The Howie Carr Radio Network

Canton Corruption Close-Up | 6.25.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Even though the verdict is still up in the air, Howie covers the latest in the Karen Read case.

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25 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Look the other way. Four words that sum up the Commonwealth's entire case. Late night calls and Google searches, falsified affidavits, inverted videos, and butt dials galore. The DNA revealed that it was a butt dial. And not just a someone on his speed dial list, uh-uh. His dexterous cheeks dialed all 10 digits. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You have one minute, Mr. Wellie, right? Yes. Peter, are you just trying to take that knee until the end of the show? Who do you love? Howie Car? If Howie Car doesn't have a big thing saying, "Better agents support Cara-Ree." Or if Department of Justice provides slick reconstruction in support of a cop killer. It's the one the mainstream media will not do that. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon baths beware. It's... Howie Car. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, one of our North Carolina listeners. How long have I been asking you howie to send grace up to Caloons to give me two poo-poo platters and be fried rice and put them on a direct jet-blue-fright flight to Raleigh? Something like eight years or so. Big cash in it for you and Grace. Just come on up. You enjoy being here in this wonderful community. You could stop off in Kent. I just got an on-the-scene report from Kent, Massachusetts. You know, D&E Pizza, home of the white trash riot on Sunday night with the McAlberts jumping ugly with Terrible Boy. Apparently, they put the shades down on a pizza... I never knew a pizza parlor had shades to put down. I've never seen it happen, but they've put down the shades 'cause I guess the tourists are now coming by. Let's see. Look at that. Let's get... Let's take a picture of the bald guy. Is that the jail bird? Is that the one who hired the judge's brother so he could get off on killing the Hungarian exchange student who went to Johnson & Wales? Or is this a chrome-dome Michael Proctor who sends out the misogynist hate-filled messages from his personal cell phone as a safe space? So, but anyway, if you're cruising through downtown Kent tonight and you're looking for a place to eat the shades, it's like the D&E Pizza is turning into a speakeasy, I guess. It's a speak pizza. Who is it? Chloe sent me. Okay, you can come in. 844-542-42. We're going to do a lot of sound cuts this hour, but Steve's been on the line. Steve from Cambridge. We haven't heard from him for a while. Steve, go ahead. Howie, one of the problems with this country and the reason there are so many Marxists in power and so many Republicans will refuse to vote for a rhino and they'll let a Marxist in... It wouldn't be the governor or the mayor or the senator. I agree. I think a lot of Republican people attend to vote Republican, like evangelical Christians or just a lot of blue collar workers. They just don't register. They just don't think it's worthwhile. That's one thing that Trump people say they're doing. I know Republicans say it every four years. They're trying to register people who would lean Republican but don't usually do so. I mean, you know, if pizza is an okay guy and all that, but I mean, it's just crazy to even think about not voting for Kelly Aot because you think she's left way. I mean, again, there's a primary coming up. They got a choice. If they can elect Chuck Morris, good luck to him. Maybe he can win. Hey, Howie, also this guy, Deaton. Look, he's no prize package by any stretch of the imagination, but compared to Elizabeth Warren, he's wonderful. I agree. I agree totally, Steve. You know, I was just kidding him. He does. Unfortunately, he does bear a slight resemblance to Brian Albert. And that's not a good thing. But, you know, I think he can overcome that. I mean, all it takes is a razor for one thing. Get rid of the goatee or on, you know, he doesn't even need a razor. Just don't use the razor on the top of his head, right? You know what? Image is important. He's got to work on it, Howie. You should talk to you as an advisor. That's right. I'll leave alone in my laser cap. Thanks for the call, Steve. It's true. I mean, it's, that's the lesson of the Massachusetts Republican Party. They, you know, they just, they had these ideological litmus tests. And that became more important than winning elections. And the, the party just, just shriveled up. They didn't win. They didn't win a single contested race in two, two whole cycles. And it's just crazy. And, and they're even now, I haven't had time to write about it much because I've been tied up with this trial. But they, they are, they, the remnants, the rump left of the Kool-Aid cult is running, running these people. They're, they're, they're Kool-Aid drinkers against a couple of Republican reps. And I don't think they're going to succeed. But I mean, what's the, what are they trying to prove? What are they trying to do? I mean, they're down. That, that seat, the Senate seat that Peter Durant won, that was vacated by Ann Gobi, went, the Democrat, when she took the hack position in Marahili's administration. That was the first seat that the Republicans had flipped from Democrat in five years. Five years. And they, and, you know, it's not like there's a, there's not a large number of seats. There's 200 seats in the legislature. And the Republicans had gone, I think, from under Lyons, Jim Jones Lyons and Jeff Dordash deal, they gone from 38 Republicans in both branches, 200 to 28. That's not a, that's not a, they went from, I think, three, three sheriffs to one sheriff or three DAs to, they, they have one DA left in the whole state. One sheriff left in the whole state. It's, it's, it's pitiful. We've got to, we've got to do something. I mean, you can't, this is, one party government is what produces what's going on in that, that courthouse in debt. You know, when there, when there's no pushback and, and people are basically there for life and they don't have to worry, they can take care of, they can take care of their friends. And, you know, all cops aren't bad, but there is police corruption in Norfolk County. Stoughton? Stoughton? Can? The state police detail in, in, in the, in the DA's office? It's, it's really bad. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So I want to play some of this, some of these cuts and we'll take some calls on the, on the trial. A lot of people are thinking, I, I think they'll have a, have a verdict tomorrow. I, I hope, I hope Morrissey didn't slip at a ringer, not that he would ever admit it or anything. And I hope there's someone who's not hang, trying to hang in there that doesn't like Alan Jackson or, this is, I mean, they're, how can you say that, that, that Karen Reed is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? I mean, there, there wasn't anything about trying to prove her guilty. You could tell from the, the closing argument. It was just about, I hit him. She said I hit him, I hit him, I hit him. Well, you know, that, that was a, that was an evolving memory by some of the people. Nobody said that at the, at the opening, at, at some, a couple of people said, did I hit him? It's in none of the police reports. It's in none of the taped interviews. I think it was first mentioned, you know, two or three months later, I hit him by, by Jen McCabe, Jen McTooth. And, and then there was also mentioned by one of the firefighters who was asked, are you close to the McAlberts? Oh, no, I'm not. I may have known one and I was an acquaintance of one in high school. Oh, really? Here's a picture of you on a vacationing together in Maine and a hot tub. Here's a picture of you guys together at a wedding. You're standing next to each other. You're in the wedding. And it just went on and on. And, you know, she, she works at the, at the camp and fire department. I don't think she's been seen very much since then. Maybe she's having some, you know, emotional distress. I don't know. But those are two of the people that said, I mean, it's just, it's just nonsense. And this, these things, I won't play them again, but they, you know, it's okay for a proctor to have said all these terrible things about, about Karen Reed because he didn't know they would be made public. I mean, if he's that dumb, what is he doing as a detective? I mean, what is he doing as a cop period? You shouldn't have people. That's stupid. And he, and he, he takes a text message and text back that he doesn't want the, he doesn't want to accept a gift from the McAlberts, give it to his wife. Again, the recurring question, how can someone that dumb to number one solicit a bribe and then number two solicit the bribe and writing? In a murder case, this isn't like, hey, I got a Dunkin Donuts gift card. How about you don't write me a speeding ticket? That's not, it's a murder case. You're talking about putting people in prison. God. And then he doesn't interview the witnesses like Lucky Loughlin. And he doesn't, and he doesn't even list them in the report because he doesn't want the defense to be able to find them. He doesn't put Colin Albert in the report. And then he, and then he, he misspells the names of all the other witnesses so they can't be tracked down. This is horrible. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So this is, this is Jackson's opening line. This is really, this is really great. This is, I mean, this, talk about coming out of the box on fire, cut one. Look the other way. Look the other way. Four words that sum up the Commonwealth's entire case. Four words that sum up the hopes of those who have tried to deceive you. If you look at the complex of interest, doesn't matter. Just look the other way. Magic hairs, magic glass. Look the other way. Late night calls and Google searches, falsified affidavits, inverted videos, and butt dials galore. Just look the other way. What you got to do is, is just think of it that, you know, we, we, we say, you know, when Trump was convicted on totally bogus charges, if they could do that to him, what could they do to you? You got to think the same thing about Karen Reed. What if, what if you weren't somebody's way? And, you know, they had to, they had to protect other people who were connected, who knew stuff about the powers that be. Where do I find Sean McDonough's program before Turtle Boy tonight? Go, go to YouTube and type in Sean McDonough, Karen Reed, and it should pop up live. It should, it started around six, six o'clock. He was going to go on at six o'clock. And then you, you can just turn it back if you, if you can, but it's, it's really a funny program. He's, and he's, he's very Boston. And it's just, he, he's all line Boston. And maybe that's why he likes me, you know, he calls me OG, but he, he, he was talking the other day about, about how, about Madapan State Hospital, and he said, is there still, is there still a shadow hospital? Where's the Nuthouse in Boston these days? It's good stuff. It's good stuff. And, and he's, he's, he's really, as, as Turtle Boy said, he's very, very positive, you know, and, and, and optimistic about the fact that the feds are coming into this case. And it makes you feel good. You're like, it's, it's better to listen to optimists. You know, it's better to accentuate the positive. Eight, we're going to take some more calls. We're going to take a lot of calls this hour, and we're going to play a lot of sound cuts. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, I'm Howie Carr. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, guys? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Carr radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows. An exclusive podcast only features. It's actually not a bad idea. Howie Carr is back. I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now, you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? What was the key moment in the Caron Read trial? Lucky Lawferen's testimony? How's long to die in the cold? Proctor asking for a gift from McAlberts. Daiton Cobb saying "Tailate was just cracked." Disappearance of Chloe. Proctor's vile misogynistic tests or the FBI expert witness. I'm going to say the Proctor's misogynistic tests. Text? Proctor's vile misogynistic text have 13% in the lead as FBI's expert witness. Has 39% followed by "How's long to die" and called at 19%. Alright, 844-542. The jury is out for the evening. They'll be back deliberating in the morning. They've put in three hours so far. Cut 25 from Alan Jackson. It is closing up. Proctor's the lead investigator in this case. Much as the Commonwealth might try. They cannot distance themselves from the stench of him on this case and this investigation. The secret group chess illustrates the quality and character of his investigation. Stench. That's a good word. 26. Remind yourself how unbiased and unobjective investigators, someone who's supposed to be looking for facts. Ask yourself, how did he approach his job late at night, sitting there in his office, tediously looking for naked pictures of Karen Reid and talking about her like she's piecing meat. Talking about her bodily functions, her medical conditions, calling her vile names. And I don't even have it in me to repeat what he said about her. He reduced her to an object and went further by insulting her. He went further than insulting her and dehumanized her. And when he was done betraying that very humanity, he wished her to commit suicide. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you frame someone. That's how you dehumanize someone so viciously that you can just pin it on the world and cover for the homeowner because he's a Boston cop. That's how you rip a person's life apart and sleep like a baby while doing it. Ooh. Deviously is a good word to sleep like a baby. It's just very well-written, well-put-together statements. Patrick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Patrick. Thanks Howie. I love your show. Thanks. The corruption is pervasive, and what worries me is that the jury is from that town. And if they're all as corrupt as we think they are, aren't they also a bit corrupt? Well, they're all not, they're not from the town, they're from the county. And it's a pretty big county. It includes wellesley, Brookline, Needham, which are more liberal and more, I hate to use the word cosmopolitan, maybe more or less insular, let's put it that way. I'm not sure. I'm more worried about the ones from Quincy trying to take care of the district attorney, actually. When this case started, before I even heard about the trial, I have a friend who's a sheriff in Middlesex County. And I asked him if he knew about this case, and he said, "Yeah, cop got beat up by some other bad cops and left for dead." So he knew that even before the trial started. So all that conversation that goes on behind closed doors, they all know what happened. Yeah, well, you know, the thing is, where are the cops? You know, they always have big funerals for cops. Where are the cops? Why were there no cops other than Brian Albert? Why were there no cops sitting in the courtroom? I'm how we are. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 339 says, "Do they have a Khloe pizza on the menu yet? At B&E? It's dog gone good." Can I have a ha ha ha ha? No, it's a Mitt Romney ha ha ha ha. Alright, forget it. So, Brian Albert, no wonder they were giving a tip to Michael Proctor. He was subsisting on a mere $146,000 a year as a state trooper. In 2021, as a sergeant in the Boston PD, Brian Albert made $244,668, including $78,795 in overtime. Okay, so that was his big year. In 2022, that's the year that the body was found on the lawn. He started having some injury problems. Stop me if you've heard this one before. He made $223,954, and so he was down about $20,000, a little over $20,000. That $223,000, $224,000 included $32,000 in injury pay. Last year, he was down to $156,400, including $96,000 in injury pay, and $60,464 in other pay. Other. I always like other. Yeah, this is a good salary, but what do I get in other? So, that's how much money. I think he's retired now. We're kind of a little behind at the Herald in getting the Boston retirement money. If he was state police, I could tell you exactly how much he was making in retirement, but we don't have that yet. We're going to try to get it. Nick says embarrassing. Marcia Cokley, the XAG, was on Channel 5. She showed no grasp of the read case. I think you could make a larger statement. She showed no grasp of life down through her 70-plus years. Yikes. You should pull the feed from YouTube, Nick Day. I don't know. 844-542-42. What about the girl who was just ruled a homicide instead of a suicide? That's Sandra Burchmore. I wrote about that a little bit in my column today. This is the woman. This girl was groomed by the police department and three police officers in Stoughton, including two twins. The Far Wells, I think they're called. From the age of 13, at age 23, she was pregnant by one of them. She ended up living in an apartment in Kent, next door to Stoughton. She supposedly killed herself, which was odd, because the last pictures of her going up to her apartment in the elevator, she had baby stuff. She didn't leave a suicide, though. Last person to visit her apartment was one of those cops. They found her dead a few days later. They did one of those cursory investigations. All the people who were involved in the state police unit, they were involved then, too. This was three years ago. They ruled it a suicide. They did ask the local Stoughton cop who had been seen with her. She said, "Was the father of the child?" They said, "Can we get a DNA sample?" He refused. They didn't get a court order to do it. Again, cop courtesy, just like they gave Brian Albert a pass. They took DNA samples of her and her unborn child who was dead, and they didn't check them. They didn't check them. The Stoughton town has fired the three cops for grooming this young girl who's dead. They just got back a report from a forensic physician, a very famous guy in New York City, a guy named Dr. Baden, worked on some of the congressional investigations of the assassinations of the '60s, when they were reopened in the '70s and '80s. He said, in his opinion, it's a murder. He found a small broken bone in the neck that's never broken in a suicide, but it's broken in about half of the homicidal strangulations of women. Morrissey announced when the investigation was taken place that there was no evidence of foul play. No evidence of foul play. Now they say they're keeping an open mind. Some people say, I think I asked Sean McDonough about it today. No one knows for sure, but they think this is how the FBI may have gotten involved, that they were investigating Sandra Birchmore in neighboring Stoughton, dead in Canton, and the people they were talking to say, "You think Birchmore is bad? You ought to take a look at this John O'Keefe case. It's just as bad, covering up for cops." And that could be it. 844-542-42. So Jackson basically laid out the whole murder thing. I wouldn't like to have been sitting there in the courtroom in someone and I'm accused of murder. Someone else who didn't do it is about to go before the jury is going to decide her fate. But this is Jackson talking about what really happened. He's talking about Higgins, the drunk fat guy who had a crush on Karen Reid. And there's speculation that he really wanted to fight with John O'Keefe over O'Keefe's girlfriend. Cut 14. How long would it take for Brian Higgins to say to John, "You know your girl has been texting me? A push, a punch, a fall, pull Chloe off his arm, and now it's done." What was that? 5 seconds? 10? Doesn't take long at all. And then the panic sets in. Wasn't intended to go that far, but what's done is done. The cover up begins. 15. And then some very, very odd things start happening at the Albert household. Very odd indeed. What do we know? We know through the testimony and key swipes that Brian Higgins, very oddly, goes directly to Kent police department. Why would he do that? After a night of drinking and partying, why go to CPD when you're drunk? What was so important there? He couldn't even get his own story straight. First he said it was administrative work, then he said he was moving cars, then he said it was a factor of both. Is it both? Was it neither? Or was he there to gather intel? Ask yourself. Why go? See the thing about him too, another thing he couldn't, I don't think he could mention it is, but it seems to be true is that he had a proffer with the feds. What a proffer is, it's like negotiating a deal. You negotiate the buy a house. I offer you this, I offer you that. The thing is, I offer you this testimony and then to the feds, and then the feds offer you a reduced sentence. If you didn't commit any other crimes and various things. And the thing about a proffer is, even if you don't sign the agreement and agree to plead guilty and testify against everybody else, the feds can't use the information you give them against you, but they now have the information in their possession. So they have a much better, clearer understanding of a conspiracy, and that's what they usually use a proffer in, is when they're a number. If you robbed a bank by yourself, you don't get a proffer, it's just you, right? They want to get other people. And so the feds, even though they don't have a deal with this guy, Higgins, who is counting as Sean puts it, bullets and paper clips at the ATF now, he's done. He's all finished as an agent. They still could go after him and they could still, they're going to use all the information he gave him against the other people. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So now you're saying, O'Keefe is down and out in the basement, and he's probably got hit on the head. And so he's bleeding, he's convulsing, he's drunk, so he's vomiting. It's a real mess. So cut 11. And to add to that deceit, she was also blatantly lying about the calls to John's phone. You remember that call if we back and forth. She said that every single one of those calls to John's phone during that time was a butt dial. How are those lies connected and why are they connected? Jennifer McCabe knows. Was she butt dialing John over and over or was someone looking for John's phone that wasn't missing? See, if you're going to say John was never in the house, she can't have his phone in the house. I mean, I know it's canned. The cell phones can do anything, but so far we haven't had any incidents of them moving around on their own, other than butt dialing and self deleting, et cetera, et cetera. Robert, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Robert. You know what? I was just thinking, John will keep whatever when he was dead. These guys just setting her up and it's crazy because if you think about it, if he had something on any of these guys, any of these guys, if he had anything on them, and they were drinking, they were drinking. And they were drinking and he said it. Game over. Well, I mean, aren't you more likely just to find yourself in this kind of situation if you're drinking? And if you're drinking, when you hurt somebody, you make a bad decision about what you're going to do to try to correct the situation, right? So he's hanging out with these guys and he probably said something, he says, "Hey, I got all this stuff on you guys." And then he's out. I mean, maybe we don't know what they were talking about. I think it was more likely that Higgins had the hots for Karen Reid and she was, Karen Reid was mad at John O'Keefe, so she was flirting with this guy. And I think those text messages were embarrassing to Karen Reid, but it had to, you know what, I would have thought, if I were Karen Reid, I would have been more embarrassed by the fact that I was flirting with this guy, Brian Higgins. He is just one of the most hideous looking low IQ drunkard netwits you will ever run into. And he's just so bad. Thanks for the call, Robert. 844-542-42. So Jennifer McCabe was also, she also testified under oath that she saw that the car outside, she saw Karen Reid's car outside at 1245, but their own state police witness proved that was a lie with his own data. She said that she, her cell phone switched over to the Wi-Fi at John's house, which was like six, seven minutes away at 1236. So she had to have been gone at least 15 minutes, according to their own data, the data, not the real data, but their own state police, magical, canton data that they put in, she was gone 15 minutes before Jennifer McCabe. As said, she saw the car, cut 10. You'll recall that Jennifer McCabe claimed that she was looking out the door staring at that SUV over and over and over again from 1229 to 1250. She was very specific about that timeframe, but we know that the SUV was gone from 34th Avenue by about 1230. Had to be in order to connect to the Wi-Fi at 1236. So unequivocally, Jennifer McCabe was lying about watching that SUV, and it makes you wonder why. I think we can all come to the conclusion. You don't have to wonder very long though, do you? Alright, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, we'll be right back on Howie Car. Howie Car, we'll be right back. The Howie Car Show is back. Thanks to the VIPs. Hope you've had a good time here today. Thanks for coming in, and thanks to Kowloon for bringing in the food. We appreciate it. We're talking during the breakup by Chloe the Dog. I mean, nobody gets rid of a dog after seven years unless there's serious problems. Chloe was the Albert family pet. Not only did she appear to be gone from the house that morning on January 29th, nobody saw her there. Even Jim McCabe admitted that in seer there. But they actually got rid of the dog altogether. Within months of this incident, the dog was gone out of the house, re-home, never to be seen again. This was a dog they had had for seven years. Also a dog who had a bite history. Why was it so important to get rid of that dog? Was there something about the dog they did not want law enforcement to find out? Recall what Dr. Russell said. She's seen up to a thousand animal attacks. In her expert opinion, John's right arm, those injuries are from an animal, quote, "most likely a large dog". And Dr. Russell's testimony, I'll remind you, was undisputed by any witness for the copyright. Cut for. Ladies and gentlemen, there was a cover up in this case plain and simple. You'll surely say to yourself, I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe that could happen in our community. But sadly, over the past eight weeks, you've seen it right before your eyes. I think there can't be too much question about that. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Yeah, Howie. I want to say that injury that John will keep suffering in the back of his head. Yes. Proves beyond the reasonable doubt that he could not possibly have been hit by that vehicle and thrown in that yard because the police only found three drops of blood and it would have bled severely. Anybody who's been injured in the head, face in that area, no, it bleeds severely. It would have worn like that. No, you're right. I was surprised they didn't make more of the fact that there was not very much blood on the ground. I mean, you know, they made it, it seemed absurd that they would use red solo cups to pick up the blood. I mean, it was ridiculous. But I mean, shouldn't there been a lot more blood than that you just pick up a few droplets here and there? I mean, that didn't make any sense. You're right about that, Mike. Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. And I just want to express my wish, my prayer is that whether the federal agents are that are working in this case, looking at these guys are good ones and on our side, because these guys are all co-conspirators in a cover up in being accessories after the fact of a murder and a frame up. They should all go to prison. Every snake in one of them. Thanks for the call, Dave. It's just, I don't know. I hope we get a verdict tomorrow, and I hope there isn't a ringer in the in the in the law. That's the only that's the only way they could be a whole hold out. Ron, very quickly. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, Howie, good evening. Hi. I just wanted to share my my hopes for the debate. Number one. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can. Go ahead quickly. Okay. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Number one. I hope there's a lot of just curious oblivious people watching and that it creates a buzz. More of a buzz. Number two, I hope that the globalists and the media for their exposed and number three. I hope people. Running out of time. I think the media has been well exposed already. See you tomorrow. I hope we have a verdict. I'm Howie Gar.