The Howie Carr Radio Network

They're all crooked in their own special way | 7.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

They'll tell you that the State Police didn't used to be this bad. Howie argues there's always been corruption, but maybe not at this level. Tune in on Howie's takes on the Karen Read case, Bidenomics, and, of course, the Chump Line.

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01 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. A win for former President Trump in the Supreme Court. I'm by winning. I win here and I win there. Now what? So yes, the lower courts again will have to hear it. It will, in my opinion, slow down Jack Smith's persecution and selective prosecution of President Trump. Well, back to the drawing board. And I don't see how this case could go forward before the election. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. This is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stomach. Hi, my name is Beau Biden. Here to talk to you about something that's very important to me, senior abuse. We finally beat Medicare. We have 1,000 millionaires in America. 80% of these crimes are committed by family members. Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question. So if you suspect that anyone is affected by any of these crimes, please contact our elder abuse hotline. Go to Joe, 303-3-0. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] How we car. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242-617. If you wonder why Meatball Morrissey will prolong this losing case with a retrial, it's simple. He wants to hold off the feds for making any moves of their own on suspected perjury and frame-ups by police and prosecutors. Feds don't want to mess up an ongoing prosecution. That's a really good 0.617. I hadn't thought of that. Others have suggested that perhaps if it was a mistrial, and that's what it is now, that if there is a retrial, she should go with a bench trial, meaning leaving it up to a judge. But this is Massachusetts. You know what I always say about Massachusetts judiciary? It's that 98% of them that give honest 2% such a bad reputation. I think I'm with 508. I'd take a dumb jury over a Massachusetts judge any day. I agree. I'd rather go with a jury. The reason you become a judge in Massachusetts is because you were starving to death in the private sector. Are you never even bothered to have a job in the private sector? You just hacked your way up. You were a public defender, or you were a clerk magistrate, or some such thing. But nobody who's a decent lawyer has been a Massachusetts judge in a very, very long time. 844-542-42. So let's do the chump line. Joe Biden said, when life knocks you down, take a whole bunch of methamphetamines and get back up. They did something wrong with the cocktail on Thursday night. He started slow, and then he got stronger. That's not the way it's supposed to be, you know? Most people don't watch the entire debate. All they needed to see was we beat Medicare. That was it. You lost the debate. It was over. If it had been a prize fight, they would have moved in and stopped it right there. The Democrats replaced Biden. What are they going to do with all the mail on ballot? They've already filled out. You know, I think the conservative tree house Sundance had it right. The reason the Democrats are panicked is if they're going to have shenanigans, shall we say, with this election, they're going to need a candidate who can credibly thought to be keep it close. They need to keep it close. I don't think Biden at this point can keep it close enough for them to pull it out in midnight hours after the election, after the polls have closed. That's why they're worried. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwich Port, the exclusive home of the stone grill dinner. It says, "Join me for a live broadcast." No, I just know, don't join me for a live broadcast. It's already over, but it's a great place. It's on the curve in Harwich Port, and it's a great place. They have all kinds of great stuff open seven days a week. It's great for the locals, great for the tourists. Reserve your table by calling 508 430 1100. That's 508 430 1100. Come on, man, the Democrats are saying the president should step down. I agree. Enough's enough. That's why I'm calling for the resignation of President Richard Nixon. I really don't know what he said at the end of this, and I don't think he knows what he said either. Did you see the Philadelphia Inquirer was so angry about the debate that they called for Donald Trump to quit the race? I'm not kidding. The Philadelphia Inquirer, it used to be a newspaper. Biden's people said he only did badly last Thursday because he had a cold. Oh, that's right. It should have been obvious. I mean, the number one cold symptom, everybody becomes an incoherent mumbling mass of jelly. It's amazing, too. The miraculous recovery, he had this terrible cold on Thursday night, and then Friday he was in North Carolina flying back to D.C. in Delaware, and no evidence whatsoever of a cold. Excellent. Today's announcement on presidential immunity, Justice Sotomayor was seen walking hand-in-hand in Bizarro World with Mr. Mixle-Pix. Yeah, it was six to three, by the way, as these things always are. Those three Democrats, they don't care about the law or the Constitution, they just care about what George Soros and the DNC tell them to do. It's appropriate Vogue magazine, Tech Joe Biden, for the cover girl of their elder abuse issue. Did you see that? They apparently didn't, you know, they had this catastrophic, historically terrible debate, and they didn't let it stop them from doing a cover shoot for Vogue magazine with any libel wits. Hunter knows a lot about cocktails and drugs, but I think his knowledge of prescription drugs is kind of limited, he likes to buy under the counter. I hear Biden's big Hollywood donors are working on a new movie, it's going to be a remake of the movie 9-5, it's going to be called 10-4. Really I thought it was going to be weekend at Bernie's, I guess that movie's already been playing in theater since January, actually since before then, since let's play the cut from Julian Castro. This is in 2019, 2019 during a debate, remember Julian Castro, I think he was the secretary of something or other in the Obama administration. Cut six. They do not have to buy in. You just said that. You just said that two minutes ago. You just said two minutes ago that they would have to buy in. You said they would have to buy in. They would have to buy in. If you qualify. Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago? I can't believe that you said two minutes ago that they had to buy in and now you're saying they don't have to buy. You're forgetting that. I mean look, grandmother who has no money, she would eat your automatic. Someone found that. Corey Booker said something similar but I couldn't find it today. I think the deep state has scrubbed the Corey Booker slam but that's a good one right there. That was from 2019, five years ago. I hold in my hand the last time below Mount Baldy, Mount Baldy. How to get away with something in Canton with a corrupt state trooper. Again, as my, as my friends said today, the Norfolk County District Attorney's State Cops have less ethics than they have here on their heads. Hey, Howie. I heard Obama invited Biden down to Martha's Vineyard for a weekend so they could do some paddle boarding. That's going around. I got a couple of texts on that that they want to reopen the state police investigation of the death of Obama's chef. Yeah, Howie Biden doesn't have a scratch handicap. He has a sniff handicap. Okay. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Car. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Car Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Today, Eastern time. And the number, if you'd like to leave a message on the Chumpline is 844-542-844-542-442-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline, we have one. It's a second Chumpline. It's posted every week, night, evening around 7 p.m. It's called Chopped Chumps. You can get the second Chumpline of the day where we put the messages we didn't have room or time for just now at wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast, Chopped Chumps. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the stone grill dinner. It's a great, great neighborhood type place in Harwichport and it's popular with both the locals and with the tourists who come to what come to the Cape every summer. It's a fantastic place and they have great food at reasonable prices. You can get lunch for 15 bucks. I had a great lunch for 15 bucks when I was down there the other week. It's just a really good spot. Jake Rooney's in Harwichport, reserve your table now by calling 508 430 1100. That's 508 430 1100. It's appropriate both magazine, Tech Jill Biden, for the cover girl of their elder abuse issues. We'll play the whole Bow Biden cut when we come back. 844-500-4242, I'm Howie Car. 844-500-4242, I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows, I wear their slippers, I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers and even their giza dream sheets go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is did the jury in the Karen Read trial do the right thing? No should have been guilty, no should have been not guilty or I'm satisfied with a mistrial. No should have been not guilty. Up to 79% now agree, no should have been not guilty, 11% think it should have been guilty and 10% are satisfied with the mistrial. All right. During the break, Jared found the Cory Booker cut after one of his bizarro performances during the debate. Cory was out at the beginning of 2020, so I'm assuming this is 2019, probably late 2020. Yes, September 2019. Again, we're coming up on five years, five years, and you know what? It wasn't a bulletin in five years ago. So here's Cory Booker after the debate with Brandon. Thinking about people in communities like mine listening to record players, I don't remember the last time I saw a record player in my-- They're back in, you know. They're back in. The vinyl is hot right now. It is hot. I just want to let you know. Maybe he's cooler than I am. But there are definitely moments where you listen to Joe Biden and you just wonder. But I don't know. Look. Senator, are you saying he's too old to be president? No, I'm definitely not saying that because I've listened to Joe Biden over the years and often felt like there were times that he is going on or meandering in his speech. It's a stutter, Cory. Oh, man, you know, he's just-- No, no, I'm not saying he's senile. I'm saying he's stupid, or at least he used to be stupid. But now he's stupid and he's senile. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, so here's the thing we've been using in the intro today. You got to hear this. This is an ad that Beau Biden, his son, you know, his hero son who was a war hero even though he died of Walter Reed. Here's-- when he was attorney general of the state of Delaware, he made a public service announcement about elder abuse and it seems particularly germane for the moment. Cut three. Hi, my name's Beau Biden, attorney general of the state of Delaware. I'm here to talk to you about something that's very important to me and to my office, senior abuse. For every one of these types of crimes, it's reported to our office, five go unreported. The two million senior Americans are affected every year and 80%, 80% of these crimes are committed by family members against the so-called loved ones. We need your help. Seniors need your help. So if you suspect that anyone is affected by any of these crimes, please contact our elder abuse hotline. Against their so-called loved ones. Hey, Jill, he's talking to you. Hey, Hunter, he's talking to you. Nick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nick. Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. Hello. Hi, Howie. Yes. Hi. So now, I'm sorry. I know I get on so soon. So now, we're going to see if the FBI is for real. There's got to be some tie in between the girl that was supposedly suicided but turned to possibly murder by an autopsy paid for by her family. Maybe there's some drug connection information here. She had to be taken out. I don't think it was all seriousness only because of the cops, one of the cops' father or baby. I think it's deeper than that. I've been out with him. Well, I think that's deep enough. I think that's plenty deep enough, Nick. You know, the guy's married, supposedly. I guess he was married, the cop who was the last one to see her. And he didn't give his DNA, and they never tested the DNA. I mean, it's just shocking how bad the police work is in maybe statewide. And I don't know if it's gone downhill or what. Some state cops say it never used to be this bad in terms of just corruption, not just incompetence, but also corruption. The Globe, you know, which was anti-Karen Reid because it was white people, basically. That was the reason they've switched their view now. The Reid trial did produce a verdict on law enforcement. The proceedings did reveal if the police work in tolerance for misogyny at the state police. It took them this long to figure it out. Gee, what took you so long? Thanks for the call there, Nick. 844-542-844-542-442. We'll have some more calls and we have some more cuts. And I want to talk about the Supreme Court decision too on Donald Trump today. By the way, we still have some good deals on our store,, click on store. We have the flip lock. It's an amazing lock as a 10 times as much pressure to, as a regular deadbolt, you can get a $50 value for just $25, check it out, and we've got them at the Howwecarshow at half price. I'm HowweCar. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios 844-542-442, John from New York, your next with HowweCar. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howwe, I haven't talked to you for about a week, but I just wanted to tell you that the preponderance of the data is definitely weakening and today we got the, we got two things. Oil's back up to almost $84 a barrel and then the manufacturing. I've noticed that the pump, it's, I paid almost $5 for premium the other day. I'm about to only put five gallons in, I'm so cheap, I'm so cheap, but the ISM coming up today for manufacturing, it's like, you know, it's true. It's only about 11% of the US economy, but it's 48. So it's really a tale of two tapes, still the artificial intelligence stuff's doing well. And you know, here's one for you, Nike, which I'm sure you read about a few days ago. Yeah, that stocks down 30% year to date. Go woke, go broke, you know. Yeah, well, you saw what happened with tractor supply. I mean, you know, that's not, not that well known in this, this area, but that's a, that's a big company and they just got taken totally out by one guy, one, one influencer, Robbie Starbuck. You know, they, they're out of the DEI business now. Yeah, that, that article made me proud to be an American actually, one guy can still do something, Halley Paul Revere might be real happy, but at Starbuck humidity said his name is Starbuck and he said, you know, I could do this at Starbuck's and it would have no impact, but I can take him out of tractor supply. Yeah, tractor supply, but hey, the buying is really going to, you know, his debate performance is the last thing he wants to worry about here because in the last two weeks, I would say the long treasury bond is down about 5% yields are back up to like four and a half percent of the 10 year they were approaching for. So that's going to mean higher yields, higher oil prices and the manufacturing data is all rolling over and continuing claims, jobless claims are up. So, you know, basically what that means is taking people that do become unemployed longer to find work. You know, you were saying that the last time you spoke, you were saying that the market is, is hoping, you know, they may not say it publicly because they have to summer in the Hamptons, but they're hoping that Trump gets back in and ends the insanity with all the printing of the money in these boondoggle projects. I mean, so the debate, wouldn't the debate cheer up the financial markets a little bit? Yeah. Well, you know what it is? They're really looking forward to, they're saying, well, wait a minute, you know, no matter who wins, there's going to be higher deficits, right? Because if you, there's a tax cut that expires next year, Biden's talking about raising taxes, which will cause a recession, and President Trump's talking about extending the cuts. But if you extend the cuts, you extend the budget deficit, and that's what's caused the bond yields to sell off, so it's a, it's a, like I say, it's really a tricky market because today, like, dear, which is a $360 stock, down $13. But Microsoft, which is in the AI business, up $10 on a $456 stock, so 2%. So it's really, again, all the consumer sectors, Starbucks, Nike, Target, Walmart, all that stuff, slowing down, and now the industrial stuff's following it. It's really the AI stuff that's really holding the market up, and that, that is a real business. And one other thing I wanted to, we got hit with two power outages in about seven days here at my house, I just want to tell you, you know, you know how that is, that's, that's real bad. Yes. I wanted to give a shout out to the people of Central Maine, believe it or not, Central Maine Power was down here doing the restorations. Really? So this wasn't an Andrew Cuomo green energy boondoggle disaster. This was just a real power outage. Yeah, real power outage from, you know, violent storms that swept through the area and knocked a lot of us out. And we had people from Rochester Gas Electric and Central Maine Power, and, you know, talking to those guys when they're doing the restoration, I mean, I had six guys at my house to give you an idea, running wire and putting trans, a transformer blue, that was four or $5,000. There's little gray things just on the pole. Right. But what I wanted to tell you, a lot of times people say is there's some theme I can invest in long-term. And talking to these guys, it's interesting, they're really knowledgeable. The grid in the country shot and they're trying to add all this stuff onto it. So if you can find companies that make products for the electric grid in the United States, particularly if the market comes down, there's going to be a long-term runway because the New York State and Electric and Gas, which I'm a customer of, just submitted a project, they want to spend $5 billion in New York State in the next year upgrading the grid. Yeah. So that -- I'm not sure, though, you want to get into the utilities, though, do you? Because, like Pacific Gas and Electric, they're getting blamed for all these fires and outages that are caused by insane California state environmental policies, and I'm sure the same policies are being implemented in other blue states, aren't they? Absolutely. And people don't want to pay -- the reason it's not being upgraded, according to these guys, is people don't want to pay for it. But it's a kind of thing like the Florida condos. If you don't pay for it, you're going to wind up with widespread outages, but you don't want to give it to the utilities. You want to give it to the companies that make equipment that go on the poles. And like I say, one of those little gray poles boxes in front of my house blue, and you'll see them when you're driving along -- Right. No, I know what you're talking about. Yeah. One of those boxes is 5,000 bucks, which is the idea of how much they are. I was amazed, but anyway, the guys did a great job, and a lot of them were like 60 years old who were putting this stuff up. So these guys work nonstop, you know, 16 hours a day with eight hours rest. So if you're listening out there, I really appreciate it. And slow down when you're driving by those guys when they're doing the work. Thanks, John. Colin, and have a happy Independence Day. You too, Ali. Thanks. That's John from New York, checking in on the markets, 844, 542. Someone says, "Catherine Clark," she's that blow-in from Colorado and Connecticut, who's now the Congresswoman on the North Shore and Eddie Markey's old seat. She has already put out a letter, an email, trying to raise funds because of the SCOTUS decision today. How does that affect her? I mean, I know that AOC has decided that she's going to file articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court, I guess just the Republican or the Trump appointees on the Supreme Court. And maybe Alito and Roberts as well. But you know, I mean, how does Catherine Clark get to cash in on this? Why am I even asking? 844, 542. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. I have three questions, quick one. The first one, when Donald Trump going to pick the VIPs after the convention or before the convention? I think probably just before the convention, Mr. Garcia. I don't think it'll be much before the convention. Great. That's the second question I want to ask you, the Supreme Court, you know, show my York Denny Oh, Denny Oh, and, and show my York Denny Oh, she had tight, tight one, diabetes. I want to know, I want to Donald Trump to win before something happened, any, any Supreme Court. And we need Donald Trump, so what? Yeah. Well, you know, you know, they're trying to force her to resign, Mr. Garcia, because they're saying you don't want to be the next Ruth Bader Ginsburg if Trump gets back in there, because then it'll, then it'll be seven to two and they make it sound like then, then the world will be over for, for generations. If it goes to seven to two rather than six to three, I mean, they're out of their minds, Mr. Garcia. Mr. Garcia, Mr. Garcia, I passed it on to Caroline Levin. And if you haven't heard from her, heard back from her, I guess it's not in the cards. I mean, I can, you know, send me your, send me your number. Give, give your number to Emma again, and I'll have, I'll put in another call to Caroline Levin and try to get her on and see if she can do it. And she, if she can set it up. Thank you. Thank you. 844-542-4274 just says what I just said, don't invest in the utilities, invest in the manufacturers that provide you equipment to the utilities. See, the problem with the utilities is they're regulated by the state. And when you're, when you're in a blue state, I mean, they're, they're out of their bleep in minds, you know, they, the, the reason they've got problems in, within high prices in, in Massachusetts and the, the, the problem and the reason they've got supply problems in, in, in New York is they've, they've shut down everything. They won't, they won't allow any, any new projects to go forward. They won't allow natural gas pipelines to come into the state. They actually want to shut down natural gas in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I don't see it in the cards, but this is how nutty they are. I mean, in the, you know, not that long ago, if, if you ran for the legislature saying, I want to shut down natural gas, people would throw a net over you. It's insane. But now, oh yeah, man, that's a, that's a great idea, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to fag me, man. You know, just to fact, like those MAGA people down the, down the street, man, the guy with the truck, man, by the way, my, my toilets not working, can the guy with the truck, the plumber come down, like he's moved to Alabama. I wonder why, man. Mike, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mike. How are you, something to consider? Read his lawyer, I call him how do you do me there? Alan Jackson, 85 cases, 96% wins will happen. Yes. Well, I don't know. I mean, this was, it's kind of a draw. I guess. Plus, I mean, this is kind of a crooked county, isn't it? Well, one of these are nationwide cases, and there's just a holy crooked county. Well, I seem to pull it up. Well, I mean, this is a, this is sort of a, this is one of, this is one of the more crooked counties in the United States, I would say. And I don't just say that as a matter of personal pride because I live in it and I work in it. It's, you know, I've seen a lot of counties and they're, they're all crooked in their own special ways, but this is, this has got some, this is like a throwback county when it comes to bad cops. There's no doubt, and a bad DA, I think. Thanks for the call. Maggie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Maggie. Oh, God love you, Howie. I've been loving this whole trial coverage. Okay. Here's the deal. I'm from Charleston. Yeah. So hear me out. If someone killed my kid, I'd want to take care of it myself. So I think Mrs. O'Keefe and Paul O'Keefe, they're playing the long game. They're so mad at Karen Reed. But Maggie, do you really think, do you really think Karen Reed killed him? Oh, God. No. Well, I mean, they, they were saying, you know, you and I were just tuning in and out of the trial, you know, whenever we could, they sat there the entire trial. I mean, don't you think they would be more inclined to, to, to say, well, you know, she may not have been a great person and she may not have been the best woman, our, our, our loved one, John, ever hooked up with, but she, she's, it's very doubtful that she killed him. Don't you think they would come to that conclusion? It took cover. I would sit there and look me out every day. And then when something happens to Brian Albert, no, I don't know, I don't know, Brian Albert, he doesn't, I get the feeling he doesn't have too many friends on the Boston Police Department. I get that feeling just based on the things I hear and based on the fact that there were no cops down there defending him. And why didn't Brian, Brian Albert went to the, to the, to the, to the trial on the final day, but he didn't bother to go to the funeral or the wake of his, of his fellow colleague, his, his brother in blue, John O'Keefe. He didn't even bother to go outside onto the lawn the day they found his body. It's kind of strange, isn't it? 844-500-4242, I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr is back. Remember when Tyree Kill saw, he was going to sign with the Jets. And then somebody said, Hey, Tyree, if you looked at the tax codes in New Jersey as opposed to Florida, he plays for the dolphins now. Well, it's, it's happened again this time in the NBA. Clay Thompson, he's a, one of the stars of the Golden State Warriors. He was going to sign with the Lakers, but then someone said, gave him, Hey, you ever, you ever go? Why don't you call Tyree Kill and ask him, California's got higher taxes than New Jersey. He signed with the Mavericks. They're in Texas. You know what the income tax rate in Texas is? Is the same as it is in Florida and New Hampshire zero zero eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, Paul, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Paul. Hey, Howie, how are you? Good. Good. Hey, I just wanted to ask one question. We listened to the, to the trial and I kept asking the same question over and over again. O'Keefe had a huge gas in the back of his head. Yes. Where was, where was the blood? They never talked about, you know what, that's, that's a good question. They, you know, they remember they, they took the little red solo cups from the cops house next door or down the street and they, they was just a, yeah, but there should have been a hell of a lot of blood and nobody was ever asked how much, I thought they checked when they had an autopsy, how much blood was actually in the body. They didn't say if, yeah, no, that's a, you know what, if Paul, if there is a retrial, these are, this is yet another question like what other kind, what other two DNA samples were left on John O'Keefe's body. You know, just, just as an example of questions that were left unanswered. Thanks for the call, Paul. 844, it's a good, it's a good question. David, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, David. Hi, Howie. Hi. First time long time. Thanks. Thanks for taking my call. Considering the level, the tremendous level of corruption in this case, do you think that there's any veracity, any idea that there were at least one or two plants from the police or the state on this jury? I don't know. I mean, you know, that's been bandied about and it certainly occurred to me too and there's been a lot of cases down through the years of everywhere where the jurors have been planted. But you know, these, you, Nettie and Jackson are pretty good attorneys and Liz there. They, Liz, little, she, I mean, they were, they were really good. I think they would, they were watching very carefully to see if anyone was planted. They, they, you know, I would be, you know, if I, if I had to, you know, say the people I would be looking at, one would be the ex-cop because, you know, some of you have good cops and you have not so good cops. And then you, then the two lawyers, I, you know, I don't, I think a lot of, a lot of jury, a lot of lawyers want to get the, the lawyers off because they, they tend to, even if they're not, they don't have any experience in the, in the type of law that is being considered. They, they tend to think they're experts and the, the other jurors who aren't lawyers tend to defer to them and sometimes it can lead to trouble. There were two, there were two lawyers on that jury and so I would say that may have been the problem. Turtle Boy thought it was this juror number seven, this young woman who was crying all the time. But I, I don't think we know. Wait till we hear from some of the jurors to, to find out who, who really was the, who was holding out and which side they were holding out on, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, I'm Howie Carr. [Music]