The Howie Carr Radio Network

Police Blotter Fax Friday: Crocs Down Under and a Hamburgler | 6.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie and Taylor tag-team this week's episode of Police Blotter Fax Friday, the part of the show where submissions from listeners like you are read on the air. These crime stories can be funny or strange, from America or from across the world.

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Better strap yourself in. It's time for The Howie Car Show. Come on. If we finally beat Medicare. There's a full-on panic about this performance. If you take a look at what Trump did in Ukraine, this guy told Ukraine he told Trump, "Do whatever you want and do whatever you want." And that's exactly what Trump did. Not like, "Oh, this is recoverable." It is more of a, "Okay, he's got to step aside. There's a lot of that chatter." What are you saying? Your favorite movie is Old Yeller. You know exactly what he's saying. Wish. President Trump? I really don't know what he said at the end of their sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. One more hour here at the Fun Spot Arcade in Laconia, New Hampshire. This has been a great day meeting all of our fans up here in the Lakes region. A lot of people coming in from elsewhere. Thank you so much. Thanks to the Lotten family. This is a great, great place. A lot of people, you came here as kids. You bring your kids. Some of you bring your grandkids. It's just a wonderful place. We're having a great time taking pictures with everybody and enjoying ourselves. We like to thank Benny Radio. They provided. We're on all their stations up here. And we thank Morgan and Blake, the engineers. They're doing a great job keeping us on the air. And we love being on all the Benny stations here in New Hampshire. We love being in New Hampshire. Just met Mildrum Thompson's grandson. He was a great governor. He was a tough guy. Those were when New Hampshire was really the live free or die state. It still is. Still is. You just got to make sure that you don't let a Democrat get in in November. You'll really be in trouble. By the way, when Trump said Brandon the other night last night, he was referring to the president of the Border Patrol Union. That's what I'm told apparel. But it seemed appropriate to mention to describe the president of the United States as well. If you're the president, Trump is having a rally right now in Virginia. And if you want to if you want to see it on TV, you can see it streaming here and there. But Fox is not covering it. Newsmax is covering it though. So if you want to watch it, check out the newsmax. I don't I don't I don't understand Fox sometimes. Well, I think I do understand them. It's it's a problem. 844 542 42. Time now for the Trump line. Does everybody like the chump line? Come on, man. I remember when I was campaigning at the border in a Laconia, Vermont, here like Jenny Passaki. I went to this place called Funspot and we played mini golf and six handy capping and we finally beat Medicare. And if you look at every one of the pinball machines, you'll see a top score, a four letter word, J O E. I really don't know what he said at the end of this. I don't think he knows what he said either. Very good. I like it when something's updated on the chump line. All new material just from last night. Good job. When asked about Joe Biden's performance last night, Kareem Jean Pierre said the entire debate was a cheap fake. And now it's going to be preserved forever on microcheaps. You know, we invented cheap in America. Today's chump line is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They helped me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you to request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. Visit for more information. That's When Politico polled the assisted living facility, the staff responded that they didn't know Joe had left the facility. I know, you got to think some of them, some of them, what they're at, they're so mean. Hey, isn't he in room eight? He will be soon enough. Granny. Hey, Howie, did you notice that they had one of those puppy training paths underneath Joe up the whole night? You know, he got all the concessions that he wanted, that he thought he needed, but the one concession that he didn't get that really killed it, one of the ones I don't think he was expecting to kill him on, was the split screen. It was brutal, wasn't it? I mean, you know, and Trump is like looking over at him and rolling his eyes and scowling and then just coming a great, great, you know, reacts and Joe Biden is just looking down and, you know, where am I? What is, what is my running out the tapioca? Go ahead. Ironically, people tuned in to watch the debate last night for the same reason they watched NASCAR to see a big crash. Brandon delivered, let go Brandon. That was a bigger crash than anything in NASCAR history. Hey, Howie Joe Biden isn't a handicap golfer. He would be a scratch golfer, but like most of us, he has trouble on the last hole with that big windmill. You know, does anyone in the world think he's a six handicap golfer? Does anyone in the world think he could walk 18 holes, carrying a bag of golf clubs? Remember the trouble you had last summer with the beach chair? This is a silver alert for the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you see the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, please call the authorities. Do not try to intercede he may bite you. However, it might be best for all concerned if you try to remove his car keys from his pocket. Hey, Howie Joe Biden sold he knew Socrates. You know, Socrates Socrates said, I have a really good class here except for that dumb ass over in the corner. What's his name? Brandon Joe Biden said people are being raped by their sisters. Man, things are even worse than I thought. You know, you know, a lot of these things, you know, even on the conservative websites, no ones been able to get to all of them today. It's just you just have to pick which ones you want. My own personal favorite is the I beaten by Medicare is right up there. And I think the 1000 trillionaires to 1000 trillion. I tweeted out last night. I'm going to try to get at least one of those trillionaires on the show tomorrow afternoon. And the people they they sent back the most horrible thing like it was my fault that he was that he was a total bust out in the debate. They're just so filled full of hate. I guess maybe because you know, it's the end of the month their EBT cards are running low. Don't be feeling a lot better once we get to what Monday. Mayor Manino, what do you think of Joe Biden's debate performance? My God, can you do an impersonation of how we spoke last night? I can never. Wow, slow down. What message do you think he was trying to get across? Listen to him. You already always knew he was spoken from the heart. What do you think about the calls for him to step down? What do you say? I will not be connection. I'll seek by looks up to draft. Thank you, Mayor Manino. Thank you. That's some great stuff. That's some great stuff. We're going to we're going to we're going to get the person who creates that. We're going to get him the the full discography, as they say, of Mumbles, Manino. You know what he needs? That's an alcatraz around my neck. I don't think he has state of Philadelphia either or the providences of Canada. Indeed, Pfizer, with all the money we've given him, they should have done a better job last night. Yeah, did you notice, though, he he was weaker at the start than he was as it went on? That's not the way drugs are supposed to work, right? Especially in a debate situation, because you know, you start out with the maximum audience at the start and it drops off, especially if it's, you know, later and later in the evening. I mean, somebody really botched it last night. So maybe, maybe, again, maybe they did give him tick tax instead of Adderall's. All the king's horses and all the king's drugs couldn't keep biting from laying down the flubs. This is a good chumpline today. But but again, they have a lot to work with, don't they? Yeah, I took a socratic journey to the grocery store yesterday. My stop my wallet still has not recovered. Yeah, again, the New York Times from 2021, the headline beneath Biden's folksy demeanor, a short fuse in the obsession with details. It's it's a story it's slightly shorter than war and peace. The president demands hours of detail laden debate from scores of policy experts, taking everyone around him on what some in the West Wing referred to as his socratic journey before arriving at a conclusion. The socratic journey. The conclusion comes at the memory wing of the assisted living facility. All right, that's it for the chumpline today here at Fun Spot Arcade in LaCote in New Hampshire. Everyone enjoy the chumpline? Today's chumpline is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They helped me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you to request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. Visit for more information that's The chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Car Show, as you know, and you can you can take part in it every day. Just call our toll-free number 844-542-844-542-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442. For the chumpline and leave your message, we may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like there are a second all new chumpline, you can hear one. We have a second chumpline that's posted every weeknight evening around 7 p.m. It's called Chop Chums. It's the messages we didn't have room or time for just now and it is the second chumpline of the day. And as I told you that today's chumpline is brought to you by TobiasHearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. Let's hear the best of the day. I don't know what he said at the end of this. I don't think he knows what he said either. We'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show is back. Rolling Stones. Joe's about the age of the Rolling Stones. I don't think he could do an hour and a half or two hours night after night like the Stones are doing or about to do. 844, 542, 42. New York Post. Obama calls Biden's catastrophic debate performance bad, urges voters to back press as calls to step down mount. Whenever I go to a YouTube video, usually I'm trying to find out something about the care and retrial, it's always either Biden or Obama coming on for the ad. You know, Biden says something like, "Let's cut the malarkey. I need five bucks." And then the next time I pull it out, it's Obama saying he needs five bucks. I think he needs more than five bucks after last night's performance. So today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law, to see what happened to my leg while having Cryo perform to restore hyper wellness. Go to Eden That's Eden Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in it,, is what was your reaction to last night's debate? Saddened for Biden's dementia, saddened because he may not be the candidate or glad. I'm just plain gladened. Up to 65% of the audience now agrees with you. They were gladened. 22% say we were saddened because he may not be the candidate and 13% say they were saddened for Biden's dementia. All right, 844-500, 42-42-844-500, 42-42. Let's see here. Oh, this was an amazing cut. This is Biden talking about the Iranian assault missile attack on Israel. Cut 41. By the way, I'm the guy that organized the world against Iran when they had a full-blown intercontinental ballistic missile attack on Israel. No one was hurt. No one, one Israeli was accidentally killed and it stopped. We saved Israel. He saved Israel. He gave Iran $40 billion by unfreezing the money. You know, Trump, I think, has an add-out saying that when he was president, Iran was broken weak. Now they're swimming in money, plenty of money to not only finish building the nuclear weapons but also to supply all that proxies, you know, the terror proxies, the Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis. By the way, he didn't stop an intercontinental ballistic missile. He stopped intercontinental ballistic missiles. Play that one again, Jared, cut 41. And by the way, I'm the guy that organized the world against Iran when they had a full-blown intercontinental ballistic missile attack on Israel. No one was hurt. No one Israeli was accidentally killed and it stopped. We saved Israel. He saved Israel. They're very grateful for him for saving Israel. 844-542-42. All right, we're going to be here for another half hour. Come on down if you're in the area, in the lakes area. Get down to a fun spot arcade in Laconia. Give yourselves a round of applause. You've been a great audience today. We've had a great time. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. All right. It's that time of the week. I was taking some pictures here. So I haven't had time to to affix the new feature of the police-plotter facts Friday and hate mail Monday, which is, of course, the laser cap. So bear with me just for a moment here. Well, I put it on. I'm going to have to take off my mic. It's going off early. How does it look, guys? They're very impressed. It's amazing, too, that the sound is still created on remote. All right. So now it's time for police-plotter facts Friday. What this is, this is the part of the show where we ask you to send in all week long funny stories from your local internet site or local daily newspaper. Just send the stories to us at And we like to, as long as they're funny and moderately amusing and allow us to play taser sound effects or other sound effects of someone being eaten by an alligator or something to that effect. You know how it works. Anyway, so now it's time to go over them. And we read the funniest ones of the week at this time every Friday evening. We read a bunch of runners-up and the two winners get a nice prize. What do they get this week, Taylor? They will get a go-woke go-broke t-shirt. That's right. Okay, great. Some people here have been wearing those today, as well as many of our other t-shirts. Okay. So these are the runners-up. This cannot be police-plotter facts Friday without the wonderful theme song. Okay, Taylor, I'm standing by for adventure. These are the runners-up. They do not win a prize. Fleeing suspect in Auburn mall theft swims to middle of pond. This is Auburn, Massachusetts. Really? 46 year old. Well, at least he probably doesn't have to worry about an alligator like the guy from last week who swam. Time to decide to take a midnight swim. This is a Worcester man who allegedly- What's the man? I don't think he pronounces it Worcester. There's probably a- This gives you my chance to do my Joe Early Impressionation, the former congressman. Labor! Vista! But they ran like rats! Yeah, I'm very popular this week. I've been invited on all them bare shows. Nightlife. Gerardo! A 46 year old Worcester man who allegedly threatened to stab an Auburn mall worker fled from police by swimming to the middle of a nearby duck pond. A police dog swam toward the suspect and guided him to shore where officers were waiting. Around 6 p.m. Friday. What kind of police- What kind of guy did him to shore? Why didn't he just bite him? A beautiful dog. A talented dog. What was the dog's name? The dog's name was Fletch. And he did not bite him because an innocent woman would have been accused of murder. Most police dogs have two names. Fletch go. That's the kind of- Alright, anyway. So what's his name? What's Worcester man's name? Rafael Rios Candelaria. Police received an emergency call from an Auburn mall worker saying a man confronted him after he saw the attempting man to steal $1,200 worth of fragrances from Macy's. The suspect fled towards Southbridge Street. A foot chase followed the suspect disappearing somewhere between the library and the fire department. Auburn and state police surrounded the area. A state police dog joined the effort and Auburn police officer Brandon Gelldart deployed a drone. A police dog flushed Candelaria into Auburn pond behind the library. Let's go Brandon! After swimming into the middle of the small duck pond, Candelaria initially refused to surrender. The police dog was directed to swim toward the suspect. Candelaria soon made his way to shore where he was taken into custody without further incidents. Rafael. Well, something tells me this was not his first swimming expedition in the United States. If you get what I mean. Do you think he used the same stroke that he used when he was swimming the Rio Grande? I don't think they were a stroke. No, probably- The butter fly? Probably something more speedy this time. I don't think there are any dogs chasing across the border. No, you know what? I just figured out- Well, someone says the dog paddle, but I'm going to say given his immigration, likely immigration status, it was probably the freestyle. Aha! Yeah, he was arraigned- Could I have a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? He was arraigned in Central District Court in Worcester. Beall was set at $2,500. Cause hearing is slated for July 29th. $2,500 for stealing fragrances. The rapist in Kingston who immediately went on the lamb, $500. In the halls of justice- The only justice is in the halls. New Jersey video game nut flies to Florida overnight to attack online rival with hammer. A New Jersey man got so ticked off while duking it out in an online video game that he flew to Florida in the middle of the night to bash his rival with a hammer. Edward Kang, 20 years old, allegedly hopped on an overnight flight at Newark Liberty International Airport. This must be a friend of Mr. Garcia's. He landed at Jacksonville and booked a hotel room before he showed up in the victim's house at 2 a.m. Swinging a hammer. The sheriff said Kang got angry at the victim while playing the multiplayer game, Arc Age, and was ticked off enough that he told his mom he was going to visit a friend as he yelled as he yelled up from the basement. Hey ma, those Martinez pizza rolls better be ready. I've got a flight to catch. Wait, where do I park my bike at the airport? He checked into a hotel in Florida at 2 a.m. Friday and the next day stopped at an ace hardware outlet to pick up a hammer and a flashlight. I'm glad. Thank God. He didn't take that dangerous deadly weapon through airport security. He's snuck into the victim's house in Fernedina Beach dressed in black and wearing a mask in gloves. Fernedina. Fernedina. I think it ends with an A in this story, but okay. He was wearing a mask in gloves and attacked his rival with a hammer. This the speaker we need common sense hammer reform. The victim suffered seven day waiting period. Close the hammer show loophole. He suffered severe but non life threatening head wounds while Kang is being held at Nassau County Jail on attempted murder and burglary charges. That hammer is a weapon of war. Was he friends with that guy in California who broke into Paul Pelosi's mants? That's you mean the only illegal alien who's gone to prison in California in the last 30 years? Correct. Police Blotter facts Friday is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. How we right now is wearing his laser hair cap. If you book a hair restoration in well you've only got a few more days the rest of June. You too will get this cap valued at $3,000. Contact them today at or call 1-800-208-HARE. And it makes noises to us as it's restoring my follicles. Your hair is not being abducted. It's being implanted. When 18 meets guy on dating app, gets cold feet calls 911. After matching with a man on a dating app, an Iowa woman exchanged texts with him before arranging to meet in person yesterday at her residence. But when Samaya Thomas, 18 got cold feet, she dialed 911 in a remarkably hair-brained bid to avoid an IRL interaction according to cops. IRL means in real life. As detailed in a criminal complaint, Thomas who lives in an Iowa city suburb called police to report that her abusive ex-boyfriend had shown up outside her residence and was sending her threats via Snapchat to hit, punch, kick and stab her. Thomas claimed that she has known this man for two years and that she was pregnant with his baby. Officers responding to the residence encountered a male leaving the scene and began an in-depth investigation about the reports being made. The man who was detained by police explained that he began speaking with Thomas just over a week ago on a dating app and provided text messages that showed he was being honest and he really did just meet this female. After multiple interviews with police, Thomas admitted she had been lying, claiming that she got cold feet on meeting him and no longer wanted to. She fabricated her tales of abuse because she didn't think officers would help so she made up this call and the events that she described. >> Once the guy got and saw her, it probably wouldn't have been a problem to begin with. >> The link to that story is posted at and you can see all of these stories that we're discussing here this afternoon. Firefighters burn Shelton House full of commercial fireworks. This is in Connecticut. The state bomb squad conducted what the fire department burned down a house. The state bomb squad conducted what officials called a controlled burn to level a Bruce drive home Thursday as a safety measure due to a large amount of fireworks stored in the home's garage. The home was the site of a fire Saturday evening that displaced a family of three and their dog. Smoke filled the sky and explosions rocked the neighborhood beginning at about noon with the home all but leveled in the flames lessening around 2 p.m. While neighbors were asked to evacuate her shelter in place, many still gathered outside to watch an even shoot video of the scene a week early. >> To grill a few hot dogs and some mushrooms. Mushrooms are good on the grill, I guess. >> Are we sure there was fireworks in the garage and not an EV of some sort? >> I think it was fireworks. They said they were commercial grade fireworks. >> How dare you? >> You were asking here, why didn't Trump mention that 46 percent of people now that have EVs want to get rid of them? You know? And the other thing people were saying, and Texas has been saying this to why didn't he mention the pipelines shutting down the pipelines on day one. But, you know, got plenty of time, it's a long campaign. Don't force the shot, you know? >> You can only hit a guy over the head so many times. >> Especially when he's hitting himself over the head. >> In 90 minutes, yeah, exactly. A pet donkey disappeared in California five years ago. He's been spotted living with a herd of wild elk. Dave Drury's pet donkey diesel disappeared in California five years ago. He ran away on a hike near his home outside Sacramento. Years passed without a sign of life from diesel until earlier this year when a hunter spotted and filmed a herd of at least a dozen elk in the northern California wilderness, among them strangely was a wild burro. Drury's positive that the donkey in the hunter's video is heard diesel. Finally, we saw him. Drury told KOVR this month after the Instagram video began making headlines. Finally, we know he's good. He's living his best life. He's happy. He's healthy and it was just a relief. >> I thought California was doing away with diesel. >> They banished him. One more before we go to break here, Florida man arrested after burglarizing a burger king. A man who fled the scene of a vehicle burglary leaving his burger king order behind has been arrested. Charlotte county deputies responded to a call at Bay Heights Park in Englewood just after 10 p.m. Friday. Deputies say a man called stating that he and his friend saw someone breaking into their car and he could see the back window is smashed out. The suspect identified as Vladimir Belashiv, Jr. was seen inside the car. Belashiv reportedly ran away. Deputies say Belashiv left behind an e-bike with a silver cup attached containing an alcoholic beverage and ice along with a backpack full of clothes, an energy drink, Bud Light and a fresh burger king to order containing three double bacon cheeseburgers and a chicken sandwich. Boy, a boy. >> Before taking him to jail, they took him to the emergency room to have his stomach pumped up. >> Yeah, I would imagine. So that's a hefty order. Okay, so those are the runners up and we will be back with the winners of police water facts Friday in just a moment. I'm how we car. >> Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? How he still finds time to write three columns a week? >> He's how he come and he's back. >> A rocket pneumonia, the boogie-woogie flow. Thanks to everybody who came out today here at Fun Spot Arcade in Laconia, New Hampshire and the lakes region. This is a really, really great place. Thanks to the Aladdin family for making us at home. Thanks to the engineers from everybody from Benny Radio for making the broadcast possible. We've had a really great time. This is one of our favorite days of the year. I'm turning the mic over to Taylor for the final hour here, but first we're going to do the two winners. We got time for a runner up or we just have the winner. >> Just the winners. We've got two minutes here. A crocodile was terrorizing this Australian town, so residents cooked it and ate it. A remote Australian community has taken revenge. >> They put it on the Bobby? >> They sure did. They've taken revenge on a massive saltwater crock 12 feet long. They said he had been stalking and lunging out of the water at children and adults also reportedly taken multiple community dogs. Speaking to a public broadcaster, ABC, Northern Territory police sergeant Andrew McBride said the animal was "cooked up into the crocodile tail soup." He was on the Bobby. A few of the pieces were wrapped up in banana leaves and cooked underground. >> Timey crocodile down. Boy. They washed it down with a lot of Foster's Loggers. >> Crocodile's name. Is that where you're going to ask? >> Niles. >> Niles. That's a good name for Crocodile. >> And our final winner for police blotter facts Friday today, wife poisoned husband's soda after he was not appreciative of birthday party she threw him. A Missouri esthetician was allegedly caught putting weed killer in her husband's soda because he was not appreciative of the 50th birthday party. >> This is why I gave up drinking soda. I couldn't tell the difference between soda and weed killer. >> I think weed killer is more healthy for you. Long term than soda. Especially the diet soda. >> It was round seven up. Michelle Peters, 47 of Lebanon, Missouri was arrested Monday charged with first degree assault and armed criminal action. Peter supposedly said she wanted to be mean to her husband because he did not appreciate the 50th birthday party she threw him. The husband whose name was redacted told Leclide County Sheriff's Office earlier that day that he believed his wife was poisoning him. He allegedly noticed that the diet Mountain Dew from the two-liter bottle he kept in the couple's garage refrigerator tasted weird. He started suffering from a sore throat, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. >> That's what happened to me the last time I ate some diet Mountain Dew. >> Men, be more patient. >> I didn't know there was a problem. >> All right. That's a good one. Okay. I'm out of here. Taylor will be taking over for the last hour. Thanks again to everybody here at FunSpod Arcade.