The Howie Carr Radio Network

Taylor Cormier: Bob Antonellis Shares U.S. Senate Run, Talks Whales, Embrace Statue, and More | 6.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Taylor Cormier guest hosts the Howie Carr Show for the final hour this Friday evening, and he continues the Massachusetts Senate Campaign tour. This week, Bob Antonellis joins the show to announce his campaign for U.S. Senate in the Bay State.

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28 Jun 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code howey3. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howey Car Show. Still looking, got off to a rough start. Um, dealing with everything we have to do with, um, look, if we finally beat Medicare. You know, he said afterwards, I have a sore throat. My throat sore, I've had a sore throat for a month and a half, and this is not an acoustic environment that's suitable to request this from me. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. There's a full-on panic about this performance. If you take a look at what Trump did in Ukraine, this guy told Ukraine he told Trump, "Do whatever you want and do whatever you want." And that's exactly what Trump did. Um, not like, "Oh, this is recoverable." It is more of a, "Okay, um, he's got to step aside." There's a lot of that chatter. What are you saying? Your favorite movie's "Old Younger." You know exactly what he's saying. Wish, President Trump? Yeah, I really don't know what he said at the end of their sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Brump swabs, hacks, and moonbats beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome to The Howie Car Show. Thanks to everybody over at FunSpot in Laconia, New Hampshire, and the team from Bitty Media to bring us Howie, and to crew from Laconia. It was a great time, as had by all. And we look forward to being there again soon. 844-542-42. I'm Taylor Cormier, filling in for Howie Car this last hour of the week. And we have a guest in studio today. He's running for a U.S. Senate in Massachusetts to unseat Elizabeth Warren. And he is not the only Republican. We had another one on last week, and we thought we'd have another one on this week. His name is Robert Antonellas, and welcome, Robert. How are you? Very good. Thank you, Taylor, for a great introduction. Sure. You prefer Bob? Well, you know, I'm running with Bob. Okay, great. We'll go with Bob. Bob, you've never run for office before, is that right? That's correct. I did have an experience of running with Elizabeth. I'm sorry, Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House, but that's a longer story for later. We'll get to that. So what made you decide to run for a pretty tough seat to get, no matter who you are in Massachusetts. Democrat or Republican? Partly because I knew it was necessary, and everybody wanted it to happen. But she was sort of untouchable, but I have cracked it because of my deep research into Harvard. I had done a, written a book, published a book called Fortress Harvard Think Tank for Royal Revenge. And I know so much about Harvard, as most, everyone here listening does, except it's a lot worse than I think. So I've got a lot of information, a lot of investigative research. So are you planning on blackmailing your way to the? No, publishing. Publishing. What dare I ask? What makes you think that you can publish this information and have it severely damage Elizabeth Warren's candidacy? Well, the time will come when I reveal my, well, I can give you the video right now, but I think we'll have to talk about it at the time. But there's a deep British connection to liberalism. And Boston, Boston's a swamp. Boston's a swamp. Boston is a swamp for a reason. Okay. And it's related to Harvard in a much bigger way than I think people understand. And it relates to even the fact that the sports team is the Harvard Crimson tide rising. And it's not just at its founding in 1636, it goes right through history. And it even included the, the pandemic. When you think about the connection to Walinsky, the lockdown, the masks, mask mandate, the vaccine mandate, and 50 million students sent home to do what? It was Harvard was the first. If you think back. So in other words, that's just the more modern day aspect of it. Where does Elizabeth Warren come into that? I mean, she taught at Harvard for a couple of years at a salary that is outrageous. She got in there. Maybe you have a different reason. But the reason that we've all, you know, explored for some time now is that she lied on her intake form, basically saying that she was Native American, but you think there was something more sinister than that? Well, I think there was. And we'll talk about that as the time goes forward. We're talking about it now. Okay. All right. Well, okay. So I have, I'm an engineer, software developer. I love using technology and I've discovered shocking satellite views of Harvard, Cambridge. You're not going to believe what I've embedded in my video. There's satellite images that will be astounding, but I think this is a little bit odd. I'm sorry I brought up the subject because there's. Well, you made the connection to Elizabeth Warren and Harvard and why you wanted to run. That is true. That's really because I knew I could beat her. That's basically short of it. I knew I could beat her. And if I just got the microphone, which I have right now. And that I'm convinced that when the time comes. Well, you're running in a campaign. So this is the time, is it not? Well, then I could give you my video. See, I've done, I had the documented, you know, a documentary which spells the whole thing out. What is outlined in these satellite images? Oh, you don't want to know. I do. That's why I'm asking. Okay. This gentleman by, well, that's connected to Harvard. Okay. And giant, you know what, men's, whatever. That brings us to the MLK statue. Well, there's a connection to the MLK statue because it is also, I think, quite pornographic. A lot of people do. This was a big area of contention when it was put in that it was phallic in nature. That's right. It's displayed prominently on the Boston Common. People hate it. Yep. What do you want to do with it? I want to replace it. It's been called the embrace. I think that's the wrong name. I think, well, that's why my plan is to replace the embrace disgrace because it's a pure insult to anybody who sacrificed anything for the civil rights movement, especially Martin Luther King Jr. He gave his life. You can say anything you want about him, but he died for that fight and it is the kind of statue that parents don't want to even show their kids. And you can imagine why. We've all seen the pictures. It's... Do you think that was done purposely or was it just an honest mistake because it seems like it was a very ingenuity of approach to sculpture, a good attempt, I think, but didn't play off. Maybe they didn't examine it from all angles or did they? Well, I think they did. In fact, I've got to document too bad. I just changed over to a new website and so that those images are gone, but I do have a physical printout. Point 22 and point 23 of this communist plan to take of a 45-point plan to take over America includes subversion of art. They list all the things that they want to do with art. And none of it's good. And so it's about destroying our connection to history, taking away, you know, when you hear good music, beautiful symphonic music or beautiful art or beautiful architecture, I think it probably lowers your blood pressure. You feel good, but when you look at this statue or anything that is created by these radical progressives, you don't feel good at all. So Tucker Carlson was talking about this recently. When he visited Moscow, did you watch that video that he did? I think I saw. He was talking about the wonderful architecture they have and that they've preserved and the beautiful artwork that they have prominently displayed in their public architecture and compared that to American architecture, you know, in this post-modern world that we're living in and the brutalist architecture that we see everywhere. I mean, look at Boston City Hall, that's very depressing. Look at UMass Dartmouth. I don't know if you've looked into that. It's all brutalist style and it's meant to depress you. So there might be something there. You don't have a very traditional list of campaign talking points listed on your website. You start out with the MLK Junior statue. This is print out from your website, right? And you move on to offshore wind projects on Cape Cod and throughout the nation. Not too many of us in the Howie Car Nation are fond of offshore wind. We're not against, at least I'll speak for myself. I'm not against alternative energy, but I'm against anything that's going to harm the environment in a very real way. And it seems that that's what's going on with the offshore wind. Tell us about your cause there. Well, I happen to go visit a hyenas presentation by a group called Saving Douse's Beach. And at that time I thought, "Okay, the wind farms are like killing the whales because I know they use ultra low frequency sounds to test for the bottom of the ocean and they're killing the whales. They're blowing up their eardrums and so forth. For me that was like the size of this, and I love whales, used to be a scumbri diver. I love them too, they taste very well. So I go there and I watch this presentation and it was like four hours long and I'm like, why so short? There were like 400 people there, Saving Douse's Beach and there were professors and doctors and engineers and scientists and they detailed so many destructive effects of these wind mill farms. They're going to be gigantic, by the way, they're like four or five times as tall as the Statue of Liberty, each of these. They were 140 scheduled to go in and what they do as a way of cooling the heat because it generates all this electricity and heat, they use the cold water and they think, and then what they discover is they have the lobster dye, the codfish are dying, you know, and in the process, they bleach the water to give it heat exchanging properties and we're talking of billions of gallons of water. So they're basically going to be manufacturing dead, salted pools of water and we're going to be like, there's nothing alive here anymore. I always thought it was like the subharmonic frequencies that the windmills produce that mess with the navigational systems that these mammals have. Is that too? And it's also the birds and the magnetism affecting the birds that use magnets to migrate and it's all the above. But the left argues it's job creators, it's alternative energy, this is our future and they look the other way. In fact, I don't think there's really ever been any real testing of these machines from China on our wildlife in the waters. That's right. And there's even been studies by the government where they go, oh, best case, when you build all these systems, it won't have any impact on global warming. So what do you do about it? Ban it. How? Easy. You say it's illegal. It's not that easy. Well, I mean, it takes a process, but I'm also against onshore wind farms. And that's very interesting because I didn't have a chance to say I went to UMass Engineering School. At first, I was mechanical and then I switched to industrial. But I do recall a class, well, it's kind of a long story, but the shorter version is vibration is a problem. These windmills on land are every time they turn, bang, bang, bang. And what that does is that destroys the water supply. So the radicals used to say, oh, when you do this fracking, it's going to ruin the water supply throughout the world, you know, anywhere, but it turns out that it's the windmills that do that. And the way they do it is through vibration. And it basically destabilizes the soil that impacts these aquifers underneath. We're going to take a break. We'll be right back. As best as Bob Antonellas, he's running for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, 844-542-42. If you've got a question for Bob, we'll be right back. This is The Howie Car Show. The Howie Car Show will be right back. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show, speaking with Bob Antonellas, candidate for U.S. Senate, for Massachusetts, looking to unseat Elizabeth Warren. I'm sure you watched the debate last night with Trump. What'd you think? Oh, God. Yeah, it's time for him Biden to go. And I also realized, hey, what time, good timing for my Trump card, which is a constitutional cure for election racketeering, don't impeach him because he's, you know, dementia Joe. Get rid of the ticket because he was stolen, and then you have the Speaker of the House. All right, so how do you do it? The election was stolen with me. That argument is, we're in 2024, dude, like, it's done. We just had a debate for the presidential election last night. It's a debt issue, is it not? Well, I don't actually think it is because there's- Well, you're not going to get those four years back. No, I'm not trying to get the four years back. I'm trying to get Trump into the White House in the month of July, or even June. No, it's a little too tight for June. I would say so. It's the constitutional cure. That's what I was mentioning to you earlier. That's what got Nancy Pelosi to kind of flinch back in July, 2021, when her whole Democratic caucus kind of freaked out, "Tell us, we're not going to have Trump as Speaker." And I don't want Trump as Speaker. I just want to make sure everybody knows, "I want Trump as Speaker for an hour," and as long as they're going to make a speech, and then the impeachment of the ticket happens, and then, "Oh, gee," because it was stolen, and, of course, Joe Biden admitted that, and also there's so much evidence, specifically 2,000 mules videotape, an incredible amount of video government-created video of people stuffing ballot boxes. So now that people have seen that man, the guy Joe Biden, he was like the circular of the drain going down the drain. He kept lying. The further he went down the drain, the more he lied until the final. He couldn't lie anymore saying, "You got a handicap of six," or whatever. But so I think people would be like, "Oh, maybe he did steal the election." So why hasn't this happened? Well, because nobody's talking about it. But until now. That's not true. That's not true. No, every week I heard, "Oh, January 6 was supposed to be a big day. We were supposed to stop the electoral vote. We saw how that turned out." And then it was Roma after Roma, these QAnon crazy theories of stuff just like this. Well, no, it wasn't just like this. This is the constitutional cure for election racketeering. There's a lot of money spent, a lot of time involving, "Oh, we're going to try to get states to reissue the ballots wrong. We're going to try to take it to the Supreme Court wrong." The solution was the House and the Senate have not been doing their oversight responsibilities. And if they did, and if Matt Gaetz called me out tomorrow, and we spent 15 minutes on the phone, I'm telling you, this thing could come back to life because it's-- You don't think he's been told this already? Well, he doesn't know how easy it would be. He doesn't know how easy it would be. How easy it would be if he would just understand there's a seven-point constitutional cure that freaked out. I'm sure they've heard this. They're on the nut of your fringe of Congress. I don't think they have. So anyway, that's something that I would love to-- Why don't we take a call, Tom, put on your headphones here. Tom, you're next with Bob Antonellas here on The Howie Car Show. Go ahead, Tom. Hi. Thanks. I just want to say at the given that Liz Warren is the enemy of the people, the rageaholic liar. But you, Mr. Antonellas, if I get your name correctly, you're the reason the Republican Party loses all the time. You read way too many comic books. No, no, no. You spend your-- do you spend all day in the basement reading comic books? You're an idiot. You're an idiot. Oh, be nice, Tom. It's not true. Was that your own defense? Yeah, I do not read comic books, and let me tell you something. I'm an investigative researcher. I'm an engineer, and I correct-- Well, you understand? This sounds crazy. Yeah, I know. Well, I'll give you my other website. But your other website? Well, yeah. There's the one where I-- All right. Give them out. --with the video, and it's called We are suffering and losing our country because of scyops. The whole 9/11 attack was-- We're going to hold you right there. Thank you very much, Bob. We've got to run. We'll be back right after the break. Stay tuned. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show. I'm sure you'll be relieved to hear that it's just me for the rest of the show. Thank Bob Antennales for his time and coming in and declaring his candidacy for the Senate seat. But I think Tom was right. That was just craziness, and I apologize for taking your time with that. Tom was right that this is why Republicans and Massachusetts don't win. We focus on all of these tiny things, these hair-brained schemes that we think we can get things on a technicality. They'll beat you on a technicality every single time with your little technicality. It's not going to work. But hey, he's a candidate if you want to vote for him. Be my guest. But I don't think any Republican in Massachusetts really has a chance against Elizabeth Warren. We're too liberal of a state. It is a waste of resources. And I'm over the mindset that if you're going to start a candidacy, you've got to start grassroots. You've got to start small. And that's what the Massachusetts Republican Party has to do. We have to get people engaged. That's what New England Young Conservatives is all about., I believe. But you can check that out. Try either one, and if you want to get involved, and be legitimate with your candidacy, it', if you're a young conservative. And by young, we mean age 35 or younger. That's not young at heart, OK? Get involved, school committees, city councils, town councils, whatever you've got going on in your community, and work your way up, OK? 844-542-42. Nancy, you're next on the Howie Car Show. Go ahead, Nancy. Hey, good to take-- thanks for taking my call. I'm going to side with this dude, Bob. I'm sorry. I apologize to him for people being so rude, you, especially, because what he's trying to do is expose this underbody that's rude. We've seen it, Nancy. We know. We know. Yeah, but we've got to keep doing it. We've got to bring it up. You don't keep doing it by saying 2020 was stolen. It's whining. It's complaining. And notice Trump didn't do much of that last night, because he knows people are sick of hearing it. That's why he's running again. No, no, I don't agree. Because the people that I talk about that are Trumpers, and I'm a Republican, and they are, they keep saying, you know, nobody finally pins them down. They've got to be pinned down. Somebody's got to expose them right out, like naked. In front of everyone. And he's got some dirt on, and he doesn't want to come out with it until he's got it all together. Nancy, the guy was spouting conspiracy theories. It's crazy. Satellite images of Harvard that he thinks proves that it's some giant pedophilia ring. You don't know what it exposes him. And it's a, it's a lot of, it has been rumors for years that the Democrats are involved. I understand that. And then I don't doubt all of them. OK, but that's not going to win anybody's vote. And it's not going to get you in a Senate seat on Capitol Hill. Sit out there and it's exposed. It's going to start-- No, Nancy, I'm sorry. That's such a wishful thinking. It's, it's, it's not logical. And it's not going to win anything. Thank you very much for the call, Nancy. And, and you know what? It's, I'm not trying to be rude, but it's, it's, it's just craziness that, that doesn't get us anywhere. And I completely agree with the caller Tom is right. This, this is why we lose in Massachusetts because we have fringe candidates who espouse these, these nonsensical conspiracy theories. And you know what? Maybe some of them could be true. Who knows? But they're not winning anybody over. The issues that win people over are issues that every day Americans care about. Everything Trump was talking about last night. Trump didn't get up there and spout a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories. It didn't talk about pizza gate. He talked about things he knew he could prove and has proved. Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. The 2016 presidential coup, the whole Russia thing, all of it. It wasn't crazy stuff. Thanks very much for the call again. Heath, you're next on the Howie Car show. Go ahead, Heath. Hey, I just wanted to thank you guys down in Massachusetts. I'm up in Vermont and I thought we just had a little too much crazy up here. So maybe they just went south. I love that the guy's heart I'm sure is in the right place. But man, I say this to any, any candidate. You just got to hide your crazy a little better. It's, it's, it's OK to be that way. You just hide it. You might have a chance to get in. Or, you know, yeah, dress it up as, as something that is, you know, soluble, you know, something that we can digest. But, but I don't know, it's, I don't, the guy, you know, he'd take, it's not just people like Bob. It's, it's, there's, there are others out there. And I applaud them for their, their civic responsibility that they've taken upon themselves to run for elected office. It takes a lot of guts. And I don't want to, I don't want to poo-poo the guy or, or, you know, this mission that he's on. He believes in what he's doing. But it's, it's just the wrong way of going about it. It's, you can't, you can't say anything other than it's, it's, it's, it's craziness. Thanks very much for the call. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. How, are, are these all the same nancies that are on the, on the board here? I think the bottom one is, I don't think. All right, let's go with Nancy number two. Nancy, you're next on the Howie Car Show. Go ahead, Nancy. Okay, I just wanted to say, I agree with the, with the last-- The other, the other Nancy? I think, yep, I think you were very rude. I don't think you gave him a chance to talk. I get, Nancy, I gave him a chance to talk. I gave him, I, I asked him many times to come out with whatever he wanted to say about Elizabeth Warren, his opponent in this race. And he said, when I'm ready to, no, you're running now. You're on the radio now. You talk about your candidacy and what you have to show now. How, how else are we supposed to decide if he's a candidate for us? That's what I said. I said I would like to have heard what he had to say. And he was here for half an hour, Nancy. And, and I asked him what he had to say, and he wouldn't say it. Goodbye, you're very rude. Okay, that's fine. That's nothing I haven't heard before. Nick, you're next on the Howie Car Show. Go ahead, Nick. Well, since, since Bob is gone, I just, I'm going to basically say what I was going to say. You have to attack her for what she is, okay? It's not hard to do, right? She believes in wealth, taxing, right? In other words, everything you own every year, okay? She does not believe in the middle class, all her policies say that. She represents an administration, it was, by the way, very little was touched last night in the economy. I don't know if you noticed that, very little, the next, the biggest thing I guess was the, was the, the war, excuse me, the immigration was the big issue. But, yeah, but the thing is, you notice what Trump, I don't know if this was intentional on their part or accidental. He was constantly having to defend himself with the lives of the, of the imbecile. So they say, well, we're going to talk about, whoa, whoa, wait a minute, I got a response to what he said. So he never really had a chance to get a lot of his agenda. Ukraine, for instance, Ukraine, I don't know how many people died, 100,000 of Ukrainians, 50,000, 90% of them died because that imbecile, his administration, talks Zelensky into not all sitting down and compromising with the Russians at the beginning, okay, he caused all that. But we're saying these are the things. You check her for her administration, but what, foreign policy chops, nobody has had any foreign policy, foreign policy chops, by God, since, what, Eisenhower, Reagan, maybe? Oh, yeah, Reagan, Reagan, you know, you know, nothing about far apart. So attack them for what they are. And they had talked about the economy last night, oh yeah, basket full of groceries with a, with a hundred dollars out to 120, crap, that is. Yeah, that's exactly what I said, Nick, I said, that's, that's a bunch of BS, 120 used to be a hundred. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's a 180, 200, at least I'm paying almost twice as much for my groceries and I'm sure you are too. Thanks very much for the call. And if you want to run for Senate, please, please do so. Charlie, you're next on the Howie Car Show. Go ahead, Charlie. Hey, I didn't catch who's told him today, but I was listening to the guy running against Warren and he had some good points about those wind turbines. I don't disagree with him on the turbines. No, absolutely not. I, I agree with them wholeheartedly. I think they're terrible. Well, what he was trying to make it as a position for his politics, you know, I'm not calling the fandom. I don't know the guy. No, I'm a Massachusetts, but it's, it's something that should be a concern to everybody. No, Charlie, I mean, he's got some interesting, you know, he had a whole list of platforms that he wanted to talk about, but I printed out what was on his website, what was featured on his website. First thing on there was the MLK Junior statue and that, that went down a rabbit hole. I don't disagree with him on the, the, the phallic nature of the statue and, and it should be removed. But then it goes down to the, the offshore wind. I agree with him there as well. I don't like the offshore wind projects because of the perceived havoc they're wreaking on our wildlife and, you know, this, this is coming from groups of people that are telling us the whales are dying and, and we need to save the whales and we need to have special navigational channels for the fishing vessels and research vessels. So we don't disturb the, the migration routes of the, the endangered whales and yet they're willing to put these things up in their path and, and without any testing. I think that's testing is warranted. I, I think these should all be stopped immediately. I agree with them there. It's when you get into the conspiratorial stuff and, and talking about the 2020 election and how we need to install Trump as president, as speaker of the house next month when the guy is literally on the presidential campaign trail and, and doing this the legitimate way, not to call the other way illegitimate, but it's, it's, it's hairbrained and it's never going to work. Nobody's ever going to bring it up. I mean, Trump tried it himself by, by getting Mike Pence to stop the electoral votes and the constitutional law professors, the scholars or the, the, the attorneys, they said, you know, it's really untested and it's not very conventional. So we don't think you should try it, but he went ahead with it anyway. Um, I, I, I, you know, it's, it's, you've got to go the routine way. I'm sorry. Thanks very much for the call, Charlie Henry. You're next on the how we car show. Go ahead, Henry. Just something that went unnoticed last night, amid everything that was going on, it was that Biden was cheating during the debate. Now what I, but that, I mean, he was looking down at notes. The rule, the strict rule was that you can have a paper and a pen, but no notes. He was continually flipping a page, looking down, studying it. I saw that too. So he, yeah, I don't, and no one has brought it up. But I, maybe you and Jared and how we could look into it over the weekend, study it carefully. You'll see that it throughout the debate and it's a reflection of dishonesty. But more importantly, it's just, it violated the rules. It really did. And it was pretty obvious to a lot of people, but I haven't heard any, anyone mentioned it. And I think it's worth looking into. So I've seen Biden during a lot of debates and during a lot of his, his speeches or town halls that he does that he used to do, I should say, because he doesn't do those anymore. He's got a, you know, he's done these all his life. He takes a lot of notes. He didn't walk out with any notes. And I'm sure that they check to see that there was nothing on the podium besides that pen and an empty pad of paper before he started speaking and took his spot. But I think he was referring to the notes that he was taking when Trump was speaking. I don't think there was anything out of the ordinary going on there. 844-542-42 will be right back. I'm Taylor Cormier for Better or Worse. This is the Howie Car Show. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-42 or text the word Howie followed by your message to 617-213-1066. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. Oh boy. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show. We've got to do the poll question real quick, then we'll get to the calls. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, Attorneys at Law. If you need advice on family law, check out Howie's Meet the Expert podcast with attorney Joe Roach. My favorite Meet the Experts episode by far, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. It's a very good list and I encourage you to check it out. Matt, what's the poll question today and what are the results thus far? What was your reaction to last night's debate? Saden for Biden's dementia? Saden because he may not be the candidate or gladdened? It's a very deceivingly tough poll question because I was kind of saden for the guy. But mostly I was gladdened. Gladdened is in the lead with 66% followed by saden because he may not be the candidate at 21% and then saddened for Biden's dementia at 13%. All right. Thank you, Matthew. Julie, you're next on The Howie Car Show. Go ahead, Julie. Wow. You're indoctrination. Now you're indoctrination, that's the problem with this world, you know. My sister always used to say you can't fight the problem from the outside. Well, y'all have been fighting from the inside and you failed. What do you need to fight from the outside? What are you talking about? What indoctrination? I'm talking about standing up against the norm, okay? You said that that guy running for Senate, he has to, you know, play by the rules and stand there and be normal, just like Biden, where you go ahead and be that way because I'm not and I never will be. Nancy, Julie, I'm sorry, I called you Nancy. It just seems to be a trend this afternoon. But if I told you that I think Barack Obama is running a satanic cult and he's offering a blood sacrifices to an unknown God every other Thursday and I have proof of this. But that's secure your vote for me. Oh, she's gone. And you're next on the howie car show, go ahead, Ann. Ann, hello? Hi, I'm just unhappy with the way it's going today. You know, I think there's a lot of just respect going on. Why Ann? What troubles you? Well, it's just the way you people are speaking to each other. I really am a fan of the howie car show, like it immensely, but it just didn't seem to go well at all. Ann, I'm sorry to say, the candidate that was on here was not a viable candidate for the Senate. Right. But what's so shocking about that? Well, no, it's just the way you all spoke to each other. Is the show over yet? No, you're still on it. You're going to close us out. Okay. No, I'm going to call you up again for a month a day. But I really like a lot of the things you just discussed. All right. Thank you very much for the call, Ann. I appreciate it. And I'm sorry. I lied. Steve from Cambridge is going to close us out tonight, folks. Steve, you're next on howie car show, go ahead. I'd like to see if you agree with me or not. I thought CNN did an excellent job of handling the debate, not letting people interrupt each other. I thought the questions were fair and unbiased. And I thought their moderators did a good job. And I hope Republicans, regardless of whether they like it or didn't like their candidate. And by the way, I'm voting for Trump, at least they think. I'm glad to hear that. And Steve, I think they were on their best behavior because they're on probation pretty much. I mean, this was supposed to be the debate, the event that saved CNN. That's why they sold the rights to the viewership, you know, to simulcast this thing all over the other networks because this was going to be a ratings call for them. So they lived to see another day. All right. Howie's back on Monday. I'm sure you're glad of that. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is The Howie Car Show. [MUSIC]