The Howie Carr Radio Network

SAD! Grace Recaps Biden's Abysmal Debate Performance | 6.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Hear Grace's initial reactions to last night's debate, where Joe's performance was anything but impressive.

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Eviva Tratria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace. Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly show, Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Hello, everyone. Can you hear me and we on the air? We're having a little technical glitch here, but we are going to figure it out. Don't you worry. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show, Happy Friday, T G I F. Verdict Watch continues in the Caron Retrial. We do have reason to believe that we might be getting a verdict today. And I heard rumblings of this in the office. I asked why. I said, why do we think today? Apparently people are pretty dressed up. There's something in the air. Perhaps we are going to find out what is going to happen in this Caron Retrial. I do have kind of a weird update on that front in regards to Caron Reid. And this is a little bit of gossip/drama on the internet, on social media. We're going to unpack all of it. But first, debate, debate, debate. Last night was the debate. And you'll remember yesterday I had two theories on how this was going to go. I kept saying they, when I say they, I'm referring to the media in conjunction with the White House, the Democrat machine, there's all different arms of the Democrat machine, but I think you guys know where I'm going with it, the intelligentsia, you might say. So they were either going to send him out, jacked up, and then tell us how great he did. I was waiting for a couple of Joe Biden really met the moment he really wowed everyone or they were setting him up to fail. They were sending him out there to watch the wheels come off. And I thought the way to tell if that was the case was the reactions we were going to get right afterwards. And there's no question that it was number two, that it was the second of the options. And there's no question that this was the plan, that this was orchestrated, that they're all on the same page, that they all knew he was going to go out there and embarrass himself. And it was going to be a disaster. They knew that going in. And I want to say here, before we get into some of the specific parts of the debate, that the overall reaction that I had, if I zoom out, because it's easy for me to get into the weeds of every single moment and every single issue that was discussed. So it's helpful for me to zoom out and kind of come up with some of the main takeaways. And I have to say that when I talk to women specifically about last night's debate, the male or manager, talk to my mom today, talk to a couple of my friends, talk to my sister, talk to my coworkers, when I talk to women about last night, the main theme that people had was it was really sad. It was, and some of these people know Joe Biden through and through. They watch him all the time. They're in it like us. A lot of people that I talk to, this was really the most political they're going to be was last night. Like that's, that's a big night in politics for them. And then they're probably going to zoom out for a little bit after this. And everyone said the same thing. It was sad. It made me sad. I don't know why they're doing this to him. I didn't realize how bad it was. That was another thing I heard a lot of and he was a disaster and it all happened. Here was the weird part of it. He was the worst part of his performance strangely came at the beginning. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed that the first like 15 minutes of last night's debate, I thought he was going to come out first and be the strongest and then slowly teeter off as the medications started wearing out, but that's not what happened. He started off completely confused and he actually, if you tuned in for the until 1030, which I know a lot of people didn't, a lot of people that I talk to, they sub probably 45 minutes and then they went to bed. But if you tuned in in the beginning, it was jarring. I was watching and you know, who's a good example actually. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We are going to be taking your calls all day as we discussed last night's debate. It really was amazing hearing the media do this total and complete 180 and expecting us to just go along with it like, oh yeah, you just figured out that this guy can't put a sentence together. And again, I don't mean to sound overly cruel here. That's not my MO at all. It's just I'm less frustrated with Joe Biden at this point that I am with everyone else who has enabled this and someone who deserves a shout out, a major shout out on that front is Dr. B because she's had some bad moments over the years. There's no question about that. And I've actually floated a theory as to why I think she pushes Joe so hard and why she wants him to keep up with this because think about it like this, most wives out there would say to their husbands, enough is enough. You know, you've done enough. I mean, hell, Obama said it to him and I don't think Obama even likes the guy, but he had the wherewithal to look at this old man before he ran for president and say, maybe you don't have to do this, Joe, but not Dr. Jill. And last night, there was a video that came out, they must have had some sort of rally thing afterwards, you know, a group of the train seals getting together to say, you did a great job, Joe, you knocked it out of the park. And Dr. B is there and she's screaming at the audience. Let's play this, Matt. I got to play this one. Dr. Jill telling Joe that he did a great job, cut 12. Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question, do you know all the facts? Let me ask the crowd, what did Trump do? Yes. I thought I had a low bar for Joe Biden. She's going, you get a gold star for answering every question. This is the leader of the free world. Like dare I say, we should have higher expectations for the man than answering every question and even that I think is being a bit generous because I would argue that when you're asked about a legal immigration and you start rambling on about Medicare, that maybe it didn't answer every question. You talked after every question, but you didn't answer it. Now I do want to start by letting people know here that we have all of these cuts. And so rather than just going through the list, I would prefer if people who watch the debates called up and let us know, what is the cut that stuck out to you? And I'm going to start by giving you my top three. So my number one moment from last night was when Joe Biden and Donald Trump started going back and forth about their golf games and everybody on social media when this was happening. It was like, oh, there's so many important things going on in the world. Obviously, we're fighting about our handicaps. The world is burning like, you know, no one's fixing anything from that stage. CNN has these two guys on stage for two hours. The world, whatever's going on in the world, it's not going to be fixed by anything these two are saying in that moment. So we might as well have a little bit of fun. And I thought that Trump and Biden arguing about who's the better golfer was just beautiful. Can I find? Can we find this, Matt? I love to play this for people. And again, I'm open to your suggestions because everyone saw this differently. There were different moments that you caught depending on, you know, what time you were watching. If you watched the whole thing, if you only watched the beginning, but I loved the going back and forth about the golf. I do think, Matt, okay, let's play it. Here we go. This is Donald Trump first, but I took two cognitive tests. I took physical exams every year. And you know, we knock on wood wherever we may have wood that I'm in very good health. I just won two club championships, not even senior, two regular club championships. To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way. And I do it. He doesn't do it. He can't hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. He can't hit a ball 50 yards. And then, you know, what Biden should have done is Biden should have either not responded to that or said, I don't care about golf, you know, there's other things that are more important to me. But we know that Joe Biden is very thin skin. We know there are certain things that stick in his craw and apparently insulting his golf game is one of them. Can I have the next one, Matt? You can see he is six foot five and only two hundred twenty third pounds or twenty thirty five pounds. Well, you said six, four, two hundred. Well, anyway, that's your anyway, just take a look at what he says he is and take a look at what he is. Now it doesn't end there. It keeps going with the golf, but I did want to play that one separately because maybe I'm just not as woke as the young people and I'm misunderstanding this, but that really sounded to me like Joe Biden was trying to fat shame Donald Trump on stage. And here's where it gets into like things I would have wanted Trump to do, but this is just me being nitpicky. I wish Trump would have looked at him at that moment and said, are you fat chaming me or is there something wrong with the fact that you think I might be bigger than what are you? What are you trying to imply, Joe? Are you making fun of my weight? That's no good. What's the next one? Look, I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six. And by the way, I told you before, I'm happy to play golf, if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it. That's the biggest ride. He's a six handicap of all. I was an eight handicap. Yeah. Eight. But I have, you know how many good? I've seen you swing. I know you swing. Let's just not act like children. President Trump, we're going to learn, let's not act like children. Do you want to try? A specific concern. Well, I love how at the end Trump chimes in with let's not act like children. I think that ship has sailed. I think that cat is out of the bag. So that was my number one. I love that golf just because it was so funny. It was so classic Trump. He handled it well. And my second thing was early on in the debate when Biden went on a bit of a rambling incoherent rant as he's want to do and the question went back to Trump and he just answered the way we would all answer, which was, I don't know what he just said and I don't think he knows what he just said. Can I have cut 23, Matt? I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. President Trump, I really don't know what he said at the end of this sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look, that kind of goes back to what one of the callers was talking about early on this week who said, you know, Biden should or Trump should treat Biden like he's your elderly parent who you have to take the keys away from. It was an honest comment and it was almost gentle in the delivery of like, I don't know what he said. I don't think he knows what he said because we were all thinking it, but then this brings me to my third favorite moment. And then we'll go to yours. It's eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, my third favorite moment. And this was a visual. So you had to be watching it was when Joe Biden finally brought up the term, the label that we had all been waiting for, you know, he was going to call Trump a convicted felon. It was going to be this big moment and he calls Trump a convicted felon on the stage. They've gone through all of this law fair, all of the weaponization of our DOJ. They have tarnished our justice system to the point of no return in an effort to get this president or this former president, I should say. And when he drops that bomb and says, you're a convicted felon, Trump's face was so calm. He had a big grin on his face, like a Cheshire like grin and he just starts nodding. Mm. Yeah. Sure. Sure. And that's when I really knew, oh, he's good, like whoever got to, to Donald Trump and gave him a rundown. I don't know if it was Caroline Levitt. If so, kudos to Caroline, I don't know who got to him and who told him he listened. Cooler heads need to prevail. Do not let him get to you. Laugh it off. Keep on rolling. And really, I think the important part of this debate was it was over within 30 minutes. Within 30 minutes, there had been enough gaffes from Joe Biden that there was no coming back for him. Now today, and this is a second, a separate part of the story that we need to discuss. Now today we have the media and their reactions and it started really last night. So after the debate wrapped, I watched it on Fox and Fox had the stream from CNN. And then, you know, it was Martha McCallum that was Brett Baer. I wanted to hear what they were going to say, but then at the same time, I thought, I know what they're going to say. They're going to say the same thing I'm thinking, which is that was a disaster for Joe Biden. I don't really care about that. I want to know what the enemy is saying. I want to know what the people on CNN are saying and the people on CNN. I was looking for that channel. I'm like, all right, let's see what, you know, Scott Jennings, who I like and Anderson Cooper and Van Jones. Let's see what they're all saying. But as I'm scrolling down, I see MSNBC. And I thought if there's, if there's a place to go right now to figure out how badly Joe Biden performed, it's MSNBC. Because they are the true believers, like they are the true head in the sand. We love Joe Biden drinking the Kool-Aid believers. And I went to MSNBC and it was Nicole Wallace talking and she was slamming Joe Biden. This was really bad. There's no coming back this, you know, blah, blah, blah. Then it goes to Joy Reid and she's saying she was on the phone with Obama operatives and everyone's in panic mode and they don't know what to do. And that's when it clicked with me and I said, they're going to, they're giving him an off ramp. They're going to try to swap him out. I don't know if it's going to work. I don't know how it works because you still have Kamala Harris in there. I don't think you can really hand it to her. Her popularity is somehow less than Joe Biden's, which is really probably her, her biggest accomplishment to date is how she managed that. I think what we saw last night, well, we saw this morning from Joe Scarborough in particular. These people went from, he has Socratic conversations with his staffers. He has so many questions. He reads leather bound books and he carries big briefcases. He's always learning. And then on a dime, they're telling us it's really time for him to go. You had a reporter's journalist putting out op-eds about how they were weeping in their hotel rooms last night because they were so taken aback and it's like, are we the only people with access to video? Are none of these, are any of these journalists from the New York Times or CNN, are they not on Twitter? Because if you have even a modicum of common sense, you were able to see how bad this guy was for the last four, I'm going to say four plus years. But I'm supposed to believe that they all had this gigantic realization after the one hour debate, the hour and a half debate last night, that's when they finally came to, I'm not buying it. We'll be right back. So thank you all so much for joining us today. It's the question on everyone's mind. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys that ever since last night, what a night for the left. I mean, they have that that hit them like a ton of bricks. They had no idea that Joe Biden wasn't in his right mind until they saw him on the stage last night. It's almost like they've been blissfully ignorant of everything that's been going on in this country and with this commander in chief since they pushed him over the finish line in 2020. I don't know where the hell he's been. Oh, also side note before I forget because there's so many things to discuss. You know what I noticed was his verbal tick last night. And the idea, the idea, Taylor, it was every other sentence and I was in a group chat with people and I mentioned it and then somebody texts me back and said, I can't stop hearing it now. And I'm like, well, you can't stop hearing it because he's saying it 400 times. By the time I would have put together a super cut, yeah, we can wait on newsbusters for that. Newsbusters usually comes through so that we don't have to cut up all these montages. But today's poll question is the idea that maybe the left is trying to get rid of Joe Biden and it's brought to you by perfect smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. I love Dr. Houghton, Stephanie, Melissa, Laurie, everybody, Dr. Tamu, everybody at the team at Perfect Smiles knows how to make you feel like a VIP. They really take their jobs seriously. They love what they do. And it's just all about excellence and that's what you want when it comes to your smile. So call 1 8 4 4 a perfect smile or visit perfect Taylor Cormier, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at grace curly is after last night's performance, will Joe Biden be replaced? It's it's so hard because there's you almost need to bring in like a risk assessment person to tell the Democrats which option carries with it more hurdles because on one hand you think, yeah, they still plenty of time. That was the whole reason they moved up a debate to June. Typically, you wouldn't have a debate this early on before an election. So they wanted to give themselves the buffer zone so that they could move Joe Biden out and bring in somebody else, but that that actually when you really look at not only the rules of the convention, but when you really look at what goes into picking someone else, do you pick Kamala hairs when her approval rating is lower than is how you would say will excrement or do you pick a Gavin Newsom and then you upset the black voters, especially the black female voters in the on the left side by skipping over at the first black female vice president. So that that option comes with so many other issues. So I'm actually going to say I'm going to change it up here. I'm going to say no. I think they keep him. I think they're really far into this now. 70% say yes. It makes sense. It makes sense. 42 year calls now the number is eight four four five hundred forty two forty two, but just a quick update because I know this is what everyone has on their mind. Karen Reed, the Karen Reed trial, we've gotten what we we've received word that the jury has told the judge, that would be Judge Canoni that they are unable to reach unanimous verdict. That was shortly after noon today, attorneys on both sides are arguing about whether enough time is passed to call a hung jury. We will keep you posted on this right now. It's a little bit limbo. We don't have a definite, you know, answer on things, but that's what's going on right now. Whenever that happens, there could be a holdout. There could be more than one holdout just it doesn't bode well for Karen Reed. I don't think if you're on this jury and you don't know that there's enough reasonable holdout to vote not guilty, I've got words to call you that I cannot call you on this show. Well, that's the part of it that confuses me because especially growing up, I was always amazed at how I don't want to say how easy it is, but how you really can present reasonable doubt in most cases, like short of something being a pretty cut and dry case. Most of the time in a lot of high profile cases, if you bring in really good lawyers, especially, you can present a narrative that makes you go, oh, yeah, I could see there's a possibility. It's in the realm of possibility that something else could have happened here. In this case, there's so much of that. There's not one possible way this could have gone. There's several different ways. Now I should mention, and we're going to save this conversation for later, but there are pictures floating around on the internet of Alan Jackson and Karen Reed. And there's some people on the free Karen Reed side who were saying, these are manipulated. These are cheap fakes. Other people are saying, no, they're real pictures. The two of them look like they're getting a little flirty. Maybe they're up to dinner or something. I'm going to give you my take on that in a little bit. I don't think it changes anything as far as the case goes. It doesn't have any bearing on whether or not she hit John O'Keefe, but I'm just going to give you my POV as someone who's pretty invested in this, what I make of Karen Reed allegedly getting a little flirty or having a close relationship with her lawyer. Before that though, debate. We got people on the lines. Let's start with Bill. You're up first. Go ahead, Bill. Hey, Grace. Yeah, I'll preface my comment quickly by saying that about 25 minutes into the debate, I was on a group chat and I text it out, is it me or does it seem like CNN is trying to sink Biden? So then going to my favorite clip, it was almost toward the very end and CNN asked him, what have you done for the black man? He went off into Lala Land and ended up in Medicare and he finished and then CNN came back and said, "Okay, but what have you done for the black man?" That was it. Yeah, Bill, before that part though, you just said that you thought CNN kind of had it out for Joe Biden, you thought they were setting him up to fail. Was there anything else before that point, because you're right, that did come towards the end of the debate. Was there anything else that was making you feel that way that you can pinpoint that you thought, "Oh, it seems like maybe they have the knives out for Joe Biden?" Yeah, and like I said, very early on, first of all, they were addressing Trump as President Trump, which I thought was peculiar. That just seemed really odd for who it was. They could call him Mr. Trump, but they were calling him President Trump, and then they just seemed to be so even-handed, and I was honestly slummoxed. I thought, "Well, this is looking pretty good. Let's see what happens." Yeah, so I'm glad that Bill brought this up as far as the moderators go, because when you criticize characters on CNN as often as I do, I think it's only fair to actually come on here and acknowledge that they did a decent job. My big thing yesterday was I don't need to hear much from the moderators. I think there was a percentage, I think it was 23% of the talking in one of the debates in 2020 was done by Chris Wallace. That is about 20% too much talking for a moderator. I do not, especially Chris Wallace, I do not care what you think. I do not care about your take on the issues. We're there to ask questions and to facilitate a conversation, to facilitate this debate and then shut up, to put the questions out there and then keep your mouths shut. I have to say, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash did a decent job of that. I heard today, I was talking to Hogan Gidley, and he said, "It's almost like they were over correcting." They knew that everyone thought they were going to be so in the bag for Joe Biden that maybe this was their last chance at saving face in trying to play it down the middle. Obviously there were questions, they were harping on January 6th. They wanted to kind of go Trump into talking about election interference in 2020. They know that doesn't pull well with independent voters, rehashing the 2020 electoral results. I thought Trump did a decent job of answering the question and then moving on. One thing I will say that I definitely liked was that Trump took the questions as suggestions. He would hear the question and he would go, "I want to go back to something else," and he would just go. I remember at one point, Jake Tapper said, "Jake Tapper was asking him something and Trump said, "Well, can I respond to what Joe Biden just said?" This is where I knew that CNN wasn't trying to get Trump on that stage yesterday, is when Jake Tapper said, "Well, I'm going to ask the question and you can respond to whatever you want." It was like something along those lines, like, "I have to ask this and then, yeah, you can take it wherever you want to go." So I agree with that last caller. I thought it was very fair. If I was grading it, I definitely graded on a curve for CNN. I would say B+, I didn't think it was terrible. He did a fantastic job of finally coming into his own as a debater and paying attention to the people that were advising him. He did the professional job of what you just said, taking a question, listening to it. If you don't like the question, go back and rebut to what your opponent just said and then make us small, if any, remark about the question that was just asked of you. To that point, Taylor, any question you get asked in a presidential debate, you can bring back to usually three things. The economy, illegal immigration, and something to do with American prosperity. It's not hard to bring it back to something that you want to talk about or something that you're proud of from your agenda. Biden, on the other hand, would get a question, start with the question, and then he'd end up somewhere totally different and then he would just kind of fade out. Now what Bill said, I thought CNN, there was a few times and this could just be my bias because I was watching it and I said, "I do wish they had a clock behind them," because there were times where Biden was talking, where he had, let's say, a minute to talk. It didn't feel like they let him go for a minute. When he really started going into the Twilight Zone, I would hear Dana Batch say, "Okay, thank you," and then cut him off. I did get a little bit of that. Let's go to George. You're up next with the on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, George? Hey, Grace. Hey. Hey. I've watched Biden sort of closely since 2016 when he decided to run and follow them and realized immediately what a stumbling, bumbling fool he is and declining all the way. I watched the debate last night and knowing how the press is, I actually thought he'd get okay. I said, "He's going to, he did what he's always been doing," and they'll certainly cover that. I mean, not that I thought he did okay. I thought he did okay for the press. It was actually amazed when I saw CNN come on and explode, I didn't get it. You know what, George, that is an excellent observation because when I watched the debate, I was nervous. I told people this. I said, "I was nervous," you know. I get nervous for those things. I don't know why. I keep having to remind myself, like, "Nobody's worried about you. Neither of these guys are going home being nervous about you, so calm down, it's just a debate." But I did kind of get anxiety, like, "Oh, I hope Trump can do it. I hope he can keep himself calm, you know, if you can keep a cool head, maybe things will go well." And in the beginning, I thought it was horrible for Biden, and I'll give you the first example I saw, George. This is Cut 12. This was Biden's first serious stumble. Cut 12. "We'd be able to right wipe out his debt, we'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do, child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with -- look, if we finally beat Medicare." Thank you, President Biden, President Trump. That was the moment. And you know what, George? In some ways, I think you're right. If you could take away probably that moment and maybe one other one, the press typically would be able to put a shine on it. But that moment right there, that was pretty early on, Taylor. That was when people were, you know, pouring your little glass of wine, you're still kind of getting settled on the couch, you know, you're wrapping up some emails, you're shutting the laptop, you're saying, "Do you get the popcorn? Let's go. It's on. It's in full swing." And then that happens. Like, people were still -- Well, it wasn't just that. It was the knockout punch that came right after it. Well, he's right. He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death. And he's destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in. They're putting them on Medicare. They're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security. He will wipe out Medicare. So he was right in the way he finished that sentence. He meant to say we beat big pharma, but he said Medicare instead. Yeah. And that was a moment where Trump easily could have said that didn't make any sense. Like he could have been, he could have been extra mean in that moment, Taylor. He could have looked at him and pulled up. I don't know what he just said, and I don't think he knows what he just said. But he actually waited. And you're right. He heard that word and he thought, well, if he's going to bring up Medicare, even if it doesn't make any sense, I might as well jump on the opportunity to slam him on Medicare. That was a really good moment. I didn't think Trump was overly nasty to Joe Biden last night. I actually thought he was fairly diplomatic and there were times where you could tell he was getting frustrated, especially towards the end. It's a long debate towards the end, he was getting kind of like wanting to get a lot in there. The thing about the suckers and losers, you could tell that Biden was really trying to poke him in certain areas. But overall for as crazy as Joe Biden was and as much as he was lying, I thought Trump was fairly decent to him. And the other thing too that I think goes into account is like you can read a transcript of this. No one's doing that anymore. Everyone's watching it on TV. It's a visual thing. Everyone's watching it. There are a lot of moments, Taylor, where as someone who rolls my eyes quite a bit. I was very impressed that Trump kept a straight face and did not do more of the, huh? That's what I would have been doing. Even moments like when he brings up things that you know he's going to bring up, and I don't mean to be, I don't mean to be a jerk here, but I was a little worried that when he brought up bow because he brings it up all the time and he changes the story all the time, I thought Trump was maybe going to be a little flipping about it. Nope. But once where he knew this is what they'll run with, he kept it on lock. Yeah. He got him. He attacked him only at the appropriate moment, especially when he said, I don't know what he said at the end of that sentence right there, and I don't think he did either. Yeah. That was good. That was good hit. That was on my top three Taylor. So at the beginning of the show, I did my top three. The golf exchange, the, I don't know what he said, and I don't think he knows either. And I believe my third one was, oh, now I'm forgetting what the third one was, the golf exchange. The, I don't know what he said. Oh, and his face when Biden called him a convicted felon. I love that face. That was a classic Trump face. It was like a big smile. And I do think that having a little fun with it was key. You could tell he was enjoying himself. We're going to go to break now. Be right back with more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Listen up. We have full lines on the debate and we are going to take these calls all day. We have updates on Karen Reed. So just stay with us. You're on the line now. Hang on through the break. Mark, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Mark? Grace, we talked last week and I had mentioned that the reason why they had the debate in June was that the trial balloon Joe Biden's career, political career ended last night. I am going to predict he's going to resign the presidency before the Democratic Convention. They need to prop up Kamala now going forward. They have there's no way, no way Joe Brot Biden continues his campaign. They know it's a loser. But Mark, how do they rehabilitate? How do they rehabilitate Kamala Harris's image and her reputation and her poll numbers and her lack of knowledge on absolutely anything? And furthermore, Mark, and this is a question for the rest of the audience, which I'm glad you brought this up. You can take it into the next hour. It's got to be Joe or someone in his orbit who makes the decision. Like as much as I think there's plenty of people pulling the strings, if Dr. B says he's not going, then I don't know how they're going to get him out. That's the question. Is Dr. Jill finally going to say enough's enough? We'll continue after the break. (upbeat music)