The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Verdict Watch Plus Trump-Biden Debate Predictions | 6.27.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Verdict watch continues in the Karen Read trial. Meanwhile, the callers have predictions about the CNN presidential debate.

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27 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Well, you don't want too much grace? Here's the millennial with the mic. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Grace Curly. Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, a Grace Curly. You either have grace or you don't. Especially Grace. Grace stand up. Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you for joining us today. Verdict Watch continues in the Karen Read trial, and this is the place to be. If you want to find out what's happening, if there's any breaking news, we have it for you here. We have plenty of people with eyes on this trial. We will be one of the first places to know if this verdict comes down today. So do not leave us, do not go anywhere. Even if we talk about a couple of other things, this is still our number one priority. If it breaks, you will know. And I was pretty critical of the fact that it was taking a while, and we talked a little bit about that yesterday, the deliberations, and how the longer it goes on, that's just my way. The longer it goes on, I'm not going to feel great about it. But some people yesterday did change my mind on a few things. And one of those people was a texter who said that a lot of times in a long trial like this, you all get together, and there's parts of the trial that you have forgotten about, and you need to be refreshed on it, and you need to go over a lot of the evidence. And that does make sense to me, because even yesterday, when people were calling in, because the question that I have, and it's still the question today, it's an evergreen question when it comes to the Caron Retrial, is, was there one piece of evidence for you that changed how you saw this whole case? Or a way I like to explain it, is there one piece of evidence that you could not explain away? Because I think, in general, a lot of us want to hear horses, not zebras. So we want to say, I can't go, this is too crazy. This is too crazy. The more logical explanation is that she hit him. But for a lot of people watching this trial, there's one thing that sticks out to them where they go, well, that one, I can't brat my head around. Some people, it's how long to die in cold. Some people, it's the taillight. And so while I was asking this yesterday, a few collars brought up certain points or bits of evidence that I had completely forgotten about. And some of them I had never seen. The sparring in the bar, I know that was a big part of it. I know that they spent a lot of time on that. And I don't know, Taylor, I can't make any excuses. I might have been checked out that day. But I had to say to you, where's the timestamp? Where can I find this? And one of the collars said 1157, I'll never forget that. But for him, for that collar, that's the burning piece of evidence. And for me, it doesn't even clock into the top five. And so if that's how I'm feeling about it, I can only imagine how the jurors are feeling, who have to make this very important decision, and they want to have all their ducks in a row. They want to be refreshed on everything before they make the decision. And another example I'd give of this is that Colin Albert, when he was on the stand, I remember thinking that day, whoa, this is crazy, did you hear his excuse about how his knuckles were all dusted up? They had a picture from Mountain Boston later on in his knuckles, right after the fact they were all bloodied. He's saying he broke his fall. I thought at the time that that was a big deal. Fast forward, few weeks later, Alan Jackson's giving the closing arguments. He doesn't even bring Colin Albert up. So I'm just, I'm trying to explain to people just how much evidence there is, and how some of it might seem important to one person and another person who might be in that deliberation room might say, I don't even remember that. What are you talking about? Let's go over it again. - I've backed off of the Colin Albert theory. I don't think he was really involved. - I'm more onto the Brian Higgins theory. - Yeah, Brian Higgins is a Brian Albert. - You were onto that pretty early Taylor. - Well, okay, I'll take that. - You came over to Maine, you said, I think, then maybe, Brian Higgins, I think what you originally said to me was, 'cause Brian Higgins was at a funeral that day. - Correct, with Brian Albert and one other person. - And you said maybe they got to talking since they're together all day, and it comes out and he lets him know, hey, I'm-- - Guess who's been texting me. - You know, John O'Kee's girlfriend, Karen Reid, she's been texting me a lot. And then all of a sudden you have kind of-- - Your call river accent, yeah. - You've got all the kind of makings of this conversation that could lead to the waterfall, the sparring, the come at me bro style mannerisms that he was doing, and then they get into the house. So I agree with you there, I'm more on that. - When you're seven whiskeys deep, anything can happen. But when Colin Albert was testifying, I wasn't convinced or anything, but I was, I was in shock at how much things didn't add up at that point, and now that feels like forever ago, and it's not even really part of the equation. So all that to say, there's a lot here to unpack, so I don't fault the jurors for taking a long time. Something else I wanna add in, is that I was talking to a friend this morning, and my friend said, I have to imagine we're gonna get a verdict by Friday, 'cause I don't think these people wanna be in there the week of July 4th. I'll say the same thing about that, as I said about the text yesterday, where the person, we had a textor who pointed out, do you think these jurors know how much backlash they're gonna get in the court of public opinion if they don't acquit Karen Reid? And my response was, I hope they don't know that. I hope that's not how they're making their decisions, is everyone's gonna be mad at me if I make a decision that they don't like. That's not how jurors are supposed to operate. And by the same token, I understand human nature wanting to be off the week of July 4th. But if you really haven't come to a decision, I would hope that these people aren't rushing it so they can not come in on Monday. There's too much at stake. I tend to think we'll have a decision by tomorrow. - I think maybe today. - You think maybe today? I love it, I love it. - I've thought that every day so far. I think maybe today is the day. - I would love if we get it before the show wraps today. Also happening tonight, it's debate night on CNN. Here's what I don't understand though. CNN has the debate, but it's simulcast. Fox is running ads that they're gonna have the debate as well. What's the point of having the debate tailor if everyone can play it? - I think you're collecting a fee on the broadcast. - Oh, got it, got it, got it. 'Cause I'm gonna watch it on, I know HBO has it, and that's the only app I have set up on my TV upstairs. So I'm gonna watch it on Max tonight. I'm not looking forward to it. I'll be honest with people. I don't like these things. I don't enjoy them at all. I get very, I get like second hand, you know how people say second hand embarrassment? I get second hand anxiety. And that sounds so stupid, but I watch it and I get angry and I get frustrated. Second hand cringe. - And I just want it to be over. And I enjoy it after the fact. Once I know how it's all gonna play out, I can go back and find the parts I like and we'll have a lot of fun tomorrow, but the actual sitting and watching it in real time makes me wanna crawl out of my skin. - You know what helps? - A glass of wine. - Jameson and Ginger. - Jameson and Ginger. Yeah, no, I'm sure. We'll take your predictions on what it's gonna be like, tips for Donald Trump. Everyone has different ideas of how they think Trump should approach this. I'm gonna be the first to tell you all, Trump is going to approach this in whatever way Trump wants to. And I don't think he's gonna be taking any advice from any of us. - I think he's gonna give a good effort. He's gonna give a good effort to all the advice that he's been given. You know, don't go so hard on him. When your microphone's off, stop talking. Don't hit him too hard on the hunter stuff. You've already taken a different approach to that. But I think he's gonna go slip into old Trump, or halfway through the debate. - He did say to Byron York that he said I was very aggressive in the first one. The second one I was different and I got great marks on the second one. So he does understand what people are talking about. He knows people said he interrupted too much. And I actually want to rebut an argument that I've been seeing a lot of. And I can give you a specific example. Jesse Kelly, friend of mine. I go back and forth in them on Twitter. He's great. And so I don't care if you tell him that we're talking about him because he already knows. I tagged him in this. But there's people of the Jesse Kelly mindset who think Trump is making a huge mistake. He looks like he's doing really well in the polls. Take that with a grain of salt. Nate Silver has a pull out. He thinks Trump has like a 66% chance of winning. Everything seems to be coming up Trump. And guys like Jesse Kelly feel as though there's really no upside for Trump. This could be a major, major mistake. He could blow it. They could make him out to be the anti-Christ. And all of this momentum he has could go away. And we've also had callers point that out. People have called up to how we show. Why is he doing this? He agreed to all these rules. He should never agree to it. You can't say, I'll debate you anytime, anywhere. And then when the person says, all right, let's debate on CNN. Then you say, well, not there. I'll debate you anytime, anywhere, but not that time, not that place. That's not how, if you throw down the gauntlet, Trump was throwing down the gauntlet saying, you are so weak, you are so fragile. That I don't care what rules you set up. I don't care where you want it to be. I'm game 'cause I'm gonna take you down. That's how confident he is. Then when the person comes at you and says, fine, he'll never say yes to this place. That's when you gotta say, let's do it. I said I do it, let's do it. I just don't get these people who are like, he should have never said yes to this. He, and he also said to Byron York, I keep referencing this, but I think it's important. Byron was asking him, you know, why did you agree to all these rules? People are kinda confused by it. He said what they did, meaning Biden's team, is that they approached me with a debate that I could not take. So they thought they would present it. I would say no, and they would say, we can't debate because Trump said no. So I said yes before they even gave me the terms, so Biden got roped in. Yeah, that's what I wanna hear from in this first hour. I wanna hear from people who think that Trump should have said no to this debate, and who think this is gonna be a big mistake. 'Cause I've been seeing that everywhere, and it really does surprise me. 844-542-42, we have great sound today, we have lots to talk about, and as I pointed out, if you're following the Karen Reid trial, if you're awaiting the verdict, we are the place to be for that, so don't go anywhere. This is The Grace Curly Show. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2/8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - And so let's say I'm answering a question. My light is green, and I'm speaking. Phil's microphone is off, and his green lights are not illuminated. He's going to interrupt me as I'm speaking, and this is what it will sound like. My volume remains constant, while Phil's interruption can be difficult to understand. - Hmm. That was CNN demonstrating how the microphones are going to work tonight. It really sounded like a driver's ed video. Remember those weird videos you have used to have to watch in driver's ed? This is how you park your car. But I guess, you know, they're just trying to milk this for all it's worth. They know this is going to be a big ratings night for them. They know this is the first time anyone's cared about what's happening at CNN, probably since Trump did that town hall with Caitlin Collins. So they are going to make the most of it. Speaking of making the most of it, Fox has a countdown clock on the right-hand side. Taylor, you were on, were you on TV at some point? Do you ever do TV news? - No. - What's up with that? Why do they love the countdown so much? Any ideas on that? - Just letting you know how much time there's left. - They must think it's like really exciting. Like, oh, eight hours and 37. I mean, I'm all for a countdown once it gets kind of close. Like the red carpet used to do that, but eight hours away we need a countdown to tonight. And also, now I'm just being nitpicky here. But nine to 11, everything's on at nine o'clock now. Why can't we do eight to 10? I find that to be a lot more reasonable. I can stomach that more. I eat dinner, I get ready, I watch the debate. Nine to 11 is just too late for me. And I did ask people on Twitter, I said, will you be staying up? And they said, or will you, how do you feel about it? Some people said they're excited, some people said they're not gonna watch it, they don't care, it doesn't make a difference to them. And a few people did say, it's on too late. I don't appreciate the timing of this. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm, it doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code GRACE3. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, which topic do you want Trump to hit on most during tonight's debate? The economy, Biden's senility, 2020 election integrity, illegal immigration or Hunter Biden-Biden corruption. - I'm going to say illegal immigration, it has really climbed up the charts as far as voters' concerns and you know, where they put it in their priority of things that they're focusing on in this election. And I also think it kind of ties into what Trump was explaining to Byron York about how the debate prep to him isn't as big of a deal because a lot of this comes down to common sense. You cannot let people flood into your country and expect things to be safe and expect a country to thrive. It just doesn't make any sense. So I'm going to go illegal immigration. Close second for me would be the economy. He should not go near 2020. He needs to be looking forward. Nobody wants to rehash. And he shouldn't talk about Hunter Biden. I'm interested in Hunter Biden, but the people out there who were trying to win over, the double haters as they call them, or the young Gen Z independent voters that they actually exist, they don't care about Hunter Biden. - 62% say illegal immigration. 29% say the economy. 4% say either Biden's senility or his son and his corruption. - Now this whole thing about the microphones, muting the mics. I have an issue with this because at first, I was very pro muting the mics. I said this actually helps Donald Trump. He's not going to be able to interrupt. He's going to have to let Joe talk. We always comment on how that was his big problem in the first debate. By the time he did the second debate, he got it under control. It was almost too late. The damage had been done. But you brought up Taylor that the issue with that is that he can still keep talking. He just won't be on Mike. Now, the hosts at CNN, these anchors, were trying to explain how that's going to work. Can I hear this again? Because my issue is the way they're interrupting each other, like they said, this is what will happen if one of the candidates tries to interrupt when their mics are off. They're not interrupting like Trump would interrupt. They're basically whispering. - And I'll ask Phil to come in and take the other podium. And so let's say I'm answering a question. My light is green and I'm speaking. Phil's microphone is off and his green lights are not illuminated. He's going to interrupt me as I'm speaking and this is what it will sound like. My volume remains constant while Phil's interruption can be difficult to understand. - Let's try the opposite. My microphone is now off. Victor's microphone is off and he's going to interrupt me. My volume remains constant while Victor's interruption can be difficult to understand. - No offense to Phil and/or Victor, but they don't have any oomph. Like they wouldn't be able to interrupt even if their mics were on. The interruption from Trump is not going to sound like Phil or Victor. They should have brought in someone who's going to yell into this is what it would sound like if someone was yelling at the podium. - Think about what you'd think about. - I don't think the interruptions are going to be able. Rick, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Rick? - Yeah, hi, Grace. - Yes. - Hi, Grace, you're a wonderful young lady. - Thank you. - I think that Mr. Trump is out of his mind for going to this debate. When I first heard about it, I thought that's exactly what I thought to myself. Is he crazy? He doesn't have to debate Biden. People know who is very well. And he's just warping around the country in the polls and everything. And I think he's walking into a big old bear trap myself. - I tend to disagree. Well, first of all, I do think he needs to debate Biden. I think the American people deserve to hear from both of these candidates. I think they both have four years under their belt and the state of this country and also the world right now. There's so many issues that everyone is entitled to hearing their POV and hearing them go back and forth a little bit. As far as a big bear trap, how? Like, I get people don't like Jake Tapper. I get he's crooked. I get that it's fake news. But have you guys seen Joe Biden? I think we're really, we're really, I don't want to lower the bar too much for Joe Biden. But I feel like now people are lowering the bar for Donald Trump, have a little faith. Remember 2016 Trump, does everyone forget? He can handle himself on stage. Maybe you guys are more nervous than I am. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. - We're 11 hours in to the Karen Reed jury deliberations. We're seven hours and 26 minutes and 13 seconds away from tonight's debate on CNN. And we have all of the information you need here at the Grace Curly Show at 1234 on this beautiful Friday, junior. I'm loving the rumble chat. I always check the rumble chat and people are like, I don't even, I'm not even following this trial. This sucks. Well, too bad. We're not, we're going to keep following it. I can assure you there are people out there who are very interested. But something else we are talking about is this debate. And I'm glad that some people on the text line are starting to agree with me. I'm a little thrown off here by how little faith, some of the listeners seem to have in Donald Trump's ability to whoop Joe Biden's ass on the debate stage. I'm all for lowering expectations. I'm getting plenty of crap on the rumble chat about how I'm afraid or I'm nervous about this. And that's 'cause I'm a rhino. And I will be, I will tell you guys all day long, I'm not looking forward to watching this. I'll be happy when it's over. But surely we think that Trump can do this against Joe Biden. If you really think like everyone keeps saying it to trap, what does that mean? Like what is Jake Tapper? He's going to give Trump two minutes. Trump's mic is going to be on. And if you think that Jake Tapper's not gonna ask him fair questions, well, duh. But who says Trump has to answer any of Jake Tapper's questions? Once the mic goes on, you've got two minutes, right? - 30 seconds. - I don't think it's 30 seconds. - No? - No, I think we thought it was 30 seconds and then I did a little digging. I think 30 seconds is really short. - Of course it is. - I mean, you can have a conversation in 20 seconds according to Alan Jackson, but 30 seconds for two presidential candidates. I mean, it would be like Ping-Pong going back and forth. But Taylor, my overall point is, I don't think, and you know what, there was a guest on Fox, and I'm sorry if I'm gonna mess this up, there was a guest on Fox, oh, Brian Kilmeade this morning, and he was talking about the debates, and he said, moderators used to take up 10% of the speaking time of debates. I think when Chris Wallace was the moderator, he took up, I think it was 23%. So I agree with people that the moderator should have a lot less of a role in this. And in fact, way back in the day, I'm talking a long time ago, presidential candidates used to just debate each other, and there was no moderators because it was a conversation. This was when people were able to do that without coming to blows. But Jake Tapper, if Trump wants it this way, he can make Jake Tapper's role in all this pretty much irrelevant. And I said this in the last debates, I said Trump has to be like, okay, so Eric Trump said, my dad is not just debating Joe Biden, he's debating CNN. But I would think of it like this. Donald Trump is not just one of the candidates in this debate, he's also a moderator. He needs to ask questions that nobody else is going to ask. There's no way Jake Tapper's gonna ask any important questions of Joe Biden, and he can answer what he wants to answer. This whole idea of he's gonna walk into a bear trap, makes him sound like a victim. I think he's gonna come out on top. Maybe I'm just an optimist. I've been, Taylor's been rubbing off on me. Ross, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ross. - Grace, I am a Trump supporter, and I totally agree with you. Trump needs to be there tonight, he needs his debate, and quite frankly, so does Biden need his debate. But it's all gonna come down primarily to the independent voters, the blue collar Democrats. You know, Trump doesn't need to worry about the diagnowal migrants, you know, just leave alone. And I think of that Seinfeld episode of Serenity Now. You know, he's just gonna keep thinking Serenity Now, Serenity Now, let Biden be Biden, and let Trump be somebody a little more magnanimous, a little more, you know, kind of take the high road. But one thing I just thought about funny meme, I thought, was, you know, they're gonna have two commercial interruptions in this 90-minute debate, and I thought, I was thinking of like a NASCAR pit stop, you know, and you could, you could run Biden off on a little wheelchair off to the corner, and they pump him up on some stuff, check his oil and all that, and then bring him back. - Yeah. - It's kind of funny. - Yeah, or it's like in boxing when they go into the corner, what are they, what are they always doing in boxing? Are they cutting, like stitching them up, and then they always have little pairs of scissors. I always found that interesting. - Yeah, they've bent, they cut the bandages and tape them up. - Yeah, they're gonna have them in the corner, splashing water on his face, like, let's go Joe, let's go, angry Joe, angry Joe. And he is gonna be angry, but what it reminds me of when people talk about these cocktails, they're gonna give them these concoctions, if God knows what, it reminds me of when someone's drunk, and there's a genius in the group who goes, "Give him a cup of coffee, that will sober him up." And then you've just got a caffeinated drunk, like you've just got a drunk who's wide awake. It's like, it didn't really fix anything, but now the drunk person is just wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. And that's Joe Biden, it's like, you can give him whatever you want, and maybe he'll be angry and incoherent, but he's still gonna be incoherent. They're not miracle workers. There's only so much they can do, and-- - Serenity now, Serenity now! - What is that? - The doctor gave me a relaxation cassette. When my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say, "Serenity now!" (laughs) - Are you supposed to yell it? - Yeah, Trump does have to have something in his mind, maybe Serenity now that he can go back to and think, "I just gotta get through two hours, "I just gotta get through two hours." And yeah, does he have a lot of grievances that he wants to air? - Sure. - But it's not Festivus, it's not the time for it, it's not that day of the year. You're not going to right all the wrongs of CNN, or all the wrongs of the past eight years, you just gotta get through two hours. And less is more. And to all of the critics, and I love critics here, so feel free to call in, it's 844-542. But to the critics who are telling me, it could all go wrong for Trump. Like, it could all be really bad for him. - Yes, but isn't that kind of the deal, if you're the man in the arena? Like, that's kind of the stakes here is, yeah, it could all go wrong, the stakes are really high. He's running for president, he knows that. It's not his first time in a high pressure situation. So this idea of he shouldn't do it because what if it backfires? Well, sometimes that's the gamble you gotta take if you wanna win, if you wanna prove that you're the best or better than Joe Biden. And the other part of this is, I think because Joe's been off the campaign trail for the last week, people's memories are very fleeting. It's like everyone's forgetting just what a liability this dude is. If you think we're nervous, think about how Biden's team must feel. There's also a lot of opportunities for him to make a colossal mistake. And the fact that Jim Clyburn, who's on the Biden-Harris re-election committee, or he's a co-chair of something, he's also a representative from South Carolina. He's been a huge supporter of Joe Biden's. The fact that he's already trotting out the stutter excuse, that's like the last refuge of a scoundrel. When you start talking about how Joe Biden has a stutter, seven hours plus before the debate, that lets me know that they're not feeling all that confident either. Can I have James Clyburn cut 18? Well, I think that people sort of buying the sound bites these days. And the fact of the matter is, I don't think that people focus enough on things that are ever present. For instance, Joe Biden, as a child, stuttered badly, worked very hard to overcome stuttering. But you don't overcome that 100%. And very often, when he rushes the word out in order to get said, when he once said, people see that as some sign of some gaff, or something of that sort. And that resonates with some people. They don't seem to give people benefit of what may visit their own homes and their own circumstances, if the case were in the other arena. Okay, well, first of all, really well said. Second of all, I'll try to give Joe Biden as much benefit of the doubt as you all give to Donald Trump, AKA Hitler slash Stalin slash whatever you guys wanna call him today. I will give Joe Biden that much benefit of the doubt. But I sometimes wish these interview, like these hosts would just say, "Have you no shame?" Have you no shame? I mean, we're bringing out the stutter excuse. Does that not tell you how nervous and how panicked these Democrats are? He's bringing out, and also I love how he says some people fall for these soundbites. Oh, are we getting close to calling them cheap fakes? Are they manipulated in some way? Is there something about the soundbites that you're not telling us? Because if you know sense of decency, sir, at long last, have you left no sense of decency? It's like he's saying to us, how dare you take Joe Biden that his own words? How dare you hear audio of the president and you judge him based off that? What's wrong with you? It's insanity. And something that my producer brought up is that a lot of these viewers on CNN, like these wine moms who have the Chardonnay and the Hillary Clinton's new book is in the book club rotation this month, a lot of these people never see raw Joe Biden. And they purposely like block it out. They put their blinders on. They get the little packages that CNN puts together. CNN will take the best part of a Joe Biden speech and play it and play it and play it all day long. They never see Joe Biden uncensored. They never see- This is pure Biden. They never see pure Biden. They see Biden after he's been spliced up 50 times, like 50 junk cuts. And so tonight, this two hours with two commercial breaks for a lot of these people, a lot of these Trump derangement people, all of these people who have their heads in the sand, this is gonna be pretty eye opening for them too. This is your guy. Lay eight to five, two to three out of five. Ron, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Grace, good afternoon. Good afternoon, sir. What's going on? So if anything in 2020 is brought up, I really would look- I really would like for Trump to say, if they bring up COVID, I really would like him to call it COVID-19. And also to say that experimenting on dangerous pathogens overseas is a bad idea. I would have him say that child gender reassignment is a bad idea. But another note is I was at the immigration rally yesterday in Norfolk, and I'm really interested in making a splash here in Massachusetts. I don't know if we can completely turn the tide, but if you look at what's happening with that New Jersey rally, New York, Maine, New Hampshire, I think that I really do believe that we can open up a lot of eyes and we could put a lot of pressure on Maura Healy and Joe Biden and the Democrat party in Massachusetts. Yeah, people are saying Maine's in play now. It hasn't flipped to a Republicans since 1988. So I definitely hear you there. As far as Ron, your point about COVID-19, the kind of stuff that goes viral in right-wing social media or like you put on t-shirts. And I'm not, by the way, let me point this out right now. I am not trying to demean any of that or to make any feel bad. All I'm saying is the last college point was Trump can't focus on the MAGA people. Like he has us, he's got us, we're good. And so all these little catchphrases or all these little funny things that we love about Trump that we want him to say and we want him to do, it's not the night for it. Like COVID-19, maybe at a rally if he wants to do that, that's fine. But on the debate stage, we don't need that. And honestly, I kind of hope COVID, if COVID does come up, he'll handle it and whatever, but that's not Trump's strongest point. Like I hope that if anything gets brought up, it's the economy and it's a legal immigration. Those are the two things that I think Trump can take to the bank and say you had four years of me and you had four years of Biden. Which one's worked out better for you? And I do hope that if he says anything on that debate stage, I hope he tells people what the rate of inflation was when he left office in what it is now. And then he can look at Joe Biden and he can say you can lie to the American people as many times as you want and say it was 9% when you walked into office, you know that is not true. That is a lie. That is one lie that I think is so concrete and so brazen of Joe Biden to bandy about that I would have no problem with him taking that one right off the bat. Just that's a lie, the American people should know this is what inflation was, this is what it is now, thanks to Joe Biden. But the other stuff, like anything that's a little too, if it sounds like something you hear on talk radio, it's not meant for the debate. 844-542-42. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. Sometimes people cook or people have a funky smell from their pet, they light a candle, cupcake, chocolate candle. Makes everything smell worse actually. Or you light a really a flowery candle. It also doesn't help. You want to get rid of the smells. You want to eliminate the smells and that's what the thunderstorm is so good at. It sends out 03 molecules and it destroys bad odors rather than just covering them up. Don't try to mask those smells, try to get rid of them and you will accomplish it with the Eden Pier thunderstorm. You can start saving money and get yourself a thunderstorm to eliminate those stubborn household odors for good. Plus, if you're hearing this and you're saying, "My house smells beautiful all the time." Well, you probably want to eliminate allergens and pollutants. So there's something in this for everyone. Get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. We are still waiting on the verdict in the Cairn Read trial. We will continue to keep you posted. It's a lot of fan action right now. They pan up to that fan overhead. And that's what we're keeping an eye on. But rest assured, the second we get any news, Taylor's pretty confident it will come out today. We will let you know. That's based off absolutely nothing. That's just the feeling he has. So take that as you will. 508 says, "Because," I'm sorry, 925, "because Trump can go on a tangent, it might benefit him that he takes a few notes to rebut Biden's points after listening to 90 seconds of mumbling." Well, 925, I hate to break it to you. No notes are allowed. And I think that's a win in Trump's column. I think that Joe Biden needs a note to put on his shoes in the morning. You sit down, you put on shoes, and it's all in bold. So I think the fact that there's no pre-written notes is going to benefit Donald Trump. Let's go to Angelo. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Angelo? Hi, we all know one of Trump's strengths is promises made, promises kept. So I think he should focus on some of the promises he made for his next term. I really like his idea of futuristic freedom cities. I think he should spend a lot of time on that. He should also spend a lot of time talking about the big and bold and beautiful iron dome that he's going to build around the country. Angelo, what's your real-- Angelo, maybe he'll get to all the fingers crossed. What's your real name? I'm just curious, since you call up the show frequently with different names, different disguises. Michael. Michael, OK, well next time just call in with your name, Michael. We don't have to do this every single time. It gets old. You call up. You hate Trump. We get it. You hate him. We understand. You love Joe Biden. You think Joe Biden's doing a great job. And I'm happy for you. But it's this rigmarole of calling up and pretending to be somebody else. It just feels like we're starting from a place of dishonesty. And I like to be honest with my friends. My listeners are my friends. I want to have an honest conversation. You don't need to do this tricky thing where you're like, oh, Trump said sharks with lasers. And I'm going to go, oh my god, did he really say that? Did Trump say something outlandish? I need to go change my vote. My whole world is collapsing around me. Yeah, he says crazy things sometimes. You're not telling me anything new, Angelo. I get it. Guess what? I'm still voting for him. Is that OK with you? Is it Michael Angelo, by the way? I don't know what it is, but every day it's a new name. I use different names because it makes it seem like you have more listeners than you do. So I was kind of trying to help you. We actually have people on the line who are waiting to talk, Angelo. And we went to you and you kind of wasted our time. So David and the other listeners stay on there and we'll come back to you. But thank you for that public service that you're doing by trying to help us out. I can tell that you're a really compassionate dude. And you're trying to help out the right wing agitator on conservative radio. I'm sure that was the impetus for the call. Thanks, sir. By the way, lose our number! (upbeat music)