The Howie Carr Radio Network

Another Week Down in the Karen Read Murder Trial | 6.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Still no news from the jury, but Grace gives the latest updates out of Dedham, Massachusetts, where Karen Read is on trial for the murder of police officer John O'Keefe.

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28 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Eviva Tratria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. Grace Curly. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show. Thank you so much for joining us today. You know, I'm seeing all these cuts of the media. Having this come to Jesus moment. It's a miracle. They can see. They can see. Finally, last night, they were able to take off the blinders and see what we've all been witnessing for the past four plus years, really, which is a man who has lost his way, a man calling him a train wreck, I think, doesn't do it justice. But, you know, I was just thinking about it. And I actually would prefer if they had just stuck with him. I would have more respect for them, Taylor, at this point. Because I think part of it, too, is that it was so synchronized, the flip. It was so obvious that this was an inside job, that they all got the same talking point. Joy Reid, Nicole Wallace, Chuck Todd. They all got the same. The women of the view. They all got together. They all were texting each other. OK, after the debate, this is bad. It's time. Give me all heave hoe. Give him the hook. And I just would have had-- it wouldn't have been a lot of respect, because I can't stand any of these people. But I would have preferred if they had just remained committed to the bit. You've gone this far, you know? You've lost all credibility in an attempt to prop this man up. You've sold your souls in an attempt to push him over the finish line. To bail out now after lying to us for so long, to me, it just feels like you almost made it. You know? You're dropping the ball. What do they always say right before the end zone? You were so close. How does that happen? 844-542-42. We have a lot of people on the lines. We've got updates for you on Karen Reid. A big takeaway from last night was not just Joe Biden's performance, but also afterwards when Jill was seen leading him off the stage. And then when she went over to a crowd of people to explain what a great job Joe did, can I have this cut tailor? This was really jarring. Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question you knew all the time. [CHEERING] And let me ask the crowd. What did Trump do? [CHEERING] Yes. Nana. Shrill. That's what that was. I think I can say that because I'm a woman, right? And women are allowed to call other women shrill. You're just not allowed to call anybody shrill. She was shrill. Oh, hey. Tailor. That's against the rules, sir. No, she really was. And a lot of people are comparing her to Lady Macbeth. It's not the first time. But the idea of this woman just pushing her husband, she's so ambitious. She's so motivated, power hungry. And it made me think of one of my favorite lines from Lady Macbeth. Look like the innocent flower. But be thy serpent on the right. I don't think she's as-- Grace, were you in Macbeth? I wasn't. We had to read it in school, though. But you remember that lie? I do, because I had this friend who was very theatrical, and she would always say, but be thy serpent on the right. And just remember, out brief candle. Yes. That's it. There's a lot of great lines. But I think that comparing her to Lady Macbeth, Tailor, is actually an insult to Lady Macbeth. Like, Lady Macbeth, you got the sense that she was pretty bright, that she really knew what was going on. I think with Jill, there's something more-- there's something a lot more transactional about this. This is just somebody who wants the planes, who wants the mansions, who wants the power. But she's not a political person. She doesn't have a grand ideas. She's not Hillary Clinton. Yeah, there's no agenda that I can see, that Jill Biden is pushing forward. The agenda is like free stuff. And to me, that just feels pretty weak. I also just want to, before we go back to the calls here, and the number is 844-542. I do want to read a comment that-- I am keeping my eyes on the text line here, and I see what you guys are saying. And someone is very upset with me, because I pointed out that Joe Biden last night, he said the idea a million times. And he also said, guess what? He likes to put that one out there. Guess what? Here's the thing. That's his other big one. And 617 said, last week I texted you, how many times you start sentences with the words the idea. Did you hear how many times Biden started the sentence with the idea? That's what you sound like. I haven't listened much today, but I haven't heard you say it, but I hope you thought of me every time he said it. Well, no, 617. I did not think of you every time he said it. But I think we all have verbal crutches. I had just never heard one used that many times. And I am going to defend myself here. I have a lot of flaws. I'm not perfect. I wear too much blush, as you all point out, quite frequently. Yeah, I get ahead of myself. I drink too much coffee. But if you are trying to say that I say the idea as much as that man last night, then you shut off the radio and you don't get to listen anymore. Because there's just no comparison. Michael, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Michael? Hi, Grace. I have a fear that I don't think it's been brought up, and you can stop me if it has. But I don't think the government was really involved. And it was-- it felt like the donor class. And there's a bunch of signals. And the cut you just played from Jill was one of the really big signals. But obviously, the government and donor classes have worked in unison for years now. And it seems like lockstep. They're never out of sync. And we have these signals that came in. And the first one I thought was, during the debate-- I think it was said or right after-- but during the debate, the White House apparently called in. And maybe you can confirm this, that Joe had a cold. And I'm like, well, that's odd. Why are they saying that now? And then the next one, obviously, was that Jill gave that speech at exactly the same time that all other media-- because I like you. I jumped right over to MSNBC, then CNN, and they're all just throwing Joe under the bus. And the next ones that really hit me were Kamala complimented Joe, and then Gavin Newsom complimented Joe, all why the media is just destroying. So I wanted to get your take that. I feel like government is just not involved in this. And the donor class was setting up for some reason. And I don't really know why. But any thoughts on that? Well, this kind of brings me back to if they do want to get rid of him. And when I say they, I really do mean the media, the donor class, however you want to put it. But I just don't know how they're going to do it. And another problem with that, Michael, is that the Democrats have set up this convention and their nomination process with so many rules that I do think it's going to be hard for them to just swap him out. So I think they're considering that as well. And Kamala Harris is his VP. She's never going to, at least not until she gets the green light. She's not going to make him look bad. She's not going to go out there and say, he sucked on the stage, which we obviously all know he did. Gavin Newsom's the same way. But then there's a question of, would Gavin Newsom want to jump into this race after it's been such a disaster? Would he want to be the face of this? Or would he rather just wait till 2028? He's a fairly young guy. He has plenty of time. He's very ambitious. Maybe he feels like, eh, this is such a Charlie Foxtrot. I'll let you guys take the L on this, and I'll wait for my turn. Now, the thing about the cough, a lot of people in the media were mad that he didn't prep them with that first, that he didn't soften the soil enough before he got out there. So I don't know, but I'll tell you one other thing. I'll tell you one other thing. The idea of them having this off ramp and getting rid of Joe Biden is going to come with a lot of hurdles and specifically involving the convention and the nomination process. And what I really liked today was, I think it was Kevin McCarthy who said that if they swap out Joe Biden, it will be an assault on democracy. And what I love about that, you know when people say you take back a word, like there's a word that has bad connotation and then you take it back and you own it? I love the idea of you guys want to keep talking about democracy and defending democracy. Well, guess what? This is it now. You wanted this guy. You told us this guy was great. You convinced all your voters that he was, no one else could be Trump. He's the only man to do it. Now you are stuck with him. And if you try to move him out, if you try to do anything, it's an assault on democracy. I would even go as far as to say, it's an insurrection. And I won't have that. I've been alive for too many of them. Oliver, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Oliver? Oliver, are you there, sir? Let's go to Jonathan. Jonathan, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jonathan? Oh, hi, Grace. Always nice to talk to you. You as well, what's going on? I thought Donald Trump had the best side eye last night. And he used it at the perfect time, right when he knew he had him. You know, it's like, oh, God. Yeah, and it really was a situation, Jonathan, where less is more. You know, it's to lay off a little bit and let him do the digging himself. He was digging himself into a hole and why step in, if your enemy is hurting themselves, just step back and watch it unfold. Grab the popcorn. Don't interrupt, but that's always harder for Trump. Trump oftentimes will get a good news cycle and rather than ride the wave, he'll come out with a tweet about Mika Brzezinski or a tweet about Stormy Daniels. And that's always been something that I have an issue with. I say, take the momentum, take the win. There's going to be bad news at some point, but not now. So let the media, you know, talk about something that's good for you and don't step in the way of it. Don't get in your own way. And I've been saying that for a while, but I think I have to admit that maybe something's seeping in. Maybe someone got through to Trump for once and said, you've got to really restrain yourself and you've got to let this guy talk. And that's-- - Pick it up, people complained. Or at least like, hey, can I give a suggestion? I think, because that was everybody's suggestion. Everybody was unanimous on this. - Yeah. - You gotta play it cool, dude. Like, you can't let him get to you. And you, I may have been, I was wrong. I mean, he kept us cool the entire time. That was the only thing I was right about. - Well, we've heard about all the things you were right about. And I think that's really more important. - Yeah, exactly. - That's the more important parts. That's the headline. Eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42, all over. I know you're there, Jim, everybody stay on the lines. We're going to come back to this. I do want to talk about Karen Reid, though, because there's a picture floating around a video of her with Alan Jackson looking a little bit chummy. That's the way I'll say it. And we're going to talk about does this change your perception of it, you know? And we'll also give you a little update on where the jurors are at. We do not have a decision in the Karen Reid case. We are waiting for this verdict. The jury came out, they said we're not able to come. - I was tired and I needed to think about it. - I was tired and I needed to go home. That's how I feel. I'm like, okay, we're all tired of this. Give us a verdict, okay, Mr. Jackson? But Jackson's people say they have not had enough time. The state is saying they've had enough time. Let's make it a hung jury. We will keep you abreast of anything that breaks. 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And you can place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, your family room, your kitchen, your basement, even your car, believe it or not. They even make great gifts. So get $200 off an Eden Pure 3-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back with your calls. We're still going to talk about Karen Reed, the debate. And I want to take a quick trip down memory lane to one of my favorite New York Times pieces, puff pieces about Joe Biden ever in the history of horrible journalism. This one stands alone. We'll go over it when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] I was listening in France from D-Day. And I spoke to all about those heroes that died. Yeah, the suckers and losers came up. The Charlottesville, very fine people came up. All of the Trump-to-range Democrats' favorite talking points, but Trump did a good job of swatting them down. That was the great part of the debate, is it didn't really matter what Jake Tapper or Dana Bash asked them. They just kind of both were on their own. They had their own stories to tell. And they weren't going to let those interjections distract them from what they wanted to get out there. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Hout in Nashua. So call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is after last night's performance, will Joe Biden be replaced? No. Did I say yes at first? No, you said no. OK, good. 67% say yes, he will be replaced. OK, we're going to go to your calls, and then we're going to take a trip down memory lane. Let's start with Oliver. We had a little issue there. Are you there, Oliver? Can you hear me? I sure can. OK, what's going on? How you do? All right, a couple of things. Next debate, if they have one, I've already got-- I had a bet before this debate that will not be a second one. And they'll leave the blame it on Joe's capabilities or Trump being an idiot, but Trump didn't live up to it. Of course, Joe did. A couple of things. I wish Trump would just cut with the crap, the collusion conspiracies, or hunt the Biden. And the next debate, state focus, say, look at Joe. Yes, about Charlottesville. I'm sure people take offense. There were good people on both sides. But, Joe, let me ask you about the college protesters. The college protesters, they're going to vote for him if they vote. Everybody knows that. Number two, the illegal immigrants. Again, democratic voters. That's what the Dems see in them. All you'd have to do if you went to the border and asked these people in Spanish or whatever. When you get in America, who you voting for, Trump or Biden, you know, if they just head Trump, they turn you around. Next thing, the final one, really, is he should use that famous line. Do you feel better off? And is the world better off 40 years ago than it is today? Correct? I wanted your opinion on that one. Yeah, Oliver, I love that famous question. And I think it's usually, I think it was Ronald Reagan who first said it, I think it usually does work pretty well because it really does come down to that. I wanted to touch on a couple things you said though. The collusion, the Russian collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, stuff, the 51 intelligence agents, I think it's very tempting for people to say he should just drop that. And I'm one of those people that sometimes I'm like, this isn't the time to figure it out. But we got to give him a little bit of grace on that. Like this guy has been fighting these people and the swamp with both hands for the last eight years. And they did lie about him. And it does matter to him. And while I wish he could just let it roll off his back, I can't blame him for every once in a while saying, by the way, since you're lying about all these things, you lied about the 51 intelligence agents. Do you want to clarify that? I've never seen anybody lie like this guy. He lies, I've never seen if he could look you in the face, so about so many other things too. And we mentioned the laptop, we mentioned Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. Everything he does is a lie. It's misinformation and disinformation. The losers and sucker story that he made up is a total lie on the military. It's a disgrace. Yeah, so the reason I'm saying that is because, well, you might want to say, oh, you know, don't focus on that. It's a long debate. It's an hour and 30 minutes. He talked about illegal immigration. He talked about a lot of things that matter to a lot of Americans. I can't fault the guy for wanting to get in a couple of jabs. And I would say rightfully so about these stories that were based off absolutely nothing and that he never got an apology for it. Like, really try to think about that. And I'm pretty critical when it comes to DJT, but really try to think about it. If you were framed, if you were set up, if you were sabotaged and you had this cloud hanging over your presidency that you won fair and square by all of these people who colluded against you and then accused you of doing the exact thing they were doing, would you be able to keep your mouth shut about it for an hour and a half when you finally had the whole world watching? That's the other part. He could talk about these things all day long at rallies. But this is the one time he's got viewers who otherwise are never going to hear this. They're never going to hear the truth about it. And so, well, some people might have an issue with that. That's one where I'm not going to criticize them because I know I wouldn't have the restraint to keep that part quiet if I were on that stage. And the Charlottesville thing, that is a lie. And it's a lie that does need to be called out. I'll come back to this and we'll take more calls after the break. I've seen you swing. I know you swing. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Let's do a little trip down memory lane here, Taylor. I think people need to remember how the New York Times covered Joe Biden. This is from The New York Times. And this was from, just so you have an idea here, this was from May of 2021, how Times have changed. Quick decision-making is not Mr. Biden's style. His reputation as a plain-speaking politician hides a more complicated truth. You think you understand the complexities that are going on in Joe Biden's mind? You have no idea. Before making up his mind, the president demands hours of detail, Latin debate from scores of policy experts, taking everyone around him on what some in the West Wing referred to as his "socratic journey" before arriving at a conclusion. That's when I first heard this. I was like, "D-tell it, and oh, he's he's socratic." Oh, right, right, right. He carries a lot of books with him, sure. And we saw that. We saw the modern-day Socrates on the stage yesterday, and boy, oh boy, was it interesting? Did I have a lot of questions? 844-542-42, let's go to Mark. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Mark? Hey, Grace. Yeah. I definitely agree with you when Trump mentioning Russian collusion in the laptop and all that. First of all, it took about 30 seconds. It didn't like dive into it. In second of all, if people get on him for being in the past, wearing things like that, democracy took a hit with that Russian collusion and with the laptop being hidden. This guy, like you said, has been beat up for years. And I think it's good, like you said, to put it out there for people who probably have no idea what he's talking about, maybe some of them will ask questions and see what's really going on. But I agree, I think you should have mentioned it, not spending a lot of time on it, but put it out there. Yeah, and there were some times where Trump would go back to a topic, and I was like, oh, I kind of hope he moves on from this. But for the most part, they hit a lot of things. And yeah, you have an axe to grind. And when I say you, I'm speaking about Donald Trump, he has plenty of access to grind. And every once in a while, he's going to do it. Thank you from his son, Hunter. And I just think that we're all being a little bit naive if we think that we could handle that many lives being thrown at us, that many conspiracy theories being made up about us, and then get out there on a stage for the first time in four years as a chance to clear the air and call some of this out, and we're all going to be like shrinking violets. Maybe some of us would do that. But I'll tell you one person who's not going to do that. And his name's Donald Trump. And I've never seen anybody lie like this guy. And that's that is what makes him Trump. And if you take that away, you'll lose a lot. All right, so Taylor, we'll keep going with these debate questions, but we do have to talk about something. We do have to talk about a big piece of scoop here in the Karen Reed case. We're waiting for the verdict from the jurors. I don't think we're going to get it today. I don't know what the scoop is. The fan is still spinning counterclockwise. Well, the scoop, and we talked about it in the office, there's a picture going around of Karen Reed. She's out with Alan Jackson. There's back and forth about whether it's real. I do think it's real. And he kind of has his arms around her. It looks like they're friendly. It looks a little bit. It looks a little bit more friendly than you would think a lawyer and a client would be. And this brings up the question, like, is that a good idea, especially as we're waiting for a verdict to come down? And I saw Turtle Boy, and I'm going to actually give his POV, because we have him on all the time. And I'm sure he'll be on with Howie. And I think that his take on this deserves to be heard. He says it has no bearing on the case. He does not care, even if they did have a relationship, even if they are more than friends, it doesn't matter. And it shouldn't affect the jurors. And I think if the jurors are off social media that I won't affect them. But as far as-- I just think it's a bad idea. I think, like, if you're waiting for the verdict in a murder trial, and you're the one who's going to be put in jail, you got to lay low up into that point. I stand by that nobody in this weird circus is at St. None of these people are pillars of their community, as far as their morals go. I think that that has been made perfectly clear. But you've got to be careful coming. There's so much at stake here. And to see those two out and about, maybe get in dinner, or maybe-- I don't know all the circumstances around it. Maybe it's an innocent picture, and I'm just reading into it. It just feels like, if we're all on pins and needles waiting for this, you surely could be taking it a little bit more seriously, right? So you think that something romantic was conveyed through this video that was taken-- If the video is true, if the video is real, that's how I'll preface it. If the video is real and want to cover my bases here, then, yeah, I got a romantic vibe. Really? Yeah. It's three seconds long. I did, yeah. Did you not? No. Would you ever hold a woman like that who's not your wife out in public? I don't think he was holding her. I think he was more acting like a chaperone. Again, this is gleaming from a three second clip that we see. But in it, she's clearly intoxicated. She's got a big smile. She's a little stumbly. And it looks like she's making a move toward a group of people. And he grabs her and holds her back. He's behind her, so he puts his arm around her and brings her back in so she doesn't go anywhere. I'm telling you, I've been in situations with back in my wild, younger days. OK, keep going. When your enemy is hurting themselves, let them keep going. In the everyday people, that's how you wrangle-- That's how you protect a woman who's-- From herself, yes. But here's my question for you. That can all be true, OK? I'm not going to fight with you on every single thing you're saying. Why are they out to begin with? Get a pizza, stay home until this thing's over. Why are they out and about in town? Getting drinks or dinner or anything. I'm not trying to be a hater. I just have to be honest here. This is the only thing I can be for the people listening. Is I have to tell them how I actually think. I've been honest this whole time. My takeaways, the things that moved me in this trial, the things that didn't. But I do have to tell you, I'm not loving that this is even a topic of discussion. Everyone stay home. Get Chinese food and wait for the verdict to come out. You see, that's the problem. You're staying in a certain location and you're ordering it all day. This is what you're doing. You're sitting and you're waiting. And now if you go home or to a hotel room or an apartment, you're sitting and you're waiting and you're hiding in secrecy, you want to blow off steam from the day. You go out. You have a couple of beverages. You have a nice meal. You walk around for a little bit. I can understand why they would do that. Again, I agree. It's not the greatest look to be out and about and to have all smiles when-- Maybe. Maybe there's nothing. Maybe there's nothing to see here. And I do actually-- I'm saying that genuinely. Maybe there's nothing to see. Just take it out of context. I just-- my advice, my advice would be until this thing's wrapped up one way or the other, you don't do anything like this. You don't have drinks out. You don't go around in public. You don't hang out with your lawyer off the clock. You keep everything very professional. And Taylor, if you were in a murder trial and you were awaiting a verdict, I think that you would stay out of the public eye. I would at least think twice about stepping out. Yeah, that's the only thing. And that doesn't change. Again, speaking from the-- if we're talking about the actual case, it doesn't change anything. Like, it really doesn't. I just would-- my advice-- and it's also strange because he's a lawyer. So you think he would be the one saying, like, guys, we really got to-- everybody's got phones nowadays. Everybody snaps pictures. I don't know. Maybe it's much to do about nothing. He's a big hot shot attorney from California. He's basically a celebrity himself. He's got an ego. Yeah, but he also doesn't-- don't you think that he feels like there's so much riding on this? We all have it to be on our best behavior. We all have to wait. He's counting dollars, Grace. Yeah, maybe. 844-542. But you really didn't get anything from that picture or anything from the video? No, I didn't read into it. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that there was anything romantic going on. I think that he was-- it looked like he may have been a little-- he may have had some happy juice as well. But it looked like he was trying to protect her from herself or engaging with somebody that he didn't want her engaging in or getting in front of a camp. I'll read you turtle voice. Look at Colin Albert and the stuff that we've seen from his social media. When he's had too many drinks, he tells people to pull up and gang gang or bang bang or whatever he says. He didn't want her popping up in a social media video where she says something stupid and that gets circulated. I don't think we should be using Colin Albert as our example of how to behave in situations. Well, that's the prime example of how not to behave. And so somebody shouldn't-- if you're a star and not a star witness, but if you're the subject of a murder trial, you shouldn't be taking selfies with people on the street. You shouldn't be showing up in people's social media videos, especially if you're inebriated. Right. So Dr. Turtleboy on Twitter-- I want to read his because I'm sure he'll get wind that we're talking about this. And I want to give all sides here. He was sent the video multiple times. And he said, "My thoughts on this picture are a million people sent me. I don't care. I don't care if it's real or fake. I just don't care. I won't waste a moment of my time looking into whether it's a deep fake because it has no bearing on actual justice. It has nothing to do with the McAlberts." He goes on to talk about John O'Keefe and the case. And I was told by many people that I created a distraction for Karen Reid by going to CF McCarthy's and getting assaulted by the McAlberts. Now my inbox is filled with this BS instead of the impending verdict. The fact that Michael Proctor's sister, who acted, would share this instead of being ashamed and humiliated to have the name Proctor in her Facebook name, is pretty telling. She would love for you to look the other way, but I won't. Yeah. I think that's a pretty strong thing to say, too, which is, listen, this has nothing to do with it. You can compartmentalize and say, yeah, it's not something I would do, but it doesn't change what the verdict's going to hopefully be. And it doesn't change how I see the case. Just another interesting addition to what has been quite a wild ride. Every single day, Taylor, there's another turn. This is like a roller coaster. Let's go to Jim. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jim? Hey, Grace, it's Jim from Ohio, your new favorite caller. I had a couple of things that note-- I don't think anyone has pointed out. And just to add a little levity to the conversation with the debate last night. First of all, you're a big Seinfeld fan. Am I correct there? You're absolutely correct. I was on a Seinfeld podcast at one point. I love it because I love Seinfeld, too. So I like to look at little things. And so here's two things that stuck out to me that maybe I haven't heard anybody else mention. Why was Jake Tapper wearing a vest? I noticed that. It was a three-piece suit. You know what? I was going to tweet that out. Oh, it's serious. He's wearing a vest. He was very dressed up. But you know what? To be fair, they knew there was going to be a lot of eyes on them. Maybe he considers himself a bit of a fashion plate. And he wanted to-- He had a matching tie and pocket square. That is a Sears special, if I ever saw one. He want-- oh, the snob. The snob is re-emerged. He wanted to look his best. I don't fault him for that. OK. All right, I'm just making a Jerry Seinfeld observation. I didn't hear anybody else mention it. Why? Is he wearing a vest? I saw. What's with the vest? Why can't we button the last button, people? What else you got, Jim? All right. And this is kind of mean-spirited. And I don't-- but I've thought this for years. But whenever I see Dana Bash and her lips and her side of her smile, does she not look like the Joker? Oh, no, I don't think so. I think Dana Bash is an attractive person. And I thought she actually did a decent job. I'm not her biggest fan, obviously. But I thought she was just fine. But Jim, thank you. You're like the fashion police. You're calling up today, just letting us know what's going on. I did hear a couple people mention the three-piece suit. I like Jim. Yeah. Jim, we appreciate the criticisms on Jake Tapper's look. Yeah, she's a babe. We had fall river accent, though. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, John. Hi, Grace. I think Trump, obviously, won the debate. I hate it when people are not objective. Trump was good. He wasn't great. I give him a B+, and I could give you a dozen or more points that he really missed. He did Biden slam dunked himself. But Trump could have helped it more by things like getting actual stats, numbers, and dates on the differences between his administration and obviously Biden's disgraceful administration. Trump missed the opportunity talking about the Chinese spy balloons, the Russians, 30 miles off Key West Florida, the fact that there was nothing like this when Trump was president. They were scared to death of Trump. I think the golf comment was idiotic and a missed opportunity by Trump to simply say to Joe, grow up and thank God the adults are coming back in November. And lastly, Grace, and pardon my horse voice. I had a surgery. The media is a disgrace, absolute disgrace, and what quits would they have that now they're panicked about Joe Biden, even though they were complicit in propping them up in a fake election from 2020, and they're propped enough, complicit in ruining the country. Yeah, John, you have a couple good points there. I will say, I think people are letting perfect get in the way of something good. I don't think Trump needed to have a slam dunk. He just needed to be good. He just needed to be all the things you just described. He just needed to be fine. Like in a perfect world, he would have an excellent list of things, and he would check off all your boxes and check off all my boxes. He just needed to not be Trump. He just needed to just chill for an hour and a half, and he did that, and now we're all changing it. Like we're moving the goal post. Like, well, he didn't mention the Chinese spy balloon. Yeah, but yesterday you were all saying he shouldn't have agreed to it, and people were saying that he was gonna go off the handles, and he needed to not interrupt. He did so many of the things we wanted him to do, and now people are coming in here, and I'm not picking on you either, but people are coming in here with all of their little nitpicky criticisms. You should have mentioned this. I think people kind of have illusions of grandeur. Like you think it's easier to do it on the spot than it is. I didn't think he did a bad job, and I think he did a good job, and that's all he needed to do, was do a good job and get out of there. A4, 4, 542, people are really mad at me for bringing up this picture thing. I'm just, I saw it on the internet, I thought it was worth mentioning. I'm not trying to harp on it, but people are talking about it. 844-500-4242, we'll be right back. - You're listening to "The Grace Curly Show." (dramatic music) - This is "The Grace Curly Show." - I was thinking to cut me. - Hey, you see this way, I know you're swimming. - Howie Carr joins us now, and he's in a very fun location today. Howie give people a heads up where you're at, and where they can find you if they want to visit. - I'm at FunSpot, the world's largest arcade in Laconia, New Hampshire, in the Lakes region. Give yourselves a round of applause, everybody that's here. It's got plenty of room for tons more people to come on down. We'll be here until six o'clock tonight. We'll be talking about the debate, obviously, and the jury being all hung in, in, in, that I'm not, it's, it, you know, she's, Auntie Bev has told them to go back to work. We'll be talking about all of this. - Howie, getting a lot of critics today about Trump, I'm kind of surprised people saying, you know, he should have brought up this, he should have brought up that. What do you say? - Well, he won, what else matters, right? You know what they say, success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan, I know Biden's an orphan. - Amen. - It's not for good. - Howie Cars, come up next, guys, you've got a great show for you in FunSpot at look, in Laconia, New Hampshire, come by, visit him, he will be there, have a great weekend, everybody. - Jameson and Ginger.