The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Sotomayor and Mainstream Media Cry "Seal Team Six" after SCOTUS Immunity Ruling | 7.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

The Supreme Court handed Donald Trump (and all presidents past, present, and future) presidential immunity for all official acts. Suddenly, the mainstream media is running with the idea that President Trump will use the ruling to "assassinate" opponents in his second term.

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02 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm air purifier. Bogo is back for one week to order. Go to eat and putting code word grace Bogo. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show. Grace, of course, is on vacation. I'm Taylor Cormier, her producer. Happy to be here for the rest of the week. 844-542-42. We're just playing some Kamala Harris sound that came out yesterday. She was on BET, the Black Entertainment Television Show channel, and she was obviously pandering to the Black community. Obviously, the Biden administration has lost a lot of points with the Black community. And because of pandering like that, Joe Biden has been infamous for pandering to minority communities with whatever he thinks is hip at the time. I remember when he was first running and he came out and it was COVID rules at the time. So there were only a few people at this so-called rally for Hispanics for Biden and he came out and off of his phone, somebody had queued up the Justin Bieber song, "Despacito," right? And I think it was just featuring Justin Bieber. It was actually somebody else's hit song, but he played it off of his phone and it sounded terrible. I was like, "Yeah, man, I can get into that." But it was the most pandering nonsense. They don't even disguise it anymore. So Kamala Harris did that yesterday using phrases like, "I'm out here in these streets. What streets? You're in your office at the Naval Observatory. You're not out here in these streets." Oh my God. What was the other phrase she used? I guess it's from a Kendrick Lamar song or something. This is what the kids in the control room are telling me. I don't listen to it. Ain't like us. They ain't like us, right? They ain't like us. She said, "As they say, they ain't like us." I'm not going to get into the conspiracy theory people think that is, but I just wanted to show. I'm not as hip as I think I am either. 844-542-42, I don't think that was in question, but just in case. Ronnie, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ronnie. Hey, thanks so much, Taylor, and you always crush it, filling in for Grace. It's such a treat to listen to you. Great job, man. Appreciate that. Thank you. You know, like the audio you just played, like they're campaigning for Trump, Taylor, and they don't even realize it. Like when you're pandering to such an in-your-face level, and just a couple of days ago, Kamala Harris was not giving an interview and said, "Yeah, through the American Recovery Act. Me and Biden are putting three trill out on the streets, out on the streets." That's like drug-slaying. Right? Yeah, and isn't it amazing that she says she's out on the streets, and what matters to people isn't inflation out of control, grocery prices out of control. So can we… If she's out there on the streets, can we technically call her a street walker, or is that… Yes, yes, yes. It's a great look if you're looking to run for president, isn't it, talking like this, carrying yourself like this? I mean, at least get Nicki Minaj to come in and do it for you. At least it'd be more credible, you know, but yeah, this is a terrible, terrible look, and it just amazes me. This is what matters to voters, you know, that gun rights and climate change, nothing with how hard their lives are suffering through immigration, crime, inflation, gas prices, food prices. Nope. She's not hearing any of that out on the streets. No, and she definitely doesn't have any street cred. In fact, if anything, I would imagine that she's lost a lot because she's jailed a lot of people for minor marijuana offenses throughout her career as an AG. I mean, it's, come on, not an AG, a state-to-state attorney. But you get what I'm saying here, but she's jailed a lot of people for those minor marijuana offenses. Well, you've got OG Orange Man, OGOM Trump, he's actually got street cred because he's got a mugshot out there, and he's getting put through these sham trials and actually getting convicted. They'll probably be turned over on appeal if not on a ruling by the Supreme Court if they're even brought to trial. For the record, Nicki Minaj wrapped about Mitt Romney in 2012. She did? Why? I think it rhymed. What rhymes with Romney? We'll check on this during the break. Please do. The people are waiting. They want an answer. What? Nicki Minaj, I don't remember this. She had that one hit song, right, the Anaconda song. I'm not even up to that level. As far back as 2012 is, I'm not up to that. I haven't caught up yet, 844-542-42. Joe, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Joe. I was just saying on the call screen that of the 36 agencies, there's not one competent person in the 36, the comments, and all the people in the evening, they're all Joe Biden. I mean, 13 cabinet positions, but they're all Joe Biden to come out of Harris. I was at a recent role in the Stones' country. You know, you came in July, and Mick Dagger said, "Get out and vote. Make sure you vote in November," because he knows that capitalism is the key. Yes. Listen to British import Mick Jagger, sure, on voting, and he's basically the same age as Biden, which is crazy to think that somebody as old as Mick Jagger is still out there. Get him confused with Javer Joe, but he's still out there performing at his age while Joe Biden is ... I mean, how would you rate Mick Jagger's performance compared to Biden's? Mick Jagger is better now than he was in 1962. That's a bold statement, a very bold statement. I'll take your word for it, Joe. You're not going to catch me at a Rolling Stones concert. Thank you very much for the call, 844-542-42. She rhymed Romney with Economy. Romney and Economy. Sure. Why not? Let's just throw all the rules right out. Speaking of Joe Biden's cabinet, they've gotten the marching orders. There was actually, after the debate, a whole one sheet on how Biden's supporters, not necessarily cabinet members, but this was emailed out to Biden supporters on how they can defend Joe Biden against naysayers. If they had put this much forethought into whether or not Joe Biden should actually participate in a debate against Donald Trump, given Biden's advanced age and medal state, and lack thereof of a sane medal state. You wouldn't have the need for this kind of misive to go out. But they put out this seven-point email saying, "Well, if somebody says this, say, "Well, are you going to let 90 minutes discount the last three and a half years of success and achievements that Joe Biden has had?" It just went down and down, very stupid points. That list was also apparently given out to people like energy secretary Jennifer Granholm, who got the marching orders to say, "Look, you're in his inner circle. You've got to go out there and be as supportive of Joe Biden as you can and say he is not withdrawing. This is our candidate." She was on with a local Michigan station. This has cut 23. Any talk of him pulling out among the inner circle? No. He's moving forward, and that inner circle sees him every day, including his family. Do you see him? How often do you see him? Do you have personal capacity? Well, again, I'm here in my personal capacity, so I can't really talk about what I -- but I can tell you this. Everybody who is saying he should be running again knows and sees the president on a daily basis. And so, people -- I mean, going forward, he's got to prove, right, that he's up to it. And he started that on Friday, he continued that on Saturday, and he's going to continue with going forward. I can tell you exactly what his inner circle is saying, but as far as how often I see the president, I'm sorry. That's classified. I can't tell you that. By the way, Joe Biden's about to take his annual tour of -- it looks like the bunker FEMA has -- that he wanders through aimlessly sometimes, and they have to redirect him. Easter Bunny has to be brought in to redirect him. So Jennifer Granholm continues, and she kind of -- there's -- there's a bit of a Freudian slip here. Cut 24. It's just so frustrating that people are automatically willing to dismiss 90 minutes of a bad performance and compared to three and a half years of an excellent presidency, and Michigan should see that more than any other state. No, Jennifer. That's what you're doing. You're willing to dismiss 90 minutes of a terrible debate performance in light of the three and a half years that we've all gone through together and experienced. We all can see what a toll it has taken on our bank accounts, on our mental state of mind, his as well. But all across the board, interest rates, grocery prices, the price of gasoline, everywhere, we're not seeing good numbers when it comes to Joe Biden. You meant to say everyone is willing to give up three and a half years of good achievements for a terrible 90 minutes, but she said it a little backwards. You can't fault her for that, though, I guess. She's just indicative of the kind of administration that is being run allegedly by Joe Biden, which brings me -- there was a Politico story that came out over the past -- actually came out today. And this is kind of what Carl Bernstein was talking about, and Jennifer Granholm alluded to it as well. Biden's inner circle, who is allowed near Joe Biden? After the debate and the performance, there were a lot of senior officials that were wondering what was going on, and apparently they spoke. By the way, this is how you know things are terrible, and that Joe Biden is likely to be replaced, and there he is, back to the camera, coughing into his hand and touching the podium at this FEMA emergency ops-centered tour that he's taking, and he's going to give comments on the climate crisis, or as he says at the climate crisis. This is indicative of the leaks are getting out there. They're trying to sow enough doubt in the public now. They're just embracing it so that there is enough of a call for the public to say that Joe Biden needs to step down, and he does so on his own. That's the tactic that they're trying right now, that he comes to his realization -- I'm glad to see they toned down just a little bit on the bronzer today, by the way, is looking a little more healthy. They look way too much like Trump yesterday. But that's the approach they're taking now. They're not as heavy-handed at the moment, as they will be in a couple of months when the situation gets really dire, and there's really no more hiding who Joe Biden is. We'll get into this Politico article after the break, 844-542-42. I'm Taylor Cormier, and this is The Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. And grace in me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesday's at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Something still speaking right now, I think he's still going off at the telepromptors, but there is press there as far as I know. Emma, you want to make a bet with me? I bet five bucks he takes questions, at least one question. I think he's going to walk off stage. He can't. I don't think he can. He's trapped in there. I think he's going to shuffle off, and I see that guy with the vest. I think he's going to look really awkward, and the guy with the vest is going to direct him. I'm going to answer to a question, and it will be an answer to a question, and I will have secured $5. Is this agreed upon? Sure. All right, five bucks. I want an update as soon as it happens. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 844-a-perfect-smile or visit Emma, what is today's poll question or what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, does yesterday's SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity help or hurt Trump's re-election chances? It helps J6 and documents cases won't see the light of day, or it hurts. Dems are more panicked than ever that Trump will be an evil dictator. I think it helps Trump. 89% of the audience agrees with you. Wow. Really shut up. Disagree, make your voice heard, and vote, or if you want to reinforce the majority opinion, you can do the same at So there is this Politico story that came out today and it quotes some anonymous senior officials and top campaign donors and Democratic representatives. They won't go on the record with their names because they don't want to be ousted. They don't want to be shunned from polite society, I suppose. It says, "I'm just going to give you a few quotes here. During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings they'll deliver to Biden, some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction." "It's like you can't include that. That will set him off or put that in. He likes that," said one senior administration official. "It's a Rorschach test, not a briefing because he's not a pleasant person to be around when he's being briefed. It's very difficult and people are scared bleepless of him." The official said he doesn't take any advice from anyone other than those top few aides and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it, so he's being handled with kid gloves. Even the president's family, which gathered Sunday at Camp David for a previously scheduled portrait session with photographer Andy Leibovitz and private conversations about where to go from here, was pointing the finger at long-standing members of the senior team, senior advisor and needed done one of the several proponents of the earlier debate and former chief of staff Ron Klain, who oversaw the week of debate prep at Camp David. But Biden himself told those aides he wasn't blaming them according to a person familiar with the conversation. As a Democratic strategist and a battleground state put it, "the number of people who have access to the president has gotten smaller and smaller. They've been digging deeper into the bunker for months now." And the strategist said, "The more you get into the bunker, the less you listen to anyone." No one has more to keep the president, has done more to keep the president isolated and shielded from tough conversations than his wife, First Lady Jill Biden and sister, Valerie Biden Owens. The president's determination to spend weekends at home in Wilmington, away from most aides and the formal trappings of the White House may be the clearest manifestation of Biden's strong preference for familiarity and privacy, familiar surroundings, and familiar people put him at ease, making more comfortable. Has he taken a question? Not yet. He introduced the man with the vest. You may be right. He might walk off while man with vest is speaking. Kenai there, Emma. Paul, you're next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Paul. Hi. I'll tell you, you know, I saw this with Tom Menino as a young kid growing up with, around Kevin White and politically active in East Boston. You know, that's how it was back in the day. You know, I look back at all of it, and I never realized what egos these people have. You know, from a distance, not being involved in politics, to think that they'll triple down now and dig their heels in deeper and put this man through this further as if nothing was happening and they will play in that game. And now, after the other night, last week, they're going to quadruple down and this is just so astonishing, egos in that these people have and the power to abuse this man the way they are, the human condition, it's incredible how evil these people are in the war. Yeah. Listen, Paul, I think Trump was absolutely right on Thursday night where he said that this was Joe Biden's last chance to run when he decided to run for 2020. And he knew it, that this was the last shot. And that was a marginal shot at best, we've seen that pan out. We'll be back more of your calls and much more coming up on The Grace Curly Show. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show, 844-500-4242. Biden has wrapped up, didn't take any questions. Emma has her $5. I don't welch on my bets, I pay up right away. It is like seven eighths of a bill. I'm not responsible for that. I gave it to you whole, Emma, that was a crisp $5 bill when it was handed over. I had nothing to do with any defacement of that $5 bill after it left my hands. It's out of my hands. But apparently Joe Biden is declaring this, you know, some people say there's a white boy summer, there's dad summer, there's now White House summer. And here's Joe Biden declaring this White House summer. Later this summer, my administration will convene the first ever White House summer on extreme heat. Yes, let's go tribal and territorial leaders and international partners who are protecting communities and workers from extreme weather every single solitary day. This White House summer is going to get let telling you right now, I guess he also unveiled a new website, The propaganda of climate change is all over it. And by the way, there's also a rainbow flag prominently displayed on This is wild, weird, weird, wild stuff, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So you wonder why, you wonder why a lot of your Democrat friends, if you've got any left, any of your liberal neighbors have the talking points that they do have these crazy, well, Trump said you should inject bleach into your arm. This is why, because you have people like Jake Tapper and people like Jonathan Carl left to interpret legalese. Just listen, this was the fallout yesterday after the Supreme Court came down and said, yeah, a president acting as a president has a certain level of immunity. Now it's up to the lower courts to decide what those actions can be. But if you want to challenge it, go ahead. But he is immune at some level as president of the United States. There are tough decisions that a president has to make. Here is Jake Tapper and at all, including Eli Honig, who actually kind of sets Tapper straight a little bit, but they keep pushing this weird theory. This is based on Justice Sotomayor's dissent. She wrote that, well, given this, Trump can just call up seal team six and obliterate any political rival that he wants to. Not really the case, but Jake Tapper at all, they hear this and run with it, cut 15. Did the court just say, yeah, you can assassinate a political rival? No, I don't think they did. That's a ridiculous answer by Donald Trump's team, a dangerous and reckless answer. One really important thing, the basis for Donald Trump's legal argument that maybe he can order an assassination and still be okay, is this preposterous argument that they offered below that, well, a president can only be indicted if he's first impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate. The Supreme Court explicitly rejected that argument. They said impeachment has nothing to do with this. That's not the test. To your question, Jake, someone's got to decide what's the official act, right? The challenge here, and this was what Sotomayor was getting at in her point, somebody has to make the call as to whether even the preposterous SEAL Team Six example falls under the ambit of official acts, and that's litigation in the months in court. No, agreed. I think that's something that will have to be decided by the trial court if we were faced with that preposterous type of scenario. So after all that, after Eli Hona get all, they try to set Jake Tapper straight just a little bit, and they're still crazy, and they still go off with these crazy theories of how Trump is just going to do whatever he wants if he gets back into office. Again, I think it's hilarious that they all fully expect. This is so telling. This is so telling of how this election is going to go. All of these cupcake anchors, they fully expect to be Trump in office so much so that they're envisioning scenarios of him doing whatever he wants in office already. This is the last go around for either Biden or Trump. This is the last time either of them are going to run. They'd be insane to be in their 80s. Well, I say that, but Biden is in his 80s, and he's running, but Trump would take an act of God to win an election if you're post 80 years old. I mean, it really would have to be Trump, but I don't envision him doing that. But they're so scared, and they're so certain that this election has been lost already, that they're already making these arguments, but Jake Tapper ignores what they say and still goes on and reads from Sotomayor's dissent and continues to push the assassination theory cut 16. So listen to this, because obviously there is a crisis of confidence in the US Supreme Court among many other institutions in America. And I want to just read from something from Judge Justice Sotomayor's dissent on some of these issues that we're talking about. Let the president violate the law, she writes in her dissent. Let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain. Let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be, that is the majority's message today. Orders the Navy SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival, Immune, organizes a military coup to hold on to power, Immune, takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon, Immune. Immune, Immune, Immune, Immune. That is the majority's message today from Sonia Sotomayor. A preposterous thing to even put in a Supreme Court dissent. At this, this rival, I mean, Sotomayor has been on there for quite some time now. This isn't Katanji Jackson, Brown Jackson coming out and saying these things and saying that she's done a biologist so she doesn't know. I mean, you'd kind of expect that of her because of her lack of expertise on the court. But to hear a very, I mean, this is what we saw with the Karen Reed case. This is an emotional argument against what needs to be a very legalistic way of looking at this, this issue of what is the president protected from, what prosecution is he protected from, should he carry out in action? And she's just melting down in her dissent. Jake Tapper wasn't the only one to take the bait though. Jonathan Karl on one of the more established traditional networks, ABC, had the same scary light of thinking, cut 14. So it's interesting to read the dissent here again, Sotomayor, writing the dissent saying the president of the United States is the most powerful person in the country and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way under the majority's reasoning, he is now insulated from criminal prosecution. And then she goes through examples. Orders, the Navy's seal team six to assassinate a political rival, immune. Of course, it's all preposterous, as I've said, Attorney General, former Attorney General Bill Barr, certainly not friendly with Donald Trump on any, any terms right now. And I don't think I think that Trump has gone back and said Bill Barr was okay, but I don't think they've really kissed and made up here. But he goes down line by line through Sotomayor's weird dissent, cut 18. The dissent by Justice Sotomayor, I think, unfairly portrays the majority opinion. The question is, what's the function being performed? What's the authority being used, not what instrument is being used? So for example, the president can direct that a case be dropped, and that's part of his constitutional authority. But he cannot accept a bribe to do that because that's receiving a bribe. He doesn't have authority to receive a bribe. Well, and he probably shouldn't direct a case to be dropped or prevent a case from being litigated, especially if a family member is involved in such a case, Hunter, Joe, looking at you, goes on, cut 19. Another example would be he has the right to go and tell the Department of Justice to investigate something. But an example used by Justice Sotomayor was, oh, then he can fabricate evidence, give the evidence to the department and tell them to use that to indict them. He doesn't have authority to fabricate evidence. Start carrying out an executive function. I wonder how she came up with that example. The president can just fabricate anything and bring it to the Department of Justice and create this false investigation on this phony piece of evidence. Where did she come up with that? What an outlandish, that could never happen in the United States. Of course, it did, Hillary, she, you know, conspired with the Obama administration and the Department of Justice through the FISA courts to get Trump based on this phony steel dossier. As you all know, the whole Russia, Russia, Russia hoax transpired out of that and nobody has been held accountable for it. But one person has been held accountable, but I think he's got his job back already. So that didn't really have much of an impact there. And finally, Mr. Attorney General, can President Trump or any president just up and out assassinate one of their political rivals cut 20? And the worst example, I think, the one that makes no sense whatsoever is the idea that he can use seal team sex to kill a political opponent. The President has the authority to defend the country against foreign enemies, armed conflict and so forth. He has the authority to direct the justice system against criminals at home. He doesn't have authority to go and assassinate people. So whether he uses the seal team or a private hitman, it doesn't matter. It doesn't make it a carrying out of his authority. So all these horror stories really are, are, are, are false. They're just that and there was, there was another, I won't, I won't torture you with any more of these fake news anchors cuts here. But I believe it was another panel with, with Jonathan Carl, I, you know, there, you can get mixed up in, in whatever you're watching, but they were saying, well, yeah, but I think I was actually, I think we played it. Jake Tapper is saying, well, it doesn't really prevent him from assassinating anybody. He can call for an assassination, knowing that it's going to be litigated later. Dude, do you know how the American justice system works? A law doesn't necessarily prevent somebody from committing a crime and that committing a crime isn't going to prevent them from having a case brought against them, being charged with murder. That's actually how our justice system works. You have to commit the crime first before you're charged with a crime and then you're tried if, if the case is ever brought to trial and there's enough evidence to convict. That's how it works. You can't just work on the theory. Well, he might call for somebody to be assassinated. So therefore we can't let him into office. And this is the guy, by the way, that, that hosted the debate the other night. This was your moderator who's now out and out claiming that Trump can assassinate anybody he wants to at a whim, on a whim. Ridiculous. When they get it, some people want to say that they acted pretty fairly the other night. The fact is the car, the deck was stacked against Trump and he, no other way to put it, he trumped them all. 844-542-42, we'll take a short break. But not before I tell you about the great deal going on at Eden Pure right now. This only comes up every so often. It's best to take advantage of it now. This is the best deal you're going to get anywhere. Every season is here, I know, I feel it in the morning and at night, I'm always clearing my throat and my wife says, did you take your mat, did you turn on the thunderstorm? Okay, okay, I'll do it. The thunderstorm is on at home. Warmer temps are here. You're going to want to open those doors and windows, fresh air feels nice, especially in the morning and at night when, well, Paulin has a chance to run rampant. It's going to come in and when it does, you're going to need the thunderstorm air purifier. When user wrote, "The thunderstorm does what it claims. It definitely is effective on my spouse's allergies, sneezing, runny nose and coughing." The thunderstorm is a small device you can hold in your hand as I'm doing right now and plug it into your electrical outlet or into your car by USB cable to purify the air. Right now you can get two thunderstorm air purifiers. Let this for the price of one by going to and using code GRACEBOGO. The thunderstorm air purifier works like a real thunderstorm. It quietly sends out super oxygen, little oxygen molecules wearing capes, super oxygen and ions to kill odors in your room and purify the air. For Paulin, pet, kitchen, musty basements, musty cars, tobacco, any unwanted odors, you need the thunderstorm. The thunderstorm has received thousands of five-star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Take advantage of the BOGO deal right now. Buy one, get one free by going to and using code GRACEBOGO. That's code GRACEBOGO at checkout. Hurry, these BOGO deals don't last long. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Grace Curly Show. By the way, it is Tuesday here on the Grace Curly Show, so in the next hour we're going to be speaking with Toby Leary of Cape Gun Works for 2A Tuesday, SCOTUS didn't just rule on Trump's or presidential immunity cases. They also ruled on some 2A cases, rather, kind of kicked them back down to the lower courts. We'll discuss what implications those will have, what they were about, and if you have a question on the Second Amendment, your rights as a gun owner or as a future gun owner if you want to discuss what you should buy, what you should be looking at, what's the best for self-defense, what's the best for hunting, any questions at all? Anything you've ever wanted to know about guns, Toby Leary is your guy. You can get on the lines now, 844-542-42, or text to 617-213-1066, that's 617-213-1066. Open your message with a word Curly and that'll get right to me and I'll be able to relay your question to Toby Leary. Emma, I should not have made that bet about whether or not Joe Biden would be taking any questions because it was revealed, and I pulled this cut, I should have known. It was revealed that you probably wouldn't be taking questions. This is Adrienne Elrod, she's the top Biden campaign spokesperson on CNN. She's asked Point Blank if Joe Biden is going to be a little friendlier to the press, what we saw the other night, and he's trying to elevate his reelection chances, might behoove him to be a little more friendly to the people who are writing about him. Cut 21. Adrienne, I only have time for a yes or a no, but will the president be taking more questions from reporters moving forward? I think you're going to hear him talking to voters, I think you're going to hear him out on the campaign trail, and he will continue to draw the contrast and have these communications with the American people. Okay, but not necessarily taking more questions from reporters, I didn't get an answer that. No, you won't either, taking questions from voters, talking to voters. That always goes well, he never ever calls anybody a name or tells them to vote for Trump if they disagree with him on an issue. No, he never gets feisty out in public, and I can't really remember the last time I've seen him out in public engaging with the public in kind of a natural setting aside from taking trips to downtown Wilmington, Delaware, and then wandering into an ice cream parlor somewhere and getting a double chocolate chip. Adrienne Elrod also says she got the talking points, just like Jennifer Granholm did, cut 22. Are there actual discussions that are happening with the people who are raising the concerns because it is the voters' raising's concerns, but it's also more and more we're seeing lawmakers. No, there are not discussions President Biden is staying in this race, he's not being addressed at all. Democratic nominee, and he will continue to be. But what I will tell you is he's done on the phone. He, of course, wants to make sure that lawmakers are reassured that, you know, governors and mayors are reassured across the country. So he's been on the phone having these conversations, and we on the campaign are moving full speed ahead. And by the way, Representative Lloyd Doggett of Austin, Texas is now the first elected Democrat to officially call for Joe Biden to withdraw. Quote, our overriding consideration. This is from Representative Doggett, must be who has the best hope of saving our democracy from an authoritarian takeover by a criminal and his gang. Too much is at stake to risk a Trump victory, too great a risk to assume that what could not be turned around in a year was what was not turned around in the debate can be turned around. Now President Biden saved our democracy by delivering us from Trump in 2020. He must not deliver us to Trump in 2024. So he asks him that he will make the pain he says I am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully call on him to do so. We'll see if others follows suit. I imagine Representative Doggett is not going to be invited to too many state dinners in the coming months. We'll be right back to a Tuesday coming up soon. We'll talk some care and read as well. This is The Grace Curly Show.