The Howie Carr Radio Network

That was then, this is now: media reel over "Cheapfake" and "Misinformation" Narrative | 7.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Karine Jean-Pierre and the rest of the Biden camp can't hide from their boss's debate performance last week. But who's been reporting on the Biden mental decline day in and day out? Howie Carr.

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03 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. This is a live look at the White House. Can you see inside the windows to see what the discussion is in there today? Stay f*cking calm! Wait a minute! What are you f*cking calm down? As you all know, and many of you reached out during the debate, the president had a cold. And the cold thing is something that you all pointed out during his debate. We didn't even point that out. You all pointed out when you heard his voice being forced. He's quoting you. It's your words. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I just, I think it's, again, it's just getting a little silly here that we're talking about one night. It's all our plan out of here. But why are we letting that, you know, continue to make the news? Yeah. Uh, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed. Edgcombe County. In this presidential campaign. Where, yeah, see you at a bad night. My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car... Welcome to the Howie Car Show, where we were telling you all along. We haven't changed our tune. Great front page in the New York Post today, again. Now they tell us, now they tell us. New York Times lapses more frequent, more worrisome. Politico shielded from outside world by AIDS, meaning reporters because I repeat myself. Carl Bernstein, horror show has happened 15 to 20 times. Yeah. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. It's almost Independence Day, the fourth of July. We'll be around on Friday, we'll be off tomorrow, but that will be back on Friday. And we have a full show planned for today. We'll be talking to a lot of different people, including Turtle Boy. Want to check in with what's been going on with him? And you heard about his parents. I read a story that someone dropped a large dead turtle in front of his parents' house. That's pretty gross, pretty bad stuff. And there's a great story in the New Yorker. I read the whole thing last night. It's like an old-style magazine story. You know, I haven't read a story that's good in the New Yorker probably in like 20 or 30 years. I haven't read a story that's good in any magazine. I think we posted it. I think we posted it on Howie's homework if we could open it. Anyway, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. The New York Times ran a bulletin earlier in the day saying that they've been talking to a close quote-unquote ally of Biden. And Biden was saying, "I don't know if I'm going to be able to survive this." And so the White House press office, the guy named Bates, I guess he's the one that's really doing the heavy lifting. Kirby has checked out for the weekend, I guess. I don't know he's gone. So, you know, Bates is the one that's doing the tough stuff. And although it doesn't get much tougher than what cringe John Pierre just had to do for about an hour. And he said, "Well, you know, this story is bogus and we wish we would have debunked it more thoroughly if they'd given us more than seven minutes." So obviously they think that it's so imminent or possibly imminent that he pulls out that they wanted to get it. Get it out there and have the scoop if indeed that's what it was. But it looks like he's going to try to hang in there for a while longer. He's meeting with all the Democrat governors tonight at 6.30, including Marhele. She's flying down. I don't know if she's flying down with her new younger gal pal who used to work under her at the Attorney General's office. But we'll say they went to a state dinner together because they're such lovebirds, you know? Anyway, 844-542-42. Before I read the story, Biden's lapses are said to become increasingly common and worrisome. Took four reporters to do this story in the New York Times. But let me just boil it down here. This is from National Review. On June 21st, June 21st, that was what? 12 days? 12 days ago. 12 days ago, the New York Times was running big stories. How misleading videos are trailing Biden as he battles age doubts. Again, I'm so old I can remember that story. I hardly remember those days. June 21st, they were calling them cheap fakes. Okay, so this is the New York Times describing one video on June 21st, a cheap fake video. When he was escorted out of an event by his wife, Joe Biden, while President Macron of France stayed behind to greet veterans. A longer video showed Mr. Biden greeting veterans before his accident and then walking out with doctor. They say that. They don't put quotes around it like we do. Dr. Biden. Okay, that was June 21st. It was a cheap fake video. Today's story, which was actually posted yesterday. There was an awkward moment when Mr. Macron made sure the President got safely down the rack, ramped and came back up to shake all the veterans' hands. Mr. Biden had been expected to stay for the handshakes. So I'm confused. It was a fake video on June 21st. And then on July 2nd, and now for the print edition on July 3rd, it was an indication of his failing mental acuity. Okay, now here's another one. This is from June on June 10th. Again, we're back to the story from June 21st. Some of the videos of Mr. Biden circulating during this year's campaign are clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused. That was then. This is now. The recent moments of disorientation are generating concern among advisors and allies alike. He seemed confused at points during a D-day ceremony in France on June 6th. On June 10th, he appeared to freeze up at an early celebration of the Juneteenth holiday. Wait a second. Is it a cheap fake or is it real? I don't know. I don't know. They say, you know, he's old, okay? This is the New York Times. This is all from this story. Biden's lapses are said to become increasingly common and worrisome. He increasingly appears confused or listless and will lose the thread of conversations. And then he says, everybody does this when they get to this age, right? But the lapses seem to be growing more frequent, more pronounced, and more worrisome. Among the reasons cited, his grueling pace. Again, I put that in the poll. He is maintaining a grueling pace that exhausts even much younger AIDS. And then, of course, there's jet lag. That's jet lag. The debate took place 12 days after he returned to the U.S., 12 days. And by the way, he doesn't have to go through customs and security checks and have his ticket stamped like everybody else. He just goes right on to Air Force One. It's about as easy a process as you're ever going to get. I bet he has an iron lung in Air Force One, probably in the back where nobody can see it. The preparations, and he spent six days at Camp David. The preparations took place over six days. They never started before 11 a.m. And Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day, according to a person familiar with the process. Yet Mr. Biden blamed fatigue for his debate performance. This was last night. It wasn't very smart, he said. Well, that's true. Like he said, he's a truth teller. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times. I don't know how many time zones. I didn't listen to my staff and I came back and I fell asleep on the stage. You fell. I didn't notice that. We didn't get any of that. We didn't get any video of that. He fell asleep on the stage. Okay. Oh, by the way, another thing that was in this story today that I didn't, that I'd never heard anyone say before. When he was at one of those fundraisers, I guess in the Hamptons last weekend, he mixed up France and Italy. You know, I mean, when you say that Al Sisi is the president of Mexico, I guess France and Italy are closer than Egypt and Mexico. So it's, I guess it's, you know, easy. 844-542-774. Who's buying this New York Times idea? The Dems are going to look even more divided and desperate. And how are they going to cancel Kamala and not piss off Biden devotees? Well, this is the thing. I mean, there's all kinds of leaks. Now, there was a Reuters story today that the seven of Biden's top aides said they're going to be with Kamala if he drops out. So, you know, I mean, they're trying to present this United Front and have this staff-wide phone call to keep a stiff upper lip. But you have all these people are leaking that, you know, they're going to be with Kamala if it happens. And, oh, man, it's just, it's, and Trump is handling it perfectly, isn't he? Just perfectly. He's gone. I never thought I would say Trump and radio silent in the same sentence, but he has gone radio silent. And it is beautiful to watch. It is beautiful. 844-542-42-8. Go get him! [laughter] All right. We'll take some calls when we come back. Do what I did in order of burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk all about the benefits of having a burner. Immediately she said, "Well, why don't you just buy me one, Dad? I need it. You want your loved ones to feel safe and having effective yet non-lethal options as vital." So, I bought her one, a black one. Introducing the Bernal-less lethal pistol launcher developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. You also have the option of an orange burner in addition to the black one that looks like a glock. They engineered the Bernal launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. 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I'm Howie Car. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to policeplotter Fax Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Car Show store. He's Howie Car and he's back. 844-500-4242. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Check out the video of my before and after. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's the most ridiculous excuse for Joe Biden's catastrophic debate. He had a cold jet lag, his grueling pace. That's the New York Times. Or over preparation. That's from James Clyburn. You've heard of preparation. He said he was overprepared. So preparation. Oh, as far as James Clyburn's concern. I'm voting for jet lag. Only 8% for grueling pace. 25% for over preparation and 19% for the cold excuse. I mean, the jet lag is, that's today's, they'll be a new one tomorrow for the holiday. He was frightened by the fireworks on the 4th of July, or the pre-4th of July. You're going to have to keep him in a bathtub or locked in the bathroom for his safety. Like a dog. That's okay. Come on. It'll be over soon. Don't panic. 844, 542. We're talking yesterday about Parkinson's disease. And, you know, some people are saying that they, you know, they know people with Parkinson's. And this is a patty. He looks like he has it. And it's interesting that they mentioned that twice in this New York Times story today. The Kevin O'Connor, the White House physician, said tests turned up, quote, "No findings which would be consistent with Parkinson's disease." Responding to questions from the New York Times, again, they brought it up because they're getting the same calls and seeing the same things that you and I are seeing. The White House spokesman reiterated Tuesday yesterday that Dr. O'Connor had found no reason to reevaluate Mr. Biden for Parkinson's disease and that he showed no signs of Parkinson's that had never taken lepa, levodopa, or other drugs for that condition. So, in three paragraphs, they denied it three times that he had Parkinson's disease. Margaret, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Margaret. Hi, Howie. Hi. Last Thursday, the day to debate, I had to have a total knee replacement, right? And they finally got out of my room at 10 past nine so I could watch it, right? But Howie, that's all I'm doing, laying around because it's extremely painful. It's been a week where we get on without this Biden debacle. He was just rotten. It's not his cold nothing. He was just a rotten guy and a stupid liar. Yeah, but he's always been, Margaret, he's always been a rotten guy. You know, remember when he got knocked out of the '88 race in 1987 because he stole the autobiography of a politician from the UK? I mean, the guy in the Wall Street Journal mentioned that today. Said, "That's one of the dumbest things any American politician has ever done." And yet, he still survived just because he's always been a water carrier, first for the pinky ring unions, then for the banks in Delaware, and now for the, now for the wokesters, you know? Do I just think we have to move on a little bit and move some better matters? Well, you know, this is, but this is like sucking all the oxygen out of the air. What would you want to talk about, Margaret, other than this? Well, pretty soon there's an election coming up, and we've got to make sure we get- This is the election. We've got to get some, we've got to get their ideas out to people. I know, but you know, when your opponents are killing each other, you never, you never step in. Again, Trump is, Trump is a radio silent. Trump is, you know, keeping his powder dry, as they say. And that's the way to go. Thanks for the call. 844-542-42. Chris, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Chris. You there? No, Chris. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howie, do you remember when Ronald Reagan at the end of his career, the end of his presidency, people started saying he had Alzheimer's, and he had that beautiful note that he wrote by, you know, officers by himself. Right. I mean, they were, they were, they were trying to get rid of him, and he was, you know, better than Joe Biden ever has been in his life. Oh, yeah. On his birthday, Ronald Reagan. Right. And, you know, and Ronald Reagan also had a, had another excuse. He was, he was almost killed. He was shot. Remember that? In his first couple of months in office, and he was like, he was in his, in his mid seventies when he was shot, and he recovered. And I think he wrote that note after he actually left office. But, you know, Yada, if, if you're not, if you're looking for a book to read in the summer, you can get it used on a used book site for short money. Read the letters that Ronald Reagan wrote when he was president. He was a really, he was a really smart guy. He was terribly underrated as a, as an intellect, you know. He, he used to, after, after dinner at the White House, he would go upstairs and just write letters. And they, they were really pressing and brilliant. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The, the Trump campaign has this, this, this new email that they send out, like usually in the afternoon Palm Beach playbook. And they got a picture of the tower at Mar-a-Lago. Biden campaign in free fall. This was just sent out about 10 minutes ago. A new leaked Democrat poll shows that the campaign is in free fall. I don't usually like to go with these polls because they change back and forth. But these give, this will give you a good little, this heartwarming, on the eve of Independence Day. New general election poll leaked. This is, again, this is from the Trump campaign. Trump up by 11 in North Carolina, 11. And remember Biden, they, there was a store before the debate. They were saying, North Carolina's in play. It's just like those stories. Texas is in play. Then, you know, Trump wins by 20 points. Abbott's re-elected. Cornins re-elected. I guess Texas wasn't in play. Georgia, Trump by 10. Arizona, Trump by 10. Nevada, Trump 9. Pennsylvania, Trump 7. Same as Michigan, Trump 7. And Gretchen Whitmer supposedly said, the governor, that, that it's all over in Michigan unless something happens. Wisconsin, Trump up by 4. New Hampshire, Trump up by 3. Even Virginia, where you got all those deep staters like Peter Strzok at Lisa Page living. Trump up by, by 6/10 of 1%. Those are good, those are good numbers. Again, who knows, but they, they, it's better to be up and down, isn't it? Especially when you're in double digits. And, you know, North Carolina was always a purple state until Trump came along. And first it was a red state, then it was a purple state, and everybody said, "Oh, all the, all the Northerners are moving down." Now it's, now it looks like it's pretty solid red again. And I'm, I'm guessing Robinson, the lieutenant governor, the black guy from Greensboro, is going to be elected governor fairly handily against the attorney general. 844-542-42. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, this isn't me. They got two things. Last night on, on News match, Rob Smith's show. He played a clip of Daniel anyway, sent an end away back in the 80s when Biden was going for re-election. He said, "He's going to be a politician that doesn't have to read off cue cards or teleprompents." I mean, I just blew me away. That clip is actually a video of him saying it. And also Howie, when you played the clip of Joe Biden bragging about his education, Haley Biden standing right next to him, towards the end, he starts ranking on Ronald Reagan. He says, "But one good thing Ronald Reagan did was he devalued the American dollar." Are you kidding me? Don't they value the American dollar today versus back then? Here is blow-hard Biden saying that he didn't regain the value of the dollar. Come on, this is hypocrisy on steroids. Yeah, I got to talk about devaluing the dollar. I got the list of how much all the goods for a barbecue tomorrow cost compared to last year, and more importantly, to 2019. And it's just ridiculous. I'll read that after the top of the hour. 844, 500, 42, 42, from Officer Mark, how can Biden be jet-lagged? He has a full bedroom suite on Air Force One and sleeps the entire trip. I know, that's what I mean. And even if he was taking a commercial flight like you or I would do if we were going to Europe, he had 12 days to recover. Well, what if somebody who, one of your kids or someone who worked for you came and said, "Oh, I really screwed up that assignment you gave me." But you know, I've only been back from Europe for 12 days. I still have jet lag. You would say, "You know what? I'm going to have to look for a new employee or I'm going to have to keep an eye on that kid of mine." 844, 45. But they say it. They say it with a straight face. Nothing else works. You know, preparation, old didn't work, cold didn't work. So now they're going with jet lag. Barbara, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Barbara. Hi. Hi, Howie. So I'm with Margaret. You know, I think we're giving Biden way too much of your time. I don't even want to hear his name anymore. He is what he is. He's, you know, he definitely has dementia. Anybody can see that. I'd rather hear you talking about anything but him going forward. He just, he's had enough of your time and there's nothing new about him. Well, I mean, we've still got to see if he's going to survive or not. You know, it's kind of a cliffhanger, Barbara. We're going to go with this. You know, there's an old saying too. And I think in life as well as politics, if you're explaining, you're losing. You know, they just keep explaining. They just keep going out there. And you know, this is why Grace's ancestor, James Michael Curly, said, "Never complain. Never explain." Thanks for the call. 844-542-42. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hi, Cowie. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. Thank you. We have a theory on what they're doing with Mr. Biden. Yes. I think they are doing weekend and burnies for the last few months, hoping he will be elected. And then shortly thereafter, he will step down and Kamala will be the first woman president. You know, the thing is, though, he won all the primaries. How do they get around, you know, there's a woman from Washington State. She's a strange woman. She's a freshman congresswoman. And she said the same thing Jared Golden said, which is, "You know what? Trump's going to win." And she said she gave an interview to a TV station out there. And she said, "You know, it would be nice if we could get rid of him." Not quite those words, but that's what she meant. But she said, "We have to abide by the political process." He won all the primaries. He won all the primaries. They drove Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of the party. They basically shunned and destroyed Dean Phillips, who was the Minnesota congressman, who was trying to tell people honestly that this guy was, you know, several fries short of a Happy Meal. And they knew it was true, but they didn't want to listen to him, and they canceled him, basically. Thanks for the call, Tom. Trent, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Trent. Yeah, we all know President Trump's going to win this hand down. I can't wait till he begins the military tribunals. Jamie, well, why are you laughing? Didn't you read his true social retreat? Right. He's really going to do that. Yeah, because he did so much of it in his first term. All right, he's just joking about it. Or am I taking his retruth out of contact? Trent, come on. Be serious. Who's putting his political foes in prison? It's Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the one that's turning the United States into a banana republic. So when we fall into autocracy, will you still be complaining that the cost of eggs is 20% higher? Trent, you're not. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. You can't think that, what did Trump do in his four years compared to what Biden has done? Biden has gone after Roman Catholics with Latin masses. He's gone after people going to school board meetings. That's the FBI. He specifically, they leaked to the New York Times that he wanted Merrick Garland to appoint a special prosecutor to go after him. A crazed lunatic named Jack Smith, who's been knocked down by the Supreme Court, 9 to nothing, who's now been knocked down by the Supreme Court again. He's done all kinds of things. This is unprecedented in US history to try to put a political opponent in prison. He's put Peter Navarro in prison with this phony baloney January 6 committee, which is unconstitutional. Jack Smith is an unconstitutional special prosecutor. And you're telling me that Donald Trump is going to set up an autocracy? You're out of your mind. This is total projection. I thought this was a prank that you were calling. See you later, Trent. Good Lord. Jane, you're next with Howie Carr. Yeah, Jane. Yeah, I've just been on my computer and if only the cabinet can declare the 25th amendment. Yeah, but you know what, the 25th amendment, but Jane, the 25th amendment, no one's going to no one's going to go on again. Go against the president. Hang on. Only this. But if they should do it, the vice president becomes president. Yeah, but they're not going to do it. Jane. Jane. What makes you think they're going to do it? Have they ever come anywhere near to doing that in the past? There's actually a column in the Wall Street Journal saying this just shows how ridiculous the 25th amendment is. If there were ever an opportunity to use the 25th amendment to remove this guy who's obviously noncompassmentous, it would be right now. And nobody has said boo. Have they Jane? Well, okay, but then if he steps down, Kamala becomes president, regardless, Kamala is the next in line. I understand. And she can be beaten. She can be beaten. You don't think? You don't think? You don't think? Well, I know, but you don't think that Biden right now, the latest polls that have come out show that she's stronger than Biden. I mean, she's still weak. She's still losing the Trump, but she's stronger than Biden. Biden is as weak as a kitten right now. He's just, he can't do anything. Thanks for the call, Jane, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, uh, Mike, you're next with how we car go ahead, Mike. Hey, how we here's my theory, why they put him away for 10 days and can't, David, they were trying to rearrange his sleeping habits so that he'd be able to stay away from the debate. That's a good theory. That's a really good theory. Mike, I like that theory. Yeah. Do you think Trump's going to pull it off? I mean, he, if, you know, we don't know what's going to happen, obviously, but I mean, right now he looks, he looks stronger than I ever thought he would look at this point. I mean, look at, look at four years ago, four years ago, he was down by three to five, uh, points, wasn't he? Yeah, thanks for the call there, Mike, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Bruce from the Met says, uh, when I was playing many times, I had to pitch the next day in Cincinnati and New York after coming back from the west coast. Players do it all the time, jet lag, give me a break again, again, flying on Air Force One is not like regular jet lag. Okay. That's number one. Number two, the debate was 12 days after he got off of the, the, uh, the jet lag trip on Air Force One. So the jet lag is preposterous. I can't believe it only got 9% in the vote. It's a great analogy though. I bet there's been a greenies on Air Force One. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Uh, let's see here, uh, Dave, you're next with how we are going. Go ahead Dave. Yeah. Hey, Howie. It's great to talk to you. Thank you. Um, I wanted to bring up a quote that I remember from the Tucker Carlson show in 2020 of June during the primaries where Biden was, was quoted, uh, about a question on China that was absolutely completely incomprehensible. And the, the point of Tucker's piece was that these are the people who are never going to be as, uh, running, they'll never be selected by the Democrat party for the president. Uh, and I can't, I saved it. I can't find it, but this dementia and this, uh, goes back a long way. Oh, it does. It does. You know, people talk about how bad he looks now compared to 2019 or 2020. Go back to the vice presidential debate in 2012 against, uh, Paul Ryan and you, and you know, again, he's, he's, he's never going to blow you away with his intellect on his best day, but he was, he was a normal functioning politician, a normal functioning human being in 2012. He, by the time he ran for president in 2019, 2020, he was not and he's, and it's just gotten worse and worse. Thanks for the call Dave 844 542 42, as always, as soon as I returned to New England, I made a visit to perfect smiles Dr. Houghton and his team are the best in New England. And I think the whole country when you're planning dental work, you want to be confident about the quality of the staff and their work perfect smiles as an easy to get to office in Nashville, New Hampshire, right over the Massachusetts line, plenty of parking. You don't have to worry about that. And once you walk inside, it's a comfortable office. For my dental appointment a couple of weeks ago, I sat in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. The reason I mentioned that is because they just as the lobby and the chairs are comfortable, everything about going to perfect smiles is designed to make you as comfortable as possible. From the great, the great receptionist, the dental hygienists are the best I've ever seen. The dentist themselves, Dr. Houghton is fantastic. Now he's added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on the wait time to get an appointment. Perfect smiles will always fit you in when you have an emergency as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager. Whatever your dental needs are, anything you need to make your mouth better to get yourself a perfect smile, that's why you need to try perfect smiles in Nashville, New Hampshire. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile. Change your life. 603-595-6699. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. 844-500-4242-42, that is the number. If you would like to join us, we'll be taking a lot of calls today. 508, the Dems can't pass off 81 million votes in 2024 for Biden after the debate. 81 million votes was not believable in 2020, definitely not believable now, but it might be for Kamala or Michelle or Gavin. That's the real game in panic. That's, again, that's what the conservative treehouse Sundance will say. I think I mentioned it on Monday. That was his theory over the weekend that they need to have a candidate that it is at least conceivable that they could defeat Donald Trump. It's no longer conceivable that Biden could defeat Donald Trump. That's the panic. That's the panic. They can't, you know, it's too big to rig at this point. These are these leads, and that's what they have to deal with here. I don't know what the end game is for them. 844-500-4242, did you see that now Hunter Biden is sitting in on the meetings in the Oval Office? I mean, are you kidding me? I mean, think about it. The guy is a convicted felon on a gun case, a gun and a drug case. He parties with hookers, the DOJ admits that all those hooker testimonies, all the naked parading around with under, in some cases, underage women, is all true, and he's coming up. He faces an income tax evasion wrap in LA right around Labor Day, and this is, this is the guy, this is the smartest guy brand than those, and he's practically living at the White House until I'm going to hang in there, dad, hang in there, dad. Amazing. Donna, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Donna. Hi, Howie. Hi. Thank you. I just want to say, you know, when I thought to, when I don't like to talk to Democrats and they say, "Why are you voting for this guy?" They're not voting for him. They're voting for the deep state. They're voting for what they want to have happen to us. It's not him. And I think we have to come up with a way to say, "Vote for Donald Trump because he's for us." Yeah. You know? Well, I think they're voting. I think it's not so much the deep state. I mean, the deep state is kind of an abstract concept for most of these low-info Democrat voters. They're just voting for the welfare, aren't they, Donna? Isn't that what it's all about? Free stuff? Well, sure. Yeah. Whatever they can get from the government, but we have to come up with a way to convince people to vote for us. Yeah. Well, it's not just voting for us, Don. It's voting for themselves. I mean, again, I'm going to go over this list of how much prices have gone up. And, you know, they keep saying, "Well, inflation's now under control." Well, thanks a lot. It's not really under control. It's still, like, two, three times higher than it was under Trump. So it's not really under control, but it's killing everybody. Democrats have to pay the same unless they shoplift. Okay, maybe the Democrats don't have to pay the same as MAGA people because they shoplift. Thanks for the call. I'm Howie Carr. [BLANK_AUDIO]