The Howie Carr Radio Network

Jim "Jones" Lyons case DISMISSED: MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale joins the show | 7.2.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Victory is sweet, even if it comes much later than it should. Amy Carnevale has saved the Massachusetts Republican Party from the clutches of the Kool-Aid Kult, bringing the party out of debt and, now, putting an end all the frivolous lawsuits.

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02 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. For all, for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits what a president can do. King in the castle, King in the castle. I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers I have for three and a half years. The King Car blocked me from believing he's too dead, but they didn't stop me. Go do this, go do this, King in the castle. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. He has the authority to direct the justice system against criminals at home. He doesn't have authority to go and assassinate people. Did the court just say, yeah, you can assassinate a political rival? Bush. Politically, it's almost like a license to thug. I knew it. I'm surrounded. Last month here in DC, temperature 100 degrees, in Phoenix, Arizona, 112 degrees, in Las Vegas, 111 degrees. Why would you go Miami hot summer? Wow, rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Holy car. 844-542-844-542. As you know, we've talked about this a lot. The state Republican party had a really bad couple of election cycles in 2020 and 2022. It was taken over by a cult led by Jim Jones Lyons, the party chairman. And he just took a wrecking ball to the entire party that no contested open races were won for two entire election cycles. They lost 10 out of 38 seats in the legislature, every statewide office, every congressional office, just a total disaster. Couldn't win any referendum questions. So Jim Jones Lyons, the former state rep and the party chairman, was ejected. He was defeated for reelection as chairman and his crowd, including Jeff Diehl, et cetera, was also-- they were all routed. And they were routed again in the votes on Super Tuesday to reelection to the state committee. But Jim Lyons has continued suing the party. I mean, in these cases bring a new meaning to the word frivolous, as in frivolous lawsuits, just ridiculous complaints that he's been issuing against the party. And one of the more absurd lawsuits was thrown out today. And we wanted to have-- and another one is on the verge of being thrown out. So we wanted to just keep you informed and check in with Amy Carnavale, just also about the Republican Party in Massachusetts in general. So Amy Carnavale, the new chair of the Massachusetts State Republican Party, tell us about this lawsuit that was thrown by Jim Jones Lyons, that was thrown out today out of a Middlesex Superior Court. Thanks for having me on, Howie. So the lawsuit was, as you mentioned, just ridiculous. Jim Lyons, when he was chairman of the party, was suing the party treasurer for interfering with the business of the committee, he had involved the party in multiple lawsuits, which is the last thing you want to do when your party chairman. You want to be raising money talking about candidates, not talking about doing fellow Republicans. So when I became chair, I put it for a vote of the committee. We said, do we go forward to this lawsuit or not? The vote of the committee was, we do not go forward. And we discontinued that lawsuit. And it was dismissed with prejudice. The former chairman then brought it back under what's called a derivative lawsuit, filed a new lawsuit saying the minority members of the committee wanted another bite of the apple, so to speak. And so today, the judge threw that out and just said, it is frivolous. There's no basis for this lawsuit. And in fact, the chairman's now gone, that the former treasurer of the party's now gone. So it really should have been withdrawn by the former party chairman to save us time and expense and distraction, frankly, from focusing on Republican races. Yes, so as preposterous as it was, it cost you a lot of money. It cost the party a lot of money that could go to candidates. Yeah, any time you're being sued, you have to hire a lawyer and a confident lawyer. And not only did he sue the party, he sued me personally, brought me, my name in personally, as well as our former party treasurer personally, which ethics, legal ethics, requires separate attorneys. So we've had three attorneys and it just crazed us. So really, really glad that it's behind us. I pulled one of my columns that I wrote about this. I looked over his deposition, Jones. You know, again, he's claiming that Crowley, the former treasurer of freezing the payments for a while, it was terrible, terrible damage. Crowley's lawyer asked that the deposition was the committee able to make whatever rent payment was due. Lyons, we did make it. Did any employees miss any pay? Lyons, no. And it is also true of the state committee employees benefits that they all received their benefits. Lyons, that's correct. But he said, I mean, the torture, I guess, is emotional distress. I guess that's the way I would describe it, the impact that it had on me. Lawyer, have you sought any treatment for the emotional distress? Lyons, no, I haven't. No, I haven't. So I may give you some flavor of how absurd this thing was. It is absurd. And again, it's a distraction from supporting candidates, supporting the party, and important policy issues. You know, we see the budget on Beacon Health falling apart. Joe Biden and the Democrats at the federal level mis-managing. And every dollar that we're having to spend to defend against this case is a dollar that can't go towards getting our message out and supporting fellow Republicans. Well, now you also said, I didn't know this until the last few minutes, that now he's got several lawsuits going, all sorts of crazy lawsuits. But one of the nuttier, even nuttier than this one, perhaps, is he couldn't raise any money as the party chairman, because everybody realized he was a crackpot, and that he was just wasting the money. So the sources of funding to pay for all the bills dried up, so he cut off his own pay at one point, because the state party, Republican Party in Massachusetts, was broke. So then tell us what happened after that, after he stopped paying himself. Yeah, and it was also during the pandemic, you know, you saw a lot of CEOs reduce their pay during the pandemic. So it was commonplace. And really, without informing members of the committee or the executive committee in a proper procedure or reporting in this debt, he reduced his salary. And then once I became chair, he asked for that, that he then called it deferred salary. So for the first time, and asked for that to be paid out, and of course, he left the party in the red. So, you know, even if we wanted to pay, there was no money there to pay him. When he took over, for people that don't remember, the party had 700,000 bucks in the bank, 700,000 bucks. When he left, it was $600,000 in the red. He blew through everything. And so then what did he do after he didn't get paid, 30,000 bucks or whatever in salary? So he sued and under Massachusetts law, you're entitled to triple damages. So now the total plus legal fees. So he's suing for roughly $100,000. And he had a procedural emotion to ask us to put that money into a trust account while the case is being heard. And that was just denied two weeks ago. - So that would be like, I run the Howie Car Radio Network, right? So that would be like me running the Howie Car Radio Network into the ground, and then I couldn't pay myself. And then when they throw me out 'cause I'm doing such a lousy job, I then turn around and sue myself to get the money I didn't pay myself. Isn't that the same thing that he did? - That's exactly right. He was controlling his own salary. So he certainly chose to lower that the time. And you know, in your right and then left it at that. So he's now suing. So again, we got another, we got a favorable ruling on a procedural emotion on setting up that trust account. And the judge included a note saying, quote, "The plaintiff has not established a reasonable likelihood of success on the suit." So we feel good about that case as well. And then that'll be the final case with the former chairman once we get through that one. - But he's got another couple against members of the committee and all that kind of stuff. It's still dragging them through ridiculous legal expenses. And it's just, what a mess. I mean, I hope he's given up. I hope these people aren't hassling you and you and the people who want to win elections anymore, Amy. Are they? - You know, for the most part, no. I mean, we've been working with them on a number of initiatives to support candidates. So in terms of the members of the committee, I've had a good relationship with virtually all of the members of the committee. And we're starting to move forward. And nothing cures angst like wins. And of course, we did have a win in a special election with state center Peter Durant and then held his seat. So we're winning elections, we're raising money and really acting as a competent party focused on the Democrats. So there's not a lot to complain about, so that helps. - That's good news. I'm glad things are going well. Someone just says, "Why haven't you commented on Representative Flanagan? He's that guy down in the mid-cake who created all these phony committees and claimed he was endorsed by groups that didn't exist." And then he edged for the seat that, it was a Republican seat. The Republican was leaving office to run for something else. And now the state agencies waited to sanction him until the eve of the filing deadline. So you couldn't get a candidate in there to run. - So, I mean, have the Republican settled on a candidate who's gonna run on stickers in the September primary against this near-do-well Flanagan? - Yeah, just a crazy case. We will have a candidate. We're talking to two different candidates at this point. We actually have several Republicans interested. So we will have a writing campaign and have an announcement in the coming days as to who that candidate will be. And absolutely we intended to compete for that seat. It just, it just ridiculous. - It's outrageous what he did. - It's outrageous. And I think, you know, I really think that this should have been referred to the Attorney General this case. It was so over the top that, you know, fines and penalties are not enough in this case. So we certainly will have a candidate in this race and we will compete. - And so all your candidate, the need to run against this guy in the Harwich area is 150 right-ends or stickers. That's how he gets onto the ballot for the November election. And then-- - Absolutely. And the party is allowed to help with that process and we intend to do so. - All right, so there will be somebody there. There will be somebody on the ballot. Any other questions you wanted to address as a Republican chairman? - You know, I just underscored the point that we're continuing to bring the message home that we're not being well served by the government on Beacon Hill. And we're looking forward as a delegation that head out to Milwaukee in a week to nominate Donald Trump to be our next president in the United States. - And it's the eighth year in a row that the legislature did not meet the July 1st deadline for having a budget in place for the new fiscal year that began yesterday. - Yep, surprise, surprise. That's what the lack of two party government brings you in Massachusetts. - Wow, I really hope we can win some seats this year. I mean, this seems like a perfect time to start the rebuilding process, you know? I mean it's-- - It's a great time. We have some terrific candidates, particularly in the States Senate. We have great candidates across the board, but we feel really great about good about our prospects. We're picking up seats in the States Senate as well as holding or adding to our seats in the State House as well. - And if people want to learn more about the Massachusetts Republican Party, where should they go, Amy Konavali? - - and congratulations on finally unwinding down some of these preposterous lawsuits that Jim Jones-Lions and the Kool-Aid cult filed. - What a, what a, so it's horrible that you've had to deal with this stuff, that all of us have had to deal with this stuff. Thank you, Amy Konavali, chairman of the State GOP. We'll be talking to you, I'm sure, out in Milwaukee when you arrive out there with the delegation for to nominate Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. Thank you, Amy. I'm Howie Carr. - Howie Carr. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Howie Carr is back. (dramatic music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law. If you need advice on family law, check out my Meet the Expert podcast with attorney Joe Roach, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcasts. Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - How soon will Michael Proctor be fired from the Mass Day police? Within a year, one to three years, never, it's the Hakorama. - Never, it's the Hakorama. - Never, it's the Hakorama. - Hope I'm wrong. - Has 64%, within a year, has 30% and one to three years has 6%. - All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. A lot of people are commenting on what Jessica said in the last hour, the physical therapist, saying that it looks like Parkinson's to her, that they are agreeing with that. 978 Savage, Michael Savage has been saying the same thing as Jessica for about a year now. And three, three, nine, my wife's mother died from Parkinson's, and she said the same thing about Biden, the shuffle and the 1,000 yards there with blank look and his mouth opened. 617, my father has Parkinson's, and he looks exactly the same as my dad. Slow movements, blank stare, bent arms as he shuffles. He has everything my father has, except my dad still has a clear head, not fogged up like Brandon. Yeah, I mean, he doesn't look like he's very physically healthy in addition. I mean, we can tell that he's not mentally all there, but he doesn't look physically healthy. 978, I was talking about getting Republicans into all these races, you aren't kidding, this is the year to get Republicans in every race. I mean, two election cycles, they lost about 25% of their legislative seats. They lost the district attorney's office in the Cape and Islands when O'Keeffe retired. They lost the sheriff's position in Barnstable County as well. It was just a total disaster. And Jim Jones-Lions was running around promoting this, Jeff Diehl was barely running for governor. I mean, it was just silly expenditures. They were taking money that was supposed to be going to vendors and was, you know, funneled through the state committee and just putting it into these absurd campaign spots for Jeff Diehl as if he had a chance. God, it was just, it was a disaster. And then on the way out the door, he files all these, Jim Jones-Lions files, all these lawsuits. And it's been, he's been out of office for a year and a half. And this is how long it takes to unwind these things. I mean, this is like a minor league version of law fair. He's just tying, the process is the punishment. You know, and I don't know why his lawyers are doing this. They have to know they're not gonna win. But, you know, it's just eating up money that could be used to do something about the one-party state. But again, they don't care about it. The Kool-Aid call doesn't care about that. Eight-four-four, five-hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight-four-four, five-hundred, forty-two, forty-two. When we come back, we're gonna play some of these cuts from the colonel of the state police, the acting colonel of the state police, John Maud. Speaking of Harwich in that district, he's a cop from Harwich, I believe, originally. It's been in the state police for a long time. 3-3-9, does Jim Lyons live in Canton? He would fit right in. You know he would, he really would. He's from North Andover. He would used to live in Arlington. I'm highway car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know, I've written a lot about R.F.K. Jr., especially in Kennedy, Babylon, I think, volume two. And it's available at, along with Flip Locks and Calitron. We got a lot of great stuff. Check out, click on store. Especially the Flip Locks, $50 values for 25 bucks in our locks for your house, bought by the Revere School Committee. But, to move on, to move back to my original topic, I've written a lot about Bobby Kennedy. He's, he has, he had a really, really checkered past show. He's a checkered past, shall we say. But he's running for president now and he might cut into Joe Biden because Joe Biden is senile. And R.F.K. Jr. is fairly left wing with a couple of exceptions, like he's a, he's a hardliner on COVID. And so the Vanity Fair is the, has been selected as the deep state organ that will try to take him out. But I, they call it, I'm looking at the headlines here from the Boston Globe website, three revelations from Vanity Fair's bombshell. R.F.K. Jr. It's a bombshell. It's a bombshell. First bombshell. R.F.K. Jr. reportedly shared photos of nude women. Well, you know, I mean, I'm not in favor of that again. I've written some stuff about many of his problems, including his heroin addiction and, you know, the sex diary he kept about seducing women. But R.F.K. Jr. reportedly shared photos of nude women. Didn't Michael Proctor, the state police officer, share, he was looking for photos of Karen Reed and the district attorney of Norfolk County stood behind him 100%, didn't he? I believe he did. Said he was behind, I quoted that last week. It was from August of 2023. He recorded a videotape supporting Michael Proctor, even though he was looking for nudes. How about this one? R.F.K. Jr. texted a photo of himself posing with barbecued remains of a dog. Really? Didn't Barack Obama say in one of his, one of his several autobiographies that nobody read that he used to eat dogs? So R.F.K. can't text a picture of himself with the barbecued remains of a dog, but it's okay for Barack Obama to do so. Is that, if I got it straight, is the double standard being applied to a Democrat, as opposed to another Democrat? I thought the double standard was only for Republicans, as opposed to Democrats. But I guess if you interfere with Democrats keeping power, even if you're a Democrat, they have to take you out. 23-year-old then babysitter claims she was assaulted by R.F.K. Jr. again. I'm not in favor of any of this, I'm appalled by it. But she doesn't say she was raped, she says she was assaulted. You know, kinda like Tara Reed was assaulted by Joe Biden when she was an aide to him in the Senate. And they've never released the complaint she made to the, what is it, the Senate Ethics Committee. And you know, kinda like the complaint that Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick, among others made about Bill Clinton, Juanita Broderick claims she was actually raped by Bill Clinton. Not assaulted, not groped, but raped. Nobody cared, nobody cared. But now these are bombshells about R.F.K. And I'm not, again, I'm not defending his behavior, but it's really something, the way they circle the wagons, isn't it, to protect their own, to protect power, not their own, to protect power. 844-542-42. Has R.F.K. Jr. commented on the debate? I, you know, I hadn't seen him for the first few days after the debate. I saw him on Fox today, but I was during the show, so I had the sound turn now, and so I don't know. 508, are they still trying to find R.F.K. Jr., guilty of being a Kennedy? (laughs) Well, it sounds like he could also be found based on these charges, he could also be found guilty of being a Biden, being a Clinton, or being an Obama. 844-542, 42, 844-542. So, Mon, the acting colonel of the state police, John Mon, he had a press availability today, and he said that the state police, after the, in the wake of the Karen Reid trial, in the procession of semi-literate cone heads who went on to the witness stand, he's expecting additional scrutiny, as he put it, additional scrutiny. That's one way of putting it. And as you know, he's a, he's relieved Michael Proctor, the guy who was trolling for nudes on the, on Karen Reid's phone and called her the C word and the R word said she had no ass, said she had a leaky balloon nod, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So, so they, are they gonna get some additional scrutiny? No question about that. So let me, let me, let me play a couple of these cuts. So he's talking about why it took so long to get rid of Proctor. They got this, and we're not sure exactly when the, the state police were handed these texts, or the, or his boss, the Norfolk County District Attorney, was handed these texts by the FBI. The FBI grabbed his, his, his own personal cell phone as part of their investigation of corruption in the Middlesex County DA's office. So, so this is what Colonel Mon said about why it took him so long to move against this guy. Cut 23. - The important piece for us was to continuously monitor the trial to take the information provided during that, the dependency of that trial in-house in order to make the decisions that we made. We made the decisions we made yesterday based on things that we learned during the trial process and in other ways. I, I, I can't speak to the impact that it may have moving forward. I know that for us as an organization, we wanted to make sure we took appropriate and decisive action when we had as much information that would allow us to do that. And then we did. - You know, somebody texted earlier today, they said they'd worked in an HR department and human resources. And the fact that Crocter was texting all these obscene, vile misogynist messages out to other members of the state police, in one case, one of them responded bleep her or the bleep. And in another case, his, his superior, I believe, sent him back a like emoji or something like that. I mean, these people, by modern HR standards, they should be held accountable. It shouldn't just be Crocter taking the fall. All of these guys who got the messages and did nothing about it, I printed their names a couple of weeks ago. They all make like 150, 200, $250,000. And this, this goes up to lieutenants. We're getting these, getting these obscene text messages. And they did nothing. I mean, you, you can't let the Crocter take the whole fall. I, I don't know the Sergeant Buchanan. He's, he's one of the chief witnesses. He's involved in the inverted, the, the inverted images on the, on the, on the garage, the Sally port in the Kenton Police Department. I mean, how could they, you know, Crocter's obviously not going to testify if there is a retrial. How can Bootchenic testify? And you know, they're talking about monitoring the trial. What about the, what about the testimony of Trooper Joseph Paul, also known as GED? I mean, shouldn't he be sent back to like a remedial eighth grade or something to try to learn basic science? I mean, he's a, he's a buffoon. He's a knucklehead. And how about Gareno? He, he said, I didn't have the software to find, to find all the exculpatory email deletions from, from Jen McCabe. I didn't have the exculpatory software on my, to, to discover the hose long to die in cold. None of these, these people are clowns. They're, they were, they were all idiots. Eight four, five oh eight. Mon sounds as exciting as an informative as Lally. Can we call him the acting yawn? Now you, you want some, he's very boring. He's very lally like, but this is, this was, this is a knee slapper that he came up with. Listen to this one. I'll just give you a hint. Miss conduct will not be tolerated in the mass state police. Pardon me for laughing in your face, Colonel. Mon, cut 20. - Yeah, I think I've been very clear and I want to remain very clear. - Very clear. - Miss conduct in any way shape or form of the Massachusetts state police will not be tolerated. I think I've said that I condemn those comments in the strongest terms possible. They are not reflective of the Massachusetts state police. That's not where we want to be as an organization. And I, I believe that we will certainly continue to monitor that and as we are moving through the process of our internal affairs investigation. - I think Miss conduct is very reflective of the way things are in the Massachusetts state police. So this is, this is when he's, he has to say, talk about how he's increasing diversity. I think in this case, the Massachusetts police needs diversity in having a few troopers who are into law enforcement rather than stealing and getting drunk and shoving their wives' heads into toilets and killing motorcyclists while driving drunk on the Southeast Expressway and losing their guns while they're shacking up with an old girlfriend and providence and overdosing on fentanyl that they picked up in the gang unit and trying to rip off the Belmont Hill School and trying to steal money from the, when you're working in the CDL. Aren't they making enough money? I think there's 30 of them making over $300,000 a year. 30 of them make it over 30, over $300,000 a year and they still, they can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar or the fentanyl jar or the booze jar or the gun jar. (sighs) Cut, 21. We have drilled down and concentrated our efforts on six general areas, all that are reflective of what we do on a daily basis and how we are perceived in the public eye. We wanna continue to make sure that we can provide the services to the public that they demand and deserve. Those areas where we're concentrating most of our efforts now are, I could break them down and say that in no particular order, community trust, legitimacy and engagement, diversity, culture as a standalone issue for the Mass State Police, examining that, both externally and internally, training, leadership and wellness and media and public relations. - I'm gonna give you an F on all of those, Colonel. Especially what was it, the ethics part of it? You're just not really getting the job done. I'm sure though, whoever, whichever woman Marhele picks for the permanent job of Colonel, because it will be a woman, you can rest assured of that, will be even worse. But cut 22. - I think it's incumbent upon us to be in a continuous cycle of earning and maintaining public trust and legitimacy. That's, we cannot do our job effectively without that. And we are hyper focused on being able to do that and conducting ourselves in a way that demonstrates that we can do that and that we are worthy of trust. And as we move forward in this organization, we will be mindful of that and we will be making sure that we're all doing our very best to show the public that we can be what they need us to be. - 71, I got pulled over by a state yesterday, asked me why I had an attitude with them. I replied because mass state policeers corrupt hacks, you all suck. I got a ticket, but it felt so good. 904, these guys are just as dirty as they were in the departed. You should see some of the people who played the state cops and they departed. - Yeah. (laughs) - Truth is stranger than fiction. 71, they are just pure hacks. No skills, no credentials, no experience. They just sucked up and brown those to get their hack jobs. Not all of them are bad, but again, it's pretty appalling what we've been seeing lately. And not just in the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office. I'm gonna read you some comments from the Facebook page when we come back. You'll enjoy the mass state police. There was a sinkhole on Route 24 in Stoughton, which is of course next door to Canada. You can imagine what was written. You'll hear it when we come back in the hallway car. - The hallway car show will be right back. (upbeat music) - The hallway car show is back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) 844-542-508, the fennel jar, laughing out loud. That's brilliant, keep using that line. One of the guys did overdose on fennel on a Friday night. He came back from a night at the gang unit that made a big bust and he just went upstairs and apparently just took enough stuff and he took so much, he keeled over. And they've stonewalled us for months, months and months. They wouldn't tell us what had happened just that he had had a medical emergency. Finally, there was an obscure case down I think in Bristol County. And they mentioned in a footnote that the guy was gone off the job 'cause he'd gotten in the glue. And that's the only way we found out that we called up and said, so this is, so you've confirmed it in this obscure filing that we just happened to come across. It's really, I mean, it happens all the time. They run into cars like their Boston said, they run into houses like their Boston city counselors, like it's in Quincy, a guy named Carr, no relation, killed the motorcyclists while driving drunk on the expressway. It's just, they beat up their girlfriends all the time, all over the place. David, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, David. - Howie, with the governor allowing killer immigrants, illegals to live amongst us in rapists, the fish rots from the head down, and the mayor of Boston allowing the sanctuary to allow killers to live amongst us, terminally had a legal bringing measles, sometimes this past couple of weeks and they put out an announcement. - And whooping coughs, don't forget the whooping cough, David, that's come into the state too. - Yes, so it's, I feel bad for some of the cops who get some really good cops out, they're taking such abuse from the democratic metabolites and a few bad clowns ruin it for the rest of the guys who are really risking their life. There needs to be a major reform in this state because Massachusetts, that is the democratic state and it's just fallen apart. - It is? - People are alive, you're in danger and it's just, it's just ridiculous. - It is, thanks for the call, David. Route 24 South, traffic update, this was from Sunday, the Mass State Police Facebook page. For the safety of motorists, the two right lanes are closed and near mile 37 because of a sinkhole in the roadway. Expect delays or seek alternate routes of traveling. Uncle Adam, what caused the sinkhole to open up Trooper Paul and there's a picture of him, it just did. That's what he said. (laughing) Maybe the Ford Edge is in there, did you find Chloe? Hose, these are all responses, hose long will the delays be? Pete says, was it as big as the whole Michael Proctor dug for himself and his fellow boys in blue? First key, the two right lanes or is your view inverted so it's actually the two left lanes? That's a good one. (laughing) Meme Harvester, send Proctor and his drinking buddies there. Can they explain to the citizens why cops are allowed to drive drunk and the police cruisers but they can't? Is this what you call qualified immunity? That's a good question. Then there's a picture of a red light on the thing or a red, you know, a siren. Is that a red light or an upside down solo cup? Call Proctor, he fixes things. You think guys, there's more taillight in the sinkholes? Maybe Chloe is down there and maybe Higgins and Albert's phones too. Also keep an eye out for discarded flooring. Any nudes? I'm Owie Carr.