The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: For once, the White House is at Odds with the Media | 7.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

So, is Joe going to stay, or is Joe going to go? Major legacy news outlets are saying President Biden is reflecting and reconsidering running for re-election, but the White House is denying everything of the sort. Taylor Cormier, Grace's Executive Producer, fills in for the millennial with the mic all week.

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. BOGO is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Trataria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. They got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Wow, welcome to the Grace Curly show. Grace is on vacation. I'm Taylor Cormier, Grace's producer, filling in. What a day this has been so far, the Biden campaign. The wheels fell off on Thursday night and they're just realizing it today. It is everybody's scrambling. It is chaos in the White House right now. This hour, Fox reporting the chiron on the screen White House is holding all staff calls. Biden is weighing whether or not to stay in the race according to the New York Times. That reporting has been backed up by CNN and the White House is saying fake news. It's all fake news. Don't believe it. Don't believe what you hear. Don't believe what you read. It's all fake news. 844-542-42. Stunning. Stunning stuff today. And we're going to get into all of it. We'll start with the New York Times reporting and I do want your input throughout the day. And you can either call or text. You can text by texting the word Curly followed by your message to 617-213-1066. That's 617-213-1066. Katie Rogers, this story probably popped off about an hour and a half ago on the New York Times website. Biden told Ally that he is weighing whether to continue in the race. And since this exploded onto the internet, it has blown up in the face of Joe Biden and caused other networks to verify the reporting here. President Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week. The president, who the ally emphasized is still deeply in the fight for re-election, understands that his next few appearances heading into the holiday weekend, including an interview scheduled for Friday with Democrat co-holder George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, and campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin must go well. Of course, they have not been going well. He had a campaign stop, not a campaign stop, but he stopped in with the FEMA yesterday and talked about climate change. And that got weird as he caressed the arm of a black man at the event. It was very, very, very weird. You got to see the video. It's astounding. It's like Joe is admitting he grew up in a slave state. He said he, Delaware was a slave state and seems like he still holds on to those roots. Anyway, back to the article. He knows if he has two more events like that, meaning the debate, we're in a different place by the end of the weekend, said the ally referring to Mr. Biden's halting and unfocused performance in the debate. The person spoke on, of course, the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive situation. After the article published, Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman said it was, quote, "absolutely false," unquote, and that the White House had not been given enough time to respond. Andrew Bates put that out on Twitter. He's a deputy spokesperson for Joe Biden in the White House, and he said, "We were only given seven minutes." How long does it take to respond or come up with a response to the question? Has Joe Biden spoken to any of his allies about his consideration of continuing the campaign? I don't know, to be clear. And if the answer is, quote, "absolutely false," that's an immediate response. It doesn't take long at all. A top advisor to Mr. Biden, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the situation, said the president was, quote, "well aware of the political challenge he faces." Mr. Biden is slowly reaching out to Democratic elected officials and has a meeting with Democratic governors at the White House scheduled for this evening. He's also continuing to reach out to people he has long trusted and has told at least one person that he is open to the possibility that his plans to move on from his debate performance and flip the focus back to his challenger. Mr. Trump may not work. You don't say. That was put on full display for us on Thursday night. He tried to do that, and it failed, and it culminated in what we're experiencing today, complete fallout in the Biden campaign. Reporting says that he has met with, or at least called, Chuck Schumer, and he is also on Fox, just seeing the guy run now, 25 Dems prep call for Biden to end re-election. Well, there's been one so far that has officially come forward and expressed his concerns over Joe Biden's candidacy and his need to step aside, and that is representative Lloyd Dogget of Texas. He put out a statement yesterday calling for Joe Biden to step aside for the good of the country, for the good of the campaign, for the good of democracy, and we've got sound from him. We'll play in just a little bit. That's part of our poll question today. By the way, you can go to and vote in today's poll question. We'll read it in just a bit and give you the results thus far, but absolutely astounding reporting today that Joe Biden is considering dropping out. That's what this comes down to. If he's asking if he should stay in the race, you're considering dropping out. I don't think it'll be that long before there's an announcement on this. If he's calling people like Chuck Schumer and representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, two of his most trusted allies and confidants, this is getting to be pretty serious. He cannot overcome what was put on display for the entire country to see Thursday night. I know I've been saying this the past few days and have been taking my victory lap that this would be the result of that debate, but I think it bears repeating. This is all the fault of the media. They have been falsely reporting or just completely ignoring Joe Biden's mental status for about almost six years since 2019. Going into the 2020 election, there was a reason he was campaigning from his basement. It wasn't just COVID. It was the fact that no, people did not want him to be seen out in public until it was like a reverse FDR campaign. FDR, as he continued on as president throughout his eight years, he came down with polio and was relegated to a wheelchair towards the end of his presidency. His people around him, especially his wife, didn't want people to see him in a wheelchair because they thought it made him look weak. So they told the press, the press cooperated, and they only took pictures of FDR from vantage points where he would be seated naturally anyway, or just from the waist up entirely. This was a reverse FDR campaign. Reporters were held at bay before Joe Biden was elected. He was campaigning from his basement, and even through that, we saw the complete ineptitude of Joe Biden, at least the people that wanted to see it saw it, and the media still continued to cover it up. They didn't play the, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black cuts. They didn't read, they didn't play the cuts of him telling somebody to move the teleprompter back up so he could see what was on it because he missed it, or misread it. They didn't show him saying if you're, you know, black kids are just as smart as, as, no, poor kids are just as smart as white kids, he said, inferring that he was talking about children of color. All of this stuff was hidden from public view in order to elect this crooked and crippled mentally candidate for the presidency of the United States. And now we're in panic mode because, oh, we're just realizing this because Carl Bernstein came out on CNN a couple of nights ago and said, Hey, this isn't the first time we've seen Joe like this on Thursday night. We've seen 15 to 20 instances. People are telling me over the past year and a half, and I've sat here for the past three and a half years and so is Grace and so is Howie and everybody else here saying that this guy is non-compass meant as he is out of his mind. He is, he's lost it. He lost it a long time ago. And now it's a big shock to everybody so much so that the New York Times has several hit pieces today on Joe Biden and how he should step aside or how people are calling for him to step aside and how Joe Biden himself is considering whether or not he should step aside. And the White House is coming out to say this is not true. Meanwhile, the scheduling team is putting out there that he's got calls with Chuck Schumer, he's got calls with Jim Clyburn, he's got calls with his meeting with governors today, including ours, Maura Healy at the White House this afternoon for an emergency meeting. He's having these these all staff calls to get out messaging on how to fight back against this New York Times story that has been backed up by CNN. Let's just play that real quick. So just about an hour and a half ago, New York Times came out with his story saying that Biden is talking to people saying he's not sure if he should continue on in his campaign. First of all, CNN reached out to the campaign. And of course, this is what they heard. This is Quentin folks. He's a deputy campaign manager for Biden's reelection campaign. This is cut 21. I do want to get your take first of all on this new reporting from Katie Rogers that the president has told a key ally. He knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy. If he can't convince the public in the coming days, he is up for the job. What is being discussed in the campaign right now about this? Well, first of all, good morning. Thank you for having me on the show. Look, that is false. There are a number of rumors floating out there. The president is in this race to win it. He is the Democratic nominee. And from our perspective, we're going to continue to do everything we can to make sure that we're building a campaign apparatus to reach voters. So when you say that's false, the president has had zero conversations with anyone saying, I may not be able to continue. I may not be able to win this race. That is correct. The president has been having conversations with a number of Democratic leaders. I'm talking to them. I think, obviously, the president, his own words acknowledged a poor debate performance. But at the same time, I think what we're sensing from people is the sense of urgency and fear from Donald Trump. And I think that the conversations that the president has been having with Democrats across the country is one to reassure them that he is in this race, that he knows that he needs to reassure the American people and that our campaign is going to continue to build and scale to win in November. That is false. There are a number of rumors out there, said Quentin Falk. And of course, Joe Biden talks with a lot of Democratic leaders. So this is nothing new. This is nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Cut to moments later on CNN, the same network that just had Quentin Falk's on cut 22. Breaking news, CNN has learned President Biden has privately acknowledged a series of critical tests ahead in the next stretch of days. Those tests essential to determining whether he can stay in the race for the White House. CNN White House correspondent MJ Lee joining us now. MJ, what more are you learning? Erica, what I am learning, and this is according to an ally of the presidents who spoke with the president directly yesterday, is that the president has privately acknowledged that the next stretch of days are going to be so critical to the question of whether he can save his reelection campaign. He, the president, made clear to this ally in this conversation yesterday that he understands what circumstances would prompt him to basically accept it's just not working. How laughable is that? We've confirmed the reporting that the New York Times has put out there and they reach the same source and the same conclusions. You know, I'd applaud these guys if they weren't acting so shameful for the past four years, five years, and covering up and being complicit. Silence is complicity, as Joe Biden likes to say, in this cover up of Joe Biden's mental health. We'll take your calls. The phone lines are lighting up right now. We'll get to them right after the break. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. I want to get right to the calls. So we're going to put off reading the poll question until after the next break. So you still have time to go vote at Go vote now. Make your voice heard. It's about this topic that we've been discussing. So go vote right now and be counted the next time we read it. 844-542-42. Your reaction to Joe Biden considering if he should stay in the race, and it's not looking good as the New York Times and other publications have the knives out for him right now, printing up a bunch of hit pieces, and basically encouraging him to step aside and make way for somebody better, and even one member of the House, a Democrat member of the House is doing so as well. Others reported to join that call very soon. Leslie, thanks for holding on your next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Leslie. Hi, Taylor. Thank you for taking my call. Sure. I say in the polls they have Trump 50, Biden 59. It seems like they're even in the polls in some places, and yet other places they say that Trump's heading up by a landslide. Anybody that, I mean, I don't see how Biden can stay where he is, but these tests that they're going to give them, do you honestly think you're going to get a result that's honest about his condition? No, I don't. I don't believe his White House physician. I don't believe that he is going to pass any of these tests. I also don't really believe the polls. That's why the Trump campaign is always pushing. No matter how good the polls look, always work like you're 10 points down so that you're always striving to get ahead even further than you have ever been. I don't believe that any test is going to be 100% thorough and true if it comes out. We don't get to see the results of any of Biden's cognitive tests. We've never seen them, and that's a shame. They just tell us he passes with flying colors, and it's like the emperor has new clothes. Oh, he's in fantastic shape. He's thriving. He's at the top of his game. We know it's not true, and everybody knows it's not true now. Pete, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Pete. How are you doing? Great. I have a question. Robert Hearr's interview. You can't even find any of the transcripts online, but no one's talking about how he said Biden is too old and feeble to prosecute. I really wish Trump would have brought that out during the debate, but you don't hear any of that anywhere else. That would have been, I think you're right, Pete, if he could have brought up one thing, it may have been that, but I think the point was made just by letting Biden speak. That debate format, I was skeptical, but it really worked in Trump's favor and really worked against Biden. People thought it would help. I thought it would help Biden, keeping his answers concise, cutting him off, but the guy tends to ramble, and when you ramble and you have a set amount of time and get cut off, it does not look good to have that running over of time. Like you said, Pete, that would have been nice for Trump to have brought up during the debate, and it's a very good point, but I think the point was made on its own even without that. I think this is just incredible what we're seeing today, and that could be the next play, however, Pete, you know, that could be the next big leak to come out of an anonymous source saying that, well, here's the transcript or here is even the audio of this, this interview that Joe Biden did, and it was disastrous. We'll take more of your calls coming up. We'll get to the poll question as well. Go vote right now, I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Grace Curley Show. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. 844-542. 42 is the number to call. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly contact him at local silver Now, one Democratic House member has called for Joe Biden publicly to step down, step aside from the campaign, retain the presidency, but step aside from the campaign, let another more apt candidate take that mantle and run with it. This is him on MSNBC just yesterday afternoon after he released a statement cut 12. I've been in Congress. You can tell I'm not the most youthful member there, and I'm not the most endangered member. And I thought it was time for me to speak up, not for any self-gain, but because I think the risk to our country is so great and we need to have the strongest candidate possible in order to assure that the values that we hold for our democracy are not traded for an authoritarian strong man been on revenge against his opponents. So he's only a slightly cogent member of the house. So you got to take what he says with the grain of salt. But again, there is reporting out there today that there are 25 other Democrats that are planning on joining him in his call to take Biden out of the running. So that is our poll question today. Emma, what is specifically our poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is at least one house Democrat is calling for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Will he? Yes or no? It's tough. I think he will. 24% of the audience agrees with you. 76% says no. 76% says no, he will not drop out. I don't know. I, you know, I think the theory for a lot of us has been that they're going to replace him at some point. And this was the last draw. I think this was the last chance to get him out was to show how bad he is in a debate. They all know behind the scenes how bad Joe Biden has been. And the media has been going along with them, meaning his aides, all this time and Jill Biden, all this time to obscure him from public and protect him from himself. But you put him on that debate stage. He agreed to a debate with, with, with Trump. Come on, man. Here's free Wednesdays. He's free every day now. You're putting him on display for the entire world and there's no way you can hide him anymore. This was it. This was the display to get him out, either of his own volition or to possibly invoke the 25th amendment against him. 207 says Taylor, perhaps I'm too much of a conspiracy theorist, but doesn't this whole thing with Biden seem so contrived? Biden has been handled more than a turtle in a petting zoo. Do you think they've kept Biden going for so long because they couldn't pull him from the ticket to keep up appearances? Now they can say, oops, are bad and stick someone like Newsom in there saying they've saved the ticket. It all just seems far too coordinated and contrived to me. I think they were hoping that he would come to this realization on his own and that his own bravado wouldn't get in the way and that Jill Biden wouldn't get in the way. The aides, they're just trying to hang onto their jobs and stay in office for another four years with Joe Biden. They just want to keep their paychecks. That's all they're worried about. They want to keep Trump out of the White House and keep their paychecks at the same time. They don't care who's in there just as long it, but Joe Biden has been their best chance. He was the the nom, well, you know, the presumptive nominee and he is deciding to stay in there so long up until today's reporting. It's been kind of a 100% sure thing, but I think behind the scenes, they've been grooming people and saying, hey, standby, you might get a shot. Whether that be Kamala Harris, whether that be Gavin Newsom, whether it be Michelle Obama, but this is going to be a free-for-all convention, I think, coming up 844-542-42. James, thanks for hanging on your next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, James. Yeah, all you just like to ask, I mean, do Democrats have any intelligence to insult? Everybody could see Biden was like this. And I look at all the old congressional delegation, entire nine members of the House and the two in the Senate, the Massachusetts here, and what's the impression that we're all congenital liars, and we're perfectly happy to face this upon us, but somehow they could have put Biden in a better position, which stick with it. It didn't matter. We know. So, there'd be any accountability when people finally wake up and say, like, here in Mass Night, my Congress repeating is wide to me consistently in the four years, pushing this agenda, so I can't, you know, look at Trump's vote for them. Our vote here is important. Right. Oh, go on, James. This guy is largely a week ago. It's just shameful. So, do these people at some point get insulted? I mean, they all said, you know, 10% would have changed their vote if they knew the laptop is true. The laptop is still true. Do those 10% go back to Joe? I mean, James, there are Democrats out there that do feel taken for idiots. Chris Saliza, I would read some of his stuff yesterday. Brian Stelter today has been, you know, the former CNN, Mr. Potato Head. He's been talking about how embarrassing this has been, and how much of a free fall that the Biden campaign is in. But, you know, he only has himself to blame. Chris Saliza has himself to blame. And all of these Dems have themselves to blame because they believe the fodder that they've been spoon fed from these networks for years. And Facebook should be ashamed of itself. All of these big media conglomerates should be, a social media conglomerate should be ashamed of themselves for, you know, protecting President Biden. And KJP has stuff to answer for saying these were cheap fakes. Even the New York Times last week was going along with KJP's description of all of these videos showing Biden in just a complete fog, saying that they were cheap fakes. New York Times defended them. Then the debate happened. And it's all over now. 844 542 42. Steve, you're next on the Grace Curly show go ahead, Steve. Yes. I just wanted to tell you, I read yesterday. Hey, first of all, you do a spot on impression of Trump. Thank you. It's really, really good. Hey, I read yesterday Taylor and the New York Post that Jared Golden of Maine is also urgent Biden to step down. I've not seen that yet. But that's something I think Howie is planning on talking about later. So I'm not going to steal his thunder on that. But I will, I'll take a look at that as well. Thanks for the call, Steve. Lee, you're next on the Grace Curly show go ahead, Lee. Hi. You there, Lee? Hello. Yes. Go ahead. I can hear you now. Go ahead. Very good. My theory is that they plan the debate early so that everyone can really see how incompetent he is and get the way open for someone else to get the nomination. I think that's why the debate was set so early. Do you think it was that or they just saw that he was in a faster decline than he has been so they better get it out of the way now and hope for the best? You know what? I don't know what they're pumping him up with and I don't, you know, I'm not a medical person but I know what a demented person looks like and he has been having all the signs of it over the last four years. It's a slow decline and I just think they had to get them out of the way and that was having the debate early so that that would clear up. You know and the swell will come from everybody else not from close people or from one person but that you have these newspeople that supposedly newspeople that now they're shocked that what they see. What are they? I've been closed for the last three years. They're being so dishonest that you don't have to be a medical person again to see that that man, you know, has issues. But anyway that was my opinion that they had the debate early. That was the sign. It's not yeah you're not you're not far off there Leah. There are a lot of people that think the exact same thing very much thanks very much for the call. I want to play for you a couple of cuts here because Biden's performance was blamed on a cold consistently during the debate and I was asking yesterday where's KJP. She hasn't come out in a couple of days. She's been missing in action and hasn't responded to any of these questions about the debate and she even admitted that reporters were reaching out to her during the debate yesterday. She finally came out in a press conference and this is how she opened with her remarks cut one. We just step back for a minute and I guess deal with the questions that have come in about the debate and honestly this is something that the president has addressed himself multiple times since this past Thursday and first of all I want to say we understand the concerns we get it. The president did not have a great night as you all know and many of you reached out during the the debate. The president had a cold he had a horse voice you heard it that's why you reached out but I will say this and the president said this over the past couple of days certainly right after the debate he knows how to do the job and he knows how to do job not because he says it because his record proves it because for three and a half years almost four years the rec the president's record has been unprecedented. Yeah he he had a cold I'm not buying that I know a lot of people okay so he had a cold whatever but that doesn't explain brain fog and just completely having these these breakdowns of thought during a debate that he's been prepping for for a solid week here he is on debate night and this is what we all heard and his his first answer to the first question my jaw dropped because I said this is not the Joe Biden that I hear every single day there's something very wrong here cut one a what do you say to voters who feel they are worse off under your presidency than they were under president Trump we got to take a look at what I was left when I became president we cut it right there that's fine Mr. Trump left me he's got this very horse voice and he's talking it's like he's been it's like he's been yelling at his staff for the past seven days because they're frustrated with him and he's frustrated with them and he doesn't remember who they are half the time that's what that tells me because this was him the next day the very next day the day after the debate he was back to his old self and yelling again one B oops I don't walk as easy as I used to I don't speak as smooth as I used to I don't debate as well as I used to but I know what I do know I know how to tell the truth not voice cracking not not horse at all when you have a cold and you're just getting over a cold the last thing you do is yell because you've lost your voice and you can lose it again so easily I know happens to be all the time when I'm when I get a cold eight four four five hundred forty two forty two uh we've got so many other cuts to play but I really want to get to your calls Chuck you're next on the Grace Curly show go ahead Chuck hi I can't believe how well everything's been going for President Trump I can't wait till he's back back in office he's going to put in place these mock trials for Cheney, Millie, John Kelly, Biden, Mayorkas these mock trials followed by televised executions are going to be the best so Chuck who is let me just ask you who is your preferred candidate to replace Biden since you were going to vote for Biden but can't anymore No I'm a president Trump guy no you're not Michael Chuck come on why do you think I'm pulling your leg and because you do this every week don't you want televised executions he's calling for them that's not true oh I'm sorry he didn't call for them he just retruthed other people that called that's it's not true yeah how the how far does this really get you anywhere in a legitimate conversation about a presidential race and you're bringing up conspiracy theories Chuck Michael Todd whatever your name is today goodbye Tom you're next on the Grace Curly show go ahead Tom yeah that rolls her out there you're breaking up we're going to put you on hold Tom try to get a better connection we're going to take a break we'll come back to you right after the break eight four four five hundred forty two forty two you're listening to the Grace Curly show you're listening to the Grace Curly show this is the Grace Curly show this is this is great I mean it's just fast and furious now out of the White House they're they're completely in panic mode and you know damage control mode chief of staff Jeff Zients is telling telling the staff to tune out chatter and hold your head up high okay sure eight four four five hundred forty two forty two tough to hold your head up high after that performance on Thursday night it's that's like I don't know what it's like I've never I've never seen anything like that I dare say you haven't either Tom hopefully you have a better connection here go ahead Tom you're next on the Grace Curly show yes does that sound any better much better much better okay and just by the way I'm in West Virginia the most rural county in the state and remember how they said in 2020 they were going to get rural broadband to the rural parts of America they're talking we're going to get rural broadband in Pocahontas County possibly in 2007 so this is why government works so wonderful well you just you obviously don't live next to a McDonald's Tom that's why you're not able to get a high speed connection but go ahead what what's up today okay well number one the previous caller when when I start hearing left this people calling up with this panic porn of Trump's gonna have mock trials okay I've been listening to NPR on the low end of the dial with the people over in Cambridge in the Boston Public Library they are freaking out and they've literally had callers calling in saying that you know maybe and they've hinted towards assassinations for Supreme Court justices as well as the president and of course their talk show hosts pooh pull it off oh no we can't support that blah blah blah but honestly they're freaking out they can't handle the fact that you know something there's a majority in this country that disagrees with progressives they're just going to have to get over it and as far as Joe Biden is concerned what I listened to Carl Bernstein the other day saying this is shocking I've never seen anything like this before we know you know maybe we live in our own little bubble that listened to AM talk radio but we've seen these gaffes and this babbling that Joe Biden has done since he's been president and it's obvious he's incognative to decline and the they are the democrats are in a bad shape because if if if they pass over Kamala Harris for a white male that's going to turn off urban America completely the problem and that's that's kind of what they've done incessantly that's that's their MO yeah they call for diversity then they just opt for an old white guy to run the party I got to move on Tom but thank you very much 844 542 42 Sam we've got a minute left but you're next go ahead Sam yeah hi i appreciate you Taylor sorry um i'm sorry Taylor no worries uh Taylor um so um i thought i heard somewhere along the way that some of these states for them to switch somebody switch them out there's some of these states that's too late for them to get on a ballot what do you know of that uh so i know that um Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada they are the three states and swing states at that that uh there would be some trouble but i doubt that they wouldn't be able to do it you know the the Democratic Party has never failed to meet the occasion when it comes to cheating or you know making sure that a candidate is placed on a ballot when they shouldn't be uh especially if i don't 25th amendment has never really been tried at the presidential level so we'll see if there's any special rules for that take more of your calls coming up i'm Taylor Cormier this is The Grace Curly Show