The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: MISTRIAL?! plus Setting the GOP up for Election Success with Sheriff Tom Hodgson | 7.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Taylor breaks the BOMBSHELL out of the Karen Read murder trial, the official designation of "mistrial" by Judge Beverly Cannone. Will the Norfolk County District Attorney retry the case? Will they drop it, after all of those damning testimonies? Only time will tell. Plus, Sheriff Tom Hodgson joins the show to discuss the systems in place to ensure 2024's election integrity.

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01 Jul 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. BOGO is back for one week to order. Go to and putting code word grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Trataria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. They got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. You don't want too much grace. Here's the Millennial with the Mike Grace Curly Grace Curly Grace Curly Grace Curly Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't especially Grace Grace stand up Grace Curly. Welcome to the Grace Curly show. I'm Taylor Cormier, Grace's producer filling in for Grace while she's on vacation this week. 844-542-42. Yesterday morning I was scrolling social media and saw that there was a grand opening for a Trump campaign headquarters in New Bedford, Massachusetts, the stronghold for Democrats in the Bayou, the Bristol County. And it was really amazing to me that this would be located in downtown New Bedford. So rather than just let it happen, I grabbed the wife and kids. We all went down and listened to a number of speakers and tore the facilities there at this new Trump campaign headquarters in New Bedford. Something that I don't think has been seen for a Republican candidate in a long time for the city. And I thought, who better to bring on than the chairman for the Massachusetts Trump campaign, former Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson. Sheriff, thanks for being on with us today and congratulations on the grand opening yesterday. Taylor, thanks for having me and yeah, it's really a congratulations. And all the great workers and volunteers that have helped make this possible. Including Jim DeMello, who is the owner of the DeMello International Center, which is a beautiful, centrally located place in downtown, as you said. It was great to see and it's very impressive building. That was my first time inside, actually. And what you have available to you is great. What, I mean, beside your intimacy with the city and the politics around there, what made, in your mind, New Bedford, a good location for a Trump campaign headquarters? Well, because so many people have always thought that New Bedford was sort of strictly a Democrat stronghold and it has been for many, many years. But, you know, I was able to be elected chair for people who said that that wasn't possible as a Republican when I came here 25 years ago. And so, I thought, given where we are in the country right now and watching the country spiraling downward, what we've seen is Democrats, independents, Republicans, all around New Bedford, all over the state. They'll come up to me and say, "Hey, listen, I'm a Democrat. I'm independent. I'm voting for Trump." And I think it's because people have really gotten set up with the fact that it's impacting every facet of their society and their personal lives as families. So, I thought New Bedford's always sort of been looked at as the Democrat stronghold, one of the nuclear sources of sort of left-wing politics. But we're not finding that now. We thought, let people have a chance to come in and participate in probably the most historic election that'll happen in our lifetimes. It was very energizing to just be in that atmosphere yesterday and realizing where you were, the heart of downtown New Bedford Union Street. And it was very, very surreal to think that you're there. This is where the new Trump campaign headquarters is in this Democratic stronghold, as you said. And I was talking with Barry Richard, a host on one of our affiliates, WBSM, in New Bedford. And he was saying, "I think this is the first time that there's been a headquarters located in New Bedford since Reagan." And is that true? Do you know that? I believe that that's correct. And let's keep in mind that Reagan was the last one to win Massachusetts twice, which is what I think we're on target to do again this time. I mean, that's kind of the whole point here. Massachusetts is such an easy state to, I mean, you're elected chair of the leading candidates, the only candidate now, his campaign in the state. And it's so easy to just say, "Well, he's never going to win Massachusetts. What's the use of even trying?" But you took the opposite direction here and went, "Let's go to these central Democratic locations and try to pull in this and form this nucleus that has been lost for so long." And the reaction, I think, is going to be astounding. There were a lot of people there yesterday. I think you're going to get a lot of interest generated. What do you see happening in those headquarters? And what are you asking people to do? Well, sure. Let me just hit the point you just made and then get into that very important question. But when you said, you know, surprising that we would be in the Bedford and all of that, and those people wouldn't think we'd be there. But that was what people said to me when I was running as a Republican. I remember the former raising commissioner who was a Democrat, sat with him when I first was getting ready to run from my first time and said, "What do you think my chances are?" He said, "Well, you have no shot as a Republican. You have a teeny shot as an independent and maybe a little bit better as a Democrat." And I said, "Well, if you're telling me I have to pretend I'm somebody I'm not, I'd rather run and lose than I would pretend I'm somebody I'm not." So that's an example of how people have these impressions in this area for the longest time. And I think it was sort of almost mental conditioning that people had like, "Oh, we can't win. We're Republicans." Or the jokes about there's all the Republicans all kind of must be all that we have around here. It wasn't so. And I think people are starting to understand that. Now, as far as the headquarters go, we're going to have – there are going to be a lot of activities happening there. We have volunteers that will be manning it. People will be coming in to get involved in Trump Force 47, which is an outreach program into the neighborhoods or the community where people are assigned to a certain number of people and following them up until the election to get them to vote and get whatever they need, keep in constant contact. And then get out the vote training will be happening in there for teaching people about early voting, voter registration. And then we'll be on the phone with Trump Talk, where people will be on the phones calling voters and asking them to get – are they going to vote? Please get out and vote. And just reminding people that this is a really important election for our nation. We're spiraling downward and it's only asking that all of us – whether you're Democrat, independent, Republican, and whoever you vote for, care enough about our kids and our great kids and the future of this nation that you would take one day, half hour, hour of your time, once every four years – and this is such an important time this time – to just go there and make your voice heard and make a determination of where this nation goes, be a voice in making that happen, whoever you vote for. But go out and vote. And if we don't do that, I think we're going to be in a pretty bad place. What are the differences you see in the organization and the focus between this campaign, this time around, and 2020? Are you seeing an improvement? Yeah, we are. We're actually seeing much more focus on the ground game and also poll watchers because that obviously is going to be very, very important given the – we saw some situations in New Bedford during the primary where the Republican ballots weren't at the polling place in the most conservative ward where the polls opened, and other irregularities. And we want to make sure that those kinds of things aren't happening. If it does happen, we want to make sure it's reported and it's looked at so that everybody's vote counts, that there's not, you know, voter fraud going on that takes away your vote or my vote Taylor when we're trying to determine what direction we want the country to go and then how we want government to serve us. That leads me to my next question. What are the talking points you're arming the volunteers with? Say the top three. What are the convincing arguments they can make as everyday people to other everyday people? Well, obviously the economy, you know, and I tell all our people who are volunteering, you know, get into conversations. Don't worry about people's party. Ask them when the last time they went to the grocery store and how many bags they got for $100. And are they feeling the same pain you're feeling? And talk to parents whose kids are coming out of college or just got taken jobs and saying, aren't you worried about your kids getting drafted with the way that our national standing is the world and how close we are to a potential world war three. We don't want to see your kids drafted or shouldn't your kids be able to buy a home when they've gotten out of college, worked hard and shouldn't they be able to afford their rent and not have to feel like they have to live with you. And then of course the biggest one is how our communities and our neighborhoods have been taken over. Do you think it's right that any community would take the kids whose parents put them in a community center to keep them off the street. So they don't get exposed on the street corners to Setonol that's pouring in over the borders. You haven't be kicked out of that community center and you being told, hey, listen, I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, but your son or your daughter, they're going to have to go out there and hang out on the street quarters. I need this community center to house people who have come into this country illegally have contributed nothing and your son and daughter, well, I hope they don't get killed by that setonol. But the realities are, I need this for them rather than have your kids be given the extra protections that you're trying to give them. And that's really the fundamental things that people are looking at. And I think have gotten people, I'm telling you, I've been all over the state, Taylor, and I'm here. Democrats independent Republican states, I'm voting for Trump. The young Republicans are telling us that, I was at their convention. And they said, we thought we were outliers as Republicans, most of our family members are Democrats. They're all voting for Trump. And I think that has everything to do with people finally waking up and saying, wait a minute, we're Americans first. This is about America. This is about our families. The politics, the red and the blue, we got to stop with this divisiveness and remember that it's red, white and blue, that that's what the flag is, the colors of our flag are. And that's where we need to be united in that regard. And when it comes to our families, that's what the whole fundamental foundation of our government's about. It's about protecting the people and the rights of our people. And we had a great, great win in the Supreme Court today. One of the larger arguments on the other side against Trump got blown up, in my opinion today, saying that President Trump, when acting as President Trump as should, he's got immunity, which I think really cleared a lot of the way from now until the election, the other talking points from the other side, making it a lot easier to convince people that Trump is their candidate. Oh, absolutely, Taylor, you hit the nail on the head. And I think this decision was absolutely the right one. I don't think it was a surprise to most people because you can't have a president that is not given immunity for official acts, because every time the president is now or in the future acts, they'll be filing lawsuits against no matter what. And look, it's going to go down to the local courts, and they're going to make the decision whether or not what is the definition of an official act. But the fact of the matter is, in this case, President Trump, when January 6th happened, he clearly stated to all those people at that rally. Go up there and you protest peacefully. That was his point, peacefully. But like them, he had to write to ask that question. So many millions of Americans were asking the question, what happened with these crazy stories, all these things that were happening at the ballot boxes in different states, ballots that didn't get counted until later on, and all this. And then the other point is that he also, prior to that day, told Nancy Pelosi, and she admits this, that she didn't take the action. When he told Congress, you should have the National Guard up there just in case, because he knew there was going to be big crowds coming to be there, that they felt strongly like he did about things not being right, and that it was just good common sense when you have big crowds to have security there to make sure nothing gets out of hand, because he could get a mob mentality sometimes. And Nancy Pelosi has admitted that. And yet, I don't hear the Democrats saying, geez, we should have done this. We could have prevented, perhaps, most of it, if not all of it. She admitted it on tape, and it was even brought up in the debate the other night by President Trump. Just one more thing, Sheriff Tom Hodgson, chairman of the Massachusetts campaign for Trump, and you're trying to bring President Trump here to Massachusetts for a rally. People can sign a petition to try to encourage him to bring a rally here in Massachusetts and get some outstanding numbers. He's done it in other Democratic strongholds like the Bronx. We could do it here. Where can people go to sign that petition and sign up to volunteer as I did yesterday? Where can they go? They can go to math, M-A-S-S, the number four. Trump,, that's math, M-A-S-S, the number four. Trump,, and they go up to the petition should come right up. They can just type their name in as a personal support petition, and then they can go to the upper right side where the horizontal lines are, hit those, and they can see all the different events that are happening. They can sign up for other petitions that we have, one of which is to end the sanctuary state in Massachusetts once and for all, and other important events that will be developing as the campaign goes on. Thank you, sir. Keep us in the loop as to any future developments for the Massachusetts campaign. Thank you very much, Tom Hodgson, chair of the Massachusetts campaign for President Donald Trump. We'll be right back 844-542-42. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Grace Curly Show. Hey, do me a great favor, would you? Could you go to and vote in today's poll question if you're on a laptop or a home computer should be right there on the right side of the page. If you're on a mobile device, such as your phone or a tablet, you may have to scroll down a ways to find it, but please go to Vote in today's poll question which is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of our co-workers over $1,700. To get your insurance audited, go to Emma, what's today's poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, is the jury in the care and read trial legitimately deadlocked? Yes or no, there's a holdout juror planted by the Norfolk DA's office. I'm going to say no, there's a holdout plant. I really don't want to believe it, but that's the only excuse I can really ascribe to this other than somebody is so emotionally obtuse and open that they are not letting facts get in the way of their feelings. Their feelings are driving them. I really hate to believe that a juror would act that way, but so I'll go the other pessimistic route and say that no, there's there's a holdout the DA's office put in. 72% of the audience agrees with you. 28% says yes. Steady 72% 844 542 42 781. Why does the judge always sound put out when she she does? She always seems like she like she has other things to be doing besides being a judge. And she's so bothered by any inconvenience that a trial throws her way. Lisa, you're next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Lisa. Hi Taylor. How are you? Excellent. Good. I want to nip on what the judge sounds like to me, but I'm not going to bite. So the Trump campaign, that gentleman you just sat on was very nice, but okay, we're in the 21st century campaign. The days of the poll watchers and the lawyers to do something after the election are over. Okay, so we have to mail in ballot and ballot harvest and sign up and register and collect harvest new votes, meaning we have to micro target everybody on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, whatever else, and we have to see anybody who listens to country music has an American flag. And we have to do that. And they're not doing that. And that worries me so much. The poll watcher days are over Taylor. I don't know. I mean, that's that's that's a good again, a fail safe is a buzzword that I'm using today. But I think that's that's a good fail safe to have as the election process is taking place. But don't make any bones about it. Tom Hodgson is a bulldog on these issues. And I was listening to him speak in their plan yesterday about the campaign is specifically in Massachusetts. And they are targeting the people that you would not normally target for a Trump campaign. But everybody has been affected by Joe Biden. You've got to go after everybody. We'll be back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show 844-542-42. They are still coming out with more and more excuses for Joe Biden's disastrous performance at the debate Thursday night. You know, during the debate, when we were first stunned to hear Joe Biden's voice, the campaign put out that Joe Biden has a cold. And that's why he's so so soft spoken. And he's hard to hear. And he's you know, he sounded he didn't sound like his usual self. But I want to go to the next day, Emma. And the Biden cut sheet that we have here tells a little bit of a different story because he wasn't that quiet, soft spoken guy. Let's go from the Biden cuts cut 10. Folks, I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. He was yelling. He wasn't yelling at the debate. He was quiet and soft spoken. Where did the cold go? Colds don't just disappear like that. And you would think that if he did have a cold seven days at Camp David, they would have if they had an immediate cure that they obviously had Thursday night going into Friday for him to be well enough to yell at this campaign rally that they would have given that to him prior to the debate in order to shore up his voice and his energy so that he could have been present at the debate. He was noticeably absent and he's always noticeably absent. But you know, the entire nation, the entire world was able to see that Thursday night. But wait, there's another excuse for Joe Biden. And this comes from Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, who was very influential in getting Joe Biden elected back in 2020, clenching the state of South Carolina for Joe Biden and starting this basically a revolution for Biden among the the black American community to vote for Joe. Cut three. This was Jim Clyburn on Morning Joe earlier today and his new excuse for Biden's performance. Cut three. Well, as I'm watching the debate alone in my condo, I've decided not to go to interwatch parties. I felt from the very beginning that Joe Biden was going to have a tough night because I thought it was preparation overload. I just saw it. I've been around these debates for a long time. I have been a part of the debate prep in a couple of instances. As I consider, Joe Biden was trying not to stray from the preparation. He was too well prepared. He was he was so prepared for this debate that he was he didn't have a chance to be good because he was that well prepared. There's no way that he could have done a great job because he knew his stuff too well. He didn't know anything. I don't need to play the cusp. We all know he created 15,000 jobs. There's a thousand trillionaires in the United States of America. Amazing numbers. Okay. It was so bad. And they continue to sidestep this and use all of these different excuses. He's got a cold. He was too well prepared. This is their new campaign ad. Notice what is missing from this campaign ad post debate cut to. Do you see Trump last night? I mean, sincerely, the most lies told in the single debate. He lied about the great economy he created. He lied about the pandemic. He bucks and then his biggest lie. He lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection in January 6th. We all saw with our own eyes. We're going to walk down to the Capitol and I'll be there with you. We saw a police being attacked. The Capitol being ransacked. He did not a single thing to stop it. Nothing. Folks, I know I'm not a young man. But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth. I know like the millions of Americans know when you get knocked down, you get back up. I'm Joe Biden. I approve this message. Was that a cheap fake? Because there was so much missing from that ad. A lot of context went left on the cutting room floor. First of all, the cut up Trump's statements from January 6th to omit the peacefully and patriotically segment. They omitted the flubs from Joe Biden during that campaign rally on Friday that we just played for you. But did you notice what else was missing? They didn't use any cuts of Joe Biden at the debate. That's how bad it was. They couldn't. They had to scrap up what they could from his rally on Friday. We have breaking news. I'm being told cut. Okay. This is in the Karen Reed trial. Cut 11. Silence in the courtroom today. Let me let me check this out here. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Turtle Boy is reporting if this that they were called back into the courtroom for another jury question. I'm being being told that this is most likely it has it been declared officially. Do we know this? All right, Mr. Foreman, I am in receipt of your note. Judge Kanoni, despite our rigorous efforts, we continue to find ourselves at an impact. This is new. Our perspectives on the evidence are starkly divided. Some members of the jury firmly believe that the evidence surpasses the burden of proof establishing the elements of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Conversely, others find the evidence fails to meet this standard and does not sufficiently establish the necessary elements of the charges. The deep division is not due to a lack of effort or diligence, but rather a sincere adherence to our individual principles and moral convictions. To continue to deliberate would be futile and only serve to force us to compromise these deeply held beliefs. I'm not going to do that to you folks. Your service is complete. I'm declaring a mistrial in this case. I'll be in to see you privately in a few minutes. So thank you so much for your service. Miss trial in the Karen Reed case just declared moments ago by Judge Beverly Kanoni. This is I'm disappointed. This was a very belabored process. The district attorney's office they threw everything at the wall that they could. Nothing stuck. The defense they swept it all up and showed they put it in your faces and told you that it smells and the jury couldn't come to a decision. And to me, it sounds like a very, very, I mean only 25 hours of 26 hours of deliberation went on, not even a full week of deliberation. In what I expected to just take a matter of hours, but giving the consideration that it is a murder trial, the district attorney made this a second degree murder trial. I guess a full week is warranted of deliberation, but they couldn't come to an agreement that there was a shred of reasonable doubt. So Karen Reed is neither acquitted nor is she convicted. The DA's office will have to decide if they want to try the case again. I doubt that they will, but this is, I mean, I'd be disappointed if I were the defense. You know, it's nice that this is all wrapped up and that there's some sort of a resolution here, but there's no clear one-way answer for Karen Reed, whether she's guilty or innocent. You would want that. One of the people online posting on the announcement here says, I honestly don't know how to feel about this. I'm kind of in the same boat. You know, it's okay. So the trial's over. Karen Reed's trial has been declared a mistrial by Judge Beverly Canoni after the, the jury came back now three times saying that they couldn't come to a unanimous verdict, a unanimous decision, whether she was guilty or innocent. And it doesn't seem like a lot of effort was put in today. I honestly had high hopes on Friday when they said that they were only going to deliberate until 3 30, then at 3 30, they came back and said, judge, we want another 45 minutes. We think we can make this happen and nothing happened. So it went back to today, yes. Taylor, they don't get access to the internet when they're deliberating, do they? I don't know. They, they, I've never been in that situation in a jury room, but I would imagine that access to the internet is strictly prohibited. So both notes are full of legalese and especially the words deeply held. It's always used in religious freedom or class action suits. And so one of them, at least one of them has to know that. I don't know that that's the case. I don't know if there may be just like a form that they all sign or the form in signs that is submitted, a hung jury form, if you will, a request. I'm not sure if there's actually a, you know, this prefabricated readily available form that they can just submit to the judge or if it's actually written by somebody inside of the, the jury room. I don't, I'm not sure. But this is astounding news. Again, I'm, I'm quite disappointed, I think, that this is how it led. The defense put more than their best foot forward at showing how corrupt this investigation was through each and every step of the way, how inconsistent and how open. I mean, just the fact that they left the crime scene unattended to melt in the snow for the snow to reveal whatever evidence that it was going to reveal as, as the snow melted. It was left unattended to the Alberts and anybody that passed by that wanted to do anything to the crime scene. It was left unattended for days of that. There's reasonable doubt enough right there that anybody at any time that wanted to frame Karen Reed had the ample opportunity to do so. I'm sorry. If I were Karen Reed today, I would be extremely disappointed that this is how it happens. Yeah, the DA's office probably isn't going to bring this up again because it was a huge embarrassment. And now the feds, I guess, can move on with, with whatever they're going to do. But your name is left out there for the public eye with a question mark on the end of it. What happened? There is no definitive verdict from the Commonwealth, from a jury of her peers, rather, that says she's one way or the other. It's just a big question mark, very, very disappointed. 603, what an embarrassing result. I agree. 508 have to believe Karen Reed and her family will sleep better tonight than they have in weeks, possibly. But like I just said, I think this is a disappointment more than anything. 603, two are attorneys, right? They'd know the lingo. I think that that's that's possible. I think that was some of the reporting. But we don't know which is which because there were some jurors who were let go over the past few weeks. I don't know who's still on the on the trial. 617, I know how I feel outraged. We have no justice system. 508, total BS should be not guilty. 603, Taylor, any chance charges against Reed will get dropped after all that came out? I don't know what what happens. Well, we'll bring in how we car in just a little bit for the car crossover. And we can discuss that with him what happens at this point. But this is breaking news today. The Karen Reed trial is a mistrial, declared moments ago by Judge Beverly Canoni. We'll take a short break. Be back with Howie car 844-542-42. This is the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. I mean, the worst part of this is not only Karen Reed doesn't get her name cleared, but the family has no sense of justice here for John O'Keefe. And I'm told that John O'Keefe's brother had a few choice words for Karen Reed as proceedings were wrapping up today and she went to hug her father and that John O'Keefe's mother looked like she was having a tough time staying conscious after that mistrial decision was read by Judge Beverly Canoni. Howie, what are you making this? Is this good news or bad? I don't know. I mean, I just can't imagine that there's any way that these two or three or however many jurors could have thought that it was a guilty verdict was warranted. But, you know, I mean, she's free. I can't imagine they'll ever try this case again. I mean, think of what they've learned now that they didn't know before. The timeline doesn't work. Their timeline doesn't work. They had PhDs versus GEDs and the state police. They didn't check that they'll insist on checking the DNA. I mean, it just can't proceed to the time stamps were off. Right. The outside departments had different stories than the state police narrative. By the way, the car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks. No one knows Fisher Plows like TuxTrucks, GMC and Hudson Mass. Your Fisher Plow distributor shop now for the upcoming season. Fisher Plows, spreaders, accessories and parts shop online at or call 1-800 MY TRUCK. This is not one of the expected outcomes I had of this trial. I thought it was a slam dunk, as you said, these jurors. Do you think this was just bad instruction by the judge? I don't know. You know, I covered a murder case with Volving Miles Connor once in the late '70s. And the verdict, the evidence was so overwhelming that he fled before the verdict was returned, and it came back as a not guilty. Oh, God. And so I just tweeted, I said, this is the worst verdict I've seen in Norfolk County since then. That was like, I mean, it's easier to get that intel now than then. You don't have to flee, but still. I really don't think the jury really tried all that hard, especially today. Somebody just stone walls, you know, and we're coming up on a holiday weekend and, you know, Auntie Bev. I mean, I don't know why she wants to get into the cape traffic in this weather, but I guess it's going to break pretty soon anyway. So maybe she can just go have a couple of double fireballs at the water at the water. Maybe I'll stop in on my way home as a tribute, but that certainly we may not know how to feel about that news, but certainly we can feel terrific about a Supreme Court ruling that came down today concerning President Trump. What are your thoughts on that, Howie? It's great. I mean, I'm glad too that Clarence Thomas slapped around Jack Smith. Yeah. If that is indeed his name, as President Trump always says, and I've shared the same doubts myself. But, you know, I think I shouldn't even be the special counsel. He's operating illegally. You know, he's, you can't let some private, you can't say, hey, private citizen off the street and go prosecute President President Trump because we don't like him. Yeah. There were, there were some shots fired as Justice Thomas Clarence, Clarence Thomas rather, put it in his decision. Really amazing stuff. I think really, really heavy implications on the rest of the campaign. Howie's going to have all of that and much more. A lot of breaking news today. It's a Monday for the ages. This is the Grace Gurley show. We'll be back tomorrow. Howie's next. Stay tuned. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)