The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Ho, ho, ho! Happy Independence Day! | 7.5.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Is it the Fourth of July, or Christmas? Ask Joe Biden, and you might get the wrong answer. Our President's remarks at the Independence Day White House event yesterday had guest host Taylor Cormier doing double-takes. Tune in for his commentary.

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05 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. BOGO is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word Grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. You don't want too much Grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have Grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome to the Grace Curly show. I'm Taylor Cormier, Grace's producer, filling in for her on her final day of vacation. Today she'll be back on Monday. Welcome 844-542-42. This is going to be an interesting day. I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day, by the way. I know Joe Biden did. He thought it was Christmas in July. Let's just get right to this cut because this is Joe Biden yesterday at the Fourth of July celebration at the White House just after he's introduced by Kamala Harris almost as the vice president. This is Joe Biden wishing everyone a happy fourth of July. Remember that, cut five. Happy Independence Day. Ho, ho, ho. Happy Independence Day. The traditional Independence Day greeting. Ho, ho, ho. See, this is what happens when you get your campaign advice from Hunter Biden. You start going around saying, "Ho, ho, ho." That's what you do. And you'd think all that white stuff is snow and not cocaine. It's white. It's wild. Oh my goodness. So tonight is supposed to be Joe Biden's saving grace. This interview with George Stephanopoulos, ABC, Democratic, Operative, former Clinton employee, staffer, coat holder, whatever you want to call him. He is scheduled to be interviewing Joe Biden today during his rigorous schedule. Get this. You're not. I mean, you probably, if you were a good and decent American, you went to work today. But if you were one of those slackers, you took the day off because it was a Thursday holiday. What's the sense of going to work on Friday, right? We're here. We're here at work on Friday. But Joe Biden, he's kind of an in-betweener. Okay. His schedule didn't get started until oh, about an hour ago, 11, 10 a.m. I'm looking at the official schedule, 11, 10 a.m. The president departs the White House en route to joint base Andrews. There was a 10 o'clock in town pool call time, 10, 10 a.m. out of town pool call time. I don't think the president is a part of those. That's, that's for press. But as part of the official schedule, nothing on it until 11, 10 a.m. So he was, he was up late. He was up past eight p.m. last night, passed his bedtime according to his meeting with the Democratic governors on Wednesday in which he told them he needed more sleep, apparently. This is from the reporting there. Told them that he needed more sleep and is not scheduling anything past eight p.m. So we're just going to have to send a note to all the, all the terrorists abroad and domestically, please, no, no jihad activity past eight p.m. eastern time. That's, it's, it's out of our purview. We can't handle it. We won't be able to address it immediately. Tell all the other world leaders that their schedule now has to revolve around eastern time for Joe Biden. No calls to the White House. Hold all my calls, please. No, no treaties, no, no engaging in the world peace. Netanyahu and leaders of Iran, the Ayatollah, the, the Shahs, all of the, the mullahs. Please don't come to any peace agreements before Joe Biden gets up in the morning. It's, it's just not feasible in order for us to ratify anything. We, we, we can't do it. We, we, we just get, we need more sleep. Joe needs more sleep. George Stephanopoulos is going to be interviewing him after some time between 2 15 and 5 25. On the schedule here, Joe Biden arrives in Madison, Wisconsin at 1 35 p.m. participates in a campaign event at 2 15 p.m. and then departs Madison, Wisconsin to, you guessed it, Wilmington, Delaware at 5 25 p.m. So somewhere in between his campaign event and his departing Madison, Wisconsin, he's going to sit down with George Stephanopoulos for a wide ranging interview. And this has been cooked up to be the interview of all interviews. This is the interview that is, uh, you know, the, the interview for George Stephanopoulos's career. That hinges upon this interview and Joe Biden's future. That hinges upon this interview as well. The future of the, the democratic party. It's all right there in this, uh, watered down, heavily edited feature that will before, be before your very eyes tonight. This is not a cheap fake folks. This is the real deal. It's going to be heavily edited. It's going to look like a cheap fake, but we assure you, this is not a cheap fake. This is not the press working still on behalf of president Joe Biden. I wonder what the overunder is going to be on questions about Joe Biden's age and mentality. I'm going to say the overunder is three. One of those would be just a follow up and I'm still going to take the under. I don't think that George is, he's probably been told, look, you can't push it. Everybody knows that's what that's what's being talked about. That's what we're here to discuss. Two questions, Max, then we got to move on to actual issues, actual issues, but there's a whole plethora of things you can ask Joe Biden about in regards to all of the news that's come out over the past week. Have you been talking with, with allies about whether you should stay in this race or not? Uh, why can't you stay up past eight p.m.? Listen, I'm human too. Anything you ask me to go out after eight p.m. And I'm already home. The answer is no, I'm not. It's just not going to happen. You've got, there's got to be a very, very good reason for me to leave my house after eight p.m. if I'm already home. Those have got to be submitted in writing those plans a week beforehand. If it's a ticketed event, sure, I'll be there, but I'm not going out afterwards. That I'm, I'm not bashing the guy for having an eight p.m. lid. Being in bed by eight p.m. is a different story saying you've got to be asleep by eight p.m., which means you're getting in your jammies by seven thirty, right? If you're Joe, I bet he's got silk pajamas. I bet he does. This is wild. I mean, there's so many other questions that you can base just again on the news of the past week with all of these Democratic, well, at least Lloyd Doggett. I'm not sure if there's been any others that have come out and calling for Joe Biden to step aside, but a vast majority of donors saying that there should be a plan B, you know, top donors that there needs to be a plan B, a vast majority of the media saying, all right, this is now a legitimate question, whereas it wasn't before. There are so many things you can press this guy on. And he's going to have the same response that he always has. Watch me. Come on, Jack, just watch me. Look what, look what we've been able to do. Look at all the things that we've done. Come on, I mean, what are you, what are you kidding me? It's not a joke. Look at the unemployment numbers. Come on, we've got 15,000 jobs. It's not a joke. We did it. Us, the infrastructure act had nothing to do with infrastructure. Look at all the climates being changed. Come on, man, what are you thinking? Description, jugs. Yeah, we lowered the cost of prescription jugs, not a joke. These are the things. These are what people care about. What do you, what do you mean? He's just, he's going to talk himself into oblivion once again. And they're going to do their best. I think George Stephanopoulos, he's, he's, he's on watch probably tonight. People, people are going to be watching him closely to see if he is staying with the rest of the pack and saying that this guy is really non-compass metis or if he's going to run cover. This is a deciding moment for both Biden and George Stephanopoulos. Of course, you, you're listening to this show so you know exactly where we stand on this, that George has been a George, that Joe, George too. But Joe has been this way for a number of years. And we have not been sleeping on that fact. We've been telling you that for so long. And it's just again so surprising that people are just waking up to this. This is Brian Stelter, formerly of CNN, but he was back on CNN as a guest. I guess he's working for Vanity Fair now. He was on CNN as a guest earlier today, talking about the importance of this interview for both Joe Biden and Stephanopoulos. Cut 10. Astoundingly, Jim, the White House is almost portraying this interview as a cognitive test. Like it's some sort of televised doctor's appointment. The White House and the Biden campaign have raised the stakes for this interview, as if it was not already important enough. So it is both the most important interview of the interviewer's career, Stephanopoulos. But most importantly, for Biden, as you said, his presidency is on the line here. And yet at the same time, it's only one interview. It's not nearly enough compared to what Biden has to do more broadly to prove to the country that he's fit for service. If this interview tonight is a doctor's appointment, a cognitive test, it's a second opinion. The actual doctor's appointment took place on Thursday night, last Thursday night, a week ago tonight, and everybody concurred. Yeah, this is not the direction that we want to go in. So Joe is out looking for a second opinion, and he's going to try to show it tonight. 844-542-42. Do you have high hopes? I mean, what do you expect out of tonight's debate and not debate? But maybe it will be a bit debate. But the interview, is it going to be this, everybody loves Joe's. We're going to take it easy on him. He's had a rough week, or does this need to be a hard hitting interview? Is this going to change anybody's minds? I don't think so. There's no getting around the fact that last week was treachery. And even yesterday was treachery for Joe Biden. We'll get into those cuts after, by the way, did you know he's the first black woman to serve under a black president? It's astounding how many boxes he checks, and he doesn't even know it. If you get to go and tell her, what the hell are you talking about? We'll play that cut for you coming back. 844-542-42. This is The Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome to The Grace Curly Show, Taylor Cormier filling in for Grace Curly as she wraps up her vacation, 844-542. If you'd like to join the program at any time during the show today, I've been thinking about this all week. Today's poll question, what it was going to be for Friday, and I want to bring it around to the way we started the week. And that was engrossed in the Karen Reid trial. And now that we've had some separation, it feels like a month ago, almost, that this trial ended in a mistrial. So much has come out since then. But I wanted to talk about that, and now that we've kind of separated a little bit from that day and given some time to think about why the jury was hung to begin with, I'd like to explore that a little bit. I've got some theories, and I'm sure you do as well. So today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial, or land. JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Amazon the board, Emma, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is why couldn't the holdouts in the Karen Reid trial vote not guilty? They didn't like Karen's expression throughout the trial. They didn't think there was enough exculpatory evidence. They let feelings get in the way of facts or they were influenced to hold out. Wow, some good good choices there. I'm going to say my honest answer is they let feelings get in the way of facts. Your choice is in second place with 36%. In first place is they were influenced to hold out with 53% and trailing in third is they didn't like Karen's expressions with 9%. Yeah, that was brought up by Paul O'Keefe, the brother of John O'Keefe, the the dead police officer from in Boston from Canton and he brought this up in an interview that lasted about 20 minutes on CBS Boston with Christina Rex. This is Paul O'Keefe one-on-one with Christina Rex cut 22. We got ushered out of the courtroom pretty quickly on Monday. You had a little exchange with Karen. Do you mind? What happened there? So throughout the trial, she likes to turn and look at me and smirk. She's never once made eye contact with my wife Aaron. So when the missed trial was announced, she turned and looked right at Aaron and gave her a smirk and then went over and hugging and celebrating to some extent. I just said, you know, you're not done yet. Did she say something back? No, but I mean, it was an emotional day, emotional moment being in that courtroom, sitting so closely and that's something that she wanted. So my take on her smirking in court is that these were at times shouldn't have been done. I mean, you've got to instruct your client. You've got to sit there expressionless and as vacant as possible and just maintain eye contact with the judge whenever she addresses you, whatever. But stone face it, please. I think she was more often than not smirking at points when the prosecution's witnesses were being crossed by the defense and holes were being blown into their stories. And Karen was kind of smirking over at Paul O'Keefe and, you know, where the McAlberts were seated in a show of, see, your story's not adding up. This is what a good defense looks like. This is what innocence looks like. I don't think it was done maliciously to say, look what I'm getting over on you. But certainly that could have been translated that way by the jury, which I think that's why that's an option on the poll question today because it is feasible that they could have read into that like that. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Wally, before we go to the break, you're next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Wally. Taylor, always love to hear you on the air, man. How are you doing? Great. Terrific. Well, regarding the conversation tonight with George speak a lot to us, I mean, Stepanopolis, he is going to edit that. It's going to be recorded. And we are only going to hear what they want the American people to hear. And as far as I'm concerned, if Hillary Clinton who George Stepanopolis worked for Bill and Hillary, if they want Joe out, they're going to make them look bad. If they want them to stay in, they're going to make them look good. But it's not going to be authentic. It's not going to be like the debate which blew everyone's mind. People, all those Democrats, Taylor, are out there still looking for the top of their brains. They just blew off when they saw what we're dealing with. What you and I knew President Biden was like. So it's not going to be authentic. And we just remember that the news is always the first draft of history. So they're trying to create that draft. Yeah, Wally, I really hope that if George Stepanopolis was told look, you've got to make Biden look as good as possible. That he negotiated time and a half and then some because it's so easy to make him look bad. You just sit back, no editing required. But to make him look good, boy, boy, that is a lot of time in the production room. We'll be right back. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome to the Grace Curly Show 844-542. 42 is the number if you'd like to join the program this afternoon. Much to discuss. There is that wide ranging interview tonight with George Stepanopolis sitting down with Joe Biden as he just took off, wheels up to Madison, Wisconsin for a campaign rally there. Tens of people expected to flock to whatever location he's going to be speaking at. You can't even imagine the amount of people that are going to be trying to stay awake through this, I'm sure, vigorous campaign speech he's about to give. If yesterday was any indication of what his performance would be, let's just take a listen. This is Joe Biden at the White House 4th of July barbecue with the troops, active duty service members on the White House lawn, and he gave some remarks. Of course, they were on topic and pertinent to the 4th of July Independence Day, dripping with historical knowledge and appropriate context into what we're dealing with today and just a whole lot of relevancy from our commander, our cogent commander in chief, cut one. You know, I was in that World War I cemetery in France and the one that my one of our colleagues, the former president, didn't want to go and be up there. I should probably even say, "anyway." We gotta just remember who the hell we are. We're the United States of America. Boy, that's his saving line. That's it. Joe, if you lose track, this is what Hunter was telling him. He went, "Dad, if you lose track during your speeches, here's what you gotta do. You gotta just go to yours. That's who we are, the United States of America line." He is the smartest man I know. I mean, in front of pure intellectual capacity. That's it. I mean, what was that supposed to be? Some uplifting speech about I was there at the World War I cemetery and oh, by the way, Donald Trump suckers. He called you all suckers and losers. I mean, this is overwhelmingly the people in the United States military. I'm not going to speak for everybody, but overwhelmingly, there was great support for President Trump. It did a lot for our military and giving them the resources that they so desperately needed during his administration because the stockpiles were completely depleted under the Obama administration. What Trump did for our military, boosting morale, just being one of them, has not been surpassed by Joe Biden. It's been undercut, really. I mean, all of the stuff that's gone in the military as far as DEI and pushing an agenda for LGBTQ plus IA squared pie to the seventh power members of the military. It's gotten very strange. The focus has been lost. Morale is at an all-time low. Recruitment is at an all-time low, which is why you're hearing rumors of the draft coming back. These are people that supported Trump. These are not people that support Joe Biden. They're there because they were told to be there and they're fake laughing at you or maybe they're real laughing at you and fake laughing at whatever story you were going to tell. But they're not buying it that Donald Trump, nobody's buying it that Donald Trump called World War I veterans, suckers and losers. And that's why you had to stop saying it because you knew it was falling flat. You could hear the crickets chirping on the lawn. And then he goes out and tells another all-out lie directly to the faces of the troops. I was there. I was there in the bunkers with you. That's what he said cut to. And by the way, I've been all over the world with you. I've been in and out of battles anyway. I've been in and out of battles anyway. Been all over the world with you. In and out of battles. Pulled you out of foxholes. Jumped on grenades. I was there when Danny Inouye and that other guy, Bob Dole, they were shot on two separate mountains at the same time. And I was there for each of them. I saw it. I was there, Jack. Come on. What are we doing? The guys lost it. I'm not even going to set this up. Cut three. You got me, man. I'm not going anywhere. All right. All right. I'll come back out when I let you open the gate. Okay. What? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. One last thing. You know, I used to think when I was a senator, there was always congestion on the highways. There's no congestion anymore. No, we got on the highway. There's no congestion. And so what, the way they get me to stop talking, they'll say, we just shut down all the roads, Mr. President. You're going to lose all the votes if you don't get in. But anyway, I'll be back out. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Love you. Thank you. What? What was that supposed to be? What does he do? You know the thing. What is he talking about? There's no congestion on the roads. As if this was some important thing he was supposed to make. He loves doing this. He loves running back to the podium. One more thing, you got a, you got a true national of depression. You got to get out and vote. Come on. We're going to take America back. We got to fight. You know, he'll say something like that. That's halfway. Again, here's that word cogent and coherent halfway. But this, one more thing, you know, the traffic. When I was a senator back in 20 odd six, you know, there were, there was the highways. You could, you'd get stuck in a, come on. I have no idea what he, I've, since COVID, COVID was great for me selfishly because I could get to work in 40 minutes. It was fantastic. And I live 50 miles away. You do the map. I was booking it. It's a, it's a crapshoot now. There's congestion almost any point of the day. I don't know what he's talking about. He thinks that he must be absolutely senile. I know I sound shocked when I say that, but he must actually believe these initiatives that he's doing. He's being told they're working. Yes, sir. We're putting in electric trains and electric charging stations and everybody's off the roads now. There's not one car out there. And he's wow. If you only take Air Force one, you might think there are no cars in the sky. That's very true. That's a good point. Emma there. We did those flying cars. They got out of the way. They're not, they're not, they're not in the sky anymore. Jack clouds, cloud nine, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth of September, an insurrection. We, we, come on, we, I'm trying to national pressure. Can he tell him I'm trying to work on my Biden impression? I've got the Trump down. I'm trying to, I'm trying to get Biden in there to get a little, is it getting, is it getting, getting halfway these? We're in a national pressure. I think it's there. 844, 542, 42. Oh my goodness. This is, by the way, his rumored replacement, Kamala Harris, if you believe that rumor, I don't think they'd be so stupid as to sneaker in there, but there's almost no getting around it. She let the cat out of the bag. Joe Biden always does this. He calls vice president Kamala Harris, president Kamala Harris. Okay. This is up to this point been a Joe only mistake. It's always called Kamala Harris, president Harris, many times not correcting himself. This happened yesterday, cut four. Thanks to our commander and chief, the vice, the president of the United States. No, no, go back to the beginning. Let's hear that again. What did you say Kamala Harris? What was that? Thanks to our commander and chief, the vice, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, the vice, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, the vice, the president, you know, the thing, the guy. Oh, we all love him. He's, he's been through what is unburdened him, and he's a burden. And that's the, the, the guy, the guy, you know the thing. 844, 542, 42. Mike, you're next on the grace curly show. Go ahead, Mike. You know, Taylor, I'm a retired gunnery sergeant, United States Marine Corps. Thanks for your service, sir. And I got, I got to take, that's no problem. You guys are, you guys deserve it. Look, you know, as we kid around about this clown, right now the US European command is at a level of Charlie. It's the second highest threat level you can have for military installations all the way around Europe, not only Europe, the Middle East and Africa. So the only higher threat level is con delta. That's the highest. And I got to tell you something, you know, we got the elections coming up in France. We got the Olympics. The basis in the Middle East, we're not sure. They caught chatter for them to put it up on a level, Charlie. They've caught some serious chatter. But Mike, do you think that that might be a bit of a show to show, you know, this administration, they want to show Vladimir Putin is the ultimate bad guy to end all bad guys in the world is in terrible danger because of this war in Ukraine and this land grab that Putin's trying to make. Don't you think that that might be the cause for the level, Charlie, as you called it? No, no, look, they don't lay out a level of Charlie for politics. Okay, trust me, the military laid this out because they don't want a Beirut bounty on their hands. If you guys remember the Beirut bounty, but we lost that many Marines, they don't want this. They don't want this at all. They need to protect these bases. And look, when you got a guy that's a commander in chief who can act command, who the hell is commanded? That's what we want to know. Yeah, I don't know. It's absolutely bonkers, Mike. Thanks very much for the call. I don't know what to really attribute that to. My mind tends to think that that's maybe they have some intel, but maybe they're also positing themselves for just showing that that Putin's a bad guy here, and we need to be on high alert and this our military reflects that 617. I missed that Biden clip, darn, which I mean, there's there's so many that the been in and out of battles, traffic congestion. Oh, Merry Christmas. Happy Independence Day. Don, you're next on the Grey's Curly show. Go ahead, Don. Yeah, Taylor. This might not be known by many of your viewers in the audience, but FDR in the 1930s used to speak of his exploits during World War I facing cannon fire and everything else, but he was Secretary of the Navy and he never saw Europe under fire. Right. And many senators used to look at them so I think this is the president, but it's in the book called Roosevelt myth, a well-documented book. But yeah, no, FDR used to claim that he was in battle in World War I. And Joe Biden claims that he's FDR, so I mean, it's almost the same thing. He's so far gone. He probably does think that he's on TV in 1939, or 1929, rather, when the stock market crashed. Thanks. Thanks for the call, Don. We've got to take a break. We will be back in just a few moments. More of your calls straight ahead, 844-542-42. This is the Grey's Curly show. You're listening to the Grey's Curly show. This is the Grey's Curly show. Welcome back to the Grey's Curly show. If I had any faith that tonight's interview was going to be on the level on behalf of ABC and George Stephanopoulos interviewing Joe Biden, it's gone. And there was not much faith left to get rid of. The picture that they're using on the programming, if you look at the schedule on your smart TV, the picture of Joe Biden is of definitely a pre-2020 Joe Biden. It is not reflective of his current age and- Wait, he's not spray-tanned? No, he's like in shadow, but you can tell this was a much younger Joe Biden. And four or five years ago wasn't that long ago. But in the way Joe Biden is aged, and it has been aged by the presidency, and just his natural age, just his natural disease, whatever he has that's taken hold of him, it's not reflective of what he looks like today. What I mean to say is he looks like he knows what he's looking at in this picture. And anything that we've seen lately is of Joe Biden having no idea what the hell he's looking at. Galen, you're next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Galen. Yeah, hi Taylor. I was listening to you explain Biden's messed up explanation of traffic. I think what he was alluding to was when he was a senator, he didn't have all its security to block off the roads when he was traveling. But now as a president, they pose the roads so that he's got free access to every day wants to go with no delays. And his people were telling him ramped up because you're going to make people mad because they have to wait because they can't get where they're going on a county. You're screwing up traffic. Here's where you went wrong, Galen. And this has been explained to me within the past two weeks. You just used complete logic and concise speaking to convey your point. That's your problem. When Joe speaks, however, you've got to let those go. Those aren't part of the conversation. I get what you're saying. And you've explained it to me. I now understand. I guess I've lost touch. It's it's so tough to keep up with. You got to know how to know exactly. You've got to know how to know. It's so tough to keep up with Joe Biden. His speech is evolving or I should say devolving so much that let's let's just play that again in that context. Cut three. You got me, man. I'm not going anywhere. All right. I got you, babe. All right. I'll come back out when I let the open the gate. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Is he being locked up? Wait. And I used to think when I was a senator, there was there were always congestion on the highways. There's no congestion anymore. We go on the highway. There's no congestion. And so one big way they get me to stop talking, they'll say, we just shut down all the roads, Mr. President. If you don't get any, but anyway, I'll be back out. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. But thank you. What a weird way to describe it. You know, that's such insider baseball to to some to anybody who's listening. And it just seems like such nonsense when you're babbling about traffic when you were a senator versus president. That's such inside baseball and Galen put it perfect. He explained it perfectly. Well, when he was a senator, he didn't have a motorcade getting people out of the way and closing down traffic. But now that he's president, that's what happens. The highways are shut down so you can safely pass without any fear of threat to safety. Got it. Sarah, thanks for holding on your next on the Grey's Curly show. Go ahead, Sarah. I think you were taking my call, Taylor, and happy Independence weekend to you. I am calling a little off topic, but it's not. I mean, I know we're all intensely watching Trump and Biden, what's going to happen. But I want to come back to you and Grace have been part of this newly developed New England conservative youth group trying to encourage like-minded thinkers to get involved in elect. And we're going to be changing a lot of people in Congress in New England, like in September up here in New Hampshire. Sarah, I'm going to ask you to hold on. I'll talk to you during the break, okay? We're out of time for this second stay on the line. I'll get right to you. Stay tuned, everybody.