The Howie Carr Radio Network

"Already in the Works": Sean McDonough talks Karen Read verdict and Fed corruption | 6.25.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie welcomes Sean McDonough to the show to discuss the nonsensical Karen Read trial from start to finish. Grace joins later in the hour for her daily News segment.

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Look the other way. Four words that sum up the Commonwealth's entire case. Late night calls and Google searches falsified affidavits, inverted videos, and butt dials galore. The DNA revealed that it was a butt dial. And not just a someone on his speed dial list. Uh-uh. His dexterous cheeks dialed all 10 digits. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. You have one minute, Mr. Welly, wrap it up. Yes. ♪♪♪ Peter, are you just trying to take that knee until the end of the show? Who do you love? Howie Car. If Howie Car doesn't have a big thing saying, "Better agents support Caron Rhee." Or if Department of Justice provides slick reconstruction in support of a cop killer, someone the mainstream media will not do that. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car. That was exactly the headline on my column this morning. And here it is, if Sean McDonough's watching. FBI witnesses appear in bombshell development. Read Howie. All right. So, joining me now, it's a real pleasure to have him here. As Sean McDonough, Al Hefei, and he's the host of his own show. He's from, originally from Matapan Dorchester, a graduate of Canton High School. He can pronounce Canton properly, Canton. And he was a DEA agent for many years, now lives in Naples, Florida. And he's been fantastic on the Karen Reed case, and I got to know him through watching him. Taylor told me about him, and I thought, "That does sound like Sean McDonough. The Will McDonough son would be doing this." But it isn't. It's a different Sean McDonough. And it's Sean McDonough. Welcome to The Howie Car Show. Howie, thank you so much for having us. It's an honor. I'm Tonya. It's an honor. Well, it's an honor to have you on. And one of my McAlberts who's texting in says, "Sean is on. He talks nonsense. He's a grifter." So, you're already getting some accolades here. But I, you know, the reason I-- They're killing me. They're killing me. I think you can handle it. Listen, there may-- the reason I wanted to just have you on just on general principles, because you're really entertaining, and, you know, I've been enjoying your stuff. And we'll try to-- we'll try to get you on again after the trial's over. But, you know, last night I was on the Brookpout walk of my dog, and this woman came up to me and said, "Are you Howie Car? Can I walk with you? I just have a question for you." And she said, "I know Karen Reed's going to get off, but are they going to get those bastards who try to frame her? Worsy and the state cops." And, you know, I was thinking of what, you know, I wanted to have-- I wanted to have you on, because you-- You're confident that the feds are going to make a move after the trial. Why don't you tell-- can you tell people, Sean, why-- why you feel that way? Yes, sir. First of all, I had this side track, right? Yeah. I had a gift. If you know the story, now, Karen to Natalie, Natalie to, uh, uh, Aidan, right? Yeah. Well, somewhere during when, you know, Karen dumped Natalie and Aidan, dumped Natalie, Guess who Natalie ran to? She ran to me, a 35-year-old four-year guy, 28 years as a DEA guy, running covert operations in Peru and Colombia. And she gives me everything. She gives me the whole ball of wax. Howie, I'm reading things like this. We know who killed John, the FBI's, but on Morrissey's cell phone, and off this phone from months, this was back in March of 2012. Howie, my jaw dropped. Let me tell you something. You know how this is. You've been out-- you're an old dog in this game, right? Yes. You give a DEA agent that type of stuff. Oh, my God. It's only that. They talk about the CIA. The people are talking law enforcement officers that they should never be talking about, right? The CIA told us that-- Contradental informant. This is, of course, that's used, and the Uncle Peter took them down the base and the dog are involved. Higgins was trying to get the dog off. Poor guy passed out 20 minutes later. He wakes up. He's convulsing. He's throwing up. Howie, that was told one day after Karen Reeve was arraigned. Nobody had that information. And I'm looking at this. I'm saying, this is it. Honestly, you know how the story goes. They did a parallel investigation on the Mars nose, on the Colonel Bond nose. And they came in over in April of 2023, handed out all these grandeur subpoenas. And now, I'm telling you how this is locked and loaded. They're going to-- they're not dropping it. They're not going to drop it. Why did they let this aberration of a trial take place, though? I mean, this is just-- this is the worst thing that could happen for-- I mean, you-- people like you and I didn't have much faith in the justice system to begin with. But I mean, anyone who's been following this has got to be totally cynical about everything going forward. And I don't know about Rachel. I don't know about all this other BS. But I can tell you right now, Josh Levy is a stand-up guy. Whatever he saw when he became the first assistant in the acting AG, of the district of Massachusetts, he said, guess what? There's something here that wasn't going at it. And when he gave up three inches of Morrissey and to Davie and Eddie and Jackson, he lined it up. He said, guess what, guys? If you go to trial, this is not going to end up well to you. And I guarantee, those 3,074 pages dictate exactly the exculpatory evidence that Morrissey would find out. This is about Morrissey and above. Toronto Keep is just-- it was just a bi-accident, bi-accident. Think about it, Howie. They're on his office phone. Think about the people who are calling in. Right. Well, you never knew about it. He got diarrhea of the mouth. Sean, I like the way you summed it up, that they get the one wiretap. And then they call somebody else, and they have the right to wiretap the other person. I mean, that's exactly what the FBI did when they were trying to ensnare Trump in 2016. They went after the low-level guy, Carter Page. They figured he would just lead them to the top. That's the way it works, right? But how did this start? How did this start-- That's what they did then. Did this start with Sandra Burchmore? Who did this start with? You know, that's the part that I personally don't know. All I can tell you is what I do know, what I have in my hands, and what I read. And that's what I read. And what I read was this. They're going to arrest-- what's his name? Democracy, all right? There's a grand jury. This was talked about early on, long before Aiden Connie was known by the masses. Long before Sean McDonough even knew how to push a button to get on life. This is already in the works. You know how the feds worked, how we better than anyone. And they came out with guns. They went to Morrissey and said, guess what? We want your executives. We want your witnesses. And we're bringing it to Uncle Joe's house down in Southeast. Do you remember they called Mark Lee Uncle Joe, right? Yes. So it was in D.C. known as Uncle Joe. Yeah, I remember when Whitey was killing people on Northern Avenue. That's right. That's right. I remember that. So how soon are they going to move then? What happens if the jury comes back? It becomes back a hung jury. I mean, as you've been saying, as everybody's been saying, that's a victory for Morrissey. He's going to claim that everything was screwed up by Turtle Boy at all. And he couldn't get a conviction, and he did his best. And now it's time to wash his hands of everything. That's the goal. They want this thing to go away, but they are cutting out. How we think about this. When have you ever-- and you've been around on very long time, 35 years for me. And I have never seen, oh god, any other law enforcement agency. Just about the political-- No. I never have. I've said it my column this morning. I've never seen them move in on a state prosecutor, especially the politicized FBI moving in on a Democrat prosecutor who's a delegate to the National Convention. I mean, this is really embarrassing for the politics. And to find out that they actually paid for these experts. These guys were superstars. You said it today. They didn't need anyone else. They needed genius to say the magic words. The FBI and the Department of Justice allowed this. This is the thing. He had to read. Cameron Reed, all the way. That's the message. So we don't have a verdict yet. And it hasn't been very long anyway. Do you have any idea what happened with those jurors this morning? No, I saw it. I teamed up for the whole drop hit from Wales. His name is Dylan Davies, the alternate coroner. I've been doing the play with him every morning and doing recent nights. So I saw it live like you probably did or all the other people. No idea. But I think I think Aiden Carney's going to jump all over that. Hopefully get that juror to talk to you. OK, so you think that there's no way they're going to walk? If she's found not guilty, the feds aren't just going to walk away and say, hey, we prevented a terrible miscarriage of justice. So we've done our job, and it's up to the voters to get rid of Morrissey. You don't think that's going to be what happens? No. Too much money, too much political pushback for them to not do anything. How can they face a political machine in Massachusetts knowing what they did? They can't. They have to do something. So they will. You know, one thing that they were saying off the record is that this all started with Rachel Rollins when she was the US attorney. She didn't like Morrissey from when they were DAs together. And he was pushing back along with the then Republican DA of the Cape and Islands O'Keefe. And she decided-- this is payback for her. And there's somebody in her office, and now Levy's office, whose wife worked there. And she wasn't treated well by Morrissey. And this is just petty politics. Do you think there's anything to that? Well, OK, let's for the sake of argument say, OK, that's true. When she finally got wasted out of office, right? Josh Levy became the acting US attorney. He's a smart guy. Yes. Something about that investigation said to him, uh-uh, we got something here. And he devoted a lot of manpower, a lot of time, a lot of resources. Wire taps are not cheap. The surveillance is not cheap. Getting those guys from Ocker not cheap. There is something there. And his-- I'm going to tell you right now. As a man, as a person, as an officer of the court in law, something told him, I can't back out of this. And that's what I feel. 35 years of my career was on the line. How is it happening? Was to say, to my heart, these cops were bad. And everything in my fiber, I said, this is bad from 6.04 in the morning. It ever got better. And it's a tragedy. It was corruption. That is the face of corruption. I hope they all go down as quickly as possible. But Sean McDonough, Elhefe, the host of "Going Through the Motions" on YouTube, what about the fact that Karen Reid didn't take her shoes off when she went back into the house? Awful, awful Irish girl, too. She didn't take her shoe. My mother would kill her. Do you believe it? And then, to cover her tracks, she left 53 voicemails for the guy she had just murdered. Oh, my God. You dad, girl, Karen, didn't take her off. Darn shit, didn't take her off. 33 voicemails wouldn't have been enough. 43 voicemails wouldn't have been enough. She had to leave 53. Yeah. Like I said in my show, it'd be one thing if she said, oh, Sean, I have a great time. I hope Jen McCabe is not getting on you like she always does. But if you need a ride, please call me. No, she did the right thing. She laid out like every other woman would. I know the other end of that for my whole life. Trust me, I'm doing it right. I got voicemails from Susanna right now. The same thing, and I don't even drink. It'd be crazy. Tell me, yeah. I don't-- I don't know what Lally was trying to prove. Everybody on the jury, male and female, will think of the same thing. We've all been there, right? No, listen, come on. If this was the thought, when you have nothing, you've got to create invent as you go. You have to invent at all. I just can't wait. The corruption part is completely exposed. All right, listen. Listen, Sean McDonough, thank you so much for being with us. It was a pleasure talking to you. Thanks for the nice things you said about me the last couple of days. And I've been-- you know, I've really been appreciating. You are the OG, and listen, any time you want me, you would have me, my friend. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. And where can people-- you'll be on tonight at six on your own show, right? Your regular show? No, I'm actually live, right? I'm actually live right now. I'm doing a verdict party, a verdict watch party, with all-- I've got 24,000 people in my little party here. Here, and I just want to show everybody who's in your party. You can see-- I don't know if you can see me or not, but FBI witnesses appear in bombshell development. As Sean wanted me to do, I delivered for him. I was even before-- And you know something, I saw that. I saw that. I did see that, Howie. You're a great man. You've always been-- you've been my hero. When I was listening to you, that's me. Thank you. Thank you, Sean McDonough. We'll be talking again. Thank you so much. And thanks for having me on your show as well. Thank you so much. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Howie Carr show is back. 844-542-42. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dreamsheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what was the key moment in the Caron Read trial. Lucky Lockrin's testimony. Hoss-long to die in cold. Proctor asking for a gift from the McAlberts. Daiton Cops saying taillight was just cracked. The disappearance of Chloe. Proctor's vile misogynist texts or the FBI's expert witnesses. This is just as they say the tip of the iceberg. Well, I have so many options. I know. I'm going to go with the texts. The text only right now at 14%, the FBI expert witnesses in the lead at 36%, 22% for Hoss-long to die in the cold, 12% each for the Daiton Cops saying taillight was cracked and Lucky Lockrin's testimony. All others receiving votes. But as we found out today from Adam Lally, Hoss-long to die in cold, pay no attention to your lion eyes. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. That's what he said. Cut 30. Bennett asked Ms. McCabe to Google how long to die in the cold. She did so at 6.23 and 6.24 in the morning. You have the testimony of Ms. Hyde and Mr. Wiff. As to sequelite databases, key list databases, knowledge seed databases, state DB tabs. As far as-- As far as Lally. Also from Trooper Marino as well. These searches were unequivocally done at 6.23, 6.24 in the morning, and not at 2.27 in 40 seconds in the morning. They were not deleted by users. That is not what deleted means. May we quote you on that, Mr. Lally. They were not deleted by user. That is not what deleted means. During the break, I'm going to have to look up what the other definitions of deleted are in the dictionary. Nothing was deleted. That is not what deleted means. OK? We want to talk about shoes, too. Snowy shoes. Guilty. I'm now a car. [THEME MUSIC] Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-542-508 says surprised how he's not wearing a Florida panther shirt. Did they win the Stanley Cup last night? Yes, they did. Well, that's good. That's good. I'm glad they did the Florida-- I don't follow hockey. I don't know anything about them. But Boca Cryo, where I go in the winter, some of the panthers come up, and they have the freeze treatment. Yes, it's very good for athletes. They're very big fans, so I'm glad-- Very good for professional athletes. I'm glad for Boca Cryo. They're people one. That's otherwise-- So they have professional hockey players and now Stanley Cup winners, and they also have Howie Carr. And you know who else they have? Kelly Tripuca, former Notre Dame superstar and all pro for the Detroit Pistons. They're Cup runneth over. That's right. Yeah, it was exciting because, I don't know, a lot of people actually were rooting, people that I'm friendly with were rooting for the Oilers, which surprised me, because Florida's the USA team, and Matt said he's excited because Canada hasn't won a Stanley Cup. Matt, can you hear me back there? Since '93, I think he said, is that correct? That's enough hockey talk, as Eddie Analman used to say. '93, that's a long time. That's 30, as long as I've been alive. All right, well, now what are we moving on? OK, Karen Reed. Would you care to continue? I don't want to come on and read stories that nobody cares about. Today's the big thing about Karen Reed. You know, as good as the shoe, if they take off the shoe, you must convict. I forgot that. That's when it came down to today. But this was even my-- loved this one even more than that one. This is a loudly-- the prosecutor is talking about Proctor's nasty, rotten, misogynist emails. We're all found by the FBI, by the way. You can't say who found them. But there was the FBI that found them. And so this is Lally's excuse for all the-- remember the rotten things he said? I don't even go-- I'm like Alan Jackson. I don't even want to go with him, not to mention the FCC. It doesn't want me to go with him. But here's Lally explaining what Proctor was doing with his text messages to his high school friends and his fellow crooked steak cops, Cut 34. Let me first just address Triple Proctor. Text messages from Triple Proctor are unprofessional. They're indefensible. They're inexcusable. However, as distasteful as those messages are and their content is, I submit they had no bearing whatsoever or impact whatsoever. On the integrity of the entirety of the investigation that Massachusetts State Police collectively conduct into John O'Keefe's death here. As was asked of Triple Proctor on cross-examination, these were texts from his personal phone that he never thought would see the light of day, it's asked whether or not he ever thought that he would be asked about these in a courtroom, put to him in sort of a safe space, a safe place, for him to discuss, if you will. It was a safe space, a safe place for him to call-- To call my safe space, my safe space. She's a C-word, she's an R-word. No S, leaky balloon knot, weird fall-river accent, that girl's going down. Don't have to worry about the homeowner, he's a Boston cop. This was his safe space, man. But why would loudly bring it up? Like, it's your closing arguments. You can bring up what you want, you can editorialize. It's the one time you can really build a narrative and not be objected and lose your momentum. And he brings up the text just so he can basically what show everyone that he thinks they are important as well. Well, I think he sort of had to bring him up and mention him, but to call them a safe space and a safe place. I don't really see why you would bring those up just to remind everyone right before you wrap up. Hey, remember those text messages? We all think they're really bad, too, but they have no bearing. And also, why does it matter that he never thought they were going to see the light of day? Is it integrity all about what you do when no one's watching? Yeah, I mean, I think Jackson asked him that very question. He said, what's the definition of integrity? And he said, that's what you do when nobody's watching. And for him to then say, this is what the state police did collectively. You mean like trooper Joseph Paul, as I call him, GED Paul, or as Jackson called him, Massachusetts Best and Brightest. And there was Sergeant Buchanan, the guy who agreed with all the text messages. And Tully, who was, quote unquote, miscounting the number of pieces of a taillight that they broke up. Oh, yeah, if you don't like Brock, maybe you like some of our other witnesses. And then there was Guarino, who couldn't find hose long to die in cold and couldn't spot the deletions because he didn't have the special soft, the new software, the exculpatory soft software. It could only find the incriminating messages on the cell phones. Also, when you think about the text messages, because Lallie now wants to dismiss them, it's really something you-- I could understand how people say things sometimes. And they go, I shouldn't have said that. It came into my head. It came out, and I blurted it out, and I regret saying it. But to type things out takes a different level of, you're committing to it. You have to type it out. You have to think about what you're writing. You have to click Send. So don't tell me. Oh, he never thought it was going to see the light of day. He wrote it down, and he sent it to a group chat. That's a key word to a group. Yeah, he sent it to a group of people, and including a group that wasn't involved in the investigation, his high school friends. Yeah, it's the old saying, how do two people keep a secret? One of them is dead. That's the only way to do it. Well, that's a big question people have now, Howie. So we're waiting for this verdict. Probably going to get it tomorrow, I would guess. And what happens after do you think we'll ever figure out what actually happened? Do you think that if the feds get involved-- Well, you're like, Sean, he said the feds have already solved the case, and they're just waiting. I mean, I hope he's right. I do too. That would be amazing. Yeah, we all-- hey, everybody all the VIPs, hope he's right. I'm rather cynical. It's my experience. You know what I thought of today? I was talking to attorney Mark Bettero earlier on, and I said, the craziest part is that you could tell that Lally, he had one hour, and you could tell that he didn't have enough stuff to fill an hour. He was running out the clock. And then on that-- What else is new? On the flip side, you had Jackson, who didn't have enough time to get in all of the craziness over the past couple of nine weeks. He could have gone for five hours and still had plenty to go with. I talked to people about this case, not just here, but around the country. And they say, I love this case, and it's really interesting, and it's astonishing police corruption. But it's hard to follow, because there's so many moving parts, and there's so much corruption. It's not like they planted one gun, or one incriminating bit of evidence. And there's one black hat, one evil character. I mean, it's very complicated. And one of the things, to your point, that didn't really have an impact on me during the testimony, but that Alan Jackson brought up today, was that her Wi-Fi connected to John O'Keefe's house at 1236. That's a pretty definitive piece of information about where she was at 1236. Especially when I think I'm pretty sure Lally, in his opening argument, said that he was killed at 1245. So it would have been impossible for her to do it. And also when they were talking about-- there were so many things that I was like, oh my god, I totally forgot about that, because it's been a nine-week trial, so things do get lost. Talking about Brian Higgins going back to Canton PD on his way back from 34 Fairview, that's bizarre. Well, everybody always knows that in your personal life, if you tend to like to drink a lot of Jameson and Genjes, 15, 20 at a day, and you go to a place and there's no Jameson and Genjes that's just beer. So you say, I'm not staying around here. Next stop, Canton PD. I'm going to the police department. Oh, it happens all the time. I was surprised. Who hasn't done that? I was surprised today when I was talking to the callers, I was saying, what was the piece of evidence that really moved you? How many people were tweeting at me or calling in saying Lucky Lachran and that hearing his testimony? Because, yes, the three expert witnesses the defense brought in at the end were very, I think, impactful talking about John O'Keefe's body. But to hear Lucky Lachran and to have this guy who seemed so decent compared to all of these other people that were just aggressive and contrarian, it really did, I think, change people's office. They were like small town bank tellers who'd been caught with their, you know, embezzling, you know? They were just, they were, they were all shady and most of them were cops. Can I ask you something? As someone who is sat behind a person in a televised trial, what did you make of Brian Albert being right in view as Alan Jackson was delivering his closing statements? I didn't get it, I didn't get it. There's a lot of stuff I don't understand about the way they've been acting. I mean, like jumping ugly with a turtle boy on Sunday afternoon. I mean, it's like they want to be thugs, but they don't understand that the only way a thug can ultimately survive is to stay kind of down low. You know, ultimately, look at John Gotti. I mean, it worked for him for a couple of years until it didn't, you know? After that, nobody wanted to be the boss 'cause it's like putting a target on yourself. I mean, he's just, that's what he did. He put a target on himself. Yeah, it's like they want to be thugs, but they also want to be the victims. You know, they want everyone to feel bad for them. And it's like, you can't really be both. You can't be the bullies and then cry foul on everyone else. You could be, you could be like a gang, a mob, an outfit and have a social club. And you can sit outside on a sunny day and enjoy yourself, but you can't be harassing pedestrians. You just can't be 'cause it's gonna, it's going to get people's attention in a negative light. Not to bring it back to you once again, but I am gonna ask you one more question. As someone who likes to quote John Adams, how did you feel about Lally invoking one of John Adams's quotes in his closing arguments? I was appalled. Do you, would you like to be, be John Adams spokesperson right now and defend his honor and tell us how your client feels from the grave about being involved in this closing argument? John Adams, many of you may recall, made his bones as a criminal lawyer by defending the British soldiers who opened fire on the, at the Boston massacre. We all know the name, Crispus Attics, but there was another victim. He was an immigrant from County Galway. His name was Patrick Carr. And yet, even though Patrick Carr had been gunned down in cold blood by the rotten Brits, John Adams still went to bat for them and kept, he prevented them from being in effect lynched. What was this trial other than a lynching? And he also said that this is a, this is a republic for a moral, good and moral people, is the actions of the mass state police in the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office, in this case, the actions of a good and a moral people. That's what John Adams asked me to pass on today. Thank you very much. - Do you rest? - Yes, the Adams estate rest. - All right, well, listen, I know you're gonna have so many people who are calling in today, they wanna get their two cents in, so I'm not gonna take up a lot of time. I would remind everyone that Grace's news is brought to you by Tux Trucks. No one knows Fisher plows like Tux Trucks GMC and Hudson Mass. Your Fisher plow distributor, shop now for the upcoming season, Fisher plows, spreaders, accessories and parts, shop online at, or call 1-800-MY-TRUCK and also Howie, on the Howie Carcel website right now, a lot of really important videos. You can watch the video of Karen Reid entering the Dedham Courthouse today, surrounded by fans, hundreds of people showed up. Also, we have some cuts of Alan Jackson on the website right now, so go to and you can see all of it for yourself. A lot of the stuff you can watch. - You can also read my column from the Herald, which is also posted that Sean liked 'cause it had FBI in the headline, which you wanted to see. - There you go. - Nobody else had that in the headline. - It's all at - Thank you, Grace. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 Extravaganza. 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I'm Howie Car. - Looking for the perfect gift for the Howie Car Fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. - We've got them all. - Go to and click store. (upbeat music) - He's Howie Car and he's back. (upbeat music) 844-542-42978. Howie, I learned something during this trial. The toothbrush must have been invented in Cannes. If it had been invented anywhere else, it would have been called a teethbrush. (laughing) - Ha, ha, ha, ha. - They hate us for these jokes, don't they? I'm sorry. 844-542-42. After this verdict comes in and it's all over, does the FBI swoop in and arrest all these dirty? - I hope so, that's why he had Sean on, 'cause he's convinced that it's gonna happen. I don't know. They move like, you know, slower than coal molasses as my A&Mabel used to say. They just, they just, it's such a glacial pace, but when they do finally move, they have an 88% conviction rate, so that's the good news. 508, the Canton and state police seem to be populated by degenerative alcoholics, and they'd be subject to random breathalyzer tests in your analysis. Sir, have you ever heard of unions? Not allowed, you know? The union was standing up for Proctor until the texts were read by Proctor at the trial, the union was behind him, 100%. When you referred to the R word to describe care and read by Proctor, are you referring to retard? Why can't you say it in those specific terms? I mean, technically you can say it, but I just, you know, people are so offended by it. I just mentioned it now just to be clear, but 'cause people have asked that, but we just said, you know, why say it? Why make people feel bad? And he's just using it as a complete slur anyway. I mean, she's definitely not mentally disabled. I mean, she's, you know, she's got problems, but you know, who doesn't have problems? Eight, four, four, 542, 42, Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. How we hear me out, this Trump doing this debate is a colossal blunder for him because he's got absolutely-- I just don't buy that. I've gotten all kinds of callers sayin' that, Dave. How could it be a blunder? You know, if he, if I'm so senile, how come what's his name, President Hump, won't debate me? You know that's what he'd be sayin'. I'll tell you why because they're not gonna let Joe throw, blow a head gasket. And if they do, it's a win for them because then they could just say, oh, we can't run with this guy anymore, right? Meanwhile, Trump has him on the ropes and he's got nothin' to gain by goin' into the Lions then with Jake Tapper and whoever's associated-- I wouldn't call it the Lions then. How 'bout the weasels then? Yeah, yeah, the skunk stand, okay, yeah. Yeah, so he's got absolutely nothin' to gain. He's on a roll and it's almost like he's lettin' him back in the fight. They're not gonna-- He can't, he can't not do it. You know, he's the, he, you know, however Biden got in there, he is now the champ, the heavyweight. If you're the challenger, you can't turn down an opportunity to go after the guy who has the belt. You can't. Oh, well, I don't agree with that when the momentum is on your side. I don't, I mean, he threw down the garlic, you're right. But, you know, what does he stand again? What he's hopin' is Joe's gonna melt down and I don't think that's gonna happen. You know, all he needs is one sound cut. All, that's all he needs. And he's gotta, and he's gotta for once behave like, like a reasonable politician. I mean, no, no snide one-liners. Just, he, I'm tellin' ya, in the 2020, if you look back at it, he let Biden off the ropes by interrupting him and not letting him, he was on the verge of a meltdown in 2020. He's that much closer to the precipice of a total catastrophe on stage now. All Trump has to do is sit back. I mean, and at this point too, no, everybody knows it's not on the level. It's three on one. Three on one is Democrat fun. I'm How We Car. (dramatic music) (drum roll)