The Howie Carr Radio Network

So...what meds are they giving Joe Biden? KJP's Strange Non-answer | 7.2.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Something is wrong with Joe Biden, and even the liberal media knows it. Karine Jean-Pierre is in denial. It was a bad night! Everything is fine! Yikes.

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02 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. For all, for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits all the president can do. King in the castle, King in the castle. I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers I have for three and a half years. King Car blocked me from believing he's too dead. I didn't stop me. Oh, go do this, go do this. King in the castle. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. He has the authority to direct the justice system against criminals at home. He doesn't have authority to go and assassinate people. Good world. Did the court just say, yeah, you can assassinate a political rival. Bush. Politically, it's almost like a license to thug. I knew it. I'm surrounded. Last month here in DC, temperature 100 degrees, in Phoenix, Arizona, 112 degrees, in Las Vegas, 111 degrees. Why would you go Miami? Hot, summer. Wow, rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to The Howie Car Show, 844-542. White House denies Biden has Alzheimer's or dementia. I believe the clinical term is soft as a grape. Another term is softer than a sneaker full of, well, you know what? 844-542. Was it justice Brennan said, I don't-- I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it. I can't define senility, but I know it when I see it. And I saw it on Thursday night. And so did you. And so did 50 million plus other Americans. You know what? I see it every-- I see it every afternoon. I hear it. I heard it this afternoon from 3 to about 3.30. And it was fresh stuff. The only shocking thing about this day's brandonisms is that he didn't blame Trump for the heatwave, you know? Is there anything Trump can't do? And by the way, I thought about this as a poll-- I know it's kind of an off poll question. Where did the orange come from? Was it from a tanning bed? Or did he just spray it on? I shudder when I think what ultraviolet light would do to that skin. I know what my skin is like. And I come from the same patch as he does. Or I'm half the same patch as him. And he's 10 years older than me. So it wouldn't be good. It's time to think it was a spray job. But it wasn't a good spray job. But you know what? He didn't get a good dose from Dr. Feelgood. Dr. Feelgood turned into Dr. Failgood on Thursday night. He doesn't have the best help around him. The press secretary, the attorney general, the vice president, obviously. He's a very, very poor talent scout. That's a fair point, somebody's made it in the next line. Maybe he's just orange sherbet on his face. How about Cheetos, crushed Cheetos? Remember when Glenn Beck did that in 2016? He was pushing a cruise and he just pushed his face in there. Glenn Beck has come to his senses since then. He spoke highly of Trump when I saw him at the talker's conference in New York last month. Anyway, time now for the Trump line. [MUSIC PLAYING] (alarm beeping) (upbeat music) - Wow, it gets over a hundred degrees in the desert in the summer. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, when did all this start happening? (alarm beeping) - No. (laughs) Like if only we could raise the taxes, man. Unlike fossil fuel. It wouldn't be so hot. You know? (alarm beeping) (upbeat music) - Hi, Howie. Governor Patrick calling. Wow, can you believe they're gonna be making a movie about Turtle Boy? A relative newcomer to the Boston media scene? Considering you've been at it for three quarters of a century, when's your biopic coming out? Or do they let the option expire when prospective lead actor Wilford Brimley expired? (laughs) We're gonna be fine. (alarm beeping) - I didn't come here to be made sport of. Governor, small, devol, how dare you? When are they making the movie about you? And the traumatic incident of your childhood, when the empty coke can was bounced off your head on the mean streets of the south side of Chicago. Today's chumpline is sponsored by Jake Rooney's located on the curve on Route 28 in Harwichport. Jake Rooney's the exclusive home of the mouthwatering stone grill dinner served to your table sizzling hot and fresh. Jake Rooney's for great food, cocktails, and entertainment. And don't forget Jake Rooney's second location at the Cranberry Golf Course in Harwich. That's Jake Rooney's. - Some say Caribbean, some say Caribbean, some say Caribbean. (alarm beeping) (laughs) - Yeah, you know what I sometimes, I like chocolate ice cream most of the time, but sometimes I go for vanilla bean or carob bean as it's known. - Inquiring minds are curious, is knowing how to know anything like thinking about what you think about? - It is what it is. - In the spring, Harvard taught us the true meaning of doctored. Now the state police have taught us the true meaning of proctored. What's next? Where's Lemmerky? - Yeah, some mornings I come to work and I'm on coming off at 128 and I see a proctor up there. We'll look at monitoring the traffic. I think to myself, I hope that proctor doesn't get made. Proctored? Where is Proctored? - Hey, Howie, Joe Biden is terrified at stepping down. Haven't you seen him descending the steps on Air Force One? (alarm beeping) - I saw him descending the steps in Atlanta. That was even easier than the short steps on Air Force One and he couldn't make it without Dr. Jill helping him down the steps. - After two months of listening to all that file, the jury's deadlack so it's declared a mistrial. I began to worry about this jury when Auntie Bev started to show her bias style. (alarm beeping) - Yeah, yeah, you know, I talk to people who spend time in the courtrooms and they agree with me that, you know, Mark Betterow is a good lawyer, but he's crazy when he says that Karen Reed should go for a bench trial next time. I mean, you know, when you think about how difficult it is to bribe one or two jurors and how easy it is to bribe a judge and how bribeable all these judges are in Massachusetts. The reason they're judges is because they were starving to death as lawyers. I would never put my freedom in the hands of a Massachusetts judge. - Bill Clinton says the definition of an official presidential act depends on what the definition of is. It's just don't ask Monica. - Isn't Monica a big Biden supporter now? She's living in London, but she has to share her thoughts with all of us, lesser beings. (dramatic music) - Come on, man, I can't believe that Supreme said my professor Congress would all up as immunity. - Immunity, Anthony Fauci said this, those are things immunity, which is why I created the back team, COVID-9, back team, because of the attacks of July the 6th. We finally be Medicare. - I really don't know what he said. I don't think he knows what he said either. - That's better than, thank you very much. Let's stick with that one. That's my advice to the caller, to the Trump line caller. - Orange man Biden showed up last night. He stole Trump's makeup. - I know 917 says it just proves the old adage if you can't beat him, join him. So what was he thinking, that if he goes out, if there is another debate as doubtful as that seems, is he gonna go out being orange? And then so if he screws up, they'll just say it was a cheap fake and it's Trump. It's Trump who can't speak and put a complete sentence together. - Hey, Harley, I think Biden's from the Fifth Dementia. (laughing) Up, up and away, Dr. Feelgood just gave me a hot shot for the climate press conference where I didn't take any questions. 917 says orange vegetable bad, get it? Instead of orange man bad, orange vegetable bad. (upbeat music) (beeping) - That was your last Trump line message. - Thank you for calling Howie Carr. - You chump. - All right, that's it for the Trump line today. The Trump line is the recorded voicemail, a message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time. The Trump line number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-42, that's 844-542-42, press two for the Trump line, leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time. Each weekday, if you didn't hear your message or you just like they're a second brand new chump line, you could always do so. Go to wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast and you can get your second chump line of the day. Chopped chumps, and that's where we put all the messages. We didn't have room with time for just now. Again, the chump line number, 844-542, press two anytime between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time. Today's chump line is sponsored by Jake Rooney's located on the curve on Route 28 in Harwichport. Jake Rooney's the exclusive home of the mouthwatering stone grill dinner. Served to your table sizzling hot and fresh. Jake Rooney's for great food, cocktails and entertainment. And don't forget Jake Rooney's second location at the Cranberry golf course in Harwich. That's Jake Rooney's. - Hey Howie, Joe Biden is terrified at stepping down. Haven't you seen him descending the steps on Air Force One? - You know what else he's terrified of? Picking up a beach chair. Man, it's so heavy. But he could carry a bag of golf clubs, 18 holes. He challenged President Trump. (laughing) I think that was even bigger lie than the six handicap. But, you know, it's a, it's six of one and a half dozen of another, as they say. - I'm Howie Carr. - The Howie Carr Show returns after this. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - Howie Carr is back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Today's Chumpline. Oh, not today's Chumpline. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, Attorneys at Law. If you need advice on family law, check out my Meet the Experts podcast with Attorney Joe Roach. Wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Haas soon will Michael Proctor be fired from the mass state police within a year, one to three years, or never, it's the hackorama. - Never, it's the hackorama. - 63% of the audience agrees with you, it's the hackorama. 31% say within a year, 6% say one to three years. - He's got the, he's got the union behind him, spam, state police association of Massachusetts. So he had a few problems with his text messages and soliciting a bribe and overlooking exculpatory witnesses and evidence and maybe being involved in the proliferation of certain taillight pieces. Is that any reason to fire this fine, fine law enforcement professional? - Yeah, she's a baby. We had fall river accent though. - Yeah, who is to say? - He'll fit in well in the Division of Field Services in South Boston. So, Wesley Hunt is a Republican Congressman from Texas. I don't know how he knows this story, but he's talking about Trump negotiating about the withdrawal from Afghanistan with a representative of the Taliban. And it's a, this is a pretty amazing story again, Representative Wesley Hunt, Republican of Texas, cut 35. I'm giving my favorite, my favorite President Trump story. This is my number one favorite of all time. When we were negotiating with the Taliban, what President Trump was still the president. President Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but he wanted a conditions based withdrawal. Meaning that you do what we tell you to do, and then we will start pulling troops back slowly as long as you abide by our rules. It's President Trump and Mike Pompeo, and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room. President Trump looked at the Taliban leader and said this, "I want to leave Afghanistan, but it's going to be a conditions based withdrawal," and translator translated. And he said, "If you harm a hair on a single American, I'm going to kill you." And the translator goes, and Trump goes, "Tell him what I said." Tell him what I said, reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban's home, and handed it to him. Shut up. Got up and walked out the room. You know, there's something to be said for occasionally engaging in negotiations with organized crime figures, which Trump had to do when he was building those skyscrapers in New York City. You pick up a pointer in how to close a deal, you know? Do we have a deal? No, I don't think we do. Well, I'll kill you. Hey, you know what? We got a deal. Mike Royco used to write about that. That's the way to do it. 8-4, I'll kill you. Okay, we got a deal. 8-4-4, 542-42. Does President Biden at 81 have Alzheimer's? Cut 34. KJP. - I'm going to ask something delicate, and you may not like it. The President may not like to hear it if he's watching, but I think the American people need to get a yes or no answer on this. Does President Biden at 81 years old have Alzheimer's? Any form of dementia or degenerative illness that caused these sorts of lapses? And it's a yes or no question. And if you don't know, why don't you, as one of his senior staff members, no? - I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? - It's a no. And I hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question. - There's no need to ask the other guy the same question. - Is the other guy Admiral Kirby? Can we ask him? Bobby Kennedy, Cornell West, Jill Stein, Cut 26. - I guess I wonder if there's been any consideration given to releasing a more robust set of medical records or something to show his mental acuity. - So I will say this. Look, and again, I get the question. It is a fair question to ask. We are not taking that away, and that's why the President certainly has spoken to this. As it relates to his medical records, we have been transparent. We have released thorough reports from his medical team every year since he's been in office. That is something that we have been pretty consistent about. As it relates to something like a cognitive test, to the question that you're asking me about what the former speaker said. Obviously, she can speak for herself. His team, who has said, the medical team said, "It is not warranted in this case." We have put forward a thorough, transparent annual report on his health. - You know what, I would agree it's not warranted. I think the record speaks for itself, especially Thursday night. It's not warranted. 844-542-42. We'll take some more calls. We come back, we got some more cuts about this. KJP was trying to fend off the inquiries of the suddenly semi-embold and White House press corps. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542. (upbeat music) Immigrants in the news. Suspected trespasser threatens to kill a person with knife. This is in Vermont. (speaking in foreign language) 38 was charged with aggravated assault and trespassing yesterday. After Burlington police say he threatened to kill the person warning him against trespassing on a South Union street property. There was a report of a man, a man, brandishing a Somali, brandishing a knife and threatening an individual on South Union street. I guess he's an American citizen now. Investigation revealed that Abu Carr, Ibrahim, pulled out a knife and threatened to kill an individual when the individual was explaining to Ibrahim that he was trespassing in the area. Ibrahim's prior criminal history shows one felony conviction and one misdemeanor charge. The felony conviction was for his attack with a machete on a 73 year old Meals on Wheels delivery driver in Shelburne Falls, in Shelburne, excuse me. Burlington Police Department confirmed today. This is from the Vermont Daily Chronicle. In January 2018, Ibrahim, then 32, assaulted 73 year old Meals on Wheels volunteer, Johan Legrange with a machete. A machete? You know, I'm so old I can remember when machete attacks in Burlington, Vermont were rare. They were less than rare. A machete outside Harbor Place on Shelburne Street in Shelburne, after vandalizing vehicles and threatening other individuals nearby, Ibrahim willfully deliberately and with premeditation and with intent to kill assaulted his victim, as reported by the Daily Caller. Isn't that? Not by the Daily Chronicle, but by the Daily Caller. I wonder why the Daily Caller in national publication had to pick up a story about a Somali machete attack in Vermont. Eight, four, four, five, 42, 42. I love it when they say transparent. Whenever they say transparent, you can rest assured it is not transparent in the least. So of course, it wouldn't be a KJP press conference without her mispronouncing somebody's name. Cut 24. President Biden appointed Justice Kitaja Brown Jackson, the first black woman to be on the Supreme Court and has appointed more black women to the federal appellate court than every other president in history combined. And that would be a decent thing if they were qualified, but how many of them were qualified? How many has John Kennedy not gotten to to humiliate them because of their lack of knowledge of the law or anything else? So she continues to blame his debate performance on the cold. So the obvious follow-up question, if there was a cold, well, listen to this. Was he, what medication was he taking? Cut 27. You just reminded us that President Biden had a cold on Thursday. What medications was he taking in the days or hours leading up to the debate? And I know that question has come in a couple of times to us, he was not taking any cold medication. Was he taking any medication that would interfere because he was not taking any cold medication? That is what I can speak to. I've asked the doctor and that's what he stated to us. Was he taking any medication? Answer, he was not taking any cold medication. Do we have a results from a urinalysis test? This should be like a horse race. You know, the Racing Commission comes out and takes a urine sample just to keep things on the up and up, right? We need this for the debates. Okay, he didn't get a, he didn't take any cold medication. Did he, what about it? Anything else happened after the debate? Cut 28. After the debate, did the president get examined by a doctor or did he get a neurological scan? A neurological scan? Look, what I can say is that just to take a step back. It was a bad night. We understand that it was a bad night. And the president has spoken to this. And he understands that. And so I cannot speak to anything beyond what I just shared. The president has regular annual physicals that we release in a thermal-- - Wing, wing, gludge, nudge. - The transparent. - The president didn't continue to do that. I don't have anything else beyond that. It was just a bad night, okay? Let me make sure you got that. It was just a bad night. There comes a night when the best get tight. Then he wasn't tight. He just had a bad night. Cut 30. - Okay, well you continue to say it was just a bad night. But is there an explanation then for why it was so bad? If it's not his-- - You see not? He prepared, as you guys say, for so long, if it's not a problem with his mental fitness. What happened that night? What did we see? - I will also add that the president also spoke to this as well. He said, I'm not as smooth as I used to be. I don't debate as well as I used to. I don't walk as easily as I used to. But one thing that he knows is how to deliver for the American people. He understands that. He understands that he's not-- - He's delivered inflation. Obviously. - Wars. - Crime. Millions of illegal aliens on welfare, diseased, unskilled, unwilling to work, criminals. He's delivered fentanyl in record amounts. He's delivered. He is, he is, got as he delivered. Cut 31. - Pelosi asks, is, Pelosi said it's a legitimate question to ask if this is an episode or is this is a condition? Which one is it? - Well, what I can tell you is that he had a cold and a bad night. I would not see this as an episode. I would see this as what it was and what we believe it to be, which is it was a bad night. And he did, on top of that, he had a cold. And that is the reality of the situation. That is the reality of-- - Was it a good night or a bad night? Was it a good night or a bad night? I can't remember. I don't know if it's an episode or a condition, but I can't remember if it was a good night or a bad night. Oscar, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Oscar. - Hey, Howie, how you doing? I'm the first time caller here. - Thank you. - And I am, you know, I'm a retired sergeant of all three branches of the Army, okay? And I got a beef because, you know, what Biden did a few years back, you know, with the Afghanistan, the fiasco, they left 82 billion dollars worth of material like weapons, tanks, trucks and sets of information and given our enemies the names of some of our people there and our allies, you know, if I had lost my M16 when I was in the military, I'd be probably thrown in a brick for the rest of my damn life. - I remember a guy, he was from Vermont speaking of Vermont and he took a picture of himself on a nuclear submarine just to show, hey, folks, this is where I'm at. And he went and did a brig. They put him in jail for a couple of months for doing that, for violating security. You're right, Oscar. - It's a coordination, you know, if you got really belligerent with an NCO or an officer, you could live your life in fricking prison for the rest of your life, but doing not even, you know, how is it that we got a guy who can't even, say, a Senate straight, you know, when I was in college, I took dietary management and my thesis was dementia and all times and that boy is God, he needs to be taken out as far as president, he needs to be stepped down and put somebody else in there like Donald J. Trump. - I couldn't agree with you more, Oscar. - And apparently a Democrat congressman from Texas today became the first guy to call for his, not his, I guess his removal from the ticket. I don't think anybody's gone. You'd have to be really radical to say you want Kamala Harris in there. But he said he shouldn't be running his name as Lloyd Daggett, I think. He's from Austin, Texas, Harris County. So he's a big lib. And I give him credit for it. You know, I mean, look at Dean Phillips, the congressman from Minnesota who tried to run for president. He said exactly what everybody is now saying, that Biden is senile. And, you know, it's a bad thing to be a prophet before it's time to be a prophet. He was shunned in his own land, the Democrat party. They kicked him down the stairs like he was a Jamal Bowman or Bob Menendez. Thanks for the call Oscar, call again. Joe, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Joe. - Yeah, hi, Howie. - Hi. - Howie, this is the first time in three and a half years that I've ever seen Biden on a stage without teleprompters and earpieces and, you know, having a script. And if he had had this scenario over the years, we would have seen this. - Yeah. - So, you know, they pump them up. - We've seen it anyway, Joe. You know, I mean, even with the teleprompter, he couldn't read from it. - Yeah, but I mean, they pump them up so he can go full blast for about 10, 15 minutes. - Right. - Then he walks off the stage without answering questions. Here, they couldn't do that because once the drugs wore off, after 15 minutes, he would have fell on the floor. I mean, it would have been really ridiculous. - It would have been ridiculous. - But he was at his worst at the start of the debate. It was like they misdiagnosed it. They gave him the later acting stuff, was the stronger stuff. You know, I don't know how they mixed up the dosage. You would think they would have somebody who knew what they were doing. Again, JFK had a guy named Dr. Feelgood. He always delivered, you know, and he had a great, he had the clientele and movie stars, gangsters, businessmen, he had everybody. Why can't it, again though, the Biden administration doesn't have anybody who's worth a damn it at any level. They don't even have a, they don't even have good pets. You know, the pets get into trouble. - Thanks for the call, Joe. Roger, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Roger. - Okay, thanks Howie. You know, I was thinking I watched a history channel a lot. You know, and there's always, Dr. Morelle was like, there's personal physician. - Yeah. - Vitamin B, like a cocktail that had vitamin C and methamphetamine. And you know, just wondering, and the generals and the bunker were always amazed at how invigorated the fear was after his like injection from Dr. Feelgood. So I'm just wondering, you know, what the hell's going on. And the other thing I was thinking that the Democrats have put themselves in a box. They cannot overlook Kamala Harris. It goes against their monochrome. - I know exactly, exactly. They, you're right. They have, and they did it to themselves. You know, they'd like to blame Trump for it, but they totally did it to themselves. You know, Biden made the promise to run with a woman of color. And then I think he knew how dumb Kamala was. Even in his, you know, reduced mental state, he knew how bad she was. He wanted to put Gretchen Whitmer on the ticket with him or Kolbachev from Minnesota. But he couldn't do it. He was boxed in even then. - Oh, I know. This is a double-edged sword. Live by the sword, die by the sword. And it is great for us. - It is. It is. 4-1-3 says the same thing. We need Brandon to hold on the longer he stays, the easier to beat him in November. Yeah, does he think anybody was impressed with this performance today? I don't think so. I don't think so. We'll play a couple of the greatest hits, coming out, about spending billions to increase the energy shortage. Thank you. You know, in a way, he's telling the truth. He's telling, they've wasted all these trillions of dollars and where the grid is falling apart. He's emptied the strategic petroleum reserve. He's shut down all the pipelines that could have made us kept this energy independent as we were under Donald J. Trump. 844-542-42, it's time-release dimension medication. I don't know what it is exactly. But, you know, when you're that far gone, I don't think there is a miracle drug that can keep you going for an hour and a half. I just don't. Maybe I'm wrong. But based off last Thursday, I'm not. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza for a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right, just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it's debut, the premium MyPillow's with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-685-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Carr. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. [MUSIC PLAYING] He's Howie Carr. 71. So you mean to say if we're being attacked some night and he has a cold and it's late and he's tired, he can't do anything? We're out of luck. Where'd you think it about that win? These are facts. Check them out. Where'd you think of when I ran launch the missile attack on Israel? I think I don't want to know. Think about what you think about. It was on a Saturday night. They issued all these press statements from the White House. Preston Biden has been conferring with Beebe Netanyahu. I'm thinking to myself, Beebe is talking to Biden at like midnight Eastern time? I didn't see that being in the cards. I don't think anything like that, nearly anything like that happened. 844, 542, 42, 603 cocaine. We'll keep you going for 90 minutes. I don't think he doesn't drink. I don't think he uses Coke either. I mean, maybe the-- you know what? He might have been better off if it used a little. But again, I mean, his brain's gone. It's just going to make him seem even more gibberish would have been coming out of his mouth only. Would have been coming out faster, wouldn't it? Jessica, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jessica. Yes. Hi, can you hear me? Yes, I can. All right, yes. I'm a physical therapist. And I think the question they should be asking the White House is whether or not President Biden has Parkinson's disease. He exhibits the classic signs, rigid gate, blank stares. There is also-- there could be a dementia component to Parkinson's. So I've been thinking this for quite a while, watching him. So that's the question I'd be asking. Yeah, I've heard people say that, Jessica. I'm not too familiar with Parkinson's disease, other than that it's really a scary thing. And that's not something you want to go out with, is it? Well, no, when it can progress, there are medications that have helped slow the progression. But this is something that a sitting president of the United States, in my opinion, shouldn't be having. That, to me, is an automatic bye-bye. As a physical therapist, is there any other reason for his gate? And again, I find the gate really alarming. The gate, his shuffling has really, really gotten worse in the last few months. Well, that's a classic component of Parkinson's. It's shuffling a very rigid gate inability to balance issues. Can't just help himself if he starts to fall. You notice these funky hand postures. His arms are very-- they don't move normally in a swing pattern when you walk. I mean, to me, he's showing all the classic signs. So I would be asking that of KJP and his doctors. Well, you know what you would be saying. We've been very transparent. We release the statements every year, every year. And that's all I can say. Yeah, she's not going to answer. But that's a good point. And again, I think a number of people have raised that question of Parkinson's disease. Thanks for the call, Jessica. Charlie, you're next with highway car. Oh, no time. OK, 844, 500, 42, 42, so we'll be back. We've got Amy Carnavoli from the Republican State Committee, and we've got the Colonel Mon, his press conference today. from Howie Carp. (upbeat music)