The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Does Biden have Dementia? and more questions for KJP | 7.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks out! Finally, four (or five?) days after the abysmal debate performance by Joe Biden, KJP has to answer to the media. Guest host Taylor Cormier strings together a pattern of questions and KJP's non-answers.

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. BOGO is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Trataria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome to the Grace Curly show. I'm Taylor Cormier, Grace's producer, filling in as she remains on vacation. She'll be back next week. We are off tomorrow for Independence Day to celebrate the birth of our nation as in decline as it is right now. We can only hope that it gets better from here. The news today that Biden has allegedly told. This has been reported by New York Times and now CNN and everybody else is reporting on it. CNN says they've confirmed New York Times reporting that he's confided in at least one ally that he's considering whether to stay in the race today. Taking all your calls, your reaction to that, is this good or bad news? Should Joe Biden drop out at some point? And I would think that if he does so, it's in the near future. The Democratic National Convention is next month and ballots are being printed already. The deadlines have already passed for a couple of states to get the ballot process started. I think those will be easily overcome by Democrats in an emergency situation. Should that need arise? They'll argue something in courts. Who knows what's going to happen? But to me, I think Joe Biden is going to eventually drop out. He has a glass jaw and is so easily offended and frustrated that I think even he will be able to see that it's time for him to step down from the race, not from the presidency, but from the race. He does have a couple of events today. He's got a meeting with Democrat governors at 630. He's got Medal of Honor remarks at quarter of five today, so we'll be able to see what kind of a mood he's in and see if he'll take any questions. I doubt it. But one of the textures asked, Taylor, is it true, 919, that Hunter is sitting in on meetings and phone calls with his father? We knew he was. He texted. That was one of the famous texts that came out from the laptop. Does Hunter have clearance to listen to classified conversations? I don't know if these are exactly classified. These are not matters of national security. This is, he's acting in a capacity in his father's reelection campaign. But yes, the New York Times reported yesterday, New York Post, rather, that Hunter Biden joins West Wing meetings after dad's disaster debate doesn't trust the aides. First son Hunter Biden has been joining West Wing meetings with his father since President Biden returned to the White House on Monday as the oldest ever sitting president resists calls from federal Democrats to step aside. Scandal plagued Hunter, 54, who was convicted June 11th of three federal gun felonies and is scheduled for a second federal trial September 5th for $1.4 million in alleged tax fraud, is an advocate of his 81-year-old dad continuing to seek a second term as the Biden family reportedly blames longtime advisors for the president's dismissal Thursday debate performance. Well, of course, because if the trial goes on and is delayed at any point past the inauguration day next year, that's tough for Hunter to get pardoned by another candidate. So he wants his dad to be around for as long as possible in the White House so that he can get him off on any other charges that may come his way. 844-542-42. I also wanted to get to another couple of cuts here. It was just astounding and we've got just about full lines right now. I'll get to it in just a moment. I promise. This is astounding yesterday, KJP came out and was faced with a barrage of questions from reporters from all over the spectrum in the White House press corps about Joe Biden's cognitive state and his performance on Thursday night. Now, these are all White House press corps members who have previously scoffed at a certain other reporter will get to in a second for his legitimate questions about Joe Biden's state of mind. Emma, here's what I want you to do. All of these cuts, just play them as soon as the reporter is done asking the question, go to the next cut. I don't want to hear KJP's remarks on their question because they're nonsensical and she's just doing her job as a flack. But let's just play these cuts in succession and hear the reporter's question starting with cut two. I guess I wonder if there's been any consideration given to like releasing a more robust set of medical records or something to show his mental acuity. So I will say this. All right. Next one. You just reminded us that President Biden had a cold on Thursday. What medications was he taking in the days or hours leading up to the debate? And I can, I know that after the debate, did the president get examined by a doctor or did he get a neurological scheme? Get examined. I know a lot. Is anyone in the White House hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day to day? Absolutely not. Okay. Well, you continue to say it was just a bad night, but is there an explanation then for why it was so bad? If it's not his stand on a if he prepared as you guys say his reporters on exam, the stand them up, is there a, what's the nearest bar to the White House? Go ahead. Keep going. Pelosi asks is, Pelosi said it's a legitimate question to ask if this is an episode or is this is a condition? Which one is it? Well, what I can. Is he disabled? No, no, and let me finish with your colleague, please, and I know, but shouting out. Come on. All right. The administration strongly criticized the media for clips showing the president appearing to be confused, freezing at times, and you called it cheap fakes, misinformation, disinformation. In one case, even implied that it was the product of artificial intelligence calling it deep fakes. Do you have any regret over using that language? Not at all. Yeah, I'm going to ask something delicate. You may not like it. The president may not like to hear it. Don't hurt me. I think the American people need to get a yes or no answer on this. Does President Biden, at 81 years old, have Alzheimer's, any form of dementia, or degenerative illness that cause sorts of lapses, and it's a yes or no question. And if you don't know, why don't you as one of his senior staff members know that? I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? Yes. It's a no. And I hope you're asking it. Okay. Okay. Because she's refused to answer that question before. We'll have to pull that cut up too. But so all of these reporters have never asked these questions before. You have never heard Ed O'Keefe say, ask a question like that. You've never heard any of these other, you know, operatives, Democrat operatives with press passes in the White House press corps ask these questions before. And now it's open season. They feel like like in the Karen Reid trial, when they wanted to talk about the federal testimony, the door was opened or it wasn't opened. But once the door was opened, you could ask all these questions about whatever subject, as long as that door was opened. The door has been opened in the White House press corps because Joe Biden stepped in it and it's deniable. But I wanted to play for you. They, you know, they are just getting onto this now. They're just finally coming on to this bandwagon now. They are bandwagoners. This is Peter Ducey going back several years. These are just the ones I could find in the limited time I had to pull cuts today. I put together a supercut of Peter Ducey asking directly about Joe Biden's metal state over the past few years, or questions that would lead into suspicions about Joe Biden's cognitive state. This is cut 11. Why is the president talking about the judgment to choose to abort a child? When will the White House release a lot of visitors to the Wilmington house? Thank you, Korean. President Biden is the oldest president in US history. Why does White House staff treat him like a baby? Korean, why do you think it is that more and more people hold, feel like over time, President Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp? How is President Biden ever going to convince the three quarters of voters, who are worried about his physical and mental health, that he is okay, even though in Las Vegas he told the story about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996. You guys often defend all the trips to Delaware by saying the president is not on vacation, he's working, he can be the president from anywhere, so why do you have to come back on Saturday? Why is he saying that his uncle was eaten by cannibals, that is a bad way to go? Why do you think Americans are so down on President Biden right now? Are you guys here at the White House in full loan freak out mode? That's a bad way to go. How, Mr. President, how bad is your memory? That was great. He's been asking these questions for years, and he's been laughed at and dismissed so many times you can't even count them. But now the entire press corps is joining him in this firing squad of questions about Joe Biden's mental state, and they only have themselves to kick. They could have been on this train a long time ago, 844-542-42. John, thanks for hanging on your next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, John. Yeah, hi, Taylor. I don't think Biden's going to make it, and I am going to be a Trump voter. That said, I think right now everything points to Gavin Newsom replacing Biden, and I would believe it or not, if Trump couldn't win or didn't win, I would much rather have Biden in the White House, a mentally diminished Biden being advised by Ron Clayne, Kamala Harris, even Chuck Schumer, then Gavin Newsom, who is a World Economic Forum global shaper graduate just like our mayor, Mayor Wu. He believes in one-world government. You've seen what he's done to California with crime, homelessness, drug addiction, unchecked illegal immigration, an educational system in California that is failing, and this is the guy that can or will try to implement a lot of these programs and policies that he loves, where if we at least had Biden, probably not too much is going to get done. Some of these people that advising him are a little bit old school. They're not WEF, so to me, the worst thing you could get is Newsom. I'm kind of right there in the same boat with you, John. I really would prefer, and I think a lot of us would prefer to have Joe Biden continue to be the nominee because he seems like the easiest to beat. I mean, there's no way around it right now. Trump has been consistently up in the polls over Biden for quite some time now and is continuing to dominate, but if you put someone in there like Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama or even Kamala Harris, people are saying that that could be a wild card. Kamala Harris is showing to be doing much better in the polls than Joe Biden would against Trump. It's not an exact win, but it's close enough where it's within the margin of error. Nobody on our side really wants to see that, and I think that's what's being threatened here is all of these calls for Joe Biden to step aside, though they seem legitimate to me, they could be testing the waters here for who's ready to step up, who is ready to take the mantle from Joe and fight for the nomination at the upcoming convention. It's an interesting question. I really hope it doesn't come to that. But I hope that any legal challenges in these, these states that have said, no, the deadlines passed. The ballots are being printed. The deadlines are gone. You can't change now. I mean, this is there. There are no other candidates. It's been Joe Biden. I hope that they can continue to put up a fight as they did against Trump throughout the 2020 election cycle and beyond eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. We've got to take a break. Your calls and much more coming up. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is The Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show eight four four five hundred forty two forty two, just a blockbuster day here all around as now there's going to be a White House press briefing. I'm sure that was pre scheduled, but we'll get to hear from KJP as this reporting comes out and listen to her fumble and try to refute this New York Times story that's been backed up by CNN that the administration is saying is fake news. It's all fake news. What I've been saying for you is they're all fake news, but now they're telling the truth. They're finally telling the truth about you eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Emma what's today's poll question? What are the results thus far today's poll question is at least one house Democrat is calling for President Biden to withdraw from the race. Will he yes or no? That would be Lloyd Doggett and I've been saying all along I don't think Biden's going to make it to election day as the nominee. So I'm going to say yes, he will drop out thirty percent of the audience says yes, seventy percent says no. If you agree with me, go to and vote. If you don't agree with me, reinforce those numbers by submitting your vote as well. At, Kamala Harris answered our poll question interestingly enough. This is cut nineteen and speaking about stakes, you just came out of a fundraiser. We know that many in your party have expressed concerns about President Biden's health just this morning. Congressman Doggett said that he's calling on President Biden to withdraw from the race given that there's too much at stake to risk a Trump victory. To respond to this, Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once and we're going to beat him again. Period. Are you ready to meet the country of necessary? I am. I am. Proud to be Joe Biden's. Thank you. Thank you. And that wasn't really an answer really was it Joe Biden is the nominee. Okay, that's that's a fact as of right now. We've beaten Trump once. I guess you could call that a fact I suppose again, true for now, ish. And I am his running mate and happy to be so again. That's true. That's not exactly an answer to the question, though, if Joe should drop out. So there was no maybe in our poll question, Kamala, you got to answer yes or no. 844-542-42 Trent, thanks for hanging on your next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Trent. Yeah. Hey, that prior call or calling for televised executions, that was wrong. Trump is only calling for televised military tribunals, which would then lead to the televised executions. So that guy needs to be corrected. Okay. Thanks very much. I really don't believe any of that if I'm just not buying it. Thanks very much for the call, Trent. Nonsense stories that were reported by the Rolling Stone. If you want to go and use Rolling Stone as your source, by all means, go ahead and keep wandering around in this wonderland. Lisa, thanks for hanging on your next. Go ahead, Lisa. Taylor, how are you? Great. Go to listen, all that other stuff is nonsense as you just stated, but I just want to talk about how, you know, there's one thing I think I agree with Nikki Haley on, and it is that if we, if America votes for Joe Biden, they're essentially voting for Kamala Harris because he will not, if he wins, he will not make it through another term. There's just, there's just no way. I mean, I hope that's, I think that's probably what she's hoping for. Don't you think, Lisa? I mean, the talk right now is not exactly highlighting Kamala as the, the best pick for VP should Joe drop out. So she's probably hoping that he, he stays on. And once he croaks in office or is taken out by the 25th amendment, she slides right into his seat. Yes, sir. I agree completely. And I just, you know, the media can tuck it up all they want starting with Joe Scarborough on morning makeup with Joe Brzenki. They can go all the way up to midnight on those channels, and it will not make up for the fact that America saw the truth. Yeah, we saw what we saw exactly what happened Thursday night. You can't ignore it. You can't deny it. We'll be right back. More of your calls right here on The Grace Curly Show live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome to The Grace Curly Show. So much going on this afternoon. The White House press room is filled with anxious reporters, I should hope, waiting to ask Karine Jean Pierre some very pointed questions. Once again, I hope of Joe Biden's status, this report of the New York Times saying that he's considering dropping out of the race and CNN backing that up will, if Karine Jean Pierre opens with any concerns about that, will take it live. If not, we'll dip out and come back when she starts taking questions so that you can get her embarrassment firsthand and hear it for yourself right here on The Grace Curly Show. Also at, not only can you vote in our poll question today, you can also take a look at Carly Teft is back in the news. She's got, well, I mean, her career has just taken off since she was on our show last year. Getting canceled on Cape Cod, Emma Foley had a great interview with her and we've just posted it at and Carly will actually be joining us next hour by sheer coincidence. I booked her. I figured, you know, freedom in this country is such a great song and this all happened kind of around this time last year. Let's bring Carly Teft on, see how she's doing and how the song has been and whether or not she'll be going to the White House and singing it there at some point during the Trump administration. We can only hope so stay tuned throughout the two o'clock hour for Carly Teft here on The Grace Curly Show. 844-542-42, we'll get to your calls. I promise we've been doing it all day. Just want to play one more cut here before we get to more of your calls at 844-542-42. When we covered it earlier, the excuse that we were given throughout the debate and post debate from the White House operatives was that Joe Biden had a cold and that's as simple as that. You know, he had a cold. He wasn't feeling great. So he wasn't the Joe Biden that we know and love. I don't know if that memo ever got to Joe Biden himself. You know, if you tell somebody, if there's a problem with your guy, whoever that guy may be, if there's a problem with your guy and you come up with a cover story to cover for that guy, you bring that cover story to the public, you should probably tell that guy what your cover story is, right? Tell him this is what we're going to tell people. We're going to say, you had a cold. You didn't have too many. You didn't have too many drinks. You had a cold and that's why, I mean, you were, you had to feel accidentally took too much night. You misread the directions on the night quill, okay? That's what we're going to go with. You weren't drunk. You weren't stumbling. It was, it was the medicine. You were trying to feel better. That's what you, that's what you do. You let the person know what you're telling other people. So there's no crossed lines. Gabe Gutierrez at the NBC Today show almost said Fox because this is the kind of reporting I expect from Fox has said that that's not what Biden has been telling people. He's got a different story, cut, cut 20 off camera out of Virginia fundraiser, President Biden apologizing for that disastrous debate, saying he wasn't very smart for traveling around the world a couple of times before that showdown with former President Trump. And he quit that he almost fell asleep on stage adding it's not an excuse, but an explanation. The president returned to the U.S. from back to back trips to Europe 12 days before the debate. No mention of a cold, no mention of sickness, no mention of feeling under the weather or anything like that. He had traveled around the world twice and that was 12 days before the debate. So that, that means he had five days before he started debate preparation that he was already back in the United States. And then a week at Camp David, the president's getaway spot for relaxation preparation, rehabilitation. You're telling me 12 days is not enough to recover from, that's, you know, I'm going to start pulling that excuse here at work. The president can do it. Why can't I? I go on vacation. I come back and I make a serious blunder two weeks later. Yeah, I'm sorry. I was in Florida last month. That's why we'll get right on top of that. No need to worry about me. Give me a, well, that wouldn't fly at your job. It doesn't fly here. It shouldn't fly at the White House either. Good grief. These people think you're honestly, they continue to believe that you're honestly stupid. Speaking of Biden's donors, again, the other, we only covered one hit job by the New York Times. Another hit job in the New York Times today on Joe Biden. This is big donors turn on Biden quietly. I won't read you too much of this article, but just a few key highlights that the dynamic started taking shape mere hours after the debate at a breakfast on Friday morning at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colorado, where nearly 50 Democratic donors had gathered for a pre planned meeting convened by the super PAC American bridge. One person asked the crowd for a show of hands of how many thought Mr. Biden should step aside. Nearly everyone in the room raised their hands according to two people present. Want more? On a private email list, including members of another liberal donor collective called Way to Win, participants expressed frustration with the Democratic Party's circling of the wagons around Mr. Biden and urged that Vice President Kamala Harris be considered for the top spot on the ticket. Well, that narrative has fallen apart today. A small private online poll distributed after the debate to liberal donors and their advisors found that dozens of respondents, more than 70%, indicated that they were, quote, "ready to explore plan B." On Tuesday, both American bridge and the Democracy Alliance hosted calls for donors anxious about the situation of the more than a dozen donors who spoke on the bridge call. Only one argued that the party should stick with Mr. Biden according to a participant. Others expressed a desire to move on. The party's aggressive defense of Mr. Biden scared off donors from publicly calling for his replacement to said Maggie Kulik, the owner of a wealth management firm and a board member of the Women Donors Network, quote, "Towing this line makes us look almost but not quite as morally bankrupt as the Republican Party." I mean, come on, man, know when to say when. She borrowed almost two phrases from Joe Biden there. Come on, man. And you got to know how to know, Joe, you got to know when to know. You got to know how to know. Thank you, sir. 844-542-42. Tony, thanks for staying on the line. You're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tony. Oh, thank you, Taylor. I firmly believe that the person wanting Joe to stay in the race, it is Joe. And I believe that if he makes it and he gets in not long after, she'll have all the drugs that he's being pumped for, stopped. And when he passes away, you'll have the look of Jackie Kennedy. What is the motivation there, though, Tony? You've got a husband who died in office. So I mean, it's still over once he's dead. I know, but her ego, I believe, is driving all of this. She loves it at the White House. If he's carried forth on the case on with the horses pulling it, she'll be standing there in black and that will live forever. That's some weird motivation -- you've got to be really sick and depraved to do something like that for your sole purpose. You really think she's that twisted? Yes. What's been her motivation you think, Tony, this past few years? I mean, she's been the one pushing him to continue on and go for the presidency to begin with. And she's been his caretaker all this time. I mean, it doesn't seem like it's a power trip for her. It's just -- does she enjoy the luxury of being in the White House? I believe that's exactly it. I don't know. That's wild to me because this presidency, this administration, has brought nothing but a storm cloud over the Biden family. From Joe on down, Frank, Jim, Hunter, you know, it's just been mired in controversy the entire three and a half years, and Jill Biden has had to come to so many people's defense and often in disgrace. That'd be very strange to me. Thanks very much for the call, Tony. She won't shy away from my Vogue cover. No, she won't. And the New York Post ran a very funny mockery of that Vogue cover with Joe on the cover. It was pretty comedic. It was -- but, again, what the hell does that get you? You're on the cover of a magazine. Who cares? You're just being laughed at. You think anybody bought that magazine saying, "Oh, look, Jill Biden's on the cover. I've got to get this issue." Not me. Not anybody I know. 844-542-42, Ron, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Taylor, how are you? Excellent. So, two bad political contributions aren't tax deductible, but at any rate -- at any rate, the one word that comes to mind right now in this moment is karma. That's what's going on, I believe. We've been stonewalled by the left in the Democrats for years, and the only thing I think that could possibly break through is just an intervention from the universe, and that's the way I see it right now. Right now, the media is just -- they're gaslighting themselves. They're on, like, a hamster wheel of lies, sundowning jet lag, over-preparedness. Which one is it, you know, but, at any rate, there's also a really catchy great song by Taylor Swift called Karma as well. I can tell you, we're not going to be playing. I don't play any Taylor Swift. That's just not going to happen, Ron. I appreciate the call, though. The mask is off. Biden has been revealed for what he is, this bumbling, incoherent shell of himself. He's a shadow of his former selfie, and, you know, that's probably better. He was not a nice guy, and he was a liar all his career. Now he's just a liar without anything to back it up. He can't back up his own lies, because he forgot what he lied about. That's the only saving grace for him. Mark, you're next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Mark. Hey, Taylor. Why did CNN do this now? They could have done it any time in the last four years. Why did they choose last week? Why did they do that? Last week, for what? For the debate, like, why did they expose him on the debate stage, you know, let him ramble on when they could have let him ramble on any time in the last four years? I mean, I really think you have Trump to thank for that, because he's been exposing CNN for the fraudsters that they are. They've been in a complete tailspin for a number of years now, Chris Cuomo, the Zucker, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, all of these guys went down in a blaze of, not glory, but humiliation for what they were and the allegations that were levied against them and their reporting integrity or lack thereof. It's just caught up to them and it's all because of the Trump administration, Trump himself, and supporters online pointing out their lies and their hypocrisy for the past eight, ten years, maybe even beyond that. And it's culminated into, well, you've got the heads of CNN saying we've got to do something. We've got to host a debate between Trump and Biden. That may be the only thing that saves us right now. When they sell the simulcast rights and they make a bundle, I'm sure the, I haven't looked at the ratings, but I'm sure the ratings were through the roof compared to their program. You could watch paint dry on CNN, get better ratings than any of the regular programming that they've had recently, but that was going to be a saving grace for CNN and I think it has. So they've turned that corner. This is the turning point. We do this. We're going to have to go with it. And we can't deny what happened on this network. You can have your Jake Tappers trying to run cover for Joe Biden and demonize Trump every chance they get still, but there's really no saving grace for Biden on that network now. And New York Times has realized that as well by this reporting saying that this is deep trouble that Joe Biden's in now, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll take a break and be right back. I'm Taylor Cormier. The Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, Corinne Jean Pierre is taken to the podium, the lectern at the White House Press Briefing Room. And she has so far ignored the elephant in the room, which is Joe Biden has been asking people what they think. Should he drop out or no and telling them that he thinks that he may think it's time. Maybe not. He's not sure. We'll let you know when she starts taking questions. I imagine that sometime during the break, it will come back with cuts and a lot more about this. I'm sure it was going to be a disastrous meeting because the whole White House has been a flurry today, according to all the reporting, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, also within the next hour. We've got Carly Tefte coming back on the show to talk about what the last year has been like for her since she was canceled on Cape Cod by one of her longtime regular places that she she gigged at. You may remember this story, singer-songwriter Carly Tefte, saying the national anthem at a Trump rally last year and the owner of this venue found out about it and said, we don't serve your kind here is basically what it came down to. So she's been on a quite a journey over the past year. We'll catch up with her next hour, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, sue. Thanks for hanging on your next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Sue. Hey, thanks, Taylor. Happy Fourth of July, everybody. Happy Independence Day. Thanks. I've been hearing all kinds of talk about Joe Biden should quit. Joe Biden should stay in. What's going to happen? This and that. But I haven't heard anybody explain what would happen if Joe Biden died before the election? Well, I mean, the obvious is that Kamala Harris would take over as president for the remainder of the term. I don't know if she would take over as the presumptive nominee. Do you have any? I mean, she didn't answer that question, a reporter asked her that this morning. Would you? Well, you never answer that question. You answer that question when you're signaling that you want him to step down. That's the play. But I don't know exactly who the presumptive nominee would be if she would step into that place as well. Do you know anything, Sue? No, I wish I did. Yeah, I think that would probably be decided at the convention and people would put their name up for verbid and they would take a vote. The delegates would vote on a new nominee. Thanks very much for the call, Sue. So there's so much going on. So many more cuts that we haven't gotten to yet. KJP, I don't know if she's let's just take a little bit of her right now. I'll see what she's talking about. Last week. It just seems like there. I know you're calling it explanation. Not excuse, but it does seem like there are new excuses since the debate of what went wrong. I would say I don't think it's a new excuse. I think some of you, some of your colleagues reached out to us about the schedule. Some of your colleagues asked if the schedule was too strange or was it because of Joe Biden said that he had traveled the world in 40 days or whatever. That's a new excuse. No, that's not a new excuse. Just one that you've never heard before. Don't believe what you're hearing. Can't believe Joe Biden. He's crazy. Oops. Did I say that out loud? We'll be back more from KJP coming up after the break. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING]