The Howie Carr Radio Network

Could Austin Theriault be New England's Next Republican in Congress? | 7.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Before you head off for to your Independence Day festivities, tune in to this evening's Chump Line. Then, Howie welcomes Austin Theriault, candidate for Congress in Maine, to the show to share his platform and plan to win this November. There are currently zero Republicans in Congress from New England. Could Theriault be the first in a long while?

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03 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. This is a live look at the White House. Can you see inside the windows to see what the discussion is in there today? Stay f---ing calm. Wait, wait, wait. What are you f---ing come down? As you all know, and many of you reached out during the debate, the present had a cold. And the cold thing is something that you all pointed out during his debate. We didn't even point that out. You all pointed out when you heard his voice being forced. He's quoting you. It's your words. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I think it's-- again, it's just getting a little silly here that we're talking about one night. It's our plan, man. But why are we letting that continue to make the news? Yeah. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] In this presidential campaign. Where, yes, he had a bad night. My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. You know, was it the ceremony at the White House just now for the Medal of Honor, winners, recipients? Hunter Biden. He was in the Navy, you know, for about a week and a half. He tried to get into the Navy Reserve and wasn't basic training that killed him. It was that bugabow that he always has the year analysis. He flunked it. Why do they request Columbia as a station? [LAUGHTER] The Wall Street Journal broke that story. No one else would have-- the New York Times, that's the story they used to break, kind of the story they used to break, not so much anymore. It did owe the Washington Post. I'm not even sure that the Wall Street Journal new staff would break it today. They broke it a few years ago, though. You know, too, says, tell the turtle, you get the flack when you're over the target. I agree. I agree. And you know, 781-- I can't believe all the people that are criticizing Trump for what he should have done. DJT missed two golden opportunities to bring up Tower Read and Ashley Biden. And he doesn't-- this guy doesn't even know how to spell Tower Read. I mean, you know, he would have to spend 30 seconds or a minute explaining Tower Read. You know, you don't want to be doing that in a debate. You know, you got to hit the highlights, the high spots. He did just fine in the debate. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. That just doesn't mean running away from a fight. That sometimes means just pulling your punch. You know, somebody's-- if your enemies are fighting it out and with sawed-off shotguns or machetes, there's no need for you to intervene. All right. Time now for the Trump line. [MUSIC PLAYING] Come on, man. Two or 84 years ago, four fathers signed a declination for me United States Camara. End of quote. Repeat the line. So tomorrow, we celebrate into Ben's day. What's the big deal about that? I'm at the Ben's every day. I really don't know what he said. I don't think he knows what he said either. All persons are created equal, as the founding birthing parents said. And that's a quote, a direct quote. Just to be very clear how a Korean jompier says she wants to be very mindful. [LAUGHS] A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Today's chumpline is sponsored by Jake Rooney's located on the curve on Route 28 in Harwich Port. Jake Rooney is the exclusive home of the mouthwatering stone real dinner. Served to your table sizzling hot and fresh. Jake Rooney's for great food, cocktails, and entertainment. And don't forget Jake Rooney's second location at the Cranberry golf course in Harwich. That's Jake Rooney's. Hey, Howie, now that the scales have fallen from the media's eyes regarding Joe Biden's mental health status, can you possibly imagine how bad it's going to be when they find out what's happening at the southern border? [BEEPING] How about when they find out about the shady business deals? How about when they find out what we're doing to Israel with these weapons and what we're doing to Ukraine, which he loves a lot more than Israel because they pay him a lot more than Israel pays him? They won't even let him use the sophisticated American weaponry to go after Russia, because it might affect oil prices. Hey, Howie, Joe Biden doesn't have jet lag. He has brain lag. [BEEPING] I'm going to go out on a limb and say, that's not going to be the excuse they offer tomorrow. Jet lag was today's excuse. Brain lag will not be in the mix on the 4th of July. Listen, let me be clear. The president is suffering from Jovid-19. [BEEPING] Yeah, and his presidency may well be Jovar, although he's sending out emails and texts to all of his big money people saying he's staying in the race. When it comes to Biden's health, KGP says the White House has been completely transparent, you know, kind of like Biden's CAT scan of his head. Yeah, I know. How come the doctor is never available to-- Dr. O'Connor is never available to discuss anything. And he just issues these mealy mouse statements that there are no indications of fill in the blank. And he took no cold medication after the debate. And, you know, that was an interesting question yesterday about the brain scans. That was from a CBS reporter. You know, sometimes when you're, at least in the old days, when there was still somewhat of a news media, your editor would get a tip. Or someone in the newsroom would get a tip. And you'd be out on this. You'd be out at the location, City Hall, Statehouse, White House, whatever. And they would say, run this, ask this question. We have this on pretty good authority. And, of course, the CBS reporter is a Democrat operative with a press pass, so she didn't ask a follow-up question. But KJP did not really answer the question about whether he had a brain scan after the disastrous debate. Joe Biden said he had a bad night because of international travel. I didn't know Camp David's the seat is from the union. Again, he's on Air Force One. You know, you could check into the most expensive hotel anywhere. And you wouldn't be treated as royally as the president is on Air Force One. We all know that, right? And we also know that jet lag works as an excuse for two, three, four days tops. He was back in the USA, as Chuck Berry would say, for 12 days, 12 days. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - Did you hear about brand new clear ways to the official? Sam Brinton, the suit. I mean the case. I mean the suitcase. I can't damn it was upgraded from checked baggage to carry on. So he won't have to spend any time in the car to hold. - Sam Brinton walked on his third case of suitcase theft from an airport. This was the one in what a Reagan International, I think. - He had earlier walked on one, and he'd stolen a suitcase in Minneapolis. He got away with that one. And he stole in a suitcase at the Harry Reid Airport in Vegas. He got away with that one, too. So he has to undergo a mental health evaluation, write a letter of apology to the African woman he stole the suitcase from. And he paid her an undisclosed amount, and she won't reveal the letter of apology, which I'm guessing cost him somewhere between an extra $10,000 and $15,000 in the settlement. - You remember, tomorrow is the traditional Fourth of July holiday. You remember, as a reminder, if you decide to let your kid on fire with illegal fireworks, make sure it's the underachiever. You remember not the carer at the top who will eventually be elected to Congress. You know, you know. - Yeah. Yeah, Joe Kennedy the second. With, he had twins, Joe, Joe, Joe, the redhead, and then the black haired kid. And he set the black haired kid on fire, one. And, you know, everyone's a first responder when it comes to child abuse and setting your kid on fire in most jurisdictions is considered a form of child abuse. But somehow the first responders, the ambulance drivers, the nurses, the physicians at the, I don't know where it was. It was probably Cape Cod Hospital. No, nobody ever thought to report the child abuse for the, for the Kennedy kid. - So Joe Biden's only alert from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. That's exactly why we should have three co-presidents. They could each do eight hour shifts. - Aukantrair, he does, he is, he is alert from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We need four co-presidents. In other words, they can only work six hour shifts. And by the way, the biggest BS in this New York Times story, which I'm gonna read a little more to you, is that Biden was completely coherent. And the, in the midnight call to BB Netanyahu when the Iranian missiles were raining down on Israel. Who's buying that? It was midnight and he's lecturing BB Netanyahu. I'm calling BS, even by New York Times standards. - As you can see, I didn't get my English lessons. - Ali, I'm sorry I couldn't leave a chumpline message yesterday. I had a cold. (laughing) - I wrote it off the jet lag myself, or preparation. Oh, preparation overload. Who hasn't, who hasn't had preparation overload? Somebody texted in and said, I'm a pilot. I've never been too prepared to go up in the air, but I guess presidents are different. (upbeat music) (beeping) - That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. - All right, that's it for the chumpline today. The chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can leave a message at any time between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time every weekday, probably not tomorrow. But you can leave a message on Friday. We'll be back on Friday between one and four. Leave your chumpline message. If you'd like to leave such a message, the number is 844-542-844-542-442-442-442-442-442-442-442. For the chumpline, leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message, or you just want to hear a second brand new chumpline, wait until seven o'clock tonight. And we post on weeknights, our second chumpline of the day, chop chumps. It's where we put all the messages. We didn't have room or time for it just now. You can get chop chumps, the second chumpline of the day, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Today's chumpline is sponsored by Jake Rooney's, located on the curve on Route 28 in Harwichport. Jake Rooney's the exclusive home of the mouthwatering stone grill dinner. Served to your table sizzling hot and fresh. Jake Rooney's for great food, cocktails, and entertainment. And don't forget Jake Rooney's second location at the Cranberry Golf course in Harwich. That's Jake Rooney's. - Hey, Howie, Joe Biden doesn't have jet lag. He has brain lag. (laughs) - 7-6-0 says if DJT had gone hard after FJB, it would have guarded sympathy for Biden. Trump would have been verbally beating up a clearly mentally compromised old man. Yeah, I thought it was perfect when he said, you know, the cub we keep playing. I don't know what he just said in that last sentence. And I don't think he knows either. I mean, that was perfect. That wasn't cruel. It was what everybody in the country, including the Democrats were thinking. 8-4-4-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. - Howie Carr, we'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - He's Howie Carr. (upbeat music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call 1-844-A-Perfect-Smile or visit, Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in it,, is what's the most ridiculous excuse for Joe Biden's catastrophic debate. He had a cold jet lag, his grueling pace, or over preparation. - And again, I did not make up grueling pace. That's in the New York Times this morning. (laughing) - Because no lie too big. All right, I am voting for jet lag. - Jet lag right now is at 15%, 19% for over preparation, 17% for he had a cold, and 49% for grueling pace. (laughing) - All right, 844-542-42. Here's the New York Post. They have whoppers every Friday. They put out the biggest lies of the very fake news. Today they had a Wednesday special, and it's a full page today. The debate whopper's special, it's hilarious. I'll read you a few of them here. Spot the difference. Okay, this is a headline from The Washington Post on June 21st. Seeing his believing question mark, not necessarily when it comes to video clips of Biden and Trump. A week later, same newspaper. A opinion, why Biden didn't accept the truth that was there for all to see. Wait a second. I thought seeing wasn't believing. Now it's, and now it was there for all to see. (upbeat music) New York Times columnist Paul Krugman pre-debate. Biden is very lucid, well-informed. Paul Krugman, post-debate. Biden needs to withdraw. (upbeat music) New York Times news story pre-debate. There is a distorted online version of Biden, a product of often misleading videos that play into and reinforce voters' long-standing concerns about his age and abilities after the debate. To serve his country, President Biden should leave the race. (upbeat music) Joe Biden, pre-debate. Watch me. Joe Biden, post-debate. I don't debate as well as I used to. (upbeat music) Morning Joe Scarborough, pre-debate. The president's very sharp. He's on top of everything. Morning Joe, post-debate. He spent much of the night with his mouth agape and his eyes darting back and forth. Democrats must decide whether this man is up to the task of running for president. (dog barking) Eugene Robinson, Washington Post. The guy who sounds like Darth Vader. Bon mooring girl. Biden is pre-debate. Biden is sharp as a tack. Eugene Robinson, post-debate. Biden's 2024 survival requires a lot more than hope. (upbeat music) I think it's gonna take a lot of ballot harvesting and mail-in votes. It's gonna take tens of millions of 'em, actually. Tens of millions. George, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, George. - Hey, how is the pleasure? - Thank you. - My theory is Obama is the most powerful guy in the Democratic Party, both domestically and abroad. He, I think he's been Biden's puppeteer all along. And I think they wanna keep him in power. So they wanna get Michelle in there. But they didn't wanna have Michelle run primaries against Biden. - I don't think she wants, you know, George, I don't get any impression that she's interested even now. I mean, she has this billionaire lifestyle. Why would she wanna give it up to deal with the, the Hurley Burley, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? You there? - Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. - I said, I don't think she wants it even now. - She's been like exceptionally quiet, you know, which is what you wanna do. Just lay low, lay in the background. - Yeah, I don't, I don't see it in the cards. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong. I know a lot of people are talking about it, but I don't see it happening. Thanks for the call, George. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Democrats in tight races, in the congressional districts and states are backing away from Joe Biden very fast. The woman in Washington state said he's gonna lose to Trump. The Congressman who's running against Kerry Lake for the Senate seat that's being vacated and that's vacant in Arizona. He today said that Joe Biden should step aside. And up in the second congressional district in Maine, which was carried by Trump twice already, is the Congressman, Jared Golden, who was elected in 2018 under ranked choice voting, even though he got fewer votes than Bruce Pollock won. He put a story, an op-ed piece in the Bangor Daily News, the biggest paper in the district, saying Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine. As soon as I saw that headline, I said, I think we have to check in with the Republican candidate in this fight. Austin Terriho. Austin, what was your reaction when you read that piece in the Bangor Daily News by your opponent, Jared Golden, basically throwing his candidate under the bus? - Well, hey Howie, it's good to be with you. To be honest, I knew it was gonna happen. I wasn't sure exactly, it was gonna happen in that way. But I mean, Jared Golden has flip-flopped on issues. He's swaying in the wind right now. He doesn't know which direction to head. It's unfortunate. I think everybody's realizing just how sad of a state of affairs we are right now with Joe Biden being president and whether or not he can even continue to do the job and finish his term. And the question is, and he never addressed it in the op-ed, is he gonna vote for Joe Biden? Does he think Joe Biden can finish his term? And is he gonna support Joe Biden's re-election campaign? Is he gonna campaign with him? Those questions haven't been answered. And I just think it's very disappointing. Kind of disingenuous for Jared Golden to be coming out now and basically saying a bunch of words without actually making a statement or putting himself out there and being straight with the American people and the people here in the second district who deserve an answer because arguably this is one of the most important elections in our lifetime, certainly my lifetime. And we can't have people that are sort of just in the middle afraid to speak out for what's right and afraid to speak up for our country because we can't just continue to re-elect these folks. We're in the mess we are because of them. And we can't buy their line of political posturing and political speak. And I will give him a credit, I think Jared's done a great job and what he's done a great job at is becoming a politician, he's become a swamp preacher over the past three terms and I think the main people are starting to realize that. - Yeah, he is trying to have it both ways here. Let me just read you a couple of sentences from the first paragraph. Biden's poor performance in the debate was not a surprise. It also didn't rattle me as it has others because the outcome of this election has been clear to me for months, Colin. While I don't plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win and I'm okay with that. - Well, he didn't, why didn't he say it before the debate? Austin. - Well, I think he's got people that are telling him that Joe Biden is struggling. He's probably gonna lose the election and he knows that Donald Trump's policies are very popular in the second district, right? We've been killed by trade over the last three, four decades, the economy's gotten worse, people are moving away, inflation's running out of control. I mean, wars are breaking out across the world right now and people are actually realizing that Donald Trump was right about a lot of the things he talked about and Jared Golden, like you said, is trying to have it both ways. He's trying to be in a position to take the far left progressive money that's coming in from out of state to help him and he's trying to appease the folks on the right. But I really believe people are not buying it. They understand that Jared voted against Trump's policies when Donald Trump was president. He voted for trillions of dollars in wasteful spending that's driven inflation out of control. And even recently, he's gone against the Second Amendment, which is a really important constitutional amendment that all of us hold dear to our hearts because we understand that it's not an issue with guns, it's an issue with mental health and the laws are on the books right now. We don't need more laws taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. And I think he's in a very, very precarious situation in a district that doesn't like Biden, doesn't like progressive policies that Jared Golden has supported in the past. And once again, I hate to say it and I'm very disappointed that we have a congressman in the Second District like this, but he's like a flag blowing in the wind. And the question I wanna know, furthermore, is tell the main people and tell the people in the Second District. Do you support Joe Biden? Are you gonna vote for him and do you think he can carry out the rest of his term as commander-in-chief? I want those questions answered and I think the main people deserve it. - You know, I'm just rereading this thing and it reads like it was written by AI, you know? Put me on both sides of the issue here. While I don't plan to vote for him, comma, Donald Trump is going to win, you're right. Why doesn't he say I'm going to vote for Joe Biden 'cause he's my man? But Trump is going to win. - Yeah, I really think how you and I are probably on the same page with the fact that these politicians always wanna have it both ways. They have these, you know, consultants and people that tell them what they need to say. And I think people are tired of it. People are waking up to what's going on. The political class in our country has taken us down a very, very dangerous path to where, you know, not only are we not respected anymore around the world, but these are countries falling apart from the inside out. And I really, really believe people are starting to wake up to that. And Jared may be a nice guy. I mean, people talk about having a beer with their politicians, but that doesn't make you a good leader, somebody who can stand up for what's right. And certainly with President Trump looking like he's gonna pull this out here, the last thing that President Trump needs is people like Jared Golden in Congress that are gonna put a stop to the agenda that's important to the main people. If you're gonna vote for Donald Trump and you want the America First policies moving forward, then the last thing you should do is vote for congressional Democrat, because Kim Jeffries is gonna put a stop to any sort of proposal that Donald Trump wants to bring forward. - This election, I'm reading from his piece here, his AIPs, this election is about the economy, not democracy. Do you think he Paul tested that one Austin? I mean, that's like from politics 101. You know, it's the economy stupid. And when it comes to our economy, our Congress matters far more than who occupies the White House. Well, you know, if you have a Democrat though, in the White House who's pushing through these insane packages of out of control spending on special interests and corporate bundlers who are gonna buy from Red China, I mean, you're gonna keep screwing the people of the second district of Maine and everybody else in the country works for a living. - Everybody else is getting screwed from this agenda and you and I know it, both know it. Let's look at it, just two things, right? There's so many other things, two things. Jared Golden voted against Trump's border fence when he was president. We've got 10 million plus illegal immigrants in our country now because of that. And he's voted for legislation that is causing these solar panels to go, to get out of control here in the second district. You've got energy rates going out of control spiraling. People can't even afford to make their payments anymore on electricity. And I honestly feel like people are starting to wake up, right? This is gonna be election about the leaders that they wanna have representing them, not necessarily what party, but about the people that they're representing. And Donald Trump's been able to, I think, show all of us that the Republicans and the Democrats are not the answers to our problems, right? It's about the person, it's about the vision. And I really think that this election's gonna be a really great opportunity for those candidates who are not afraid to speak up and stand up. And certainly that's why I'm running and I would like nothing less than to be able to put, to put the agenda forward that Donald Trump's talking about addressing trade, addressing the border, all those issues in the economy and inflation are what the main people are looking for right now. And beyond that, we have to make sure that the second district goes Republican. I mean, Golden and some of these progressive far left groups are gonna be shipping literally millions of dollars into our district. Our campaign is gonna be funded by regular hardworking business elders, regular people that work on Main Street. So we could use all the help folks can possibly give us right now 'cause we're literally going up against the far left progressive machine, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg money. But we can do it, we can win this thing. This is a race that where Republicans can win in New England and we have to do it if we're gonna get our country back on track. - It would be nice to have one Republican in the House of Representatives from New England. Just one, that's, you know, Bruce Pollack one, I believe was the only one for a couple of terms. And then he got knocked out by this phony baloney ranked choice voting. And now you have to step forward. Where are you gonna be tomorrow, Austin? - We're gonna be in the Bangor festivities in the 4th of July parade and a few other events as well. I'm actually at the Oxford Plains Speedway right now. There's a big race going on. And supporting that event here tonight and gonna be out in the district again tomorrow, just meeting with folks. And we're gonna win this thing, but we're gonna do it the old fashioned way. We're gonna do it by meeting voters, listening to what they've got going on in their lives and getting our message across the old fashioned way. But could certainly use everybody's support. We can win this thing, but it's gonna take everybody working together, everybody that's common sense and on our side working together. - Austin for, if you wanna be a part of it. - Austin for So we don't have to worry about spelling your last name. - Correct. Thank you. - Austin, appreciate you having me on as always. - Austin Terrio, thanks for coming on. And again, your guy called us, but I already knew I was gonna have you on today as soon as I saw that headline. Anything to get reelected. Thanks for the call. Thanks for checking in with us. Austin Terrio in the second congressional district of Maine. 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Luxury homes, rental properties, commercial land, JJ Manning knows how to squeeze all the juice out of the orange. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-01-11 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-01-11 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. - Looking for the perfect gift for the Howie Carr fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. - We've got them all. - Go to and click store. (upbeat music) - Howie Carr is back. - 844-542-42-71. How long until the Congressman for Maine is investigated by the IRS and the DOJ? I think in this case, you get a pass. Sometimes when you're in the legislature or Congress, whatever, you go to leadership and say, "I'm in a really tough fight. I'm gonna lose if I need to take a walk on this one." And they give you the dispensation. I mean, I'm sure this woman in Washington state, it's the same way with her. She's a weird one, this. I looked her up, her name is Marie Glucin Camp Perez. And she's in her first term, the Republican quit, and then she beat this guy, Joe Kent. You may have seen him, he had the Afro on, he's a vet, and I don't know how she beat him, but she did in a swing district in Washington. But I looked her up after I saw her saying that, "Let's play cut three, play cut three." - Pressures on President Biden to consider his decision to run for a second term, reconsider it, after last month's debate, which we all know did not go well for him. Do you think the president should remain in the race or should he step down? - Yeah, about 50 million Americans tuned in and watched that debate. I was one of them for about five very painful minutes. And we all saw what we saw. - Five minutes. - You can't undo that. And you know, the, the truth I think is that Biden is going to lose to Trump. I know that's difficult, but I think the damage has been done by that debate. - Come on, man. - But anyway, I looked her up. She's from Texas originally, and her father was an evangelical minister, and she and her husband, that's the Glucan Scamp. She's a Perez, his name is Glucan Scamp. They own an auto body shop. They own an auto body shop, and she worked for Bernie Sanders in 2016. How can you own a small business of any kind and be for Bernie Sanders? - Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. - I don't get it. She seems a little on the weird side to me. Leslie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Leslie. - Hi, Howie. - Hi. - Listen, I want to back you up. I agree with your statement about Michelle, not wanting to run, because you know what? She got whatever she wanted out of this country after she claims as an adult, she was finally respected this country when her husband's got nominated for presidency, whereas Donald Trump is willing to risk his fortune to come back. He could be as a cushy, as you said, so Michelle could be right now, he has his own private life, but he's doing it because he's afraid the fabric of the country is going down the tube. That's the difference. She couldn't care less of the integrity of our country. - I know. Just think about the fact that they're talking about global warming and that the climate change and we have to do something, and yet they have mansions on both the Atlantic and the Pacific, on the seafront. They're obviously full of it, Leslie. They don't care about global warming, they don't care about anything else. They got hundreds of millions of dollars. I just don't see it in the car, oh, she's gonna be forced to do it. I don't see it, I just don't see it. I mean, by the way, what are her credentials? What has she ever done? She got a law degree, she apparently, I think she went to Princeton and she wrote one of these illiterate dissertations or theses to get her undergraduate degree. And then she went to law school and she basically never practiced law. When Obama got elected to the Senate, she got a $300,000 a year no-show job as a general counsel at some private hospital that needed favors. She's never done anything. But now she's gonna run for president. I just don't see it. 844, 500, 42, 42. It's just crazy, I don't see it. Anyway, 844, 500, 42, 42. When we come back, we've got some sound cuts. Channel 4 had an interview with Paul O'Keefe, the brother of John O'Keefe. And I'll read you some of the story in the New Yorker about the trial, which is a really, really good story. And we tweeted it out. You really ought to check it out. And if you have people that are outside the area that haven't been following, and I know a lot of people outside of Massachusetts, outside New England have been following it. But if they haven't, just send them this story. And you're gonna have some quibbles with it. Like I hit 'em, some people are already complaining about that, I can see on my own Twitter feed. But I think it's a pretty good take. It's a pretty solid recap of what happened. And it's just, I just can't believe that they're gonna try her again. I can't, we'll listen to what Paul O'Keefe says though. I mean, they've really bought into the meatball Morrissey thing. They really believe that she killed their brother, John O'Keefe. And I don't get it. I don't understand that he was sitting there every day. He saw the same, he saw more of it, the trial than we did. And he's all in on it. We'll play some of those cuts, and we have some Biden cuts from the Medal of Honor ceremony as well in the next hour on Howie Car.