The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy on Karen Read Trial, the Verdict Form and More | 6.26.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Aidan Kearney covers the morning fireworks in the Karen Read trial and also breaks down the Sandra Birchmore bombshell from this week.

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26 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Someone who has been on top of this case from the very beginning. He was a huge part in breaking a lot of what we know now. Is Aiden Carney, AKA Turtleboy. Very happy to have him on the program. Turtleboy, I wanted to start off today with this contentious back and forth between Alan Jackson and Judge Kenone about the verdict form. Tell us what you know and what concession she's made since we last heard from Alan Jackson. It was just typical bev. She hands-- so they have this form that has like one-- they have one guilty box, right? And then two-- yeah, they have like three boxes though. There was one box for not guilty. And then there is three for guilty underneath. And it's just a little confusing because the other two didn't have the option for not guilty. And so that could be misleading to a jury. I didn't really understand it. All I know is that she claimed that this was like standard. But it's not as it turns out. So she made a mistake. So then she calls them back in. And she actually admitted kind of like, we're going to amend this thing. And we're going to fix it and whatever. So, you know, typical Norfolk County, nothing gets done right the first time. And when she was in there, Karen smiled. Because this is a joke. I mean, how much-- it was like one of those smiles that you have when it's like, oh, typical. More nonsense coming out. Like, what else is new? And she looks at her and like, do you think this is funny mystery? It's like, no, Bev, we don't think this is funny. We think this is a gigantic waste of taxpayer money and resources in time. And we don't think it's funny that an innocent woman is being framed for murder and that you're allowing it to happen in your courtroom. Yeah, I don't think anyone, at least anyone who's been following the case would think that Karen Reed was laughing because she thought it was funny. I think it's more of a-- I have to laugh at this insanity or else I'll pull my hair out style kind of thing. But I do want to play that cut, Aidan, so people know what we're talking about. And I also want to point out to you, which I'm sure you caught. At one point in this, it sounds like Judge Kanoni's laughing at Younetti. So take a listen to this. This is cut four. Yeah. They need you to see that there is a not guilty option for the subordinate charges. If they come back guilty on, for instance, involuntary manslaughter, that's immediately appealable. They didn't have an option on the verdict form to find her not guilty. It's almost like the court is directing the verdict of the subordinate charges. OK. I disagree with you. Ms. G and Eddie, you've seen verdict slips exactly like this. OK. I actually got it in the-- Have you had no lesser includeds? I don't wish I had less than includeds, but I did not see that verdicts look there were not guilty's not an option for the court. OK. I disagree with you. I don't see-- Excuse me. This is funny, Ms. Reed? All right. We're done. All rise to the court, Reed. I'm funny how. I mean funny like I'm a clown. I amuse you. I make you laugh. What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny? So, Aidan, she's allowed to laugh and chuckle, but Karen Reed isn't. Yeah. Like, how can you disagree with his real-world experience? She's like, she's like, she's telling you. Like, so Jackson's like, I haven't seen this before. And she's like, well, you're just some out of town, California hot shot. Now, it's David Younetti. This is pretty standard. You're like, actually, you're out of-- I've never seen this either. And I've been doing law around here for quite some time. And she goes, well, I disagree with you. It's like, well, you disagree with my real-world life experience, which I've never seen this before. I mean, how can you not laugh at the absurdity of that? So Karen Reed smiles because it's ridiculous and stupid. And she gets-- I mean, how unprofessional and caddy was that of her? To just say, oh, you're not-- like, you're not allowed to smile in the courtroom? I mean, yeah, I don't think it's funny. I actually think it's horrible. But yeah, actually now that I think of it, you're a joke. You're kind of a clown, Auntie Bev. Well, the other thing I noticed, Aidan, is right after this. What I thought the takeaway was between that whole back and forth is how Alan Jackson is rightfully infuriated at this verdict form. And he wants there to be an option for these jurors to decide not guilty. And that box isn't there. But what ended up becoming the headline was the judge admonishes Karen Reed for laughing. And so it kind of adds to this narrative of, oh, she's the bad guy in all this. She's giggling while this whole thing goes on. And the media does what it's always going to do. I did want to switch up here, Aidan, because a lot of us don't-- we're not able to follow what's going on with the jurors as closely as you are. You're familiar with each of them. What was going on today-- or at least you've observed them throughout this trial? What was going on today with juror? I think it was number 12. Oh, she was crying. She came into the courtroom crying and never seen a like it before. She was breathing heavily. And she was really-- so there's this little triangle they had there, juror 3, sits in front of jurors 12 and 13. And juror 3 was the one that was like making tons of visceral reactions to the practice stuff, right? And she would turn around. And juror 12 kind of did the same stuff. And she would turn around and talk to jurors 12 and 13 a lot in like a friendly way. Probably not about trial stuff, because we can't do that. And there was 15 jurors in the eliminated three. Those were the three, 3, 12 and 13. If I were to pick the three most pro-not guilty jurors, it would be those three. I mean, shenanigans are my opinion. What are the odds of that astronomical? So she came in-- she seemed really invested in this case. I mean, she spent 10 weeks of her life on this case. I think based on looking at her, she believes that Cara Reid is not guilty and plans to vote that way. And then she gets kicked off the jury. So she came in today crying. And she looked really upset. So I'm not sure exactly-- that's my take on it, is that she just invested all this time into it, and now she can't be part of the jury. And when you say that you thought she was more likely to vote not guilty for Cara Reid, do you think that there are-- are there people on the jury that you look at and you think, eh, they're kind of buying what the commonwealth is selling? Because if those people stand out to you as being very astute to the fact that it looks like Cara Reid is not guilty, is there something you're comparing that to? Somebody else on the jury that you think that person could go the other way. No, I've seen nobody nod their head for Adam Lauley in approval, like nobody. So I've been like that. The rest are kind of stoic and not showing their cards and their faces, their emotions or anything like that. But I do know that there's two people with PhDs on this jury. There is a former Westwood police officer on this jury. And when I said this is a highly educated jury, I'm told there's an EMT on this jury. This is what sources are telling me. So this is a highly educated jury that I think is favorable ultimately to Cara Reid in the end, because they're smart and they work a lot, apparently a lot of them seem to work in field similar to the, you know, the people who are involved in this case. And so I think they more than anyone will know that something's wrong with this. Something that's small, right? I wanted to ask you, Turtle Boy, and everyone can follow you on Twitter at Dr. Turtle Boy. This is where I'm getting all of these updates. You mentioned about an hour ago that the jury wants the cert team report. And the problem is the state police don't do one, so they're left empty-handed. What is the cert team report and why is this, why is this what you say promising for Cara and Reid that they don't have it? So the cert team is the state police team that came in and they searched the outside of 34 Fairview about 12 hours after John's body was found, right? And they found after 18 inches of snow had fallen, what the camp police could not find. And that is a whole bunch of pieces of taillight and a big shoe there that the camp police department apparently missed because they're blind. So the fact that they are asking for this report means, you know, what the defense is alleged is, somewhere along that line, taillight was planted. And so if they want to see that report, it means they want to know who are the cops that were there. A couple of them are still unknown. They said they're just random. They put a posse together of random cops around town. They want to know who the cops are. What time were they there? Was there an opportunity to plant taillight? And they left empty-handed. Auntie Bev said, "I can't give that to you because it doesn't exist." Which further goes to kind of along with the defense's narrative is that this is a Mickey Mouse operation with the police. They don't even write anything down. They don't keep track of anything. Like, what's going on here? I thought this was the cops. I thought you were serious people, but I guess not. So they're left there empty-handed. So they think the police are kind of a joke. And they're like, it just adds to reasonable doubt. If they can't get a report to confirm this, then they're going to think maybe they did plant taillight. What else are they hiding? Yeah, no, I think that's a really good point. Aiden, I did want to switch gears here just for a second because there was a big update this week on Sandra Burchmore's death. And it was ruled a homicide for people who are, you know, a lot of people are so focused on this Karen Reed case. I understand why. I don't think they'll ever be another one like this. But, I mean, right next door, we have this situation with Sandra Burchmore. And there's a lot of recurring people in this that are involved in the Karen Reed case. For people who are just starting to wrap their heads around this story, give them a little bit of a summation of what you've uncovered, what other journalists out there have been following and kind of breaking into this. So a year prior to John's death, another woman who named Sandra Burchmore was found dead in her apartment of an alleged suicide. And she had been, she was pregnant with a police officer named Matthew Farwell's baby. Matthew Farwell was a Snowden police detective who allegedly had sex with her since she was 15 years old. The groomed her, she was part of this, explores program in the high school. And she also had sex with his brothers, twin brother Billy, and their sergeant or lieutenant-- I forget the guy's name-- Dan Devine. And she also had sex with apparently the animal control officer, Josh Heale in exchange for a free puppy. So this girl who gave her a troubled background was basically passed around by these cops in town. And she got him pregnant by one of them. And she ends up killing herself. And the narrative was, she was sad, she killed herself. But Matthew Farwell was seen coming into her apartment right after her, and then leaves quietly where in a mask. And this guy was known to be anti-masked and whatnot. So it was odd. And his wife gave birth the next day. And they just quickly ruled it a suicide. Well, guess who the cops were who were in charge of this? A lot of similar names. You got Kevin Albert. You got Michael Link. You've got John Fanning. You've got Nicholas Garino, the cell phone guy, who couldn't find deleted messages in Jim McCabe's phone. Also, said he couldn't find deleted messages in Matthew Farwell's phone. I mean, this guy-- he's not much of an expert, he seems. He can't find anything. If you just delete it, you're going to trick Nicholas Garino, the cell phone expert from the state police. So yeah, I mean, it's shady. And they've recently ruled it now a homicide. So I would want to be a Matt Farwell's position right now. Yeah, thank you for that. I'm sure we'll come back to this as time goes on. But obviously, right now, all eyes are on this verdict. Aidan Carney, we thank you so much. My bad. My bad. Oh, we thank you so much, sir. We'll talk to you again soon. It's @DrTurdoBoy on Twitter. That's where you can find him. And we'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls on this. I know people want to weigh in on what they think. I also have a couple theories that I'm going to float around about the Trump Biden debate. I've had a few-- well, first of all, Byron York wrote a column that has given me-- Taylor's not the only one who's feeling optimistic today. OK? You were not the only one who's full of hope and light and brightness, sir. Let's not get carried away. I'm feeling good about the debates. I'm nervous. I should start by saying that. I am nervous. I'm always nervous for these. I think there is a lot at stake. I'm not one of these people who thinks, eh, it doesn't matter. I do think there are the double haters out there who are watching who are going, eh, who am I going to hold my nose for? So I do think it matters. But I read this column, how he sent it to me this morning. It's great, from Byron York. And he sends it to me, and I start reading. And it's all these quotes from Trump. And Byron York is asking him, what do you think about the debates? Do you understand your criticism from the last one? And it seems as though-- this doesn't mean health changes ways. But it seems as though Donald Trump is fully aware of the fact that in that first debate in 2020, he went way too hard. He did not let Joe Biden talk. He interrupted him too much. And because he acknowledges that-- and it's very rare that Donald Trump will acknowledge other people are right, I do think he's ready to go in. The other thing I want to talk about, Taylor, in between all this Karen Reid, craziness, is whether the seven days of prep at Camp David is going to hurt Joe Biden or help him. Because I almost feel like he barely had a routine to begin with. This man did not have a grueling schedule, but he had something get up in the morning, get breakfast. He's no stranger to vacations. I don't know if taking him out of that minimal routine for a week and having him run laps around Camp David is necessarily a good thing. I'll take your calls on that as well. So it's 844-542-42. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. I don't know what's going on with Taylor. I think we need a wellness check. Listen to all of this, OK? First, he starts watching the Celtics and enjoying it. Then he goes to the Celtics game. Then you go to the parade and ride in the chocolate. And then you come into work and you're like, I'm optimistic that we're going to find out when it actually happened here in the Karen Reid case. I don't know what side of the bed you woke up on, but I'm not hating it, sir. You're a little bit of a ray of sunshine. I beg your pardon? The most offensive thing you could ever say to Taylor. What did you call me? All right, everyone. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you don't have to be. You need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit So obviously today, big story, especially here in Massachusetts. But all over New England is the Karen Reid trial. We are awaiting this verdict. And we're feeling nostalgic as we come to the end of this. And we're thinking-- I was tired, and I needed to think about it. We're thinking about all the characters that we've met here. And as I said yesterday, I never want to appear as though we're underplaying the seriousness of this. It's very serious. Her fate is on the line. John O'Keefe is dead, and it's horrible. But it's amazing how many people we've met through this trial and how many of them are incredibly unlikable and just really detestable characters. And that brings us to the PQ. So Mr. Sunshine, would you tell us what our options are today? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, and we encourage you to do so, who was the least likable character in the Karen Reid trial? Judge Beverly Canoni, ADA Adam Lally, Brian Higgins, Jennifer McCabe, Trooper Proctor, Trooper Paul, Trooper Buchanan, Trooper Gerino, or other? OK, so this time around, I'm going to take a different approach. And I'm going to-- What is this? You're changing every hour? No, you did this the other day, too. I like to change my mind. I'm like the winds. I change. I'm an honest and truthful person. I'm going to say, though I want to say Jenn McCabe-- and you know what is factoring into the Jenn McCabe of it all is her performance yesterday, where she showed up and sat with the O'Keefe and was trying to give Karen Reid the stare down with Colin Albert on one side of her and Brian Albert on the other. I told my mom that she's very into this trial, and she said to me, they were there. Because like I said, she doesn't want any spoiler. She's behind a couple of days. And she said-- She's waiting till it comes out on DVD. She said, she said, wait, they were there in court? I said, yeah. And one of our collars, Maggie, yesterday, who was an A plus collar, she said, well, if Colin Albert has nothing to do with this, which is what they're trying to tell us, you know, you have nothing to do with it. He bloodied up his knuckles, breaking his fall on the driveway because he was holding a drink. And that was why it was a different time, you know, he's as pure as the driven snow. Why do you bring him to court on the final day? What was the point of that? Why do you want to show him off to the world if he's such a delicate flower and you all feel so intimidated by Turtle Boy, why are you all there yesterday? And so I thought that added to Jenn McCabe's unlikeability, is that the word? I guess. But I'm still going to vote for Michael Proctor because I just, if I really think about those text messages as a woman in radio, as a woman in the United States America, I have to vote for Michael Proctor. I feel like it's my duty. 41% say they find Trooper Michael Proctor, the least likable character. 32% say Jenn McCabe. 14% say Judge Canoni, Auntie Bev. Yeah, and Michael, she doubled Adam Lally's vote, 7%. Michael Proctor, though, he had so many things in those text messages that really stood out to me. Yes, he called Karen, read the C word. Yes, he talked about her bodily functions, her balloon knot, as he put it. Yes, he really made it clear that he did not want her to skate and that he wanted to pin this on her. But I think something that really, really stuck with a lot of women is that he talked about going through her phone and looking for nudes. And just this invasion of privacy from this misogynistic pig is something that I think is hard to shake. We'll be right back 844, 500, 42, 42. We will continue to take your calls. And in addition to your perspectives on what's happening with this Karen, read, verdict watch, I also want to know what you think about tomorrow's debate. How are you feeling? Are you excited? Are you nervous? Do you not care? Are you mad that it's going to be on from nine to 11 and you want to go to bed? We'll take all your calls when we come back. Yes, she's a babe. We have Fall River accent though. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. So everyone take a deep breath. We're not finding out anything in this case until at least after two o'clock. They're on lunch break from one to two. You were asking earlier, do they have to deliberate during lunch Taylor? - I'm gonna imagine no because if you bring in like, for example, a bunch of meatball subs and you got all that paperwork out, you're requesting evidence. - Wait, do you think they go out to lunch or are they forced to stay in the jury room? - I think they're forced to stay in the jury room. - Then you're deliberating while you're reading. - I don't think so. I think you take a little break. You take a little breather. You go, hey, what's everyone, what's everyone gonna do when we get out of here? - Justice never sleeps according to Auntie Beth. - Can they watch TV at all? - No. - At all? - No. - So for 10 weeks, no television. - Oh, you mean in like at their home? - Yeah, yeah. I don't. (laughing) - I thought you meant in the jury room. (laughing) - Just even see how much is watching TV. - Just taking naps. - You think they're sitting at home, reading? (laughing) - No, I meant like, you know how sometimes with these things, I know that I know sometimes if it's a really intense case, like I think they did this with OJ, they make the juror stay in a hotel room or you know, they don't want them to see the light of day, they don't want them to get any information, they take away their phones and all that. But I think that, and there's a name for that, what's the name for that, Taylor? I can't remember where they, they, I have it on the tip of my tongue. But in this case, can these people go home and watch like Netflix? - Yeah, they can, they can watch entertaining television. - What's the name for when you have a, when you have the jurors and they're not allowed to, they stayed a hotel? - Like a nova, sequester. - Sequester, thank you. Ugh, that's gonna drive me crazy that I didn't get that. Yeah, so in this case, I'm just curious if they can watch TV when they get home, like if can they watch old movies? - Sure. - Can they watch? - Yeah, just no news travel. - A civil action? Are they watching John Travolta and Howie Carr go back and forth on the radio? What are they watching? - Might go to his 12 Angry Men. - Because now, the other part of a two-tailer is now there's so many documentaries and I know that there's none really right now, but there are, there is a Dateline episode about Karen Reed. What if somebody's on there Hulu or they're prime and they see an old episode of Karen Reed's Dayline? - Don't turn it on. - Yeah, I guess that's the easy solution. I'm just, I'm confused, can they use their cell phones? - Keep it to yourself if you just happen to catch a glimpse and turn it off because as soon as you bring that to Auntie Bevan, she knows that you're one of the supportive jurors of Karen Reed, you're off the bench. - We also, we don't want to encourage people to not be forthcoming about one information they know, Taylor. - Or you can pin that on me. - I don't know if they're deliberating during lunch. I think during lunch, you take a break. You take a time to regroup, refresh, and you talk about your life, you talk about the weather. What we all talk about, it's really hot outside today. Oh, I can't wait for this weather to break. Oh my gosh, you know. I did see Turtle Boy tweeted out that again, he says 1,000, I'm not questioning, I am a little bit questioning terrible. I gotta check that number for myself, but he said 1,000 and we'll take him at that for right now. 844, 542, 42 says there's 1,000 people outside the courthouse waiting for this verdict. That's the crazy part about these trials, is that yes, they could be waiting for a day, but they could also, technically, Taylor, they could be out there for a very long time. Like, I'll be, if this goes longer than today, I'll be curious how many people keep showing up every day to stand outside with signs. It is a little bit concerning that this many people can take the day off from work. - That's exactly what I'm saying. - I will let you know that, and you know how I feel about people grabbing their poster boards. - 6 days, 6 days, what? - I'm concerned about the supplies. Everyone has access to these giant markers and these poster boards on sticks, and they have them at the drop of a hat. It's like, free Brittany, Bill Cosby's released, and you have protesters, everybody just-- - I think these are sorrows back to Karen Reed supporters. - No, I'm just saying that it's amazing to me how quickly these groups can get together when they put their mind to it. Paul, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Paul. - Good afternoon, guys. I just wanted to offer my insight to the corruption at the federal level. I'm extremely pessimistic, as is Taylor. I go way back, you know, with the stuff that-- how we wrote about growing up in these bars and around the Italian monsters and the stuff that went on with the Irish, I knew some of these guys as a young kid and Joe Bob Ozer, and, you know, and they killed the Kenny Eagan murderer. So, you know, I knew intimately what Hollywood was writing about in some ways. So, you know, I certainly know that the feds are as corruptible, and as corrupt as these people at the state level. However, I think this is an opportunity for Josh Levy to come in behind Rachel Rollins and make a statement. You know, come in, swoop in like the hero, and Meatball's Morrissey is certainly his number one target. You know, all the-- when people are so emboldened for so long, you know, we understand that this stuff can manifest itself. If it's not here, it's over there. We're paying attention over here. You know, it becomes so ambiguous that you may hone in on one place and it's going on in 20 other places. This culture in these communities here with Morrissey or Morrison has been so wretched for so long that I don't think that the feds have any choice but to do this this time. If you look back on the birch-- birch me a girl-- - Sandra Birchmore. - Sandra Birchmore. I'm sorry, it happened a long time ago, and it was only because of, I believe, Turtle Boy exposing these people that this is even fested up. It's so bad that the feds will have no choice but to do something and come in like the hero. Yeah, that's how I see this ending. I don't think it's going to happen. I know it's going to happen. They have all of it. And I believe Higgins rolled a long time ago. That's what I think. Paul, I really appreciate your assessment and I do want to add a couple things into that Sandra Birchmore comment you made because we just had Aiden Carnillon. If you missed it, podcasts will be posted shortly as they always are right after the hour ends. That actually, the cops that are involved in that in grooming her and allegedly passing her around, it's just a horrible disgusting story that really is, when you dig further into it, it's so depressing and it's so concerning that's what's going on. But she actually, at first it was, they said that she committed suicide. She was in Canton. So the police officers involved her from Stoughton, but I think the house where this all went down wasn't Canton. So again, this town, I mean, what is going on in Canton, Massachusetts? And in a larger point, Paul, of what you're saying about the feds having no choice, I would agree with you. And I think they're due, I said this yesterday, but I think they're due for a job well done. Like, I think the feds are overdue for an attaboy. And if this is their chance to make something right and to do something correctly and to restore people's faith in the, Merrick Garland loves to tell us about the DOJ and people losing faith in these institutions and how it's not his fault, it's the fault of conspiracy theorists, it's the fault of right-wing agitators. Well, you know what? Trust is earned, respect is earned. So this is your chance to earn a little bit of that respect back and show us that you can bring in your experts. You can bring in people who are gonna get us some answers. Thank you, Paul, for calling in. I appreciate that. I am going to focus on Karen Reid. We're gonna talk to Mark Betero at 205, how he's having Turdle Boyon, how he's having Mark Betero on for his show as well. So you're gonna get plenty of information on this. But I did wanna ask for people's opinions about the upcoming debate because there's a few things that I would like to go over if you would be so kind. And then we'll pivot right back to Karen Reid. So Byron York has this interview with Trump. And if you haven't checked it out, I'm not gonna read much of it to you, but if you haven't checked it out, you should. Because there's a few quotes in here that stuck out to me. This is what Trump said. So Byron York is asking him, he says, "A lot of people thought in the first debate with Biden that you were somewhat over-amped, that you just went after him too much and before Byron can finish his sentence." Trump says, "That I interrupted him." Yeah, I think-- - When he interrupted him to say-- - Yeah, he did. I have to point that out, 'cause it is very Trumpian. But Byron says, "Do you agree with that?" He says, "Hmm, huh." And I know it's hard for him to admit it. Like it's very hard for him, but I think he studied this tape now. I think that he's lived with the criticism of that debate for a very long time. He says, "He lies so much. He's going on. Everything he says is a lie." So I would call him because calling him out two minutes later is very tough, because you know, it's a lie, it's a lie. Everything is a lie. I've never seen anything like that. Now here's the important part. So when I would interrupt, it looked like... Pause. - It had the appearance of... - Now he shifts. I agree though. The second debate I handled it much differently and I got very good marks. And he references that second debate and how people receive that differently and how he was criticized less during the second debate. So all that to say, I do think he's learning something and it brings in another question I have for people. And that would be about the prep week at Camp David, that Joe Biden is taking. He's been at Camp David now for a few days. He's gonna be there for seven days before this debate goes on tomorrow night on CNN, hosted by Jake Tapper. And it gets to a point, when you take an old guy like that out, who's already struggling, you take him out of his routine and I'm not trying to claim that he had a packed schedule. I think there was a lot of spaces in there, you know, from 11 to two, free time, free play. I'm not trying to suggest that he was on a rigid regimented schedule, but I think that whatever schedule he did have, like the PDB and then a bowl of oatmeal and then, you know, maybe an event, maybe an event with a winning basketball team or something and then he'd go back, take an afternoon nap and then maybe he'd have dinner with Dr. Jill. - I was tired and I needed to think about it. - Yeah, whatever that routine was, taking him out of that and plopping him in Camp David with I'm sure a lot of people who are giving him a lot of different advice, probably a lot of different medications, I just don't know if that is helpful. And I was discussing this with Howie earlier in the kitchen, he had a really good analogy and since today I'm going like zero for 10 on analogies, I will use Howie's instead, which is it's like a team when you're leading up to a playoffs and you've got all these different series and one team finishes up a series really quickly. So they win in, let's say, four games and the other team that ends up going up against them, they drag theirs out and they play till seven games and then you get the matchup of these two teams. So one team's had five days to rest up and the other team's just getting fresh off their last series. You would think that the person who's well rested, the person who had the long break in the action, that they would perform better when they're thrown back into it. Like Joe Biden, you had seven days to rest. You had seven days at the Camp David Spa, but what actually ends up happening quite often is that the team that rested gets in there and is a little rusty. They've been out of it too long. Yeah, their legs are rested. I'm thinking hockey now, but they're a little thrown off and they get rocked sometimes in that first game back. - But here's the argument against that, okay? If you rehearse too much, you get in that rhythm where you're only focusing on what your next words are going to be, what your next topic is going to be, what was that answer that I had memorized? You're not in the zone. You're not paying attention as much to what the other person is saying and you're not able to react naturally to what that person has to say or what the question may be in a different form than you're used to hearing it. You're stuck here in that, like when Rubio is called out, Chris Christie always called out Marco Rubio for having that robotic answer all the time. - But who do you think is going to be too rehearsed in this scenario? - Biden, that's all he does. He has one speech that he gives, no matter what the subject is, whether it's the border, whether it's inflation, it's the same exact speech and he always ends it the same way. He always has those same lines. Look, I'm more optimistic now than I ever been in about America and there's any time in my life. The same exact speech all the time and they just tack on a different title to it each time. The guy is so rehearsed, he cannot think on his feet. So when he's introduced with a circumstance that throws him up his game like a protestor at one of his speeches, he has no other response than to say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's it, he's got nothing. - Yeah, I definitely think he's going to go angry. I definitely think that they've decided that that's when he's his sharpest, is when he's yelling. But one of the textures, it's a very good point, Taylor. And one of the textures, 603 says, do you have a physician who you can get on the air and discuss what they may be pumping into Biden tomorrow, also long-term effects? I don't have a physician, and I'll be honest with you, a lot of physicians are very hesitant to go on and, you know, diagnose from afar or tell you what they think, 'cause they don't want to lose their own credibility or come off as political. But Representative Ronnie Jackson, who was Trump's physician when he was in the White House, and now he's a GOP representative from Texas, he had this to say on Fox News, cut seven, please. - We've seen recently, in a state of the union address, that there was a Joe Biden that came out that was not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three and a half years. And there's really no way to explain that other than he was on something, that they'd give any medications. I feel like this is probably what's going on over this weekend at Camp David. You know, he's gonna be at Camp David for a full week before the debate. Part of that is probably experimenting with, you know, just getting the doses just right, 'cause, you know, they have to treat his cognition, they have to give him something to help him think straighter, they have to give him something to wake him up, you know, for his alertness. - Yeah, I don't think there's any question that that's what's happening. They did the same thing at the state of the union. There's a reason they don't keep a lot of visitor logs, and there's a reason the media doesn't seem to mind, 'cause they know that somebody's going in there and somebody's pumping him full of something. I will say about Ronnie Jackson, his accent, his southern accent, is borderline like British. Can you play that again for me? - We've seen recently, in a state of the union address, that there was a Joe Biden that came out that was not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three and a half years. - Interesting. - I think maybe you're hearing a tinge of Australian. - Yeah, something, there's something in that drawer. - Oh, that I like it a lot. Ronnie Jackson is, he is someone who is unafraid. He does not care about ticking people off. He's been doing that for quite some time during the Biden administration. 619 said Biden will be in the zone, the Twilight Zone. Yeah, what do you guys think? Do you think that pulling him out of there for that long is a really good idea? And then there's the other theory. There's the other theory that they're just, they're not even prepping him that much. They're pretending that they're putting all this work in, that they're prepping him and really they're setting him up to send him out there and have him implode and then pull him off the stage, not literally, but say, listen, he can't do this. You saw his performance last night. Even CNN said that he bombed. We're gonna have to bring in somebody else. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. In other words, they're sabotaging him. We'll talk about that theory as well. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. I love to use the thunderstorm in the kitchen because I'm not a really great cook but my husband loves to cook and he loves to use garlic and onion. And that's great, tastes delicious. I don't like it lingering for very long. I turn on the thunderstorm, it destroys the odors. Tough, tough for somebody who eats bowls of tuna at work. I like tuna and you just saw I had my soup. It was very garlicky. Gispacho. My gispacho felt very fancy. But once that smell is lingering for more than a minute or two, you just wanna clear it out. So that's what we do with the thunderstorm. It's also great for pets, as I mentioned. It's great for musty basements. It's great for offices. And you can get not one, not two, but three with the three pack special. Use it in your bedroom, in your family room, in your kitchen or your basement. They even make great gifts. All you have to do is go to to get this whole home protection, to get three eating pure thunderstorms, which is the best deal you're gonna get. Go to and don't forget to use that discount code grace3. That's But don't just go there, use the discount code grace3. We'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - And then, you know, he's been agitated. We see that all the time and that's a common symptom or sign of this cognitive disorder that he seems to be suffering from. And so they're probably gonna give him something to take the edge off that as well. - Think about what you think about. - Yeah, I don't know. Taylor, you had said recently that you aren't convinced that they're gonna swap by now. You said, you know, they're too far in now that he's gotta be the guy. But this would be a great opportunity if he bombs during this debate. And I think we'll know right away whether or not this is a setup and whether or not they're prepping us for his fall because it's gonna depend on the questions from Jake Tapper. It's gonna depend on not just the questions they ask Joe Biden, it's also going to depend on the questions they ask Donald Trump. Like if Jake Tapper is even semi-polite or agreeable toward Donald Trump, I will believe this theory that the Democrats are circling the wagons and they're getting ready to get rid of Joe Biden, politically speaking. Now, it also, I think, another telltale sign, is the reaction afterwards. If there's anything less than Joe Biden had a superstar performance, he met the moment. This is what we needed. This is gonna give him the momentum. I would be shocked at the polls, do not showcase what a wonderful night he had tonight on the debate stage. If it's anything less than that, they're giving him the heave ho. David, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, David. - Hi Grace, thanks for taking my call. - Yeah, what's up? - Having dealt with someone who had diminished faculties, I have an idea of what they're doing with them this week. I think they found the magic bullet with whatever they gave them at the state of the union. But we would do with this individual. It was my mom. When we had a big event on the weekend, birthday, wedding, graduation, whatever, we were kind of low-doser during the week and it was recommended so that the dosage that we would give her as the event approach would have more of an effect. So I actually think they're not looking for a concoction, they've got it. I think they're just staying away from it as much as possible so that when they do administer it, it creates an even more total effect. That's just my theory. - I think that's a very good theory, David, that actually explains a lot. And Trump did tell Byron York that, you know, so maybe he'll be fine. So he's ready for Biden to be the sharpest he's ever been and I think that's good. We'll be right back.