The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Great Day for Trump, Great Day for America | 7.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Taylor shares the morning's fantastic SCOTUS news that stamps into case law presidential immunity. This will apply to at least one of Trump's many trials, sending all "election interference" cases to lower courts and opening up the former president's schedule through November's election.

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01 Jul 2024
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today's podcast is brought to you by the thunderstorm air purifier bogo is back for one week to order go to eat impure and putting code word grace bogo. ♪ ♪ Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. ♪ ♪ Welcome to the Grace Curly Show. I am not Grace Curly, Grace Curly is on a well-deserved vacation this week. I'm Taylor Cormier, Grace's producer, filling in for Grace Curly this week and we'll have best ofs on Thursday for Independence Day, but outside of that, it's you and me throughout this week. Have you ever had a happier Monday than today? This is probably the best Monday I've ever experienced. This is really great news with the Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump has immunity in official statuses and his official actions as the President of the United States that he took on January 6, 2021 and leading up to January 6 and telling Mike Pence his theories on how he could stop the vote, stop the certification of the electoral vote process. I mean, that's great news and we'll get into that throughout the show, but it's tremendous news that came out of SCOTUS as they're wrapping up their term and there's just so much to get into here as to because this isn't just, you know, he's got complete immunity. Because I'm sure you've heard as you've been watching throughout the day and listening to other shows explaining what this is, this ruling today, he's got some immunity with his official actions, but then there are unofficial actions that he has not permitted to take as president or is in particular as a presidential status. This is what has to be kicked down to the lower courts. This is what's going to happen. The lower courts are going to have to determine what actions President Trump took and whether or not those actions were in accordance with his duties as president of the United States is constitutional powers. If they were, he has immunity from what I can understand. If they were not done in an official capacity, if they did not line up with his constitutional powers, the charges that he carries, his authority as president of the United States, that they can consider as not eligible for immunity. And that's probably what they'll try to go after him on if they can make those determinations is lower courts. However, because this has gotten so muddied up, because this is, first of all, just been a shoddy case from the beginning and the supposed appointment of special counsel Jack Smith as the special prosecutor. And the way this was brought, the very vague charges that were levied against President Trump since the beginning of this investigation of this really, this is, this is retribution, what they're trying to do. They're trying to get back at Trump for winning in the first place. And they want to prevent him from winning again. It's not going to happen because this has been so muddied up because this has been so tainted and left so vague that it's, they've really shot themselves in the foot because they could not come up with specific charges. They could not point to specific points throughout that day in January, January 6th of 2021 of Trump showing blatant disregard for the office of the presidency, a blatant disregard for the election process and how it is certified. He was going by the book. He was going by the book and trying to figure out and test, you know, basically constitutional law theory as to what could or could not be done to make sure that we had a legitimate election in 2020 and to make sure that we had every vote was counted as it should have been counted and votes that should not have been counted were not included. That's all. And he was finding legitimate ways to go about that, even calling local authorities, state authorities and saying, look, you've got to, you've got to check up on some stuff. Now he did not say find the fraud. He said, you got to check up on this stuff because we're getting information that there are votes there that shouldn't be there and that there aren't votes there that should be there and they presented all kinds of evidence. I'm not saying this to rehash the election of 2020. I'm saying this to go over what is being presented today. They shot themselves in the foot because they, the way this was presented, the way that they, they came about and said, well, he did all these things and it's, it's never been done before. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They had to leave so much open to interpretation. And now the interpretations are coming down from these higher courts such as the Supreme Court and they're saying some of this stuff, you guys have to figure it out amongst yourselves. This is our top base ruling that he does have presidential immunity in his official capacity as president of the United States. You've got to go back and determine now what wasn't done in an official capacity as president of the United States. That includes the speech that he gave that day. That includes any missives he put out on Twitter because remember he was still on Twitter at the time. He put out numerous and he brought out the receipts. We should probably, if Jared's listening, we should probably have him pull out when he did that town hall with CNN not too long ago. He pulled out the receipts from his Twitter profile of the basically minute by minute tweets he put out as things were unfolding on January 6, 2021 as this rogue group of supporters of the president were welcomed into the Capitol by Capitol police and some chaos ensued. But that was irrefutable as to what his actions were. Everything has been left open to interpretation and that's where Jack Smith has shot himself in the foot. It's going to take so long to get through all of this stuff and basically decide whether or not they have a case to begin with on all of these issues. So now we won't have a trial until after the election on this case, which is close to being the best news besides charges dropped against President Trump by special counsel Jack Smith. This is the best case scenario that we could have hoped for. This was the, not that I don't think a lot of people and you can give us a call 844-542-42. If you legitimately were worried about this case, I don't think I ever was. I don't think I've really ever been worried about any of the cases against Donald Trump. I mean, he was found guilty just a few weeks ago, 34 counts of whatever in a nonsense trial of fraud in New York City. That didn't worry anybody. That didn't worry any of us. So the road is now completely clear just about to November of 2024, Election Day. This trial has been put on hold practically till after that. I mean, it hasn't been made official, but all of the experts are saying there is absolutely no way that this is brought up. Listen to Eli Honig. This is on CNN, the senior legal analyst over at CNN. He says that there's no way this is heard before November of 2024, cut 7. This case will not go before the election. It will not be tried before the election. Here's why. Supreme Court has just said there is such thing as criminal immunity. The test as we anticipated, essentially, official acts versus unofficial acts. We're sending it back to the district court and this is an important detail. The court says several times whatever the district court finds can be appealed before trial. Jack Smith had made an argument of, well, maybe the district judge, the trial judge can work it out and send it to the jury and then the jury can separate official from unofficial acts. Sometimes in this opinion, the Supreme Court, the majority says explicitly, whatever the judge decides about what's official or unofficial, what's immune or not immune, that can be appealed back up, 0% chance that happens before November. So I mean, how he is going to have some legal expertise on the show later on today and you can look forward to listening to that. But to me, this case is not going to be heard for years if Trump gets into office. I don't think they can prosecute and put Trump on trial while he's a sitting president of the United States. I could be wrong, but my understanding of the office is you cannot be prosecuted while you're in office. Am I wrong? I believe he can also pardon himself at that point. Terrific. Case dismissed. I mean, what has he got to lose? It's going to be his last term, obviously. If he, I hear by pardon me, the most tremendous pardon, it's true. I mean, it's beautiful. Not that any of us want that to be the case where he has to pardon himself. I'd much rather see this go through a legitimate process, but the whole problem is that none of this has been a legitimate process to begin with. These are all BS, I'm coming really close to using the actual words. I'm going to watch myself. But these are all BS charges being thrown at President Trump, and he's winning on all of them so far. All of them. I mean, the case in New York is under appeal right now. I believe there's going to be sentencing in, oh, the hush, the hush money trial. There's going to be sentencing in a couple of weeks on that. So we'll see if he goes to prison. If they try to put him in prison for these payments that were allegedly made, I don't, they did not come close to proving their case, at least for me. And the jury came back way too quickly on this. If they had taken as much time as they're taken in the Karen Reid trial to come back, I may have a different opinion, but they, it was obvious this jury was out to get Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels case. So that's really the only hurdle that we can see. I mean, he's, he's jumped over the, the debate hurdle. He actually killed Joe Biden in the debate last week. Bye bye. Yeah. And there, there's, this is the last one just, just get through the sentencing and the road is clear as far as legal matters, a criminal legal matters on the horizon for Donald Trump leading up to the election. This is fantastic news. I want to hear your thoughts. I mean, is this, this great or what are you worried at all that this is going to present problems later on during Trump's presidency? I'm, I'm sure they'll, if he is indeed elected, they'll come up with some other way of trying to get him out of office, another impeachment sham hoax, whatever. There's, there's a, like, like Chuck Schumer said, a million ways till Sunday. I think he said six ways to Sunday, but for the deep state to get at you and they will continue to try. But so far he's, he's been Teflon Don pretty much if, if it has come against him and has been successful in the court process, then it's under appeal and it's under a very strong appeal. There were a lot of misdeeds in that Stormy Daniels trial completely illegitimate nonsense stuff, nonsense stuff, eight, four, four, five hundred at forty two, forty two. If you're tuning in, I'm Taylor Cormier. I'm filling in for Grace Curley. This week she's on vacation. 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Don't listen to the show, Grace. Just enjoy your vacation. Worry about it next week. It'll be here, I hope, when you come back. 844-542-42. I had planned on talking about Karen Reid trial for the first portion of the show here, but I think we're going to move along with this scotus news that came out earlier today and the significance that it has on President Trump's campaign and the damage it's going to deal to the Democrats. I think now is much more pressing than ever. They've got to answer the question, do they replace Joe Biden or not, because they have no other fail-safes now, as far as I can see. But first, we've got to do today's poll question, which I think is more prevalent now than ever. I came up with this poll question before. We had any news from the Karen Reid trial today, and the news is that the jury came back around 10-30 this morning and handed a note to Auntie Bev, Judge Canoni, saying, we are hopelessly deadlocked. We've got the cuts. We'll play them for you later. But they said they are hopelessly deadlocked once again. This is the second time they've come back to the judge and said, we're deadlocked. So Emma, what is, first of all, today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved our coworkers over $1,700 here at the Howie Car Radio Network. To get your insurance audited, go to Emma, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, is the jury in the Karen Reid trial legitimately deadlocked? Yes or no, there's a holdout juror planted by the Norfolk DA's office. The preponderance of reasonable doubt that the defense has shown over and over with just about every single witness that was relevant to this case. I'm not talking about the people that were in Aruba with John O'Keefe and Karen Reid. But everything else, they brought up reasonable doubt in a strong way. You'd have to be a moron on that jury, and maybe I just have too much faith in the public, but you'd have to be a moron to vote guilty. So I'm going against my better judgment. I really don't want to think this. I hate to even say it, but I think that there's a holdout that has been encouraged, shall we say, by outside influence. No, there's a holdout juror is leading with 73 percent. It's got to be. That's the only explanation and we'll run through all of the stuff later on in the show. We've got Turtle Boy coming on at 105 to discuss today's news. 844-542-42. Kevin, thanks for holding on. You're next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Kevin. Hi, Taylor. First of all, thank you for being taken over for Grace Curly. Oh, thanks. My pleasure. I'd like to point out, so everybody knows, I'm not a college graduate, you know. I did tech school and trade school, so I'm an electrician and whatnot. So I might not be as highly educated as some of your listeners, but there's a thing called the Non-Disclosure Act. Is that now illegal or illegal? And if it's legal, I think the only illegal thing that happened is what Stomie Davis actually talked about. Yeah, Stomie Daniels, it's, you know, it's kind of like a non-compete. There's a point to where they are legal, but there's also a point to where they're unenforceable. I mean, it's really just showing that there's a mutual agreement between two consenting parties that this is not to be discussed, and that's what happened as far as I know. We'll be back. This is the greatest girl of the show. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. It does find this under a constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of presidential power entitles a former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and perclusive constitutional authority. He is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. That's the first blush we've got on this. It is, it looks like a six to three split. We've got the dissent by Justice Sotomayor Kagan and Jackson join that. There is a kind of split decision on some of these, somebody joins in one part, not in another part, but that's the overall holding of the court. So what it means now, we'll have to dig in the into this and see if they tell us now, how do you decide an official act versus an unofficial act? I mean, it's got to be context, right? That was Shannon Bream on Fox. It's got to be context. And that's what the charging indictment basically lacks from Jack Smith. There is no context. They cherry picked. They cherry picked from his speech that day. They did not include the peacefully, peacefully and patriotically statement that Donald Trump made because he said he knew that some people were going to be marching towards the Capitol. And he said, he hopes they do so peacefully and patriotically, that should end all question right there and should preclude him from any sort of criminal investigation surrounding January 6th, ridiculous. But it also, the context is lacking in the tweets that he put out. There were no mention or a very scant mention of any tweets that Trump did put out that day and the charging indictment put forward by Jack Smith. Did we end up pulling that cut of Donald Trump reading the receipts on CNN to, I forget who she was, but if Jared could find that, when he did a town hall with CNN, it was Caitlin Collins, right? We do have it. All right. So this is Caitlin Collins, CNN, asking about January 6th. This is some months ago, but Trump did the classic pulling out of the receipts that were stuffed inside his breast pocket jacket and, and here they are. Well, Chris Miller was your acting defense secretary. He says you never gave that order, but back to what happened on that day, you said you weren't very involved that day. You did tell your supporters to come to Washington, you tweeted about it about that speech that happened on the rally. Am I allowed to say that? When they went to the Capitol and they were breaking into the Capitol, smashing windows and during police officers, why did you, why did it take you three hours to tell them to go home? I don't believe it did. I don't let me pull that out. So if you look at on January 5th, the day before, I said, please support our Capitol police and law enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful. Stay peaceful. This was the day before. And that, you know, put that into context, I'm going to go back to the debate from the other night, Emma, Trump, I'm not sure where it is, I'll have to find it. But Trump was talking about January 6th because they had asked him about it. He, okay, here it is, Jake Tapper was asking him about January 6th. This is why it's important, by the way, for this, whatever trial may or may not happen, it's got to be done well within a timeframe where all of the evidence that has come out. And I don't believe all of the evidence, if that's what you want to call it, has come out or will ever come out. But we're still getting pieces of information that we had not heard. This just came out a couple of weeks ago, this video that Trump references here in cut 45. You have 80 seconds left. My question was, what do you say to those voters who believe that you violated your constitutional oath through your actions in action on January 6th, 2021 and worry that you'll do it again? Well, I didn't say that to anybody. I said peacefully and patriotically. And Nancy Pelosi, if you just watched the news from two days ago, on tape to her daughter, who's a documentary filmmaker, they say, but she's saying, oh, no, it's my responsibility. I was responsible for this because I offered her 10,000 soldiers or National Guard, and she turned them down. And the mayor of in writing, by the way, the mayor in writing turned it down, the mayor of DC, they turned it down. Yeah, in the video, which is a weird video to watch, but Nancy Pelosi is lamenting over the fact that she's going to get blamed for January 6th because she knows she's in charge of security for the Capitol. She knows that's her job. So she says to her daughter that she's going to get blamed for this, or I think she says it to nobody in particular. She's just whining because she knows there's a camera behind her and she wants people to see how awful she feels. I don't think it was really thought out what their angle was going to be, but they knew something was going to happen on January 6th, and they wanted to let it happen so they could blame Trump and they wanted to, you know, absolve themselves of any wrongdoing, or at least give the notion that they felt terrible as to what had transpired that day. 844-542-42, Ron, you're next on the how Grace Curly show. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Taylor. Happy Independence Month. Yes. Yes. Pride Month is gone and dead, and the great American month of July is here to stay for the time being. Go ahead, Ron. Fantastic news today, the immunity, but also, also too, the tractor supply news as well with Stepping Away from DEI. I think now, well, we could see the finish line. We don't take our foot off the pedal because there's going to be hurdles and there's going to be a brick wall to smash through at the end, but I think now the Trump campaign just needs to go positive, share their vision for the term, and then also, you know, things like the no tip tax. I think that's huge, but there's other much bigger things too to talk about, and I think also to continue outreach to black and Hispanic voters, not in a pandering or patronizing way, but just reassure them and build their trust and that we're all in it as Americans along for the ride. Right. Ron, I was at a great event yesterday in New Bedford, and the former sheriff of Bristol County, Tom Hodgson, he's heading up the Trump campaign here in Massachusetts, and he is they've opened headquarters in downtown New Bedford, a very strong place for Democrats, historically speaking. I mean, this is the highway that abuts this building is called the JFK Memorial Highway. This is deep Democrat stuff, and now we've got a Trump campaign headquarters in the heart of downtown New Bedford. It was really cool, and I think that it's a great testament to the power that Trump has this time around in this campaign cycle, and we'll be speaking with Sheriff Tom Hodgson a little later on in the Grace Curly show today to talk about the significance of that. But I think the momentum is there, certainly. The energy is there. The positivity, I think, is there as well, Ron. That's a great point by you saying that we've got to focus on the positive now and what the positive aspects of the Trump administration, where there were great many that he went through the other night, especially with the juxtaposition to the Joe Biden campaign. Thanks very much for the call, Ron. And now the question is yesterday, my wife sent me this. I was out over the weekend. My wife sent me a message saying that Joe Biden was meeting with his family at Camp David to discuss the rest of the campaign, whether he should stay on as the candidate for the Democratic Party. And I said, Oh my God, they're going to replace them. There's no doubt. They have to. And I think that they were counting on several things to happen during this election cycle. One of them being that this trial that we're talking about today goes forward and ties Trump up in severe legal troubles and maybe prevents him from ever becoming president. Again, I don't know how you do it, but that's what they wanted to do. But now it's not going to happen. That was a big failsafe. It's gone. And any other that the Mar-a-Lago case that was put off months ago, that was another one of their failsafes that they were counting on for this election cycle, it evaporated. And I don't think that that trial, especially, I don't think is ever going to come to fruition, because there's just too many questions over what was done by not only Donald Trump and people working for his administration and working for him as a private citizen after he left office, but what was done by the federal arm after Trump had left office, what the archivists told Trump he should do with those documents. What documents he could or could not take, what he was asked, how to store. I mean, there's way too many questions that the judge wiped their hands clean and said, "We're just going to take a break from this. This is not worth our time right now. Let's get so many other things sorted out." And I would imagine that this ruling from SCOTUS today also has implications in that case as well, giving President Trump immunity in an official act as president, declassifying those documents, just through the simple action of declaring that they were declassified and then removing them from office and putting them into secure storage at Mar-a-Lago, which if you don't think is secure storage, try breaking it, I'm not advocating this. But imagine somebody trying to break into Mar-a-Lago and what would happen to them if they should try, just in an imaginative scenario, if they tried, they would be hospitalized, if not put into them, morgue, 844-500-4242. So the question becomes, is the replacement of Joe Biden the last ditch effort that they can make? It has to be in order to save democracy. This was the campaign ad and think what has happened to them over the past couple of days. This awful debate where Joe Biden was put on front and center display for all of the world to see unedited as far as we know. There was a two-minute delay, by the way, on CNN's broadcast. And if you're in the biz, you know what a two-minute delay means. You've got plenty of time to make cuts as needed before they actually go to air. So I do have questions of anything we didn't see. But what we did say was so severely damaging that today, there's a poll out, 72% of Americans in this poll, 72% of voters do not believe Joe Biden is cognitively fit to serve as president. That is up from the last time this poll was done I think just last April. This is a cut from Biden of April of 2023 being asked about a very similar poll that came out saying that a certain number of Democrats don't want him to run. But it was a two-part poll and he's going to answer both questions. And the second part of the first part was Democrats, I think it was like 67% or something like that of Democrats don't want Joe Biden to run. But if he were to run, would they vote for him and I think that was 99% or very close to it? Yes. So he focused on the second part of the poll, not the first part, which was the most crucial. But this is from April of last year, cut one. That's if they had to. If there were no other choice, they would vote for him. Obviously, they got to their heads, they'd have to do it. This is a non-probability poll released by CBS News yesterday found that more voters have doubts about President Biden's cognitive abilities after Thursday's presidential debate. The poll, which was conducted between Friday and Saturday, found that 18% of voters thought Biden's debate performance inspired confidence, 44% believed that former President Trump's performance did. Only 21% of polled voters believed that Biden presented his ideas clearly. The idea that he didn't, I present his ideas clearly, the idea. When asked earlier in June of Biden had the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, 35% of respondents said he did. After the debate, that number dropped to 27%. 65% of polled voters said Biden did not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president when asked on June 9th. That number has increased to 72%. That's one of the most telling numbers that you're going to see up to this point in the campaign. 844-542-42. We're going to take a short break, come back on the other side, your calls, and much more. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is the Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Coming up next hour, right after the news break, we'll be speaking with Aiden Carney, aka Turtle Boy, who's at the courthouse today in Dedham, covering the care and read trial as the jury is now, I believe, in their 25th hour of deliberations. As ADA Lally put it earlier today, they've basically deliberated one hour for every day of testimony that has been on the trial. That crazy amount of, I really don't know how to fathom this, how anybody can not see one piece of reasonable doubt that the defense brought forward throughout this entire case is beyond me. I'm furious over it, and I think Turtle Boy is as well, and anybody that's sitting in that courtroom or watching or has been investing their time into this case should be furious as well. It's so blatantly clear. There's no way Karen Reid can be found guilty, but it seems there must be at least one, but it seems that it could be down to one juror who has appeared visibly frustrated when they were called back into the courtroom today after telling Judge Kannoni that they were deadlocked and asked once again for a hung jury status. She basically read them what is the final warning to go back and come back with a verdict. The last resort, the two E. Rodriguez instructions were read today, and that's it. I think if they come back after that and they ask one more time to be a hung jury, they must be granted that status. I'm not a legal scholar, please don't quote me on that. We'll discuss this more with Aiden Carney, and he'll tell me as well that he's not a legal scholar, but he's there in first person today and seeing this all unfold, he can give us a firsthand account of what took place today, and the jury is continuing to deliberate. 844-542-42, Tom, real quick, you're next on the Grace Curly Show, go ahead, Tom. Yeah, I'm just worried what happened July 11th with Judge Marchon in New York, and I've been listening at the NPR station on the low end of the dial in Boston, and the progressives are all freaking out. They say democracy is coming to an end. Well, number one, I always use the example of Ferdinand Marcos. Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law and was president for a long time. Why? Because his military supported him. If Donald Trump tried to claim, "I'm president for life," our military would not support him. No, no. I don't think, yeah. All of why. Very, very fringe amount of supporters would support him in that. I would not support that, and I don't think anybody wants that. We'll be back with Turtle Boy right here on the Grace Curly Show. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC]