The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: KJP Confronted by the Press, Callers react live | 7.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Executive Producer Taylor Cormier reacts to Karine Jean-Pierre's White House press conference as it airs live. While the world's worst press secretary attempted to divert attention from Biden's clear cognitive problems, the correspondents insisted on keeping the topic in-line with today's headlines.

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03 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. Bogo is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word Grace Bogo. Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. You don't want too much Grace. Here's the Millennial with the Mike. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have Grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Oh boy, this is a train wreck. This is great. You hate to see it. You love to see it all at the same time. KJP is giving her press briefing right now. She talked about how we're going to give more money to Ukraine and hopefully that distracts you from what's going on here. But it didn't. And every single question has been about Joe Biden's mental capacity and whether he's actually considering to step down. Will he step down? Will you advise him to step down? It's been great. And at one point, she was asked about the cold that Joe Biden was alleged to have had the Thursday night debate. And she, well, we didn't say, you said that. That was not us. It wasn't us that came out with that. That was, that was the reporting. I don't know where they got that. But she also was asked explicitly, is Joe Biden considering stepping down from the race? She did give her response. Let's have that, Karema. 30, I think. Is President Biden considering stepping down? Absolutely. Absolutely not. And you heard, I believe directly from the campaign as well. Absolutely not. And now she's saying that Joe Biden pushed through his cold and jet lag. So it wasn't just the jet lag that he had two weeks after landing, after touchdown on the good old U.S. of a soil. And spending seven days at Camp David, he couldn't get over his jet lag. He couldn't get over the cold either. But miraculously, the next day, Friday, after the debate, he was over the cold. He didn't sound like that at all. Can we play that again, cut one B? Folks, I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know what I do know. I know what I do. I allege, I suspect that you know what you know as well. Let's say KJP talking about Biden's cold. Here it is. How is it that the president was still tired, 12 days after returning from Europe, had a cold, but then went to the Waffle House and then the following day staged such a huge comeback that he gave those North Carolina remarks? Like, help us understand. Have you had a cold before? Of course not. Okay, so you probably, well, come on. Come on, Jackie. Let's be very... Well, days. I'll tell you return though. But you also jet lag. Yesterday. Hold on a second. There's a cold. There's a jet lag. You combine that. He continues to work on the American people. Practically a new government buyout around the clock. Things happen. Things happen. And the cold thing is something that you all pointed out during his debate. We didn't even point that out. You all pointed that when we heard his voice being worse. You know, SNL, they haven't been funny in a long time, but there's one exception I'm willing to make. And that was when they hired Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer, then Trump's press secretary. And Melissa McCarthy did such a great job as this really explosive version of Sean Spicer. I think Sean Spicer liked it too. And she was just always this combative person with the press to the point where she even like converted the podium into this segue. Like she would drive it into the report. It was very, very funny. You got to go back and watch. But that moment right there with KJP saying that wasn't us. That was you. You reported that. That wasn't us. Reminded me of this moment as Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer. He's quoting you. It's your words. He's using your words. When you use the words and he uses them back, it's circular using of the word. And that's the way. Can we have that last just a little bit of KJP? Because I'm using your words. Of KJP from that cut we just played. Of her accusing them of reporting. I'm using your report. I pointed out during his debate, we didn't even point that out. You all pointed that when you heard his voice being worse. You pointed it out. You pointed out he must have a cold. That wasn't us. We didn't say he had a cold. That was, you're just imagining things. So he's got a cold and a jet lag. And that is combined and made this super virus. It's, we call it MH37, MH740, whatever that plane was. That went missing over the Malaysian Airlines jet. That's the new strain of COVID virus that Joe has. From having a cold and jet lag at the same time that both miraculously disappeared the next day because he was yelling, he was fine, he was his good old self. And he's back on it today too. I mean, if 12 days wasn't enough for him to recover, how is 16 days supposed to be any different? 17 days supposed to be any different from jet lag in a cold? Why don't we take KJP live right now a little bit, see how she's doing. Let's hear her going to be on scripted. He has been when he went to visit a diner in. Still talking about Waffle House. A couple of days ago at the Waffle House when he met with. That's the third time I've heard the supporters in Atlanta, North Carolina, where hundreds of supporters showed up. He certainly had an opportunity to engage. On Friday, he's going to be taking some questions from one of your colleagues. I think that's going to be important. And we're going to continue to engage with all of you. George Stephanopoulos. We're going to go certainly looking forward to doing that. He'll have a press conference next week at NATO press conference. A big boy press conference as Justin from Bloomberg stated yesterday. A big boy press conference. And so we'll do that and he's looking forward to it. And Korean President Biden has always promised to tell the American people the truth. So can you be straight with us and the American people? Is the President clear-eyed about what it takes to stay in the race? And what it would take for him to drop out? The President is clear-eyed and he is staying in the race. I don't have anything else beyond that. He is staying in the race. That is what the President is promised to do. That is what he wants to continue to work on the successes that he's had. His record is unprecedented record. And that is what the President is focused on. Continuing to deliver for the American people. He looks forward to doing that. The NATO summit is coming up next week. Is the President frustrated that this debate over the presidential election could cast a shadow over your goals for the NATO summit? Has he made any effort to break down to the NATO leader? A parent won. Won the reporters. I guess was asking a question. We would invite the President to tell us directly. Somebody else chimed in if he's awake. This is a very different White House press corps. I mean, they're still trying to play it down the middle. They were trying to do that with KJP yesterday. One of the last ones tried to really handle his question with kid gloves. I think it was Edo Keefe. I really don't want to ask this question, but I think it should be asked and I really don't want to insult anybody when I do ask it. But I think it's on everybody's minds. And this is with all due respect to the President of the United States and the office that he holds. Let's play the cut 10. I think this is Edo Keefe cut 10. I'm going to ask something delicate and you may not like it. The President may not like to hear it. He's watching. But I think the American people need to get a yes or no answer on this. Does President Biden at 81 years old have Alzheimer's? Any form of dementia or degenerative illness that caused these sorts of lapses? And it's a yes or no question. And if you don't know, why don't you, as one of his senior staff members, know that the answer is for you? Are you ready for it? It's a no. And I hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question. That's hilarious. I think nobody in their right mind is asking if Trump has dementia. And I can prove that to you because Nancy Pelosi is asking that question as well. I don't think I got the full cut here. But she in this cut, she went on to say, I hope you're asking this of the other guy as well. But Nancy Pelosi, here she is on Sunday morning, just a couple of days after the debate. The media has still kind of tried to stem the tide of this narrative against Joe Biden. So she's still going along with it here on Sunday morning on CNN Cut 16. My people are very much Biden, Kamala Harris. And this is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stem and the rest. And by the way, while the press, and for some reason, they don't, there are healthcare professionals who think that Trump has dementia. There it is. That his connection, his thoughts, if you're not going together. Can you point me to these, these healthcare professionals? Are they accredited? Have they ever worked for the Norfolk DA's office in the state police division? Are they expert witnesses? I very much doubt that there are any healthcare experts that would legitimately say Trump has dementia. The guy is, has been on top for some time. He knows what he's talking about. It's quite evident that he knows what he's talking about. That was her Sunday morning defending Joe Biden. She was singing a different tune yesterday, cut 17. Now again, I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition? A legitimate question. Is this an episode or a condition? She did back that up and she went on and said, I hope you're asking that of the other candidate as well. But it's more important we ask it of this candidate because this is the one that has, I mean, of the two candidates, nobody's asking from Thursday night, is Trump okay? Because he was, wow, did you see him? He must have been on something or he's got some serious illness. There's none of that. All of this is pointed at Biden. Before we go to the break, let's check in real quick again with KJPC, how she's doing. And reassuring donors and so people that, you know, he has to be running. No, no, no, no, no. Look, as it relates to donors or anything political like that, it's obviously that's something that the campaign should respond to. But I would remind you that the day after in North Carolina, the president spoke to his debate performance. He did. He talked about it. He gave his thoughts. He also stated that, look, I'm not as young, I'm not a young man. He said that. I'm not as a smooth talker as I used to be. I don't walk easily as I used to be. And I said, I don't, I don't debate as well as I used to. He said this. And so he opened up to it on Friday, the day after the debate, that afternoon. And so we didn't wait. Now, as far as engagement, no, that is something. Certainly the campaign can speak to more. But the president in front of hundreds of supporters in North Carolina talked about his- Literally. Tens of support. Good. Thank you, great. I just wanted to clarify one thing. I know you've got a lot of questions about yesterday. Has the president had any medical exams since his last annual physical in February? And we were able to talk to his doctor about that, and that is a no. He hasn't had any kind of medical exam. No. So the White House said no to releasing the full results of that annual. Said no to making Dr. O'Connor available for questions from us. No to releasing any other information that would shed some more light on the president's health. I guess I'm just wondering if now is not the time for full transparency? When is- So I would say MJ to your question that what we have released over the past three years, every year since he's been in office, has been transparent. And it has been comprehensive. Yeah, sure. It has been one of the most- Thank you very much, Keiji. We'll check in on you again. We'll be back in just a bit. First, allergy season is still here. You need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier. Warmer temps are here, and you're going to want to open those doors and windows. Pollen is going to come in, and when it does, you're going to need the thunderstorm air purifier. I know this firsthand. I got home yesterday. I had enough time to mow the lawn. It was such a nice day. All the windows in the house were open. So all of that pollen that was embedded in the grass, it just came right up and into the house and it took me a while. I finally came to my senses and put in the Eden Pure Thunderstorm and my coughing, my watery eyes, it all went away very, very quickly. One user wrote, "The thunderstorm does what it claims. It definitely is effective on my spouse's allergies, sneezing, runny nose, and coughing. Thunderstorm is a small device. You can hold in your hand and plug it into your electrical outlet or into your car by USB cable to purify the air. And right now, you can get two thunderstorm air purifiers for the price of one by going to and using code GRACE BOGO, B-O-G-O, BOGO. The thunderstorm air purifier works like a real thunderstorm. It quietly sends out super oxygen and ions to kill odors in your room and purify the air for pollen, pet, kitchen, musty basements, smelly cars, tobacco, any unwanted odors, you need the thunderstorm. The thunderstorm has received thousands of five-star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Take advantage of the BOGO deal right now by going to and using code GRACE BOGO. Hurry, these BOGO deals don't last long. I'm Taylor Cormier, this is The Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show 844-542-42. We've been taking your calls all day long and we encourage you to vote as well at in our poll question today, which is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, contact him at Emma, what's today's poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is at least one house Democrat is calling for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Will he? Yes or no? I say yes. 29% of listeners agree with you, 71% say no. It's gone down for those that agree with me, which is not unexpected. 844-542-42. So I just mentioned before we went to the break that one of the reporters had chimed in during another reporter's question in the White House press poll. That was James Rosen from Newsmax. He interjected the point to the question. We would invite the president to come here and tell us. And he said if he's awake and he was scolded by Corinne Jean-Pierre for interjecting, here's what happened. We would invite the president to come here and tell us that directly. No, no to Kelly. That's inappropriate. As you heard from your colleague, the president of the WHO, that's inappropriate. Thank you, Kelly. So that was not inappropriate. It was a legitimate question because just moments before that exchange, Corinne Jean-Pierre was actually asked to point blank before his big boy press briefings. Does Joey Biden take a little nappy poo? Go ahead. Have an afternoon nap every day. Let me be very clear about this. This is a president that wakes up every morning and puts the American people first. That's what he does. He does that every single day. That is his focus. I am not going to speak to sources out there, unnamed sources out there. That's not what I'm going to speak to. I'm going to speak to what I know, what this president does, and how he is committed to the work of the president, of the commander in chief. And his record clearly lays that out and speaks to it. Your honor, I direct the witness to answer the question. Yes or no? Does Joe Biden take a nap? And I glean from that he does take a nap every single day. Listen, I'm not knocking the benefits of a good nap. Quick half hour, 45 minutes, get you back in the groove again, whatever. But there's no shame in a nap game, I don't think. Steve, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Steve. Hello, Taylor. How are you? Excellent. I'm calling out of frustration mostly. The gas lighting is just mind-blowing, right? Since 2019, we're being told the same thing over and over again. It's not true. Obviously, he has some kind of dementia or Alzheimer's, some kind of component of that. Yeah, we're being told, don't believe your eyes. You know, he's fine, he's sharp, he's tired, he was on a long trip. I mean, my head might explode, I may have to just tune out. Yeah, if you've got the best medicine available to you in the world, and it's taking you 12 days to get over a cold and jet lag, we're in bad shape as far as health care is concerned. Thanks for the call, Steve. Carly Teft joins us next right here on the Grace Curly Show. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I'm Taylor Cormier, Grace's producer, filling in. It's been quite the day here as we go over this news. Karine Jean-Pierre is still defending President Joe Biden and calling it fake news from CNN and New York Times that he's shopping around to see what people think of him dropping out of the race. I want to get away from that right now because we have had Carly Teft on before last year. She was on the show to discuss what had happened to her at this Cape Cod venue that she had been a regular performer at for some time, but then she was invited to sing the National Anthem at a Trump rally. And because it was a Trump rally and not a Biden rally or any other Democrat rally, she was immediately shown the door at that venue. But things have certainly taken a change for her in the best way possible. Carly Teft joins us now on the Grace Curly Show. Carly, how have you been? It's great to have you back. Hey, Taylor, thanks so much for having me. I've been great. Absolutely. So after this all happened, if you can give actually a quick recap, you don't have to mention any names if you don't want to. We don't want to give the place that he free advertising if they're still open. But what happened and what set off this kind of expedited career path for you? Like you said, I was invited to sing the National Anthem for former President Trump. I jumped on the opportunity and all I did was post my video of me singing the National Anthem. Nothing political at all except the fact that his name was in the background. And I got a phone call a few days later from this venue on Cape Cod that said, you know, it just seems like we don't want controversy and we don't want to be associated with someone who could be considered a threat. So therefore we're going to cancel all of your shows for the remainder of the year. And they, you know, kept on that promise. And that led to, but what was the point where that went viral? I mean, did you put that out yourself that you just weren't performing there anymore? Or did the venue have something to say about it or somebody else found out about it? It actually was a good family friend asked me if I was performing at this venue. And I said, well, a matter of fact, I'm not because I was kicked out and fired. And she's such an amazing family friend. Her name's Tony and she just looked at me and said, Carly, that is not right. And we need to do something about it. So she was actually the one that kind of broke the story for a lack of better term. And it went all over the place, became international over the next few weeks and months. And it's had some great, great effects on you and your career, which I'm sure it would have, all of this stuff would have happened anyway, Carly, because your songs, your music, they're from the heart. They're really great. Freedom in this country really took off. You've got a music video coming out of Freedom in this country, a signature song for you now, I think, right? Yes, it's been amazing to see the reaction and to see people from all walks of life just relate to this song. And that's really just been my message from the beginning, is that the National Anthem should not be political. I mean, it doesn't matter if I agree with the president or not. I'm going to go sing it for my country because I love this country and that's my message. So I'm so excited for the music video to drop next week. It's going to be great. Where would people be able to find it once it is out and about? You can look for it. It's going to be Freedom in this country, Carly's version, 2024 on YouTube. So my full artist's name is Carly Test. And you can find me on all the social media pages from my name as well. I was just asking Emma this and you just did an interview with Emma over email and that has been posted right now at if anybody wants to read it and get more of this story. But was Freedom in this country written before or after this all happened? And why was it written? It's actually a really cool story. So I ended up writing that song with my friend Greg, who's from Canada. He was inspired after seeing all the trucker convoys happen. And so he and I wrote that over Skype originally for his project. But I always said to him that I wanted to write Carly's version. And after going through everything last year, it just seemed like, well, this is the perfect time to write Carly's version of the song. And I feel so grateful. I was able to go back to Nashville this year and get a lot of records done, including this song with a full band. Now you have, as we talked to you last year, you said you split your time between Nashville and Cape Cod. How has Nashville been since you've gone back after this all happened last summer? And what have you been able to accomplish there? It's been incredible. Like I said, I've been able to record three songs this year. I think we're going to put out one more. I have an incredible team behind me with producers and a manager. So I feel so blessed that God has, in a way, I didn't know what this opportunity was going to bring, but to bring and attract so many more incredible people than I ever could have imagined. And because when you stand for something, you really find out who's with you and who's on your tribe. So I feel grateful to meet people every single show in Nashville. I've been to Florida a lot this year, which has been incredible. North Carolina, and now I'm back here in Massachusetts. So I feel like it's been amazing to sing freedom in this country and all the different states. And you've got other songs out there right now. I was just listening to some this morning as we were preparing to have you on. They sound great, very personal songs. I think that's something that a lot of the country stuff, would you call yourself a country singer, by the way? I would, in a sense, that country music tells a story and that's my goal as a singer-songwriter. So I feel like no matter what it sounds like musically, as long as it's telling a story, that's considered country music for me. Right. What I really enjoyed what I was starting to say is that your music isn't really formulaic in that country sense that you hear on the top 40 country stations and what's popular today. It does have that salt of the earth grit to it that country used to have when it used to tell a story. It's like a country folk kind of style. And what I really appreciate is that you own that you're from Massachusetts and you don't insert a false twang in your singing. I really appreciate that, Carly. Oh my gosh, I think my father would come through and shake me if that happened. So I'm so proud. I'm so proud to be from Cape Cod and I know a lot of people said, "Oh, well, Massachusetts, that's bound to happen." I mean, besides this one venue, I have received so much love and support from this community. I mean, I'm here touring this week and pretty much through the summer and it's just been mind-blowing from last year all throughout this year just how much love and support and how much, you know, we're more alike than we are different. I feel like there's a lot of hope for this country and as much as the media portrays that we're so divided from this experience that I've been through, it's been incredible to see so many people support. There's a lot more people that are life-minded than not. When you're down in Nashville, do you hear from other people that have similar stories to yours? You know, I can't say. I think I'm the only one, although I did hear from musicians here on Cape Cod that actually were canceled from this same venue. I got two separate emails from two different gentlemen. I'll leave their names out of it, but they both messaged me privately and expressed that. One of them saying God bless America at the end of his set and was never invited back, which again just blows my mind, just blows my mind. Oh wow, that is incredible. That's not even, that's again not a political statement. That's just one of those those classical America and our songs that people love to hear. It brings everybody together. That's the point of these songs is that they bring everybody together as Americans and it's hard to believe anybody would have a harsh word to say against that. What have you learned from all of this and the journey that you've been on since this happened last year? What would you say are some of the takeaways that you're going to keep close to your heart as you go on through this life and this career? Gosh, well definitely standing up for what you believe in. Obviously, I know Trump is a pretty hot topic for a political figure, but so is Biden. So is every single political figure, but to me just being able to stand behind the national anthem and say, if I am a conservative and I'm going to sing this song, that's what I'm going to do. I would go sing it for Biden the next day because that's for my country. That's for every single person. So just standing up for what you believe in and not being afraid of that. So I've been really blessed to meet incredible people to remind me because a lot of people in the media as well as personal family and so-called friends were throwing some pretty crazy names out at me. But I have a really incredible circle that just reminds me of who I am and who God says I am. That's the most important thing to me is just making sure I'm in line with his word and doing things that align with Jesus. How has faith brought you through all of this and through your life? That seems to be a really big part of your story and who you are. Yeah, it really is. I was saved in 2019. I went through this crazy car accident with a Nashville band I was with and I've always believed in God. But in 2019, I just felt Jesus reach out to me and it's been this whole new relationship. I've been so grateful. I have an incredible faith community both here on the Cape as well as in Nashville. And it's just amazing because God really does want a relationship with you. He wants to be involved in your life and just want the best for you. I know, especially going through the loss of my mother almost three years ago, I would not have been able to get through it without Jesus and without that faith. So I'm always so grateful for that. So where do you see yourself going from here? You've got a few music videos out. You've got another one coming out. You're going to release another song you said maybe later this year. What's on the horizon for Carly Teft? Well, this is the hot touring season. So I am just playing shows left and right. It's been so much fun here on the Cape these last few weeks. And pretty much throughout the summer, it's going to be great. So I know I have another festival in Florida in September that we're going to do. And I'm sure I'll get back to Nashville for a show or two. But pretty much right now just hunkering down in New England for touring season as well as just getting to write some more because all throughout this year, it was pretty much a heavy writing process, writing my first single overnight, which was about my mom and grieving that loss as well as Polaroid at 23. And I'm excited to see what other songs come out this summer and this fall. So yeah, you can definitely expect at least maybe one or two more before the end of the year. I listened to both of those songs this morning. Overnight was fantastic, but I really loved Polaroid at 23. Just the idea of seeing a picture of yourself from 10 or so years ago and just reflecting on how much things have changed over the just over 10 years. It's a great concept. It really connected. And it's pretty cool because we wrote that in January and the snowy day in Nashville. And all of us were just, we were just itching for some sunshine at the time. And so to write something so positive, but it also has that bit of nostalgia in there as well. It just, I just want to write that kind of music that makes people again reflect, but also, you know, they can pump it up in the car and have a good time. Who would you say your influences are? Oh my gosh. Well, everything. I know my mom and dad actually named me after Carly Simon. So I love the singer-songwriter style, Carly Simon, Cheryl Crow, as well as the police were huge when I was growing up. My dad was a huge police fan and Beatles fan. So I listened to that almost on the daily. And then just growing up in kind of the mid 2000s, pop punk was just my whole world. So you can definitely hear that in Polaroid at 23 as well as Freedom in this country. You know, I just, I love rock and roll, but Keith Urban was just the artist that inspired everything for me. Going to Nashville, writing songs, he showed me that you could be a rock star and tell a story at the same time, which is what I aim to do with my music. Harry Chapin did it. You know, he wasn't exactly hard rock, but they told stories. I love that, that style of music. Carly, it's been great having you back. You're performing tonight, where at, and how do people find out more about you? Yeah, tonight I'll be at Fisherman's View on Cape Cod and Sandwich. You can find more of my shows if you just search Carly Test on your little search app, Google, Bing, whatever it is these days, as well as on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. People are really loving Freedom in this country on TikTok right now. It's crazy. It's pretty cool to see, so definitely search Freedom in this country, Carly's version, wherever you're listening to music, YouTube, Spotify, and hopefully we'll get to see some of you guys soon in New England at a show. I hope so, and you know, when that Freedom in this Country video comes out, we'll definitely share it with the listeners. Carly Taft, thank you so much for coming on again and giving us another look into your career path and how things have changed for you. It's a great success story. One of the better points of today and seeing how people can overcome whatever the left has to throw at them. God bless. Thank you so much for being with us here on The Grace Curly Show. We'll be right back. Howie Carr coming up in just a few moments, and we'll see if there's any updates. KJP is still going in this press conference. This is The Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. I would say I don't think it's a new excuse. I think some of you, some of your colleagues reached out to us about the schedule. Some of your colleagues asked if the schedule was too strenuous, or was it because of the jet lag? Too strenuous? Is that the word I heard? That's a new one in KJP's vocabulary. That's extraneous and strenuous, wrapped into one. It's amazing. She's inventing all these new compound hybrid words for us, Howie. I think there's a word for that too. It's knowledgism or something like that, or syllogism. We started a folder like that a while ago for Biden, but we should transfer that over to KJP's. The first one I heard that was with the first Mayor Daily of Chicago. He said, "I'm not going to respond to those and sin you end up." That's a good one, though. It really is good. It's an amalgam of two decent words. That's perfect. They would both be appropriate. I think KJP, did you watch the press conference she just wrapped up? Yeah, it was pretty sad. She's out of her depth. This would strain someone who knew what they were doing. By the way, today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks. No one knows Fisher Plows like TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass. Your Fisher Plow distributor shop now for the upcoming season, Fisher Plows, spreaders, accessories, and parts shop online at or call 1-800-My-Truck. I really think today did more harm than good for Joe Biden having KJP up there. This is what you get when you just accept incompetence the entire time and don't fire anybody. You get somebody who does a poor job, but you don't think anybody could really done better than that? Well, I mean, they could have done better, but what are you going to do? That's the old saying, "When you have a lemon, make lemonade." Or another one, you can't make chicken salad out of chicken, you know one. What are you going to do in this situation? When the New York Times, their Bible is saying that he's thinking about stepping down and then they're angry. They didn't give us enough time to respond. And the New York Times, which last week was saying, "Well, there's all these fake photos from these fake videos from June 19th and from Normandy." Now they're saying, "Today, they have a big story. You know we had some problems on June 19th as videos indicate." And yeah, he throws there. He froze on the stage with Obama, and there's- Macron. Yeah, Macron. And what Carl Bernstein was talking about, at a fundraiser in June of last year, he froze up too. There are several instances of him just going full Friday. But again, another great headline, a front page in the New York Post today. Now they tell us. Right. Right. If you were here, you knew it. There were probably under 20 places in the United States that were doing this. Like I was saying yesterday, if I spent just cutting up the past 18 months, all of the times that Joe Biden has messed up, flubbed, forgotten, we'd have hours of material to come up with. We wouldn't have to talk during the four-hour show. I suggested, I suggested last year, I said, "Should we transcribe this into a book?" And everybody said, "Oh, that's ridiculous." No. Great bathroom reader. Maybe I missed the mark on that one. I don't know. By the way, Corinne Jean-Pierre has a new nickname. Have you seen it? What's that? Cringe Jean-Pierre. Spelled with a K. Very fitting, I think. It was very horrible performance. Howie Carr is up next. We'll be back on Friday for The Grace Curly Show. Best ofs tomorrow. Happy Independence Day, everybody. Stay tuned. The Howie Carr Show is coming straight ahead.