The Howie Carr Radio Network

RETRIAL: Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney talks Norfolk County corruption | 7.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Turtleboy joins the show as tensions are high in Dedham. The Karen Read murder trial has been declared a "mistrial" because of a deadlocked jury. When it was evident the impasse could not be overcome, Judge Cannone told the jury their work was done.

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01 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm air purifier. Bogo is back for one week to order. Go to eat and putting codeword Grace Bogo. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show, a win for former President Trump in the Supreme Court. I'm by winning. I win here and I win there now. So, yes, the lower courts again will have to hear it. It will, in my opinion, slow down Jack Smith's persecution and selective prosecution of President Trump. Well, back to the drawing board. And I don't see how this case could go forward before the election. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stomach. Hi, my name is Beau Biden. Here to talk to you about something that's very important to me, senior abuse. We finally beat Medicare. We have 1,000 trillion dollars in Medicare. 80% of these crimes are committed by family members. Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question. So, if you suspect that anyone is affected by any of these crimes, please contact our elder abuse hotline. Go to Joe, 303-3-0. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's... Howie Car... That's the best intro in a long while, getting them the Beau Biden and the elder abuse. Talk about irony. Irony heaped upon irony here in this case. 844-500-4242-617 says, "The trial is over. How long are you going to re-litigate it?" Well, it ended about 68 minutes ago. I mean, I think we're going to re-litigate it for a little while longer, if it's okay with you. 844-500-4242-617, this case was such a slam dunk. It's got my 10 foil on. If they could arrest Turtle Boy in his living room for nothing, then what keeps them from approaching a juror and really scaring the bleep out of them? Well, it's too late for me to write a column for Tuesday for the Herald, but I may have to go back on the Jerry and Jullo murder case in 1968 and again, the Miles Conner did not that that jury was... That was just the world's dumbest jury, as I called it for years afterwards. This wasn't all of them. I just want to know how many were wanted a guilty verdict after all this. 781 says, "The one game set in match moment, among many, was the verified 2-27 AM hose long to die in cold search." There's absolutely no reasonable excuse for that. That's all the jury should have needed and they had that much and more. They did. The thing was that the Commonwealth presented experts to say it was BS, but they were clowns. They were all knuckleheads. I mean, from meatball morsey on down, they were either knuckleheads or corrupt or both. And yet, the jury didn't come back with a not guilty verdict. I don't know. It's hard to be disappointed by anything that happens in America. I mean, you could be disappointed, but not surprised, I guess, is the way to put it. 844-542-42, Elizabeth, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Elizabeth. Hey, Howie, how are you? Good. Good. This is absurd, absolutely absurd. I agree. I cannot believe that they have to go through this again. All the money that's been wasted, all the time that's been put into this, it's just absurd. I know and now they say they're going to do it again. So maybe meatball wants to run for reelection after all this. He's a knucklehead. You know what? I used to live in Norfolk. I grew up in Stoughton, right? Yeah. So I know, you know, and you know, we were always like, you know, P.I.G. you know, we were kids, you know, running away from them. We never liked the cops, blah, blah, blah. Then I got married and moved out to Norfolk, but now I'm out on the South Shore. And I just can't believe the stuff that goes on out there. I just can't believe it. Yeah, it is. And this poor girl, this poor girl and her father, I have three kids. If my daughter was in a gym like that, you're damn right, you'd call her father because that's how fathers and daughters are, you need your dad. It's like, you know what, Elizabeth, with what's going on with Sandra Birchmore and this case, John O'Keefe, and you know, there's other cases too in Norfolk County. It's like something out of a '60s movie about the South, you know, for sure, "Viewford Tea Justice," you know, or something like that, you know, only instead of Jackie Gleeson, it's Michael Meatball Morrissey, just, you know, waddling around, just, you know, acting like a jerk. Oh, God. Thanks for the call, Elizabeth. Yeah, nine, nine, two, five. I thought the fix was in when the jury, when the verdict slipped, did not have a not guilty option. That, you know what, that should have been one of the early clues, one of the many early clues. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie, I think regarding the Caron Reed trial that if Meatball Morrissey wanted a conviction on the felony charges, where the facts stated by the prosecutors had so many inconsistencies in contradictions and showed so much bias, he should have charged Trump with it and tried the case in Manhattan. Well, again, as was proven in Manhattan, Dennis, you don't even need a real crime to convict Trump in Manhattan. Thanks for the call. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Howie. How you doing? Good. I'm an attorney here, and that's true that then I can tell you something, you know, one time attorney, you know, which juries do not make decisions based on the facts and the law. They base it on emotions and appearances. And because if you were watching this trial, essentially, for someone to hold out that Caron Reed was guilty would mean that they did not believe that there was any reasonable basis for an alternative explanation, which is, you know, it's hard to believe. So that kind of tells you it's wherever that person was. They were not being driven by the facts and law, but by appearances and emotion. And that's, you know, a real shame. You know, as far as Michael Morrissey, within the legal profession, we know this guy's a buffoon. I mean, really a buffoon, but then again, this is essentially what you get with these PAs, because they're all political hacks that get appointed, you know, run for office. I just wanted one other thing. I just want to point out as far as the immunity case in the Supreme Court, you know, if you know anything about immunity, basically the courts have created this whole bubble of immunity for themselves as judges. Right. And they cannot. So if you kind of think about it, you know, if they were to find that Trump didn't have this level of immunity, it would essentially undermine their own immunity. So it's not surprising that they came out with this decision. Right. Well, yeah, I mean, you know, people get angry when judges let somebody go or a clerk refuses to issue a restraining order and then the person goes out and commits another heinous crime when, you know, when there should have been some sort of attempt, at least, to stop him. And you're right. They all have immunity. You can't sue them. So they're, yeah, they don't want to give up the, they don't want to put the slightest crack in the shield of immunity. I agree with you on that. Thanks for the call, Tom. 844-542-42. I don't think all the DAs are as bad as Morrissey and Mary and Ryan. Although, you know, early is nothing to write home about the guy on the Cape now that took O'Keefe's place as a clown. He just dodged, he had an extremely, extremely strange automobile accident. You know, maybe except for Tim Cruise, I guess everybody is a, no, there was no one over there. Essex County, the guy at Essex County is not that bad. I don't think, but they're, they're, they're, they're pretty weak crew all, all, all told. You're right about that, Tom. Now that I think about it, 844-500-42-42, 508, will Mara Healy step in to put a stop to Norfolk County retrying the case? Is she going to comment at all absentica? I don't think, how can she stop it? It's, it's, it's not, she's not the attorney general. And I don't think the attorney general could stop it. This is up to a local law enforcement, which is meatball morrissey. So no one's going to stop it. Let's, let's play a couple of cuts here from the defense attorneys. First of all, Alan Jackson, after the mistrial was declared, he's declaring victory. Cut 16. Folks, this is what it looks like when you bring false charges against an innocent person. The Commonwealth did their worst. They brought the weight of the state based on spurious charges, based on compromised investigation and investigators and compromised witnesses. This is what it looks like. And guess what? They failed. They failed miserably and they'll continue to fail. No matter how long it takes, no matter how long they keep trying, we will not stop fighting. We have no quit. That's great. Okay. This is David Yannetti, the local boy from Essex County. Cut 17. I just have two things to say, folks. Number one, I am in awe of the strength and courage of this remarkable client that I've had the privilege of representing since day one. And number two, I want to send a message to all of her supporters out there. Your support was invaluable. We are touched and we ask for your continued support. I'm not from Texas, like my colleague here, I'm a Boston kid, but I'll repeat what he said, which is we ain't got no quit. Glad to hear it. 844-542-442, they got to be a little disappointed though, I mean, I thought they did a really good job. And I don't second-guess them for not putting many witnesses on the stand, you know, I mean, their case was made by the prosecution's own witnesses, you know, who poked holes in it. They poked holes in the timeline who just told such preposterous, tall tales on the stand that they were unbelievable. I don't know. They didn't have to put on the truck driver. 844-542-442, do what I did and order a burner for your loved one. Charlotte was visiting and we started to talk about all the benefits of a burner. Immediately she said, "Well, why don't you buy me one? I need it." You want your loved ones to feel safe and having effective yet non-lethal options is vital. So we got our one. Introducing the burner, less lethal pistol launcher, developed by a team of common sense gun owners who understand the importance of having choices. They engineered the burner launcher as a powerful tool for self-defense, allowing users to de-escalate threatening situations without resorting to deadly force. 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He's howie car, and he's back. Casino buggy. In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls. The Rolling Stones know that, know that. I love my pillows products, I sleep with their pillows, I wear their slippers, I dry off with their towels. Now, you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code howie for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is did the Karen Read trial, did the jury in the Karen Read trial, do the right thing. No should have been guilty, no should have been not guilty, or I'm satisfied with the mistrial. No should have been not guilty. 76% of the audience agrees that it should have been not guilty, 12% each for guilty and satisfied with a mistrial. 12% for guilty. 978, I know this sounds insensitive, but I feel like I just watched a two plus month movie and now they left me with a cliffhanger, now what do I do. No, I don't, I think a lot of people feel the same way, I know I do, I feel let down by the, you know, I know she's not going to jail or prison, but still, I mean she should have been acquitted. 844, 500, 42, 42, another 978, I don't think the local jury, if I'm right that the jury was local, would go against the local cops, that's Andy, I don't think that was it. I don't think it was, I don't know, I don't know what the hell was going on, I hope we, I hope we find out more, I don't, I don't think that they're going to, you know, it was not totally local cops, it was just one town out of a county with 27 towns and most of the crooked cops were state cops, again they were from the area, most of them, the just stone can area, but they're, they're not like, they're not the kind of cops you run into every day, unless you're an alcoholic, and you, and you're in the bar every night and driving around drunk and losing your gun and your badge, man, in that case, in that case, yeah, 844, 500, 42, 42, let's see here, Bob, you're next with highway car, go ahead Bob. Howie, when John O'Keefe's brother, Paul O'Keefe, was walking out of the courtroom just behind his wife and his mother, he whispered or said something to Karen, Karen had just finished walking along the, you know, being hugged by her father, her mother, yeah, and had walked to the end of that line, so Karen was within two feet of Paul, yeah, and Paul said something to her, and what had been, Karen, smiling, happy face, turned into a like a disgusted face, you have to see it, I would like your call, your audience to see if they saw that too. I'll ask turtle boy, he's going to be on in a few minutes, I'll ask him about that. So Paul O'Keefe said something to, to Karen read and you think by the expression on her face, it seemed like it was something very rude. Correct, Paul looked directly at her and said something and Karen had just been at the end of that walk line in close proximity to Paul, and her face of happiness turned to disgust. She kind of rolled her eyes. Okay, I'll ask him, I'll ask him about that, Bob, that's a good question. Carol, you're next with highway car, go ahead Carol. Oh, hi, oh, do I have a thing with Mike Morrissey, so I live in Quincy, I live near the expressway, I have gotten flooded for years, I've never lived near a body of water. He used to come down, he was so bad, do you know what cured my flooding problem, they needed to dredge Black's Creek, but he blinged it on Granite Leagues because he didn't like wall to hand in, and he used to give us paperwork, he was so bad, so bad. He is so bad, he's a hack Carol, he's been a hack since he was in high school, and now he's going to be 70 years old next month, so he's been a hack since the Nixon administration, maybe the Lyndon Johnson administration, he's been on a public payroll since then too, he was elected to the legislature when he was about 21, you know, it's, I mean, there's nothing wrong with being in the legislature, but you know, I mean, was that your dream of being a state rep when you were 20 years old, I mean, come on, there are other things on the average person's mind when you're 20 years, I know they were on mine, 844-542-42, we're out of time, well, I'm going to ask a turtle boy about that, now people are talking about the rumors online about what he said to her, so we'll see, 844-542-42, tell us about the exchange student with jailbird Chris Albert again, I've written about it over and over again, and well, I'll ask a turtle boy about it again, he can explain it, Chris Albert hired judges his brother as his lawyer and then got six months to slap on the wrist for killing somebody, I'm how we are. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, 844-542-42 with us throughout the trial has been Aiden Carney, aka turtle boy, and today, what's your reaction, turtle boy, are you disappointed? It's like kissing your sister, howie, it's like, what am I supposed to feel coming out of that, like, yeah, I mean, I guess the Commonwealth didn't prove its case and it failed, but like, that was wrong with our system, these jurors, I mean, how can anybody after sitting through nine weeks of that say, you know what, I feel pretty confident beyond the reason of all that, she did it. I'm just going to ignore, sure, there was these ARCA experts who told us clearly that he could not have possibly been hit by a car and the injuries aren't consistent with that, and yeah, they have PhDs, and so a couple doctors came out and said they looked like dog bites, and they clearly looked like dog bites, and oh yeah, Joseph Paul's a complete moron who had an insane theory about doing a pirouette in the middle of the air, and all this stuff, and Jennifer McCabe did this Google search, and there's all these butt dials, and it's just like, and they look at that, and they're like, you know what, I'm still convinced she did it, 100%, I mean, what is wrong with our system where anyone could possibly think that, like, I've lost complete faith in humanity, that you could have any human being out there, like, whoever did that should not have a drive, whoever thinks they can't read guilty on that jury should not have a driver's license, they shouldn't be allowed to vote, there should be a lot of things that they should be limited to, we should not allow people to dumb to govern us, what we do. So have you heard about you, you said any of the jurors could DM you, I guess you haven't heard from any of them yet? Not yet, but I'm anxious to, because this seems like the kind of jury where people are going to want to talk about what happens behind closed doors, you know, like, who were the holdouts, and what were they doing, what were they saying, because I mean, I honestly just want to know, like, whoever did this, subverted justice, like, they got in the way, and, and then meet within 10 minutes, meet Balmoris, he's announcing, well, we're going to do this all over again, we're going to waste more taxpayer time and money on his garbage. Yeah, but doesn't he have to say that? I'm still, I just talked to Mark Salinas, one of our lawyers on Grace's show, and he thinks he's going to go through with it, but I can't imagine it. What's the, I mean, who is, who is witness is going to be, is proctor going to be out there again? Boot chat. We're going to do it all over again. We're going to do it all over again, I guess, that's a plan. Again, I don't, in front of a different group of jurors, and what possibly makes them think, well, this time around the second time around, then we're really going to prove that we're really getting at 12 people who think she did it. Like the text messages will sound much better the second time around. I mean, I would hope that they do a change of venue, like this cannot be done in Norfolk County again, and switch to any other county in Massachusetts. And hopefully we get a real judge that dismisses this this time. Yeah. Someone just called in and said that, you know, as the after the mistrial was declared, and Karen Reed was leaving, and, you know, hugging her father, and, you know, all doing, talking to people, Paul O'Keefe came up and said something to her, and her expression changed. Do you know what happened? Yeah, I don't have the exact quote. I'm sure others can fill me in. I could find it one second. Somebody heard it. The exact quote that Paul said to her on the way out was, quote, I'm not done with you yet. That's what he said to Karen Reed on the way out. I'm not done with you yet? Yep. I'm not done with you yet. I mean, this is like, and that kind of summarizes what he's all about. It's like these people, Paul O'Keefe is not in this to learn about, you know, and try to figure out who killed his brother. He just doesn't like Karen Reed, and he's not done with her yet. That's all this comes down. He's stood there. He sat there and stared at her the whole trial, grilling her. He brought the McAlberts in at the end to intimidate the jury a little bit, and, you know, make them think twice about that. Do you notice, too, that, like, Higgins and Proctor and a couple of the others, they all, and Brian Albert, they all thanked the jury after the testimony. Like, thank you. You know, like, it was just bizarre the way they tried to communicate with the jury, and just, I don't know. It just makes me think, like, they can get to these people if they want to. You know, like, they, I don't know. It's just, it's, the whole thing seemed just intimidating, you know, and they say that I'm the intimidated. Now, these people are doing all the intimidating out here. These people are the ones growing up to jury, and they have all the institutional power, and the fact that they want to do this again, it's like, what are they thinking, how? I mean, do you think it's going to go better the second time around? I don't know. I mean, I, you know, we were all thinking it was like a, you know, a 12 angry men scenario like the movies we've seen, you know, the one holdout, but they said that, you know, I guess the foreman said there was deep division in the jury. So there, there had to be more than, there had to be more than one holdout, and we don't even know what the, which way the, the holdouts were. Yeah, I mean, I, I'm going to, for the sake of humanity, I'm hoping that the vast majority on that jury thought that Camari was not guilty, right, beyond a reasonable doubt. I mean, the fact that anybody can feel comfortable casting a vote to put somebody away for the rest of their life based on what we saw in that trial should hear the crap out of all of us. Now, you know, I mean, we can only speculate because they are, they have been pretty silent, at least the people like us, the, the people at the FBI. But I mean, what, what, what are your, your sources or what are you thinking that the FBI is going to do next? I mean, this is, this can't be the way Josh Levy wanted it to come out, just kind of this, you know, this, this tie. Yeah, I mean, I've heard from some that kind of hit a, a dead end, but I've also heard from other sources that they're just getting started and that a lot of the testimony that they gave particularly during this trial was contradictory to testimony that they gave during federal grand juries and state grand juries and that they could be on the line for charges for that. So we'll see what happens. Yeah, I mean, how long can, you know, Higgins, I mean, I know Higgins is not really, he's just being paid, you know, like, like some of these crooked FBI agents down in DC after the Russian collusion hoax, but I mean, he's still on the payroll. How long does he stay on the payroll? How long does proctor stay on the payroll? I mean, how can they introduce him as a witness, you know, when they start having pretrial hearings in the Brian Walsh case? Yeah, I mean, exactly. In fact, Michael Proctor is still working murders and that the, the Norfolk County DA's obviously is nothing wrong with it. It's just indicative that it's just going to be business as usual. They're going to trot out the same people and try to do this all over again. They are completely oblivious to the court of public opinion and what people really think about this. And the fact that, you know, and then there's my case, Hallelujah. I mean, I was kind of looking for a quittle today for my own selfish reads because it's like, can we focus on me now? Can we get rid of my charges? But we still got to go ahead with counterreach things. Like, that's not going away anywhere. And, you know, an acquittal with the counterreach case should obviously help me tremendously because we could say, like, look, I was right about everything. And I don't know the fact that I would say the fact that we had a hung jury was, was okay. You know, it's a good, like, enough people clearly can see that something's wrong with this and feel strongly enough that they weren't going to be moved, but would have been better with losing animus. Yeah, and I mean, it's going to cost, it's going to cost her family another arm and a leg if they have to go through this again. I mean, those guys are obviously the top line criminal defense attorneys. That doesn't come cheap. And we don't know if Alan Jackson's going to be able to do it again. He probably won't, to be perfectly honest. I mean, lives in California. He's got to fly across the country constantly for this. We've got a little kid at home. Like, it just seemed, and honestly, I love Alan Jackson. God bless him. He's done tremendous work. Like, he's done the work. He's already, you know, like laid this all out, all the facts and all the evidence. Like, any capable lawyer now could walk into this case and just take all the work that they've put together and figure it out with this and just do the case over again. Like, I love Alan Jackson, but like, we can get any lawyer, I feel like, there's got to be some capable lawyers around Boston, because I honestly just don't see him coming back for the reach out, to be honest with you. How about you, Nadi? That's a different story. You know, he's local. He's her original attorney. But I don't know how to feed work. I won't ask about that. But, you know, she does have an army behind her raising funds. So she got that going for her. So what about the Sandra Burchmore case? I mean, this is another, you know, dark cloud hanging over meatball Morrissey in his corrupt office. Yeah. I mean, seeing cast of goons fanning and, you know, Don and Kevin Albert and Lanker and all these other losers. Yeah, the same stuff. I mean, you got a woman who allegedly killed herself. She was happy. She wanted to have this baby. And then this goon cop walks, you see him walking in there. He's like six, five, and he's the last person to walk out and he's never treated as a suspect. And Nicholas Garino takes his phone and says, does the full data extraction? He's like, Oh, I can't find any of the deleted messages. I don't know how to do that. They don't teach that at Westfield State. Dump it, um, dumb, dumb, dumb. And just like you couldn't figure out, like, Oh, I hope data says is going up and down stairs. He must have been on a hilly road. Dump it, um, dumb, dumb. And never got his DNA either. Never got farwell's DNA, did he? Never. Never. And got the DNA off of her body and off the, uh, unborn child, but never, never processed the DNA. What, what is going on? Never. They didn't, because they don't treat. Don't they watch CSI? Good Lord. Hey, they do. But if you have a badge and a gun, then you don't get treated like a normal suspect would in Norfolk County. That's a pattern here. And uh, like Sandra Burchmore, like, has kind of universal support out there. There's like, even the people that pretend that Karen Reed is guilty, like they know something's wrong with the Sandra Burchmore case. Um, because Andrew Burchmore is dead and she can't have done them in the ways that Karen Reed offends these people. Like she can't smile in court, which is what apparently people hate about Karen Reed. She smiles too much, or she seems too cocky or whatever. But yeah, um, I don't know if we'll ever get justice for Sandra Burchmore. But the fact that meatball's office was taken off of that and then, and that now it's been ruled a homicide instead of a suicide, you would think that arrests will be coming for that or indictments, I would hope. Why do you think that, uh, so many people have this visceral hatred of Karen Reed? Uh, you know, I know, you know, she's got personal problems, et cetera. But that doesn't mean she killed, uh, killed, uh, John O'Keefe. It's just people are catty. Like a lot of women out there just don't like the fact that she's smiling and, you know, carries herself well and is well dressed. And, you know, comes to court is confident, is happy. They don't like that. A lot of people are just miserable hags. And I mean, you saw it outside the court today. You see that the food stamp five as we call them out there protesting today. Look at them. Look at those people. They're disgusting. None of them have jobs. They're all miserable, sad women in their thirties who just look at Karen Reed and the joke. And I know that, Callie, because one of them was the fake victim that put me in a box for 60 days. But didn't you, are they, are they more, are those women more mad at, uh, Karen reader at you? I mean, haven't you had run ins with them? Weren't they subject to your ratchet stories over the years? Most of them? Exactly. Every single one of them, I could tell you a story about them. And they all down the line somewhere had an issue with me. And then they're obsessed with me. And then they decide Karen Reed is guilty based on that. And the sad part is that the media is out there treating them like there's some sort of competing interest. Like, Oh, there's people on both sides of the aisle. Yeah, there's thousands of us. And then there's five unemployed loser DF moms over here who are standing at the corner for 45 minutes. They lost their steam after about 45 minutes. And then they went home for the day. So how, how does that, what, what's next for, uh, for you, for turtle boy? So I'd be here and coming up on July 11th with the McAlberts and the fake victim, trying to get where we got to get our cell phone. It's a rule 17 hearing to try to get that. And eventually we're going to try to get these most, these cases dismissed for lack of prosecution because they're not giving us any discovery that we need. Like they've been told a million times, you got a hand in discovery. And then they just don't do it. I still don't know what I've been indicted for. There's something called a bill of particulars that explains, uh, you know, what exactly you've done that is against the law. They've just said like, well, he, he said all this stuff on his show. And then he is the statue. So, but they've never connected the dots about how the things I said on the show are in violation of the statue. And they in, cause we're dealing with a completely incompetent special prosecutor named Ken Mello and who just doesn't know what he's doing. He's been way over his head. And, uh, apparently he thinks that I just go to jail. Like you just, I say bad things on YouTube and you just go to jail. But that's, it's not how it works. I read a tweet that's saying you have a movie contract now. Is that right? I did. So I signed away, um, my rights to, uh, my likeness in a, in a motion picture that's been green lit by a company called compelling pictures. And, uh, I've also, they've signed, uh, my rights to a book and a podcast as well. So, uh, we'll see what happens with that. I'm excited to see what the future brings. What other movies have they done? Um, they did a recent Whitney Houston movie. One of the guys I'm working with was involved in doing the town. Um, and so you'd have to look them up. So they're legit. They're legit. Oh, they're very legit. Oh, they're legit. 100%. All right. This is a lifetime movie or anything like that. I was the real deal. Okay. So you're going to, yeah, I'm sure you're having a show tonight. What time? All right. Tomorrow night, tomorrow night, nine o'clock. Really? You're not going to do it tonight? Should I do it tonight? Yeah. Maybe I'll do it tonight. Yes. Maybe. Now you got me. Maybe we'll do it tonight. We'll see. Actually, it's a good idea. We'll see what tonight. All right. So yeah, let, let us know. And, uh, and well, you'll, you're, uh, the followers, you'll let them know. But we'll tell us to, and we'll, uh, we'll promote it on our, uh, on our network as well. Um, sorry the way it turned out Turtle Boy, but I appreciate you joining us every day. And, uh, we'll be in touch with you again, uh, you know, with, as your, as your next court date, uh, nears. Thanks. Thanks for all your good work. And, uh, you've done a great job. Thank you. Thanks, Sally. Thanks. Thanks, Aidan. That's, uh, Turtle Boy, Aidan Carney. As always, as soon as I returned to New England, I made a visit to Perfect Smiles. Dr. Houghton and his team are the best in New England, and I think the whole country. When you're planning dental work, you want to be confident about the quality of the staff and their work. Perfect Smiles has an easy to get to office in Nashua, New Hampshire, right over the Massachusetts line. And it's a comfortable office too. Before my dental appointment, I sat in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. I only mentioned that because everything they do in that office, Perfect Smiles is designed to keep you comfortable from the moment you walk in and sit down in the massage chair to the moment you leave with some, uh, free, freebies that they give you on the way out the door. It's a, it's a great dentist dental office, the best dental office I've ever been to from Dr. Houghton and his new partners on down to the dental hygienists and the receptionist and Dr. Houghton's wife, Stephanie, everybody in that office is at the top of their game. And now as I say, Dr. Houghton has added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on your wait time to get an appointment. Perfect Smiles will always fit you in it when you have an emergency as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager. Whatever your dental needs are, you need to try Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile. Change your life. 603-595-6699. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to The Howie Carr Show from anywhere. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. 781 says, "Was there ever a bigger microaggression than turtle boy quipping food stamp five?" That was a good line. I must say, someone just texted me and said, "Just like meatball Morrissey to go back for a second helping." That's a good one too, actually. 508, it's frightening to think that any juror thinks it would be okay to read to jail. I don't know what happened, but the commonwealth didn't come close to proving anything. Something stinks. I agree. 844-542-42. Sam, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Sam. Yeah, like so many, I become obsessed with this. The one number one thing, I scour the internet. I see all these experts, these guys that train dogs, the number one thing, those were bite marks on that guy's eyes on Jokey's arm. They weren't taillights, that's for sure. We know they weren't taillights. They couldn't prove it though, that's the problem. They haven't been able to prove it yet. Yeah, I just hope and pray that the FBI steps in and takes poor Karen Reid out of this room. This is crazy that he's thinking about redoing this. This is ridiculous. It's just absurd. Thanks for the call, Sam. We're going to keep going with this. Again, we're going to re-litigate it today. Sorry, 6-1-7, but we've been waiting for two months for this. 844-542-42. I got a lot of stuff to get to as well, but I don't know if I'll get to it or not. We'll keep taking your calls when we come back. I'm Howie Carr.