The Howie Carr Radio Network

Bad Day for Jamaal Bowman | 6.26.25 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

It's a great day for New Yorkers, the American people, and fire alarms. Why is that? Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a newer member of the squad, will bite the dust politically after a devastating loss in the Democrat primary last night.

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26 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We will never stand for the killing and bombing of children in the books, or Mount Vernon, or Yonkers. Was it over with the Chairman's Bomb Pearl Harbor? Hell no! Chairman, forget it, he's rolling. Damn, I'm in the zone up here! Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I just saw the perfect forms, and as we discussed yesterday, the amendments... Okay, I did not say I'd make it. I said I'd think about it. I said I was tired, and I needed to think about it. I don't feel no ways tired. The safety and security of the American public is indeed our highest priority. More than 50 migrants with potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in America. We screen-invent individuals when we encounter them. Because there was no information suggesting terror ties at the time. Uh-oh! Spaghetti-oh! From swabs, hacks, and moon-bats beware, it's... Howie Car... 8-4-4-542-42. Welcome to the Howie Car Show, as we have a jury verdict watch, day two, and we'll be checking in with various people as the day continues. Already some fireworks just heard some of it in the intro. And we have the debate coming up tomorrow night, and I, you know, got some good news with an interview, with Byron York, with President Trump down at Mar-a-Lago a couple of days ago, and they printed it today. And Donald Trump seems to understand that he's got to be a little more laid-back. I mean, I'll read you the whole thing as the day goes on. But, you know, he says, you know, maybe I was a little too animated in the first debate in 2020. But it's tough when every word of the guy's mouth is a lie. And you could certainly understand that, you know? But sometimes it is... It's just better to let someone hang themselves, you know? I mean, Grace's ancestor, James Michael Curly, once tried to defend himself on mail fraud charges, insisted on speaking to the grand jury. This was night, this was way back, 1945. And as soon as the grand jury heard him speak after two and an hour and a half or so, he walked out of the room and they took an immediate poll and indicted him, you know? I mean, just let Biden be brand. That's what I say. We'll talk more about this, too, as the hours go by. You know, though, I have to start with this good news. This was a happy day. We knew it was coming because of all the polls, but Jamal Bowman will not be down for breakfast in a political sense. And you know what? It might do him good to pass for the next 500 or so breakfasts. And maybe head to the salad bar for lunch, too, given his girth. It appears that he ingested a bad ice cube before he took to the stage last night to sort of concede his crushing defeat at the hands of a white man. Oh, was he angry? You know, when I first saw the poll showing it was far behind, you know what? You know what? I said this poll is a false alarm. Got it? False alarm? Fire alarm? But it wasn't. It wasn't. He got beaten like a rented mule across the entire district, except for maybe a few rotten burrow precincts in the Bronx. But there's so many great cuts here. I just want to play a few of them. But let's start out with the one where you knew that things are bad. Street crime is bad in New York, right? We all know that. Even the network, ABC picks up on it. There's horrible stories in the New York Post every day. You didn't know how bad it was, though. Even it's the war has spread to Westchester County, too. You know, that's a lot of rich people live in Westchester. That's where the Clintons have their spot. Listen to what's going on, though, in Westchester County. Cut one. We will never stand for the bombing and killing of babies in Gaza. We will never stand for the killing and bombing of children in the Bronx or Mount Vernon or records. Yikes. You know, when I went to college, the SDS used to have this slogan, and they would always say it, you know, when they were doing these big riots and bombing buildings on campuses, they'd say, "We're bringing the war back home." We're bringing the war back home, where it ought to be. We're bringing the war back home, where it ought to be. We're bringing the war back home, where it ought to be. We're bringing the war back home with Jamal Bowman. My goodness. We got a couple of VIPs here from New York State. Have there been any drone strikes in your part of the Empire? No. They haven't seen it. Thank goodness. Thank goodness. It's coming your way. They're moving north from the Bronx to Westchester County. They'll be in Utica next. 844-542-42. Here he's offering out an olive branch. Cut four. I love my Asian neighbors. I love my Latino neighbors. I love my Irish, my Italian, my Albanian, my Jewish neighbors. I love my Muslim neighbors. We love our Christian neighbors, our Buddhist neighbors. We love everyone who stands for humanity. Except Jews in southern Israel on October 7th. They can be beheaded. That's okay. The problem, Jamal, is that none of your neighbors of various ethnic groups really loved you if you can judge by the election returns last night. He's really in the groove. He's got a good buzz on. He's really going at it. Somebody heckles him from the cheap seats. Cut five. So, I'm speaking way longer than I expected, but I want to say a couple more things. Number one. It's coming. Why are you messing up? Why are you messing up? Damn, I'm in a zone up here. Before I get to that. The Twilight Zone. You're in your cut off zone, Jamal. Okay. Again, he kept channeling the late '60s, early '70s. Cut nine. Put your hands in the air if you stand for humanity. Put your hands in the air if you stand for justice. Put your hands in the air if you stand for equality. Now make a fist if you will continue to fight for justice, freedom, inequality. Pop your fist like this. I'm pumping. I'm putting my hands on the radio. Brother Bowman. You know, he was channeling, though. As he was saying that, I was thinking about another great song from the '70s, from John Lennon. Power to the people. Power to the people. Power to the people. Power to the people right on. One of the textors says, forget about Mount Vernon and Yonkers. It was Bowman who got bombed last night. He did. How many Jameson and Ginger did he have last night before? And you know what? He put on. Jameson and Ginger. He put on his best t-shirt before he went out there to not concede. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. And remember he went crazy the other day and he was with AOC and Bernie Sanders and he started swearing and screaming and yelling and talking about bleeping APEC and all that. Cut 10. I want to make an apology, public apology, for, you know, sometimes using foul language. I'm sorry. Yeah, right. But, but, I think it is not, how do I want to say this? We should not be well adjusted to a sick society. Any society that can elect this guy to Congress is pretty damn sick. Even allowing him to be the principal of a middle school. Let me be even sicker when you think about it. And to, you know, you pull a fire alarm. That's an insurrection. Or as Jake Tapper and Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden would say, that's an erection. Fire alarm? I am the fire alarm. It was, you got to miss the meaner account. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two nine seven eight. No verdict on Karen Reed yet? No, I've been tied up all day. We'll let you know as soon as it happens. At 508, he definitely got a bad ice cube. That could have been our poll question. Did he get a bet? Yeah, it would be, I think it would have been about 90 to 10. We don't need that to be the poll question. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. We will take your calls in just a moment. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr show from anywhere. Yeah, what sauce or is this? Go to and click listen. To start streaming Howie live in crystal clear, high definition. I'm whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. He's Howie Carr and he's back. It's coming. Why are you messing up? Why are you messing up? Oh, lemry guy, the people at Bowman's so called speech may not have gotten bomb, but they certainly got droned off. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I will say, you know, there's droning and there's droning. That's a more amusing droning than you got, than you got from Adam Lally all those weeks in the Karen Reed trial. But ultimately it was pretty, pretty obnoxious. 781, Jamal took a shot for every point that he lost by. I think he was 16 deep when he took the stages. Yeah. Oh boy. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. Now you get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi point connectivity. Get 15% off plus free shipping at by That's by Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Donald Trump do you want to see at the debate tomorrow? Vintage Donald Trump, fire in brimstone, laid back Trump, let Biden babble, or a mix of both depending on how bad the three on one debate format goes. I want him to let Biden babble, lay off, rope a dope, whatever you want to call it. 29% of the audience says laid back Trump, let Biden babble, 63% want a mix of both depending on how bad the three on one debate format goes and only 7% want vintage Trump. This story that he did, this interview he did with Byron York, he called him "fake tapper" throughout. That's which is really good. Fake tapper. Very fake tapper. And fake tapper may be even less of a democrat shell than Dana Bash, whose ex-husband is one of the 51 signatories of the Russian disinformation Hunter Biden laptop hoax letter. All right, Tom, you're next with howiecar, go ahead, Tom. Hey, Howie, down here in West Virginia, and I just tuned into the program. I haven't watched any news today or anything. And I just heard you announce that Jamal Bowman lost his primary to another Democrat. A white man. Does the white man happen to be Jewish? You know, you know what, Tom, I just looked that up and it doesn't say in his Wikipedia whether he's Jewish or not. I wanted to mention that just to kind of rub it in. But it said he was born to Stanley and Loretta knee minor Latimer. He went to Fordham. So I don't know. I don't know if he is or not. Yeah, no, because I'll tell you something. I pray to God that progressive Jews in this country start waking up that these so-called progressives are not their friends. And if you've seen what the amount of anti-Semitism that has happened on college, well, they lecture a Jew on that. Well, look at that. Look at what happened in L.A. I mean, they knew what was going to happen and they just stood down and let this basically a pogrom, an American version of a pogrom go on. I know. I heard about that on the news and that is just astounding. And you know, for Biden not to come out with the federal saying we're going to prosecute to the fullest extent on hate crimes. That's going to tell you everything about this administration. You know, God forbid had that been reversed, you had some skinheads attacking some black people attending church, you know, that would have been a national press conference as it should be, as it should be, you know, I agree, I agree, Tom 844-542-4617, what are the chances we can vote out, Presley? None. Zero. You know, it's Presley represents Boston and Cambridge. She's got too big of a wack-o base. I mean, Latimer had a lot of middle-class people. I mean, you know, they got sort of the inner city for Presley and then you got the upper cross, the Brattle Street crowd around Harvard Square. It's the fake Indians congressional district. Rick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rick. Hey, Howie. How are you doing? Good. I want to talk about the debate. It's time for us to go on the defensive. Trump needs to have Tapper apologize for pushing the Russia collusion coup, all right? Yeah, but that would be vintage Trump to say that though, Rick. I mean, people I think want to move on from that. I mean, it really bugs the hell out of you and me and Trump and, you know, but that's the hard core of people who are going to vote for in many ways. Most people in this country still think Trump colluded with Russia. I would not disagree, maybe not most, but a huge number, maybe a plurality. But you know, the thing is, are you going to change their minds by jumping ugly with fake Tapper? I mean, isn't it better to just let Biden, you know, go on and on talking about 60 zillion dollars and getting everybody's names wrong and mixing up countries, talking about dead people? Isn't that a better way to win over people that maybe, you know, didn't like Trump that much but are now now reeling under the catastrophe, catastrophes of the Biden administration? That's a good way of doing it. But you also have to, the first step is to admit that you've been lied to. If we can get them just to admit they've been lied to, maybe all the rest of it will come along. Mark Twain, who said one of the hardest things in life is to get somebody to admit they made a mistake. If you know if they're neutral on something, you can convince them if you have the arguments and the facts on your side, but to get them to acknowledge that they made a mistake, that they were, that they were scammed, that's difficult. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios, damn, I'm in the zone up here. Waiter, he's cut off. No more. Get his car keys. Eight, four, four, five, hundred, forty to forty two, I like that. I really like the version of the video we have on the website because the tweet was from Libs of TikTok before we got the full footage. There was a woman who was recording it. She must be a local in New York and she's recording it on the local news and she just goes, what is this when you start yelling, you can hear her voice. It was, it was typical mainstream media stuff though. We see it on Libs of TikTok, the real version and then we start looking around and most of the New York City affiliates just used a more sane piece. They didn't use the good stuff that you've just heard because it would interfere with the narrative. Yeah. I don't envy the editors who have to cut him up to try to make him look sane because that's some heavy lifting. And you know, the thing is, your job depends on getting an audience in ratings and they have to leave the best stuff on the floor because it, because the best stuff is going to hurt the narrative, the party. I have a question though. The fact that he's an incumbent, he's a squad member, I think it's really surprise people, pleasant. It, it's come to us as a pleasant surprise that he got the boot. But my question is how we, is it just the fact that he was being anti-Semitic and that he's a moron? Like why is he getting the boot, but someone like AOC wins her primary? What made it different for him? Was it just the fact that he offended Jewish voters? Well, there was a, there was a good editorial in the Wall Street Journal after the election came down and he, they quoted Richie Torres, the guy in the neighboring district and here's what he said. He said, Jamal Bowman's greatest problem is Jamal Bowman. AIPAC did not illegally pull a firearm. Jamal Bowman did. AIPAC did not vote against infrastructure. Jamal Bowman did. AIPAC did not deny the Hamas rapes against Israeli women. Jamal Bowman did. So you know, as the old saying goes, you know, sometimes the fault is not in the stars but in ourselves. For a year underlings. Yes. And now he's not, and you know, the most tragic thing of all is a couple of textures have pointed out. You need three terms, six years as a congressman to vest for that kiss in the mail. He came up just a little bit short, sorry, Jamal, close, but no cigar. Four years. Not enough. Yeah. AOC put out like a sad tweet about this. Yeah. You notice she gave him, she gave him a good leaving alone on the last day. She saw those overnight tracking polls. Yes. What do you, what do you, if 17 points he was losing by when 90% of the vote was in? Yeah. That's not a close race. No. And he did, he did well in the South Bronx for some reason, but once, once they started moving into the other district, the other parts of the district, bye bye. Did you hear the quote the other day? I don't think I played it, Howie, and I'm not sure if you did from Lee's Elden saying that he thinks Trump is closer to winning New York than he was. And he was, he was, I shouldn't say close, but he was within striking distance at one point, Lee's Elden. Or he had Cathy Holkel nervous, I would put it. Yeah. And he thinks Trump is really could potentially flip New York. I'm not, I'm not convinced, but you know, I didn't, I didn't, until the very end, I didn't think Jamal Bowman had any problems either. I know. The New York Times seems to be in a bit of a panic. Okay. So we do have some things to cover as far as the debate tomorrow and you had sent me an article earlier. One of our favorite sites, the Federalist, Briana Lyman, she put out some questions that she thinks Biden should be asked during the debate. I really like these first three, Howie and I want your reaction to them. The first one, when you took office, inflation was 1.4 percent under your leadership inflation hit 9 percent. Why do you blame Trump for that? That will never come out of Jake Tapper's mouth, but the idea of asking him a question about inflation, I think really does put him in a, in a tough spot because he keeps lying about it. I mean, if he was a sentient human being and it was just the old Joe Biden who just lied and had an IQ of say 80 or 90, he'd say, well, you know, we had to get the economy moving again because we lost so many jobs under Trump. He lost more Trump's than he lost more jobs than Herbert Hoover or anybody else in history. So that's why we had to stimulate the economy. That's what led to the, to the transitory inflation, which is now under control. See, I could answer that question. Yeah. But then I, I'm not Joe Biden, but he prefers just to say it wasn't, no, it was 9 percent. Yeah, it was high when I was a Biden, not kidding. Not a joke. You know, I had a caller today who brought up a great point because Biden's at Camp David and he's been there for the last few days. And I had said this to you earlier, Howie, I said, I don't know, putting him away for seven days. I don't know what they're doing behind the scenes if they got flashcards or, you know, if he's on the treadmill, but this prep, this week of spa work at Camp David, I don't know if that's going to help him. And you brought up the idea of sometimes when you have two teams playing each other, the team that gets the most time off the buy, the team that gets the buyer wins in four games. And then, you know, it has to face the team that was taken to the limit seven games. They're well rested, but they kind of get rocked sometimes rusty. Yeah, rusty. Yeah. They come into it and that might be Joe Biden, but one of my callers today, how he said, because there's talk about Ronnie Jackson. I don't know if you saw this, the representative from Texas. He was the former physician for Donald Jackson. Yeah. He said that he was talking about suspended for the day and Karen retrial. So it's again, they're, they did not come to a decision. We go to day three. So they, they, they were going to break at four o'clock anyway, because I guess somebody had a, one of the jurors had a prior commitment. So we only knew they were going to go to a four a well. So Ronnie Jackson was talking about the cocktail that they're probably making for, for Joe Biden behind the scenes. But one of my callers today, how he said, what they're probably doing is taking these days to not give him anything at all so that when they do give him something, if they do, it has more of an impact. And he said this speaking from experience of someone who used to do that occasionally had a parent struggling with this and if they had a big event, they would lay off some of the medications and then try to give them a little boost of it before a big event. And I thought that actually makes a lot of sense. Like they keep him in the dark for seven days, they keep him behind the scenes and then right beforehand, Dr. Feelgood comes in, I, you know, I believe in, I believe in better living through chemistry, just like all, all other people in the United States, but I'm not sure it's going to be possible to, to jack him up enough. Rusty, Joe's, Joe's brain is rusted, says seven, eight, one, I agree. I would agree with you how he, however, when Donald Trump was interviewed by Byron York, what I liked about what he said was that he said maybe he'll do fine. So it's better for Joe, it's better for Donald Trump to come in thinking Joe Biden's going to be sharp. You don't want to come in thinking he's going to be not able to put a sentence together. Trump is preparing for this as though he's going to be going up against a contender. Well, you know, Trump said too, you know, a lot of this is common sense. Like you don't want to let millions of people into the country that you have no idea where they came from. Yeah. And he said it's not so much being, it's not so much preparation is just common sense. It's coming in with an attitude and the attitude is, I'm going to do the right thing for the country and Biden, there's no way Biden can make the argument that he's doing the right thing for the country because he's not. Everything he does is opposite. It's everything he does is destructive to various parts of the society. Yeah. Well, how about this headline? This is from CBS News 16 Nobel Prize winning economists warned that Trump's economic plans could reignite inflation. I hope God, I would, I'd love to reignite it back to 1.4%. Now keep in mind, we also heard from economists when Joe Biden was pushing the inflation reduction act that they signed on with that plan. They said it would not increase inflation and it did. So the experts are weighing in yet again, saying that if Donald Trump wins in November, he could stoke inflation. They love that word, stoke, stoke, no one, no one buys this stuff anymore. Yeah. No, nobody's listening to like Paul Krugman. I think people have officially lost hope with Paul Krugman. The only people that are picking that up are people like us for, it's a punchline on talk radio or on somebody's blog or a conservative website. And last but not least, Biden's deputies hunt for 50 plus illegal aliens delivered by Islamic state tide smugglers. So you guys have probably seen that come up more often now, ISIS linked groups, ISIS affiliated human smuggling networks. Well, in this case, the Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 immigrants. This is from NBC News. As you can tell. He told them the surge of the border and they are labeling them as subjects of concern. They were brought by an ISIS affiliated human smuggling network, three U.S. officials told NBC News. Well, Major Chris was asked about that today and he said they got the numbers wrong. You know, it's a really great cut and I'm meant to play it today. Remember when Speaker Mike Johnson was being interviewed by Jake Tapper and they were talking about the terror watch list and he said something along the lines like they're letting terrorists come to the border and Jake Tapper tried to say, well, you know, we should be clear here. It's not terrorists. And he said, they're on the terror watch list, Jake. It takes a lot to get on the terror watch list. And I thought like this is where they're at now in the mainstream media. They're trying to say it's not that bad that we're letting ISIS linked people into the country. And you know, this story was broken, not by a, a MAGA media outlet. This was broken by NBC, very fake news. Yes, indeed. So are they, are they lying to help Trump before the debate? I don't think so. That's it for me. Howie. Thank you very much. All right. Thank you. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. That statement from the 16th Nobel winning economist was so pathetic. Not even Paul Krugman, who was the, who was the, the dean of fake economist signed on to it. He's too busy saying Jamal Bowman needs a recount in Westchester County. I'm Howie Carr. This Bahali car show returns after this. The latest episode of Meet the Experts is out and features one of my favorite organizations, Reeths Across America. Executive director Karen Worcester explains the origins of the project and how it's grown into a worldwide collaboration. Tell us all about Reeths Across America. We have most known for place in Reeths during December. This year it will be probably close to probably 500 locations. One of our largest areas of growth are in small community cemeteries. Tell us about the giving in July campaign for Reeths Across America. Well, given in July is a time when we call attention to the other organizations in the other groups that we work with and they use our sponsorship program. The $17 that sponsors the Reeth will also return $5 to that organization. We believe a person dies twice. The first time when their hats are speeded, but the final time is when the name is open for the last time and it's more important than ever for us to be sharing stories with kids who can't be flip about freedom. It's not paid for. It's still an open checkbook here going on for freedom. Listen to the full episode of Meet the Experts Wherever You Get Your Howie Car Show Podcast. The emperor of hate, Howie Car, is back. 8-6-0 says that headline was like the one before Trump was elected. And saying the economy would fail when he got into office. Yeah, that was in the Boston Globe. That was a whole front page in the Sunday Boston Globe. I remember that. Everything was going to fall apart. Stock market was going to crash. There was going to be a depression. It didn't work out that way. But what do you expect? It's the Boston Globe. Anyway, we have the VIPs in. Give yourselves a round of applause. [applause] Again, the New York crowd that came in today, they survived the terrible devastation, the bombing going on in Westchester County. So they're here. We always have food brought in for the VIPs. And today the food is being brought in by George Mendoza from Monica's in the North End. It really is the best place in the North End. George is running for mayor of Boston, so he wanted to just check in with him on his campaign. How's it going? Good. We're getting the foundation for the campaign organized. We are talking to our public relations company. We are getting the website ready. We're getting open in the accounts that are necessary for it. And more important, we're talking to the people of Boston and see what ails them, what they're concerned about. And one of the things that I think that is going to be very important for whoever gets in as mayor, and if I have the opportunity to serve the city, I will do immediately. We need a forensic accounting team to see what they're doing with our money. There are some serious shortfalls. Two words. Bicycle lanes. Bicycle lanes. Well, that's another part. If Bostonians really want to have a green city, we need to be a city of green lights where traffic flows rapidly, nowhere traffic seats. Oh, I like that. That's good. Is that the first time you use that? That's the first time I used that. Right that went down. That's a good one. Synchronize the green lights in Boston so people can flow through the city and not get stuck everywhere. And we need to personally, I think we got to jackhammer those bicycle lanes and free up the city so we can move around freely. It's good for commerce. It's good for tourism. It's good for regular business. And it's going to be good to bring people back to work in Boston and stop working remotely. And you know, there have been these two terrible deaths and not just in Boston, but one in Cambridge. I mean, it's not safe to be riding bicycles around these city streets in many cases. And again, bicyclists have every right, nothing should happen to them. But you know, it's like the green people are overlooking the terrible dangers. Well, I think that I wrote a bike in Boston for 20 years before the bicycle lanes. The bicycle lanes are extremely dangerous. Painting a lane on the street and declaring it a bicycle lane does not make it a safe place to ride. Okay. It is part of the Green New Deal. It's something that all these wall politicians want to add to their agenda to say that they are trying to save the planet. And we're not saving the planet. Congesting the city of Boston keeps cars idle in traffic, which pollutes the city enormously. And it also handicaps the city from being a free-flowing city in where you can actually stop for dinner. You can come back when you go home at the end of the day and you're not sitting in traffic for two hours. And you know what? The bicyclists understand that better than anybody. By the fact that they're likely to hit a pedestrian on the sidewalk because they're not on the street in the bicycle lanes because they know it's dangerous. Exactly. And we're a historic city. We are, you know, that unless you decide to move buildings and make them white boulevards, it's a historic city. The streets were narrow. There were horse and buggy streets. That's what we have. That's what we've got to work with. On top of the fact that only 2% of the population uses the bicycle lanes. It's a very high price to pay for a project that is not enjoyed by 98% of the population. It's only enjoyed by 2% of the population. So with that said, money can go to better places. Education, safety, better clean streets, and again, to keep Boston in a budget and not continuously raise taxes on the people who live in Boston, on the small business owners, on small building owners. Four story buildings are going to be taxed extremely high if you can pass her commercial real estate taxes. The Curly was mayor back in the '30s, in the Depression, it got so bad that people were actually taking off the top floors of their buildings to cut the taxes. I mean, we're not quite to that place yet, but we're getting close. Well, it's very difficult to have a city where young people can afford to live when the landlords have to pay such high taxes. Somebody has to pay for those taxes. You're not taking the money away from the landlord. The landlord needs to raise the cost of the unit to be able to support the building financially. So it's a no-brainer. I personally think that what we need to do is the opposite. We need to lower real estate taxes in Boston so people -- and encourage landlords to have fair market rates and to compensate them for that, we need to lower taxes. There is no -- in Boston, Massachusetts, the place where our nation pretty much started. We fought against the English over 3% tax. Now, we're talking about a mayor in the city of Boston who's not from Boston, who wants to raise real estate taxes by 25%. I want to know where the muskets are, because that's not going to be helpful for Boston. It's not going to be helpful for the people in Boston, and it's not going to help the working-class people, the working-class families who want to live in Boston. The true of Bostonians who deserve to be there. 617 says they've destroyed Somerville with bike lanes. They just said they're going to add another 20 or 30 miles. I used to live in Somerville. I'm saying, I didn't know they were 20 or 30 miles of roads in Somerville. What are they going to do, dig up the parks and put in more bike lanes? I don't know what -- you're right, these people are out of control. What about the story in Mayor Woe's fancy, in the Boston Globe, saying a restaurant business is down that nobody even wants to eat outdoors anymore? Is that trying to take the sales out of your lawsuit, your group's lawsuit in the north end? Restaurant? Well, let me tell you how it seems that came to see you a couple of weeks ago. You spend a lot of time in the north end, so she must be concerned about what's happening with the north end and the lawsuit that she has. It's in the judge's hands right now. Both parties, we have both put in a two cents and we're waiting for the judge to respond. Business is not in Boston because Boston relied on local business, okay? So a restaurateur in Boston relies on the percentage of his business coming from its neighborhood or from their abiding neighborhoods, okay? Well, today with the traffic that we have and the congestion that we have, Boston is becoming a turnoff, okay? Who wants to come over and pay 40 bucks to park their car? Who wants to spend two hours to leave the city for something that took 40 minutes before, okay? So we are becoming, we're surrounded by towns that are taking advantage of that and having restaurants and venues where people can eat and people don't know coming to the city. It's just that, it's just poor management, you get poor results. George Bonnosa, thanks for bringing over this great spread from Monica's, your restaurant in the north end and the next time we see you, you're going to give us the web address. Absolutely. To see you, I bring you all the information, thank you very much for having me, enjoy the meal we brought you. I'm Maui Carr.