The Howie Carr Radio Network

A Howie Carr Show Caller Would Make a Mean Debate Moderator | 6.26.25 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie opens the phones to the callers, who share some fantastic questions for President Trump and President Biden. If only they, and not Jake Tapper or Dana Bash, were running the debate!

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26 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We will never stand for the killing and bombing of children in the books, or Mount Vernon, or Yonkers. Was it over with the Chairman's Bon Pearl Harbor? Hell no! Chairman, forget it, he's rolling. Damn, I'm in the zone up here. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I just saw the verdict forms, and as we discussed yesterday, we mean this. Okay, I did not say I'd make it. I said I'd think about it. I said I was tired, and I needed to think about it. I don't feel no ways tired. The safety and security of the American public is indeed our highest priority. More than 50 migrants with potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in America. We screen-invent individuals when we encounter them. Because there was no information suggesting terror ties at the time. Oh, spaghetti, oh! From swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. Headline on Fox, Mayorkas, asks Congress to enact border reform. Yeah, you ever read those stories about those guys who want to get on the fire department, so they decide to start fires? You know, and then they show up, "Let me help out. I'll help you put out the fire." Isn't it the same thing? He started a fire, and now he wants to put it out. Oh! Oh! 844-542-4239, the Trump trial jury reached the decision faster than the read jury. I guess Trump's decision was reached before the trial started. I guess it was. I don't think there's any question about that. 781 says, "I have no idea what everyone is worried about. Trump's going to be debating a mannequin." Yeah, I think, you know, Jason Riley wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal, so that's Trump's to lose. I think, you know, I don't want to set the bar too low for this net wet. You know, it would be giving him yet another advantage in life that he didn't earn, but it's just hard to imagine him being able to debate anybody, to be able to debate a turnip. You know, the guy's pitiful. 844-542-4242, so Pat was asking about what did Jamal Bowman say? We actually found the cut here. Matt's got it up. This is what he was saying, and this is November. Now remember, Hamas livestreamed a lot of these atrocities. They put it on social media, raping women, chopping off heads, ripping open the wounds of pregnant women and taking out their unborn babies and bashing their heads in. This was all done proudly by these Muslim Nazi savages. And yet, this is what he said in November. Jamal Bowman. And it was proper game that used as the appealing of his team. No evidence. Pay no attention to that live streaming. He deserved to lose. Oh, God. 844-542-4242, and again, let's have him. You know, he talked about how much he loves the Asians, the Latinos, the Jewish, the Irish, the Italians, the Albanians. He listed every ethnic group in the district, but you know the one he went back to? So he didn't go back to the Albanians or the Italians or the Asians. Cut seven. I want us to acknowledge publicly together the power of the Muslim community. Apparently not quite enough power. Thank goodness. Y'all could do better than that. You don't understand what the Muslim community specifically did in this race. Or in Gaza or in Southern Israel. We know what they did in Southern Israel. Good Lord, 844-500-4242-844-542. Paul, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Paul. Hey, how are we talking about the end over? I hope you're doing well. I didn't listen all day, but did anybody called in and put bets on like over under on how many times they cut off Trump's mic? Or who's going to be on the right side, the left side? Are they going to shake hands? Anything happening like that? No, well, I think Emma's trying to put together a bingo card that we're going to have out tomorrow, but that's a good one I thought of immediately was convicted felon. How many times is he going to be called a convicted felon? But that's another good one on an over under on cut off the mic. How many times would you say on the cut off the mic, Paul? Is it 90 minutes? Yes, 90 minutes. Oh, gee, that's going to be a high number, I bet. I don't know. Morning times, maybe? That's a lot. I don't know about that. You know, again, I mean, that interview with Byron York, I think it's in Howie's homework. It's from the Washington Examiner. Trump sat down with him at Mar-a-Lago and they had kind of a pleasant conversation about the debate. And Trump admitted maybe he screwed up in the first debate by, you know, by cutting off, cutting off Biden too many times. So I'm thinking Trump is going to pull his punches a little bit. You know, Trump is not stupid. Trump can read a room. That's one thing that Trump said. He said he likes an audience because he can read a room and he can, you know, adjust his comments. And I was just telling that to the VIPs. You know, they said, "Thanks for having us in." And I said, "I like having an audience." You know, you could do better. If you're any kind of entertainer, you could do better with an audience because you can see their reactions. And you can, you know, move one way or the other way. You can adjust what you're saying or doing. I guess that includes slapstick, although I don't do anything but verbal slapstick. Thanks for the call, Paul. I think we're going to have that, we'll have it tomorrow, the bingo card. 844-542-42, cut off Mike, convicted felon. What is Trump going to say to get under his skin? I mean, because he's going to have, he's going to have recurring needles, I'm sure. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, thanks. Take my call. You were talking about debating the mannequin. He did that state of the union address and he was spot on, but his eyes, you couldn't see his wife's of his eyes. He was on something. You know, he was on something. I think the best thing Trump could do is, you know, two or three questions and go, "Hey, Joe, are you okay? Your eyes are really white." Are you okay? I think that would nail it that Biden was on something and everybody in America would know by that. I don't know. I think you've just got to, I think you've got to let it play out. You don't, you know, what's the, what's the old saying? Just say it in journalism. Show, don't tell. You know, don't, don't tell anybody. Just let them see it for themselves. I mean, we see it every day. We, you know, we take and put all these cuts together. We haven't done it for the last 10 days because guess what? He's been MIA. But every day he's in worse condition. You can see him declining from season to season, if not month to month. And I think he's going to be in very bad shape. And again, it's going to be three on one. The Democrats will have control of the mic. There will be follow-up questions for Trump, but no follow-up questions for Biden. Everything will be stacked against him. Usually the debates go with no commercials. This time there will be commercials to, to revive him. You know, it's good. You don't like, you don't like those movies. You don't see them much in real life, I don't think. But in the movies and fight movies, you know, the guy staggers in and they, and they, and they use in the corner at the end of the round and they're trying to, you know, wake him up with salt smelling salts and everything. That's what, don't you think that's what it's going to be like during the commercial, uh, champ, champ, wake up. Yeah, they're waving the towel, trying to, trying to get some air on him. That's what it's going to be like. Uh, seven, seven, four. Uh, Biden, uh, Biden is the felon. He just hasn't been convicted yet. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. What's the overall under on how many times they shut off Brandon's mic when he starts babbling? You know, that, you know, that's, that's a good point. I mean, at that point, if they do cut it off because he's gone anyway. My uncle, bossy, he was eaten by cannibals at a fire pit in Iraq. They, they barbecued him. I mean, if they get, they'll, they will cut him off at that point. And at that point, I think Trump has every right to say, why did you cut him off? His time hadn't expired. Eight, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, forty two, forty two. Uh, Gary, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Gary. Hey, Howie. Uh, every time that Biden brings up the felony issue, Trump should simply respond. I've got a quote from you, Joe, this is one of your statements over the year that has been so off target. It just hit him back with everything he had never said. Again, again, again. So people will remind us the guys to complete him. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he's just got to get him into, to say something stupid, you know, or, or to come up with a memorable one-liner. Like, remember Ronald Reagan? Are you better off or worse off than you were? That would be, that would be a great line to, to, to, to dust off. Are you better? The only question you have to ask yourself, my fellow Americans is, are you better off or worse off than you were four years ago? Do you have more money in your pocket? Is a home more affordable for you and your children? Is a car more affordable for your, for yourself and your children? Do you, do you have a smaller amount of disposable income because the price at the, at the fillings, at the gas station, at the supermarket is so much higher than it was? Do you feel safer or less safe on your streets at night? Do you feel the border is secure? Do you think that the world is closer or further away from the start of a nuclear holocaust, World War III? Is the mid-east more secure? When I was president, was there a war in Europe? The biggest war since the end of World War II? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We'll take a break. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. [Music] Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Payback time says Fox embattled New York squad member, benched by voters. You know, embattled means you haven't been defeated yet. When you've lost by 17 points in the primary, you are now expired, extinguished. You are no longer embattled. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday airbuds. Now you get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design, and multi-point connectivity. Get 15% off plus free shipping at, Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Which Donald Trump do you want to see tomorrow at the debate? Vintage Donald Trump, fire in brimstone, laid back Trump, led Biden Babel, a mix of both depending on how bad the three-to-one debate format goes. I want to see laid back Trump, led Biden Babel. Laid back Trump has 32% and the lead is a mix of both depending on how bad the three-to-one debate format goes. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. A couple of good suggestions here for questions for Trump. And this would just be to the American people. Can you still afford McDonald's? That's a really good question. That's a really good question. Even if you still can't afford it, you're thinking, "What the hell is going on here?" And we had people from Connecticut here yesterday. I think Connecticut leads the nation. Those places on I-95. I mean, they have the highest McDonald's price. And again, I understand they have the monopoly and they have to pay the state and all that. But you still pay in 20 bucks for a Big Mac and fries and a soft drink. It's ridiculous. And here's another one, 978. Trump should ask him how much eggs cost now when he was president. Because eggs are up a lot more than the most things. I mean, the mailroom manager buys the eggs, she eats the eggs, so I don't know. But I think it's like 40-50%, isn't it? Something like that. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, two-oh-one. Immigration and inflation, the winning issues for President Trump, all other issues are secondary. I would tend to agree with that too. I think those are the, or maybe just say, immigration, I guess, but the economy is inflation. That's what's screwing up the economy is inflation. So, yeah, immigration and inflation. Immigration, another way of saying it is crime. And it's also welfare. So, yeah, immigration and inflation. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, seventy-one. What was the point of the big dig if bike lanes would snarl traffic worse and worse? Well, the point of the big dig was to provide a lot of money for rich people and for unions, for the Bactel family out in the Bay Area of California. But, yeah, you're right. I mean, yeah, what's the point of spending all that money to supposedly streamline traffic when they've shut traffic all down? I don't think that the people who started the big dig more than thirty years ago, thirty-five years ago, forty years ago, ever anticipated that a bunch of nuts. I'm not even going to call them hippies or blow-in drifters, but just plain nuts would take over the political structure of the Commonwealth. And again, remember, we talked about it last week, the Secretary of Transportation for Mara Healy, she wants to take the driver's licenses away from F-150 truck drivers, just because she doesn't like the fact that they drive trucks and have carbon emissions and they're ruining the planet. Yet, she lives five minutes from a commuter rail station in Shirley and she doesn't take the train. She takes her car into the city every day. So that tells you all you need to know. 71 paid $5.89 for a fish fillet the other day, $5.89 for a fish fillet. Yeah, I think the McDonald's question is great. 844-542-42 will take a lot of your calls when we come back here. And we'll play some more of the cuts from Auntie Bev, too. She was just really, really obnoxious today in court, dressing down Karen Reed and Alan Jackson. And then an hour later, she turns around and tells him, "Okay, I'm changing it. I'm changing it." And then after criticizing Karen Reed for laughing, just smiling, she suddenly begins chuckling as if she's enjoyed a Jameson and Genja back in Chambas. I was tired and I needed to think about it. We're going to have a side-back conference and then I'm going back into Chambas. Yikes, 63 years old, she is $207,000 a year. Never worked a day in her life. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. A lot of people just getting off work. We always have new people tuning in or out. And I want to play a couple of these, Auntie Bev and Alan Jackson cuts. And then we got full lines here. People want to talk about the debate. We'll take your calls. But I just want to play a couple of these cuts. And we'll do them all as we go through the remaining time on the show. Play cut one, Matt. Cut one. What is that? 22117. All right, so why are we out here? Go to the -- I just saw the verdict forms. And as we discussed yesterday, the amendments court indicated that I did not say I'd make it. I said I'd think about it. I said I was tired and I needed to think about it. I said before you were tired and you needed to think about it, because you agreed that there needs to be not guilty options for subordinate charges under count two. I said that it made sense to me. But no, I did not change it upon looking at it because the verdict slipped. This verdict slipped as submitted to the jury. Is it exactly how it always is in Massachusetts? Yeah, you don't have the option of voting not guilty in a trial when, you know, you've offended the powers that be. You know, my dear pal and former -- and the fellow Quincy native and fellow lifelong hack meet Paul Morrissey, he's going to be deeply embarrassed when the jury comes back with a not guilty verdict in the murder. So we need some kind of figly for whether it's involuntary manslaughter or driving under the influence. And how are we going to get this figly for him if the jury has the option to vote not guilty? So I hope you understand why I'm not changing it. Does that sum it up? Cut to. Ask your question. I don't really care how it always is in Massachusetts. I hear about whether or not it's appropriate. It's appropriate. It's appropriate. Let me make my argument if you were a line judge, why it's not appropriate. For a superior charge, they have to decide that she is not guilty of the superior charge, and that is the starting point of whether or not she is guilty or not guilty of any subordinate charge, often called a lesser included. Once they decide that she's not guilty of the superior charge, now there's two additional charges that they've been instructed. They must decide whether she's guilty or not guilty of. How do they decide that she's not guilty of the first subordinate charge and voluntary manslaughter? They don't. Okay. Anything else you want to say, Mr. Jackson? I told you. I'm covering for my fellow hack, Meatball Morrissey. He's been in the legislature or DA since he was 21 years old. Now he's 70. He's never had a job. Neither have I. Why? We have a lot in common, you know? Cut three. I'd like an answer from the court. How do they decide that she's not guilty of involuntary manslaughter from that person? That's their decision to make. They can vote guilty or guilty. That's their decision. They don't check the box that says guilty, do they? And then when they go to the next check, the next block, they don't check the block that says guilty. And on the top, you're left with not guilty. Okay? So it's the absence of the check mark that the court determines is the not guilty finding by the jury? Yes. That's what the verdict slip reads. It reads not guilty. If they don't check, block two, three or four, the verdict slip reads not guilty. Okay? That's how it is, Mr. Jackson. Well, apparently that's how it's going to be because of the portrait. That's not how it should be and it's over our strong rejection. Oh, man. I gotta play. I gotta keep playing these. Cut four. They need to see that there is a not guilty option for the subordinate charges. If they come back guilty on, for instance, involuntary manslaughter, that's immediately appealable. They didn't have an option on the verdict form to find her not guilty. It's almost like the court is directing the verdict of the subordinate charges. Okay. I disagree with you. Ms. G and Eddie, you've seen verdict slips exactly like this. Okay. I actually got it. Have you had no lesser included? I don't see the verdict slip there, but not guilty, not an option. Okay. I disagree with you. All right. Excuse me. This is funny, Ms. Reed. All right. We're done. All rise to the court, please. This is funny, Ms. Reed. What's she doing to smiling? She's not giving her any lip. You got to remember that because about what you're going to hear coming up here very quickly. Cut six. I deeply appreciate the court's additional clarifying language. I will simply ask for one very simple amendment, and that is at the top of the verdict slip that says the two words not guilty. We would ask the verdict slip read, not guilty of the offense charged or the offense charged or any less for an included offense. That's it. And I think that and the court's clarifying instruction would satisfy the defense. Oh, I think I know. That's all we ask. All right. All right. I can repeat that if the court wishes. So I should have said that last cut, that was an hour later. So you know, she's saying there's nothing to this. Get out of my court and then wipe that smile off your face, Ms. Reed. What's so funny? Do I amuse you? Am I funny? It's like the good fellas. But this, okay, so now listen, okay, so remember, she criticized Karen Reed, the innocent woman who's been dragged through the mud had to spend all this money, all this time lost her life because they were trying to frame her. And she criticizes her for smiling because this is so disgusting what Auntie Bev was trying to do. Now Auntie Bev is announcing that in a 180 degree turn from an hour earlier, that they are going to have to make some changes. Cut seven. So there are some like minor changes we have to make like getting not guilty to the verdict slip anyway, just, you know, the it has to be consistent. So the manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle into the influence, the tab needs to actually Tori, so there needs to be some physical changes on the verdict slip. Anyway, it needs to be indented. There needs to be a call in after guilty of offense charge. It's not complete. It doesn't have under the influence of liquor, it just says under the influence. So there are some minor changes that need to be made to the verdict slip. Does the Commonwealth oppose the suggestion made by Mr. Jackson, which seems like a reasonable one. No, yeah. It will be not guilty. So tell me again how you want it. Do you want the feeling of the offense charged or any less of an included offense? Did you hear laughing? Is this funny, Judge, Auntie Bev? Is this funny? God, in the halls of justice, the only justices in the halls, I've been talking about how bad Massachusetts judges are ever since they railroaded me into working for the world's worst radio company, in spite of the fact that there was a law prohibiting me from having to work for them. And I had to work for a company that's now owned by George Soros, where the entire company, which has 200 radio stations, is worth about $400,000 through the math, $2,000 per radio station. I had to work for that company for seven years because of a corrupt hack Massachusetts judge. I looked him up today. He's 88 years old. I hope when he passes, they'll tell me where he's going to be buried. Like the visit to cemetery with a full bladder. But I'm not better. I'm not better. 844, 500, 40, 42. Is Karen sitting in a jail cell awaiting this? No, she's not. No. I don't know who she can sue once the innocent verdict is. I don't know. That's an interesting question who she can sue. The district attorney, as corrupt as he is, probably has qualified immunity, and maybe the cops do it to a degree. But she's got to be able to go after somebody. This is such a miscarriage of justice. Mary, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mary. Hi, I'd like to see President Trump come out with a list of the names of the people who have been murdered and raped and DUI murdered by the illegals, because the left managed to set the whole country on fire over. January 6, when there was nobody killed, except by a capital police officer. And George Floyd, or as Biden called him last month, George Bush. Right, so I think these people, if he honored them by saying I'd like to bring, because the media will never do it. You know what, that's a really good suggestion, too. Lake and Riley, I think, Ruby Garcia, there was that little kid that was killed in Missouri that he was coming up on his 11th birthday, was hit by an illegal alien drunk driver. How about the guy in Florida who was killed by the illegal alien? It actually taken him in, because he was a Spanish immigrant himself. Or how about the little girl that was killed in Houston? Her family is stepped out, killed by two illegal Venezuelans, and one of whom had, they knew one of them was so dangerous that they put an ankle bracelet on them and immediately chopped it off. I just thought of another one, Mary. How about the woman from Southern Maine from, I don't know, Standish, I think it was, that was killed on the Maine turnpike by an illegal alien from Mexico who was living in a flop house here in Brighton? And I mean, that's just right off the top of my head. You're right. That's a really good suggestion, Mary. Thank you. There have been a lot of good suggestions here tonight about this. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Howie. How are you doing? So this is going to be a little bit of a rabbit hole, but I've been thinking, you know, they got to get rid of Brandon. So why not have him have a medical emergency, whether it's natural or induced during the debate, so then they have a reason to take them out and then they'll somehow spin it to this Trump's fault. What do you think about that? I think it would be difficult. I mean, I know they could try to spin it his Trump's fault just like they're going to try to spend that he won the debate last night. The stories are already written in print, I'm sure. But you know, the problem with getting rid of him, Mike, is that Kamala is going to step up and say it's my turn. And if you don't give it to me, this is racism, misogyny, and it's also rank bigotry against stupid people on top of everything else. Right? I mean, how are they going to get rid of her? How are they going to move her aside? Mike, they're going to say, oh, we want you to run for governor of California. Are you kidding me? California is a dumpster fire. You know? They have a totally wrecked the United States of America. They finished off, California is gone. You know? Right. But you know, they were able to move Bernie Sanders aside, so I wouldn't put it past him. But what a better way to get rid of him than have that happen during the debate, I mean? Yeah. Then everyone would feel sorry for him and that'd be the end of it. The other thing too is do you think Jill Biden, even if he keeled over on national TV, do you think Jill Biden would want him to step aside? I don't. I think at that point, Jill, I think at that point, Jill would step in and make the decision for him. Well, you know, we had a similar situation more than 100 years ago with Woodrow Wilson, had a stroke and you know the decision Edith Wilson made, "I'm the president." And she basically ran the country. Thanks for the call, Mike, 844-542-42. The absence of voting guilty is not guilty, but it should be a box. Judge Bev thought it was on all the forms, but it wasn't. I don't think she cared. I mean, it was pointed out to her very, rather politely. I mean, it was pointed out to her yesterday and Alan Jackson said, "Can you come back? You said you were going to do something. You didn't do it." I mean, I don't think he showed her, showed any lack of respect for her. This was to be kind and oversight. And she got angry when he asked her to correct the oversight. And it's not like it was, you know, "Can you move it? Can you get over? So, you know, dent my car when you open the door." I mean, his client is looking at potentially 20 years in prison, life in prison, 844-542-42. From how we car, the how we car show will be right back. He's how we car and he's back. Let's believe this song is called Tuskalooza, 1962. It's a great song. Laurie, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Laurie. Hey, Howie. I love your show. Thank you so much for all you do. Thank you. Thanks for listening. Okay. I just wanted to comment, just picture in your head Joe Biden behaving like you did for the state of the union with those, like he's on something with his mad, angry eyes and yelling and Trump just in a nice, cool, calm demeanor. Right. Talking to everybody. And, you know, I love McDonald's idea. Just reach the people and just stay comical. And, and Biden will look like a nut. Well, he is, but he'll look like one. Yeah. And, you know, and Biden is not going to be able to remember more than two or three specific things to say, like convicted felon. I mean, I would, he surprised if he wrote it on his hand, convicted felon, like, you know, like the used to write on the exam. I just, I don't know, I think, I think Trump understands it though, really. I was, I was not confident that he did, he did understand that, that he should probably be better. And who am I to give him advice? I mean, he's, he won the presidency in his first race for office. I mean, no one's ever done that. I don't think except for maybe George Washington, but that was a different situation, obviously. And so, so I'm not, I'm no, no one should give him advice. I mean, he shouldn't have to worry about anyone else's advice. He's got the best instincts there, there are. But I think he, I think he understands that he's got to be calm and cool. Thanks for the call, Larry. Larry, Steve, you're next with how we car go ahead, Steve. Howie, the worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent. And I think what Biden's team is going to do is just stay calm and try to get Trump to go list his grievances, like the 2020 election. He's going to, I know that's what they're saying, they're trying to trigger, they're, they're, that's, that, that story's out in the, in the press that they're trying, they're going to try to trigger him, but he's got a, he's, he can't take the bait. It's like an effing with a prize fighter and they make, they want you to, they want you to respond. And then they come, you come in with the uppercut and take them out, right? Well, that's true, but Trump is not known for his self discipline. But he's also not known for being stupid. And, and again, he's, he's obvious read the, read the story with Byron York. I mean, he's, he's obviously fought this thing through. I will, will he be able to restrain his emotions? I don't know. That's, that's why it's going to be a, an interesting, an interesting evening. But that's what, that's what it's going to come down to. Can, can, can Joe Biden remain upright and in, can Donald Trump restrain his, his natural anger for, for what, what happened to him? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, back with jury deliberations tomorrow, starting around nine and the debate at nine o'clock, twelve hours later. See you then. I'm Howie Carr. in. You