The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Poor Dog Died, Died, Died! | 6.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

There's more to the corruption in Canton than merely the Karen Read case, if you can believe it. Howie and the callers parse through some of Michael Morrissey's other...let's just say... peculiar cases.

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24 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. First of all, it's-- to take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper. Donald Trump to see the Jake Tapper head. Ma'am. We should note before angry tweets that Walter has been a fierce critic of the Sleeze and the thousands of conflicts of interest that occurred during the Trump years. And the audience will not carry his remarks live because, frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I'll tell you, you're going to see a very energized president Biden who is looking forward to having these direct conversations with Donald Trump. 30% compared to before the pandemic. Don't jump. If you mean "struck" in that part of the body, on the arm. Yes. Directly. I would say no, it doesn't look like that at all. It's like a bite. No, it's not a bite. My initial reaction when I saw this photograph was that it was probably an animal. And most likely I would say a dog. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ How a car. 844-542-428-4452-442. Trump put out a press release today, "Biden lies economy edition." I'll just read to you very quickly before we go back to the phones. "Biden lie, I created 15 million jobs." Crooked Joe Biden's lying again. 72% of all jobs Biden claims to have "created" are actually jobs under Trump returning from the pandemic. "Biden lie, inflation was 9% when I came into office." I mean, does anyone really have to comment on that? There's another Biden lie you really don't need to come in on. Gas prices were over $5 when I took office. Trump says there isn't a person in America who believes this Biden lie. Incomes are up. Another Biden lie. Real wages remain lower than when Biden first took office. I cut the national debt. There's another one that's laughable. The U.S. national debt has increased over $7 trillion since Biden took office, according to the Treasury Department. $7 trillion. The closing arguments start tomorrow. It's only an hour piece. You know, Turtle Boy was tweeting out that, you know, it's really unfortunate that Jackson only gets an hour. That's the downside. That's the glass is half empty. The glass is half full is that Lally only gets an hour. But Lally's hour, again, it will appear to be 10, 20 days, weeks, maybe even months. I mean, it just never ends with that guy. He is such a bleeping buffoon. I just got to play you this one here. This is him with Dr. Daniel Wolf. They're talking about the gun. They use the gun. They set up a cannon to see what it would be like if a glass hit the tail light. So listen to this, cut 11. Now with respect to what type of glass do you use? Well, so we used a rock drinking glass. So that's a glass that has a thicker base and a shallower sidewall. And so what I'm asking is there was a cocktail glass with pine glass. What kind of drinking glass are we talking about? A rock-strinking glass. You can't work in the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office for meatball morcy and not know what a rock's glass is. Come on. By definition, it has a thicker base. That's what it is. It's like, what kind of glass do you use? A pine glass. How many ounces does a pine glass hold? I mean, it really is. It's the same question, isn't it? Okay, let's keep going with the rocks glass. We're learning a lot about rocks glasses here today. Cut 12. And the thickness, did you measure that as far as the thickness of the bottom of the glass? No. Was the thickness of the bottom of the glass thicker or more thick or less thick than the top of the glass? Are you talking about in comparison to the sidewall? Talking about in comparison to itself. So you have a glass, this rocks glass. Was the bottom thicker or the top thicker? The sidewall would be taller, if you will, than the base. Was there a lot of glass at the top or at the bottom where the bottom was thicker in glass? The top was open. So which had the most glass in it? What do you call it again? A rocks glass? Okay. More, more lally lost in La La Land. Cut 14. So, doctor, with regard to the defendant's statements at any point where you've reviewed materials or where you're made aware of a defendant's that's a multiple people on scene. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I'm not aware of that. Let me have a moment, John. Yes. Did he think the jury wasn't going to remember that everybody came up with? I hit him. I hit him. I hit him later on that nobody ever recorded him with all those body cams and all those interrogation rooms. Nobody ever recorded her saying I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. That the only thing she ever said was, is this a joke? And then she then she pointed out who she thought did it, who beat him up? That was recorded, but I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I wasn't recorded. Nobody ever said it for months eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, nine, seven, eight. Rumor has it. The woman's going to do the closing arguments. Lallie is out. That's like change. That's like changing her quarterback for the super ball, bringing somebody off the waiver wire. I mean, she hasn't done anything. I mean, I know he's, I know he's doomed and the jury hates him and everybody who's watched it for more than 10 minutes on streaming hates him. But I mean, I don't think you have any choice at this point, do you? Six, one, seven, all the Quincy Paul's jockeying if the DA's job opens up. The only question is when it's going to open up, is he going to last through the next two years to the end of 2026 or is he going to quit or be or have to quit if he's, if he's arrested? I don't know. I mean, I, I think he, I think he will try to quit. I mean, I think he will try to get to the end of his term, but I, I can't see it. I mean, this, this birch more thing, everybody's thinking about thinking about Karen Reed right now, but what attention will shift quickly to birch more and you, again, I tweeted out the story, check it, check it out. It's really, really bad and it's all the same people. It's all the same people. We'll have Turtle Boy on again to discuss it. He, he, they, people asked him to write a story about it and, and he said he went into it thinking that she obviously committed suicide and that the district attorney wouldn't lie about something like that. Obviously he's learned a lot more about the Norfolk County district attorney. He now, he now, he looked at the evidence, like everybody else who's looked at the evidence, including the former medical examiner today from New York. And I came to the conclusion that, that she was murdered by apparently by one of the cops and the cops in Canton, because that's where it happened. They were Stoughton cops in Canton didn't get to the bottom of it, shall we say. Teresa, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Teresa. Hey, Howie. I was listening to Clay and Buck show yesterday when they asked for doctors. Yeah. They didn't know anything about what they would be treating Biden with. Yeah. Welcome alert. And the doctor called and said something called Deathstroke, Methorphin, you know, Deathstroke amphetamine and it's used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. I think, I think he's more of a narcolepsy guy. That's a guy that's, that's a sleep disorder, right? You just keep falling asleep? Yes. Yes. It's when you fall asleep, but also ADHD, you can't pay attention. It's hard for you to focus and stay awake and stuff. And that's what the doctor said. If he was treating Biden for dementia, that's what he would treat him with. But see, he's not, it's not ADHD, ADHD. It's dementia. Isn't it? Aren't they a little different? Yeah. I know. But he's saying that would be the, yeah, yeah, because you don't, you don't have the miracle drug that you need to do something about this, obviously. Thanks for the call, Teresa, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. By the way, speaking of, speaking of politicians who are gone, how about mumbles, Menino? They want to rename the Boston Convention and Expo Center after mumbles, Menino and somebody texted and said, if they, if they bring back prize fighting, like they used to do with the garden, if they bring back prize fighting to, to the mumbles, they could call it rumble at the mumble. I like that. But I don't think prize fighting is coming back somehow. Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, Howie, maybe they should have asked to meet in chambers and then the judge could have shown them what a box class was. I know that rumor is going around too. She does seem to take a lot of breaks very quickly. But again, there could be many reasons for that, Dave, right? But, yeah, but these guys are so sophomoric that I think Canton is like stuck in a twilight zone where they all think they're still back in high school. And you would tell them the same outrageous lies that teenagers would tell. I mean, totally unbelievable crap, yet it's involving killing people. You know? You know what, Dave, you, you got a point there. If you look at the video last night from a turtle boy and his girlfriend outside CJ McCarthy's and chicken parm Charlie's pizza place, I mean, those, you know, grown thug adults or any kind of adults don't sit out in front of a pizza place all Sunday afternoon. You go to somebody's pool, you watch a game. You play around a golf or tennis or stickball or anything, right? Those guys are just sitting there doing nothing hanging out and can, you know, what, that guy Chris Albert is somebody said the guy with the porn mustache and the backwards baseball cap. This Chris Albert senior, the jail bird, look around the pizza place at night, you know, it's like, it's a storefront say, someday son, this will all be yours. All these, all these bags of pepperoni and this frozen mozzarella cheese and this dough that we brought in from East Boston, it will all be yours. Thank you, dad. I will be the pizza king of can. Thanks for the call. Jack, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Jack. Oh, you're breaking up, Jack. Call back. Scatty. You're next with highway car. Go ahead, Scatty. Hi, Howie. Hi. So I just a few things. I know I can't stay on the phone with you forever. I would love to. But okay, one, when are you coming in the permit, the bed bird, onset, we're him area because I'm really looking forward to that. And I want to buy one of your books for my stepbrother. I don't know. I don't have the list right in front of me, but I think we'll be, I think we'll be somewhere in onset. We usually go to the cohort republic at some point during the, during the summer. So I think that'll be where we, when we come down in that area. Okay. So that will, well, I guess I'm busy. I hope I can find you somewhere in the area on July or after artists. And the other thing is, I want, I want to backtrack on something you said. And I appreciate you actually saying this, that the rug was done downstairs. They ripped that rug out before you sold the home. Right. They did. And apparently the, the guy that they used to tear up the floor is the, is the boyfriend of Jill Daniel, who's the one who was charged last night with assault and battery on turtle boy after she stole his phone and was screaming and yelling at him. And yeah, I mean, that's another, that's another whole tie into the, into it, you know? And she, they, they, they claim that they were trying to sell the house or they'd gone to a real estate agent to sell the house in, in late 2021, but it never got put on the market until after John O'Keefe died on their front yard on their front lawn. The dog disappeared that night and has never been seen again as far as I know. It was not there in the morning when they found the body. And it was always sleeping with the, with Brian Albert and his wife. And again, the, he quit his job with the BPD retired and they moved out of there. I mean, they're lifelong care residents. They were living in their, their parents' house. And suddenly they moved out and now they're living in an apartment in Norwood, which is where Dave Greeno is from, the, the, the guy who's discovered that all the, all the deleted messages from Jen McCabe were phone initiated, as they call it. 844-542-4271, did you say, "Stickball says Justin Ha-ha." I didn't want to appear to be snobby by saying you should be playing golf or tennis. So I said, "Stickball." Okay. Maybe, "Stickball" wasn't the appropriate for sport for, for Massachusetts. "Botchy"? How about "Botchy"? That's a little better. "Botchy" court over in Brighton, 844-542-4242, I'm Howie Carr. Leave a message for the big guy, call the chumpline, 844-542-4242, press 2 and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at 5 to catch the best messages of the day. One of them, maybe yours. We're off to Laconia for our annual trip to Funspot on Friday, June 28th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Broadcasting from the largest arcade in the world. Funspot was founded in 1952 by Bob Lawton to provide quality, wholesome family entertainment. Funspot is proudly one of New England's premier travel destinations. Funspot offers over 600 games, a 20-lane bowling center, 18-hole indoor mini golf, a restaurant tavern and a whole lot more. See you at Funspot in Laconia, New Hampshire, Friday, June 28th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day, maybe you can't help Mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love, add a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, 8 hours of playtime and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycon's are perfect for all day lists, Raycon Everyday Earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of 5-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping when you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at by Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios 844-542-42. You know Dr. Sheridan, Frank Sheridan, he's the pathologist that they brought on to discuss the dog bites, because that's what they were. You don't have to be a forensic pathologist at all, you just have to have seen a dog bite. You just have to know what a dog's teeth look like to know that it was a dog bite. But now we have the experts saying it and there was this giant German Shepherd mix named Chloe and she bet a lot of people over the time. Which bit other dogs, there were all kinds of reports with the animal control in Canton. They had witnesses on the defense list to appear if they needed them, but they didn't need them because they didn't do anything in this prosecution. But anyway, here is Dr. Frank Sheridan talking again about the marks on John O'Keefe's right arm cut to. I'm not 100% sure about this, but my initial reaction when I saw this photograph was that it was probably an animal marker, and most likely I would say a dog. Great marks for the paws, possibly also a bite marker from the teeth as well, possibly. I'm not 100% sure I didn't get a chance to analyze it right there on the spot, so to speak. My basic impression is that these were consistent with marks caused by say a dog using his paws or claws if you want to put it that way, and possibly the teeth as well. You'll notice that the defense experts, who are really experts, they never put things in 100%, unlike these state police that have GEDs, and you know, took a one day correspondence class via Zoom. They were 100% sure. Cut four, Dr. Sheridan. Assume that the student was standing with his arm outstretched like this, and was struck by the rear of an SUV only in his arm at 24 miles per hour. Are there trees in the thank you for that scenario? No, I do not think so. Can you describe that? Well, as I think I've already mentioned before, one thing that's not there, that should be there, given that idea, that scenario, is there should be bruising, at least bruising, if not perhaps even more than that, but bruising for sure. Secondly, just the appearance of these injuries, their pattern, if you want to just call it that, the way they're distributed doesn't seem to fit the idea of the rear of a vehicle being the impacting object. But Chloe will not be brought to justice because Chloe has disappeared. Robert Byrd, the late grand drag in Democrat of West Virginia, had a theory about what happened to Chloe. So the poor dog died, died, died, the dog died. Chloe, rest in peace. I wonder if somewhere Julio, Julio, and Chloe are lounging together. So they bring up the FBI, they can't mention the name that the FBI, they can't mention that the FBI hired these guys because they didn't believe a word of what the state police, the crooked state police, and the crooked Norfolk County DA's office was involved in. So Jackson, though, he can't mention the FBI, he has to, he has to use a euphemism. Cut five. You were not hired by the defense in this case, correct? That is correct. At the time you did your expert review, Dr. Wolf, in your consultation, you and I had never met. That's correct. You did not know who I was? I did not. You had never met Miss Little? No. Mr. Unetti? No. As a matter of fact, you've never heard of this case. That's correct. You were hired by another agency, not connected in any way to the defense. Is that right? Correct. And not connected in any way to the Commonwealth. Is that right? Correct. That's correct. Another agency. Do you like calling the FBI another agency or would you prefer to call it something else? This is, this is knit with Lally, with Dr. Wolf, Daniel Wolf, Cut 13. And you didn't do any visibility analysis or anything in relation to this case, correct? That wasn't a part of my scope in this case. Well, as far as part of your scope, did you define it? You indicated earlier that there were questions and you didn't find in the materials that you conducted experiments to prove were disproved, correct? Well, again, the entity that retained us in this asked us to evaluate whether or not the damage to the vehicle and the injuries to Mr. O'Keefe were consistent with the interaction or in interaction between the two. So you were at least somewhat restricted in the scope of what you could do based on the parameters given to you by the agency, the high, is that fair to say? Sure. They were restricted in the parameter. So if you were hired to design a dam, right? And then you came up with the cost proposal and the design to build the new dam. Could you then later be calling the court say, did you ever make any investigations as to whether the moon is made out of green cheese? Did you ever make any investigations as to whether unicorns could be terribly affected endangered by building this dam? I mean, he just keeps asking these pointless, bleeping questions. He's breathing like Darth Vader. I mean, he's old, okay, he's old. You know, again, he's also very believable compared to most of the prosecution witnesses isn't he? And the fact that he says, I'm not a hundred percent sure, doesn't that make you more certain that he's most likely telling the truth? 508, Chloe followed her dreams across the rainbow bridge. I'm not sure those were really her dreams though to cross these. She was kind of young to be crossing the rainbow bridge. She was about five or six, kind of young, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, let's see here, Sean, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Sean. Hi, howie. Hi. In my opinion, John O'Keece had got bounced off of something very hard, not a carpet grass out front, like the guy said today, he had to do the analysis of the freeze thaw over weeks and we've had mild winters. It just doesn't make any sense. I got a couple of comments I was going to put on your jump line. You Paul Have you always used to say, and now the rest of the story, what they can say is now the edge of the story and the answer my friend is blowing in the wind and I think it's at the edge of the lawn. Well, I tell you what, I think she said today when she was leaving for the lunch and recess that she said, Karen Reed, very soon I'll be able to elaborate on everything. I can't wait for the elaboration. I think it's going to be pretty damn interesting and I don't think it's going to be a happy time at D&E Pizza or at the waterfall or at the hillside or any of these places. Thanks for the call, Sean, 844-542-42, Peter, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Peter. All this is fun and games, the reality is John O'Keece is dead and I'm wondering what the odds are of I texted you many times. You call them meatball, like on the durable. What are the odds of this thing being pursued? There's a murderer out there, someone murdered John O'Keece and I want to know who it is. I don't think you're asking the right guy when you ask meatball, Morrissey, Peter, I don't think he's concerned about it. I don't know why he's unconcerned, why is he unconcerned with what happened to Sandra Birchmore? Exactly Howie, it's rotten, I texted you many times, I went to high school with Morrissey, I have a long, long history with this guy, he's dirty, he's been dirty for 40, 50 years. He's no good. Well, you know, you look him up, his biography, Peter, and you know, so you're basically my age and his age, we're all the same age. Who the hell wanted to be a politician when they were 19 years old? There were too many other things going on. He was actually, it goes back even further than that. I went to North Quincy High School, graduated in 1972. He was our class president. That's what I mean, who wants to be the president of the high school class? It's in his blood, it's in his blood. He ought to get some penicillin then, maybe he could get rid of it, or it's too late now, I guess, but he's never wanted to do anything else. I mean, I know he was in quote unquote private practice for a few years when he was in the legislature, but he never did anything else, did he, Peter? No, nothing, nothing whatsoever, nothing whatsoever. I mean, it's a whole Quincy, it's a Quincy mafia, you and I could speak privately and I could tell you stories to go way back, way back about him, but this is not the proper venue. I used to see him all the bleeping time at the Stockyard. That was the bar for RKO and also Channel 2, believe it or not. You know the Stockyard, it's in Brighton, but it's where he used to meet Bill Galvin, his buddy from Statehouse days, but what kind of crazy person lives in Quincy and drinks in Brighton? Well, I'll tell you one thing, it's someone who thinks he's never going to get arrested for drunk driving, right? The key to how it was out of the district. Yeah, I think, you know what, I think about it, you're right, it's in a different county and a different city, so he didn't have to worry about it, but he finally had an accident going back to Quincy one night out of Brighton and he claimed, I don't know what the alley claimed, it was BS. Yeah, and I, as I say, I'm just wondering, there's no statute of limitations on murder and O'Keefe was murdered. I want to know who did it. Again, I don't think you're going to find out, they're going to blame everything, Turtle Boy has said this, they're going to blame everything on Turtle Boy and you know, a handful of others, you know, some of the guys that are streaming, that's about it, they're going to blame them and say they perverted justice and then they're going to say, well, what about Sandra Burchmore and they're going to say, we can't comment, it's an ongoing investigation, but it's the same investigation, ultimately. It's in the same place, it's in the same place and it involves the same cops and it's the same runaround, either nobody did it or they try to frame the person who didn't do it. Thanks for the call, Peter. Good call. For 542-42, I'll tell you about the Sandra Burchmore death when we come back and we'll take a couple more calls, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Howie Carr is back. So if you check out the Turtle Boy video from last night in Canton, he's being yelled at by, well, it's being yelled at by a number of people, but the guy with the little porn mustache and the backwards baseball cap, his name is Chris Albert Jr. and Turtle Boy didn't recognize him and he seemed offended that he didn't recognize him, but then Turtle Boy realized who he is. He's the guy who as Turtle Boy just tweeted out, he seemed pretty upset that I didn't know who he was. Now I remember he's the idiot that was actively getting catfished by some check in my inbox who was fishing for information about his family. Don't worry, Chris. I won't tell your girlfriend. My family, this is what he says to the girl he's trying to pick up online. My family is getting framed for the murder she did because the body was found outside a family party late at night. You could see why they would be eyebrows raised, huh? They made up some crazy story. My little brother and uncle killed him. I'm not supposed to talk about it. Okay. Long story for another day was probably my dad's name, he has the same one, but they're trying to frame my middle brother and uncle for something bad. I was in one article because the guy who started all this is absolutely reaching. I do have an iPhone in texting you off a private number because how am I supposed to know you are going to keep us talking between us? I mean, you have a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend, so it could be fun if it's between us. Okay. No one will ever know, no one will ever know Chris Albert Sr., and that's a really nice cap you got in a nice mustache and a nice pair of shorts that you're wearing on a hot summer day outside chicken parm Charlie's. Someday it will all be yours, my son. Two for one night on the Italian mediums, Thursday nights. A prominent forensic pathologist hired by the family of Sandra Burchmore, the young woman who was allegedly groomed by three stonewton police officers has concluded her death was a homicide, contradicting earlier findings by the Norfolk County district attorney that there was no evidence of foul play that she died by suicide. A letter was sent by Dr. Michael Baden, a former chief medical examiner in New York City, cites the extent of Burchmore's injuries in the placement of a ligature found on her body as factors in the determination. In May 2021, the office of the chief medical examiner ruled that Burchmore, a former participant in the Stoughton youth program who was pregnant when she died, killed herself by hanging. I must disagree, Dr. Baden wrote in the letter, Ms. Burchmore did not die of suicidal hanging, the cause of Ms. Burchmore's death is strangulation and the manner of death is homicide. She was found dead in Canton, where the same place John O'Keefe was found dead. Cops are the suspects. Burchmore's estate is suing three former Stoughton police officers for wrongful death in a complaint that accuses them of engaging in a "near decade long" scheme of grooming and repeated assaults which culminated in her death. In February 1, 2021, surveillance cameras captured Matthew Farwell, a married former Stoughton police detective, arriving and then leaving Burchmore's apartment building in Canton. He was the last known person to see her alive, according to the Stoughton police internal affairs report. Her body was found there three days later. In his letter, Baden noted that the Stoughton internal affairs report found that Burchmore was, quote, "happy that she was pregnant." The last pictures of her, she's taken baby stuff into the apartment, that's how depressed she was. He also wrote, "There was no suicide note." In Baden's letter, he said Burchmore fractured her small, her right hyoid bone, a small U-shaped bone in her neck. Such injury occurs rarely if at all in suicidal hanging and does occur in half of homicidal strangulations of women. He also wrote that the ligature, the rope, whatever you want to call it, was found tied to a doorknob, adding that he believes this was done to give the appearance of a suicidal hanging. On Friday, a spokesman for Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Meatball Morrissey referred to a 2022 statement in which the office said the investigation to date had found, quote, "No evidence of foul play." It was cops, nothing to see here, folks. Forget it, Jake. It's Norfolk County. Forget it, Jake. It's canned. Meatball said prosecutors will review any additional information. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Back tomorrow, I hope with a verdict on how we car. (upbeat music)