The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Indigent who Killed her Ex-Boyfriend wants you to pay for her Interpreter | 6.27.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie shares the latest batch of Illegals in the News that'll make your skin crawl. Worse, the stories take place in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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27 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. So I'm standing at one podium and I'll ask Phil to come in and take the other podium. And so let's say I'm answering a question. My light is green and I'm speaking. Phil's microphone is off and his green lights are not illuminated. There is no stopping in the white zone. No, the white zone is for voting and unloading. And there is no stopping in the red zone. Don't tell me which zone is for stopping and which zone is for voting. Listen, buddy. Don't start up with your white zone again. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Or a bullied because of the LGBTQ. Well, like father, like daughter. The LGBTQ plus people's LGBTQI. I am so tired of acronyms. Who do you love? Howie Car. For instance, Joe Biden has a child, stuttered badly. And we're gonna load a $60 billion cheap bomb. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. Mr. President for our first question, welcome to Atlanta first of all and welcome to CNN. $60 billion for a bridge. I know you have to abide by Davis Bacon Law, Union wages and all that, but that does seem a bit excessive. Does it not? $60 zillion. And he says, thank you for that question, fake. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. We're about to post the motion denied by the, to let the illegal alien. It's up. It's up on our website,, It's basically a boilerplate, but it just, you see, you see what they're asking for, which is nothing out of the ordinary. And then there's just a, on page one, it's just a scrawled motion denied. Like, it's not even serious, you know? It's just a, it's just an illegal alien that we have no idea who he is. He's just rapes, allegedly rapes somebody and a disabled teenager under age. And, you know, hey, let him go. He'll show up. Guess what? He's gone. But if you want to check out the actual motion that was denied, and by the way, it was not $10,000 bond that the Commonwealth was asking for. It was $25,000 bail, $25,000 bail. And they wanted it because, you know, that, that there were, there were reasons why, like the defendant's employment record, because there isn't one. He's, he's from Haiti. He doesn't, he doesn't have an employment record. The defendant's family ties. He doesn't have one, any. The nature and circumstances of the offensive charge, the potential penalty, et cetera, et cetera. All right. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. And then speaking of what, what information does the court have on the rapist? Date of birth, place of birth, birth certificate saying an unknown person has no record. It is laughable. I know. I, I can remember back during the caucus days when they had a judge named Del Vecchio, she let a homeless person go on personal recognizance after a hammer attack. We all said, this is insane. We called her, let her go, let them go Del Vecchio from that moment on. But little did we know she was setting the pace for others to follow. That, that became the standard. And it's, and it's only gotten worse. Oh, God. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. And talking about the, the, the fact that it's going into another day at the, at the Karen Reed murder case. If there is a cop on the jury, isn't that a major screw up by the defense? Why would they allow him on the jury, in the jury pool? Well, you know, you only have a certain number of preemptory challenges. And not, not all cops would be inclined to, you know, cut, cut all these crooked cops slack. We don't know that, we don't know. We, there is one retired cop on the jury, but we don't know if he's the one that's holding everything up. And, you know, you never know. I mean, it's like anything else. You, you don't know who you're putting on. I mean, the jury is the ultimate wild card. I remember then the Whitey Bulger trial. Whitey should have been convicted of 19 murders, but there was this not female juror from Cape Cod. And she fell in love with Whitey, basically. I don't know how else to put it. And she, and she voted no on eight of the murders. So they didn't, and it was so outrageous that the judge said, you know, when they get the settlement from the estate, from what Whitey had left, which, you know, amounted to peanuts, especially for losing a loved one. She cut the eight people in on, on the, you know, the, the settlement money, the eight, the eight estates that there was no conviction on because it was so outrageous. And it turned out that this juror, this female juror that didn't want to convict Whitey on the eight murders that he so obviously committed. She had a hyphenated last name. And she was a freelance writer. And, you know, I, I asked one of the lawyers later on, one of the prosecutors, how could you let someone, a woman, menopausal from the Cape with a hyphenated last name, who was a freelance writer on that jury. And he didn't, they didn't know. I mean, you can't stop everything from, you can't stop every one of these bad jurors. Eight, four, four, five, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Jameson and Genja was climbing the hack ladder, meaning Higgins, the ATF guy who started out in the Cambridge fire department. Jameson and Genja. His resignation from CFD was like a hack getting a judgeship. More rewards, less work, a tale as old as time. Yeah, I know. I think ATF, I mean, the way he, he didn't do anything. He went to cop funerals and got shattered every night, every night. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Time now for the chumpline. House long to freeze at podium. We'll see. Hoss long will be before the drugs wear off. That's, that, that, that's an answer to the first question, another question. At now, another excerpt from Paper Boy, my life and media, as read by the author. After we wrapped on principal photography for a civil action, my co-star Robert de Valsett, how we, you were like Marlon Brando in this picture, and I think you're going to win the Oscar. Well, I'm not about pop and circumstance, so when the Oscars invite came, I took a page out of Marlon Brando's book with a slight twist. Instead of sending an Indian to accept my award, I sent Elizabeth Warren. Sometimes those excerpts have a grain of truth to them. That one had zero truth to it. When I was in a civil action, I didn't eat. You know, that was so long ago that Elizabeth Warren was still a white woman. That was, and then before she became an Indian, which was before she became a white woman again. Today's chumpline is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They helped me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids, and they can help you, too. Request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. Visit for more information. That's Too bad you couldn't cross that judge down in Atlanta with Auntie Bev. She'd be too tired to glow. You know, judges who get tired in their chamber- I was tired, and I needed to think about it. Judges who get tired in their chambers often run into other problems as they're driving to their summer cottage in Centerville. If you know what I mean. During the presidential debate tonight, Joe Biden's sponsors will be hovering around and at a roll. Again, I come back to Dr. June Deep. If they really, the Democrats really want to get rid of them, substitute the Adderall with some TikToks. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, Joe. See you later. Introducing tonight's contenders in this corner, the Great Mega King, the Teflon Don. Donald Trump, and in this corner, you know the thing that posts your child for what happens to your brain on 10%. A brain is a terrible thing to waste. It's even more terrible when you never had a brain to begin with. As my wife's husband's daughter's father would say, "We must never rest until everyone in the L.G.P.E.'s P.I.M.S.A., G.O.J. community is safe." Yeah, we put it in the intro, but this is his daughter. Like daughter, like father. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Cut one. Or a bullied because of it. L.G.B.T.C. students deserve to be safe at school, at home, and in their communities. That's the girl that wrote in her diary that her father used to take showers with her when she was 11 years old. This is Biden's supercut, screwing up L.G.B.T.C. to. - The LGBTQ community? - LGBTQL, excuse me, plus LGBTQ plus people's LGBTQI individuals. - LGBTQ plus community. - LGBTQ plus community, LGBTQ plus people. LGBTQ plus Americans as an LGBTQ plus special envoy. - I am so tired of acronyms. - You know, some of those members of that community are also in unions like the LCI or the I.E.B.W. Others of them are in civil rights organizations like the NAAC. Those are some of his other screw-ups recently. - Now Turtle Boy can't even go out for some swill without the canton gang getting up in his grill. I'm just hoping he keeps both eyes open because this bunch knows how to skate after they kill. - They certainly seem to, TikToks, TikToks. I don't know what it is. Say it's one of those little candies. - Simon and Sheyster announces Hillary's new book coming out this fall even as she announced that she has one more working title of that one to come is why all my books suck and don't sell for crap. - It doesn't matter what they sell for, what counts is if you're a Democrat, they advance. That's all they care about. And they always get big advances. I wonder why. - Meanwhile at the Jamal Bowman rally. - The Muslim community from Yonkers to San Francisco to Dale Pollard Michigan. And then we're going to Washington DC to take back the White House. - Neither one of them was in the cards as it turned out. Thank God. - There are only two things the Norfolk County district attorney's office wanted. Leave the taillight, take the kannoni. - Very good. I like that. I like that. - I think Joe Biden's going to camp David for a week and they're putting an earbud in his brain. - Yeah. Some people have said chips. They have these, or as he calls them, cheaps, putting a microcheap in his under his skin and they're giving him the instructions that way. - That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. - That's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday, the Chumpline number, if you'd like to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time every weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every evening, weeknights, you can hear it. You can do so. We have a second Chumpline. It's called Chop Chumps where we post all the messages and that we didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps. You can get the second Chumpline of the day around 7 o'clock every week night wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They helped me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you to request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. Visit for more information. That's There are only two things the Norfolk County District Attorney's office wanted. Leave the taillight, take the canoni. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Berna Les lethal pistol launcher. For those who want a powerful self-defense option without resorting to deadly force, visit to save 10% Charlotte got her as delivered. She's safe. And in the Lone Star State of Texas. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which words would you most like to hear from Trump tonight? The 2020 election was rigged. Lake and Riley, Rachel Morin, Kate Steinle, and other victims names. Are you better off or worse off? My vice presidential pick is or I will end the war in Ukraine. You know, another one I could have thrown in. I just thought of it is that other guy Biden, he's going to raise your taxes. He's promising to raise your taxes because he is. He wants to repeal all the tax cuts from 2017. But I'm voting for are you better off or worse off the Ronald Reagan line from 1980. 55% of the audience thinks they want to hear. Are you better off or worse off? 29% for the names of the victims, 10% for ending the war in Ukraine, 4% for a VP pick, and 1% for 2020 election was rigged. By the way, Susan Sullivan, the judge who let the illegal alien alleged rapist from Haiti go. And now he's vanished, apparently, according to police report, according to law enforcement sources. Classic list of contributions at the office of campaign and political finance. What they do is they they were in private practice for a few years. Some of them, some of them are just hacks on the on the public dole like a canone. But some of them are in private practice. So she's about 63, 64 years old, 2002, she was getting tired. So she decided to start investing in gubernatorial candidates. She invested in Chris Gabrielli and Shannon O'Brien. Those were poor bets, poor bets. So she she laid off after that and waited until 2017. And she again, Holy Cross and lives in Plainville and Suffolk Law, she had all the hacked credentials. So she got the job, Susan Sullivan, she's the one who got who let this guy go. We'll be talking to what Dave the coast in a few minutes, the rep from that area. By the way, we've been speaking about illegal alien crimes. There's another one apparently in the illegal alien crime. There was a two there was a car cars collided on Route 28 near the Cape Cod Mall in Hyannis last night. If you were if you were in that area, everything was closed off. And a woman was seen running and they went to the car, the cops did, and there was a guy stabbed and he died. They found a man described as being in his 30s, suffering a life-threatening stab wound. Now he died. And police, I looked at the woman last night from the Hyannis News, Robert Bastille had a picture of her. And I wondered where she's from. I don't know where she's from, but she's from Centerville now, but her name is Jess Celine, J-U-S-C-E-L-N-A-Guedes, 29 years old. She's been arrested in the murder of this guy. I'm Howie Carr. Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this mother's day? Maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love. At a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, 8 hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery light, Raycons are perfect for all day lists. Raycon everyday earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation, and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of 5-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. When you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. I'm just trying to find out more information about this illegal alien who stabbed her boyfriend, allegedly stabbed her boyfriend to death outside the Cape Cod Mall on Route 28 last night, and I guess traffic was tied up to a fairly well as you might expect. I'm looking at a picture of her from Channel 7 and she's wearing headphones for her appearance. Imagine that, she's living in the country but she doesn't speak English apparently. I wonder if she's paying for her own attorney. I rather doubt it. In the last, the various reports describe her as Cape Woman or Centerville Woman. The last line of the story from Channel 7, it came out in court that she is in the United States illegally, and her boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend, the guy that she allegedly killed, Renato Chavez. He too is a Brazilian. 844-542-42, 844-542-42. So, on all this day of illegal alien crimes leading up to the debate and the funeral in Houston for the 12-year-old girl murdered and raped by Venezuela's, turns out that the Haitian-alleged rapist from the flop house, the comfort in Rockland, has been given $500 bail and he's now apparently in the wind. He's gone and the district attorney of Plymouth County was asking for a $25,000 bail. The judge, a baker appointee named Susan Sullivan, denied the prosecution motion for $25,000 bail, cut it to $500. He's gone. He's gone. Joining us now in the line to talk about this is a Republican representative, Dave DeCoast, from the, he's from the area involved. This is unfortunate, but is it really that unexpected? David, just keeps happening over and over again. No, well, first of all, how is saluted to Tim Cruz? He's our lone Republican DA now. You know, he always tries to do the good, the right thing, but you can't do the right thing. If you've got judges with just no common sense, no brains, I don't know what, you know, they were shocking. As a matter of fact, I had my undercover informant down on one of the local police departments gave me a call when that came out and he just said, "Can you believe it?" And actually, I couldn't. I had to call around and yeah, that's where we are. We've got now, I guess he's free to God. I know we have to use the word legend because there really much doubt. No. And now I guess he's free to wander and find another young lady to rape or to do something even worse. You know, you're right, at least Tim Cruz, you know, tried to keep this guy in custody, tried. He had him arrested. He was held for several months unlike Mary and Ryan in Middlesex who just let the alleged rapist in Marlboro. She just put him in a state-funded lift and sent him down to another shelter in Worcester. I mean, this is insane. And the fact that she says, well, he has no criminal history. They don't even know who this guy is. Do they representative the coast when you get right down to it? Well, no. I mean, and you've had, you've had Lauren Porsprinade by the fact that talked to Sheriff Hodgson last night where I had spent a little bit about this. And as he has said, when he's on your show, you know, for the right amount of money, and it's not much, you can get documentation from any of these, any number of countries saying that you are anything you want to be. And so what they bring up and what's provided is next to worthless or worthless. But the, you know, the striking thing is just the callous disregard that this, I mean, what a poor appointment, I guess, and I like something a baker in a lot of ways. But what a terrible appointment. Clearly, this judge is. Again, she'd been contributing to gubernatorial candidates going back to 2002. So you know the way it works. You know, he started, the, the, some of the, a lot of these lawyers are get tired of having to work for a living. So they, they say, I want to take early retirement and they just start, and a lot of them give to multiple candidates. It doesn't, they don't care what party it is. Like this woman gave to two different Democrat candidates in 2002, you know, hoping that she would get lucky and get a, get an appointment, but she had to wait till Charlie Baker came in. And you know, and, and why would, why would you let somebody like this go? I mean, she, she had to know what was going to happen. And it's, you go, by the way, go to, go to our, you can find it on our, if you follow me on Twitter, just go to Twitter and there's a link to how we car and you can actually see the motion. And it's not even like, you know, she's, she spent any time, she just says motion, she, she hand writes motion denied on the side of page one of the, of the motion by, by the Plymouth County District Attorney to keep this guy in custody if he can't come up with $25,000 bail. She just, it's, it's like an afterthought tour. Well, you know, clearly her, her number one priority isn't public safety, isn't. And you mentioned that, you know, the, the way that I don't know what you would say the game is played to become a judge, but just because you become a judge doesn't mean you should leave comments sent behind. And regardless of philosophy, you know, it's, you know, let's just hope that number one, you know, this guy does not end up doing, he's obviously, he's obviously inclined to do really bad things. And let's, let's, let's hope he doesn't find some other young victim, even younger victim to abuse and do horrible things too. This really is terrible. And to your point that you've been making, I guess all week in one form of fashion, you know, the debates are coming up. These elections have real consequences. And again, I put the Plymouth County during the last election was one of the, the GOP team held together. And then we got, you know, we are still holding our Sheriff McDonald's terrific guy does his job committed to committed to law enforcement to stay same with District Attorney Cruz, Tim Cruz, terrific guys. But now you've got people going in and God knows what the types of governor healing is appointing, probably they're probably lauding the decision as, as, you know, as something groundbreaking. It's just horrible. It took courage. It took courage to go against the xenophobia and the nativism of the, of the population that, that, that wanted to keep this, this poor refugee behind bars, even though he just made one single mistake and he had no criminal history. And remember when this guy was arrested, everybody said, I thought you, weren't you saying you were vetting this guy? And, and I think you were one of the people that was asking the questions, right? I was, by the way, that was, that was very well put. You could go to work for the Boston Globe editorial board. That will probably shoot the papers all morning. You know what, they're going to give this story, the Boston Globe, my prediction is they're going to give this story a good leaving alone, just like they're going to give a good leaving alone to the illegal aliens woman stabbing to death, the, her ex boyfriend in, in hyannis in, in the town in Barnstable last night outside the Cape Cod mall. And I, I just got, I just got the motion there and her, her public defender had to file a motion to get an interpreter. She's in the, she's in the country. She's, she's, she, she could pick up a knife to kill her boyfriend right out in public, but she couldn't pick up our language representative to coast apparently. Now that's, that's another, you know, as, as, wasn't it Barack is saying, and once told us that we should be learning Spanish. So maybe, but maybe they need to add Creole to that list as well. Yeah. And, and, and Portuguese, too, uh, for, uh, for the down on the Cape and, and then other places in the state as well. Now what, what about, what do you make of Mara Healy going down to what, to the border and saying we would the, the states full up, but they won't do anything about the shelter law. I mean, they're, they're glad they got to be laughing at us. You know, they know they're going to, they know they're going to get a free, free welfare for the rest of their lives if they can get into this state. Well, he said, she sent Lieutenant General Rice down in that he's, he's a solid citizen. He, he must have felt awfully stupid because it's a, you know, that the last thing anybody coming over the border is going to listen to with some, uh, you know, the, uh, retired, retired Army officer, Air Force officer in his case, I guess from, uh, from Massachusetts. I'm sure the word is out. They're coming up and below the flow is, is coming down a little bit for the time being. It's, they're still coming in. And by the way, the math is a bit far afield, but it isn't. The, the, the costs are going up, but one cost we're not capturing very well yet is the, the mass health costs and, and from what I understand they're exploding as well. Well, well, I know when, uh, you know, in Marlboro, they're sending, uh, UMass Medical Center is sending out a van. So that, again, not only do they get same day service and free dry cleaning, they get same day service for, uh, for medical appointments. Everybody else has to, you know, hustle around and, you know, uh, juggle their schedules to get a dental or a medical appointment. They bring the, they bring the bus, the, uh, the van right there to the, uh, to the parking lot, and they just go in and get whatever free stuff they want. It's, it's just amazing. And, and, you know, and veterans are, are, are sleeping as, are sleeping in parks. They're being, they're being evicted from, uh, from their apartments. We heard about a guy from Portland, Maine, his five American, uh, young, young people evicted from their apartment because they want to fill it up with illegal aliens because they, they get more in rent, the landlords. Yeah. But the, in a matter of fact, my eight, uh, and, and, uh, shout out to my eight Abi who does just a terrific job for Hanson Hanover, Noel and Rocklin. Uh, but just in the last week, we've had four, four, uh, cases of homelessness, one, one lady, uh, who is living out of her car, um, full, employed full time, living out of her car, 57 years old. She washes up every morning at one of the local fitness centers that, you know, she gets in for, for low monthly rate. And, um, that's, that's how she's living. And we're doing her best trying to find some place and and, but yeah, in the meantime, we've got, uh, what about the comfort and what about the comfort and they got more than a hundred rooms there. You know, well, I think the, the comfort in is spoken for power. Yeah. In Haitian Creole US citizens. Yeah. Nobody can see for us. It is, it's, it's, it's, it's funny, you know, in a very sad way, but I'll, I'll tell you, we're having again, the numbers are going up. And I would, you know, I, I really wish we could, um, we could do a better job at placing people, you know, who, who are our citizens, as opposed to recent arrivals from the greater untilies. Yeah. And people who work like this, uh, 57 year old woman, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not good. It's not good. And then again, we just hope that wherever he is now, now that they've released him, um, you know, in some ways, if the immigrant community in New York is any indication, they, they know how to deal with him. So, hopefully, hopefully like minded people in Massachusetts will find him. But we can just hope that he does not run into, um, you know, uh, another victim. Yeah. I know. I know. Like the guy that killed, uh, what Rachel Murrin in, in Maryland, he'd, he had raped and, uh, and assaulted a mother and her child in, uh, in California after killing somebody in El Salvador, a woman in El Salvador, he did the rape in L.A. And then he went across the country to Maryland and killed a mother of five. Thank you, Joe Biden. Yep. He, uh, he, uh, you know, the, he, after dealing with Judge Sullivan, it must be pretty clear to him that these type of actions don't have a whole lot of bad consequence. No. No. And I'm sure Judge Sullivan saying I did, I did the right thing. I did the right thing. He has no criminal record. Of course, we don't know his name. We don't even know what country came from, for sure, but he had no criminal record. They, they didn't have anything. So, it's the fault of the police and the prosecutors. If they couldn't show me a criminal record. Dave, the coast, thanks for, uh, thanks for being on the show with us. If people want to learn more about you or your campaign for reelection, where should they go? Citizens for the Howie. D E C O S T E. Citizens for the Thank you, Dave, the coast. He's a great state rep. I'm Howie Carr. Want more from the Howie Carr show? Yes, always. Watch Howie live at Howie Carr show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's Howie Carr. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. The Howie Carr show is back. Tomorrow, the Howie Carr show will be on the road. It's one of my favorite days of the year. We'll be at Fun Spot in Laconia, New Hampshire in the Lakes region. And it's the biggest arcade in the world. And we'll be broadcasting live from three to six there. And please, we urge everyone who's in the area or drive up from Boston. So many people know, uh, no fun spot, even if they live in Boston. They've, uh, they've been there as kids and they brought their own kids there afterwards. It's been there since 1953. It's a great time. So come on down to Fun Spot in Laconia, New Hampshire and see the show. We'll be broadcasting live from three to six. I'll probably be there a little early and be shaking hands. Have your picture taken with me. Well, we're going to have a great time joining us. Jo joining us now on the line is Dave Lawton. He's one of the owners of Fun Spot to tell us what's, uh, what, what Fun Spot is all about and what's going on tomorrow. Dave, thanks a lot. Thanks for having us up here. We always enjoy being there at the Fun Spot. It's such a great fun place to be. Yeah, well, it's great to hear that it's your favorite day of the year. It's one of ours too. When we get to host your show, uh, we're looking forward to it and we're all geared up and we're looking forward to getting you maybe playing some pinball tomorrow. I know how much you love that. I do love pinball. We've got, uh, well, all of our attractions, our course open year round, but we just started our summer hours. So we're open every day at 10 a.m. now, uh, till 10 p.m. And then on Saturdays, we're open till 11, but, uh, we have over 600 games. As you mentioned, the largest arcade in the world. And, uh, there's something for everybody. We also have bowling and indoor mini golf, bingo for adults and, uh, restaurant of course, where you can get some great pizza, chicken fingers, fries, and, uh, other assorted fun foods. And, uh, hopefully something for everybody. Uh, family entertainment is our game. And like you said, it's, uh, since the early 50s, we've been doing this. And, um, the second generation now part of the family, the flottons that, uh, run the business. And, uh, I grew up in the business as did my sister and, and, uh, cousins. And, uh, we love just, uh, this time of year. It's the greatest time of year for us. Uh, as we get into our next summer season, which is really, you know, just a boom time for us. And, uh, we welcome so many thousands of people back to fun spot. And, uh, we're looking forward to hosting you tomorrow. It's, it's a tradition for many families throughout New England just to come up. And, uh, you know, if you're, uh, in the, in the lakes region, uh, whether you're in the summer or any other time of the year, it's a great place to go anytime for a leaf peeping or skiing or whatever. Uh, it's always a great place to, uh, to go for a, you know, for a break from whatever else you're doing. Tell people they who don't, uh, don't, uh, know fun spot all that well. How, how do you get the fun spot from Boston? Yeah. It's pretty easy. You just jump out on, uh, 93 North and, uh, head up to, uh, exit 23. It's the easiest way I find. You go in through, uh, Meredith and we're on Route 3 located, uh, just about a mile north of the Weir's Beach sign that everybody's pretty familiar with, that iconic sign. And, uh, we have plenty of parking here. We have, uh, 27 acres and about 70,000 square feet of fun. So it's worth the trip up. It's probably about, uh, maybe an hour, hour and 15 minutes from Boston. And, uh, it's a beautiful drive too, once you get off a 93. I mean, it's 93 is not bad, but it's really scenic, uh, the ride, the Weir's Beach and all that. It's, it's just a, it's just a nice, nice day trip. And, uh, we look forward to being there in the pizza is great and everything's great. They got soft ice cream, regular ice cream, whatever you want. You can have a great time. Biggest arcade in the world. See you tomorrow at, uh, at Fun Spot in Laconia. Thanks, Dave. We'll be right back with Dr. Mathew Bette. I'm Howie Carr.