The Howie Carr Radio Network

Morning Joe Hums a Different Tune Today | 6.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

If there's anyone who's documented the groveling Joe Scarborough and his over-the-top admiration of Joe Biden, it's Grace. Now, after the debate, Joe has switched his narrative. It's time to make the decision to replace the president, he says!

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28 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Eviva Tratria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. They got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone to the Grace Curly show. We are breaking down last night's debate and we're also giving you some updates on what's going on in the Caron Read trial. So last time we checked in, Caron Read's lawyers were trying to argue that because the jurors are saying they cannot come to unanimous decision, the unanimous verdict, that they haven't had enough time. Now the state is arguing they've had enough time, that they should be able to now say that this is a hung jury. Where are we right now, though, Taylor? Because last time I checked, I think Judge Kannoni had told them to get back in there. Keep at it. Come up with something. Back to the ceiling, Finn, spinning counterclockwise, as I've been told. It's your favorite place to be. It is, yeah, they're back to deliberating, the judge told them to keep thinking about it. Yeah, so this is a friend of mine said they're debating whether the jury has had enough time to consider now. State says no, defense says yes. Bev, that's Judge Kannoni for all of you, Bev sending them back in to deliberate because they've had shortened days all week. I didn't notice that they had shortened days. Yeah, I guess one of them had a prior longstanding obligation. They had to leave by four, so they left at closer to three instead. I think just about every day has been four. They leave. So there must be there must be a few holdouts and this makes me think we're not getting anything. How on earth is this a mystery to you? How many how many points you're saying you as a jury, not how many points of reasonable doubt must you be be shown before you can say, I got to say, not guilty. This is ridiculous. It is. I don't disagree with you, sir. We're finally for once in our lives, Taylor, we've known each other for years now. We're in agreement and you're still yelling at me. I'd love to borrow some words from Michael Proctor right now to call these jurors. Please don't. Please don't. That's this is outrageous, but there's another element to this. Which we've been talking about all morning. There's a clip going around on Twitter of Alan Jackson and Karen Reed. And I'm pointing this out because I don't want people to think, oh, you have no problem slamming the McAlberts, but then you don't bring it up when it doesn't look good for Karen Reed. I bring up everything. I call balls and strikes, folks. I'm just here to report the news. And the news is the two of them looked like they were getting kind of cozy, looked a little bit like more than friends, which would be weird. This is just what I saw with my own eyes. Some people say the pictures fake, I don't think the pictures fake. We will talk about that and whether or not that is going to have, I don't think it's going to have any bearing on what these jurors are talking about because they're not supposed to be on social media anyway. But as far as the general public goes, I care just as much about the court of public opinion. That's really what I like to focus on. I think you're hot. And I do think that that picture slash video is not a great look for Karen Reed and not a great look for Alan Jackson either. Just my two cents. We'll come back to this. Now we have full lines. People want to talk about the debate and there was one other thing I wanted to bring up. Well, you guys know me. It's not just one other thing. There's several things I want to bring up, but I'll start with one. There's this whole conversation about will they swap out Joe Biden? They placed it. Our last caller mark said, I called in because I think this is the plan. That's why they had it so early and I don't disagree. But a social media user brought up something that I hadn't thought about and that's that the left is going to, if the left gives Joe Biden the heave ho, the overall point this social media user was making is even if they do that, doesn't that leave a sour taste in the mouths of the undecided voters, like the people who are going to decide the 10% of people who are going to decide who this election goes to, knowing that this party, Joe Biden, the White House, the media, you know, all working together, knowing that they let this guy continue and they would have let him keep going. If the debate hadn't been such an abject disaster, they never would have said anything and furthermore, knowing that they lied to you for so long that they have such little shame about, you know, pretending that this man is sharp. Do you want to vote for people who tell you for four years to not believe your own eyes and that Biden is socratic and Biden splitting the atom and Biden is a brain trust and it's really Trump who's losing it. It's really Trump who's old and who doesn't know what he's doing and anything bad about Biden is manipulated. It's a cheap fake. It's AI. He's the modern day Socrates and then one night after one at half, an hour and a half of television, they turn on a flippin dime. They go, oops, never mind. That's how little they think of you. Forget what we've been pounding into your heads for four years. These people have been pounding into their viewers and guaranteed. This is a small amount of people who watch their programs, but they have been pounding into their heads. Joe Biden's so smart. He reads all the time. He asked a million questions. Joe Scarborough has been drooling over this man. And then this morning, morning Joe gets up and just like that he goes, yeah, I was just kidding. I really do think he needs to step down and they don't apologize Taylor because apologizing would imply that they weren't purposely lying, like that they weren't trying to get it wrong. They were actively trying to deceive people and covering for this feeble confused old man. And I'm not saying this as someone who's offended because I haven't bought into it, but you should be offended. If you're one of those people out there who watches this every day and who's like, I really didn't know that Joe Biden was this bad, you know, I heard from Mika Brzezinski that he's really smart behind the scenes, well, you should be upset because this is how dumb they think you are. And if you want to prove to them that you are that dumb, then vote for him again. But if you have any sort of integrity, you should look these people and look at what they're doing and say, you've lied to me. You lied to me the last time around and you're going to lie to me again. No more. I can't do it anymore. And I don't even care if you vote for Trump. Just don't go vote for Joe Biden. That's enough for me at this point. If you hate Donald Trump and that consumes your whole life, fine. But if you vote for this guy, he Donald Trump was on the money when he said we're going to be in World War three. This country is on the brink of destruction and he's going to get us there. Let's go to Roland you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on Roland? Good afternoon, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. Of course. Two things I observed last night in a debate and get your opinion on it. Clearly you could see Joe Biden had a legal ad in front of him and was actually at times looking down and had the answers in front of him and still obviously didn't abysmal jobs. The second point is I noticed the first third part of the debate, he had really, really lucid and then it seemed like a third of the way through the lights kind of came on for him. And I'm really wondering if he was if he was medicated and they missed times his medications and I'll let you answer that. Yeah, I have to imagine it's a tricky thing to figure out the right concoction. As far as the first point goes about the legal pad, they're allowed to write things down once they get out there, but they didn't have any pre written notes and that was a big part of the problem. You know, Joe Biden came out and you could tell that they had been trying to get him to memorize a couple of things because when he would get into a speech that he had been told to have down pat, he would kind of get into a rhythm where he just kind of went away with it. Didn't I say this earlier this week? That would be a problem when you're hidden away for so long and going over the same script over and over, you completely blur out. It's like putting blinders on a horse. You're completely blurring out the side views, your periphery. You're not hearing what your opponent is saying. You're not maybe taking a random thought that you had and incorporating it into the conversation. You're sticking to the script and you are stuck to that script. Yeah, and in a weird way, Taylor, not to bring it back to us, God forbid, not to bring it back to the Thespians, but that's part of acting. Like they always say, you know, you have to, if someone knocks on the door, you got to open it. If someone drops something on stage, you got to react. You have to be reactive. You have to be listening to the other person. You have to be listening to the moderators. You can't be just waiting for people to stop talking so that you can start because what he was saying wasn't making any sense. And I do think at some point we're going to have to play the media's response to this because it was just pathetic. As far as him being medicated, bro didn't blink for like the first 30 seconds of his opening remarks. It was wild. And that was the visual part. My husband said the same thing. He said, you can see who's with it by just looking at their eyes. Like Trump was standing there and he was mellowed out, which I was very happy about. Biden was just, and I think the worst look for him is when he laughs, when he like chuckles in his face. He said that weird Joker smile like Jack Nicholson kind of Joker smile. And I hate to be mean. It's just like it was a really bad night for Joe Biden. And then you see Dr. Jill afterwards, Edith Wilson, you know, screaming at the crowd trying to get them revved up for this guy. I don't understand. And again. Someone who's owed a major apology, Rachel Campos Duffy, she said it within the first year of this presidency. She said, Dr. Jill is. This is elder abuse. She said something along those lines, like, how can you treat your spouse like this? You're supposed to have their back. And she was roundly criticized from the media. How dare you suggest that she's not a loving, wonderful life after seeing that video last night. I'm like, Oh, that's confirmation. He is the one who wants this so badly that she's the one pushing him out there encouraging him. Look at what she's wearing right now. Do you see this? Oh, she's like wearing a dress that has the word vote all over it. I'm seeing her in a totally different light. I wasn't a fan of hers to begin with, but I wasn't sure if she was also being pushed into this. Now I think she is the pusher. She is the one directing the marching band. Let's have, uh, let's have Tony. You're up next. Go ahead, Tony. Hi guys, fantastic show, fantastic points by the callers. I thought Trump, my biggest fear was that he was going to be a jerk like he was at his first debate. He didn't do it. He held back. He, he did a fantastic job. I didn't know, surprised, he used a lot of, a lot of numbers. And he remembered some. I don't know if they were correct or not. They weren't. My point about, um, what you thought. I think if the Democrats can find a candidate that is younger and can speak well and look good and has the decent record, it's, it's checkmate for Trump, but people ultimately do hate him also. Yeah. No, you're, you're not wrong about that, but you know what, Tony? I, I really do keep going back to how do you explain away all of the lies that you've been feeding to people and Walter Kern put this out on social media. He said the new candidate thing. So that's what Tony's talking about. Like the replacement. Okay. You, you bring someone else in, you bring in a ringer at the last second. We need a contender and you stick in Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom or God forbid Hillary Clinton. Let's say you do that. The problem with that is that it doesn't work and this is what Walter Kern said, getting over the lies about the fitness of the last one will draw too much energy from creating enthusiasm for the next one. And I was talking with Doug Collins and he had a great point about this representative Collins. He said, you know, Gavin Newsom might not want in on this because he might be looking at 20, 28 as his chance, like his time and he might look at this and go, they've already bleeped this up so badly. They've already, they've already made a clown show out of this. Why do I want to ruin my chances? I'm not sure I buy into that theory because I think a lot of these people are just, that's a good point. Like after this election cycle, it's anybody's gained next one come around and you don't really want to sell yourself with being like a one time loser. So maybe you hold off. But then I think they're all political animals and they just really want power and he won't be able to help himself. We'll see. He was on TV last night though. He was on TV. Kamala was on TV. All, you know, they're, I got to give him credit. They are not, they're not jumping ship just yet, but there's still plenty of time there. Watch me. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two will come right back with your calls. Don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly show. I'm not the president. Pye, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks, I'm taking all your firearm and self defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday Tuesdays at two p.m. This is the Grace Curly show. The crimes that you are still charged with and think of all the civil penalties you have. How many billions of dollars do you own in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a home range of things, of having sex with a porn star on the night while your wife was pregnant. I mean, what, what are you talking about? You, you have the morals of an alley cat. He's loving that line. He's at a rally today and he said the same thing. You can really, you really got a sense when they were debating last night that Joe Biden has been fed all of the same garbage from the media that liberals across this country have been fed. The Charlottesville lie, which was just recently debunked by snopes seven years later and he really hates Trump. I always kind of thought, yeah, he hates him, but it's more so. He just wants to be president. It's convenient for him, you know, he just posted the alley cat line to Twitter too. I think it's really clever, but he hates Trump and he's, he's just rattling off everything he's heard from morning Joe, because we know that's the place he likes to go to his morning Joe at MSNBC. So the porn star stuff and all of that, um, I did want to point out here just quickly that oftentimes, whether it's debates or usually it happens right after an election, liberals will take to Twitter and they'll put up these dramatic fake tweets about how their children are melting down over politics. And it's usually go something like this. It's become a bit of a meme last night. My two year old looked at me and said, mom, if Donald Trump is president, what's going to happen with climate change is the tree in the backyard going to die. Please mom, tell me something will change. That's the type of thing they like to put on Twitter. Eli missed all and I got to give how he credit for this because usually when how he's pulling out tweets like this, I'm like, I got to check if this is a fake or not. This is an incredible tweet from Eli missed all from MSNBC. He's the guy. He's got a huge hair and he's, he's crazy. He goes, my kid just said this is the quote from his child. It's sad to watch a pack of lies beat a good person just because the good person can't speak. I literally just gave him a hug and said that debates don't matter. Does anyone think that this happened, that any of this happened, that Eli missed all son or daughter said, it's sad to watch a pack of lies beat a good person just because the good person can't speak. And also you're not making the point you think you're making. You're admitting that your candidate can't speak. That's a problem. That's an issue Eli, let's go to Shane. You're up next. Go ahead, Shane. Hey, Grace, I know you're talking about the debate, but I just wanted to make a comment about the Karen Reed trial. Sure thing. I know that it's sure things. I know it's looking more likely that a hung jury is in the cards, but I don't think that's really safe. I know that United said that they'll take it, but I don't trust the Norfolk Democrat mafia not to come back in a few years even when the heat dies down. And do you trust the feds to come to anybody's rescue? So it's tough for me to ever have faith in the feds. You know that, Shane. You know how I feel about the FBI. I haven't ever pretended to be big fans, but what does give me a little bit of faith that they want to figure out what happened here is that in March, when this whole thing was going down, we were all gearing up for the trial, I had really just started getting into this. Some people think I was into this from the beginning. I'm pretty late to the game on this one. Something incredible happened. We found out that the reconstruction experts were brought in by the FBI. And that for me was a major shift where I thought, okay, they're in this. They want answers. And every reference to them during this trial had me believing that at some point we're going to hear from the feds and they're going to have their own investigation. So yeah, I do think that they owe us one, okay? The FBI, the DOJ, they're always telling us how any question of their integrity is out of bounds. Well, you could earn some respect right now and actually look into this case. I'm still hoping we're going to get a verdict though. Probably not today, but fingers crossed, we'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. If we do get a hung jury, then the DA has to decide that they want to bring this again. I cannot fathom. Like Taylor keeps saying he cannot fathom how the jurors haven't come out with a non-guilty verdict. And I get that. I understand. Because I know you're struggling right now. I'm heated over this. I am. He's heated. You usually are pretty heated about something. So this is just the thing you're mad about today. But I will say this, if we have to do this whole thing over again, like if Morrissey's that crazy, just this is just to answer the last caller's question. If Morrissey's that crazy that they want to go through the balloon knot and the seaward and the taillights and have Joseph Paul up there with a whole bunch of new jurors, then I'm tapping out at that point. I don't think I can do this again. I don't think my little heart can take no more. Leslie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Leslie. Hi, Grace, thank you for taking my call. As far as somebody replacing Biden, I think Kamal Harris has more of a chance than we know. I mean, our Congress and our Senate, everything has messed up. And I just think that people who vote were going to vote for Biden will vote for her because she's young. And they could steal the election again. So nothing will surprise me. Everything is so crooked with this right now. Nothing will surprise me if they try and steal the election again. Now, now here's what I'd say to that, Leslie. First of all, thank you for calling. Second of all, on paper, yes, I always tell people that when we were watching everything go down in 2020, because I remember it was like the first time that I was really writing about these things. I really enjoyed the primaries because you had a bunch of different Democrats fighting with each other. You had Cory Booker, you had Tulsi Gabbard, you had Marianne Williamson, you had Bloomberg, Kamala Harris. It was a very interesting bunch of people, a lot of different personalities. And I remember thinking to myself, Kamala Harris is probably someone to keep an eye out for. She's a black woman. I always say I think she's attractive. I don't think she's a bad looking person that goes a long way in politics. I hate to say it, but it does. I'll take her over Hillary. That's that's about it. That's as far as I'll go. But I felt she has she has something there. She's got a background is she she had a very powerful position in California guaranteed. She put a lot of black men in prison when she was in that position, but still she's got credentials. Maybe she's one to watch. And then I heard her speak and I was really taken aback at just how often she botches very easy questions like these aren't difficult questions. She's the VP. So nobody's really asking her to perform brain surgery. She's mostly just supposed to go around and be a good mouthpiece for the president, make him look good. That's her only job really. I eat no for breakfast, maybe put out a tweet on Thanksgiving of you making a turkey dinner or something. Like that's really the scope of what you're being asked to do. And even with those low expectations, she always comes up short. She always says the wackiest things. See, I think the response when you see Joe Biden up there as you feel sad, when you listen to Kamala Harris, you feel like you just took a bunch of edibles and you don't know where you are anymore. You're like, what world am I in? What were you talking about? Just the question she was asked, how did we get here? You feel like you're on the moon filling out a Venn diagram and watching school buses fly around you. It's a very, very confusing thing. So yes, Leslie, in some way she checks off a lot of boxes. But in a lot of ways, she's a liability and also important to note to a battle of wits. I think she comes unarmed. I don't think she would be difficult for Trump to take on in a debate. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Now there were a few things that, and again, you get nitpicky after watching these, there were a few things that I had wished Trump could have spent a little bit more time on. I thought that he could have really hit Biden as far as the American hostages who were taken by taken by Hamas. But I noticed that Trump gets hyper focused on like the business side. If you could even call it that the business side of politics, the things regarding NATO, taking them cough up some dough, telling Joe Biden, we're getting screwed over by all these people on your watch, we're a joke. And I didn't hate that. But there were definitely a few issues where I thought, you know, I wish he had hit this or that all, but keep in mind anything Trump was doing was really just background noise. It was like a kutomo's. The symphony was Joe Biden. At every single turn, he had a strange answer. Now what I want to talk about right now, Taylor, and I don't have it on my cut sheet, but do we have the Joe Scarborough and do we have a flashback to what he was saying a week ago? Take a listen to this. But I understood him when I said he was cogent, he's far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been. That was three months ago. Wow. How much talk about a crazy change in three months? How much can change in three months? What happened, guy? What is going on? That was three months ago. Now take a listen to him this morning. This is a battle for the future of American democracy. And now is a good time in June. Thank God in June and not October in June. This is the last chance for Democrats to decide whether this man we've known and loved for a very long time is up to the task. It's, I don't really think there's a question that he's not up to the task. I think we've all witnessed that, but I am curious, Joe, where were you? Like what were you watching for the last few months? How is it that someone as bright, as articulate, as sharp as you could have missed this because it was as plain to see as anything that Joe Biden has not been there. Like you could just watch a video of him walking and you could know that this man had lost it. And yet the people were supposed to be taking all of her advice from the very, very, you know, intellectual minds at MSNBC. This went right over their heads. And I also loved Mika saying, we're not going to put any spin on this here. Like, oh, yeah, yeah. No, I would never suggest that anyone at morning Joe, I wouldn't suggest that Al Sharpton or Willie Geist, whatever put spin on it. I also have to play this from Chuck Todd. This is cut five. You know, one of the things was would either candidate look like the caricature that the other campaign has been trying to paint of him. And at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips tonight, right? This was, you saw it before your eyes. The caricature that we've been painting, I'm not an artist. Okay. I'm not an artist. I don't play one on TV. I don't have the credentials of say a Hunter Biden. I don't have any sort of metal straws to blow ink through. I'm not painting anything. I'm just watching video. If you think that there's like, there's no caricature. This is him. This is him in the flesh. I said this earlier this week too. Taylor's taking a lot of victory laughs today. As I should. I should too. I think I called this pretty well. Yeah. They, the viewers were going to see what we've been seeing this whole time. There's no masking anymore. And that's what was shown last night. Absolutely not a caricature. This is what we've been telling you. We haven't been crying wolf. This has been, this has been this guy for the last three and a half years. Yeah. And there was plenty of stuff to fact check, but I think that the best thing was the Trump campaign ad that came out today, like skip the fact checks, skip the fact that he was lying. Nobody cares. It's what he always does. Tells us same stories over and over again. And there's really no point in calling out the lies because you can't be crazy. If people, if these Trump deranged Joy Behar's convinced themselves that Trump said very fine people at Charlottesville, there's no amount of fact checks from grace curly or Daniel Dale that's going to make any sort of difference. But I really liked this Trump campaign ad, can I get code 14? Both I was making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with what if we finally beat Medicare, we're trying to find housing for black Americans. The impact of the choice, the idea that they're going to, I'm not proposing that. Everybody, they pay, the millionaires pay one percent, one percent. So no one after, I've not raised the cost of Social Security for anybody. I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six, and I used to get rid of the ability of Medicare to, for the ability to, for the us to be able to negotiate to our place with big pharma companies. When I'm going to do a six, a tax system, for example, we have a thousand trillion years in America, not even billion years in America, no one was hurt, no one is really, was accidentally killed, and it stopped, and I'm going to continue to move until we get to total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers. Now, oh sure, take my whole morning's worth of work and boil it down to 90 seconds. Beautiful job, though. You got to give them that. I really enjoy the music. What did you think of the, the creepy music in the background? It was fine, I guess. Oh, jealousy, jealousy's not your, it's not a good look, Taylor. Green is not your color. I'll tell you that right now. 844-542. And again, the only thing I would say to people out there who are going, wow, I had no idea. Well, you got to pay attention because this is nothing new. I was watching Dave Portnoy today, and he had an interesting take, which I think kind of goes along with what one of our other callers was saying. He said, I thought Joe Biden did way better than I expected because I know what Joe Biden has been like for the last few years. He's like, if you didn't think that Joe Biden did a good job last night, then your expert expectations were way too high for this man. And I actually do tend to agree, except for those two fumbles in the beginning, which really did take my breath away, just seeing those in person. Rich, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Rich? Hi, great. Yes. How are you? I'm good, sir. What's going on? I wanted to talk about Trump that he didn't do enough damage to Biden internationally. Like someone mentioned Afghanistan or something like that, but all the other countries. He's been in an embarrassment to China and in bed with him really getting money, and all these other countries in South Korea, North Korea, we look like fools. What does Europe think of us? I don't even know. Are the UK or the rest of the world? He must make us a total embarrassment, and I thought Trump should've eaten that up. And by the way, I got my photo with you at Evita. I'm the guy that the fuzzy hair in the hat. Oh, thank you. Rich came out to the Eviva tractor, you're remote and hand over, and we appreciate that, Rich. Thank you very much. I want to comment on what you said, though, because I'm loving these calls today. It's easy to Monday morning quarterback Donald Trump, and let's all keep in mind he's dealing with someone who has attacked him, both in the media and with his DOJ, his weaponized DOJ over the course of the last few years. He has really tried to make Trump's life miserable, and as Trump pointed out last night, none of this would be happening if he weren't Joe Biden's political opponent. So I think that we should all keep in mind we should, we should bear in mind that there's a lot of frustration here that Trump is doing his absolute best to keep at bay while he's having these conversations. And like I said, there were things I wish Trump had hit on more. There were ways that I wish he had taken this, but I do think we're all kidding ourselves if we think anyone could have done a better job with that than Trump last night. He was, it was pretty much a masterclass in not letting someone get under your skin. And I thought he handled it really well. And I understand why there's so many issues where Joe Biden is a failure, but it's an hour and a half. There's only so much time and something to your point that he brought up about Afghanistan, I was glad he brought that up because I'll be honest, as horrible as that was 13 US service members dead, it feels like a long time ago when you look at the timeline of this presidency and how many disasters there have been, it's easy to forget some. And I was so glad that from the beginning, Trump was adamant that you failed on that. And something I love that he did and I wish he had kept on about was nobody got fired for that. Why didn't you fire anybody? He said, I know it's hard to fire people, firing people's not fun, but you didn't fire anyone. No one was held accountable. We lost 13 beautiful soldiers and I thought that was a really great way of holding Joe's feet to the fire and also shaming him because, yeah, we talk about it, but Joe never has anyone say to his face, how do you look at yourself, like how do you, how do you look at yourself in the mirror with what you did to those families with what an abysmal disaster that was and you can tell when Joe's confronted with it on a stage like that or just in general confronted with his failure, he goes into panic mode. That's when during that moment, if you looked at Joe Biden, his mouth was open because he did. Oh, the idea that you would question my devotion to the military, it's like, okay, stop clutching your pearls. Okay. We all have had the idea of that at some point. Do you use scented candles cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. 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Go to eat and if you want to save $200 on a three pack, use discount code grace three when you go to eat Now I am getting word that Biden has already committed to the second debate. That could be a good poll question too. Like will a second debate happen? If I'm Trump, I say no, that was it. I'm good. I did. I did. As Alan Jackson said, the damage has been done. I've done all the damage I need to do. I'm out. We'll be right back. We'll discuss this. We'll take more of your calls. Grace Curly show the Grace Curly show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly show. You know, I just told that last caller I don't want to be too nit picky on the debate. I would also like to hear from the people who said it was a disaster for Trump. Like he's falling into a trap. I'm talking to you, Jesse Kelly. Where are you now? Well, what's the consensus? Was it a big trap? I actually do understand though, because I did see today like Dave Rubin and some people are saying, and maybe this is the logical next step. The trap is that you just exposed what a elderly frail old man Joe Biden is and now they're going to swap him out with like a Gavin Newsom. You just gave him an off ramp. But again, what was his, what was Trump's option? Like you don't point out that this guy's old. You don't agree to debate him. I think Trump's looking pretty genius right now for this whole thing. And I haven't said that in quite some time. Sue, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Sue. Hey, Grace. How are you? So I'm sure you know by now that Biden just did a Hail Mary. He got on stage, did a little rally. And he totally proved to America because they were two teleprompters and he just screamed his lungs out and I was like, wow, he's doing great to myself thinking he was doing it all on his own. But to find out, he had two teleprompters in his professional speech that was written out for him. And of course, it was just like he, what do you want to call it? The thing he did, what was the speech he did in the union? Thank you, Grace. It was one of those yelling things and it sounded so convincing, you know, and I'm laughing myself. So this is a Hail Mary. And it's not going to do anything. It only makes it look worse, Grace, because of the simple fact that he's just proving that he cannot do anything without a teleprompter. Folks, I get my words abide and I would not be running again if I didn't believe it was all my heart and soul. I can do this job. Yeah. And I also, Sue, I don't think anyone's watching those. Like I'm pretty into politics. I watch this stuff pretty frequently. I don't even watch those full speeches at this point because I know that there's going to be a teleprompter. There's going to be a prepared speech. He's going to yell. He's going to get angry. And every time he gets angry, I get angry because I feel like he shouldn't be the one who's getting angry. Does that make sense? Every time he yells at me, I'm like, you shouldn't be the one yelling. These were all your ideas. All of the stuff that's happening is your great ideas, festering and destroying the country. And now, after you've messed everything up, you're yelling at me, huh? Make that make sense. 844-542-42. We'll be right back. I want to take a trip down memory lane and go over the New York Times piece that described Joe Biden as a Socratic thinker. We're going to talk about that, we're going to talk about Dr. Jill, AKA Lady Macbeth, and Karen Reed and Alan Jackson when we come back. [MUSIC PLAYING]