The Howie Carr Radio Network

WOW: Tucker Mops Floor with Australian Reporter in Beautiful Exchange | 6.27.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

If you are ever in debates with a liberal-- take notes from Tucker Carlson. Plus, where are all the feminists decrying these illegal alien attacks on women? Crickets.

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27 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's "The Grace Curly Show." We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly, Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of "The Grace Curly Show," a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Grace Curly. That's right, everyone. It's "The Grace Curly Show." Thank you so much for tuning in. We are keeping you abreast of everything that's going on in the Karen Reid trial. We are on Verdict Watch. We've got to be close to what? The 13th hour of this? We're in the 13th hour. We've well passed the 11th. Taylor is-- I don't like to throw around the word obsessed too often, because it will lose its meaning. But you are-- I think it's fair to say you're pretty obsessed with the ceiling fan. You are eyes on the ceiling fan. You just told me that the camera moved slightly. And you think that could mean something? Well, that's-- the camera has not moved as long as I've been watching this. And now, just moments ago, newsflash, everybody, this camera has shifted ever so slightly to the left. Now, I'm going to-- And now the fan is more in center. I'm going to sound ridiculous right now. And I'm embarrassed to say this. But I thought it was a stock video. I didn't realize that this fan was actually in-- because I never seen-- the only time I ever see the fan is if I log on to the YouTube and it's already at the fan. I didn't realize that they're just panning the camera up. I thought this was like a fan that the long crime YouTube account just had at the ready. First of all, Grace, they call it fanning up, in this case. But you are the third person in this office to have believed that this was a stock video that was selected. Really? Yes. Who else? I am not going to give names. Emma. I'm not going to give names. Definitely Matt. It's Emma and Matt. It's Emma and Matt. You don't have to give names. I'm not going to give names to give names. You don't have to. I'm not that kind of guy. That's OK. I know it's Emma and Matt. All right, so let's go to this cut that I had teased earlier. And it really is excellent. You don't need a lot of narration for me for this because Tucker Carlson is the goat for a reason. Tucker was in Australia. He was giving it speech. He travels a lot and gives speeches about democracy and freedom and the United States of America to all these different places. And really, the culture here, the woke ideology. And in this case, he was taking questions. And an Australian reporter wanted to ask him about the great replacement theory. You'll remember that this was a huge talking point for the mainstream media. They flip a switch one day and they all get the same. They all get the same thing. Here's the line we're running with. Tucker Carlson is a racist. He runs with the great replacement theory, which is dangerous and xenophobic and encourages violence. And he's responsible for mass shootings. All this craziness that was a blip on the radar a few years ago, maybe this Australian reporter just got wind of it. So Tucker dismantles this woman's line of questioning. Can I first have cut seven? So you talked a little bit about immigration. And in the past, you've talked about how white Australians, Americans, Europeans are being replaced by non-white immigrants in what is often referred to as the great replacement theory. This is the same-- Have I said that whites are being replaced? Well, I don't think I said that. Well, it's been mentioned on your show 4,000 times. And really, when did I say that? On your show-- I said whites are being replaced? You have said that before. Really? Yeah. I would challenge you to cite that, because I'm pretty sure I haven't said that. I said native born Americans are being replaced, including blacks. Native born Americans. Native born Americans. Americans who, like black Americans, have been African Americans, have been in the United States for, in many cases, their families over 400 years. And their concerns are every bit as real and valid and alive to me as the concerns of white people whose families have been there 400 years. So I've never said that whites are being replaced, not one time. And you can't cite it. We got unsure. We just met. But when our relationship starts with a lie, it makes it tough to be friends. So let's pull that back. I'm happy to explain what I do think. Well, you actually can't cite it because I didn't say it. And I don't believe it. And I'm telling you that to your face. So why don't you just accept me at face value? No, I think we all know that this isn't off to a great start for this Australian reporter. I do believe she might be outmatched here by Tucker. But it gets-- somehow it gets even worse from there. All right, so can I get cut eight please? Tucker is going to explain what he sees as the issue. This is cut eight. My concern is that the people who are born in the country are on the main responsibility of its leaders. And as noted earlier, when those leaders shift their concern from the people whose responsibility it is to take care of to people around the world to put their priorities above that of their own citizens, that's immoral. And they are being replaced in my country. People were born in the United States. And the birth rate tells the whole story. They are not at replacement rate. And so the US population is growing because we're importing people from other countries. And my view is that happy people have children. And a functioning economy allows them to do that. And we don't have that. And so you need to fix the economy and fix the culture and make it so that people who want to have kids can. You don't just go for the quick sugar fix of importing new people. Like, that's my position. And if you think that's racist, that's your problem. - Yeah, and he mentions the economy and also the culture, which I think is very important because yes, it's the fact that a lot of people think it's very expensive. They're overwhelmed by the idea of having kids or bringing kids into the world if they can't afford it. They don't feel like they're financially in a position to do so. But also he mentions the culture. And I think that's, I don't know, Taylor, if I should say that's just as much. I'm sure the financial aspect is a little bit more of the reason that people aren't having kids. But I do hear from the left's ideology, from woke people in our media, that things like climate change, that things like the nuclear family that is now being attacked, that that has a detrimental effect on people wanting to have kids. - I think it's a combination of those. I think those are like subcategories of the economy. It's just a way of coping with the way things are right now, is delving into these cost-saving measures, being single or being in a relationship where you cannot actually reproduce in any conventional way. - But the real point of it is that there's nothing about what he's saying that has anything to do with white people versus non-white people. He's talking about facts. He's talking about statistics. And that's not what this Australian reporter wants to focus on. Taylor, can I get cut nine, please? - I never called you a racist. (audience applauds) - But of course you are suggesting, and I must say one of the reasons people don't like people like you in the media, is that you never say exactly what you mean. Your slurs are all by implication, and you're about to tell me the great replacement theory is racist or anti-Semitic, whatever. I've said what I've said to you right now, like 100 times in public I hope to, if I live long enough to say it 100 more times. I think it's completely honest and real, not racist or scary. It's factually true. It's not a theory, it's a fact. And the whole point of your question was to be like, you're a scary racist. - Well, I haven't- - And my response is, no, I'm not. Okay, well, how about no more lying in your questions, then I'll answer it. - Okay. - Yeah, this idea of I have to answer your questions that are based off fallacy. I have to answer your question that is grounded in dishonesty. And so right there from the starting point, this conversation is being framed in a way that you want it to be framed to fit your narrative. - Tucker, have you stopped hitting your one? - Yeah, exactly. And it's like, he's rejecting that. He's rejecting her framing of it. And I love, love, love, love, love. The sentence, your slurs are all by implications. How beautifully does that capture the motive of the left and the media, especially? Your slurs are all by implication. Like, I'm not gonna say you're a racist, but I'm gonna say all these other buzzwords, dot, dot, dot. And I'm gonna lead people with a bunch of breadcrumbs to this idea that you're a scary mean man. And I agree with him. It's like, if you feel that way, this is the same thing I say, Taylor, to all of the Trump-terrange lunatics who call up, and I welcome you to call up, but say it with your chest. However you feel, stop hiding it with all of these innuendos or all these, like, clever ways of getting on. If you hate Trump, if you think I'm a racist, if you think he's a racist, just say it. And then we can go from there. But all of these other things you're throwing out to kind of cloud that actual stance just weakens your point. If you're so sure that you're right about everything, then say what you mean. Let's have cut 10, Tucker Carlson. Well, this is the same theory or, as you say, idea that has inspired the New York Buffalo shooting where 11-- - Oh God, come on, come on. - You know what I mean? - You know what I mean? - It's okay. - It's also inspired. - It's not, first of all-- - It's inspired the worst, the one of the worst Australian guys the whole time to shoot-- - How do they get people to just stupid in the media? I guess it doesn't pay well. Look, I'm sorry, I've lived among people like you for too long, and I don't mean to call you stupid. Maybe you're just pretending to be, but I've never, I'm totally against violence. I'm totally against the war in Ukraine, for example, which doubtless you support, and like all due to full liberal support, more carnage. I don't, I hate mass shootings, actually. Nothing I said, what does it mean to inspire something? My views are not bigoted against any group. They're honest, they're factual. That's not hate, that's reality. And my views derive from my deep concern for Americans, actually. Americans aren't having kids because they can't afford to, and nobody in charge cares. And so that's my position. That doesn't inspire mass shootings. How dare you try to tie me to some lunatic who murdered people? How dare you, actually? - Yeah, and this has been happening for a very long time. Like if a Bernie bro goes into a congressional softball practice and shoots people, shoots Steve Scalise, then it has nothing to do with politics, he's just crazy. But if there's a shooting and the person has even the smallest tentacle attached to anything to do with MAGA or conservatives, then it's all Trump's fault. And by extension, it's anyone who voted for Trump's fault. And I keep saying like he's going with facts, she's going with feelings. I have this up by the way, at You can see the video. But it's actually more than that. It's he's going with facts, and she's going with emotional manipulation. And this happens every single time. And it works a lot of the time too. I've noticed that. Like if there's a horrible mass shooting, and I hope that there's never one ever again, I hate the fact that I feel like people because I support the Second Amendment, because I'm pro people being able to arm themselves, that that somehow gets manipulated into this is your fault. If you have nothing to do with it, you're not allowed to have an opinion in this country anymore without being tied to a psychopath who goes in and kills people. And the real crazy part of it is that if the psychopath who goes in and kills people is a transgender shooter in Nashville and kills a bunch of Christian kids, then that somehow also our fault. That's the fault of Republicans 'cause we didn't coddle the transgender shooter enough. We didn't give that shooter everything she wanted. We stood in the way of re-healthcare that reaffirms that shooter's gender. So she had no choice but to go in and shoot up a bunch of six-year-olds. Like that's the other part of it. So you really should have confidence in who you are as a person and your political beliefs because they're gonna blame you for absolutely everything no matter what, no matter how dishonest it is, it's what they're gonna do every single time. And the great thing about Tucker is they can do that all day long, but he's smarter. He's able to defeat them with debate, with arguments, and it's such a great thing to watch. And I encourage all those people who are vying for the VP position, JD Vance, Byron Donalds, Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, they should all be studying this 'cause this is how you do it. This is how you deal with the media, whether it's in Australia or whether it's here. You have to stop them right at the beginning. You have to really question them. And I know what they love to do. They love to be like, "Hey, I'm not asking the questions." No, not anymore. We were letting you do that for a while and you took advantage. You can't be trusted to ask the questions anymore. Maybe at some point, you'll earn our respect back and we'll let you ask the questions. But for now, we're gonna edit these questions a little bit before we answer them. We have more of this, we'll be right back. It's the Grace Curly Show. - Amen, and a woman. - Pye, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. - Goodnight, too. - This is the Grace Curly Show. - Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which topic do you want Trump to hit on the most during tonight's debate? - The economy, Biden's senility, 2020 election integrity, illegal immigration or Hunter Biden, Biden corruption. - I'm gonna say illegal immigration. - 62% say illegal immigration, 31% say the economy. - I do have an amazing cut, by the way, which once I'm done with this Tucker Carlson sound cuts, I will go to, and that's my orcas. I keep seeing this phrase, like, ISIS linked illegals coming into the country. You know, they're brought in by an ISIS linked human smuggling network. And the Biden administration really wants us to take comfort or to take solace in the fact that they're not brought in by ISIS. They just have links to ISIS. Like, that's what's to be the thing, Taylor, that helps you sleep at night. Yeah, there's people who are brought in by people who are, you know, friendly with ISIS. It doesn't mean they're part of ISIS. They're not card-carrying members. They might have sympathies towards ISIS. But we have no reason to believe that they want to do us any harm. It's like, oh, I have a reason to believe why they might want to do us harm. They're linked to ISIS. That's the reason. - I believe in Germany now, they're asking new, or prospective residents if they believe that Israel has a right to remain a sovereign nation. - Oh, that's a good question. - Yeah. - That's a good question. That tells you a lot, right there. That's a lot of Germany paying for past sins, but still, it's a good step. - Yes, that is the crazy part, is that Germany, out of all of the places right now in the world, is the most aggressive, or one of the most aggressive in fighting anti-Semitism. And you're right, Taylor. We all know why they're trying to make up for lost time. Tucker Carlson, again, here, I wanted to take, I want to skip down, I want to take cut 12. This is Tucker's back and forth with an Australian reporter. - Are you concerned about the war on Ukraine and the countless innocents being murdered, they're every single day? I doubt you are, probably put in bed. I am, I'm a Christian, I hate violence. I hate mass shootings. I have guns at home, and often on my person, I'm in the United States, I'm proud to say, because I want to defend myself and those I love against violence. That's the point. I'm not perpetrating crimes. I'm not shooting strangers. I'm defending what I love. And if you're against that, I guess, I would ask why, why would you be against that? - And let's finish it off here. This is cut 13. - Well, so you don't think you harbor any kind of responsibility for these hate crimes? (audience laughing) - I'm sorry, I'm trying to be charitable. I'm trying to be charitable. I was like, maybe you're just pretending to be dumb. Now I don't think it's an act. - Tucker, thank you for taking those questions. I'm sure you enjoyed some questions. - Actually, I loved it, I just feel sorry. I mean, 'cause I got here in the country so unbelievably beautiful and the people are so cheerful and funny and cool and smart. I'm like, your media's gotta be better than ours. It can't just be a bunch of castrated robots reading questions from the boss. And then it turns out it's exactly the same, maybe even a tiny bit dumber. - Yeah, and that is the part of the back and forth that I love so much. Whenever the media is dealing with someone who can actually think for themselves, whether it's, we recently saw it on one of the morning shows. Vivek Ramaswami does a good job with it. Occasionally, even Mike Johnson's a decent at it. But whenever you get someone who knows how to argue, Ted Cruz is a great example, Harvard debate team. They don't pivot at all. They don't change what they're saying based off your response. They're just waiting for you to stop talking so they can repeat the same thing. He just proved several times that her argument was based on nothing. And then to wrap up her line of questioning, she goes, so you don't take responsibility for hate crimes? It's almost like you weren't even listening to anything he was saying. And that's why, my dear, that's why you're going viral. Congratulations. Probably gonna be the last time if you're reporting is any evidence. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. It's not looking like we're going to get a verdict today in the Karen Reed trial. Now, of course, there's still a half hour left in this show and we will be following it. There's 35,000 people. And I know people have different ways of watching, so there's definitely a lot more people tuned in, but we're watching the ceiling fan on YouTube. And there's over 35,000 people tuned into that right now. So as soon as we find out what is going on as far as the verdict goes, we will let you know. But again, not looking like it's going to be today. Taylor, I am gonna talk a little bit about illegal immigration here. And I just sent a tweet to Howie's Twitter that I wanna play. It's a sound cut that I wasn't able to find all day. And I just found it from the five last night. I thought one of their co-hosts on the five, it was Kennedy. She's not a, she wasn't filling in as the Democrat host. They usually have one person who's more of a liberal. She was filling in as like the libertarian viewpoint. And she made a really good point about the argument that the left always trots out. It drives me insane when they say, well, statistically American citizens commit more crimes than illegal aliens. And the way I interpret that, or the way that I always receive that is try telling that to a family that just lost their 12 year old daughter who was left dead in a creek. Or try telling that to the father whose 13 year old daughter was walking home from school in Queens and she was tied up with shoelaces and raped at Machete Point. I don't think that your argument, your little loophole argument about how, well, the numbers show that it's only one in 100 or one in whatever. I don't think it matters. I think that every single one of these crimes, I don't care how few there are, they all have one thing in common. They are avoidable. They do not have to happen. And I thought, do you see it there, Taylor? I thought Kennedy from the Five had a really good analogy. Let's play this. - And Pramila Drypool, they talk about, yes, it's true. Statistically, immigrants in this country do commit fewer crimes because it means something for them to be here. So travelers also commit very few crimes. So under that logic, we should probably disband the TSA because we don't need it. Because people who are flying are by and large, statistically speaking, very, very safe. So we shouldn't have the TSA at all because we don't need it if the statistics are our guide. - Yeah, it's true. It's like the Skittles theory, you know? If someone told you, well, it's only one skittle in your pack that's poisonous. Would you eat that bag of Skittles? I don't think you would. And Mayork is now is trying to calm us down about the fact that I think the number was 400 illegal aliens who were brought into the US by a human smuggling network that's affiliated with ISIS. Now, I don't know what that means to be affiliated with ISIS. I don't know if it means they all went to a brunch together. I don't know if it means that they networked, they swapped business cards. I truly don't know what being affiliated with ISIS means. But I do know that I don't like the sound of it. I don't like the sound of any of it. And so Mayork is as asked about this by the brain trusts at Morning Joe, specifically Mika Brzezinski. And let's play cut 16 first. - With respect to the people from Central Asia, we have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States. That is inaccurate. It's very important to note that the safety and security of the American people are our highest priority. We screen and vet individuals at the time of encounter. If we learn of derogatory information, we take enforcement action. We are proceeding with extreme caution here in the service of the security and safety of the American people. - Now, I don't think there's any question that the safety and security of the American people are not Alejandro Mayork's number one priority. In fact, I don't even know if we would make it into the top 10 when it comes to his priorities. I think what's very clear is his number one priority is letting as many people into this country as humanly possible. That's why there's been historic numbers of illegal aliens flooding our poorest borders because of Mayork us. And so no, I don't believe you that where your number one priority or that our safety is ranking high on the list of things you care about, but furthermore, this idea that the 400 people who were brought in by the human smuggling network affiliated with ISIS, that there's no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States, well, how hard have you looked for the evidence? Because well, first of all, there's 400 of them. So whatever vetting you're doing, clearly it's a little late. Clearly this vetting could have happened beforehand. But how deep has this investigation been? Because if you've got 400 people who are linked to an ISIS network, then dare I say that's reason alone, that's reason enough to think that maybe they wanna bring harm to US citizens, or am I, maybe I'm jumping the gun. Maybe I'm just, I'm assuming too much. But I hear affiliated with ISIS, and a red flag goes up, an antenna goes up for me, that clearly does not go up for Mayorkas, 844, 500, 42, and let's play the second part, because again, it's not just the incompetence, and it's not just the purposeful dereliction of duty that drives me crazy. It's this idea that when they're presented with it, when they're presented with the numbers, by their own card-carrying liberals, by the people who love them so much, he's being interviewed by Mika Brzezinski. This is how bad he is at even spinning his own failures. Can I get cut 17? - The number of individuals whom we've released into immigration enforcement proceedings subsequent to the president's proclamation, historic ever since the '90s when I was a federal prosecutor, our detention capacity is not sufficient to meet the number of people we encounter, and therefore we have to release people into the United States when they are in immigration enforcement proceedings, and we put them on alternatives to detention when that is necessary from an enforcement perspective. - Now again, I would love to believe that all of these people, I would love to say they're not evil, you know, Fauci's not evil, Majorca's isn't evil, Biden's not evil, they're just victims of circumstance, their hands are tied, there's nothing they can do. Unfortunately, I know that not to be true, because Donald Trump was president for four years, and I don't think I ever heard from him that our only option if we couldn't keep people in detention centers was to release them into the US. This is a new quandary that Majorca's in Joe Biden, it's unique to their administration. We don't have space for people, so the only thing we can do is let them run free, let them into the country. Does anyone believe that? And keep in mind what I always go back to with Majorca's, it's usually either Majorca's or Pete Buttigieg who bring this up for me. These are two guys, two hacks, who would love nothing more when Trump was president than to tell us how they had all the answers, and then to virtue signal about all the things the Trump administration was doing wrong, and what they would do if they got in charge, I would do this, I would do that. This is immoral, this isn't how they should be handled, this isn't us, we are better than this, this is not who we are. And now they're in there, and they've been in there for almost four years, and the best they can come up with is, well, there's no space for them, so what else are we supposed to do? We had to let them into the country. I thought you guys were, I thought you were the man with the plan, Majorca's. I thought you were the expert. You were tapped for this job 'cause you knew what to do, and the only thing you know how to do is release people into the country who have ties to an ISIS human smuggling network. That's the furthest your expertise can get you. I hate to see who the second guy was, I hate to see who was like his competition for the job, who lost out on the job that Majorca's got, if this is what he's done with it. And we had a caller a few weeks ago, a brilliant caller who said, where are the feminists with these stories about illegal aliens killing or raping or assaulting young women and girls in this country? Where are all the, I am woman, hear me roar, where are all the Me Too women? You know all the women who came out against Harvey Weinstein and every other like smug male in Hollywood, and I had no issue with that, but they are completely silent now. When young people walking home from school are getting raped in a park in Queens, nothing, nothing from these female warriors, and I wanna give kudos here to Betsy McCauhey from the New York Post, she had a great piece, the United Nations calls it femicide, the assault, rape, and murder of girls and women due to their gender. It's a criminal epidemic in Latin America. Rape trees where women's underwear hangs from branches and rape tents where girls and women are dragged by smugglers dot the root. Do you think the rapes stop when illegal immigrants cross into the United States? No. Now women are being victimized by migrants bringing femicide to your neighborhood. Where are the women's rights groups? Silent, they couldn't care less. It's politically incorrect to criticize Latin America's tolerance for violence against females. Two weeks ago in Queens, an Ecuadorian illegal Christian Giovanni Ingalandi allegedly attacked a 13-year-old girl walking home from school. He held her at knife point and raped her, recording the assault for his future pleasure. Yet progressive representative Pramila Jayapal laughed off news coverage of the monstrous crime as fear mongering. I wrote a piece on that 'cause I was so disgusted by her response. Gender-based violence remains one of the most significant, yet overlooked drivers of outmigration across Central America and the broader region. And this is what Van Jones had to say. There's no culture south of the border that celebrates rape. You're insulting people south of the border. Oh God forbid, God forbid I would hate to do that. And by the way, let's not conflate things. You can have a culture that doesn't celebrate rape but that also turns a blind eye to it. And I'll tell you a culture that doesn't typically do that, the culture here in the United States of America. We don't typically turn a blind eye to it, which is why it's so weird that there's like this eerie silence when it comes to all of these attacks on women. Here was Fox's banner. My grin arrested for raping 13-year-old news. Yes. And so I think that's part of the problem, right? Exactly, that's true. You have a lot of the problem. Fear mongering. Yeah, the people who want you, they don't want you to be afraid of illegal aliens raping 13-year-olds. That to them is hysterical. Even though it's happening, that's just, it's not worth fear mongering over. They would rather you be afraid of Donald Trump getting reelected, making himself king and throwing Joe Scarborough in prison. That to them is a more realistic avenue to put all your fears into. 844-500-42-42. We will be right back with Howard Lawrence Carr. Don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. So it's 2.50. I'm not thinking we're going to get the verdict, but if the verdict does come down, Howie Carr is taking over at 3 o'clock and he will be able to keep you informed about what's going on in the Caron Reed trial, how we've been talking a lot about Caron Reed. What else do you have planned for today? Well, I think we'll do the debate, obviously. That'll be most of the day. And then we have Dr. Math coming in at 6 o'clock. Oh, that's nice. A nice little break in the action. So let's talk about the debate. What are you thinking? I know you sent me the Byron York article, which has actually-- it's given me a lot of confidence that Trump knows exactly what he's going into here. Other people don't feel that way. I'm shocked how many people I get tweeting at me or texting in that they think this is a huge mistake. Well, again, he said anywhere, anytime. He couldn't turn him down. And so then once they said, well, here's the deal, we're offering you. And then when he accepted immediately, they were boxed in. So each side was trying to box in the other side. Somebody wrote to me today how he had said, just because he said anytime, anywhere, that doesn't mean CNN. And I said, yes, it does. Anywhere means anywhere. Yeah, so again, the words to remember, they will lead him, I call him. Today I've been saying him for days. Three on one is Democrat fun. I mean, that's the way you've got to look at it. This is a mugging in an alley. And the thing is, the guy that's wielding the sap, the blackjack, is so senile and feeble, I still think Trump will prevail. And also how you don't. You think a lot of people are very concerned about what Jake Tapper is going to ask Trump, how he's going to frame it. But once Trump gets the microphone, I don't think Jake Tapper is, at least from what I've read, supposed to really step in or fact check or anything. So he can answer whatever questions he wants. It's really just his chance to talk. No, I still remember the debate in 1978 between Ed King, he was running as the Democrat challenger against Governor Mike Dukakis. And every question he would get to go, that's a really good question. And I plan to deal with that issue as soon as I'm sworn in in January. But here are the real issues. Yeah, I make up. Do you like the way the roads are in Massachusetts? Do you support having the death penalty in Massachusetts? And every time he came back to that. But Howie, you know it from being on air every single day. Sometimes someone will bring up something. And it's a good point. And you say, yeah, that's a good point. And it reminds you of something else. And you talk about that other thing. You say, I have this story right in front of me that I really want to hit on. It's OK to pivot, especially if you're getting bogus questions from Jake Tapper. Right. And I think at this point, everybody who's watching the debate knows that the questions from Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are going to be bogus. And they also know that the post mortems of our-- as I said in my column today, the post mortems have already been written. Dementia Joe was statesman-like. He was true jillian. He had a firm grasp on, you know, the thing. He met the moment. Yes. Here's a question for you. There are some people who have a theory out there that maybe the Democrats are setting Joe Biden up to fail. Well, Brian Junebeth, well, you know, good friend of the show, optimologist from Colorado, his theory was if they really want to get rid of Joe, instead of giving him what he's expecting tonight, the Adderall, give him a few tic-tacs and let him go out there. Let Joe Biden be Joe Biden. And he'll be gone. Well, you know what? Doesn't matter what Joe wants to do. They can give him whatever they want. And they've probably been working on it for a while now. He's been out of sight for like seven days. But the other problem is, too, how it's like if there's a drunk person and you give him coffee to sober them up, they don't often get sobered up. They just become a wide awake drunk person. So if they're giving him all this medication, what he tends to do is he just gets very angry. He's still not very coherent, but he's just yelling about it. But I do think it's a good sign that Clyburn has already trotted out the stutter defense. Yeah. And you know, all these defenses-- I don't think anybody's buying any of them, you know? Who believes this stuff? Other than the people that are watching CNN and MSNBC, and that is a vanishingly small percentage of the American people. CNN's just so excited because they're going to have viewers for once. Well, they're also selling the rights to other networks. I mean, I know they have no audience. They don't have many advertisers. But they're still getting that monthly fee from all the cable channels, which again, I implore everyone, cut the cord. That's the way to put these people out of business. This is what's keeping them going, is the cable fees. Howie, they love a countdown clock, too. Since this morning, it's like 12 hours to the debate, 11 hours and five minutes to the debate. Yeah. It's a little excessive. During Lally's closing argument, I was looking for the countdown clock. But that's the only time I've ever wanted a countdown clock on the screen. You know, a countdown clock is like Joe Manchin. It's always there when you don't need it. Howie cars coming up next, don't go anywhere. We'll be back tomorrow. [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music) (upbeat music)