The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: You Can't Fool Us! That Orange Man is Joe Biden | 7.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Maybe if the Democrats paint their nominee a nice shade of tangerine, voters will get mixed up come November. Taylor Cormier fills in all week to bring you the aftermath of last week's debate, from the strange excuses out of the White House to the calls for Biden to drop out of the 2024 election.

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02 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. BOGO is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Trataria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome to the Grace Curly Show, Grace is on vacation. I'm her producer, Taylor Cormier, filling in for the week. Lots to go over today. Some Karen Reed updates, obviously, yesterday. The mistrial was declared by Judge Beverly Canoni. And it was kind of a shocker, at least to me. Maybe I just have too much faith in our justice system. My blinders are still on to what is going on behind in the halls of justice. The only justice is in the halls is how he says all the time. And that's true. Yesterday, we got the mistrial and the Karen Reed case, the jury, and I'm hearing it was at least two holdouts. And that's what the note seems to indicate from the jury foreman, saying that there is a deep divide and there are jurors that have fundamental differences with the case. And they couldn't come to a decision. So at least two holdouts hung this jury and awful, awful new, I'm not happy about it. This is not, this is not the outcome that I wanted for Karen Reed. This is not the outcome that I don't think, well, it's obvious, not a lot of people wanted. And the DA's office, Michael Morrissey's office, says they're going to retry this. They are going to retry this case and a date has been set not for the trial, but for kind of a preliminary meeting to decide on details going forward, how soon they want to bring this back for later this month, I think the 21st, July 21st. So we'll find out more. Michael Proctor has not been fired. He's been rehomed like, like Chloe, he's been rehomed out of the Norfolk DA's office and he's on reassignment right now. The internal affairs investigation is still going on. We've got sound reporter from NBC Boston decided to visit the Proctor home and got some, got some good audio. We've also got sound from Allen Jackson and David Yannetti on the courthouse steps yesterday. They seem like they're going to be committed to the case going forward through the second trial. And I listened to a lot of different lawyers that and people that are just covering the case as I think we're all doing right now, at the end of the day, we want our nice recap. Or if you missed the trial throughout the day, you're not able to watch like a lot of us are, you watch a recap lawyer down in Florida, he says, you know, I've seen he's been watching this trial as a channel as lawyer, you know, he's a great young guy, but he, to me, gives great, fairly down the middle assessment of what's been going on from a legal standpoint, most importantly. And he says that you can mistrial and have a redo of a trial pretty much ad nauseam. You don't have to, there's no set number of retriles that you can have. If a mistrial is declared, you can do it again. If a mistrial is declared, you can do it again. So who knows how this is going to end? I just find it wild that the DA's office wants to retry this while the Massachusetts state police has said, yeah, the lead investigator on the case that is going through a mistrial right now, we're going to reassign him and he's probably going to end up without a job pending this internal affairs investigation for his disastrous handling of it and his character throughout and those text messages that I dare not repeat on the air. It's wild, but I will get into the Karen read trial a little later on in the show. I did want to start out today by this odd statement that Joe Biden made last night. He came out, I guess it was around 830 or so and gave this less than five minute screed on how much he hates the Supreme Court, on how much he hates that there is a more defined set of legal parameters for the office that he currently holds and how much he is depending on the public. This is wild. I'm going to go through these cuts with you, but this is wild the way he framed this and made you look like the chumps while also making the Supreme Court look like the chumps. This is crazy. First he came out and said that now the president can do basically whatever he wants. This is the set of talking points that went out after he made this speech or that he may have received before making this speech because I think people like Jonathan Carl and Jake Tapper, they all spewed these talking points all over CNN and ABC yesterday afternoon saying that Trump can basically do anything, including assassinating a political rival. But here's Joe Biden last night as he came out. By the way, came out looking very different than he did Thursday night. He's gotten a little son since then. Somebody applied some bronzer to Joe Biden and I don't know if his speech patterns are about to say it's change as well. Is he going to start using the word tremendous more often, big Lee? Is that going to enter his vocabulary soon? The guy he went orange man bad. He is becoming his own worst enemy. If you can't beat him, join him I guess. I came home last night and we're watching the speech and my wife goes, "Is he looking orange to you?" And I said, "Ah, I think that's just the color of this particular." We were watching it on some oddball Fox YouTube live thing. It wasn't the real Fox. It was like their all day live channel and I said, "I think that just might be the color of the channel," they just, whatever, I looked at Twitter this morning and that was definitely some bronzer that he had put on looking orange, but he certainly didn't sound like Trump at all when he... It's weird. Yeah, it was very weird, Mr. President. It was very weird. This is cut four. For all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits all the President can do. This is a fundamentally new principle and it's a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law even including the Supreme Court of the United States. The only limits will be self-imposed by the President alone. That's just not true. This man can come out and just blatantly lie as he's been doing for the past three and half years, but they just get more egregious and bold-faced as we go on. He's a dog-faced pony soldier, he's a liar. That is not how this decision was metered out. This is not how it works. If you are the President of the United States and you are acting within the parameters of the presidential role, you're acting in a presidential capacity and you are making decisions on behalf of the office and the nation, then you are immune. Now it is up to a court if somebody wants to impeach you and charge you with a crime, it will be up to a court to decide whether or not your action was a presidential action or something that was self-serving, but that doesn't grant you just complete immunity while you're President. You can't do anything that you want while you're President of the United States. One of the examples I've been seeing is that, well, one of the Presidents back in World War II had taken over a lot of the steel factories in the United States and switched them over so that we could outfit the U.S. military with everything that they needed. We could build tanks, we could build planes and that was a takeover of the steel plants in the United States. It was an act of the presidency. It was for the betterment of the nation in a time of war and we were able to get a mass amount of utilities out to our military to get over to Europe and Japan. That was something that hadn't happened before and was maybe a little controversial at the time, but ended up being a decision made in the best interest of the nation by the President of the United States. He could not have been charged for cutting out people's profits or cutting businesses down or changing over these factories to have these refabs put in to build all of the utilities that they were putting out. So that's a bold face lie on its face. He then goes on to, he's got this as well. He always attacks the Supreme Court whenever he doesn't like a decision they come out with and last night was no exception, cut five. This decision today has continued the court's attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation. In gunning voting rights and civil rights, to taking away a woman's right to choose, to today's decision. Fake, fake, fake. It undermines the rule of law of this nation. Fake, fake, fake, fake. Those are facts. Check them out. No, they're not facts. Nobody's, if you're a citizen of the United States and you're of legal age and you have registered in time, you're allowed to vote. It's not that hard and there are multiple ways to do so now. Nobody's rights have been infringed upon. Civil rights. I don't even know what he's talking about when it comes to that. And abortion rights, the, the, the, abortion rights were returned to the states so they can make their decisions. There has not been a federal ban on abortions. This guy is a moron. We're going to continue with his moronic screed after the break, 844, 542, 42. Give us a call. What you thought about Biden's speech last night. We've got more reaction as well. The crazy doesn't stop with the president. It trickles on down. He does believe in trickle down economics. He's, he's got the trickle down press releases that go out to these journalists, so called, who espouse their own crazy theories as to what President Trump can do. None of them are concerned about what Joe Biden can do. By the way, this set of rules that has been put in place by the Supreme Court and defined. They're not concerned about Joe Biden and what his dementia rattled brain will come up with. They're just concerned about the original, the OG orange man, the OGOM, 844, 542, 42. Just make that a hat. MAGA OGOM. We'll be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is Go over there and vote Vote in the poll question now so we can count you before the show is over. Before you know it, today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 844 a perfect smile or visit Emma, what's today's poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, does yesterday's SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity help or hurt Trump's re-election chances? Helps, J6, and documents cases won't see the light of day or hurts. Dems are more panicked than ever that Trump will be an evil dictator. I think it helps. 83% of the audience agrees with you, 70% say it'll hurt. I think it helps because it's affected now three cases, and we'll get into this a little later as well, now that the ruling has been made, the J6 and the documents case, the documents case had already been put off indefinitely, but now the J6 case is being put off until after the election, I'm not sure if a date has been set. There's a lot of reviews that have to be done now and putting it up to the microscope in conjunction with this SCOTUS ruling, but also the Manhattan case that Trump was just convicted in. That sentencing is being moved back by at least two weeks, which is after the Republican National Convention. That's great news all around. Any way you slice it, the Democrats are going to be panicked that this has always been the message. Trump is going to be an evil dictator. He said it. He said, I'm going to be a dictator on day one. That's it, and that was to close the border, you know, all kinds of executive actions in order to undo what Joe Biden has done to redo what Joe Biden has undone, I should say. But they use those tactics all the time. I don't think they're very effective anymore, especially when you saw Trump in juxtaposition with Biden the other night. That brings us back to Biden last night, talking about the SCOTUS decision, continuing to lie, lie, lie with fake news, fake news, fake news. This was a big, big whopper of a lie. Cut six. Only four years ago, my predecessor sent a violent mob to the U.S. Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. So we all saw with our own eyes, we sat there and watched it happen that day, attack on the police, the ransacking at the Capitol, a mob literally hunting down the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, gallows erected to hang the vice president of Mike Pence. I think it's fair to say it's one of the darkest days in the history of America. Oh, yeah. Right up there with 9/11. Sure. With Pearl Harbor, yeah, good God, this guy's a moron. We've known this though. We've known this. Trump never sent anybody to the Capitol. He said, I know that you're going to be peaceful and patriotic as you march because he was aware that people had plans on demonstrating in front of the Capitol. There were no tax on police. They walked right in and waved hello. The police gave him guided tours of the Capitol. What are you talking about? Nuts, crazy stuff. Now this was the most insulting part. I think of the entire almost five minutes last night that he stood up there and gave his speech. Cut seven. Now the American people have to do what the court should have been willing to do, but will not, the American people have to render a judgment about Donald Trump's behavior. The American people must decide whether Donald Trump's assault on our democracy on January 6 makes a month fit for public office in the highest office in the land. The American people must decide if Trump's embrace of violence to preserve his power is acceptable, perhaps most importantly, the American people must decide if they want to trust the president once again, the presidency to Donald Trump, now knowing he'll be more emboldened to do whatever he pleases whenever he wants to do it. Q Trump saying, I don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he understood it either. Translation from what I was able to gather from that, you're too stupid to decide for yourselves. We had, this was in the Supreme Court so that they could decide for you what to think of Donald Trump so that they could put limitations on his power in office, so that they could say, everybody's entitled to be an idiot, so that they could say that he is not able to do just whatever he wants as president of the United States, which is complete and total BS by the way. So since they have failed to do our bidding and they have disagreed with we, the people who know better, it is now up to you, the stupid Americans that voted me in for the first time, and it's up to you to save America again from itself, from the evils of Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, because the Supreme Court couldn't do so. That's what it was. He's depending on the Supreme Court to do your thinking for you. That's how stupid he thinks the American people are. We'll be back 844-542-42. This is the Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome to the Grace Curly Show 844-542-42. That's how you can call and join the conversation this afternoon. You can also vote in the poll question at It's up there. We'll have a rereading of it next hour and see if it's changed at all. You can be the change in influence in that poll question, just as Joe Biden wants you to be the change in influence in this election, because of what SCOTUS had to say yesterday in the presidential immunity question. We'll just close that part out as far as his presser went last night, which really wasn't a presser, because he didn't take any questions. He's still got that age-old problem of reading everything on the teleprompter. Cut 8. I concur with Justice Sotomayor's dissent today. She hears what she said. In every use of a visual power, the president is now a king above the law. With fear for our democracy, I dissent, end of quote, associate the American people dissent. I dissent. That's too bad. It's the Supreme Court. You can't really dissent against what they say. First of all, there's no shot. He actually read her dissent, but some people are saying that, you know, the past couple weeks have been the reason that they're going to replace Biden. Could this actually be the precursor for Biden stacking the Supreme Court? Oh, everything has been a precursor for Biden stacking the Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade, that decision was more incentive for him to stack the Supreme Court, but he's -- I don't think there's an appetite for it right now. I don't. One big issue at a time is all this guy can take, and he's got way too much on his plate as it is. Add stacking the Supreme Court into -- you're upsetting a lot of people that are strong, stalwart Democrats that do believe in some semblance of the Constitution and all that it provides, and I just don't really see it. I don't see it happening. I could be wrong. I've been wrong plenty of times before, and now he's got, by the way, a new line at the end of his speeches. I don't know if this was written on the teleprompter or if he saw it fit to throw it in on his own, but I haven't heard him say this one. Usually I'm the guy to be watching all of these Biden press conferences, these speeches and ceremonies he does. He's got one at one o'clock this afternoon for -- he's going to give remarks on extreme weather, so you get Biden, the media -- the hapless meteorologist, Biden, the hippie-dippy weatherman -- we should probably pull some George Carlin of the hippie-dippy weatherman. But this was a new one on me and made me roll my eyes and curse at the TV last night. >> Hey, God bless you all, and may God help preserve our democracy. >> Oh. >> Thank you. >> Go. >> Thank you. >> Go. >> Thank you. >> Stop it. >> Oh, my God. May God help save our democracy. It's in trouble, man. I just came across this -- this -- >> God saved the queen, man. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, man. Whatever we're becoming, Chris Aliza on X is somebody that grace often cites as having an oddball takes, and he's got one that's going around this morning. He said, "I wrote this morning about something that has been really bugging me. On the one hand, Democrats argue that our very democracy is at stake in November, something that Biden just asked God to save. On the other, they seem totally fine with nominating a candidate who is clearly diminished and is currently losing. I believed a year ago that Biden was the strongest nominee against Trump." I don't know how you did that. He had beaten him before. He was an incumbent president. He had a solid record of accomplishments in office. I guess he's referring to Trump there, not great grammar. And I assumed the age issue would fade in voters' minds as the choice crystallized between Biden and Trump, much as Biden's joints are crystallizing before our very eyes. I'm sorry. I throw in my commentary here. There's no way to differentiate it. That has not happened to continues crystallism. The age issue has stayed even among Democrats, and Biden's debate performance has made that all worse, much worse, as has the subsequent reporting that suggests this was far from a one-off. At this point, it's very hard for me to believe that a candidate about whom 75% of the public says he lacks the metal fitness to do the job can win the presidency. So if Democrats truly believe that democracy is at stake, wouldn't they want to change out the candidate? Because it's now clear that Biden is deeply wounded and that isn't going to change. And he closes with, "I don't get it. Either you are willing to do whatever it takes to protect democracy, or you weren't all that serious about it to begin with." Well, if it's not one, Chris, it's the other. They haven't been serious. This has not been a serious administration. It's been puppeteered this entire time. But this brings me, I was also watching, I don't know how, I was watching this on CNN last night. Maybe I was watching Fox, and they played this cut from CNN. This is Carl Bernstein. All of a sudden, it's a big shock, right, to everybody in the nation. That Joe Biden is noncompassmentous. He's crazy, and he doesn't know where he is half the time, and he doesn't know how to finish a sentence, he can't string two sentences together. He loses his train of thought constantly. He forgets people's names. He forgets what year it is. He forgets what year he was president versus vice president. He forgets what year he was, and a senator, he forgets how many miles he rode on Amtrak versus Air Force One. It goes on and on and on and on. Expedentially. We've seen this for, since at least 2019, when we saw him campaigning out of the base, Congressman. But now it's this huge shocker, and I called this last week before the debate. I said, Grace, this is going to be an eye opener for a lot of people that don't usually watch Joe Biden as we do every single day. We see him fumble and bumble. We see him forget things. We see him struggling to find words to speak, and we see him freeze up on camera. This stuff isn't shown to the, the Democrat electorate. This is not shown on CNN, on MSNBC, on any of the alphabet networks. They don't see this. They don't see the Joe Biden that you and I see every single day. So Carl Bernstein of that famous reporting to a Woodward and Bernstein who reported not broke, reported the Watergate scandal way back when Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward have never broken a story in their life. They were leaked stories. They've been leaked information and they were just useful, I want to call them idiots, but they were useful puppets and it seems that they're still being used that way. Bob Woodward came out with some stupid stuff on Trump, his last year in office. And now Carl Bernstein is being used by the administration, Biden administration in leaking some information about Joe Biden and his state of mind. He was on CNN Anderson Cooper 360 last night and he breaks the news that this was not the first time Joe Biden has been seen off his game, 26, cut 26. There have been numerous instances where the president has lost his train of thought, can't pick it up again. There was a fundraiser at which he started at the podium and then he became very stiff according to people there as if it were almost a kind of rigor mortis. This was set in June of 2016. This was a year ago almost exactly at the old four seasons restaurant on Park Avenue and he became very stiff in a chair had to be brought for him to do the latter part of the event. I am shocked, shocked, I tell you, a year ago, this was happening. I don't believe it. This guy has been on top of his game. You're a lying dog face pony soldier, Carl Bernstein. He's been, he's been great. What are you talking about, uh, you know, Joe Scarborough has been saying how great he is at the top of his game. Even a few weeks ago, he was saying that he's never seen president Biden more sharp and more fit than what he is right now. I don't buy this. Are there other people that have been telling you this, Carl Bernstein, I can't take you at your word for it. Cut 25. Well, these are people several of them who are very close to president Biden who love him have supported him and been among among them or some people who've raised a lot of money for him. And they are adamant that what we saw the other night, the Joe Biden we saw, uh, is not a one off that there have been 15 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show, uh, that we witness and what's so significant is the people that this is coming from and also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents, including some reporters, incidentally, who who have witnessed some of them. 15 to 20 occasions in the past year and a half. I tell you this honestly, it would take me all week to go through 18 months, the past 18 months of Joe Biden speeches and I could provide you with hundreds, literally hundreds of examples. That is not hyperbole. I'm not exaggerating. That's a fact I could provide you with hundreds of instances of Joe Biden losing it and being non-compass met as by the way, in that other cut 26 when he was talking about that fundraiser in June of 2023, Biden becoming stiff at a fundraiser. How do we know that's not a cheap fake? That's what that's what KJP has been telling us. Where is she? By the way, I haven't seen her in a few days. How she's just not coming out to the press and defending president Biden and his, uh, his debate performance. Is it so embarrassing that they can't put her up there in front of live reporters to ask her actual questions? Where is KJP? And by the way, we've got another example of that of Joe Biden having this rigor mortis-like state on stage. There was a fundraiser just a couple of weeks ago with Barack Obama where he literally froze. You could see him. His arms got stiff and he didn't know what to do. He couldn't, he was like, uh, you remember the movie A Christmas Story when the kid is so dressed up in his snow suits that he can't put his arms down. He's stiff like that, like, uh, like, uh, Frankenstein's monster and he can't move. My mind's going blank now. He couldn't even speak. Barack had to grab his arm and lead him off the stage. That's how embarrassing it was. And that's how recent it was. We don't need Carl Bernstein to tell us that this happened though, that is scary that this was going on last year. I had no idea that this guy was that gone that recently. Wow. What else aren't they telling us? 844-542-42. Nick, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Nick. Hey, how you doing? Hey, and follow up to the latest thing with Proctor getting a dime drop on him. Enough for just one case, but two, who knew, who knew he was already screwing up the Brian Walsh and Mertik case. And Judge Canone's got her stench on that one as well, along with the Chezna and the neighbor, Double Mertik and Weymouth here, killed in 2018. Now you get this one here, Mr. Question, how the hell are they going to do a retrial with the stain of Proctor on this, what, obfuscate all the crazy evidence, right? It may not even be true, a legitimate that they brought up. I don't think this is ever going to happen, but the question is- Nick, it shouldn't have happened to begin with. I mean, they should have seen on its face even without all the text messages how embarrassing this investigation was. I mean, the complete mishandling of evidence of a crime scene that was left unattended for days, by the way, for those of you listening that don't know where we're talking, going back to the Karen Reed trial here, obviously. But just the sheer misappropriation of all kinds, there was no direct line of what the phrase they used, but the chain of custody, there was no clear lineage in the chain of custody between local police and state police and who had access to what, I mean, so much stuff was left just out to dry, literally out to dry for anybody to come in and manipulate. There's no way that this should have been brought forward to begin with, and a severe lack of evidence, just basically a theory that some dropout, a state trooper, had about how this happened and didn't even bother to test out his theory. It was a joke. I mean, from the top down at the Norfolk DA's office, they've seriously got to rethink who they want to run their lawn crime unit out there. Thanks very much for the call, Nick. 844-542-42, we'll be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Just a few minutes before the top of the hour here, 844-542-42, we've got some other stuff we're going to be discussing today as well. I mean, the reaction that the Democrat state media, and I repeat myself, has had to this scotas ruling is absolutely laughable. I mean, they freaked out when Trump actually said that he could stand out on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, right? But now they're just making stuff up. He's going to assassinate somebody. The Supreme Court is going to allow him to assassinate anybody he wants. With SEAL Team 6, he's going to order a drone strike on Americans. Oh, it's nuts. You won't believe what they're saying. And they're also doing their best to keep a straight face and say, "No, Biden is not dropping out. He's the candidate, he's the president, and he's the last man standing. He is going to be the nominee, and he's going to finish this race. He's going to replace him." And yet, Kamala Harris is kind of being propped up just a little bit, and I think she feels left out. Everybody else is being named as a possible successor to Joe Biden. Here she is, cringe-worthy pandering to the black community on a BET interview that had a comedy central label on it for some reason. It's weird because it wasn't funny at all, but this has cut 27. No, no, Taraji. Now you know I wouldn't do that, especially not to a fellow bison. The real HU? You know. So what's on your mind? Oh, Madam VP Harris, I'm worried about the election. Women's reproductive rights are on the line. Our Supreme Court is on the line. Our basic freedoms are being tested, Madam VP. I know you've been traveling across the country. What are you hearing? Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets. And let me tell you, you're right, Taraji. There is so much at stake in this moment. The majority of us believe in freedom and equality. But these extremists, as they say, they not like us. No, they not. There's a full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms, the freedom to vote. Yep. The freedom to love who you loved, the freedom to be safe from gun violence, the freedom for a woman to make decisions about her own body, not having her government tell her what to do. That's disgusting. They, they out here, they wilder than us. Is that what she said? She's out here in these streets. Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets. What? This is not how she speaks. I mean, this is actually much more coherent than her actual speech pattern. I can understand this Kamala Harris. I know how she's speaking. It's when she gets into the we can do what cannot have been done in the past and be unburdened by whatever has been and will be and forever there shall have been. Oh my God, wild, 844-542-42. We'll be back. Don't go anywhere. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music)