The Howie Carr Radio Network

Governor Healey Sends Minions to Border to Dissuade Illegals From Coming to Mass | 6.27.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Governor Healey says you don't have to go home, but you can't come to the Commonwealth. Plus, Woke or Joke features AI headlines and whale talk!

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27 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace, stand up. Grace Curly. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. We are still on Verdict Watch here in Massachusetts, and people really across the country tuning into that spinning fan on YouTube and waiting to see how long it's going to take these jurors to come up with a verdict. I think we're almost 12 hours in now. We'll keep you posted if we hear anything. People on the lines want to talk about the debate, and we will go back to that. I just want to make a little comment here about the Supreme Court decision. It was leaked out today, allowing emergency exceptions to Idaho abortion ban. So in Idaho, the Gem State, in contrast to states like the one we're in here, Massachusetts or California or New York, they have a very strict abortion law. And this decision, it was an unsigned opinion, and it was prematurely posted today. And it's a win for pro-abortion advocates like Kamala Harris, like Elizabeth Warren, like devout Catholic, Joe Biden. It's a big win for all of those people. And the ironic part is considering the polls and the lack of energy, the lack of enthusiasm, the lack of momentum for Joe Biden's campaign, I'm sure the politically motivated social justice warriors in Congress and in the White House were actually very disappointed in this news. I think they were probably hoping for the opposite news. And I mentioned this recently with the scotuses decision on mythopristone, where these decisions that when they go Democrats' way, when it works out for the Democrats, when they get what they want, it actually doesn't work out for them. And because what they really wanna do is be able to fear longer, what they really wanna be able to do is scare people with, oh, there's gonna be back alley abortions and women are gonna die, that's the big thing. Women are gonna die if they don't have all this access to reproductive rights, which is just different words for abortions or abortion pills. And so when these decisions come down and it makes it impossible for Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren to drum up that same outcry that they were so successful in doing after the overturning of Roe versus Wade in the midterms, I think it's a big bummer for them. I think they get this decision and they're like, okay, that's another one that went our way. I don't know what else we're gonna be able to scare monger about, we'll just have to wait 'til next week. So there's just a little update for you. And also, I just mentioned Karen Reed we're waiting for this verdict. Also in Massachusetts, I'm not sure people have seen this yet. Governor Mora Healy was recently in Rome. She was at the Vatican. She was discussing climate change with the Pope. So important to all of us here. She's really representing the people of Massachusetts. She's making us so proud. But she didn't go to the border. One of my collars yesterday said, oh, she wanted more Healy's going to the border. No, no, she's sending her minions to the border to explain to the illegal aliens who were crossing over, hey, we're so excited you're here. Like two thumbs up, you guys rock, but don't come to Massachusetts, okay? The inn is full, we have no more room. Great for you, excited for you, but whatever you do, don't come to the Commonwealth. Go somewhere else. So that is what Mora Healy's doing. She's sending out her messengers. She's not going to take her time to go to the border. She saves her traveling schedule for her Roman holidays, but she's gonna send out her assistance to the border to deliver this message to illegal aliens. The world is your oyster, just not Massachusetts, okay? Welcome to America. David, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, David. - Grace, a couple of quick points. Anyone's thinking that Joe Biden has a stutter? All they have to do is look in that July of '88, video of Joe Biden when he was asked the questions spontaneously about his educational credentials. He rattles off without even a smister. All his credentials graduated, top in his class. He was the best this, best that. And it's interesting if you look at that video, Healy, his daughter-in-law, I don't know if she was married at the time, but she's actually right here and right next to him when he's rattling off this whole group of lives about his education, and then at the end, after all he's like, you'll notice he licks his lips. So just kind of interesting. One other thing, Grace. Also on that video, at the very end, he talks about the one good thing Ronald Reagan was good at, basically, is that the devaluing of our dollar, the value of our dollar, and here's Joe Biden. In this economy, the value of our dollar is being destroyed. How interesting that video. If you can play that clip back, Grace, it's amazing what she's saying on that. He doesn't have one stutter. Yeah, well, it's a selective stutter, David. He brings out the stutter when it suits him, or he references the stutter, or his friends like Jim Clyburn referenced the stutter when it suits them. But I actually have the first cut you're talking about. Take a listen to this. I think I'd probably have a much higher IQ than you do. I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my class have a full academic scholarship, and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the international moot court competition. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school, 165 credits, only 123 credits, and I'd be delighted to sit down and prepare my U.S. good life assignment. A few moments later. These weeks as Biden actually went to school on a half scholarship, ended up near the bottom of his class, won only one degree, not three. [INTERPOSING VOICES] OK, yeah. So no stutter there. Stutter was noticeably absent during that little win. I used to talk, talk, talk, talk like this. There are no words. You know what I prefer to reference when it comes to Joe Biden's academic credentials? One of my favorite cuts of all time was Rudy Giuliani when he was on with Chris Cuomo. And he said, Joe Biden graduated last in his law class. And Chris Cuomo, always the loyal parrot to the Democrat machine, said, that's not true. That's not true, you know, trying to fact check him. That's not true. And Rudy Giuliani said, all right, Chris. He graduated second to last, and then the last guy died. And Chris Cuomo couldn't even get any words out. But yeah, I don't think anyone actually believes that Joe Biden's stutter is the problem. OK, he was able to move past that as a child. He figured it out. And now they just trotted out when they're in panic mode and they don't know what else to do. 844, 500, 42, 42. I do want to cut early here just because there's a wonderful example of how people should be handling the mainstream media and these trolls-- I know this woman's a journalist, but they're really just trolls who accuse Republicans' conservatives of being racist or being xenophobic or, you know, any of the isms that we always get accused of. And it was Tucker Carlson. He was visiting Australia. He was giving a speech. And you know, a lot of things get called a master class. It truly was a master class because what he does is he breaks down all the different lies in her argument and that she's starting off from a point that is so dishonest and she's throwing out these accusations. And he really does a brilliant job of it. I think it's worth playing the entire cut. We have it broken up into a few different bits. And we will get to that. 844, 500, 42, 42. This is The Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] Is this a new bumper? I love it. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. I tease the Tucker Carlson. I think I'm going to save that, actually, for 2 o'clock. Because I want to talk a little bit about the latest squad member who might be in trouble in her upcoming-- Oh, that's quite the tease. --in her upcoming primary. Any time a squad member is at risk of losing an election, I feel my heart grow twice in size. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace, and it's only 1/3 the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3, tail or cornmere. What is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which topic do you want Trump to hit on the most during tonight's debate? The economy, Biden's senility, the 2020 election integrity, illegal immigration, or Hunter Biden, Biden corruption? I'm going to say that the topic you should hit on the most, if you're running for president, is the topic that most people care about. That's number one priority for most people. And according to the exit polls that I saw, according to a lot of the stories that are out there, I would say that's illegal immigration. I have a lot of reason to believe that. And typically I would say the economy, but just because of how bad Joe Biden's let it get, I think illegal immigration has actually beat out the economy for once. So that is the topic I think Trump should discuss. - 64% say illegal immigration followed by the economy at 29%. - And if that doesn't work, then the dome, as Angelo told us, that would be a good second or maybe the sharks with laser beams. 844-542, I want to talk a little bit about Jamal Bowman here, because as you all know, Bowman lost his primary in New York and he lost to George Latimer. And the way the media has been covering this is how you'd expect. It's a very anti-Semitic slant, especially from the New York Times and the Rolling Stone. Two publications, I would say, are most well-known for their dedication to fake news. And-- - Sean, I'm speaking way longer than I expected, but I want to say a couple more things. Number one, it's coming, why are you messing up? - Taylor, should I start implementing that around here? If I ask for one sound cut and it's taking a little too long, why are you messing up? - Please don't. - Very aggressive, who's in charge of the sound there, but I don't think that's gonna make them-- - Are you messing up? - I prefer positive affirmations, get people motivated. I don't know if yelling at people, berating them is a good idea. So both of these publications, New York Times and the Rolling Stone, they ran headlines about the reason Bowman lost to George Latimer. Do you care to guess? Care to guess what the reason might be? - I know it, it's on the tip of my tongue. Begins with an R. ♪ Racism, racism ♪ - No. - Oh, really? - It's not, it's not racism, it's not the fire alarm, it's not the TikTok surround a scientist, it's not anything he said about Hamas or denying the rapes and killings of women in Israel. No, it's actually the reason he lost. - Climate change? - It's because of pro-Israel money. - Oh. - Pro-Israel money. - So I was kinda right. ♪ Racism, racism ♪ - Yeah. And keep in mind, this is, so the New York Times, this is how you know it was bad, they put up that pro-Israel money was the reason that Bowman lost, I'll get you the exact headline, Bowman falls in house primary, overtaken by flood of pro-Israel money. That was in the New York Times. They get so much backlash from people who were like, ah, you're usually better at hiding your anti-Semitism a little bit, that they have to change it. And they change it to Bowman falls to Latimer and a loss for progressive Democrats. But the Rolling Stone is committed to propaganda. They are committed to putting out fake news. So they haven't even changed theirs. Their headline was progressive Jamal Bowman loses seat after pro-Israel lobby boosted opponent. Now, keep in mind, and this is something that a lot of people have pointed out, APAC, who is the focus of ultra-mall Bowman's race, are rage, it's between APAC and the guy who's in charge of the sound of that event who are getting the brunt of Jamal Bowman's frustration. But APAC didn't even begin investing in this election until Bowman was already facing a 17-point deficit. So I think it's a little bit difficult to say that this is all the fault of APAC, that APAC was against Jamal Bowman, and that's why he lost. He was already 17 points behind Latimer when APAC stepped in. So that argument right there doesn't make a lot of sense. I also think it's worth noting that the Rolling Stone, the last time I heard the Rolling Stone in the news this much is when they had a headline, gunshot victims left waiting as a horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals, doctors say. So if you're still reading the Rolling Stone, if you're still listening to them, you deserve to be lied to. You are hungry for propaganda, eat up. They are just shoveling it out to the masses. So Bowman loses to Latimer, and it's not because he pulled the fire alarm, it's not because he's incompetent, it's not because crime was rising in his district, and nothing to do with that. It wasn't 'cause the voters were unhappy, it's because of the Jews. - Even though APAC and their affiliates, don't boo, I know we want to boom. - Don't boo. Boo. - Yeah, he really wants to say, that's his theory is that the Jews came after him and this is why he lost. And I love Stephen Miller said, you know, oh, finally he'll have something to blame them on for real. But even if you took that and said APAC are these pro-Israel lobbies, they didn't come in until he was already getting walloped. So I don't think they deserve that much credit for this. I think that he's actually underplaying himself. You are a huge part of your loss, Jamal. You should take all of the credit for it. You being a complete bozo is what made this such a landslide for George Latimer. Don't give Jewish people or pro-Israel lobbyists. Don't give them credit for this. You deserve all the credit. Someone else who deserves credit, if she loses come August 6th, is Corey Bush. Last time we were talking about Corey Bush, it was because Jamal Bowman's fellow squad member was discussing, I believe Taylor, how she can heal people with her hands, how she met somebody. - Yeah, I think she got rid of a tumor. - She put her hands on a woman's neck and visible tumors disappeared because she healed her. And hopefully she can heal these poles as well because the representative from Missouri or as Joe Biden likes to say, Missouri, she's running against Wesley Bell in her primary. And we're still weeks out, obviously, but a Politico poll shows that Bell made a major strides. Bell was behind Corey Bush by double digits and now Bell has pulled ahead of Corey Bush. Imagine if another squad member gets the boot. I would be so happy. Obviously, I'd be the most happy that it was AOC, but I would still be pretty pleased if Corey Bush got kicked out. Corey Bush liked Jamal Bowman, very anti-police, very anti-Israel and very, oh, I should mention about Corey Bush, she's very anti-police for all of you. She's very anti-guns for you, but she's pro-security for herself. She's pro-people protecting her because as she put it once, her body deserves to be on this earth. Every time I hear that cut, I think, could I be included in that? I would like in on this, I would like in on this being part of this earth thing, but Corey Bush could be the next squad member in trouble, in the polls, let's hope that in August, we have more good news to report. I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now. And the great thing is, I don't know what Jamal Bowman's gonna do, maybe he'll go back to being an educator, a principal or something, plenty of fire alarms to pull in those schools, I'm sure he'll just go crazy there, but I don't know what Corey Bush would do, I don't know what she was before. I don't think people, maybe she can be a healer, maybe she can be one of those people on TV who goes around and performs miracles. 844-542, 42, we've got Woker Joe coming up after this break, we're gonna keep you posted on what's going on with the Caron Reed trial, still awaiting this verdict, not sure if we'll get it today, but here's hoping, and if we do get it, this is the place to be, 'cause we're gonna let you know, as soon as it happens, Woker Joe brought to you by Aviva Trazzeria, coming up next, get on the lines now. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trazzeria studio. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show, look at that Taylor, full lines. - Full lines. - And we didn't even need Angelo to help us with that. The good Samaritan that he is, Woker Joke, Woker Joke is brought to you by Aviva Trazzeria, a gift card to Aviva Trazzeria is the perfect gift for any occasion, so pick one up at any of their locations, to find the one nearest you, go to Aviva, I actually follow them on Instagram, and they're always putting up new dishes, the mail-er manager sent me one last night, the pasta dishes. - Is she sending you food at night? - Yeah, I was like, wow, this looks good, and so everyone check it out, check out their Instagram, and make sure you go-- - She never sends me any food at night. - Make sure you go to Aviva to find their locations, and to look at their menu, it's always changing, always evolving, and always using delicious local ingredients, so check that out. Jared, are you ready to go? Let's hit it. - Everything woke turns to (beep) Okay? ♪ I started a joke ♪ (laughing) - Take care, Wokers. (laughing) - The word woke means looser. (laughing) ♪ I'm the joke on me ♪ (laughing) - All righty, you guys know how this works. Taylor Cormier is going to read you a headline, you have to tell us, is it woke as in it's real, or is it a joke? Did we make it up? Let's start with Tony, your first step. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? - It's nice to run, braise. - Okay, here we go. - All right, Tony, here's your headline. New AI girlfriend constantly yells at you in perpetual fury. (dramatic music) - Sounds like my wife, but I'm gonna say, joke. - Oh, it's woke, I'm sorry, it's true. - Oh. (buzzing) - Here's my wife. - Not a joke, not a joke. - My wife. (laughing) - So, was this a glitch? - In the feature? - No, this is a companion app called Angry G F, designed to train users how to soothe and communicate with an irate partner. - I'll give some tips, say calm down. That always works out. - Yeah, always, 100% success rate. - Or, I know what mental illness looks like. - How about this, how about this? I always find this one helps. You sound crazy, do you hear yourself? You sound crazy right now. - Here's another surefire. You sound just like your mother. Please, stop. - Stop yelling. - Yeah. - Okay. - I'm not, I'm not the one yelling here, that's you. - I'm not the problem. - That's got about an 80% success rate. - And tell-- - God save the queen, man. - Tell him you heard about it on the Grace Curly show. So, this is a AI robot girlfriend. - Yeah, I guess basically you're supposed to-- - Is she a porn star? - Come, calm her down. - You led Jared behind the board and it's like, what is going on with these sound guys? - He knows where everything is. - Okay, let's go to Peter. You're up next on Woke or Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? - Ready. - All right, Peter, here's your headline. Lab-grown whale blubber could fix varicose veins, but are the side effects worth it? - It's not a joke. - It is a joke. I don't like the-- - By the way, that was a joke. - That's not true. - Did you come up with that one? - No. - No, they're gonna die. - I did not. - Will you come from a whale in community? - I do, a community that has a rich and proud whaling history. I don't know if they're proud, I'm proud. - With that being said, have you ever eaten-- - I have eaten, I'm so glad you asked Grace. - I didn't have to get it out, you already knew her. - I have eaten, not whale blubber, whale meat. I've eaten whale, mink whale in Iceland. You're gonna be going Iceland soon, right? - Yeah, yeah, I am. - Try the whale. - Is it good? - With the side of puffin, if you can. Puffin the little birds. - Oh yeah, they're all over the place there. They're the seagulls of Iceland. Whale is good, it's like-- - What's the texture like? What's the consistency? - Beef. - Okay. - With a little fishy aftertaste. It's-- (buzzer sounds) (laughing) - I've literally never heard of any of them, that sounds less appealing. - Or fish with a little beefy aftertaste. - I prefer that one, I think. - You do? - What's not, the consistency is beef, but the taste is fish. - Sexy fishes. - Yeah, yeah, that's a decent way of putting it. - Okay. - It looks like a side of beef. - I'll try anything once. - Yeah, it's good. - Do you find out if the whale was harmed in the process? - Of course, it's dead. - Yeah, but you know how the chickens, sometimes you find out, oh no, they actually lived a very nice life before. - But it's dead, of course it was harmed. - But was it having a good time beforehand? Was it harmed in a violent, oh, this is-- - I hope so. - It's from the aquarium, Grace and Gese, you're wondering. - I just want to know the backstory behind the whale. - I want the dullest harpoon being sunk into this whale. (laughing) - Why? - Because I like-- - He's an animal hater. We had a guy this week call up and say, he was talking about Chloe, the dog, and the Karen Reed case. And he said, you know, I love my dog, and I would lay my life on the line to my dog. And he said, and my dog would do the same for me. And Taylor Cormier, behind the glass, is like rolling his eyes at this man who loves his-- - Oh, thanks for outing me. I didn't roll my eyes on Mike, I could have. - That's true, that was very big of a deal. - All your dogs. - Tony, you're up next on "Woker Joke." Are you ready for your headline, Tony? - I'm ready. - Okay. - All right, Tony, here is your headline. Experts found one common physical feature in every woman Trump insults publicly. (dramatic music) - I'm gonna go, Woke. - I'm sorry, Tony, it's a joke. (buzzer) - By the way, that was a joke, that's not true. - Someone did call up today and was giving us advice on how Trump should go after Dana Bash. - Yes. - 'Cause she's very sensitive and he should tear her down. And I said, I don't know if that's the best way to go with this. - And this was an off the air call that was not put on. - Yes, Ed, you're up next on "Woker Joke." Are you ready for your headline, Ed? - Yes, I am. - All right, Ed, here is your headline. Gen Z wants to see which candidate can pull off better TikTok challenges, not debates. (dramatic music) - Woke? - It's probably Woke, but in this case, it's a joke. (buzzer) - Yeah. - By the way, that was a joke, that's not true. - Thanks, Ed. Ed was in here yesterday, he was a VIP, actually. - Oh, yeah. - Okay, then, yeah. - So, thank you, Ed, for calling in. Michael, you're up next on "Woker Joke." Are you ready for your headline, Michael? - I am ready. - All right, Michael, here is your headline. "Rodent boyfriends, Gen Z, "and the impending hot rat boy summer." (dramatic music) - That's so bad, it has to be Woke. - It is, it is Woke. - Not a joke, not a joke. - Have you heard of "Rodent boyfriends, Grace?" - I have heard of this. - But they are in my grats! - This is a aesthetic, this is a look, you know? It's like, I think one of the people that gets tossed in here is Timothy Chalamet. - Who's he? - He's in Dune, he's a young movie star, he was in Willy Wonka, he's thought to be one of the examples of a rat-like boyfriend. I think it's mean, though, because-- - I know I've seen him in something, but I can't picture him. - Here's my issue with this. If you were saying this about women-- - First of all, describe what this is. This is very plain or even odd-looking men. - Not traditionally handsome. - Not traditionally handsome. They have, their faces are very asymmetrical. - Sharp features. - Yup, I would say people like Adrian Brody. - Okay, yeah, yeah, Adam Driver. - Yes, okay. - Kieran Culkin is one that's mentioned in the article here. - You sure got nice teeth? (laughing) - But my thing is that if you were saying this about women, you would never get away with that. You couldn't say, oh, it's rat girlfriend summer, let's list off a couple of actresses that look like rats. - Well, less. - You can only do this. No, we're not doing that here. - Why? - You can only do this because it's mad. - Wait, no, no, no. You just said, because we can only do this because it's men. - What's fair is fair? Who are some unattractive women that could be seen as attractive? - I'm not saying I want to do it here. I'm saying that it's not right either way. It shouldn't be happening to men and it should be happening to men. - All right, you pulled yourself out of that way. (laughing) - Well, you know what, we got to kill rats. - Live to see another day. What was the first part of it though, besides the rat boyfriends? - Road and boyfriends Gen Z and the impending hot rat boy summer. - Oof, hot rat boy summer. - Hot rat boy summer. - No, I've heard it all. Jonathan, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Jonathan? - Yeah, I'll set. - All right, Jonathan, here's your headline. AI Partner App introduces LGBTQ+ characters to sexed video call and send pics. (dramatic music) - Please be a joke. - It's not, it's true, it's woke. (buzzer buzzes) - So the two AI stories, not a joke. - The one about the girlfriend constantly yelling at you, which that's pretty funny. - And then this one, both true. - Both true, both woke. This is a digital companion app, another one. Eva AI, they've introduced LGBTQ+ characters, a gay character Teddy, a trans woman, Sherry, a bisexual character Edward, and a lesbian character Sam. In buttons below, each character users can prompt the bot to respond by sending family, food, love, and even spicy messages. - So going off of the fact that these are LGBTQ characters, I just have a more basic question. Are people treating these AI bots? - Yes. - Like they're real people. - Correct. - And they're using that as a relationship as opposed to actually going out and finding one. - Yes. - Okay, I just wanted to know where we're at as a society. - Yep, yep. - Thank you. - That's cute. It's all a lipoetry. - Mike, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Mike? Mike? - Yes. - Okay, here we go. - All right, Mike, this is our final headline of the day, Denmark to target flatulent livestock with tax in bid to fight climate change. - If it's not woke now, it will be soon. I'd say woke. - It is woke. Very good. - Not a joke, not a joke. - This stuff really, really bothers me. Remember? - Scenting cows. - Remember back in the day when they were gonna give cows like a seaweed supplement that was going to prevent them from farting. - Remember when they were going to put a virtual reality gongle something? - Yeah, so they would think they were out in the grass. - Yeah. - The farting and burping one really bothers me because it's like, now we're playing God. Now we're playing God, we're gonna stop animals from being able to release gas. - Just give them a bunch of bino. - And how do we know that's not the one thing they're looking forward to all day? We have no idea. - Oh, yeah. - You know what I'm saying? It's their little moment of release, like, oh, thank God. - Right there with you. - Yeah. Oh, a nice belch. And now we're taking that away. - Now you're talking. - Who do we think we are? Bill Gates, you're gonna control people's farting? Not in my house, not here. - Do we have an Eden Pure Thunderstorm ad coming up? - Get out, Bill Gates. Leave those cows alone. They don't deserve this. I've just, I've had enough. And it's like, now you're gonna tax? How do we even know, like, how are they monitoring how much the cows are farting? Do they have people out there doing that now, too? - That probably takes up a lot of carbon footprint, too. All the monitoring of these farts. How are you powering all of these machines, solar powered? - Remember they were gonna put masks on cows? - Mm-hmm. - Diapers, I think, was another one. And I think they were gonna change the scent of the cow farts with a filter. - I'm not, I know I sound like I'm joking around, but it really, something about it. I'm not even like a huge, you know this. I'm not a huge animal person. I don't have any pets. But there's something so creepy about trying to stop an animal's body from doing what it's naturally going to do in this bid to save planet Earth, which it's not gonna happen either way. Like, I'm not saying we're doomed, but AOC already told me, I have a countdown clock. - Yeah, hey. - Okay, there's four years left. Let the cows fart. - Eat the whales while you can. You gonna try whale when you go over there? Iceland? - Yeah, but I'm not gonna go in there being like, I hope you killed this whale with the dullest, bluntest harpoon you could find. I'm not sick. - You may not know this, but one of my legs is wooden. I've had a vendetta against this whale for some time. - Oh, makes more sense now. Everything's starting. The pieces are starting to fall into place. Well, Taylor, we thank you for your time, sir. - Oh, sure, I was here anyway, so my pleasure. - We'll be right back. We got a lot more to get you. Plus, Hillary Clinton is writing yet another book. We're gonna talk about that and updates on Karen Reed when we return. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Yeah, room in eight, that's what it was called. Bill Gates, it was one of his investments in Australia. It was a startup, a seaweed-based feed to reduce the methane emissions cows produce through their burps and to a lesser extent, farts. That's what Bill Gates is worried about. Making you eat bugs and getting the cows to stop burping. I mean, there's gotta be something else. We can use all of that money and brain power towards Adam. You're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Adam. - Thanks, Grace. Bill Gates, to me, is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He wants to basically do what Rockefeller did at the turn of the century with medicine and that is control everything. The fact that we're thinking the control cow farts and the arrogance of saying we can do the climate as well, it's insane. The climate has a rhythm. The tides come in, the tides go out. The moon changes from old moon to new moon, and it's just something that's the rhythm of the Earth. And to try to change that is really trying to exterminate human beings altogether. So Grace's come in crazy comments, but that's how I feel. I think Bill Gates is a nasty guy. - Well, I think a lot of these people who are obsessed with the climate, and I have no problem, Trump was actually very, very pro-climate. He had a great tree initiative. He was, and that's a common misconception is that if you're conservative, you're like anti-taking care of the planet. That's not what I'm about at all, but I do agree with you that a lot of these people, whether it's Bill Gates or AOC, there's a level of a God complex there where they think that they're going to be able to change things based off the lunacy of their startups or their policy. And I kind of go back to that book, Make Your Bed. Like a lot of these people, they can't balance a budget. They can't, and maybe not Bill Gates, he's been pretty successful, but a lot of these politicians who want to spend all of our money doing these things that don't even align with the science. It doesn't even track with what a lot of climate experts say is happening. They want to spend all of our resources and all of our money on all these green ideas. And meanwhile, they can't fill in a pothole. So maybe we start small, I always give that advice. Same thing I say to my one-year-old baby. Small bites, start small, you'll get there eventually, but they want to start off with, "Hey, I know we have a few problems here and there, and I know our roads and our bridges, as Trump always points out, kind of sometimes looks like we're in a third world country, but let's not focus on the things we could actually fix. Let's not focus on American citizens. Let's focus on planet Earth as a whole. Let's tackle that first, and then we'll worry about all the small things. 844-500-42-42, by the way, Hillary Clinton has a new book coming out. This is the fourth book that she's written about herself. So it takes a village, was one, living history was one, what happened was one, and this new book, Something Lost, Something Gained, Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty, will be released September 17th. At a certain point, Barack Obama said it at a certain point haven't you made enough money? At a certain point, haven't you written enough books about yourself? We'll be right back. (upbeat music)