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Turtleboy talks Tired Auntie Bev and Fed Involvement?! | 6.26.25 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Another day down, and still no verdict from the Karen Read jury. Tune in as Turtleboy recaps his day in Dedham for Howie and the listeners.

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26 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. "Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show." "We will never stand for the killing and bombing of children in the Bronx or Mount Vernon or Yorkers." "Was it over when the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" "German? Forget it, he's rolling." "Damn, I'm in a zone up here. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios." "I just saw the perfect forms and as we discussed yesterday, the amendments..." "Okay, I did not say I'd make it. I said I'd think about it. I said I was tired and I needed to think about it." "I don't feel no ways tired." "The safety and security of the American public is indeed our highest priority." "More than 50 migrants with potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in America." "We screen-invent individuals when we encounter them." "Because there was no information suggesting terror ties at the time." "Oh, Spaghetti! Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's..." "Howie Car!" Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-844-500-4242-442-442. Boy, George Mendoza really brought in a great spread this week. Really good. I know that because there's only one VIP has returned. The rest of him are chowing down, but he always brings plenty of food too. Anyway, 844-542-442, we were hoping to have Mark Bedoroe on. We may have him on later in the show, but he's been in court. He has a living to make, so he couldn't come on the show at 407. We'll be talking to Turtle Boy later on. Mark Bedoroe is a New York attorney. I think he's originally from Framingham. He's a kaloon guy. He loves kaloon. He's been on a lot of these streaming shows about lawyers. He's very, very good. This morning, I just tweeted out that I was looking for more information about what's going on with Norfolk County and the FBI investigation that's going on. I get back some interesting responses. I heard from people that I've known for a long time who are into the law enforcement scene, the straight law enforcement scene, not the Norfolk County law enforcement scene. But Mark sent me back a response too about what was going on, and I thought this was really a good point. The critical question is why did Norfolk County DA proceed when presented with federal accident reconstruction report? These are the guys that testified for the defense on Monday, the two guys who said there couldn't be an accident. That's why I'm perplexed that they're out this long, because if there wasn't an accident, if there was not an accident, if John O'Keefe was not struck by a vehicle, then it can't be murder, can it? It can't be murder with the, they're saying she murdered him with the car, the SUV. But the experts are saying he wasn't hit by a car. And Bettero continued. They knew at that point, Karen Reed did not, did not cause J.O.'s death with the SUV. And they knew it would be impossible to convict question why they went forward. Therein lies the key to unlocking these scandals. Yeah. I think that's it. I mean, who, who were, I guess the question is who were they trying to protect by framing Karen Reed? That's what it boils down to. Anyway, if we, if we get him, we'll, we'll talk to him later and then we'll talk to Turtle Boy. They're out for the, they're out for the afternoon. We knew they weren't going to go beyond four o'clock. So it, it, it continues tomorrow, the jury deliberations. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. This is, I just want to read something to you before we go back to the, before we go back to our phone lines. The, the, the, the senator that you, that you see most often on TV from Tennessee is Marcia Blackbird. And she's pretty good. She's always on Trump. She's the one who asked the question of, of Kitanji Brown Jackson. Can you define a woman? A memorable moment. But there's another senator from Tennessee, Bill Hagerty. And he's got a great piece today in the, in the Wall Street Journal. And he made a, made a really good point. Trump is now the candidacy of normalcy. And you know, that was, that was what Warren G. Harding said in, in 1920 when he was running for president. He said it was his, his presidency would be a return to normalcy. And Joe Biden never used that phrase, Senator Hagerty, but, but it was the basis of his presidential candidacy. Four years later, the tables are turned. Donald Trump is the candidate of normalcy. Mr. Biden has called Mr. Trump an aspiring dictator. Yet when the Supreme Court struck down Mr. Biden's attempt to cancel student loans at taxpayer expense, Mr. Biden issued a similar order and proclaimed the Supreme Court blocked it, but that didn't stop me. He also refuses to follow our immigration laws and has tried to impose an unlawful COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Mr. Biden, Brandon has also caused chaos through sheer incompetence. In 2019, he called Mr. Trump dangerously incompetent and capable of world leadership and leadership at home. Mr. Biden's immediate dismantling of the Trump border policies using 94 executive actions unleashed a record shattering illegal, illegal immigration crisis. He commanded a historically embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan. His blunders killed 13 American troops, left 9,000 Americans behind, and handed the country in billions of dollars worth of American weaponry to the Taliban and ISIS. Has any part of the world gotten better under his watch? Don't forget the economy. When Mr. Biden took office, inflation was 1.4%. After his multi-trillion-dollar partisan spending sprees, it surged to 9% the highest in four decades. Under his watch, prices are up 20%, 22% for food, 41% for energy. Real wages are now 4%. Mr. Biden has done an impressive job of imitating his four-year-old caricature of Mr. Trump. As we approach the first debate, Americans who actually want to return to normalcy should remember what we've learned the last four years as Mr. Biden tries to persuade Americans to give him four more. I think that sums it up, I think. 844, 500, 42, 42. Meanwhile, I think Trump is ready to lay back a little bit. It was Glenn Beck who said that what Trump should do is just ignore Biden and talk about what's happened. The thing about one of the earlier callers was saying, he should ask Jake Tapper to apologize for promoting the Russian collusion hoax. There's the old line in Hollywood. I use it all the time. Self-pity is not good box office. I understand. He's angry about it. I'm angry about it. We're all angry about it. There's still a small group of people in the middle and you want to convince them, and you want to convince the people who don't like Trump but are reeling under all these catastrophes that have been authored by Brandon's caregivers. You've got to convince them. The best way to do it is to make them recall that things weren't that bad when things were great when he was president. Byron York had an interview with him. That I said to Trump, a lot of people thought in the first debate with Biden that you were somewhat over-amp, that you went after him too much, that I interrupted him. I said, this is Byron York. Do you agree with that? He lies so much. He's going on. Everything he says is a lie. I would call him because calling him out two minutes later is very tough because you know it's a lie. Everything is a lie. I've never seen anything like it. When I would interrupt, it looked like, I agree though, the second debate I handled it much differently and got very good marks. I was very aggressive in the first one. The second one, I was different and I got great marks on the second one. Then he says that they thought they would trap him by putting it on CNN and having the Democrat anchors silencing, Democrat operatives running the mics, no audience letting him sit down, having commercial breaks so they can jack him up again or whatever. Trump asked if I was surprised with that Biden is debating. I said, no, I wasn't. I don't think either one of you could have said no when the other one said yes. No, Trump agreed. I couldn't have said no. He's talking about how you have to doing prep for debate. It's very hard to prepare, he said. You've got to know this stuff from years of doing it. I know all the leaders and I know what I know. It's largely based on common sense. Common sense is not to allow people to come into the country by the millions if you have no idea where they're from. I don't know. I think debating is an attitude more than anything else. I don't fear debates. I did the right thing with the Republicans because I was leading by 75 points. I mean, how do you go out and debate guys when you're leading by 75 points? How do you have Asa Hutchinson at zero screaming at you and you're up by 75 points? Why would you subject yourself to that? So it sounds like he's in a good place that he's that he has thought things through. 844, 542, 42. We'll take your calls in just a moment. Experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use my pillows, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right, just $25 per item during my pillows, $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25 and making it stay be the premium my pillows with all new Giza fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-685-4965 or go to and use promo code howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code howie. Elevate your comfort with the mypillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code howie. I'm Howie Carp. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. 844-542-4132-413. Limerick Guy says if Trump is there to debate plugs, he just has to ignore fake Tapper and that other comedy dupe. He called her a dope. I think dupe is better. I agree. 508, never complain, never explain that old political slogan. The people who want to believe fake Tappers B.S. will believe it, the ones who don't want, exactly, exactly. The guy in the Wall Street Journal said one of a Clinton economic guy, the economy is good. Why don't people know it? And then the pullout quote is, one is tempted to blame partisanship and that's part of it. The partisanship of those damn gas pumps, those supermarket checkout counters, they're convincing people they have to pay more money. Damn it, those Republicans, those MAGA cash registers and gas pumps. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. Now you can get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity. Get 15% off plus free shipping at That's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Donald Trump do you want to see at the debate tomorrow? Vintage Donald Trump, fire in brimstone, laid back Trump, let Biden babble or a mix of both depending on how bad the three-on-one debate format goes. I'm going to say laid back Trump. That's what I want. 29% of the audience now agrees with you on laid back Trump. Really? It hasn't changed. 64 still want a mix of both and 7% won vintage Trump. All right, 844-500-40. Maybe on the way out, you know, when they say thank you, Mr. President for Tapper says that and thank you, fake. 844, thank you, fake, for living down to my expectations. You shameless hack. 844-500-978. I just paid a $308 or electric bill. That damn Donald Trump. Is there anything you can't do? Everybody's always blaming me for everything. Nick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nick. OK, I saw that admonition of Karen Reeve by the judge. And you know what it's about till I saw Jackson stand up on a replay and said, I've never seen that. And then Unity, she says, and he says, I feel the same way. She hit an incredible liar. Oh, she's incredibly stupid. I'm going to barely double on that one at two to one. Yeah, that's what I would say, too. It's a former D.E. in Massachusetts, no less, and a trial lawyer in Massachusetts. You know, it's damn well with that scrap. Who the hell is she thinks she's kidding? She has seriously flubbed up the office of Chezna and the poor woman they got murdered. She's on her eighth year on that one, and she's taken her, what, a four month so far to do a sentencing. She's going to August, skip in July. She's no good. She's probably going to get- Well, he's a member. The guy who killed Chezna in the old lady, Officer Chezna from Weymouth, and the old lady is a member of her protected class. So that's the problem there. But you're right. I mean, what's the problem now? He killed two people in cold blood, that guy. And she won't do anything. She's a hack neck. 207,000 bucks a year. Although Grace just posted some of that audio and video. The body cam and police cam video of that judge in Atlanta, Christina Peterson. Did you see her? She got in a fight at a bar at like three in the morning, and then they threw in jail and she said, "The last time somebody did this to me, he died within 30 days." It's all there. You can check it out. And I don't even think it's her mammary show, we say, her exposed memory is not even blocked out on the video. Check it out at Grace just posted it. 413, I just bought gas in Deerfield. It was 327 two days ago, and I just paid 335. Glad to hear that inflation is down. You haven't heard nothing yet. Where do you hear tomorrow? It'll be nothing but that. Whatever Biden speaks from 9 to 10.30. He'll be talking about nothing else. And then at 10.31, all the stories will appear instantaneously. Joe Biden was statesman-like and trichelian in his mastery of the details. He spoke of how difficult it had been to handle, you know, the thing when he took over from Donald Trump, the evil Donald Trump, who was stammering and stuttering. And he's a convicted felon, by the way. 844-542-42. Dr. Luke, you're next with Howick Our. Go ahead, Dr. Luke. How you doing, Howick? Good. I got to tell you, this is, again, probably the most important election that we're ever going to have until the next one, because these people are crazier and crazier. I hope people remember all the good things that President Trump brought us, you know, affordable things, gasoline, food, very low inflation, and safety around the world. That's a big thing. That's a very big thing that people are. We have so many things coming at us. I don't know if we can focus on what's the next point of Senator, that's the whole point of Senator Hagerty's piece in the Wall Street Journal. Trump is now the candidacy of normalcy. We just want to be left alone. We want to go back to where we were, where we had peace and prosperity. I mean, that's all you can ask from a government, right? Peace and prosperity. I definitely agree. I wonder who are these people voting for Biden? There's nothing good that everything he has touched or brought to the table has harmed my family in one way or another. Right. Yeah, no, I can't think of a single good thing he's done. You know, he's claims, oh, we've got all these infrastructure projects. They've done nothing. They've done nothing. They've got, for $7 billion, they've got seven electric charging stations. They've added no high speed to enter that anywhere. Are your roads better? Maybe more bicycle lanes, but you know, we talked about that earlier on Howie Car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542. If you would like to join us, that is the number. The jury deliberated today until shortly after three o'clock. One of the jury jurors had to leave, had a prior commitment. It was scheduled to break up the deliberations at four o'clock. So they got out a little early. So they're back in and this, so tomorrow they'll be in their third day. I guess it'll be about nine hours so far or something like that. It seems like a long time considering the preponderance of the evidence. But joining us now to talk about the situation in datum as the jury deliberations continue is Aiden Carney, aka Turtleboy. And Turtleboy, that was, are you starting to get a little nervous about this? No, no, not even in the least, but nervous. I mean, it's a matter of when not if this jury comes back with a not guilty verdict because it takes 12. It takes 12 people to say guilty. That ain't gonna happen. It's a miracle if you could find one. And we don't know that they found one. And for all we know, this jury could just say, could just be saying, well, let's fall because her instructions were, don't rush it and go over all the evidence. So maybe they're going through all the evidence, you know, bit by bit. And they're just being like, well, okay, we need to make sure that this is 100% not guilty and just do it by the book. I mean, that's one, oh, this is just, oh, hold on, oh, this is one person. And it's their job. He's fallen to Henry Fonda. It's everyone else's job to convince them that, you know, wake up, bozo. Here's all the facts. Like, let's go over this. All the facts are on this side. Now, what, tell us about what happened today. This, this was rather, rather instructive of justice J.U.S.T. dash U.S. Justice in Norfolk County. It's, it's just amazing what, what happened. Tell us, so, so Jackson asked to speak to the judge and they were in open court without the jury, obviously. And then, then pick up the narrative from there, turtle boy. Well, there was some sort of form that the jurors get. And on one of the charges, I think it was the third lesser charge. And the form has four boxes on it. You can vote, like the first two forms murder has guilty or not guilty. It's real simple. You check one of those. Right. The third one had guilty, all right, I apologize, it had not guilty. And then the guilty of something and then guilt or guilty of this or guilty of this. And the two other ones, they didn't have a not guilty. It was kind of confusing to jurors. It was like an a la carte, like pick which one you like. Would you like to say, you know, would you like to do guilty for this one? How about guilty for this one? And it was just kind of unclear. So Jackson brought that up and he said, this is unclear to the jurors what's gonna happen. And she said, now, this is not, I know you're from California. That's not how things work around here. Ask Mr. United. This is standard around here. And David said, no, I've actually never seen this either, your honor. And she said, well, I disagree with you. So I'm actually disagree with his real world life experiences. Because that makes sense. And then I guess Karen Reed was smiling when happened. And there's no smiling allowed in the courtroom. That's a new rule. And she said, something funny about this. Yeah, let's we've got that cut. Let's listen to that cut. It's just, it's so snippy. And she said she was tired, tired. She makes 207,000 a year for a 35 hour week, a 35 week year, I should say. And weeks include those like two days, two and a half days that we've been seeing. It's just, it's just the, and she's never had a real job. She's never had a job in private practice, probably never had a job washing dishes or waiting tables cut for. They need to see that there is a not guilty option for the subordinate charges. If they come back guilty on for instance, involuntary manslaughter, that's immediately appealable. They didn't have an option on the verdict form to find her not guilty. It's almost like the court is directing the verdict of the subordinate charges. Okay, I disagree with you. Miss G and Eddie, you've seen verdict slips exactly like this. Okay, I actually got it. If you had no lesser included. I disagree with you. All right, excuse me. This is funny, Miss Reed. All right, we're done. All rise to the court, please. Funny, peculiar, not funny, ha ha. Right? You know, I'm professional at that. It's like, it's like, yeah, you're sitting there smiling, like, she's sitting there. It's like, why are you even recognizing the defendant's facial reaction? The defendant can make whatever facial reactions she wants to. And no, it's not funny, Auntie Boude. It's actually pretty horrible what's happening right now. What she's laughing at is the absurdity of it all. Like, this is ridiculous. I mean, it's just like, what else? What else are you going to throw at me? You know, what? Oh, yes, shocking. Another court screw here. Didn't see this one coming. How about the jury shenanigans, howie? So, I've been in that courtroom. This is a little triangle that exists in the jury. Juror number three sits in the third seat from the left. She was the most obvious pro-parent juror on there, right? Just disgusted by Proctor, and not impressed by Joe Paul laughing at him. And she would turn around and have conversations with juror 12 and juror 13 during the breaks, you know, that makes small talk, whatever. It seems to be friendly. And juror 12 would also show facial reactions, right? I mean, yesterday, juror three gets dismissed. We don't know why. Nobody says. And then that went out of 14. And they do a lottery to determine which two jurors are going to be out. And it's juror 12 and juror 13. So, like, to the whole, like, the three people who are probably most, if you were just to look at them and say those are the three most likely back guilty votes, all eliminated. I mean, what are the odds of that? In Norfolk County? Prohibitive, I guess. Yeah. It's, you know, and then, so then she said, we're done, right? Okay, we're done. So an hour later, anti-bev comes back, right? So let's play that cut. Cut seven. So there are some, like, minor changes we have to make to the verdict slip anyway. Just, you know, the, it has to be consistent. So the manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle into the influence, the tab needs to actually Tori. So there needs to be some physical challenges on the verdict slip. Anyway, it needs to be indented. There needs to be a colon after guilty of a fence charge. It's not complete. It doesn't have under the influence of liquor. It just says under the influence. So there are some minor changes that need to be made to the verdict slip. Does the Commonwealth oppose the suggestion made by Mr. Jackson, which seems like a reasonable one? No, yeah. All right. So it will be not guilty. So tell me again how you want it. Do you want the ability of the offense charged or any less included offense? So she was growing, an hour earlier, she was groaning when he was making the pitch and then she said these are very reasonable. And she's laughing after criticizing the defendant for laughing. I know. She was just like, she must have realized that she made a big mistake and the judges don't like to be overruled in appeals court. And I think she realized she made a big error there. So she would probably go back and tell them that you were right the whole time. And I was like, there was no sorry, like, sorry for being rude to you. And your client was actually right to smile because I'm an idiot. But yeah, there was nothing like that that happened. So I don't know. It's I don't know what they're talking about in there. After the archa experts, it's like, come on, this is open and shut guys. So hopefully tomorrow is the day. You know, I said today was going to be the day. But hopefully tomorrow is the day. We'll see what happens. So I was tired and I needed to think about it. She was tired. I mean, give me a break. Well, then they, well, there wasn't the only interest. I mean, this like a thousand people outside, right? It's just ready to explode ready to go just waiting on every word. And these people go nuts every time there's any sort of like movement. Like, right. And so when they were called into the courtroom today at around like 11 30, a juror had a question. So that was like the big event of the day was when a juror had a question. And it was a good question. They wanted the cert team report. The cert team is the oh, Harris team that came and searched the scene at six o'clock that night, the 12 hours after John's body was discovered and after eating into the snow had fallen and they wanted the cert report. And I just told them, well, there is no report. They just, I guess you, you people assume these people have reports and take notes and video. What are you? You're new here. You missed the whole trial. So they left empty handed. And I think that's a positive sign, because it's just going to go to a couple things. Number one, it's another example of police ineptitude. Number two, reasonable doubt. Like, okay. And number three, that means they're talking about plant tailing, because why else would they want that report? They want to know who was there, right? What time they got there, because the whole defense claim is these people planted tailing. Right. Because that's what the, well, Titan cop, Barros said that the tail light was in, it was cracked, but that was all it was when when it left, it left her parents home and Titan. And then suddenly it became smashed into a million. What are the two other charges against her? By the way, people are asking that. I think I know, but go ahead and tell us. It's like, under the influence and leaving a scene, I want to say, under the influence, bodily harm, I'm pretty sure. But either way, you can't, both of the all three of them, if they determine if she didn't hit him with the car, you can't convict that any of them. Now, this cert report, this is by the guy O'Hara, right? Is he, yeah, and he's, there is no report, but there is no report. This is the, this is the guy who was, who lost days in 2014 for drug and alcohol issues. That's right. That's right. That's right. Yeah. He was the one that was like directed by Tolly, like, hey, look over there. There might be some tail light. So maybe they wanted that the fact that they're looking for stuff like that means to me, it's a positive sign that like they know that shenanigans are afoot and they kind of want to see it themselves. And then they go to ask for it. It just doesn't exist. I'm really hoping tomorrow they get this over with. Yeah, I am too. I think we all are. So, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm still interested in this, you know, this federal investigation turtle boy. I heard today from someone who's in, who's, who's pretty well informed that they not only have the FBI involved in this, this parallel investigation as Sean McDonough calls it, but they also have the US marshals involved. And those guys are really good. They're the ones who after the FBI couldn't find Whitey for close to 20 years. They brought them in and they had them in within six months. So have you heard that that the US marshals are involved in this, this federal investigation? I have not heard that. I've heard rumblings. It's not good news. I've heard that this federal investigation that they just can't put John in the house. And until they could put John inside that house, it's going to be really hard to prove that he was murdered. I mean, they, they cleaned the crime. They had an 18 month head start. You know, they were able to clean the house, get rid of the house. If does anybody knows how to cover up a murder? It's a murder cop like Brian Albert. And the other thing too is, you know, they think the speculation is the body was dragged out through the bulkhead. And the bulkhead has been replaced too, in addition to the floor, in addition to the pool, in addition to the dog being rehomed quote unquote, every, all the, all the evidence is gone. It's a, it's really a cold case, isn't it now? Yeah. I mean, it's literally, if you're going to murder somebody and you want to get away with it, it's good to have a guy like Brian Albert on your side who's done murders his whole life and knows exactly what police need to find and what they can't find. Do we have any better speculation on why he and Colin and Jen McTooth showed up yesterday? I just don't, I don't understand that. I think the occasion invited them. I think the occasion invited them because they wanted to send the message to the jury that, you know, all that stuff you heard, we don't believe any of that. And we're so brazen about it. We're going to bring these people with you just to show how much we don't believe any of that. Boy, that's good. You could have brought any Albert. They brought Colin, they brought up the kid, you know, like, well, you're not going to be in Chris or somebody like that. And you're going to bring an actual adult. You're going to call an Albert who doesn't even know what the hell's going on. And he just stuff and has no idea how lucky he is and how protected he is. I mean, actually, he's done his rocks. We're here and testified in front of it. You heard him testify. The kid, the two sent two words out. He had every word explained to him. I don't think he understands the severity of any of this. They made him come. They probably gave him a free lunch at the end of the day out of it. And Colin said, okay, I'll do it. That was the by design. They brought the three most controversial with Albert. Well, well, he was bad enough on Sunday night during the white trash riot against you and Ken that is at the when he said he sees you and he goes, I'm calling the police. I mean, that's that sums up the whole situation. Ken doesn't it? That this bug. I think it's safe to call him a thug. He's I'm calling the police and you hadn't done anything to him. It was like you were, you know, menacing him with a sledgehammer or a machete. I walked by and I took a selfie. I saw him. He noticed me first. I took a selfie. He's dressed like he's like on the North Pole. And yeah, then immediately it's like he calls the police because the police work for him. That these people are so used to this, the police are like their personal toy that they can use to just put people they don't like in jail. One last question about the federal investigation. Do you think they flipped Brian Higgins or is he just trying to ride this one out even though he's probably going to lose his job? I think he's trying to ride it out. I don't think there's flipped him too. I mean, I think if he said anything incriminating about the people in that house, then there would be a respite now. You know, he's an eyewitness. Yeah, well, they have they have the details because they were negotiating with him for a proffer. So they they know what he said, but they I guess they haven't cut the deal with him and they got to they're gonna have to put the heat on him to cut the cut the deal. But I mean, has anyone seen him with the any of the McAlberts or is he still just giving him? Oh, he goes to them. He goes to them. Remember, like, Kevin Alber was texting them saying, Hey, what's going on? Everything. Okay. They're real worried about him. I think he's just concerned about himself and not going to jail. And he thinks he knows that associating with the McAlberts at this point is kind of ill advised to put it mildly. Okay, turtle boy, where can people check your stuff out at Dr. Turtle Boy on Twitter or turtle boy live on YouTube or keep the feeling All right. Thank you, Turtle Boy. We appreciate it. Talk to you tomorrow. That's Aidan Carney. He's doing a great job covering the trial for his for his website and his blog and his YouTube series. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds, even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces and puker eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry friends with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden pure even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code Howie3. That's discount code Howie3. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonder Pug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh wow. Read his latest at I'll be car is back. Hey, four four five hundred forty two forty two. I guess a turtle boy was at the Kent board of selectmen last night. They were voting on a new a new one year extension or a three year something like that for the police chief, Helena Rafferty, who's a little on the dodgy side herself, you know, she took over for Berkey and she's the one who works all the details at Foxboro. She was at the she was she had never heard of a police chief working details, you know. She was at the she got four hours in for the Tom Brady event the couple three weeks ago. I mean and and she had this weird auto accident, you know, when she was in the police vehicle and she didn't run away like like some of those guys do in Canton or otherwise, but she it was it was under mysterious circumstances. And so they they were trying to stop her from getting another year or three years and they couldn't do it. But he turtle boy showed up and he was holding a sign that said Jill Daniels touched me. She did. It's right there on video. And I guess a lucky law for his brother, who's the chairman of the board of selectman in Canton. He he congratulated his brother on it as well he should have for for for testifying truthfully at the, you know, against going against the McAlberts 844 542 42 and you know, someone said that that verdict slip, you know, when as it's described, it looks like a it looks like a ranked choice voting ballot, you know. So you can you can take that ballot and you can mark it whichever way you want, but it's going to come back with a verdict for the deep state. I think that's a very good comparison. I'm how we car.