The Howie Carr Radio Network

NYC Pride Brawls put the L in "LGBTQ" | 7.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie turns his gaze toward the city that never sleeps and the brawls that followed the NYC pride parade over the weekend. The Ls and the Gs were not on their best behavior. No sign of the Ts, for now.

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01 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. A win for former President Trump in the Supreme Court. I'm by winning. I win here and I win there. Now what? So yes, the lower courts, again, will have to hear it. It will, in my opinion, slow down Jack Smith's persecution and selective prosecution of President Trump. Well, back to the drawing board. And I don't see how this case could go forward before the election. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stomach. Hi, my name is Beau Biden. Here to talk to you about something that's very important to me, senior abuse. We finally beat Medicare. We have 1,000 millionaires in it. 80% of these crimes are committed by family members. Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question. So if you suspect that anyone is affected by any of these crimes, please contact our elder abuse hotline. Go to Joe 303-3-0. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Holy car. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. Just looking at the New York Post front page. It was a terrible story in New York late last week. A drunk driver on Long Island crashed into a nail salon. Just drove right through it. Killed four people, including an off-duty New York City police woman, who had just gotten married 30 years old. Her husband, who's also a cop, was crying in court today. A alleged drunk driver who killed NYPD cop in nail salon crash drank 18 beers. 18 beers. He was from Canton. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It's not funny that all these people are dead, but that's all I can think of when people drink like that and get caught. 844-500-4242. Rachel in Maine says blood was measured in autopsy. One reports that body was lacking two or three pints. If it was lacking two or three pints, how come they can only pick it up in a couple of solo, in the few solo cups that they put in a stop and shop bag? I just don't understand-- where was the blood? Here's a 508. I'm in a firefighter paramedic. Retired the head is very vascular. Blood on the ground where injury took place would have been significant or obvious. You would think so. 774-- why were these questions left unanswered in this trial? That doesn't make any sense. 844-500-4242. Is it possible a member of the jury got an envelope? I don't-- you know, I don't know. I think it gets harder and harder to deal with these juries. You know, just-- you get so many nutty jurors. I mean, the percentage of the population with mental illness is-- I think it's higher than it's ever been before, for various reasons. And it's-- I mean, but you would think, though, that there was so much reasonable doubt in this case. I mean, whichever way you wanted to go, whether it was hoeslong to die in cold, or the botched timeline, or the ARCA accident reconstruction experts, or the dog bites, there were so many reasons to vote-- vote not guilty. I thought. 844-500-4242. Sheldon, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Sheldon. OK, Howie, go along with what you were just saying. There was so much reasonable doubt. Is it possible that these jurors were going home and reading social media and watching this stuff, and came back with an opinion that both-- either way? Well, they claimed that they-- you know, every morning she would ask them the first thing, if you read anything. And, you know, I never-- I never believed that. I used to-- I used to deal with Robert Popio. He's dead now. But, you know, he would send his guy out in a big trial I covered in the 1980s would-do live shots every night. And I'd say, but Bob, the jurors say they don't see that. And he would laugh. And he would say, yeah, right. You kidding me? Of course they see it. But Sheldon, I mean, the vast majority of social media-- I mean, there were a few nuts saying she was guilty. But the vast majority of people and the streaming broadcast, they all said she was innocent. Yeah, I get it, but there were people that were not pre-Karen Reed on there as well. But the other question I have is, could they-- if there is a retrial, could they ask the sequester of the jury and track if they're looking at things? You know, the thing is, if you told-- I think you have to tell the jury going in that they're going to be sequestered. And if you told them they were going to be sequestered, don't you think that there'd be a lot more people coming up with reasons to be off the jury? I mean, you'd probably end up with an even weirder jury than you had this time around, wouldn't you? Yeah, I agree. Without a doubt, none of us want to be on jury duty. No, exactly. Yeah, no, I don't think anybody does. I don't know. I mean, they must have had a reason for not wanting to sequester. I think Turtle Boy's right, though. Just move it out of Norfolk County. I mean, I was like laughingly bragging about living in a corrupt county. But there are certain problems with trying a case like this in Norfolk County. And I'm more concerned about Quincy, actually, the people coming out of Quincy. I mean, that's a real hacker ram. And I know everybody coming out of Quincy is not a hack. But I mean, Morrissey has been around for about 100 years. You got that city hall is a pretty corrupt place there. You got the registry of motor vehicles, headquarters, Mariano, the speaker of the house. It's just kind of a rotten burrow. I'd be more concerned about a juror coming in out of Quincy than I would out of even-- well, maybe not second to can. And Stunn was up there, too. But just get it the hell out of Norfolk County. Thanks for the calls, Sheldon. Been a lot of problems with Norfolk County over the years. Going back to Sacco and Van Zettie. And you know who the crooked witness was against Sacco and Van Zettie, right? The state police officer, Captain William Proctor. Does that name ring a bell? Proctor? History repeats itself. And William Proctor-- this was in the days when they had, you know, ballistics was just starting out. But in those days, they didn't have the machines that could calibrate to see if a bullet had come out of the same gun. It would be guys holding up a bullet to a light and say, hmm, looks kind of similar. So this guy didn't want to say it, apparently. That's what he said later in an affidavit. But the district attorney, apparently the district attorney of Norfolk County was corrupt 100 years ago. His name was Katzmann. And Katzmann kind of coerced Captain Proctor into testifying that the fatal bullet came out of Sacco's pistol. And Sacco was convicted and executed, along with Van Zettie, at the Charlestown Prison in 1927. And by that time, Proctor had given a statement saying that he had been coerced into making false testimony. It's funny, isn't it? What goes around comes around. I don't know if they're related. I don't know. It's not that uncommon of a name. It's an old Yankee name. There was a Yankee in the Salem Witch Trials, John Proctor. It's in the crucible. So the Proctors have a history in the Commonwealth down through the centuries of being involved in very corrupt trials. 844-542. Ronnie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ronnie. Hey, Howie. Yeah, I just had a-- I was just thinking about this whole trial and everything. I heard it all through and everything. This right here, it's my own scenario of the steps that happened. And what it was is I just think that Mr. O'Keefe, something happened with Chloe, upstairs. And then after that, I don't know the guy's name with the-- he belted it. He must-- you know, his fist or his-- he had some sort of a hand. I think that was a deadly blow. And then it sent him down the stairs into the cellar. He probably bled out. Then they had some sort of a bag. They bodied him up. They dragged him up. Well, that's kind of their theory. I mean, not the whole thing. But I mean, dragging him up through the bulkhead. I think that's part of their theory about what happened and that the dog was somehow connected to it. But I don't know. But again, this is another thing too. The steps on his Apple watch showing that he went up and down the stairs at around 12, 20 or so. And then Gerino saying that it was because there's a slight incline on the hill, which apparently, there isn't a slight incline on the hill. And apparently, those watches-- I don't have one. I'm not worried about my steps. But apparently, being on that hill or being on any hill is not going to count as steps on the watch. But Gerino discovered it. And just like Gerino didn't discover the fact that Jen McCabe had hosed long to die in cold on her phone. And Gerino also didn't discover all of the deleted phone calls that she made. Strange how everyone was deleting phone calls and butt dialing right around 220 in the morning, that morning, in the midst of a snowstorm. 844, 500, 42, 42, 513. The court TV people didn't seem to know half of the things you guys talk about. They seemed so biased. Yeah, that guy, Vinnie Politan, I listened to him a couple of nights once I get into the streaming. And he was terrible. He was like listening to a Globe reporter. I mean, he was just-- he was in. Afflict the afflicted comfort, the comfortable. I mean, again, I have my prejudice. I like Turtle Boy. I like Sean McDonough. I like Mark Bettero. I like Melanie Little because they're on my side. But some of these people that are on the blog that are streaming this stuff, they don't seem to have that good of a grasp of the facts, of the case or of the law. 844, 500, 42, 42, 863. I lived in Quincy for 10 years. How dare you say not everyone coming out of Quincy is a hack, laughing out loud. So you dispute that. Everyone coming out of Quincy is a hack. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug-- I call it a dog. --how he still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh, wow. Read his latest at [MUSIC PLAYING] He's Howie Carr. I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Did the jury and the Karen Reed trial do the right thing? No, she should have been guilty. No, she should have been not guilty. I'm satisfied with Miss Trial. No, she should have been not found not guilty. No, should have been found not guilty as 80% and then tied with 10% or no shouldn't have-- should have been guilty and I'm satisfied with the Miss Trial. So 10% of our listeners are calling in tonight from the waterfall. Who's buying the rounds of fireballs at the waterfall? Chris Albert likes to go for it first, I think. 844-500-4242-4271. Howie, if my Apple watch that I was going up and down hills and that's how I have the steps recorded every day when I'm driving, I'd be a supermodel. Well, yeah, exactly. I mean, that's the problem. And he says this stuff. I mean, I don't have an Apple watch. I don't care about this stuff. Again, I don't record my steps, but a lot of people do. And they all looked at it. They said, what? What are you talking about? 844-500-4242. Here's 508. The defense never called a guy hired to replace the basement flooring. Big mistake by the defense, not the call up. Well, isn't the guy who was hired to replace the basement flooring in the Albert's house, the boyfriend of Jill Daniels? She's the skeletal woman who was charged with a salting turtle boy the other night at CJ McCarthy's. I believe that's the boyfriend. You know, they've got to keep everything in the family. It's like the godfather. Someday, I will call upon you to do me a favor. Perhaps that day won't ever come. 844-500-42-919. I'm a retired police office from Massachusetts. It started back in the mid '80s. I learned about two years into the job that I'm not going to save the world or my community. It's all just a game. The whole system is just one big game. I know, we all understand it's a big game in any facet of life. But you don't want to fix the game and screw somebody who didn't do anything, do you? Because if you do that, the odds are it's going to happen to you. And once you start, you know, framing people and throwing them in jail for crimes they didn't commit, it's hard to know where it ends. It doesn't end well. We know that. 844-500-42-42. Billy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Billy. Hey, Howie. So since the miss trial, wouldn't you think the next step would be to fudge sweeping in on a rest of these sides? Have you missed that? Yeah, I don't know how the feds operate. I mean, I've asked the question. And again, Josh Levy will not comment on this. He's been asked this by reporters when he had a press conference at the courthouse. And he won't comment. But I mean, wouldn't you think they would have swooped in and arrested people and stopped this abomination from happening before it happened? Billy, if they were going to do anything? But I mean, Howie, the evidence they get is just unbelievable between the other ones that brought up practice testimony in the last three witnesses were all FBI. Yeah, they were FBI hired witnesses. Yeah, I know. I mean, that's your only hope at this point. Yeah, I would hope so. And the thing is that the FBI is probably also looking into the Sandra Burchmore case, the pregnant woman who was found dead. In Canton, in Canton, it's not-- it involves Stoughton cops. Stoughton, of course, is next door to Canton. And it's the same cops from Canton and from the Norfolk County DA's office who investigated this Sandra Burchmore case. Never got DNA samples from the cop who was the last one to be seen with her, who was allegedly the father of her child, never tested the DNA of Sandra Burchmore in her unborn child. I mean, again, if it's not corruption, it's incompetence or it's a combination of both. And I think the evidence, as we learn more about how these crooked cops operate, it's a combination of both in Norfolk County. 844-542-4239, yes. Basement floor guy is her boyfriend. Yeah. So he's not going to tell you anything. He's-- they sold the house. They said they were thinking about selling the house before John O'Keefe died on the front lawn. But then they decided to sell it after they got rid of the dog, after they put in a new basement floor, and after Brian Albert retired from the Boston PD. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Tucker Carlson had a very interesting tweet this morning. Someone just tipped me off to it on the text line. This is from Tucker. From an unusually good source, Obama's tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can't win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday, afternoon, at me Sunday, had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times, they've been hostile. But recently, they've deteriorated further, mostly due to Joe Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Joe Biden is the driving force behind her husband's re-election campaign, just as she was in 2020. One other members of the family, including Biden's sister, Val, considered him too impaired to run. Of course, he was. Back to Tucker. The next generation of potential Democrat nominees understands all this is an opportunity in their circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively. She's so horrible. She was so bad during COVID. I think I mentioned it Friday. She's the one who banned the sale of seeds. At hardware stores in Home Depot's in Michigan. What the hell does selling seeds in packets have to do with COVID? And of course, it was such a serious thing that you couldn't take your pleasure craft out on the Great Lakes, except for her husband, who said, do you know who I am? 844-542-42-508. Maybe Levy and his team, the feds, are not competent to put one foot in front of the other. You're assuming just because they're feds that Levy and his team are competent? Believe me, I'm the last guy to assume the feds are competent, or honest. But in this case, I think they're a little more honest than the people down here in Norfolk County. And they are the ones that found the accident reconstruction experts that the state police weren't interested in finding. They're the ones who found the text on Michael Proctor's phones. They're the ones who found the message in the text, the text about driving drunk with one of the alberts, the text about wanting Karen Reed to kill herself. They did some good work in this case. I don't know, but again, they operate on a strange timeline. They're in no rush. They are slower than cold molasses, as my family used to say up in Maine. 844-542-42. Paul, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Paul. Hey, good afternoon. Good evening, Howie. I had a similar situation 40 years ago with the crooked state police down at Cape Cod. Son of State cop got beat up. He was a bouncer. Basically, they said, we're going to get one of you from Boston, even if we don't get the right one. I went through the whole kangaroo court. Got convicted. The father became captain of the state police academy until he got forced to retire. The person who got beat up became a state cop. At the time, his brother was a Falmouth cop and put a man's head through a windshield at a drunk driving car. I know. I mean, everybody's got stories like this. I know you got screwed, but a lot of people got screwed. I got screwed in the courts, too, by a crooked judge. And I had to spend seven years at the World's Worst Radio Company. I mean, that's what I'm saying. People like-- I think Betterall has said this. He's a good lawyer, as far as I can see. And he's from Framingham originally. And he's saying, well, maybe next time you go to a bench trial, leave it up to a judge. I don't think that's a good idea in Massachusetts. I don't think you can trust any of these judges. They're either incompetent, like the state cops. They're either incompetent or corrupt or both, most of them. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. I love that Clarence Thomas really went after Jack Smith today in this-- he wrote a side opinion. Just talking about how the special counsel, Jack Smith, is just-- he's illegally appointed. In this case, the Attorney General-- this is Clarence Thomas. The Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen a special counsel to prosecute a former president on behalf of the United States. But I am not sure that any office for the special counsel has been, quote, "established by law," unquote, as the Constitution requires. Smith did not work under the imprimatur of the Department of Justice when he took the job of special counsel. You're supposed to be employed by the Justice Department. That's who's supposed to get the job, someone who's already on the payroll. Thomas wrote, "A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former president. No former president has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in more than 200 years since the founding of our country," if he continues. And again, the decision was that the president is protected from prosecution while acting in his public role. But he just wanted to add this, Clarence Thomas. If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts, meaning the other places where this law fair is going on, should thus answer these essential questions concerning the special counsel's appointment before proceeding. None of the statutes cited by the Attorney General appears to create an office for the special counsel, and especially not with the clarity typical of past statutes used for that purpose. Before the president or a department head can appoint any officer, however, the Constitution requires that the underlying office be established by law. So he's just basically saying, this guy's a jerk. This guy is operating improperly. 844, 542, 442, 844, 542, 42. I don't know if you saw this. Yesterday was the final day of Pride Month. Yes, Pride Month. So they had a big parade in Sunday. They commemorate the Stone Hinge riots. That was a gay club in Greenwich Village where the riots started. They were being abused by the cops, and the Stone Hinge was a mafia bar, et cetera, et cetera. So they had yesterday's commemoration at the Pride Parade. There was more violence than there was in any of the Stone Hinge riots of many, many years ago, 1969. Multiple brawls and wild chaos in Gulf Washington Square Park-- that's in Greenwich Village-- in the aftermath of the Pride Parade. Video from the draw-dropping scene, this is according to the New York Post, showed fistfights and hair pulling as several troublemakers turned the crowded park into their own personal boxing ring while herds of onlookers watched with glee. There were some men involved, but it was mostly women. Two women briefly took swings at each other while a couple of bystanders attempted to break up that affray, a clip shows. In another instance of violence, one woman, a large woman, I might add, who appeared to be bleeding from her face with dried blood on a white shirt, went head to head with a pier as the crowd loudly cheers. Other spates spats of savagery included one woman pushing another off the edge of the park's iconic water fountain while another brawler, female, yanked a woman in a pink shirt to the ground by her hair. The young woman in pink continued to be dragged by her counterpart before others finally jumped in to help. When there was-- How many of them had tattoos? How many of them had sleeve tattoos, large tattoos? When there wasn't violence, there was plenty of R-rated antics, including multiple women working on a white vehicle and one person grinding up a light pole he climbed to the top according to clips. So it wasn't just L. There were Gs in the LGBTQ event. 844-542-42, Sue, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Sue. Stonewall, not Stonehenge. I'm sorry, Stonewall, I apologize. Go ahead. Go ahead, Sue. I would like to hear more about how the jury was sequestered because I-- They weren't. --of what I've heard about it sounded like they weren't, really, because they were just told not to go on to the leader. They were just told-- so they could have been around relatives that just told them, you've got to come in with a guilty verdict, or they could have been around in-laws or-- Well, that's the thing. I don't think the judge had to do that every morning. That's the policy and the tradition. You ask them if they've seen anything. And the tradition is they have to say no. But I think very few lawyers believe that nobody's looking at anything, especially now they, Sue, with the-- you know, it's one thing to say, I'm not going to look at a newspaper. I'm not going to watch TV. But I mean, everybody's addicted to social media now. And this was all over social media around the world. But in the original sequestered jury, people were sent to hotel rooms, and they were people-- a police so bad, and made sure that no one talked to them, or could influence it or no. I know, but Sue, I said to an earlier caller, though, you know, if they had said, you know, we're going to sequester this jury for two months. Anybody interested in this? I think everybody would come down with some kind of alibi so that they didn't have to serve, wouldn't they? Would you like to be in a hotel room for two months? And listening to Adam Lally for seven hours a day? Oh, my God. I understand. But I see how they could really be influenced by lots of people, even if they didn't go on social media. Yeah, you're right. I mean, what would have been like-- but Sue, don't you think most people thought that Karen Reid was innocent? I mean, all the polls they did on the court TV websites, the media outlets, it all showed like our poll is coming in today, about 80%, 75% to 80% thought she was innocent, not guilty, I should say. I don't know. I think it's just really hard to get a jury to do the right thing about anything these days. It's just the population isn't what it used to be, in terms of education or sobriety or responsibility, whatever you want-- maturity, I guess is the word I'm looking for, maturity. Thanks for the call, Sue. 844-542-508, Chick on Chick violence. You know, you would think there was plenty of video. You would think that they always used to say when I was at local TV, if it bleeds, it leads. I mean, there was a lot of blood go. There was a lot of blood in Washington Park yesterday. But, you know, somehow, they're giving it a good leaving alone on network TV, all of them. 844-542-844-542-542, I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. This hour of The Howie Carr Show is brought to you in part by Moby Dicks and Wealthly. For 40 years in counting, they continue to provide the freshest blasters, fried fish, and lobster salad, online at Moby' Howie Carr is back. Please, I implore you. Try not to let one of them about to tell you, destroy your faith in the integrity of state government in New York. The ex-head of the New York State's Office of Addiction Services and Supports was busted in Queens for drunk driving last week, and allegedly was so plastered that she slammed into a number of parked cars and then urinated on herself. Arlene Gonzales, hyphen Sanchez. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would, sure you would, yeah. Age 68 had a blood alcohol content of 0.2 or 2 and 1/2 times over the legal limit of 0.08. And at one point, she uttered to the cop who pulled over her over and said, "I'm in the center." It says commissioner, but I doubt if she was 2 and 1/2 times the legal limit, I doubt she was saying commissioner. It was more like-- Well, names Arlene Gonzales Sanchez. Does that mean that she lacked the enzyme to process alcohol, like the illegal alien who killed Matthew Denise at Milford? 844-542-42. They pulled her out of the car. He put the cop, approached, put her car in park, pulled the keys out, and got her out of the SUV. And that's when she urinated on herself. She didn't want to get the front seat of the car wet. She waited till she got out of the car. That's when she said the word commissioner to him. She was appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo during his reign of error. Her arrest was greeted with shock Monday by those who remembered her as a pleasant and well-regarded administrator. She was pleasant because she had had a number of cocktails before she met with these people. 844-542-42. Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Hi, Howie. This was mentioned at a Cantons/Lectman's meeting. This is not made up at all. That Mr. O'Keefe, the person that died, talked to a Canton detective about drug dealing on his-- Right. No, I know. That is a fact that supposedly some of these people were angry that he was talking about the drug dealing that was going on. And that one of the McAlberts wanted to investigate it himself personally. And that supposedly, one of the McAlberts kids was going across his lawn and just kind of irritating him, one of the Clint Eastwood thing, get off of my lawn. Thanks for the call. 844-542-42. 860, the reason the networks are giving Washington Park a good leaving alone is that none of the combatants got a red MAGA hat on. Yeah, obviously, that's the reason. Yeah. 844-542-42. By the way, if you haven't gotten a flip lock yet, while supplies last, we still have a few left. The original flip lock, it's a $50 value. You can buy it right now for just $25. Go to and click on Store. There are two options available. Silver and bronze limit, three per order. No returns on this product. It's 10 times stronger than a deadbolt block. That's why it's used in the Revere Public Schools. You can, if an intruder gets into your house, if you've got one on one of the inner doors, you can just go into your bedroom or your bathroom, wherever you've got a flip lock, flip it. And then you've got plenty of time to call 911 and hope that somebody gets there. It's a really good way and it's a good thing to get kids that are going away to school or in their first apartments outside of the house. It'll make them sleep better and it'll make you sleep better too. So go to and check out the store. Click on the store and get the original flip lock. $50 value for just $25. If you want to read more about it, go to 844, 542, 42, 508. I'm 67, I give her a pass for whizzing. I don't give her a pass, I know. She, you know, she ran, she slammed into a bunch of cars. I don't care what she does. I don't care what she does at the waterfall, okay? But, you know, get proctor to give you a ride home. And don't leave your gun in badge in the cruiser either. We'll be back tomorrow, I'm Howie Carr.