The Howie Carr Radio Network

The People versus the MA State Police plus Trump's VP Pick | 7.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie shares the best piece out of the New Yorker that he's read in a while, and it's all about the aftermath of the Karen Read case. Then, Howie and his listeners weigh some options for Trump's VP pick. Vivek Ramaswamy? Tulsi Gabbard? When will we know?

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03 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. This is a live look at the White House. Can you see inside the windows to see what the dispersion is in there today? Stay f*cking calm! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! What are you f*cking calm down? As you all know, and many of you reached out during the, uh, the, uh, the debate, uh, the present had a cold. And the cold thing is something that you all pointed out during his debate. We didn't even point that out. You all pointed out when you heard his voice being forced. He's quoting you! It's your words! Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I just, I, I think it's, again, it's, it's just getting a little silly here that we're talking about one night. But why are we letting that, you know, continue to make the news? Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's coming, it's coming. In this presidential campaign, where, yeah, see you at a bad night. My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's how we car talking about moose shallow mooch L. Obama running for president. I don't see it in the cards myself. Maybe I'm wrong. And I know a lot of you think she is going to, you know, she's the, the night on a white horse or a not so white horse. But, you know, I don't see it. 71 says that job at the Swank Hospital in Chicago was to direct poor blacks to the county hospital. I think, I think you're right about that. It was 300,000 plus a year. And that was like, what, 20 years ago? I mean, that was, that was really, really big money back then. If her paper from Princeton goes public, it will be a real problem. It has gone public, you know. I mean, you know, Dr. Jill's paper was totally illiterate, you know, and she couldn't even add up the percentages to come out to 100. That's how hard she worked on her paper. And nobody ever talks about it. By the way, I'm not going to get to it today because of all the other breaking news. But I'll try to get to it on Friday, but there's a lawsuit that's been filed against Northwestern Law School in Evanston. And it's just, it's devastating talking about the affirmative action hires on the faculty and about these, these people that, they can't give them tenure because they can't write papers. I mean, they can't, they can barely write a thank you note. And they, they have to do scholarly paper. So they, they get five years as, as teachers, as one of them admitted she didn't understand the courses she was teaching. She was a, she's a, she's a professor at a fairly top tier law school in Northwestern. And so then they, they, they, they don't get tenure. They finally have to get rid of them. And they go to work as, you know, the diversity, equity, inclusion, coordinator, it's some, some nonprofit because no, no law firm is going to hire them. It's just, yeah, I'll read you the whole thing. It's, it's all laid out in the, in the suit. We'll get to that on Friday. 844, 542, 42, before you get back to the calls, I want to play some of these cuts from channel four got an interview with Apollo Keith. He's the brother of John O'Keefe, the dead Boston cop that was, was found dead in the snow outside the McAlberthouse in, in Kent. And they, they tried care and read his girlfriend for the, for murder, even though the federal accident reconstruction experts hired by the FBI said that it wasn't, it, he wasn't killed by a, by a car. But yet the, the O'Keeves believe it. And they sat through it. And when, when the, the mistrial was announced on Monday, he, he, he whispered in Karen Reed's ear, I'm not done with you yet or words to that effect. It was a very, very sort of an ominous thing to say. And it made, whatever it meant, civil suits or whatever. And, and Apollo Keith's wife sort of pulled him away. And Karen, Karen Reed was taken aback by it. But anyway, he, he, he believes the, the, this narrative that she, she killed him despite, despite what I would say is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. She, he believes that she, she killed him. And she, and he hates, he hates her with a passion, as you can see from these, these sound cuts. Again, this is from WBSE TV channel four, which was a, a feather in their cap for getting this. Congratulations. I want, I want to, I want an interview. I want interviews with the, the jurors though. Turtle Boy's trying, but so far, nobody's cracked. Okay. Here's, uh, Apollo Keith, John O'Keefe's brother, talking about, uh, the death of his brother, uh, in January, 2022. Cut 28. From all that you've learned over the last two and a half years, like what you think happened that night. Oh, we, we know what happened. We know that Johnny and Karen were arguing. It was kind of towards the end of their relationship. Things weren't well. Um, you know, they were drinking and put the car on reverse and ran them down and left them there to die. And we figured it out. As soon as she left the house that day when she came over, we didn't talk to any investigators to please nobody. You know, my mother had said, do you think she had something to do with this? And I said, we're not going to think like that. Went outside to the driveway to look at her car and her car was gone. And my wife spoke to her on the phone on the way back to Daiton. She told my wife that just have to remember the bad times. And I don't think I'm ever going to talk to you guys again. Why would somebody say that? Why would someone say, if you didn't do anything, why would you say you're never going to talk to us again? Like everybody else in the, in the, uh, story. She's a, she's a blackout drinker. She's a, she's an, she's an alcoholic. I mean, and she was, uh, she was obviously, uh, totally, uh, hung over and wasted from the previous night. So as were all of the McAlberts. Cut 29. When did the whole narrative of her version of events become known to you? Well, if you remember her first, uh, arraignment in Stoughton district court. Yeah. Her attorney, David Unity had said this is a tragic accident. You know, fast forward to, I guess, when Alan Jackson came on board, a lot of the public was misinformed, you know, because they were only getting one side of the story. And, you know, we didn't come out and tell our side of the story or, you know, what we thought or knew happened. Um, we've kept the low profile and have been silent through this, this whole ordeal, you know, now it's, now it's time, you know, now it's time for people to understand the truth. So are those accident investigators, the, the cream of the crop, are they lying? How about the, uh, experts on, uh, the forensic, uh, physicians who say that those cuts were made by dog bites, but you, they believe the, the G Joe Paul, the semi-literate community college graduate who can't, doesn't know anything about physics or anything about anything else who speaks to crime scenes, you believe him, you believe Proctor, who, uh, who, who, uh, solicited a gift for arresting Karen Reed from the McAlberts. You believe that cop? I don't get it. Cut 30. You think she knows what she did? She knows exactly what she did. And she's trying to buy and lie her way out of this, you know, refusing to take accountability for her actions. Cut 31. Doesn't it feel, um, sometimes like your brother's forgotten in all this? Absolutely. All the time. Um, it's, it's turned into the Karen Reed show. You know, she walks through a crowd that she goes out in public, takes pictures, um, signs, autographs. She's, she's just living her life like nothing's ever happened. And meanwhile, my brother's been gone for almost two and a half years. She's living her life like nothing's happened. I, I know he's, I know he's still grief-stricken. And then, you know, I'm, I'm sorry for what happened to John O'Keefe, but I mean, you can't really say that she's living her life like nothing happened. I mean, her, her life's been destroyed. How will she ever get her life back? Cut 32. I just want people to remember him and want him to get the justice he deserves and that we deserve. And that's Karen Reed doing prison. Wow. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. We come back. I'm going to read you some of the story from the, the New Yorker. It's, it's quite a, it's, it's quite a good story. I'll just read you a few pieces. And again, we put up a, we tweeted out a link and I think it, someone said it didn't open, but I think it, I think someone's just not, not really paying attention. They're not, not doing it the right way. Everybody else seems to be able to open it. It's written by a woman named Jessica Winter. And it's not from around here. She's from New York, but she did, she did a really good job. It's like Joan, Joan Didion used to be the classic female crime reporter back in the 60s and 70s working for Slick magazines. And this is, this is, this is a worthy of a Joan Didion effort. 844, 500, 42, 42. Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Howie, when Obama debated Romney, his first debate, he did so poorly that all of my liberal friends were crying in their beers. But I think often a president is out of debating ability until after the first debate. So I'm afraid that people are celebrating prematurely the political demise of Joe Biden. Steve, the difference is Obama wasn't senile. Hello? Yeah, I watched the debate. Biden has always fumbled his words in his whole career. He definitely was off his game. His voice was really bad. That was obviously Steve, do you listen to the cuts we play every day? No, I know. There's a big difference between listening to the entire debate and listening to selected curated cuts. Oh, so you're saying I use cheap fakes? I thought that I thought, so are you the last guy in the world who believes the New York Times prior to the debate? Howie, give me a break. Everybody puts a spin on things. You're not above that. We all know that. Hey, I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. You're you're you could have fooled me, Steve. You could have fooled me. Thanks for the call. 844 542. I just put that on for everyone's edification. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. The Howie Carr Show is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1 844 a perfect smile or visit Matt, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? What's the most ridiculous excuse for Joe Biden's catastrophic debate? He had a cold jet lag, his gruesome pace or over preparation. No, it's not his gruesome pace. It's his grueling pace. Sorry, I had a Biden moment. I'm voting for jet lag. jet lag has 16% in the lead is his grueling pace at 48% followed by over preparation 18 and he had a cold at 17. All right. 844 542 42. Will you be interviewing the person who was arrested for January 6? You mentioned that yesterday. We had too much news today. I'll get to it on Friday. I'm going to try to get to a lot of stuff on Friday. It should be a slight slightly slower news day after the day after. We'll try to get to her on on Friday. 844 542 42 201 says if Romney had had a backbone when dealing with Obama, he would have won. The first debate was on the level and then the second debate became two on one is Democrat fun. That's when Candy Crowley took a break from eating pounds of M&Ms to go on Obama's side. They lied about the 80s want their foreign policy back. The thing was Romney didn't have the stones to do it. I mean, he was good in that first debate and then he reverted to form in the second debate just like with Ted Kennedy when he was running against him in what 1994. He had him on the ropes and then at Fanuel Hall debate, he just went into the fetal position, just lost it. He was a rhino. That's the problem. You need tough guys in these debates. Trump sometimes is too tough of a guy in these things. He handled it perfectly on Thursday night and I hope he continues to. I hope Trump picks as his vice presidential running mate, someone who's also tough. I'm thinking JD Vance, but I don't know. 844-542. People are not impressed with Steve from Cambridge, but that's the way he is. He's always going to be that way. It's 844-542. So I'm going to read you just a little bit of this story from Jessica Winter. It just was published on the website of the New Yorker magazine, which like all magazines has gone to hell recently, but this is a really good story. And you're going to have quibbles about it. Like someone mentioned that the third paragraph, multiple witnesses recalled Reed exclaiming repeatedly, "I hit him." Yeah, they recalled that multiple witnesses recalled it, but not contemporaneously. When they needed a story to come up with, they came up with it. One of the witnesses who came up with the story much, much later on was Jennifer Tuthy McCabe. And the other one was the female firefighter who lied about her relationship to the McAlberts. And I don't think she's been seen at the station, the fire station, too much since then. But anyway, so she talks about the questions that are here and what happened. One might have, this again, the New Yorker magazine. And we posted a link on our Twitter. One might have expected a vigorous probe into the death of O'Keefe, given that he was a Boston police officer. But so too was Brian Albert, the owner of the Fairview Road Home. Oddly, even though Albert had invited a fellow cop to his home who was later found dead on the lawn, his residence was never searched for evidence. Nor was any interest taken in the Albert's dog, a German shepherd, despite the injuries to O'Keefe's arm, the family rehomed the dog a few months afterwards. While Albert was trained as a first responder, he was not roused from his bedroom while EMTs and police were gathered in front of his house on the morning of January 29th. And then they get into the case of Sandra Burchmore, the 23-year-old pregnant woman who was found dead in her apartment in Canton in 2021. Earlier this month, a forensic pathologist hired by Burchmore's estate concluded that she had been strangled to death, even though the district attorney prosecuting Karen Reed said it was a suicide. The forensic pathologist report also noted that a rape kit and fatal tissue taken from her body were never sent for DNA analysis. And also the police chief, the police man, the policeman from Stoughton who was involved with her and is believed to have been the father of her child was never asked, he was asked for a DNA sample but refused to give one and the district attorney, Michael Meatball Morris, he never pressed him on it. For many local observers, well, we'll run out of time, we'll get some more here in just a moment, I'll finish it and then we'll take some more of your calls as we move into the Independence Day holiday. 844-542-844-542-442, I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I want to just finish reading you a few more paragraphs from this story in the New Yorker. The irresolvable tragedy of the Karen Reed case by Jessica Winther. And there was a story about Turtle Boy, one of the reporter for a New York magazine, not to be confused with the New Yorker magazine, interviewed Turtle Boy and it's just a Q&A type of interview. This is more of a, you know, a report, literary journalism in the old style. For many local observers, the deaths of Burchmore, the 23-year-old pregnant woman, found murdered or suicide in Canton and O'Keefe found dead, murder, whatever in Canton, are twin exhibits of institutional decay of a law enforcement apparatus rigged with malfeasance, ineptitude and indifference, leaving behind two victims whose final moments may never be known or understood. In fact, before Reed's trial had even begun, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston launched an investigation into how law enforcement had handled the O'Keefe case. An engineering consulting firm hired by the Department of Justice to reconstruct the alleged crash concluded O'Keefe's injuries were not consistent with being struck by a vehicle. Then she mentions Proctor's text and how he said she wasn't going to skate and all the obscene things that he said. Proctor's text, though ill-advised, turned out to be somewhat accurate. Reed did not skate, despite the apparent toddler level proficiency of state and local investigators. That's a good way to put it, toddler level, and that's being, although it might be unfair to toddlers. Blood was collected from the scene in red solo cups and placed in a stop-and-shop bag. One police lieutenant trawled for evidence using a leaf blower. During cross-examination, one of Reed's attorneys performed a ritual disembowelment of Joseph G. E. D. Paul, the state trooper who was tasked for reconstructing the alleged crash. How Reed's attorney asked after O'Keefe had allegedly been struck by a two-ton vehicle that his cell phone ended up beneath his body. It just did. Then here's the key paragraph, I think. "A bone-chilling gust of incompetent collusion swirls around this extremely outer-bust and saga, like a Dennis Lehane novel adopted by the Cone brothers. The bumbling attempts to close ranks, the incestuous conflicts of interest, the while Bergean ours and vowels, the incantation of technical terms such as "but-dial." All of it can almost make you forget about the man freezing to death at the foot of the lawn. The cast of characters is neighborhood-specific and yet hard-to-place class-wise. There's Albert, the bullet-headed salt-of-the-earth cop. I would disagree with that characterization. He's far from salt-of-the-earth, who lived in a $900,000 house. There's McCabe, the basketball mom and a smart blazer with a perfect blowout, a flente Mayor Quimby accent, and a wonky tooth. She's more polite than you and I. Everybody has an Irish last name. Everybody went to kindergarten with the other guy and is this other lady's brother-in-law. And everybody drinks and drives. Spend enough time mucking through the cop land and can't and bog of this case, and you will never get into a car after 8 p.m. in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ever again. Above all, a totalizing drinking culture is what both defined and obscured this unresolved perhaps unresolvable case. It opens the elevator shaft into a bottomless enigma. Did any of these people really remember what happened? I mean, again, you kind of knew that in the back of your mind watching this day after they listened to these cuts, reading the stories, reading Turtle Boy, following the streams. But that's the bottom line, isn't it? I mean, this is all about alcoholism when you get right down to it. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. I want to read one more thing here. I got a lot of response last night from the Massachusetts State Police Facebook page. They post stuff every day. What's going on with the mass state police? The good stuff, of course. But there's always a response. So today, roll call before Independence Day. And there's a picture of a fat acting Colonel Mon with some of his troopers, and there's an SUV in the background. And so the first comment after they post this, roll call before Independence Day from James Alexander, was any hair found on the back of that SUV? Vincent says, "I wonder if this picture is inverted." You know, like the picture they introduced is evidence without telling anyone it was inverted. Tom, thank you. Stay safe and keep your texting professional. Ritchie, watch out for leaky balloon knots. Sean, this is underneath the Facebook posting of the mass state police today about their, their, their, their roll call at before Independence Day. Overheard at the meeting, no nudes yet, but still looking. Kathleen, I wonder if they'll find any taillight pieces. Casey, still searching for Chloe, the dog. Chris, hose long was the roll call. Tyler, don't forget the red solo cups. So if you find, so you can find evidence to plant and Brenda adds, don't forget your leaf blower to look for evidence. We'll keep reading these as, as we go into. Copland is a good reference. Yeah, 978. It really is. It's the old Sylvester Stallone movie about these guys who live in a, live in a suburb in Jersey. And they're all cops and they just keep getting into trouble. That is a, that is a really good reference. And about having Karen Reed say, say, I hit him, I hit him. Yeah, 917 says, multiple witnesses heard Karen Reed say that multiple months later, multiple months later. Yeah. And yeah, the, the all the people who, who said that later on, they were all confronted with the initial police reports, none of which, none of which, even the ones by Proctor, who was trying to frame her with the help of all of his buddies in the, the district attorney's office and police department, none of them, none of them had any references to I hit him in the initial reports. 844-542-42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with how we car go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Harry car. Listen, if Donald Trump, when, when you think New Jersey, New York, California, pick one who, where he can win in those states, California, New York, New Jersey, all Massachusetts. What do you pick of one of those four to win? I'm going to pick, I'm going to pick Jersey. I'm going to pick New Jersey. What would you pick? I think they're all long shots, though. They're all long shots, still. New Jersey. How about one to four four? What? How about one to four, how are we? I don't know. How do I say, hey, Mr. Garcia, I'm sorry that the Dutch isn't around to enjoy some nice barbecue tomorrow from your, from your grill, but remember, remember Dutch in your, in your thoughts, I will. Thank you. Dutch is, Dutch, you know, unlike Chloe who was quote unquote rehomed, Dutch, Dutch actually died a natural death at the, at a, at a, at an advanced age for a, for a canine. Rebecca, you're next with how we car go ahead, Rebecca. Hey, howdy, how are you? Good. All right. I just wanted to give you an idea and I want to know what you think about it for Trump's VP pick. Yes. I think if they have Kamala, I think he should tell see Gabby because she's a veteran. She can get independence and maybe, you know, disenfranchised just whatever it is Democrats to vote. And I don't know. I just think that she'd be a good pick. She should get the woman vote. What do you think? Rebecca, you know, I, I like her. I liked having her on the show. And I like she's, she's easy on the eyes. But she was for Bernie Sanders in 2016. I'm not sure you can trust her. That's my only thing. Of course I would love Dr. Colston, but that's a pipe dream. Yeah, no, yeah, that is, that is a pipe dream. I think, you know, it's down to three or four people, you know, there's, there's JD Vance, there's Tim Scott. A longer shot would be Elise Stefanik from, from New York, from Saratoga Springs. And, you know, I don't know, maybe a couple of others, but I, I don't know. I, I think he's got to have somebody who's tough, really tough, and someone who can just fight back and can, you know, go into the trenches. And not, and again, not be Mitt Romney, not, you can't be Mitt Romney. 844-500-4242-617, the VP you're describing is Vivek Rama-Swami. I was just speaking to an acquaintance who has his boat next to mine on the Cape. We both love Trump and we simultaneously said he should pick Vivek as his veep. Trump would not have to take anybody from the Senate or the House that is already thin and Vivek can argue in our, in a articulate way a thousand times better than Trump with Trump's message. He can attract the young voters and he doesn't take any crap from the media. He's tough. He is, he is. And, you know, I would say, you know, normally I would like someone with a little experience, but Trump kind of tore up that toward that page out of the playbook, you know, because he was, he had never run for anything before he ran for president and he was elected. I just, I don't know. Some people are, you know, leery of Vivek, Vivek, because he got, when he was going to college in law school, he got some money from some of the left-wing groups, a Soros-type group. But, you know what, he didn't have a lot of dough. He was going to, I don't, I don't hold that against him, you know, that when you take, when you want to go to college, when you need some money, you take it from whoever's there, I don't, I don't think they bought him, like, you know, like it's an old movie about some mob guy buying a district attorney. It wasn't like that. I don't know. Has he been totally vetted, though? I mean, you know, the thing is, if you have a guy who's run state, like a Vance or even a Scott from South Carolina, smaller state, they've run, they've run statewide so many times that they, people know they've, if there are any scandals in the background, they're already in the closet. They're already out there. They've come out. So, I don't know. He would be okay, but I'm sticking with Vance right now. And like I said, Scott, Scott, I liked him better when I just ran into him in Palm Beach in the winter, but I just, he just doesn't seem, you know, like he has the fire in his belly to go after somebody on a debate stage or on the campaign trail. 844, 542, 42, 781, Trump should pick the vice, the governor of Texas for Veep. Yeah, Greg Abbott. Hey, he's, you know, he's a, he's a member of a, of a protected class. He's a, he's disabled, right? No, excuse me. He's differently abled. I got to put it in the right way. 844, 542, 844, 542, 42. This is a woman named Katie Glueck writes for the New York Times. She, she was, she was talking about the cheap fakes last week, but in 2023, she was writing about, about Biden at his age. While health is unpredictable, this is this woman in the New York Times in 2023. Some aging experts have said there are signs that Mr. Biden could be a super ager, a super ager. Superagers tend to live more of their lives without functional impairment. Older people are often better at resolving disputes and are less likely to do something imprudent. I would say running for president when you're 81 and your senile is pretty imprudent. I'm howie car. Watch how we live at slash the howie car show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's howie car. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. This hour of the howie car show is brought to impart by Moby Dicks and Wellesley. For 40 years in counting, they continue to provide the freshest blasters, fried fish and lobster salad online at Moby's dot com. He's howie car and he's back. We still have a few of the cheap bastard deals from last week, the original flip lock. It is strong ten times stronger than a deadbolt. It's a flip lock residential lock. It withstand 1670 pounds of pressure. It turns any room instantly into a safe room. You just place it. You can install it in less than five minutes. It works on any inward swinging door and just follow the simple instructions and it's we had this is a fifty dollar value for just twenty five bucks. Put it on an inner door and you can turn it into a safe room. You can use it for yourself. Get one for your kids if they're in their first apartment. It's made from industrial grade aluminum and stainless steel. Check it out. Go to It's a fifty dollar value. It's now available for a twenty five bucks while supplies last. If you want to read more about flip lock before you make your decision, go to and then go to Click on store and buy it a fifty dollar value for twenty five bucks. Limit of three per customer. Please. The New York Times just came out with their poll, their post-debate poll. And again, I don't do polls very much but I just want to make everybody feel good. The New York Times, a Sienna poll, he is among likely voters. He now has a six point lead. His biggest lead ever among likely voters. Forty nine to forty three over Biden. Among registered voters, registered voters in the New York Times poll. Forty nine forty one. That's an eight point lead. An eight point lead. At AJ, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead AJ. Hi Howie. First time, long time. Thank you. Change my residence from the Hacorama that is Massachusetts after being there for forty years to Florida. I live in Palm Beach very close to a Trump's place. Love the show. Here's the question. You mentioned about not having stones. What do you think? And you mentioned also about thinking of the Senate. What do you think about Marco Rubio? Rubio as his running mate. He's a good or toward. I think he would have the stones to combat whatever the Democrats throw them. I think because you know, he's you know, he's he's in that that gang of seven, that intelligence committee group. I mean, do you do you really trust do you really trust Marco Rubio? I mean, I like him as a senator. I would vote for a mama registered Florida voter too. And I think he's doing a good job. But you know, he's he's in with that same gang of people like Tim King and all those all those intelligence committee people, you know, the people who covered up for Wolf when he leaked all the all the documents to the New York Times, the Senate Stafford. Do you really trust him, AJ, to fill in as president? I think his motivations are going to be beyond these for next four years. And he'll run again as, you know, to get the White House. I don't know. I just think he's a good order. And I think he would stand up to the Democrats, but Republicans would accept him at four years or not. I don't know. I think, you know, I think the only question is again, it's the same question you ask about Tulsi Gabbard, you know, the background, you know, are they just too? Are they too? I mean, he's talking a good game now, just like Tulsi's talking a good game now saying that the deep state hates Trump because he's going to take him out. I mean, that's that's that's red meat for guys like you and me. But, you know, you just wonder how how sincere they are given their prior track record. Okay, happy independent state everybody. I'll be back on Friday. I'm Howie Car.