The Howie Carr Radio Network

Justin Timber-who? plus the Chump Line | 6.25.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie shares the latest in pop culture, the detainment of washed-up star Justin Timberlake. There's only one problem. Howie sympathizes with the cop who didn't recognize the guy who was once among most recognizable men on earth.

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25 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Look the other way. Four words that sum up the Commonwealth's entire case. Late night calls and Google searches falsified affidavits inverted videos. Butt dials galore. DNA revealed that it was a butt dial. And not just to someone on his speed dial, his dexterous cheeks dialed all 10 digits. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. You have one minute, Mr. Wellie, wrap it up. Yes. ♪♪♪ Peter, are you just trying to take a knee until the end of the show? Who do you love? Howie Car. Howie Car doesn't have a big thing saying, "Better agents support Caron Rea." Or, if Department of Justice provides slick reconstruction in support of a cop killer, someone the mainstream media will not do that. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car. ♪♪♪ Cramming like crazy, Biden prepped by 16 people for presidential debates, 16 people. My mind's going blank now. What's the point? There's an old country song. There's no use running if you're on the wrong road. I mean, I think the same thing applies here, does it? What good are you going to do by telling him something? He doesn't remember your name, even though you're the Secretary of State, who he's going to call you the Foreign Minister. You're the Defense Department Secretary. He's going to call you the guy from the outfit. You know, and you're giving him answers to questions? Come on. You know, one of the VIPs said, "I've been saying they need a jamming truck out in the lot." You know? But he points out that, you know, you can get the technology is a wonderful thing. You can just... You can get like a small thing, like probably the size of a cigarette lighter, and just slip it in your breast pocket, and just screw up everything. I would support that 100%. You know, it's just leveling the playing field. It's three against one. He's got the questions. They can turn off the mics. You can't turn off the mics. I mean, give you a little bit of an edge. A bit of an edge. Meanwhile, you know, of course, Joe Biden is in the fortress of solitude. You know, he's hiding out. You know where Trump is tonight? He's on Newsmax. He's doing a live interview with Corey Lewandowski. I'm looking at the press release right now to preview his debate showdown against Biden, talk campaign 24, and legal latest plus more. Eight o'clock. So Corey is the guest host tonight on Prime News. So can watch it tonight at eight on Newsmax. I mean, so Trump's not afraid. Trump did a rally yesterday, didn't he? Or he's going to do one soon before the debate. But again, Biden is in a cocoon, which is another way of saying iron long. All right, time now for the Chumpline. Howie, do you think Parker Brothers will be coming out with a new version of Clue based on the Karen Reed murder trial? See, it's hard to have a game like that when there's a different number of taillight pieces in every game. And the taillight pieces reproduces in some cases. Well, they're in a sealed bag under the jurisdiction and custody of the state police. The diary of Roscoe the Pug, day 406 of my captivity. The prison warden, who looks like an ancient goober pile with his laser cap, dropped a dime on me by telling people every morning we meet a hippie on the bike path who kissed me treats. The truth is those treats are bags of reefer. The prison warden is using me as a drug mule. And when I protest, he says he's going to rehome me, Clue style. Well, one day, I'll rehome him to the nursing home, woof. Roscoe would never do that to me. And today, the hippie wasn't out there on the trail, but there was a guy with a short haircut. And believe it or not, he had a bag of treats for his kid's dog. And he said, can I give Roscoe a treat? And I said, of course you can. Roscoe is making a lot of friends out on the Brook Path. Today's Chump Line is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids. And they can help you, too. Request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. Visit for more information. That's Today's poll question, whose hand will Joe Biden shake at the debate Thursday? Donald Trump's or the man who isn't actually there? I don't know, you see? He's not going to look at his eyes. The drugs always show up in your eyes, those red capillaries. The redder your eyes, the more jacked up you are, no matter what kind, whether it's uppers or nouners or sideways or whatever. Hey, Howie, why didn't Jen McCabe just tell the truth? I mean the truth. She didn't come here to be made sport of and neither did all of the other lovely, those lovely Canton women. I saw a headline the other day that said, "Most people tend to underestimate Joe Brandon." I think it's physically impossible. The late Maha Rushi used to say that he had half his brain tied behind his back just to make things fair. In the case of Joe Brandon, if his opponent had both sides of his brain tied behind his back, I think it'd still be unfair. Yeah. I mean, Brandon was probably at the top of his intellectual game in the 1980s, and that's when he got busted by Dukakis for stealing the speeches from RFK and from the British Labour leader. He just took everything from the guy's life. He just stole the entire speech. I mean, what does that tell you about a guy? He pretends to be a Welsh coal miner. It's just weird. I never thought anyone could vote more BS than Dr. Fauci, and then came Adam Lowey. That's sure. That's very good. Yeah. One of the VIPs said that Adam Lowey has put on a performance for the ages, kind of like Bill Buckner in the 1986 World Series. I mean, sometimes you put on a performance for the ages that is remembered for all the wrong reasons, and I think that's the realm that Adam Lowey finds himself in right now. Yeah, and Lowey gives us his lawyer's license at Pittsburgh State School. Look, the important thing to remember about Adam Lowey is every year, he tithes. Well, not tithes, but he gives money to meatball Mike Morrissey. He's given him $1,750 over the last 16 years, and before that, he gave money to Bill Keating, because Bill Keating was the district attorney of Norfolk County. Do you know how many Boston cream donuts you could buy with $1,750? Now that the basketball season is over, it's time to focus on the Red Sox. Mayor Menina, what's your favorite Red Sox memory? Fair attack, split in the uprights. How about you, John Kerry? The Yankees posted the Boston Red Sox logo, and they sang Sweet Adeline. And how are you? The possible dream. 1976. Anything else? I don't think I ever said that. No, no. They cut in that name. This is their field talk. No, no. I didn't say that. I may have had numerical dyslexia and said 76 when I meant 67, but I don't think I ever said Carlton Fisk at 406. I must have missed it, but when did Mike Tyson threaten Jamal Bowman and his family? You know, you want to be cheered up tonight. The results are going to come in early, I think, from the 16th congressional district in New York, and Jamal Bowman is going to have to go back to wherever the hell he came from. It's going to be a tragic night for AOC and Bernie Sanders and the rest of the squad and their hangars on. He's going down in flames, it looks like. Nobody mumbles with the clarity of Joe Biden. 978, I'm sitting in traffic on 495, there are busted tail light pieces in the breakdown lane. Should I call the state police so they can use them for evidence? What I want to know is how did they bust them all up? I mean, the FBI expert said it's really hard to bust them up. I mean, do you need like a sledgehammer? How do you do that? It's not like the old days. To prepare for Thursday, Donald Trump is having mocked the baits against a soup can. I wonder if Corey Lewandowski will bring a soup can to the interview tonight on Newsmax. That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the chump line today. The chump line is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. And if you didn't hear your message just now, you might hear it later on today. Chop chumps. It's the second chump line of the day where we place all the messages we didn't have room with time for just now. You can get chump chumps wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. And by the way, if you want to send a message to the chump line, the number is 844-542-844-542-442-442. Press 2 for the chump line and leave your message. Today's chump line is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you to request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. To for more information, that's To prepare for Thursday, Donald Trump is having mock debates against a soup can. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show. Howie Carr is back. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was the key moment in the Karen Reid trial? Lucky Lockeron's testimony, Hoslong to dying cold, Proctor asking for a gift from the McAlberts, Daiton Cops saying taillight was just cracked, the disappearance of Chloe, Proctor's vile misogynist texts, or the FBI's expert witnesses. Proctor's texts from a safe place. 13% believe the text from the safe space, where the key moment, 39% for the FBI's expert witnesses, still in the lead, 20% for Hoslong to die, 11 each for Lucky Lockeron and the Daiton Cops, all others receiving votes. Alright. So let's have a bit of a KJP. Since Biden is not around, we'll have to talk to KJP. This is a KJP's take on how the economy is rebounding smartly from that 9% inflation rate of January 2021 and the $5 gas prices cut one. So yes, you know, eggs and milk and there were grocery things that were up, it has gone down. It has gone down since 2022. It has. It has. Because of the actions that this president took, and let's not forget, there was an invasion but Russia did obviously into Ukraine that caused gas prices to tick up, the president took action, tap the SPR and we saw gas prices go down. The president has met the moment with every issue that we have had in front of us. He's met the issue and the issue has run him down, like a dog. It's, I mean, grocery things that were up, you know, you know the thing, grocery things that were up. It is, it has gone down or as she said last week, let me spoke to that, you know, we thought we thought mumbles was bad. Splinking. Splinking from the heart. Now we have KJP, let me spoke to that is my dad. More from KJP. The reason why we have chaos right now after the Dobbs decision, the reason why after rolling away was overturned, overturned after being constitutional law for 50 years is because of what Donald Trump did in his administration and now IVF is on the line, contraception is on the line. We have, I was thinking about when I was sitting here before starting this conversation, there are some of us who have young children. Can you believe that we have more rights? We had more rights growing up than our kids, than our kids, that's because of the Trump administration and what they were able to do. Was the lion ever stopped with BS? They're locking people up for trespassing on January 6th for years and years and years. They're not locking up the anti-Israel protesters who vandalize terrorized Jews. They're not locking up the Antifa people. The Black Lives Matter people. But listen, she can't be out fear-mongered by James Carvel. You may not know this, but James Carvel is just going to deliver a very, very bleak message to you. Jared, could you please have the t-t-t-t-t-t-ready when we play this? Cut three. I can assure you, if Trump wins, and he named for a placement for Sotomayor, it's getting set back. Some more constitution, there's no more religious freedom, we're now going to officially move into a theocracy. Officially. And so, I hear young people say, "Well, I don't home feel like I have a stake in this. You've got a hell of a stake coming up." So let's everybody remember what's really, really at stake here. What this is really, really about, and it's about imposing a theocracy on other people and the fools and the two. You mean like you guys are trying to do to us? It's opening Sotomayor. There's Sotomayor. There's Sotomayor, Pearl Harbor, whatever you want to call it, is in Louisiana and they're being exploited by people who really have, which I think is odious and insidious agenda for the United States of America. So let's fight this thing like our country depended on it because it does. Let's remember the words of Roger Williams and let's team up and have George Washington in our huddle. What the hell is he talking about? Did Roger Williams ever say, "Let's save George Washington in our huddle." I don't recall. Who's Roger Williams, by the way? See the guy there founded Rhode Island? Yeah. Well, but George Washington wasn't alive when Roger Williams was alive, was he? No wonder I'm confused. But once we got to a theocracy, well, I'll have to study this stuff, you know, because Roger Williams was a religious leader, wasn't he? He fled the Massachusetts Bay Colony. You know, what this tells me, to use two of James Carvel's favor words, he's really, really crazy. Really, really crazy. I'm Maui Carr. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios, 844-542-42 of theocracy. What did John Adams say? No, Ben Franklin. What kind of government do we have, Mr. Franklin, of theocracy, if you could keep it. Of course, that's not what he really said, and nobody asked for a theocracy, nobody's asking for a theocracy today, 844-542-844-542-42. The US Attorney's Office is not just concerned with this situation down in Norfolk County. They're doing work. Salvadorian man pleads guilty to illegal re-entry. The Salvadorian man living in Somerville pleaded guilty in federal court to Boston to unlawfully re-entering the United States after deportation. Tony Joel Salvador-Omanzoar, please. He was removed from the United States in 2018 following a state conviction for trafficking oxycodone, for which he was sentenced to five years and one day in prison. Some time after his removal, Salvador Umanzoar unlawfully re-entered the United States. Stop me if you've heard this one before, and was located in April 2024. Why did they usually relocate these people? It was following a state arrest for unrelated conduct. Stop me if you've heard this one before. How long before this guy is sent back to El Salvador? How long does he arrive in the United States, and how long does he commit another crime and get arrested, and go through the same process? US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued a detainer for five illegal aliens charged with kidnapping Indiana teen. Five illegal aliens were arrested in Missouri early Monday for allegedly kidnapping a teen girl in Indiana. A 14-year-old girl was reported missing in Cass County, Indiana, and the girl's father had witnessed the girl enter a vehicle later determined to be a black-dodged orango with an unknown registration. You imagine that in an illegal aliens driving a car with no registration? I'll bet they had no inspection sticker on that car either. The men are identified as following. Marland Aguirre, 44 of Honduras, Arturo Estacuacaca of Mexico, Noah Guzman Hernandez of Mexico, Daniel Ruiz Lopez of Mexico, and Carlos Funez, 56 of Honduras. They have an age range of 19 to 56, and they have a 14-year-old girl in the car. Celebrate diversity, baby, celebrate diversity, 844-542, Chris, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Chris. Hey, Howie. Hi. You know, my dad used to say there's no such thing as a coincidence, but they tell what I've seen at this trial with the butt dialing cat and I have to experience my mind because it might be wrong, but I don't think there's a coincidence with the judge opening up the gag order just before CNN can ask Trump about his conviction at the debate. What do you think? You know, I think there's a good chance, again, I'm not going for many conspiracy theories on this debate. I mean, the odds are, the deck is stacked against them, but yeah, I mean, I can't, I can't imagine anything else. This judge is so corrupt. You know, I just really hope they can, you know, go after these people legally. You know, I don't mean any trumped up charges like they've, like they've gone after in this, in this case with this judge in New York, but I mean, this guy, this guy shouldn't be on the bench. He's not even pretending to be a, you know, an impartial, disinterested arbiter of the law. He's a, he's a partisan hack and he's a, from a family of partisan hacks. And again, it's not, it's, it's okay to be a naturalized citizen. No one should be, if they're, if you've naturalized, it's okay. But you know, if you're, if you were born in Bogota, Columbia, leave Bogota, Columbia in Bogota, south of the border, you know, he doesn't have to act like he's still in Columbia. Freeman people, does he? No, that's right. And he makes on. He bet looked like a Supreme Court justice. Yeah. These people, I, I just, they, they are so bad. Thanks for the call, Chris. 844-542-42. You read about this Justin Timberlake arrest in the, in the Hamptons. And apparently the, the, the, the cop, it was a young cop and he gave him a warning. They cut him some slack. Cops don't give a, when you're drunk, I mean, cops will give you a warning like on a speeding ticket or something like that, maybe sometimes, but if you're drunk, they don't, you don't get too many warnings anymore, but they gave, they cut this guy some slack. And so, so then after, after he got the warning, a few minutes later, the same cop spotted Timberlake, only this time the singer had allegedly blown through a stop sign and was weaving out of his lane. And so, so they're, they're saying that he's, he's been mistreated. He was definitely treated unfairly said, said a source in the, in, in the Hamptons. Everyone drives through that stop sign when no one is there, not when they're drunk, not when they're drunk. So here's the thing. The reason I bring this up, the, the, they asked the cop, why did you arrest the guy Justin Timberlake? And he said, I had no idea who he was. I couldn't recognize him. And so they're saying, this is a quote in here from the New York Post. If you live in America, you know who Justin Timberlake is, I mean, I, maybe, maybe I'm going to show how to touch him. I know the name Justin Timberlake, I've read about him. I couldn't pick the guy out of a line up. I've, who, who could hear any of you, you two, you two, you two guys could? Yes. Okay, two out of, two out of six to, I, so I'm, so I'm not, I, maybe I'm not a, a, you know, such a member of a small group of people. I don't know, you know, oh, Justin Timberlake is going to be the halftime show at the Super Bowl. This was like 20 years ago. You know, I think the last time I watched the Super Bowl halftime show, the Rolling Stones were the, were the, were the entertainment. And I said, you know, this kind of sucks. And I just think I'm going to watch Turner Classic Movies or something else until the game starts again. I don't, do you, do you, do you know who Justin Timberlake is Jared? Yeah, I do. I, I would be able to recognize him. What are some of his songs? Uh, I think his biggest solo is probably bringing sexy back, um, bringing sexy back, bringing sexy back. Hey, hey, hey, I'm bringing sexy back and I take the last train to sexy and we'll bring it back to the station. And I, I may be wrong on this. I believe he was in sync. Yes. In sync. And sync was his boy band group back in the 90s. Now it seems like he's a little out of sync. Yeah. All right. I just wanted to see if anyone else agreed with me that, you know, he's eight four four five hundred forty two forty two Pete, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Pete. Hey, Kat, thanks for taking my call. Sure. No. Thank you. Anyways, you know, it's amazing. Um, and I think we've already spoken about it so many times. Now I'm running out of words and tired of it, but you know the way, but are you there? I'm here. I'm the lesson. Yeah. Okay. Um, our governor, Chris, no, no, and, and you know, we've had all these demo, demo, demolition crafts for a long time, you know, on and on with John little flinch and whatnot. And, and it seems to me, so the only one that people around me are going to vote for is Chuck Morris. Number one, wait, wait a second. You don't think they would vote for Kelly Ayot if she wins the primary in the final election? We think she's a Neocon. No, she, you know, even if she's a Neocon, Pete, is she not preferable to the former mayor of Manchester who ran that city into the ground? That's exactly how he, that's, we're all, we're all looking at that. But, but I mean, how long do you have to, how long do you have to look at it? You have, you have two lousy people, but one is lousier than the other. I mean, yeah, does it require a lot of, uh, a lot of debate in your mind, Pete? No, not, no, not really. I, we're, we're, we're, we're, right now we're just teetering and watching to see what they have to say. Yeah, I, I don't, and, and, and, and the other thing, Ollie, Ollie. Yeah. Okay. As far as that Thursday night debate, I'll have my, uh, Orville bed and bed water popcorn and all my drinks. No, wait a minute. Thanks, thanks, Pete. Pete was having an off day, I think, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. You know, Sununu is nothing to write home about. On the other hand, he's not Charlie Parker either. He tried, I, you know, the people who were in in COVID, I give him credit if they put up the slightest bit of resistance. Marty Walsh, even in Boston, he wasn't the best mayor, but he, he didn't, he didn't buy into the whole thing. He, he went along with the crowd. Same with Sununu. I mean, he, he didn't do the best job. I mean, he, he wasn't Ron DeSantis or Brian Kemp in Georgia, but he, he put up some resistance. I mean, the, the ones who, who I really resent and I, I think need to be punished and some of them have been like Charlie Parker, who just went along with everything, Andrew Cuomo, who killed tens of thousands of people. But I mean, if, if you're, if, if you're even thinking about voting or just sitting out the vote in New Hampshire because it might be Kelly Aiotte, and again, Kelly Aiotte walked away from Trump after the, the, the, the Access Hollywood thing. And she wasn't there the night before the, the election in, in 2016. And everybody else was, even Sununu sent his father, you know, John Sununu. He was there. I was there that night because I broadcast from Manchester from our, our affiliate there at WFEA. And you know, she lost by under a thousand votes because she made the mistake of not, not, you know, staying with Trump. She didn't, she, she reacted like a Democrat. And, but again, isn't she preferable to that network? What's her name, Joyce? Something I can't even remember her name. She was terrible and, and if she gets in, you know, you think, you think, you know, someone said, if, if the Democrats get in, you'll have a lot more illegal aliens on your arrest blotters every week from the New Hampshire State Police. And I said, if the Democrat gets in, there won't be any more arrest blotters. You think there were any arrest blotters from the, from the Massachusetts State Police? No, because they go against the narrative. See those arrest blotters that I read every week from New Hampshire, they, they, they're at least honest enough to tell you, tell you the truth about who's committing the crimes. That's all going to end. And, and more significantly, you, you know, damn well, you're going to have a sales tax. You're going to have an income tax. It probably sooner rather than later. Anyone who would vote for the Democrats, I mean, this is, New Hampshire is the last bastion, the last readout of, of some freedom in, in New England. And don't tell me about the Governor Scott in, in Vermont. I mean, he's the worst rhino than, than Parker was. 844-542-4271, that caller from New Hampshire is the problem with stubborn, short-sighted conservative voters who screw up most elections. 844-542-442, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show, we'll be right back. He's Howie Carr. The VIPs, I think, had a fine meal today from Kowloon in Sagas. As the premier Asian dining experience in the Boston area, if you have a hankering for great Chinese food, get yourself to the Kowloon in Sagas, Massachusetts. How was it guys? Like to thank the Wong family for always bringing a great spread on Tuesdays and we really appreciate it. I don't know why she was trying to avoid jail. That's one thing about jail, you get three hots in a cot. You don't want to do her thing in jail though, a Philadelphia influencer, I like that influencer, known as meatball. Any relation to the district attorney of Norfolk County? Dodge jail time for live streaming rabid looters who looted several stores across the city during protests last September. Her real name is DeGia Blackwell. She was ordered to complete 150 hours of community service on Thursday. She has a growing following. Her following has quintuples since her arrest. She is rather amusing. Not that I'm planning on watching her today, I'm going to watch Sean McDonough and then I'm going to watch Turtle Boy. No meat. No meatballs. Are you ready for some meatball? No meatballs. Barbara, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Barbara. Hi, Howie. I'm calling you, first time call, by the way. Thank you. And I just wanted to ask you a question. I didn't get to see the whole trial today, but I did see the defense and I also saw the prosecution closing arguments. I just wanted to know, what were the alberts in the McCabe's doing there? I don't know. I asked Turtle Boy that earlier in the day and, you know, he didn't seem to know either. I mean, you know, it just brought up bad memories. You know, the fact that Brian Albert is the Boston cop who was now retired, sold the house, got rid of the dog, got rid of the pool, got rid of the basement, all of it. But he's totally, he's totally on the level and when they found the body of his fellow Boston cop on the ground in the snow, he didn't even go outside. He didn't go to the funeral of the guy, but he went into court today. And so, you know, if he was making a stand for John O'Keefe for something, the reporters ran up after they left the courthouse and they asked, "What are you guys doing here?" McTooth, Colin Albert, his nephew, and Brian Albert, and they wouldn't talk, Barbara. So I don't know what were they doing there? I don't know. I'm looking for a pity party because they certainly shouldn't have been in there. Right. Right. Well, I think someone was saying the O'Keefe's invited him. I think those seats are controlled by the victim's family, which is John O'Keefe. But I mean, why would the O'Keefe's want them there? I mean, they've been watching, John O'Keefe's father was not there today. So, I mean, it's, you know, you can speculate to your heart's content about why people are there, not there, you know, why they leave in the middle of a witness or a sidebar. And but I don't, I don't know. I just, that was weird to see them show up there. You know, you know, who I really feel sorry for is John Deaton, the Republican candidate for the Senate, with his little, with his go-thean, his shaped head. He looks too much like Brian Albert for, for comfort's sake. I told him I was thinking about doing a separated of birth in the Herald. He didn't look at me with, with affection in his eyes. I decided to give it a pass.