The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy on Karen Read Closing Arguments and Verdict Watch | 6.25.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace gives you the latest updates on the closing arguments in the Karen Read trial.

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I'm going to try to weave in a couple of other stories today. But it is one of those days on the radio where you might as well give in to what everybody is following. There is no point in peeing in the wind, as they say. So we will be covering Karen Reid and Judge Kannoni is giving out instructions. And these instructions, I just want to let you know, are very long-winded, this is taking a very long time. And not to make the trial about me, but it's ruining my guest lineup. Because Turtle Boy was supposed to join us at 105. He texted me. The influence of liquor also includes the lesser offense of motor vehicle homicide in felony opioid. Yeah, I don't know who has a more monotone voice, her or Lally, but this is taking forever. So while we wait for that to wrap up, we're going to go to the calls. We're going to play some of these Lally sound cuts. Let's start with Maggie, your first up in this hour. Go ahead, Maggie. Hey, how you guys doing? Thank you again for taking my call. I'm a generational listener. Started listening to you guys with my grandfather and my father. And now I'm a big Howie, Karen, Grace fan. Thank you, Maggie. Yeah, of course. I just wanted to say, you know, I got to know what you guys are thinking about the McAlbert clan showing up. I mean, they didn't show up to John O'Keefe's funeral. And now they're behind his family as if they're friends. And, you know, the whole prosecution or the whole time the prosecution was talking about Colin. They wanted to convince us that he wasn't in the house. So what is he doing there? It's mind boggling. Maggie, it makes sense that you're a generational listener because you are so astute. And that is a really wonderful point that you made. And furthermore, didn't they say that turtle boy couldn't be in the courtroom when Jen McCabe was testifying and Colin Albert? Because there was a whole list of witnesses that because he was intimidating to them. Well, isn't he there today? He is. So they're OK to be around him now. And they definitely were feeling Maggie the vibe I got. And I'm curious if you'd agree with this. Turtle boy sitting right above Brian, Brian Albert's head. I think that Jen McCabe and Brian Albert and Colin Albert thought, because when you read the social media of the people who are on their side, I hate to put it like that, but that's just it is what it is. They're very delusional. Like they really think they're winning this thing. They think loudly is a real flashy, cunning lawyer. And so in my mind, I have to assume that they thought they were going to show up and stare down Karen Reid and be vindicated and show up for this last day. Like, why did you think Maggie that they were there? I think because they are actually insane enough to think that they have this in the bag. And I don't know if it's because of years of entitlement down in Canton. I was so shocked to see the three of them show up. But I don't know why at this point, why I'm shocked by anything that they do. But for one thing, the prosecution has been trying to convince us this whole time that Colin had nothing to do with this. So why bring him in? Yeah, yeah, no, I, this whole thing is just preposterous and, you know, I kind of can't wait for it to be over just so I can get my life back a little bit. But this is insane. I know, you know, Maggie, we've had a lot of people calling us up or texting us on the side saying, you know, I have a job and I can't really focus on it because I'm watching this stuff around the clock. They have this is like the old days. My mom said when she worked at the telephone company, there were a few ladies who had a little TVs and they'd watch the soap operas during the work day. This is people must have little, now you just need your computer. But I think a lot of people have multiple screens going during this. Think back on days when the trial was not on, like a holiday or something. What do I do now? It's like, well, yeah, when your show wraps up, now what do I watch? Yeah, but I think the McCalbert's being there today is a two part. One, it's ego, just have its flaunting call in Albert, whether they're consciously doing it or subconsciously doing it. And two, they don't see a downside to being there today. They don't see a downside. Even if Karen Reed has found not guilty, they have covered their tracks. Not great, but well enough so that it cannot be proven that John O'Keefe died in their house and they had something to do with this cover up. If that hadn't, if they hadn't covered their tracks well enough, that would have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by now. So them being there, there's no downside to them for that. You know what though, Maggie, back to your point about the arrogance factor. I do think that that is a downside because in my mind, right? If I'm sitting on the jury, I'm going, the same arrogance that brought these people into this courtroom today could have played a major key or a major factor in how all these things went down. It actually adds to Alan Jackson's explanation of things that these people are so entitled, that they're so delusional, that they're so narcissistic, that even in a time where they'd be better served, staying quiet or staying home or keeping their heads down, they can't help themselves. They have that instinct to get involved, to make things worth, to be antagonizers. And I think that's a huge part of the point that Alan Jackson is trying to make. Maggie, I thank you for calling. I thank you for listening. Please keep tuning in. Let's go to Chris. You're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Chris? Hey, Grace, thanks for taking the call. So I'm a legal professional. I work in Metro West. Every single person in our office is watching it in their office. All the attorneys are, we have it on in our kitchen every single day. Every single person says, "Lally is the worst attorney they've ever seen." We have litigators, we do business, we do a lot of different things. And they all shake their head. They say, "How is this guy here?" And the icing on the cake today was he ran out of time. He didn't even close. He could have cut a promo saying, "Hey, this is what happened." She got in the car, she backed up, she hit him, he fell on the lawn and she left. It could have been two sentences. He just went on and on and on. It was ridiculous. OK, now, here's my question, Chris. As someone who is a legal expert, who knows these kind of things, what happens next, though? Let's say, you know, it's not guilty. And obviously we've all seen Lally embarrass himself now for nine weeks. But what happens to all these people in the DA's office? So I asked specifically one of the attorneys, what's going to happen to Lally? Is he going to be right in parking tickets next week? They told me they said a big firm in Boston will go out, get him, pay him a bunch of money. Just because of the notoriety, even if he sucks, they just want his name out there. Hey, we have this guy. He was on this case. That's what they told me. I was shocked. That's like every knock a boost at all publicity is good publicity. Wow, that surprises me, Chris. Now, now Chris is shocked to me. And this guy was like, he didn't even stutter. He told me, oh, no, big thermal higher than I was like, wait, what? Oh, God, it's amazing how just any sort of notoriety is considered a good thing. Chris, when you now, I should mention here, Judge Kannoni is still giving instructions to these jurors. How long you think this is going to take for them to come back with a verdict? And is there any scenario in your head where they don't come back with a verdict of not guilty? She's definitely getting off and it just I'm going to say, I mean, there's not enough time in the day unless they literally walk in the room and they say, not guilty, it's going to be tomorrow morning. It has to be because they've dragged their feet for so long this morning, right? I mean, they read around four. It's one 15 almost right now. I don't see the math of how they're going to, like I said, unless it's 10 minutes. Yeah, but that's tomorrow morning. I'm going to say that's just me. Yeah. And especially when you're in the ninth week, it's like, what's one more day? Chris, I do want to ask you one more thing. And this doesn't have to do with the fact that you're involved with legal things. This is just more of someone who's been watching this case, like all of us. When you are watching the defense paint this picture, whether it had to do with the dog or the health data on the phone or the butt dials or Brian Higgins in his relationship with Karen Reed, was there a moment? Was there a piece of this story that you said that is something that I can't explain away? That is something that makes me believe Alan Jackson and Yannetty and Karen Reed side more than the McAlberts. Was there one thing that stuck out to you? Michael Proctor's tax. I female attorneys told me they were spicking by what he said. They told they they were sticking to buy it. Once once they, a lot of them didn't really pay attention or they was on in the background or they were doing cases and they put it on in the afternoon and watch a summary. They were all watching his text that day. When that came on and he said the C word, he said bad stuff. They all said, no, not guilty. That's the all set. It was shocking how fast they turn and made up their mind after that. Yeah, no, and I can tell you this as a female viewer. I felt pretty much the same exact way. Chris, I actually, I know I said that was my last question, but I have one more for you. Our last caller, Maggie, was talking about the fact that Brian Albert, Jen McCabe and Colin Albert showed up. Did that strike you as odd when you were watching this and you saw them sitting behind Alan Jackson? What did you think of that move by Brian Albert, Jen McCabe and Colin Albert? Well, terribly vivid. A lot of them didn't go to the guys funeral, but they're here today. So that sort of struck me as weird. And I think what you were saying before, they're just like ego, and they're just like sociopathism and just like being just awful people. It's just sort of part of the course. The thing that gets me under was the juror, the jury kind of booted this morning. It's like, of course, the last day the juror gets kicked off this case. I'm telling you, thank you, Grace. I appreciate the time. Thank you, Chris. Keep listening. It also shows a lack of restraint. You know, a lack of self awareness and common sense, I think, to say, hey, Colin, listen up, we're going to go into court today. You know, they've been trying to paint themselves, Taylor, as not only the heroes and all of this, but also the victims that they're the victims of turtle boy. They're the victims of the media. They're the victims of these mobs of crazy free care and read people. And if all of that's true, then why do you subject your son to sitting behind Alan Jackson as he's making these closing arguments in a nationwide case that everyone as Chris just pointed out is tuning into. It shows a lack of common sense, a lack of wisdom. And I think when you, when you factor that in and you go, okay, so these people are clearly hot heads. They clearly drink a lot and they clearly think they're untouchable. It does help Karen read even more seeing them sitting there behind Alan Jackson. There's so many unanswerable questions like that in this case. What happens to the Kenton Police Department after this case? There's got to be a whole, whole cleaning house that has to be done. There are obviously probably some good cops on that force, but there's got to be some, like, large internal investigation. The FBI case investigating the investigation is ongoing. Who knows if maybe as soon as the verdict comes down and Karen Reed has let go, if there's going to be indictments unsealed and arrests made, we have no idea. This, this is still snowballing even after today. And to that point to piggyback off of that, a story, how he was talking about yesterday that we have discussed, but now is just picking up even more steam is this horrible story about Sandra Burchmore and her death and how yesterday news broke. This was a pregnant Massachusetts woman. She was allegedly groomed by these cops and she was found dead in her Kenton apartment and the story was it was a suicide. And you read about how she was basically passed around between all these cops. She had been interning since I think she was maybe 13 years old. Let me just double check that. Yeah. She was part of the Explorer youth program when she was 13 in 2010 and these officers. Now Matthew Farwell had allegedly started sexually abusing her when she was 15. She was found dead in her Kenton apartment. They said it was a suicide. Well, yesterday it comes out that a pathologist that was hired by the family says she did not commit suicide and she may have been killed and she had a broken neck bone, which is very common in strangulation and not very common in committing suicide. And so here's another story where we heard that before. It's crazy. It's really crazy and it's all happening in this same area. And I drove through it the other day, Taylor, because I was going to the cape and my GPS took me a really funky way. And I don't actually go to Kenton that much. There were kids from Kent when I was in high school and sometimes I go to their house, but it wasn't that often. But one thing that I did notice when I was there, I said, these roads are really windy. These are very windy roads to be driving around after a couple of Jameson and Ginger's and, you know, going to plow people's driveways with roads like this in a snowstorm. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, you shouldn't. You should stop doing that. Whether you have a stinky cat at home, menace on the loose, walking around. Maybe a dog that you need to get rid of in a hurry stinking up the joint. Well, you can get an Eden pure thunderstorm. It destroys odors. And with a three pack, the great thing about the three pack is you can use one in your basement, one in your kitchen, maybe give one to a friend. The possibilities are endless. I want to hold this up for the rumble cam because we have a lot of new people on rumble. It's a very small device. I talk about this and I think people envision the air purifiers that you see in people's basements that are huge, you know, they take up. They're very unattractive. They take up a lot of space. That is not the case with the Eden pure. You plug it into the wall, easy to use, very, very quiet, but it really works. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. All you have to do is visit and use discount code grace three. That's discount code grace three. Hopefully judge Canoni wraps this up soon. These instructions that are going on forever. And then we can talk to turtle boy. In the meantime, though, we'll continue to take your calls when we come back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Then Lieutenant Tully comes to court and makes this big grand gesture of opening all these evidence bags. These two evidence bags in particular represent exactly what we're talking about, those three pieces, red, clear, red. They're marked, they're sealed, they look official. They're not stopping shop bags. Thank God, at least they moved up from that. That was Alan Jackson today. That's a great thing about closing arguments. You know, you're not going to get in trouble every other sentence. You can kind of you can get your momentum and you can roll with it for a bit. And he certainly did. And on the contrary, you had Lally, who I'm not really sure what kind of points he was trying to make, but we will play a few of them because I want to talk about the shoes, Karen Reed wearing her shoes in John O'Keefe's house. Because little did we know Lally was sitting on this smoking gun the whole time. But first, let's go to Phil, your next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Phil. Yeah, Grace, I appreciate you, Karen, carrying this blow the wall. Yeah, I think they're just trying to carry on the facade that. Oh, yeah, we're not guilty. If we were guilty, we wouldn't be here. And it's also sort of like when there's a pyromaniac, and he sets a fire. The fire department is always looking for anybody that they're watching what they've done, you know? And so that's how they catch these guys. But they're just so arrogant and so guilty, this would be such a travesty of justice that this jury doesn't come back with a verdict of not guilty for a woman to have to go through this. It's clear any logical person knows that John O'Keefe was in that house with the bite marks. And the way he was brutalized, somebody is out there. I just hope and pray to God that the FBI comes through for all of us, that after this is all said and done, they'll go after the true culprits in this matter. Yeah, the FBI is due to come through with something. And so this would be a good one about your point, though, about, you know, the pyromaniacs. You're right, because I remember watching your true crime documentary one time. It was about some sort of kidnapping. It was something on Netflix, and they had a specialist on there, an expert who had investigated a lot of these. And he said, you're always aware of the people who immediately are offering up a lot of help to a crime scene. You know, it's, it's like the old expression from Shakespeare. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Like if you have one guy who's skulking around going, you know, I think what might have happened, you go, who, who are you exactly? Why are you over here? Why are you so interested in this? And there were a lot of moments in this case that actually reminded me of that. Like Brian Higgins wanted to go out of his way to say, if you want to extract these messages, here's that kind of thing where it's like, Oh, thanks for anyone who's being overly helpful. I think is worth kind of questioning. Thank you for the call, Phil. So where are we right now, Taylor? You're watching this live. They are picking the jurors right now and they're getting through that process. OK, they're picking the jurors and Turtle Boy did just tweet out. He said, I'm going on the Grace Curly show as soon as we get out of here. And so hopefully that will be at some point in the next segment. Now, I want to play this cut of lally with the shoes, but we'll save that for the other side. Taylor, today's poll question is brought to you by Calitren. Do what my producer, Jared did lose weight in a healthy way with Calitren's high quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential. Save 50% on a 30 day supply at Grace Curly and click on store. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what will be the verdict in the Karen Reid trial, guilty, not guilty or hung jury, not guilty. 85% say not guilty, 10% hung jury, 5% guilty. All right, lally smoking gone about Karen Reid, keeping on her shoes when we come back. Live from the Aviva Thrathria studio. Look the other way. Look the other way. Four words that sum up the Commonwealth's entire case, four words that sum up the hopes of those who have tried to deceive you. Conflict's event just doesn't matter. Just look the other way. Magic hairs, magic glass, look the other way. Late night calls and Google searches, falsified affidavits, inverted videos, but dials galore. Just look the other way. Welcome back, everyone to the Grace Curly show. That was attorney Alan Jackson during that was the very beginning of his closing arguments today. Joining us now, finally, is Turtle Boy. Turtle Boy. What was happening there? Were those instructions longer than you predicted? Was she dragging it out a bit? No, she said it was going to be an hour. Oh, OK, good. Now, yeah, I mean, it's pretty standard, but I mean, like the instructions are to listen to the evidence and whatnot. And the instructions are basically to, you know, make Karen Reid not guilty and get it done before the end of the day. Now, Turtle, I want to ask you first, give us an update on what was happening with Jure number three this morning. Jure number three was brought up, who was a very obviously sympathetic jury, a juror to Karen Reid, who has mouled when Joseph Paul was giving testimony. What? And she also has was disgusted by the Proctor testimony. She was brought up. We don't know what happened. And she got dismissed and she looked visit like she was like the most attentive juror like took notes during the whole thing. I could tell she's a knock guilty vote from a mile away. Also, another juror 12 was also a, which they would turn to her a lot. And she also was very disgusted by the Proctor text. And she was just in the raffle they had eliminated as a juror. There's 14 jurors in the eliminated to it. She was one of them. So they got rid of two jurors that are clearly very sympathetic to Karen Reid, but I'm still pretty confident they're going to exonerate her. Now, turn away, uh, Aidan Carney, we've been talking with a lot of the callers today. And a lot of them had various student observations about what's gone on so far. And something that keeps being brought up is the fact that Brian Albert, Jen McCabe and Colin Albert decided to show up today. You also put out a few tweets on social media about that. Give us your reaction to seeing these three in the courtroom. And why do they do it? Why do you think? What was their motivation to being there? It's disgusting. It's the okay for the ones that brought them there, right? The O'Keeves are bringing them there to tell as assigned to the jury is we don't believe any of this crap. We didn't listen to a word. The prosecution said we don't like Karen Reid. We never like her read. We're going to ignore all the evidence against there. And we are so confident, right? Um, that we like that we didn't believe anything that they said that we're going to bring these people who the evidence shows Lord John O'Keeves to his final destination, where he's killed inside and left on the lawn to die. The other part of this that I wanted to get your, um, opinion on was how Alan Jackson started off his opening, uh, or his closing arguments today about the health data on John O'Keeves phone. You tweeted out that you thought that was one of the most important pieces of evidence and you were glad he brought that up and that he really brought it up in the beginning of his closing arguments. Why is that so important to this case? Well, cause well, they have the people in the house. They John didn't come in, right? And it just putting John in the house proves not only that. Carol Reed did, did not commit murder, but that the people inside did. And John's Apple health data has been going up and down three flights. This year is at 12 from 12, 21 to 12, 24 PM or AM rather. And nickel is green. Oh, the tech guy from the state police for renewable jobs. He said that, uh, John couldn't have been in the house at that time. Cause it's GPS has them, you know, uh, about half a mile away on the street called Oakdale street and Oakdale street is wicked hilly. So that explains why it looks like he's climbing stairs. I did a test on Oakdale street the other day. It's flatter than Indiana and there's no possible way. And also my phone did not register me going up and down. And he flight the stairs at that time. And it's very accurate. So I'm glad that he brought that up because that's the strongest evidence putting John in the house. Carol Reed doesn't have a basement. She doesn't have a second floor in her car, right? So, well, how else could it be climate if he was not inside of a house? And the only house you went through that night was Brian Albert house. Yeah. And something else I wanted to ask you about in this regard is that, you know, you have access to the reactions of the jurors when they're watching these closing arguments, the closing arguments for each were Lally and Jackson. They both go an hour. That's a long speech to listen to. You have to try to keep the jurors attention, try to keep them, you know, captivated and following what you're saying, give us the rundown of how they were responding to Alan Jackson's closing arguments. They're captivated sitting on every word that he said, staring at him. And we, it's like a, I mean, he's a, he's a, he's an amazing orator and he had them captivated the way he ties it all together and the way he had a theme. You need a theme in a speech like this. And the steam was, they want you to look the other way. They want you to look away from all this evidence showing a cover up occurred. And they want you to focus on a relevant nonsense, like voicemails and angry text messages and stuff like that. And so the audio, the jury was captivated. Whereas, whereas with the, when Lally was talking, it was the exact opposite. They look forward to your number eight, look like using a coma, right? Everybody else, multiple jurors, like, like, I don't know if you go to church, Grace, but as a kid going to church as a nine year old, I was bored out of my mind at times. It looked like nine year old me in church. That's the best way I could describe some of these jurors. Yeah. And I also thought, I don't know if you, if you noticed this turtle boy, but I also thought that when Lally started his opening about, I hit him, I hit him. It almost was like he started in the middle of a closing argument. Like there was no real setup. I thought Jackson did. And of course, you know, I, I think Jackson's a better lawyer. So I'm going to have biases going in, but I thought he did a better way of easing people into it and kind of building, building, building until he kind of reached the peak of the closing argument. Whereas with Lally, he kind of jumped right in to, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him. And I would argue that's one of the weaker pieces of evidence that the Commonwealth has because it's been disputed. And a lot of it is hearsay and a lot of it is based off of Jen McCabe or these other characters that now the defense has annihilated their credibility. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, Grace, all you need to know is that he brought up during his closing. First of all, he said the weather was a weapon, which is just wild. But he actually does work in his mouth, his mouth. But he also said that he took his shoes off. She didn't, yeah, she didn't take his shoe or shoes off in the house. And he says that was evidence of guilt that she didn't take her shoes off because she killed John and the whole time John was a meat freak that, you know, you had to take your shoes off in the house, but she killed John. So she knows John's never coming back. So she's like, screw this. I'm not taking my shoes off. Take that, John. I mean, this was, this was argued. That's how weak their case was. This was actually argued in his one hour summation. I mean, and then he ran out of time, Grace. He ran out of time. Talk about ill-prepared. He showed a video. He had time to show a video of Joseph Paul going in reverse. I don't know what that proves, but apparently it means can we kill John O'Keefe, but he didn't have time to get to, you know, what do you want to get to at the end? Because he ran out of time. It's, it's so funny, Turtle Boy, that, you know, what you pick up on and how you pick up on are usually the same thing because I was doing the show during a lot of Lallie's closing arguments and I went off during the break and how he said, you've got to play the cut of Lallie bringing up the fact that she kept her shoes on in the house as if this is some sort of smoking gun. I'm going to play it now for the audience so you can, you can hear what Ed and Carney's talking about in case you weren't able to listen to it live. This is Lallie cut 31. What if they both indicate that the defendant did that morning, which came back to the office, walked right in with the shoe? You hear that second voicemail? It's after the defendant's arrive back at one Mentos app after her phone is reconnected with Mr O'Keefe's Wi-Fi. And you can hear the footsteps. Are there maybe in the garage or that might be in a house? Why is it that the defendant have no issue with wearing shoes in the house when Mr O'Keefe has that strict role because she knows where he is. She knows it's not an issue. He's not coming home because she hit him with her SUV and she left him in the snow. Oh my God, I'm dying. I'm literally laughing. You can't make up that kind of comedy. It really is crazy because you know what else? It's like, well, we already know, based off the voicemails that Lallie was so proudly showing us or, you know, playing for us. The Karen Reed at this point in the night is livid at John O'Keefe. She thinks he's very much alive. Otherwise, she's the greatest actress on the face of the planet. She's leaving him these, these very, you know, angry voicemails. So I would think just as, you know, as a logical thinking person, I would think, well, maybe she didn't take her shoes off because she was ticked off. And she figured, you know, he's not even home. I'm home with the, with the kids. Why do I have to take my shoes off? Look, we've all, I hate to, you know, bring us all into this, but everyone's done stuff like that before where you know something that bothers your partner, you're mad at them. And I have an example, terrible. I always leave the hose unraveled when I'm doing the flowers. My husband always says, can you wrap the hose up when you're done? I couldn't envision a scenario. The lawn and it gets in the way, Grace. What are you doing? Exactly. But I could envision a scenario where if I'm ticked off, I go, yeah, he can wrap it up later. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And it's like, it took me or perhaps this idea. She was looking for John. She didn't know where he was. So she didn't care about taking shoes off because she's got bigger things on her mind. I mean, this is a joke that like Glauley saying that that evidence of murder, like consciousness of guilt, not taking shoes off. This is the most incompetent prosecution ever. I want my money back for my tax dollars that they pay for Adam Lallie's salary. This is a joke. We should all get a refund. Was there anything that Alan Jackson did not hit on that you thought to yourself? I wish he had covered that. Or do you think he really checked off all the boxes? Well, you only had an hour. He did a great job. I didn't hear anything about Colin Albert in there who was actually in the courtroom. That would have been cool to hear something about that. The call to do them. Jen McCabe made to Nicole Albert at six or seven six or eight outside. That was answered. But again, he nailed it. Michael Proctor was the theme. Corruption was the theme and he couldn't possibly have been more effective. Did you also find, Aidan, that there was a level of irony that the people who were in the courtroom that day, Jen McCabe, Brian Albert and Colin Albert are all people who also say that they're intimidated by you and they weren't that intimidated to be in the same room as you today. What did you see them two days ago when they were the incident down at D&E Pizza? Yes, I did. Yeah, give people give people a little summation of what happened there. Oh, we went out to see if McCarthy's we go outside and there's a gang of McAlberts there. Colin, Chris, Chris, Junior, Julie Nagel. And, you know, one of them assaults me, Jim Sarris, the delivery driver for Chris Albert assaults me hits my camera into the street. And then so I start live streaming it. And then next thing, you know, Jill Daniels, Colin's crazy aunt and Julie's sister comes up out of nowhere like a screaming banshee grabs the phone out of my hand like a lunatic and won't give it back to me all on camera. And so these are the people that are allegedly so scared of me. And they're like, follow me around and yelling at me and calling me names and taking my camera at the joke. Now, Aidan, I am going to tell you because I know you've you've seen these comments because you reposted them. There were a lot of people on social media messaging you saying, you shouldn't be there. You're jeopardizing the case. You're antagonizing them. You shouldn't go anywhere near Canton. You should stay away. I'm on your side, but this wasn't a smart idea. What do you say to those people? No, those people would subject those people would give up their liberty. In a second, they're disgraced. Uh, our founding fathers would bow their heads and shame at the comments. You don't ask for permission to exercise your rights as an American. I'm a free person living in a free country. I will eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and I own no one in apology. If they were, if they can't control themselves, that's on them. I did nothing to provoke them. My mirror, if my mirror presence in existence provokes you, I assure you that I am not the problem. Turtle boy, when this whole thing first started, did you have any idea what you were getting yourself involved in? Did you have any idea how far this was going to go? And where do you, what do you think happens after this? Oh, we're all, you know, pretty sure that there's going to be a not guilty verdict here, but after that, what happens? I did not think that there would be almost a thousand people outside of this courthouse right now cheering for me and cheering for Cara Rhea. I did not think that I would go to jail for 60 days, right? Um, but when this is over, uh, you know, we're not, we're not done yet. We still need justice for John O'Keefe. We need an FBI, uh, indictment, a federal indictment of the people who actually did this and help cover it up after the fact. And, uh, Karen Reed and me can kind of ride into the sunset and keep talking about this because, uh, we're just beginning to expose the corruption in this county and in the state. Turtle boy, let people know where they can follow you, where they can read the blog. What do you have planned for today? Are you going to be doing some, you know, live recap? I'm going to, yeah, I'm going to go live on YouTube in a couple minutes with the people over here, hang out with them. And, uh, then I'll, you know, if they call us back in for a verdict, I'll go back and say you can follow me at Dr. Turtle boy on Twitter because if Jill Biden's a doctor, then tell them I, well, you can just read my website, TV daily And turn it away. One more thing. You have a lot of confidence in these jurors. That's something that I've gleaned from your social media posts is that you, you seem to have a lot of, um, respect for them. It just from observing them. You think they're smart people. You think they're going to make the right call. Yeah, I think they're going to make the right call. I don't see how they can. I would imagine they're just going to get it there hopefully by the end of the day. And they'll just say, we, we want to go home, right? Like this is a joke. Let's get out of here. She's obviously not guilty. See you later. All right. Thank you, sir. We appreciate it. We'll talk to you very soon. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. If you're on the lines right now and you want to weigh in on the Karen Reid case, stay on the lines. We're going to come right back to you after the break. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. There's another years and years ago, started practicing in North County, a brain tree, what's now 20. I eventually became a far smarter man than myself. I eventually became president of the United States. His name was John Adams. Oh, God. John Adams wants real facts to stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations or the dictates of our passions. They cannot alter the state of the facts and the evidence. And you don't have any, you don't have any facts or you don't have any evidence. So what's your point, sir? That, that, that really is the theme of everything Adam Lally says. Get that tattoo backwards on your chest so you can see it in the mirror every morning. I was wondering where he was going with that. And then I, cause at first I was going to say, what part is this? But Jared did tell me, you know, he quoted John Adams. And I said, what quote? Because how we quote John Adams sometimes. Yeah, not great. Rob, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Rob. Hey, Grace, thanks for what you do. People like you give me hope and good overcome and evil. I would like to say that the most innocent creature in this whole scenario is the dog who got disappeared. You know, because her bite marks match up with the arm injuries of the beaten and bitten police officer. Yeah. Yeah. Chloe, the dog, Chloe, the German chap, a beautiful dog, a talented dog. That's just one of many question marks that people have in this case. And Rob, I take it that you were an animal lover. And do you think it's strange that a family would have a dog for seven years and then rehome their pet? That's not what I would give my life for my dog and he would do the same. Thanks for the call, Rob. I do appreciate it. What teller, you wouldn't give your life for your dog? Absolutely not. Would he do the same? I'm sorry to that caller. No, he was sweet, Rob. But I get, I get his overall point that Chloe. I'm just a heartless person and have no affection than more than necessary towards animals. Yeah, but you've got the cat. You've got the smelly cat. If I had to get if I had to reel her to cover up a murder, I would. Well, he just said that Chloe is an innocent party, but depends on whose story you believe because if the scratch marks, I'm not saying I'm sure that if there was commotion in a house and the German Shepherd has a history of biting people, it's kind of like the German shepherds. At the White House, you know, do you blame the dogs? Or do you blame the owners for the dogs being startled and in acting out. Lashing out accordingly, I got to tell you guys this though. And thank you to Rob for calling in and for the nice words. We appreciate it. I have to mention here that my editor, who's British, he's my spectator editor. And a couple of months ago, I had said to him, you want me to write something up on Karen Reed? I said, it would take me a while because I don't, you know, I'm not that into it. But I could try. He's like, eh, you know, and then today he texts me and he goes, okay, I'll bite what's going on with this Karen Reed thing. And I texted him back and I said, I don't have time today, man. Like today is not the day for me to try to break down this trial. It is something where if you weren't following from the beginning, you've got a lot of work to do. I need a 51st dates video every morning. I think Turtleboy is on like his 500th blog post on this. So I would say start at number one and then keep on reading. Mark better of the attorney joining us after the break. [MUSIC PLAYING]