you know, complete with a DJ on stage, a female, a black female DJ. But Joe Biden would tell you that he's the first black female DJ. It wasn't whatever woman was on the stage that night. But yeah, he looked dumbfounded as always. But the way she spoke to him was very cringe. It was like watching Miss Rachel. If you've got young kids and you've seen Miss Rachel, we're off Miss Rachel, by the way. Miss Rachel went off the woke rails a long, long time ago on that. But she revealed her true colors recently, inviting Dylan Mulvaney onto the Miss Rachel program. I haven't even discussed that. Disgusting. That's what you want to show kids, a gender confused individual who was waiting to get kissed by a llama in Peru. Weird, weird stuff. So she, but Miss Rachel is somebody, for those of you who don't know, who is basically the 21st century Sesame Street. She has a YouTube channel. She does songs and lessons and teaches kids how to, how to speak and, you know, color shapes, all that stuff. And that's how she speaks. She's got this affectation in her voice that is specifically geared toward young children. And it's, it's a very high tone. There's a lot of energy behind it. And if you put her voice side by side with Dr. Jill's voice that night of the debate, you would be hard pressed to tell the difference. The intonations, the, the tambour of her voice, all of it just screamed, "This man is being treated like a child." And in fact, earlier this week, I played a supercut for you of Peter Ducey, who was on to all of these questions about Joe Biden's state of mind, well before the press magically heard about it earlier this week or late last week. Peter Ducey was asking, "Why is it that the White House staff treats Joe Biden like a child?" And it's not just the staff. It's, it's Dr. Jill. Obviously, I mean, treating this guy like, like he's a kid. We didn't have any Dr. Jill cuts today, but she was, she was leading him around on the 4th of July. She was giving him instructions from the balcony once again as they were watching the fireworks. Some odd interactions were seen on that balcony. Hunter was there. Ashley Biden was there. Grooving. She was feeling herself. Did you see those videos, Emma? Dancing the night away. She, she had to be pulled back a couple of times. She was getting a little, a little cray, as the kids say. She was going to, going a little hard with whatever Hunter was giving her. Joe Biden is still not on stage. I think he's en route to the, the small gathering that they're calling a rally. That's about only three people deep and they've staged some people behind Joe Biden's podium. Again, a blank podium. You don't often see that. A blank podium. It's like they didn't have any messaging that they, there's no, there's no website. There's no text this to, to Biden or text Biden to go to Joe three, oh, three, three, oh and help me. There's none of that. How do you agree with me? Go to Joe three, oh, three, three, oh. It's one of my, one of my all time favorite cuts, all time favorites. And again, that was, we've, we've played that so many times since it actually happened. We've been on the train long before anybody else in, in showing you how rattled this guy is, rattled and rattled, but there's no lettering anywhere telling you where to donate, how to donate, how to volunteer. Nothing, no messaging, bizarre. If you're in a campaign that is struggling to get donations and struggling to get support, wouldn't you want to put out everything you absolutely can when you have a chance where everybody is watching you today? You know, this is going to be your most watched rally quote unquote that you've ever held in your political career. Don't you want something up there saying that, Hey, we need your help. We need your money. Here's where to go. They have none of that. Again, George Stephanopoulos is going to be talking to Joe Biden after this. I hope he asks him about this report that he's now going to bed at eight p.m. They're saying that it was a joke. Joe Biden was meeting with Democratic governors among them, our own Mara Healy at the White House on Wednesday evening. And he told the governors during a private meeting that he needed to get more sleep and that he had instructed his staff to avoid scheduling events for him after eight p.m. The president's remark during Wednesday's meeting came after Governor Josh Green of Hawaii, a longtime physician who has worked in emergency rooms, asked about his physical condition. The meeting was an hour long discussion with the governors in which Biden was seeking to reassure them of his political standing, physical well-being and path to reelection. This is from the Washington Post, by the way. Biden responded that he had received a medical checkup since the last week's presidential debate and remains in good health. "It's just my brain," he said, according to people briefed on the meeting, a remark that staffers were quick to describe as a jest. He was clearly making a joke and then said, quote, "all kidding aside," said Jen O'Malley-Dillan Biden's campaign chair. On Thursday, during a drizzly independent state evening that delayed his appearance, by about an hour, Biden emerged to speak at a barbecue for active-duty military service members and their families and declared himself proud to be your commander-in-chief. And it goes on to say he made a few gaps there. But the fact that they had to get this guy to a doctor's office stat after this debate is pretty telling. They wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to have a complete breakdown more so than he's already had. And I don't think he was joking about the going to bed at eight o'clock where he said, I mean, part of the excuse has been that he needs more sleep. He's too old and that he takes naps every day. That went unchallenged Wednesday by KJP when she was asked directly about those reports. Does Joe Biden have scheduled naps every day? I don't know, to be clear. No, I think the answer to that one would have been the oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, cut. He loves his nap time. Loves it. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's how I look at my bed when I say I'm taking a nap. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's what's happening. We have a little bit of KJP from today. She was on Air Force One and the press was, you know, allowed to ask questions permitted. The powers that be granted them access to KJP. I don't have a cut sheet in front of me, Emma, but if there's if there's something there that's worth playing, you go right ahead. Today's jobs report underscores the Biden-Harris administration's important work to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up. She say bottoms up, bond up. Button. Button. Okay. Middle out and button up. All right. Well, unemployment ticked up slightly. A big reason for that is more Americans are joining the workforce with the highest share of working age Americans in the workforce in over 20 years. You want to explain that one to me, Corinne John Pierre, how more people coming off of unemployment raises unemployment numbers. More people working results in more people not working. Is that how that works? Just a tick. Just a tick. Does he have a cold or doesn't he? Is it jet lag or isn't it? Is he able-bodied or is he feeble? What is the messaging here? It's strange. It's strange. Any more from KJP or is that it? Okay. That's it for now. We'll hear direct from the horse's mouth in just a bit. Joe Biden getting ready to take the stage in Wisconsin at what is to be the most scrutinized of his rallies to date. We'll be back 844-542-42. This is The Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Oh boy. I just, I just tuned in for a few moments just to see what was going on as the lead up to Joe Biden's appearance at this Madison, Wisconsin rally. They've got the mayor of Madison, Wisconsin, up there. Her name is Satya Rhodes-Conway. Satya Rhodes-Conway. And she is, she's got a life partner since 2000. Since 2009, and she just took the microphone to say more than ever, she's concerned about a dictatorship here in America. Today's crossover, Car Crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks. Get a 2024 GMC Sierra HD. The truck that works as hard as you do. TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass has 2,500 and some 3,500 HD models like the Denali Ultimate Pro Duramax and some with work bodies for landscapers shop online at Joining us for the Car Crossover is Car himself, Mr. Howie Carr. How were you, sir? How was your fourth? Very good. Very good. Ho, ho, ho, as I always say. That was an interesting choice of words Jo used to introduce everybody to the Independence Day celebrations at the White House yesterday, but all eyes today are on this Madison, Wisconsin rally and afterwards the interview with George Stephanopoulos. Are they going to do it right there in Madison or is he flying into New York? They're going to do it in Madison as far as I've read, and then Jo's going to fly back to Wilmington, Delaware. Is the iron lung all warmed up for him? Well, it must be because they won't let George Stephanopoulos into the home. My question to you is which side of history do you think George Stephanopoulos is going to opt to be on tonight? Is he going to let Jo tank himself and save the Democratic Party from itself? Or is he going to be Biden's ultimate enabler? This is the guy who was, if not the common thought, the consiglillary of the Bimbo eruption unit. That's his MO. If he runs true to farm, he will cover up as best he can. That's, I mean, not a lot of time to cut up an interview. It's going to happen probably around three o'clock and maybe around six. Well, they say it's not going to be cut up though. Didn't they say it's going to be it's going to be just on tape, but it's going to I thought they've got to fit it into a half hour format. So we'll see. But see, I can't they can't put them out there by himself. There's no way. No, we saw that. And you know, and again, they think we're stupid, but we can spot jump cuts. Everybody. All you need is a pair of eyes. There's people have gotten really bad at jump cutting the past few years. They don't care. Yeah. That's the thing. I mean, in the old days, if you know, if your news director caught you want to jump doing a jump cut, you would you get yelled at. And without marking it, sure. Because if you're on a news broadcast, you're supposed to show like a flash or something to indicate that there is a transition. That's why you take a shot of the guy interviewing, you know, right. And over the shoulder. Yeah, that's what you have your notebook there for, not thinking notes, but for the for the cutaway. That's what they call exactly, exactly have both cameras rolling at the same time. No, one can most places just one camera. You do the cutaways. I see I see these are the tricks of the trade that I never learned. I never got into TV. So what do you have coming up on today's Howie car show? We will be talking about this. Obviously, we'll be doing a police blotter, a fax variety. I have some more mass state police, Facebook postings. Oh, goody. And we have Ian Kane, the third candidate for the mass states for the US against Granny Warren. Awesome. I've been keeping up on some of those mass state police social media postings. I thought the public was starting to come back around to them, but you say nay nay nay nay. Ho ho ho. Howie car is up next. Thanks for listening. This is The Grace Curly Show.